Haoxiong Yang, Zhao Zhao
School of Business, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, China
Yongsheng Zhou, Hao Zhang
School of Business, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, China
Keywords: System dynamics, Limiting policy, Public transport, Private cars.
Abstract: The governance of urban traffic jam is a hot topic in the process of urban development in China. From the
perspective of system dynamics, this paper point out that the urban motor vehicle limiting policy used to
control traffic jam needs a strong public transport system, and if there is no convenient public transport
system, the limiting policy only has short-term effect. This paper also put forward some relevant
countermeasures at last.
The most typical feature of the city is aggregation.
With the popularization of motor vehicles especially
private cars, almost all the major cities in China are
facing the pressure of traffic jam. Many urban roads
lost their function in rush hours and become a
parking lot. According to the statistics of Beijing
Traffic Management Bureau, traffic congestion in
Beijing caused a social cost of about 40 million
every day and 14.6 billion every year. It follows
that, traffic jam is not a simple transport problem,
but an economic problem even political issue. So it’s
high time to improve the traffic situation in Beijing.
Beijing implemented motor vehicle limiting
policy during the 2008 Olympic Games, and motor
vehicle was limited to travel by the tail number of
their license plate, odd days odd number and even-
numbered days even number. After the Olympics, in
order to consolidate the effect of the policy, this
provision continued, but the limiting extent was
weaker. There is no doubt that the limiting policy
can bring much positive effect, but the negative
effect caused by the policy is obvious too. However,
after the special period, whether this policy is
necessary to continue caused great controversy in
the whole society. Discuss the relation between
urban traffic jam and the limiting policy, and find
measures to alleviate urban traffic jams are of great
China’s current research on limiting policy is
still less, Shanshan Han (2009) analyzed the limiting
policy and some problems followed from the
perspective of supply and demand, and made some
recommendations accordingly. Pan Zhang (2010)
analyzed personal and social impacts of this policy
based on the cost-benefit theory of public economy,
and a number of recommendations were also
brought out. The current study is mostly qualitative
analysis, and lack of quantitative models and data
support. This research analyzed the main causal
feedback loop between traffic jams and the limiting
policy in Beijing with the use of system dynamics,
and established a system dynamics model. The
model was simulated through VENSIM (the special
software of system dynamics) on the basis of
historical statistics and the specific circumstances of
Beijing. This paper analyzed the effects of the
limiting policy through simulation, and put forward
some relevant proposals.
System Dynamics (SD) was founded by Forrester (a
professor of Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
in 1960s. This approach focuses on the structure and
Yang H., Zhao Z., Zhou Y. and Zhang H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003584205390542
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (PMSS-2011), pages 539-542
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
feedback mechanisms within the system, and is good
at dealing with long-period, higher-order, nonlinear,
multi- variables, and more complex feedback system
problems. Urban development problem is part of
social complex system and is suitable to use system
2.1 Determination of System Boundary
The behaviour analysis is based on the interaction of
elements within the system, and System dynamics
assumes that changes in the external environment
will not affect the nature of the system behaviour.
Urban transport system is a complex socio-economic
system, this paper only consider the impact limiting
policy have on urban traffic jam. In this paper, we
use the travel quantity of urban vehicles to measure
the extent of urban traffic jam, assuming that the
larger the travel quantity is the more congested
urban traffic is. City vehicles including private cars,
official cars, buses, taxis and other types of cars,
each type’s inventory, growth rate, travel quantity
will have an impact on urban traffic conditions.
The limiting policy is aimed at alleviate the
existing traffic pressure to some extent. In ideal
condition, the limiting policy can reduce the travel
quantity of urban vehicles, so as to ease urban traffic
jam. However, the limiting policy only reduced the
number of motor vehicles on the road every day, and
the demand for private cars had not changed. People
still need to work and go out every day, and the use
of private cars is limited, so there will be other
The first way is to choose public transport such
as buses, taxis as substitution to private cars, which
is the original intention of the policy. However, this
requires higher availability of public transport,
which including the number of buses, the
arrangement of time, route, site and so on. The
second method is to buy a second car with different
license plate tail number. In this way, people can
enjoy the previous convenience without breaking the
rules. So our model took the service quality of
public transport and the proportion of buying a
second private car into consideration.
Based on the above analysis and the purpose of
this paper, we ultimately determine the scope of the
research system, including the inventory of urban
private cars, official cars, buses, and other motor
vehicles (including taxis, school buses, police cars,
fire engines, etc), the availability of public transport,
the total number of urban vehicle, the limiting
policy, the travel quantity of urban motor vehicle,
the growth rate of motor vehicle (growth rate of
private cars, official vehicles), the proportion of
purchasing a second private car and so on. As the
inventory and growth rate of buses and other motor
vehicles is small, we did not consider the growth
rate of buses and other motor vehicle.
2.2 The Establishment of System
Causal interactions within the system determine the
function and behaviour of the system. Urban
vehicles including private cars, official cars, buses,
taxis and so on, each type’s inventory, growth rate
and the implementation of the limiting policy would
affect the travel quantity of urban motor vehicle, and
then had an impact on urban traffic conditions.
According to the analysis of the causal
relationships between each factor, as is shown in
figure 1,we use VENSIM, the special software of
system dynamics to establish a model of the impact
limiting policy have on urban traffic jams.
inventory of
private cars
annual demand of
private cars
annual learies of
private cars
rejection rate
growth rate of
private cars
total number of urban
motor vehicle
inventory of public
travel quantity of
vehicles limited
urban vehicle's
travel quantiy
limiting p olicy
proportion of purchasing
a second private car
inventory of
official vehicle
annual demand for
official cars
growth rate of
official cars
proportion of purchasing
a second official car
inventory of
other motor
annual demand
growth rate
annual learies of
official cars
annual rejection
public transport
Figure 1: The stock flow chart of limiting policy’s impact on urban traffic jams.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2.3 Model Equation and Parameter
System dynamics model includes level equations,
rate equations, auxiliary equations, parametric
equations and initial value equations. The model can
be simulated after entering equations to the stock
flow diagram of the system. This model took the
data of Beijing from 2004 to 2008 as model
parameters and data of 2009 as model test value.
According to "Beijing Statistical Yearbook",
statistics Beijing Traffic Management provided and
other relevant information, we set the initial value of
the model and some related parameters. Some of the
model equations are as follows:
P = 0.0667 (1)
=Ip + Ql (2)
T = Io + Ip + Ic + Iv (3)
Io = INTEG (Do
Lo, 32) (4)
Lo = Io * P (5)
Do = Io * Ro (6)
, 50) (7)
Lp = Ip * P (8)
Ip= INTEG (Dp - Lp, 129.8) (9)
Dp = Ip * Rp (10)
Ql = IF THEN ELSE (L = 1, (Iv + Ip + Io) * (11)
= 2004 (12)
= 2020 (13)
Among the above equations, P refers to rejection
rate, Qt refers to urban vehicle’s travel quantity, Ip
refers to inventory of public transport, Ql refers to
travel quantity of vehicles limited, T refers to total
number of urban motor vehicle, Io refers to
Inventory of official cars, Ic refers to inventory of
private cars, Iv refers to inventory of other motor
vehicle, Do refers to annual demand for official cars,
Lo refers to annual learies of official cars, Ro refers
to growth rate of official cars, Ad refers to annual
demand, Dp refers to annual demand of private cars,
Lp refers to annual learies of private cars, Rp refers
to growth rate of private cars, L refers to limiting
policy, It refers to initial time, Ft refers to final time.
In this paper, we used VENSIM to simulate the
model, studying the impact urban motor vehicle
limiting policy had on urban traffic conditions. The
simulation time is from 2004 to 2020, the simulation
step is 1 year. By changing relevant parameters, we
could analyze different influence degree the limiting
policy had on traffic jams under different conditions,
thereby sought to improve urban traffic condition in
effective way.
The large travel quantity of private cars is the
main cause of urban traffic jams. After the
implementation of limiting policy, people who
previously travel by private cars will have two
options: choose public transport instead of private
cars or buy a second car with different license plate
tail number. This paper conducted a simulation on
these two conditions.
3.1 Choose Public Transport
People limited by the limiting policy will choose
public transport instead of private cars if the public
transport is convenient enough , and no one would
buy a second or third car on account for the limiting
policy. Urban motor vehicle’s travel quantity before
and after the implementation of the policy is shown
in Figure 2:
Figure 2: Urban motor vehicle’s travel quantity before and
after the policy (choose public transport).
As is shown in the figure, in ideal condition,
most people will choose public transport instead of
private cars after the implementation of the policy.
So the limiting policy can reduce urban motor
vehicle’s travel quantity and play a role in the
mitigation of urban traffic jams. However, this is
based on an efficient public transport system.
3.2 The Purchase of a Second Car
After the implementation of the limiting policy,
many families choose to buy a second car because
the current public transport service is still not so
convenient. The rapid growth of motor vehicle is
slowly offset the positive effects of the limiting
policy. The purchase of a second car will weaken the
impact of the policy, and the impact of the policy
will be different with different purchase rate of a
second car. Unable to determine how many people
will buy a second car, so sensitivity analysis is
made. Urban motor vehicle’s travel quantity before
and after the implementation of the policy when
there are 3% people buy a second car is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Urban motor vehicle’s travel quantity before and
after the policy (3% buy a second car).
As is shown in the figure, when there are 3%
people buy a second car, the limiting policy can
reduce urban motor vehicle’s travel quantity in the
short term. But in the long run, urban motor
vehicle’s inventory will be greatly increased because
the purchasing of a second car. As the base number
of limiting is much bigger, the limiting policy even
would have opposite effect, leading urban motor
vehicle’s travel quantity much greater.
Increase the proportion of second car’s
purchasing through sensitivity analysis, urban motor
vehicle’s travel quantity before and after the
implementation of the policy when there are 6.25%
people buy a second car is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Urban motor vehicle’s travel quantity before and
after the policy (6.25% buy a second car).
Through the simulation of the model we can find
that when the proportion of purchasing a second car
is small, the limiting policy can play a role in the
short term, but when the purchasing ratio becomes
large enough, the role of the policy will gradually
disappear. And in the long run, the positive effects
of the limiting policy will gradually be offset by the
rapid growth of motor vehicles.
The governance of urban traffic jam is a hot topic in
the process of urban development in China, and
many cities implemented limiting policy to ease
traffic jams. This paper established a model of the
impact limiting policy had on urban traffic jams.
Through the simulation of the model with VENSIM,
we got the conclusion that the limiting policy need
the support of a strong public transport system ,
people constricted will choose public transport
instead of private cars only when the public
transport is convenient enough, thereby ease urban
traffic jams. However, many families choose to buy
a second car because the current public transport
service is still not so convenient. On this occasion,
the limiting policy only has short-term effect. In the
long run, especially when the purchasing ratio
becomes large enough, urban motor vehicle’s
inventory will be greatly increased. As the base
number of limiting is much bigger, the limiting
policy even would have opposite effect. Therefore,
simply limiting is not a scientific way and can not
fundamentally solve the problem of urban traffic
jams. In the long run, the development of public
transport can effectively ease urban traffic jams.
This work is supported by “Dynamic Allocation of
City Logistics Resource Based on the City
Sustainable Development Perspective”, a research
project of the humanities and social sciences of the
Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of
China (No. 10YJC630324), and supported by
“Allocation of City Logistics Resource”, a project of
the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education
(No. PHR20110877).
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems