Knowledge Integration for Domain Modeling
Armands Slihte, Janis Osis and Uldis Donins
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Institute of Applied Computer Systems, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia
Abstract. This research integrates artificial intelligence (AI) and system analy-
sis by exploiting ontology, natural language processing (NLP), business use
cases and model-driven architecture (MDA) for knowledge engineering and
domain modeling. We describe an approach for compounding declarative and
procedural knowledge in a way that corresponds to AI and system analysis
standards, and is compliant for acquiring a domain model corresponding to
MDA standards. We are recognizing the possibility of automatically transform-
ing this knowledge to a Computation Independent Model (CIM) for MDA.
1 Introduction
Computer science has come a far way in understanding knowledge and developing
means to manage knowledge. Knowledge engineering is mostly associated with ar-
tificial intelligence (AI), but many aspects of system analysis also deal with it. There
have been significant results and applications in both artificial intelligence (AI) and
system analysis. On the other hand, the integration between these two domains and
the benefits it can offer has not yet been fully recognized. There are few approaches
that have been going in this direction; we analyze these in the related work section.
Nevertheless, none of these approaches suggest a solution for acquiring the domain
model automatically from the corresponding domain knowledge, which should be the
case. There is no reason why we could not automatically generate a model for a do-
main, for which we have all the corresponding knowledge explicitly defined.
The approach proposed in this paper provides a formal way to facilitate ontology
for software engineering, more specifically for acquiring a Computation Independent
Model (CIM) within Model Driven Architecture (MDA). It does not suggest a novel
methodology for ontology development, but instead is based on the existing metho-
dologies. This approach suggests ontology to be directly used as an input for domain
modeling by exploiting business use cases and natural language processing (NLP).
We are using Web Ontology Language (OWL) and Protégé 4.1 tool for ontology
development, and Attempto Controlled English (ACE) for natural language
processing. We are using Topological Functioning Model (TFM) as the CIM within
MDA; acquiring a mathematically formal and thus transformable CIM. This is dis-
This work has been supported by the European Social Fund within the project. Support for the implemen-
tation of doctoral studies at Riga Technical University”.
Slihte A., Osis J. and Donins U..
Knowledge Integration for Domain Modeling .
DOI: 10.5220/0003581200460056
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Architecture and Modeling-Driven Software Development (MDA & MDSD-2011),
pages 46-56
ISBN: 978-989-8425-59-1
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cussed in more detail in section 5 – Integration with MDA. In this paper we also de-
scribe the approach using an example of a library business system, to show how this
approach can be applied. Moreover, a long-term goal of this research is to provide a
corresponding toolset to support this approach, so that the automation of domain
modeling could be complete.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 considers related work for cooperat-
ing knowledge engineering and system analysis. Section 3 distinguishes between
declarative and procedural knowledge and suggesting. Section 4 analyzes the know-
ledge representation possibilities and focuses on controlled natural language, ontolo-
gy and business use cases. Section 5 explains the approach for integrating knowledge
for domain modeling and provides an example of a library business system. Section 6
refers to a methodology for integrating the suggested approach with MDA.
2 Related Work
This work continues research on computation-independent modeling and specifically
on TFM for MDA started in [1], [2], [3] and [4]. As stated in [4] an informal descrip-
tion of the system in textual form can be produced as a result of system analysis. This
approach proposes to transform a system’s informal description into a TFM of the
system. In this paper we show how to go even further and use formally defined know-
ledge as input for generating TFM.
Other authors have been investigating how to combine AI and system analysis for
the benefit of domain modeling, incorporating ontologies with MDA. Ontologies, as
formal representations of domain knowledge, enable knowledge sharing between
different knowledge-based applications. Diverse techniques originating from the field
of artificial intelligence are aimed at facilitating ontology development. However,
these techniques, although well known to AI experts, are typically unknown to a large
population of software engineers [5].
In order to overcome the gap between the knowledge of software engineering
practitioners and AI techniques, a few proposals have been made suggesting the use
of well-known software engineering techniques, such as UML, for ontology devel-
opment. An approach proposed in [6] is dealing with generating Resource Descrip-
tion Framework (RDF) from a UML model. RDF is a W3C XML-based standard for
sharing ontologies on the Semantic Web. Another approach [7] proposes a transfor-
mation to semantic extraction of ontologies from UML models. Their initial presump-
tion is that UML and ontologies complement each other. That is to say, UML is de-
signed for building models by human experts, while OWL is designed to be used at
run time by intelligent processing methods.
The 2 approaches mentioned earlier are useful if you already have the design
model (UML) and want to acquire the ontology. From the perspective of MDA the
order of the acquired artifacts is incorrect, because the design model or PIM/PSM
should be derived from CIM, which includes the declarative knowledge provided by
an ontology. This means that the ontology has to come first, in order to construct an
accurate PIM/PSM. In this paper we insist on starting with knowledge and not the
An independent ontology metamodel using the MOF has been developed in [8]; it
is named the Unified Ontology Language (UOL). This is important from the perspec-
tive of MDA. OWL is a well-known standard for ontology development, but the
transformation between OWL and a model defined according to MOF would not
correspond to MDA standards. On the other hand, this newly introduced UOL still
needs an ad-hoc transformation mechanism from OWL. Nevertheless, UOL could be
considered in further stages of this research as a format for ontology.
3 Declarative and Procedural Knowledge
The traditional Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques most frequently used to
represent knowledge in practical intelligent systems include object-attribute-value
triplets, uncertain facts, fuzzy facts, rules, semantic networks, and frames. Ontologies
have acquired major importance in knowledge representation as well [5]. On the other
hand, system analysis researchers have developed means to manage knowledge about
business systems and processes, e.g. Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
and Model Driven Architecture (MDA).
Knowledge means understanding of a subject area. It includes concepts and facts
about that subject area, as well as relations among them and mechanisms for how to
combine them to solve problems in that area [5]. The term knowledge can be used to
refer to a state of knowing facts, methods, principles, techniques and so on. This
common usage corresponds to what is often referred to as “know about”. Second,
usage of the term knowledge is when it refers to understanding facts, methods, prin-
ciples and techniques sufficient to apply them in the course of making things happen.
This corresponds to “know how”. Cognitive psychologists sort knowledge into two
categories: declarative and procedural [9]. From the perspective of a student who is
learning knowledge: 1) Declarative knowledge is that the student knows or under-
stands (e.g. Riga is the capital of Latvia, book catalogue has entries of books); 2)
Procedural knowledge is that the student is able to do something (e.g. buy an airplane
ticket to Riga, get a book at the library).
This distinction between declarative and procedural knowledge may seem ob-
vious, but has not been recognized too often. To properly describe a business system
in its environment, it is necessary to know both – declarative and procedural know-
ledge. Approaches like BPMN and MDA are very strong describing the procedural
knowledge, but lack the AI strength in dealing with declarative knowledge. In this
paper we propose an approach, which integrates declarative and procedural know-
ledge providing a common approach for system analysis with the perspective of inte-
grating with MDA.
4 Knowledge Representation
Before any system analysis process can start, it is necessary to acquire knowledge
about the business system and its environment. Most of this knowledge usually is
defined in different documents in a form of natural language. It is necessary to store
this knowledge in a way, so that it could be understandable by a computer.
Attempto Controlled English (ACE) is a controlled natural language, in other
words it is a subset of English with a restricted syntax and a restricted semantics de-
scribed by a small set of construction and interpretation rules. It is a formal language
and can automatically and unambiguously be translated into first-order logic. Al-
though ACE may appear perfectly natural it can be read and understood by human
and machine. One could say that ACE is a first-order logic language with the syntax
of a subset of English. ACE can be used as knowledge representation, specification
and query language [10]. ACE was originally intended to specify software, but has
since been used as a general knowledge representation language in several application
domains. With Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) it is possible to derive a syntax tree
from ACE texts which is crucial for Topological Functioning Model (TFM) ap-
To someone who wants to discuss topics in a domain D using a language L, on-
tology provides a catalogue of the types of things assumed to exist in D; the types in
the ontology are represented in terms of the concepts, relations, and predicates of L
[11]. Some reasons for developing an ontology are: 1) To share common understand-
ing of the structure of information among people or software agents; 2) To enable
reuse of domain knowledge; 3) To make domain assumptions explicit; 4) To separate
domain knowledge from operational knowledge; 5) To analyze domain knowledge
[12]. Ontologies are used for different purposes, but this research focuses on ontolo-
gies developed for a business domain, describing business terms and their relation-
Ontology is a perfect candidate for representing declarative knowledge about a
business system and its environment. Ontology defines the terms used to describe and
represent an area of knowledge. Ontologies include computer-usable definitions of
basic concepts in the domain and the relationships among them. OWL [13] is a com-
mon standard for defining ontologies and will be considered for further knowledge
integration for domain modeling.
Business use cases are not normalized or standardized by any consortium, unlike
UML use case diagram, which is defined by Object Management Group. Business use
cases should not be mistaken with UML use case diagram. Moreover, there are many
different use case templates and the structure of a use case can be adjusted depending
on the situation and the development team [14]. These textual business use cases are
considered for representing the procedural knowledge. The following structure of a
use case is considered: 1) use case title, 2) actors, 3) pre-conditions, 4) main scenario,
5) extensions, and 6) sub-variations. Using ACE is considered for defining the step of
the business use cases [10]. Business use cases provide a formal data structure that
can be used to represent the procedural knowledge about a business system. By using
ACE we enable this knowledge to be processed by a computer.
5 Integrating Knowledge for Domain Modeling
The steps of the Business Use Cases are defined using the ACE. This solves some of
the natural language problems, but not all. Still ACE texts do not solve possible am-
biguity. ACE doesn’t restrict the usage of nouns and it is possible to express the same
meaning using different words. Another possible problem is the inconsistency of
business use cases. There might be steps defined that do not make sense in the given
business system or its environment. If there would be a predefined lexicon for the
specific domain, it would be possible to deal with these problems. Ontology can be
used as this lexicon. In this section we are proposing an approach for integrating
declarative and procedural knowledge. By exploiting ontology we prevent the ambi-
guity and inconsistency of business use cases.
5.1 Exploiting Ontology
The ontology is an extremely important part of the knowledge about any domain.
Moreover, the ontology is the fundamental part of the knowledge, and all other know-
ledge should rely on it and refer to it.
Fig. 1. This is the class hierarchy of an ontology for a library. It includes the main classes that
a library business system needs to function. The main actors are the Client and the Librarian,
which both are sub-classes of Person. Class hierarchy includes also important concepts for a
Library business system like Library, Book, Book Catalogue, Reader Card and Request Form.
This work does not propose a methodology for developing ontologies, but a me-
thodology to use an already developed ontology for further knowledge engineering
and system analysis. If there is no ontology defined for the business system before, it
is necessary to build by analyzing the business system and its environment. Available
documents and expert knowledge is the main input for this development. Particularly
in the case of information extraction almost every text introduces new terms, so we
cannot assume that all terms encountered in the text we process will already be in-
cluded in the ontology. The ability to add new terms to an existing ontology is crucial
even when using an ontology whose structure has been formally defined [15]. This
means that even if we initially have a defined ontology, it might lack some classes
and properties for the business system or its environments under consideration.
To show how our approach will be using ontology for integrating declarative and
procedural knowledge and after that using this knowledge for domain modeling,
authors of this paper consider a library business system as example. In the following
figures you can see the ontology considered.
Fig. 2. This is the description of the librarian class. You can see some of the properties and
relationships between properties and classes. For example, one of the properties is checking out
a book from a book fund, which is done by the librarian.
Developing an ontology includes: 1) defining classes in the ontology; 2) arranging
the classes in a taxonomic hierarchy; 3) defining properties and describing the rela-
tionships with classes; 4) defining the individuals. Creating the class hierarchy is the
first and second step (Fig. 1 shows an example). This ontology for an abstract library
business system was developed by the authors of this paper to show an example. The
third step is defining the properties and relationships between classes and properties
(Fig. 2 shows an example). It is important that all the business system’s concepts and
actions that can be associated with these concepts are defined. Recognizing a satisfac-
tory scope for the domain is not easy. It will not always be possible to capture every-
thing on the first try, but as mentioned before this has to be an iterative process. The
ability to modify the ontology is crucial, because the scope of the domain can also
5.2 Developing Business Use Cases
Ontologies provide logical statements that describe what terms are, how they are
related to each other, and how they can or cannot be related to each other. Business
use cases on the other hand provide a formal way to define the procedural knowledge,
showing step by step how a process is executed, what the variations are and which
actors are involved. The problem with business use cases is that their steps are sen-
tences in natural language. We are restricting them by applying ACE, which guaran-
tees we can analyze this sentence by syntax and get a parse tree.
Fig. 3. This is a business use case for requesting a book in a library business system. First a
client searches for a book in the catalogue and then fills a request form to get the book. Libra-
rians responsibility is to hand the request form, check out the book from the book fund and
hand the book to the client. There are also variations.
Nevertheless, it does not guarantee that the terms used in sentences will be unam-
biguous. For example, there could be steps “Client fills a request form” and “Libra-
rian denies a form”. These steps are correct from a syntax perspective, but they are
inconsistent, because in the first sentence a form that is meant for requesting a book is
defined as “Request form”, but in the second sentence it is defined as “Form”. This
would not be a problem if there was a predefined vocabulary, which determines that
these terms mean the same thing in this domain.
Controlled natural language also does not guarantee that the step will make sense
for the given domain. For example, there could be a step “Librarian shows a reader
card”. This step is perfectly correct from a perspective of syntax and may seem to
make sense, because librarian can also be a reader in a library, but for the given do-
main “Librarian” is a definition of the person who works for the library and at this
moment in time is fulfilling this role. So actually this sentence does not make sense
from the perspective of the domain.
We cannot put this much responsibility on a system analyst who will be develop-
ing these business use cases. This kind of ambiguity and inconsistency should be
automatically discovered and eliminated. The approach suggested in this paper will
use ontology to solve both problems – the possible ambiguity and inconsistency of
the sentences. Please consider the business use case shown in Fig. 3.
For the first problem of ambiguity, let us look at the first step “Client searches for
a book in a catalogue”. We could rephrase this also like this “Client searches for a
book in a book catalogue”. Notice that in the second sentence we specify that it is a
book catalogue and not just any catalogue. In this specific domain both sentences
refer to the same object and it is important, that when the steps get analyzed the cor-
rect objects are considered. If we look at the library ontology’s class hierarchy (Fig.
1), it is clearly defined that “Catalogue” is a super-class of “Book catalogue”. This
solves the problem of ambiguity in this case, because we know it refers to the same
object. Another problem appears if we rephrase the step like this “Client searches for
literature in a catalogue”. The concept “Literature” is not defined in our ontology, so
this sentence should be marked as invalid until someone defines the concept in the
ontology. The same applies to the properties. If the sentence is “Client looks for a
book in a catalogue” and property “look” is not defined, this step should be marked as
Fig. 4. This is a parse tree generated by ACE parser from a business use case step sentence. In
the syntax s – sentence; np – noun phrase; cp – verb phrase; pname – proper name; vcompl –
verb with complement; vmod – verb phrase modifiers; v – verb; pp – prepositional phrase; det
– determiner; n –noun.
For the second problem of inconsistency let us consider the example mentioned
earlier “Librarian shows a reader card”. From our ontology’s property and class rela-
tionships (Fig. 2) we see that the relationship between “Librarian” and “Reader card”
is defined by property “check” and not “show”. This implies that the sentence is
invalid and should be corrected or the ontology has to be modified. By checking the
correspondence between properties and classes it is possible to deal with this prob-
To implement the solution for these problems technically we will be analyzing the
parse trees of the sentences. Fig. 4 shows a parse tree the business use case step “Li-
brarian hands a book to a client”. This sentence can be broke down into verb phrase,
noun phrase and prepositional phrase, and then also into verbs and nouns. Approach
for knowledge integration suggests that the nouns need to correspond to the classes
and the verbs need to correspond to the properties. If they do not, then an error should
be raised and either the ontology or the business use case needs to be modified. For
this example we see that “Librarian”, ”Book”, “Client” and “hand” is defined by the
library ontology, so we have a valid sentence from perspective of ambiguity – all
terms are defined and understandable. From perspective of consistency “Librarian”
and “Book” are associated with “hand”. This association can be confirmed by the
ontology, because a librarian hands a book.
6 Integration with Model Driven Architecture
In previous work [1], [2], [3] and [4] authors introduce an algorithm to automatically
derive the TFM from textual use cases of a business system. Same business use cases
structure is used to define the procedural knowledge. This algorithm utilizes the sta-
tistical parser to analyze the syntax of use case sentences and identify functional fea-
tures for the TFM. The problem there is the potential ambiguity and inconsistency of
the business use case steps, which authors are solving by applying ontology in this
TFM offers a formal way to define a system by describing both the system’s func-
tional and topological features. TFM is represented in the form of a topological space
(X, Θ), where X is finite set of functional features of the system under consideration,
and Θ is the topology that satisfies axioms of topological structures and is represented
in the form of a directed graph [4]. TFM represents the system in its business envi-
ronment and shows how the system is functioning, without details about how the
system is constructed. This research considers TFM to be CIM within MDA; acquir-
ing a mathematically formal and thus transformable CIM.
The integration with MDA is already defined with the algorithm for deriving TFM
from business use cases [3]. Other branch of this research is suggesting a TopUML
profile, which incorporates the topological nature of TFM with UML. This provides
unique benefits for MDA, because it is possible to acquire cause-effect relationships
between methods for PIM/PSM from CIM [16].
7 Conclusions
This paper describes a novel approach for integrating AI and system analysis by faci-
litating ontology, natural language processing, business use cases and MDA. This
approach provides a way for acquiring the domain model automatically from the
corresponding domain knowledge. It provides a formal way to use ontology for sys-
tem analysis and suggests ontology to be directly used as an input for domain model-
ing by exploiting business use cases and natural language processing. This knowledge
can be used for generating CIM according to previous research on TFM.
Future research includes: 1) developing guidelines for identifying the scope of the
domain; 2) developing an algorithm for business use case step ambiguity and incon-
sistency checking according to given ontology; 3) developing guidelines for ontology
development or defining the supported ontology development methodologies; 4)
implementing a tool for business use cases development, which would take OWL as
input; 5) Integrating this business use case development tool with TFM generation
and TopUML tools.
This approach provides a new perspective for domain modeling, allowing the do-
main model to be generated from formally defined knowledge; thus exploiting the
power of knowledge engineering, leaving less space for interpretation and enhancing
MDA with a formal CIM.
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