Martina Husáková
Department of Information Technologies, University of Hradec Králové, Hradecká 1249, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Keywords: Biological Immune System, Artificial Immune System, Multi-Agent System, Coalition Formation.
Abstract: Coalition formation is by one of cooperative mechanisms used in multi-agent systems. Various approaches
of multi-agent coalition formation ensure the coalition stability, optimal allocation of sources and payoff
distribution for efficient achievement of individual or collective goals. The paper investigates mechanisms
of human immune system from the coordination and cooperation point of view. It specifies requirements for
effective multi-agent coalition formation on the basis of these mechanisms. The clonal selection-based
algorithm is used to discover the optimal coalition structure. Finally, further directions in the research of
exploitation artificial immune-based algorithms for multi-agent coalition formation are mentioned.
Specific activities require a certain deal of
coordination or cooperation of more artificial
autonomous agents to achieve goals with minimal
spend time and costs. The attention is paid to the
efficient coordination and cooperation of artificial
autonomous agents in multi-agent systems (MAS).
The multi-agent coalition formation is one of
cooperative mechanisms intensively investigated in
the MAS. The paper evaluates the human biological
immune system (BIS) from the coordination and
cooperation points of view and specifies
requirements of the effective multi-agent coalition
formation based on this approach. The paper
proposes the use of the immune-based algorithm
ClonAlg for generating the optimal coalition
The coalition formation is a type of cooperation of
artificial autonomous agents in the MAS. The
coalition is a goal-oriented and short-lived group of
agents solving a specific pre-defined problem. Any
cooperation with artificial autonomous agents from
others relevant information by software web agents
is another example. The agent knowledge base can
be extended by communication with others agents
which provide new information to other agents. If
they join together, they can cover wider search space
of web documents.
Finding the optimal coalition structure is one of
the problems solved in the multi-agent coalition
formation. The coalition structure is a group of
various coalition combinations that are able to solve
a specific problem. The question is how to find such
a coalition structure containing agents able to use
their sources optimally. Number of coalition
structures increases exponentially with the number
of agents. The goal is to find efficient algorithms
that are able to search solutions with minimal
computational sources and time requirements.
Dynamic programming, genetic algorithms or
greedy algorithms are usually used for this purpose
(Rahwan et al., 2009).
The problem of optimal coalition structure
generation has not been sufficiently researched by
the different biology-inspired approach resulting
from properties and mechanisms of the human
biological immune system (BIS). The BIS can offer
new methods for solving problems in multi-agent
coalition formation. The algorithm of the clonal
selection inspired by the clonal selection principle is
investigated for the finding of the optimal coalition
Husáková M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003572202310234
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2011), pages 231-234
ISBN: 978-989-8425-74-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The BIS is a complex system that maintains the
homeostasis in the living organism. It is able to
recognize dangerous objects (antigens) that invoke
the immune response. Antigen can be a part of the
organism and risky for it (self-antigen) or can come
from the outer environment, e. g. viruses, bacteria or
fungi (non-self-antigen).
The BIS includes the innate and adaptive
immunity. The innate immunity guards the
organism. It is supported by mechanic barriers and
different types of immune cells. The adaptive
immunity focuses on recognition of already
identified antigens. B-lymphocytes (B-ly) and T-
lymphocytes (T-ly) are the main representatives of
this layer. The B-ly is the main producer of
antibodies and plays the role of memory cell. The T-
ly eliminates dangerous antigens or regulates
functions of others immune cells (Castro and
Timmis, 2002).
There exist similarities between formation of
immune cells into groups and the group behaviour
necessary for solving complex problems of artificial
autonomous agents. The immune cells are able to
join and cooperatively solve a specific problem on
the basis of specific stimuli. They use cellular
signalling pathways that ensure transferring pieces
of information from the source to the receiver. The
immune cells can be perceived as pro-social
biological agents that keep track of interests of the
whole the BIS. Generation of antibodies, activities
of complement system, phagocytosis or cytokines
production are demonstrative examples of
cooperation activities in case of the BIS.
The following table mentions key properties for
the stability maintenance of the BIS (Dasgupta and
Nino, 2008). The same attributes are specified as
requirements for effective multi-agent coalition
formation in this paper.
The conjunctions and similarities, displayed in
the table, show the relevance for deeper research of
the mutually utility of these two systems. The key
question is how the concrete mechanisms of BIS can
be used for discovering the optimal coalition
structure. Artificial immune systems research area
offers collection of immune-based algorithms that
should be researched for this purpose.
Table 1: Coalition formation in the view of the BIS.
BIS attributes Coalition requirements
This attribute occurs e. g. in
case of lymphocytes
production by the bone
marrow in different places of
the organism. Positive
selection, negative selection,
clonal selection and immune
network concept are
characterized by the
distributiveness, too.
If the agent fails in filling the
task, despite this the task
should be completed. The
coalition formation should not
be directed by one central
agent of the MAS.
The BIS cells communicate
directly or indirectly with
the environment. Direct
communication is executed
mainly with the aid of
adhesive molecules.
Cytokines are products of
immune cells activities that
ensure the indirect
communication in the BIS.
Communication is direct (e. g.
protocols) or indirect
(stigmergy). It helps in
receiving information from the
environment, e. g. agents or
others coalitions.
Robustness and stability
Robustness and stability are
expressed in cooperation of
different immune cells and
organs. These processes lead
to the emergent property of
the BIS.
Robustness and stability
Agents should monitor their
states and atmosphere in the
coalition. If something is
wrong, the agent signalizes it
to the others. Agents should
be motivated to stay in the
coalition during the mission
Dynamics and adaptation
Dynamics and adaptation are
expressed in cooperation of
different immune cells and
organs. These processes lead
to the emergent property of
Dynamics and adaptation
The coalition of agents should
behave flexibly in case of
changing environment.
Learning and memory
Immune cells are able to
learn with the aid of
feedback received from the
environment and to
remember already identified
antigens. This ensures faster
reaction of immune cells in
the future. Memory is
formed with the aid of
immune network, gene
libraries or memory cells.
Learning and memory Agent
should be able to learn and use
the learned in the future.
Agent´s memory helps to react
adequately to stimuli.
Artificial immune systems (AIS) are the research
subarea of computational intelligence that is inspired
by the BIS behavior. In present, four groups of
artificial immune system algorithms are used.
The first one stems from the diversity generation
of immune cells with the aid of gene libraries
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
(Castro and Timmis, 2002). These libraries contain
gene fragments combined for creation different
immune cells. There are artificial gene libraries in
AIS. These gene libraries are used for generating
potential solutions changed by the mutation process
towards the approximation to the optimal solution.
The second one is the group of selected
algorithms – the algorithm of positive selection,
algorithm of negative selection, algorithm of clonal
selection and their modifications (Dasgupta and
Nino, 2008), (Castro, 2006), (Castro and Timmis,
2002). The algorithms of positive and negative
selection are mainly applied to classification and
recognition problems. The computer security or fault
detection is a typical application. The algorithm of
clonal selection is used especially for classification
and optimization problems (Castro and Zuben,
The third group is inspired by the immune
network theory by N. K. Jerne (Jerne, 1974). This
theory apprehends the BIS as a network of
interconnected stimulated B-cells interacting with
each other. Continuous artificial immune networks
are used mainly for modeling and simulation of the
BIS with the aid of differential or difference
equations. Discrete artificial immune networks are
based on differential equations or iterative
procedures. They are used mainly for the pattern
recognition, data analysis, machine learning or
optimization problems.
The dendritic cell algorithm is part of the last
group. It has already been used for anomalies
detection in a computer network as a classifier for
scanning computer ports (Greensmith, et al., 2005).
ClonAlg is the clonal selection-based algorithm
inspired by the clonal selection principle explaining
the process of antibody generation. If a B-ly
recognizes the antigen, clones of the same
specificity are created. Mutation occurs during the
cloning. It can improve the affinity (tightness of
bond) between the antigen and the B-ly in the future
reunion. The ClonAlg was originally designed for
the pattern recognition. The optimized version of
ClonAlg (ClonAlg-opt) is used for optimization
tasks (de Castro and von Zuben, 2002). The
ClonAlg-opt uses population of antibodies. This
population pictures potential solutions of the
problem (set P). The pseudo-code of the algorithm
follows this procedure (de Castro, 2006):
1. Initialization: create an initial population of
antibodies (P).
2. Fitness evaluation: determine the fitness of
each element of P.
3. Clonal selection and expansion: select n
highest fitness elements of P and generate
clones of these antibodies proportionally to
their fitness: the higher the fitness, the higher
the number of copies, and vice-versa.
4. Affinity maturation: mutate all these copies
with a rate that is inversely proportional to
their fitness: the higher the fitness, the
smaller the mutation rate, and vice-versa.
Add these mutated individuals to the
population P.
5. Meta-dynamics: replace a number n
of low
fitness individuals by (randomly generated)
new ones.
6. Cycles: repeat step 2 to 5 until a certain
stopping criterion is met.
The usage of the ClonAlg-opt for generating the
optimal coalition structure is designed for the
problem of elimination of oil spills. This problem
requires the efficient, fast and optimal cooperation
of sources because oil spills are spread in dynamic
Three agents eliminate oil spills of two different
oils in this demonstrative example. Every agent has
the list of two properties relevant for elimination of
oil spills. The first one describes how the agent
eliminates the portion of the first type of oil spill, i.
e. the usefulness of agent’s sensor in the detection of
the first type of oil spill. The second one describes
how the agent eliminates the portion of the second
type of oil spill. The coalition structure consists of
different coalitions and is represented by the
antibody molecule. The coalition consists of one or
more agents identified by an identification value.
Permutation encoding is used for the coalition
representation in the coalition structure. Two
restrictions have to be respected: Every oil spill has
to be refined by one agent minimally and coalitions
have not overlap themselves. The pseudo-code of
the algorithm follows:
1. Initialization: create an initial population of N
coalition structures (set P), eliminate
overlapping and empty coalitions.
2. Fitness evaluation: determine the quality
(fitness) of N coalition structures.
3. Clonal selection and expansion: select n
highest fitness coalition structures (e. g.
fitness-proportionate selection, stochastic
universal sampling or tournament selection
can be used) and generate clones of these
ones proportionally to their fitness.
4. Affinity maturation: mutate all these copies
with a rate that is inversely proportional to
their fitness. Add these mutated coalition
structures to the population P. The inversion
operator is suitable for it. We change the
position of agents of coalition and influence
the quality of coalition that eliminates one
particular oil spill.
5. Meta-dynamics: replace a number n
of low
fitness coalition structures by (randomly
generated) new ones.
6. Cycles: repeat step 2 to 5 until a certain final
criterion is met.
The paper deals with the coalition formation of
artificial autonomous agents of the MAS in the
context of the BIS behavior. Key properties and
mechanisms of the BIS cooperation are identified
and used for the requirements specification for
multi-agent coalitions.
The paper proposes to use the ClonAlg-opt
algorithm for generating the optimal coalition
structure. Experiments are going to be realized with
the ClonAlg-opt algorithm and other clonal
selection-based AIS algorithms. The immune
network-based algorithms Opt-aiNet and Dopt-aiNet
(Dasgupta and Nino, 2008) are going to be used for
the coalition formation, too. They stem from the data
clustering aiNet algorithm (Castro and Zuben, 2001)
and are mainly used for the optimization purposes.
Results of these experiments will be compared to the
genetic algorithms. The multi-agent modeling or
simulation tool will be used for experiments.
NetLogo, Webots or Anylogic are suitable
candidates for the above mentioned purposes.
This paper was supported by the project N.
P403/10/1310 “SMEW - Smart Environment at
Workplaces” of Czech Science Foundation and FIM
UHK Internal Grant “Immunity-based Multi-Agent
Coalition Formation” N. 12/2011.
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ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics