Security Pattern Mining: Systematic Review
and Proposal
Santiago Moral-García
, Santiago Moral-Rubio
and Eduardo Fernández-Medina
Kybele Group, Dep. of Computer Languages and Systems II, University Rey Juan Carlos
Tulipán s/n, 28933, Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
Dep. Logical Security, BBVA, Batanes 3, 28760, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
GSyA Research Group, Dep. of Information Technologies and Systems
University of Castilla-la Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad, 4, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. Organizations have suffered an increase in cyber attacks in recent
years. For this reason, they need to guarantee confidentiality, integrity and
availability of their information assets. To do this, they should seek support
from security architectures. Security patterns are a good way to design security
architectures, but most current security patterns are not applicable to this field.
In a previous work, we defined a new pattern template to support the design of
security architectures. After that work, we realized that it was necessary to
discover and identify new security patterns adapted to this template, in order to
facilitate the work of those security engineers who design architectures. A good
way to discover and identify new patterns is pattern mining; therefore, in this
paper we have carried out a Systematic Review (SR) of security pattern mining.
After performing the SR, we have reached the conclusion that the proposals
analyzed do not fulfill all main requirements to cover our needs. That’s the
reason why we have defined a high-level architecture of a new framework to
discover, design and document security patterns focused on the design of
security architectures.
1 Introduction
Information Security is currently an important discipline in the management of large
organizations, due to the increase in cyber attacks that they have suffered in recent
years [7]. For this reason, the main need of an organization, in terms of security, is to
guarantee the fundamental security properties of their information assets,
understanding security properties as confidentiality, integrity and availability. To do
this, organizations should seek support from security architectures in order to mitigate
the impact of the constant evolution of the organization’s settings [11], and thus
minimize the risks associated with each of them.
The concept of security architecture can be defined as a complete, structured,
coordinated and rigorous design of information systems that supports a business
Moral-García S., Moral-Rubio S. and Fernández-Medina E..
Security Pattern Mining: Systematic Review and Proposal.
DOI: 10.5220/0003558900130024
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2011), pages 13-24
ISBN: 978-989-8425-61-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
process in order to reduce the risk of confidentiality, integrity and availability when
managing its information assets [16]. Moreover, Security architectures must identify
the security mechanisms that are needed to define the system’s security.
The security mechanisms used in security architectures are artifacts designed to
prevent, detect and respond to information security incidents, in order to manage and
reduce the confidentiality, integrity and availability of business processes information
risks. A security mechanism cannot be used in isolation to protect a business process,
however, a wide set of security mechanisms can reduce security risks when managing
information assets in a business process. Security architecture therefore consists of a
wide set of security mechanisms, which is complete, structured, coordinated and
rigorous [24].
A good way to design security architectures is the use of security patterns, since
they provide solutions to recurring problems related to systems’ security [23].
Another advantage of security patterns is that they include extensive, accumulated
and structured knowledge about security, thus providing guidelines for the
construction and evaluation of secure systems [4].
Previous to this work, we carried out a Systematic Review (SR) of security
patterns and we checked that the number of published security patterns and
classifications of them has increased considerably in recent years [5, 6, 14, 19, 23,
25]. In that work, we discovered that the vast majority of current security patterns are
focused on supporting the construction of new security mechanisms. In other work
[15], we also discovered that most current security patterns are not applicable to the
design of security architectures, since they do not consider organizations’ settings, i.e.
the variation between people, technologies, risks, processes, volumes of information,
business strategies, etc. For this reason, we defined a new pattern template with the
aim of supporting the design of security architectures [13].
Once the template had been developed, we realized that it was necessary to
discover and document security patterns adapted to the new pattern template, in order
to facilitate the work of organizations’ security engineers when designing new
architectures. Pattern mining is a good way to cover this need, since it is a good
discipline to discover and identify patterns [18]. In this paper, we have therefore
carried out a SR of security pattern mining in order to identify sources, frameworks,
methods or methodologies that help us to discover and identify recurring problems
related to systems’ security. In order to ensure that this SR was performed in a
structured and organized manner, we have used the guidelines proposed by [12 and
the review protocol template developed by [2].
After the accomplishment of the SR, we have reached the conclusion that the
initiatives analyzed do not fulfill all main requirements that are necessary to discover
and document new security patterns adapted to the new pattern template developed.
For this reason, we have introduced a high-level architecture of a new framework
based on pattern mining for discovering, designing and documenting security patterns
focused on supporting the design of security architectures.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a brief
description of pattern mining. In section 3, we carry out an SR of security pattern
mining. Section 4 defines a new framework based on security pattern mining. We
finish with some conclusions and future work in section 5.
2 Pattern Mining
The concept of pattern mining can be defined as the process or technique of
identifying proven solutions [22]. Although many patterns are already available for
different domains, mining new patterns will remain an important activity for the
future [3].
Norman Kerth and Ward Cunningham considered three general approaches to
pattern mining [10]: the introspective, the artifactual and the sociological approach.
The introspective approach is when researchers analyze systems that they have built
and try to discover patterns basing on their experience. This approach allows us to
discover patterns through individual experiences. The artifactual approach is when
researchers analyze systems that have been built by different people who were solving
a similar problem. This approach allows us to find points in common between
different systems analyzed. The sociological approach is when researchers ask people
that have built similar systems how they solved particular problems. This approach
allows us to find recurring problems in the systems analyzed.
However, Linda Rising and David DeLano broke down pattern mining activities
into three categories [18]: individual contributions, second-hand contributions and
patterns mining workshops. In the first category, individual contributions, researchers
write a pattern from his or her own experience. This category is similar to the
introspective approach previously described. In the second category, secondhand
contributions, researchers obtain or find information from interviews with experts or
from the experience of others. This category is a union of the artifactual and
sociological approach previously described. In the third category, patterns mining
workshops, a group of researchers work together discussing about the new patterns
that they find out within a specific scope.
After analyzing the approaches and categories of pattern mining shown above, we
have observed that the artifactual approach, the sociological approach and the
category of patterns mining workshop can be adapted when performing security
pattern mining. The only difference is that researchers should analyze information
security documents, instead of analyzing systems.
3 A Systematic Review of Security Pattern Mining
In this section, we have carried out a systematic review (SR) of security pattern
mining. We have followed the review protocol template developed by Biolchini et al.
[2] in order to facilitate SR planning and execution. The phases included in this
review are the following: review planning, review method and results analysis.
3.1 Review Planning
In this phase, we have defined the SR objectives and we have shown the way to
execute the review. To do this, we have defined the formulation of the research
question and we have planned how the selection of sources and studies will be carried
out. The sections included in this phase are the following: question formularization,
sources selection and studies selection.
3.1.1 Question Formularization
The question focus of this SR is to identify the most relevant initiatives, studies and
reports in the Information Security Engineering discipline which use security pattern
mining to discover and identify solutions for recurring security problems.
The biggest problem that we have encountered in the design of security
architectures is that several information security engineers provide different solutions
to the same problem, because each one has his or her own guidelines or follows
his/her own criteria. Noting the large number of security engineers who can work for
the same organization, it is necessary to find an optimal and proven set of security
guidelines to assist engineers when designing secure architectures. In recent years,
many authors have described security solutions, but most of the repositories based on
security patterns are not applicable to the design of security architectures in real
environments [15.
The research question that will be addressed in this research is the following:
Which studies have been carried out to discover and identify solutions for recurring
security problems by means of Security Pattern Mining? The keywords that cover this
question and which will be used during the SR are: patterns and anti-patterns linked
with mining. In addition, we have added a list of related concepts to information
security to complete our study: security, confidentiality, integrity, availability,
identification, access control, privacy and auditability. All of this will enable us to
perform a more focused investigation on the field of security patterns mining.
The population groups that will be observed are publications in the selected data
sources which use security patterns mining to discover and identify solutions for
recurring security threats.
The expected result at the end of this SR is the identification of studies related to
security pattern mining. If the number of identified studies is not enough, we will
reach the conclusion that security pattern mining is a field that has not been
investigated in depth.
The main application areas that will benefit from the SR results are information
security engineers, information security areas, non-experts in the field of security,
academics and researchers. Finally, we shall obtain a vision of the current situation in
this field, which will allow us to detect shortcomings and new needs for security
pattern mining.
3.1.2 Sources Selection
Before beginning the selection of sources where to execute the searches, we have
carried out a primary search to obtain an initial idea and to evaluate the volume of
studies that exist in relation to security pattern mining. We have also verified whether
a SR in this field currently exists.
Information security is an area that is being published both in prestigious journals
and a variety of conferences, but many of these conferences are not easily accessible
and the search of all proposals would be an impossible task. For this reason, we have
focused on publications of higher quality and demand sources, trusting that the
proposals published in other forums, if they are really successful will be published in
higher quality sources.
The selection criteria used to evaluate the sources are, therefore, the following:
digital libraries which are available for all people via the Internet, digital libraries that
can be accessed through the website of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and books
focused on security patterns. In addition, all digital libraries must possess advanced
search mechanisms, that is, searches oriented to the title, abstract, keywords or
authors of the initiatives. Finally, the main sources of the initial sources list, over
which the SR execution will be run, are as follows: ACM digital library, IEEE digital
library, SpringerLink, Science@Direct and some books focused on security patterns.
3.1.3 Studies Selection
Having defined the sources selection, it is now necessary to define the studies
selection. To do this, we have described the search chain, the inclusion and exclusion
criteria and the evaluation criteria for the studies.
We have combined the selected keywords and related concepts with AND and OR
connectors to obtain our search chain. Table 1 shows the general search chain. We
have altered this search chain in order to adapt it to the syntax of specific search
Table 1. General search chain.
(Mining AND (Pattern OR Antipattern)
AND (Security OR Confidentiality OR Integrity OR
Availability OR Identification OR (Access AND
Control) OR Privacy OR Auditability))
Once the search chain has been defined, we have described the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. On the one hand, all studies obtained after executing the search
chain in the selected sources will be included in the review. On the other hand, all
studies that, first condition, are not within the scope of the Computer Science
discipline, second condition, are duplicated or, third condition, do not contain
sources, frameworks, methods or methodologies to discover and identify solutions for
recurring security problems by means of security pattern mining will be eliminated of
the review.
These criteria have helped us to define the procedure by which the studies will be
obtained and evaluated. The procedure for the studies selection consists of four steps.
At the first step, the search chain will be executed in the selected sources and all
studies returned by each of the sources will be collected. At the second step, all
studies that are not within the scope of the Computer Science discipline or are
duplicated will be eliminated. At the third step, the title, abstract and keywords of all
remaining studies will be read and all studies that clearly meet the third condition of
the exclusion criteria will be eliminated. At the fourth step, all remaining studies will
be read fully and all studies that do not meet the third condition of the exclusion
criteria will be selected as primary proposals.
3.2 Review Execution
After planning the SR, we have initiated the review execution. During this phase, we
have evaluated the studies obtained following the procedure for studies selection
previously defined. Finally, we have extracted from the selected studies the relevant
information for the research question.
3.2.1 Selection Execution
The selection execution has been carried out following the four steps of the procedure
for studies selection (see Section 3.1.3). After carrying out the first step of the
procedure for studies selection, we have obtained 142 studies in total. Once we have
performed the second step, we have obtained 102 studies. After carrying out the third
step, we have obtained 8 studies. Finally, once we have performed the fourth step of
the procedure, we have obtained 2 primary studies.
3.2.2 Information Extraction
After selecting the primary studies, we have extracted important information from
them. To do this, we have analyzed in depth each of the initiatives and have
performed a brief outline.
“A methodology for mining security tactics from security patterns” [20]:
In this paper, authors introduce a methodology for discovering and identifying
security tactics from well known security patterns. The aim of this methodology is to
examine existing security patterns to verify if any of these patterns satisfies the
conditions necessary to qualify it as a security tactic. These conditions include:
atomicity, force limitation, problem-specificity, completeness and trade-offs between
forces. After defining the methodology, they provide an example to demonstrate how
the criteria described can be used to mine security tactics from existing security
patterns. Finally, authors hope this research will begin to produce new architectures
through tactics mining.
“Mining Security Patterns”, Section 7.5 of [22]:
In section 7.5 of this book, Schumacher shows different approaches for mining
security patterns. He basically considers two ways: on the one hand, he learns from
typical errors and tries to discover how these errors could have been prevented,
artifactual approach. On the other hand, he directly obtains information from security
standards. In this section, Schumacher also introduces a wide list of information
sources where security patterns can be discovered. This list includes security
information providers (CERT, hackers groups, security companies, newsgroups,
mailing lists, articles and books) and security standards (Common Criteria, IT
Baseline Protection Manual, ISO 17779).
3.3 Results Analysis
After the SR execution, we have analyzed and summarized the primary studies
obtained in the previous phase.
In relation to the study “A methodology for mining security tactics from security
patterns” [20], we have observed that security tactics can be described in a hierarchy
based on the following three categories: resisting attacks, detecting attacks and
recovering from an attack. As authors say in the paper, this categorization can be
useful at an early stage of development, but we have observed that security tactics are
less useful when designing security architectures. This is because the hierarchy of
categories should include subcategories related to the following questions: a) Which
assets need to be protected? b) What are we protecting ourselves from? And c) Which
security properties do we intend to conserve?
In relation to section 7.5, “Mining Security Patterns”, of the book [22], we have
observed that both techniques and information sources shown are very useful to carry
out current security patterns mining, but are not enough to discover, design and
document security patterns oriented to the design of security architectures. This is due
to the fact that security patterns focused on the design of security architectures include
three abstraction levels in their solution and perform a qualitative analysis of the most
important technological aspects with regard to the proposed solution [13]. Information
sources provided by Schumacher could help us to discover, design and document the
first solution level and in some cases the second level, but it is not common to find
public security documents that include solutions oriented to technological products
and detail the most important technological aspects.
We have therefore reached the conclusion that studies analized in this SR do not
fulfill all main requirements for discovering, designing and documenting security
patterns focused on the design of security patterns.
4 D
SP: A New Framework based on Security Pattern Mining
In this section, we have introduced a high-level architecture of a new framework
based on pattern mining for Discovering, Designing and Documenting Security
Patterns (D
SP). The main objective of D
SP is to support the design of security
This framework contains: a set of sources for mining security patterns, a Pattern
Template for Documenting Security Patterns (PT-DSP), a method for Discovering
Security Patterns from Public Documents (DSP-PD), a method for Discovering
Security Patterns from Deployed Architectures (DSP-DA), an Ontology of Security
Patterns (OSP) and a method for Integrating Discovered Security Patterns (IDSP) into
the ontology. Figure 1 shows each of the listed elements and how they compose the
As can be observed in Figure 1, arrows represent methods and figures represent
elements. Next, we have carried out a brief outline of each of the methods and
elements that compose the framework D
Fig. 1. Framework D
4.1 Sources for Mining Security Patterns
We have selected two different types of sources to carry out security patterns mining.
On the one hand, we have selected public sources which could be accessed by anyone
via the Internet. On the other hand, we have selected private sources which could only
be accessed if there is a direct contact with an organization. Public sources have been
labeled as public documents and private sources are related to deployed architectures
in large organizations.
4.1.1 Public Documents
We have defined public documents as reports, researches or papers related to systems’
security which can be found in information sources hosted at websites.
After performing an initial search to find public documents which can help us to
discover security patterns, we have selected the following information sources to
carry out security pattern mining: the Open Web Application Security Project [17],
SANS Institute [21], the Information Security Forum [9], the Information Systems
Audit and Control Association [8] and the International Information Systems Security
Certification Consortium [1]. We will perform all searches for public documents from
this set of information sources.
4.1.2 Deployed Architectures
We have defined deployed architectures as designs of information systems which
have been implemented in large organizations in order to reduce the risks of security
when managing their information assets. These architectures must have been used for
a significant time and have demonstrated to be effective for the organization in which
they are implemented.
With the aim of achieving a wide range of deployed architectures, we have begun
to maintain direct contact with a multinational entity of the financial sector.
4.2 A Pattern Template for Documenting Security Patterns (PT-DSP)
In a previous work [13], we proposed a new pattern template to describe and
document security patterns focused on the design of security architectures. PT-DSP
will help us to complement security patterns and make them more applicable to
security architecture design environments. The elements included in the template are
as follows: Name, Context, Problem, Known Incidents, Decision Path, Solution,
Considerations, Rules and Regulations, Benefits, Consequences and Alternatives.
4.3 Method for Discovering Security Patterns from Public Documents
DSP-PD method is based on the artifactual approach of pattern mining proposed by
[10]. After finding a set of public documents from any of the selected information
sources, a researcher must analyze security solutions that have been built to solve a
similar problem. The aim of this analysis is to find points in common between
different solutions analyzed, in order to obtain an optimal solution to the given
After carrying out the analysis, the researcher must adapt all relevant information
found to design and document one or more security patterns following the elements
included in PT-DSP.
4.4 Method for Discovering Security Patterns from Deployed
Architectures (DSP-DA)
DSP-DA method is based on the artifactual and sociological approach of pattern
mining proposed by [10]. After obtaining a set of deployed architectures from one or
more large organizations, a researcher must, on the one hand, analyze designs of
information systems that have been built by different people who were solving a
similar problem, in order to find points in common between different designs
(artifactual approach), and on the other hand, ask people that have designed similar
information systems how they solved particular problems, in order to find recurring
problems in the design analyzed (sociological approach).
After carrying out the two analyses, in the same way as in DSP-PD, the researcher
must adapt all relevant information found to design and document one or more
security patterns following the elements included in PT-DSP.
4.5 Ontology of Security Patterns (OSP)
OSP is a small ontology which contains definitions of security concepts (such as
vulnerabilities, attacks, threats, security objectives, risk, types of information assets,
etc.), elements included in PT-DSP (security context, security problem, decision path,
security solution, etc.) and relationships between them. OSP provides a wide set of
relationships between security concepts and security patterns, enabling security
engineers to find useful information when designing security architectures. OSP
should answer the following questions: a) What vulnerabilities are eliminated with the
security solution “X”? b) What risks are associated with the vulnerability “Y”? c)
What information assets are ensured with the security solution “Z”? d) etc.
4.6 Method for Integrating Discovered Security Patterns (IDSP)
IDSP method is based on the category of pattern mining, patterns mining workshop,
proposed by [18]. After performing security pattern mining from public documents
(DSP-PD method) or deployed architectures (DSP-DA method), some security
patterns obtained can be invalid or can be a sub-pattern of a security pattern already
found. For this reason, a group of researchers must work together to discuss about the
new security patterns found. A new security pattern will only be integrated into the
ontology if the group of researchers believes it is appropriate.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
Organizations should seek support from security architectures in order to minimize
the risks associated to the constant evolution of the organization’s settings. The
problem is that several information security engineers provide different solutions
when designing security architectures, because each one has his or her own
guidelines. For this reason, it is necessary to provide security engineers with a wide
set of security patterns focused on the design of security architectures.
With the aim of encountering techniques or processes to discover new security
patterns, in this paper, we have carried out a Systematic Review (SR) of security
pattern mining. The obtained result in this SR is that proposals analyzed do not fulfill
the main requirements to carry out security pattern mining focused on the design of
security architectures.
For this reason, after performing the SR, we have introduced a high-level
architecture of a new framework based on security pattern mining. The main objective
of this framework is to discover, design and document security patterns focused on
supporting the design of security architectures. In future works, we have planned to
formalize and develop each of the components included in the framework defined.
This research has been carried out in the framework of the following projects:
MODEL-CAOS (TIN2008-03582/TIN) financed by the Spanish Ministry of
Education and Science, BUSINESS (PET2008-0136) financed by the Ministry of
Science and Innovation, and SISTEMAS (PII2I09-0150-3135) and SERENIDAD
(PEII11-0327-7035), all financed by the Local Government of Castilla-La Mancha, in
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