A Perspective of Content Development of a Critical Process for Enterprise
Architecture Management
Theodora Ngosi
Innovation Value Institute, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, County Kildare, Ireland
Markus Helfert
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
Marian Carcary
Department of Management and Marketing, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Eoin Whelan
Department of Management and Marketing, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Keywords: Design science, Actor network theory, Information technology capability maturity framework, Enterprise
architecture management, Translation model.
Abstract: Design science in the Information Systems (IS) field is situated at the intersection of behavioural sciences,
engineering and social sciences. However, little critical attention is paid to the behavioural aspects in a
design process. Specifically, the role of the actors, group dynamics, consensus building and how results are
achieved. This paper describes a design-oriented case study on the content development of the Enterprise
Architecture Management, one of 32 critical processes (CP) of the Information Technology Capability
Maturity Framework (IT-CMF). The case study methodology is an ethnographic exploratory approach
tracing the content development of this CP from conception to maturity. We apply the combined principles
of design science and Actor Network Theory (ANT). We develop a Translation Model that gives an
integrative basis for using these combined principles in order to interpret the content development of this
CP. The paper concludes with the validation of the Translation Model model to highlight its dominating
Design science is often described as a problem-
solving paradigm (Peffer et al., 2007; Robey, 2003).
Several guidelines have been proposed that give a
more systematic design process for the creation of
useful artefacts and better problem solutions; a
sound basis for developing arguments for the rigor
and legitimacy of the artefacts and for defining
testable propositions for their implementation
(Gregor & Jones, 2007; Winter, 2008).
At present, design science is situated at the
intersection of behavioural science concerned with
knowledge of human behaviour; engineering of
Information Technology (IT) artefacts; IS addressing
theoretical development, application and
management of artefacts in organisations; and, social
sciences reflecting the respective approaches to
rigour (cf. Stokes, 1997; Zmud, 1997). However,
little critical attention is paid to the behavioural
aspects in a design process regarding the role of the
actors, group dynamics, consensus building and how
results are achieved. Calls continue for the use of
Ngosi T., Helfert M., Carcary M. and Whelan E..
DESIGN SCIENCE AND ACTOR NETWORK THEORY NEXUS - A Perspective of Content Development of a Critical Process for Enterprise Architecture
DOI: 10.5220/0003553304490456
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 449-456
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
theory in design (Gregor, 2004, 2005), and
theorising in design science (Nunamaker et al.,
1991). These aspects have not been demonstrated
through practical research.
This paper presents a case study on the content
development of a single IT-Capability Maturity
Framework (IT-CMF) critical process (CP),
Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM). In the
scope of design science, content development is a
scientific enquiry focusing on a problem and the
application of a scientific method to discover
solutions to the problem. Groups of human actors
collaborate in the content development activities.
We argue that, examining the content development
of the EAM CP that embodies group activities and
scientific enquiry can present a holistic complement
of factors.
In this paper we apply the combined principles of
design science and Actor Network Theory (ANT)
and develop a Translation Model. The paper makes
two key contributions: (1) the proposed Translation
Model linking design science and ANT is a key
contribution. (2) The paper closes the gap in
knowledge by introducing the IT-CMF that draws
attention to the emerging emphasis in design science
as a systematic approach to design activities and
construction of artefacts with utility for practice (cf.
Hevner et al. 2004).
This paper is structured as follows: Section 1
introduced the scope of this paper. Section 2 that
follows next covers the literature review. Section 3
presents the IT-CMF and content development of
EAM CP and case findings. Section 4 describes the
Translation Model and case findings. Section 5
provides a discussion of the key items for
implication for practice and concluding remarks.
This literature review is a scholarly response to close
the gap in knowledge. It highlights understanding of
EAM and some of the maturity models. Several
competing frameworks have been developed to cope
with the complexity of enterprise IS, and the level of
detail required for EA designs and development of
EAM function. The most widely cited is the
Zachman classic EA framework (1987) that
provisions essential building blocks in developing an
IT-enabled enterprise, and organising the design
artefacts that are significant to managing EA.
Other prominent EA frameworks such as Oracle
(2009) and TOGAF (The Open Group, 2009)
articulate a complex scope of elements related to the
business or organisation, for example: data,
functions, processes, products and services;
stakeholders concerns of the architecture; and
implementation scenarios.
In general, these frameworks do not indicate to
the organisation the breadth and depth of EAM.
Insights from IS/IT management (Khosrow-Pour,
1999; McNurlin et al., 2007) highlight that an
organisation has continual tasks of adapting,
validating, monitoring, evaluating and maintaining
the rationale of its EA in order to optimise business
and IS/IT elements. Further, an organisation’s EAM
function must be supported with objectives and
practices as a basis for aligning IS/IT to business
goals and making better decisions for integration (cf.
Pereira and Sousa, 2005). According to Buckl et al.
(2010) distinct EA states typically develop during
EAM. Management includes defining the current EA
state, and developing enterprise adaptations leading
to a target state (Aire et al., 2009).
The lack of understanding of EAM has generated
development of maturity models, each borrowing
techniques from another. Models (such as US
Department of Commerce IT Architecture
Capability Maturity Model and IFEAD Extended
Architecture Maturity Model) enable organisations
to assess their EAM programs and design practices
that improve the EAM function. However, the
reviewed literatures lack explanation of how an
organisation can apply the models to define an
appropriate EAM function, capabilities, supportive
standards, practices and success factors.
Consequently, EAM remains an emerging area
which is open for research debate.
In this section we summarise the IT-CMF and focus
attention on the EAM CP we study as a case. The
IT-CMF is designed as a systematic framework. It
enables senior chief executives and business
managers to assess their organisation’s practices in
order to understand opportunities for increasing
maturity through incremental levels, over time.
Taken as a holistic framework, IT-CMF
complements the realisation of IT capabilities to
deliver business value from IT investments and
practices, and subsequent judgements of the
organisation’s effectiveness (cf. Curley 2004). The
meta-elements of IT-CMF can be depicted in three
interlinked layers, namely strategy, macro and
[1] The strategy layer underpins the primary
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
elements of IT-CMF that support an approach to
strategic thinking comprising: business context
driven by the organisation’s vision of its future;
business strategy; IT capability; business
operations; and, business value (Curley, 2004).
[2] The Macro layer consists of both the content and
context of application of the IT-CMF. The
content segments the activities of an
organisation’s IT function into four macro-
processes (MPs) namely: Managing IT like a
business, Managing the IT budget, Managing the
IT capability and Managing IT for business
[3] The Micro-layer comprises 32 critical processes
(CPs) assigned to the four individual MPs. Each
CP adjuncts categories and capability building
blocks (CBBs) allowing for analytic rigour to
capture detailed content of the CPs. Each CBB
has assumptions underpinning five incremental
maturity levels, namely initial, basic,
intermediate, advanced and optimised (Curley
We present, in this section, a single case on the
content development of the EAM CP and the case
study methodology.
The case study methodology is an ethnographic
exploratory approach (Bruner, 1993; Meyer, 2001).
The study involved two phases: The first phase, over
two years, the authors had first-hand experience by
participating in various WG activities. This
experience involved facilitation of WG developing
IT-CMF CPs, research to further develop the IT-
CMF and literature reviews on the content
development issues. We established the WG on
EAM as the focus group of this case study. The role
of the WG was to assess the meaning, relevance, and
completeness of the instruments of the EAM CP in
terms of: concept coverage of EAM in the context of
the MP-‘Managing the IT Capability’; applicability
of EAM in an IT organisation; and, to attempt to
bridge the gap in the area of EAM where no other
frameworks exist.
The second phase is data collection. We trace the
content development of the EAM CP across four
predefined successive stages, over a two-year
period. Qualitative data was collected on the
sequence of activities performed and on the
outcomes at each stage. Secondary data was
collected from documented material of the EAM CP
(such as inputs, outcomes), and
real-world practices
intended to improve the content of the CP.
In this second phase, collected qualitative data
was analysed across the four stages of content
development. Our data analysis goal was to identify
general themes and features to understand how
content development of the EAM CP was achieved.
An interpretive stance was defined as the
philosophical basis of the case study. Thus, in our
data analysis, we were particularly interested to
reflect upon the case findings in order to provide a
comprehensive view of content development,
emphasising the factors that are important to shape
the criteria against which design science principles
are applied. ANT as a lens grounded the theorising
and reasoning of the case findings in order to
interpret group dynamics, instead of a static
checklist of activities. Following interpretive
principles from Klein and Myers (1999) and Tesch
(1990), data analysis and reflection guided how we
developed our accountability to discover the
substance of the evidence (Ngosi and Braganza,
In this section we have taken the key principles from
design science and ANT to create the idea of a
‘nexus’ approach. This approach is particularly
useful for framing general themes and features of
content development from the case findings, and
interpreting group dynamics concepts. In Table 1 we
present the widely accepted underpinning guidelines
(principles) for conducting design science research
in the IS field and these are developed in Hevner et
al. (2004). This Table also contains principles
adapted from Callon and Latour’s (1986) ‘Social
Translation’ to describe the WG activities. Our
nexus approach combining design science and ANT
principles creates a Translation Model and this is
illustrated in Figure 1. This model develops a
process of theorising across the four successive
stages of the content development of the EAM CP.
5.1 Summary of the Translation Model
& Case Findings
This Translation Model is divided into seven
interlinked segments in which we explain the
meaning of the case findings. The segments are: CP
projects, CP stages, ANT principles, design science
principles, content development activities, salient
DESIGN SCIENCE AND ACTOR NETWORK THEORY NEXUS - A Perspective of Content Development of a Critical
Process for Enterprise Architecture Management
Table 1: Key Principles of Design Science and ANT.
Design Science Actor Network Theory
1. Desi
n Artefac
1. Actor(s)
2. Desi
n Problem Relevance 2. Hetero
eneous networ
3. Design Cycle 3. Focal actor(s)
4. Desi
n Research Ri
4. Obli
e poin
5. Desi
n Artefact Evaluation 5. Social translation process (phases or moments)
6. Design Research Contributions 6. Articulation
instruments and key artefacts. From each segment
we describe the dominating qualities of substance
that help us to explicate how content development is
achieved and which has important bearing on the
meaning of design cycle as well as group activities
shifting with time and context.
EAM CP Project
Our case findings show that the content development
of EAM accords to a planned project that is purpose-
oriented. A Technical Committee mandates the CP
objective that bears on the ITCMF MP of reference,
such as ‘Managing IT. In addition, the TC specifies
the stages of content development, CP review
process, quality control constraints and deliverables
(cf. Kerzner, 1998). The Bothe the TC and WG are
responsible for establishing the facilitator role,
required expertise, and stakeholders of the CP when
EAM CP Stages Segment
The content development of the EAM CP goes
through four successive stages, namely: Stages 1, 2,
3 and 4. Each stage is located in: time (e.g. stage
time span of development); space (WG setting), and
particular contexts (e.g. WG activities, collaboration,
content development cycle, outcomes, TC reviews
and so on.
ANT Principles Segment
In this segment, we draw attention to the ANT five
principles in Table 1. There are four obligatory
passage points connecting one stage to the next; to
outcomes and, their reviews. In Callon and Latour’s
‘Social Translation’ (1986) these passage points are
defined as phases (or moments), namely:
problematisation, interessement, enrolment and
Against this, in this Translation Model we apply
the identities to differentiate the context of a content
development stage, its passage point and outcomes.
The interpretation of content development as a
design-oriented process and group dynamics evolve
from combining the principles of ANT and design
science, hence.
Design Science Principles Segment
This segment applies the six design science
principles in Table 1. It views content development
of EAM CP in relation to each stage and passage
points in order to emphasise the interpretation of
group dynamics grounded in ANT as a lens.
Stage 1-Identify the problem and literature
research [1]. Content development of the EAM
CP opens up an array questions to be answered. A
problem is identified ensuring that it has relevance
(Benbasat and Zmud,1999; Hevner et al., 2004) to
the underpinning EAM concepts to be examined.
Literature Research [1] is conducted to gather real-
world issues such as practices that have influence
on the content of the EAM CP, together with
theoretical underpinnings and the body of
knowledge upon which to build its development.
Stages 2-Problem relevance, Design cycle [1]. We
have considered that content development of EAM
CP is intense, because of the complex nature of
EAM practices. Thus, shaping the content
development process relies heavily on
understanding and defining the problem relevance
expressed from the literature base of the CP.
Problem relevance expresses a theoretical problem,
hypothesis or input concepts for analysis (cf. Ngosi
and Braganza, 2009). Thus, problematisation
accords to the combined Stage 1 and Stage 2
activities leading to a definition of outcome 1 such
as the inputs, goals and scope of the CP, substance
of each stage, and specific WG requirements.
Stage 3-CP hypothesis, Literature research [2]
and Design cycle [2]. By defining the problem, a
hypothesis to be tested is generated from the
available CP knowledge base. Literature research
[2] comprising up-to-date subject matters,
methods, organisation practices and frameworks
impacting on the EAM function ensures rigour in
the development and refinement of the content of
the CP. Design cycle [2] will include testable
parameters of the hypothesis. The outcome is a
formal master deck [1] for TC review 1.
Stage 4-Pilot assessments, Analysis & Evaluation
of pilot results, and Contributions.
The testing of
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Translation Model.
the hypothesis is achieved through pilot
assessments with a number of organisations (cf.
Offermann et al., 2009; Venable, 2006). The pilot
includes an initial assessment of the organisation
Stage 1
& Interessement
- Goals of CP
- Theoretical scope of the CP
in line with macro-process
(MP) objectives
- Evaluate relevance from
results of literature research
- Input fromexperts: key
opinion leaders (KOLs),
subject matter experts
(SMEs), industry
practitioners, etc
* WG
content of CP
Stage 2
[TC Review 1]
* CP literature base [1]
* CP master content
*WG peer review of CP
master content prior to TC
review 1
* Editor review of master
Stage 2
- Definition & scope of CP
- Definition of CP categories
& CBBs
-Definition of CP maturity
- Comparison of CP
scope with industry
frameworks & standards
- Refinement of CP
through KOLs &
SME interviews
Stage 3
[TC Review 2]
Stage 3
Definition of CP
& metrics (POMs)
-Refinement of CP
definition & maturity
- Design of questionnaire for
pilot assessments
- Definition of pilot
assessment approach
*CP literature base [2]
* CP master deck for TC
review 2
*WG peer review prior
to T C r evie w 2
Editor review master
Stage 4
Articulation &
Publication of CP
[TC Review 3]
committee (TC)
mandate of
critical process
Identify problem
Literature research [1]
Problem relevance
Design cycle [1]
CP Hypothesis
Literature research [2]
Design cycle [2]
CP Stages
Content development
Evaluated results of
CP pilot assessments
Complete master content
deck of CP
* WG peer review prior to
TC review 3
Editor review of master
Instruments for relevance and rigour in the content development cycle
Outcome 1-Problem.
Objective, Scope of CP
Outcome 2-
Master desk [1]
Outcome 3-Master desk
[2], questionnaire, POMs
Stage 4
- Definition of full master
content of CP
- Pilot assessments & data
collection of CP with 3-5
external organisation s
-Surveys with KOLs on
full content of CP
- Systematic data
analysis & evaluation of
individual assessments &
Pilot assessments
Analysis & evaluation of
pilot results
Outcome 4- Master desk
[3], pilot results
marketing document
(CP specifications)
Key Artefact
Specification of CP
(definition, scope,
categories & CBBs)
CP Knowledge base
(e.g. literatures,
frameworks, model
examples & standards)
CP Practices, outcome
& metrics, revised pilot
CP Marketing
DESIGN SCIENCE AND ACTOR NETWORK THEORY NEXUS - A Perspective of Content Development of a Critical
Process for Enterprise Architecture Management
using IT-CMF maturity levels. This assessment
captures a maturity posture: where the organisation
is at a given point in time (cf. Curley, 2004;
Braganza et al., 2009).
Pilot assessments can take up to four months to
complete. This depends on the maturity of the pilot
organisation in the EAM CP, priority improvement
areas and human resource effort available to the
pilot administration of data collection. Subsequent
analysis and interpretation of pilot results produce
full articulation of the EAM CP.
Salient Instruments Segment
This segment is for emphasising relevance and
rigour in relation to the delineation of the content
development of this CP. From Stages 1 to 4, the
Table 2a: Validation of the qualities of the Translation Model.
Stage Milestones & stage gate Key Activities Group Dynamics Concepts
-Conceptual guidelines to EAM
-Idea generation
WG modus operandi - WG focus group (10 members)
-Key actor players: KOL & SMEs
-WG facilitator role
-WG stage & TC review schedules
-WG meetings
-WG formation
1 PROBLEMATISATION -Identification of EAM problem
-Conceptual EAM capability areas
-Problem identity
- Conflict resolution
Problem relevance - Conceptual CP content
-Content of EAM
Design of CD cycle
& design of CP
-Selection of input concepts of EAM
-Definition of content of EAM CP
- Definition of scope of EAM CP
-Definition of categories and CBBS
-Comparisons of EAM frameworks &
-Documentation of Master
deck [1]
-Editing of master deck
-Peer reviews feedback
- Group consensus
-TC review[1]
-TC review& decision-
INTERESSEMENt -1:1 interviews with key opinion leaders &
subject matter experts
-Analysis of external practices
-Refinement of problem
WG control
- Analysis of external practices, outcomes
& metrics (POMS)
-WG external links
-Group CP pilot
Design of CD cycle
-Compilation of master deck [2]
-Definition of CP hypothesis
- Define pilot assessment instruments (e. g.
questions, practices, metrics)
-Documentation of Master
deck [2]
-Edited master deck
-Peer reviews feedback
-Group conflict resolution
in an actor-stakeholder
-Group consensus
-TC review[2]
-TC review & decision-
Literature research [2] -Review of mew/emerging EAM literature
(concepts, methods, processes)
- Refinement of EAM frameworks &
-Analysis of EAM measurement
Pilot assessments
-Design of pilot assessment approach
-Design of pilot questionnaire
- Design of POMs
-Selection pilot organisations
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2b: Validation of the qualities of the Translation Model.
-WG networking with external pilot
-Documentation of Master
deck [3]
-Editing master deck
-Peer reviews feedback
-Group conflict resolution
in an actor-stakeholder
-Group consensus
-TC review[3]
- TC review & decision-
Pilot assessments
-Data collection of pilot results
contextual factors
of WG dynamics
-CP content evaluation against pilot results
-Resolution of conflicting WG views
-Harmonisation of practitioner & WG views
Social contextual
of WG dynamics
-WG forming creativity
-Constructive teamwork & learning
-WG forms network relationships with pilot
organisations (interests in CP, adoption
-Specification of full content of completed CP
-Definition of artefacts
-Publishing of full CP
-TC review & decision-
-Analysis & evaluation of pilot results
-Construction of CP specification based on
evaluated pilot results
content development of the EAM produces other
connected activities. For example, creating the
formal master deck is a continuous engaging activity
of documenting all the material that the WG agrees
to compile on the CP. Example salient instruments
include: iterative improvement of the CP literature
base and content of the CP; peer reviews of the
formal master deck; and, TC reviews.
Artefacts (and CP Specifications) Segments
Each content development stage produces what we
regard as sets of ‘artefacts’ that are designed to
achieve their purpose of explaining the CP to
intended users (cf. Hevner et al., 2004; Venable,
2006). The final specification of the EAM CP is a
key artefact. It describes the concepts that are
manifest in the IT-CMF language to which this CP is
referenced (i.e. the MP-managing IT capability)’;
CBBs and maturity profiles; EAM capabilities
architecture management practices. These elements
represent the best possible solution to the problem
that pilot assessments present (cf. Venable, 2006).
In this paper we have described a case on the
content development of the EAM CP. Te problem
we examines is the lack of empirical attention to
how group dynamics have an impact on the design
science process in producing results that can be
artefacts such as living processes, methods, and
instantiations (cf. Hevner et al., 2004)
In response, we have proposed a Translation
Model that combines the principles of design science
and ANT. By this combination we have expressed
generalisable contexts in which the content
development of EAM CP is achieved. In Table 2a
and Table 2b we illustrate a summary of the features
we identify as the epistemological justification of the
credibility of this Model, given the treatment of the
principles applied in the case.
The paper makes two key contributions. One, our
Translation Model linking design science and ANT
is a key contribution. Drawing on the dominating
qualities of the Translation Model, the nexus
approach has one implication for practice that theory
and theorising are of great relevance in design
science research, to ensure rigour that brings social
realities and research practice into line. Our future
work focuses on further refinement of this
Translation Model.
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