Guilherme Kunz
Western Paraná State University, Centro de Engenharias e Ciências Exatas, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
José Machado
University of Minho, Mechanical Engineering Department, CT2M Research Centre, Guimarães, Portugal
Eduardo Perondi
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Mechanical Engineering Department, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Keywords: IEC 61850, Modelling, Simulation, Automated People Movers.
Abstract: Automated People Movers (APM) are systems for passenger transport with fully automated operation and
high frequency service. For this study, we proposed the adaptation of the standard IEC 61850 (design to be
used in electric power systems based in intelligent electronic devices) to allow its application to an APM
system named Aeromovel installed in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Aeromovel is a nonconventional Automatic
People Mover whose operation principle is based on pneumatics. This paper proposes the use of two
analysis techniques, Simulation and Formal Verification, in order to guarantee the desired behaviour for an
APM propulsion system composed by a centrifugal fan and ten (on-off and proportional) pneumatic valves
driven by pneumatic pistons. This approach is based on the use of timed automata and UPPAAL software.
An Automated People Mover (APM) is a fully
automated, grade-separated mass transit system. The
term is generally used only to describe systems
serving relatively small areas, such as airports,
downtown districts or theme parks, but is sometimes
applied to considerably more complex automated
systems. Usually they circulate in headways that do
not interfere with other traffic ways in order to
guarantee safety for passengers and security for the
system (IEEE, 2004).
An APM performs automatically the control of
movement, the execution of the safety instructions
and the direction of the trains. The automatic
accomplishment of these functions is assured by the
Automated Train Controller (ATC) system that is
composed by the following sub-systems: ATP -
Automatic Train Protection, ATO - Automatic Train
Operation and ATS - Automatic Train Supervision.
In order to guarantee the communication among
these systems, the standard IEEE Standard for
Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC)
Performance and Functional Requirements (IEEE,
2004) must be followed. This standard describes the
functional requirements and also the
communications performance concerning the
described controller systems of the APM
(Communications Based Train Control - CBTC).
For example, to activate the train braking system,
it is needed that the central control has information,
constantly updated, about the speed and current
location of each vehicle on the highway and the time
required for activation of the brake system, in order
to perform the stopping under the deceleration curve
thereby avoiding the collision between vehicles.
For integration of the ATC, it is used the
standard IEEE Standard for Communications
Protocol Aboard Trains (IEEE, 1999) that defines
the communication protocol between vehicles and
Kunz G., Machado J. and Perondi E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003530502910295
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2011), pages 291-295
ISBN: 978-989-8425-75-1
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
inner vehicles. This standard defines two solutions
according to the application: the protocol 1473-L
(LonWorks) and 1473-T (TCN).
In Sullivan (2001) there was observed, in the
types 1473-L and 1473-T, the lack of support for
new demands for video transmission, the missing of
IP interfaces preventing communication via
Ethernet, for example, and the lack of protocols used
for systems integration Advanced Train Control
System (ATCS).
According to Hewings (2008) protection system
and train control is traditionally based on wired and
centralized circuits. Although they generally have a
simple design, there are serious difficulties in the
installation and maintenance. As there is increased
demand on the system, there are advantages in
choosing an open architecture, with a simple
communication system. These concepts are largely
addressed in the development of IEC 61850,
designed to be a communication standard for
electrical substations based on the use of IEDs
(Intelligent Electronic Devices), which occupy the
place of older protective relays, combining functions
of protection, control and communication in the
same equipment. In general, its application results in
the following benefits (Hewings, 2008):
Reduced cabling.
Reducing the cost and installation time.
Increased capacity for monitoring and control
systems protection.
Separate infrastructure from functionality.
The IEC 61850 standard has requirements such
as real-time control and distributed object
orientation and provides a standard for integration of
substations from specification of reporting
requirements, functional characteristics, data
structure and the nomenclature for devices and data.
It also provides standards for operational
characteristics, such as how to interact with the
applications of control devices and how they should
be tested for compliance of the system.
Currently, there are applications in the areas of
hydropower, wind energy and distributed generation.
It is proposed, in the present study, the expansion of
the IEC 61850 standard to APM systems,
performing a control CBTC.
The application of all IEC 61850 requirements to
an Automated People Mover’s Controller is a large
and very complex task. The approach that seems to
accomplish the goals of this large project is to use,
first, skills in modelling, creating a large global
model that must consider the communication
protocols proposed by the standard and guaranteeing
the accomplishment of all time delays; second, to
simulate the very large model using appropriated
tools and software; and, third, to use Formal
Verification techniques in order to guarantee a set of
behaviours defined by the standard.
As it is an ongoing work, this paper presents
some aspects related with the communication
protocols – proposed by the IEC 61850 standard –
and aspects related with Simulation and Formal
Verification of the communications requirements
specified by those protocols.
Considering the IEC 61850 standard protocols,
the GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation
Event) is the first one being analyzed. The
Automated People Mover that is treated in this study
uses pneumatic power for displacement, in which
the combination of a pneumatic propulsion system
control and the control of a set of on-off and
proportional valves is crucial to guarantee the
system dependability.
In order to handle with this complex problem,
the main idea is to use, in a complementary way,
Simulation and Formal Verification analysis
techniques (Machado et al. 2011)
Several formalisms can be used to model timed
systems. Timed automata were adopted as the
modelling formalism for system modelling due to
two main reasons: first, the study of the proposed
system needs to take time into account; and, second,
it is the input formalism of the UPPAAL model-
checker (Behrmann et al., 2004). Even if UPPAAL
is a Model-Checker, in this step of this very large
project, and specifically in this paper, it is used,
only, as a Simulator. As the next step of our
approach is to use Formal Verification Technique,
we believe that it is a good solution for this task.
In order to achieve the main goals of this paper
the Section 2 presents the case study; Section 3
presents the GOOSE protocol model; Section 4 is
devoted to presentation of the simulation results and
finally, Section 5, presents some conclusions about
the study presented herein.
The main features of the technology are the
exclusive Aeromovel traffic on the route, the high
ratio of useful load/weight carried and external
traction. These characteristics are due, respectively,
of the fact that car travel above ground in a unique
way and have external power system. This makes it
relatively lighter than other similar transportation
systems, allowing less robustness for the beams
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 1: Layout of power train group - Push to Left.
where it operates, reducing the costs of construction,
installation and maintenance of the system.
The power unit, known as power train group or
propulsion system, is responsible for generating
pressure differential and is basically composed of an
asynchronous electric motor that drives the
industrial centrifugal fan. Each power train group is
connected to the main duct through a pipeline with
of cross-sectional area.
The proposed fluidic power system (Fig. 1)
consists of an industrial centrifugal fan (with air
flow of up to 10
/h) and a set of two proportional
valves (VP0 and VP1) that allow control of pressure
and consequently the force imposed on the vehicle
and eight on-off valves (V0, V1,…,V7) They allow
the effect of the fan switch on the main duct through
which the vehicle moves, and can perform inflation
or exhaust air as seen in Fig. 1. The valves used in
the Aeromovel system are characterized by causing
obstruction of flow from angular movement.
Pneumatic pistons are used to rotate the flaps of the
valve due to high flow rates involved.
In order to detail the explanation of the study
realized, this paper presents, only, the study of one
to one GOOSE messages. It must be highlighted that
all the system (controller and plant, in closed-loop
behaviour) was modelled and the entire model is
composed by sixty-two (62) timed finite automaton
The train control system is usually centralized,
but, aiming a solution based on the IEC 61850
standard (Hewings, 2008), the models were
developed based on distributed controllers so, in the
models, it is considered real-time dedicated to each
individual device. The units are connected to a
communication bus that provides information
exchange with other processing unit responsible for
interfacing with the user, thus reducing the
processing request individually. In general, the
decision to use a distributed control system is
motivated by cost reduction and increased system
flexibility and control, in this particular case, the
distance between the elements of the system.
Models of plant system devices and controllers
were developed using timed automata formalism and
analyzed using UPPAAL software for simulation.
The model was divided into the following templates:
Goose Server, Goose Client, Bus and Logical Node.
With respect to the implemented GOOSE
protocol model, were taken in account the following
characteristics (see Fig. 2):
The messages are asynchronous and
The GOOSE protocol is encapsulated directly
in Ethernet layer. The messages are
connectionless so the model does not verify the
connection stability (without confirmation from
The messages are multicast. To the multicast
only clients or servers in the same VLAN
(virtual LAN) can send or listen packages.
Must be a Bus Model to each VLAN (the
template model has facilities to do this
How there isn’t confirmation from receivers,
the retransmission is used to increase the
probability of successful reception.
Figure 2: Goose Server Model.
The Bus Model has a FIFO (First In, First Out)
queue with 4 ms (milliseconds) delay and the total
delays of frames flow introduced by network and
communication processors are allocated only in the
Bus Model (typical GOOSE total transfer time is
4ms) (see Fig. 3).
Figure 3: Communications Delay.
The Gosse Server has three basic states: NON-
RETRANSMIT. In the case of Logical Node has
been configured to send Goose Messages
(GoEna==true) the server transmit the first package
setting SqNum to 0 (this variable will be
incremented for each transmission, but will rollover
to 1 and set to zero when StNum is updated), StNum
to 1 (this variable is used to define how many times
the equipment has changed state) and
timeAllowedtoLive to 2 (this variables are in the
structure called SendGooseMessage). The time to
wait for the next transmission (timeAllowedtoLive) is
set to 2
(n=1) and is incremented by n+1 until
The Fig. 4 shows the waiting time for the next
re-transmission when th is the heartbeat time
(1024ms), t0 is an indeterminate time by an
asynchronous changing status, t1 is 2
ms, t2 is 2
ms, t3 is 2
ms, t4 is 2
ms and so forward.
Figure 4: Time to wait for the next re-transmission.
Goose Server send messages to Bus Model by
copying the struct SendGooseMessage to struct
busGsePdu (according VLAN) and send a signal by
channel to Bus Model. The Bus Model receives the
signal and copies the busGsePdu structure to a
queue and does a time registry. After the delay (4
ms) the Bus Model remove the data from the queue
and copy again to busGsePdu structure, sending a
broadcast channel to all Goose Clients which are
listening the VLAN. The Bus Model is the same to
Sample Value and Goose Messages, but has
difference in the queue because those messages have
different structures.
The Goose Clients receive by broadcast channel
signal and copy the busGsePdu structure to local
memory, verifying interest (initially configured). If
has not interest the data is discarded and the Goose
Client comeback to the listen state. If it is important
information arriving, then the Goose Client model
call the Logical Node Controller do the necessary
actions and comeback to the listen state.
For all the models, the range of all variables has
been limited in order to decrease the necessary
computational capacity to obtain results, when
executing formal verification tasks. For all the
locations of the entire automata model - with
exception of the "committed" locations - it is
necessary a time interval to allow evolutions, in all
automaton models, from a location to another
Concerning simulation results, the data of the file
XTR (simulation registry) have been used to obtain
the diagram of Fig. 5. In this figure, it is possible to
see the retransmission messages by the increment of
the SqNum and stNum variables in the time. The
simulated behavior is the expected one for this
system. However, the step considered - after this one
– will be to consider also formal verification in order
to be sure about the behavior of the Goose
At this moment, formal verification has been
used only for deadlock violation (formal description:
A[] not deadlock”), with DBM - Difference
Bounded Matrices (Dill, 1989) state space
representation, but not yet considered, concerning all
the system with GOOSE protocol, because the
model of the system is now a very large and
complex model - composed by sixty-two (62)
modules - and the computational capacity that we
have available is not enough to obtain results. To
solve this problem, it will be necessary to use partial
formal verification (Holzmann, 1991 and Holzmann,
1998) and/or abstraction modeling techniques
(Balarin, 1996) to handle with this very large model,
in order to obtain Formal Verification results.
The use of simulation and formal verification
techniques for analysis of the studied APM
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 5: Simulation Results.
controller was very helpful and allowed us obtaining
good results for studying the IEC 61850 GOOSE
With this study, it is shown, in this paper that a
distributed controller - corresponding at a part of a
complex system - has been verified and it is
concluded, also, that the controller accomplishes the
main behavior desired for the system and the delays
proposed by IEC 61850 standard.
All range of variables, in the models, are used in
conformance with IEC 61850. However, in order to
accomplish the next step of our work - formal
verification of the entire model - reducing variable
size will be possible to improve formal verification
performance, because it decreases the time and
memory consuming used to do the formal
verifications. For example, stNum has 2
bytes but
we intend to use it with 2
bytes because the
functionality is the same.
As future work, other partial controllers will be
verified - concerning the same system - and, finally,
an abstraction of each part of the controller will be
verified in order to guarantee the desired behavior
for the system, considering all the distributed
controller system.
Guilherme Kunz is supported by the PTI C&T
program (Fundação Parque Tecnológico Itaipu -
FPTI-BR). The authors would like to thank to PTI
C&T/FPTI-BR for financial support and to CESUP-
UFRGS for access to the clusters.
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