Why it Matters and How it can be Supported
Marius Ioan Podean, Dan Benta and Lucia Rusu
Business Information Systems Department, Faculty of Economics and Business Administrations, Babes-Bolyai University
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Collaboration, Creativity, Content management, Project and risk management, XML technologies.
Collaboration is about creating a shared understanding and build on sparks of dissent. Generate insight,
new ideas or new artifacts is the rationality behind collaboration. Collaboration is based on communication,
coordination and cooperation but extra components are still missing in order to allow team members to express
their creativity. Creativity is goal bounded and requires that alternatives are analyzed and relevant ones selected
and followed. It requires externalization objects to store mental efforts and form the basis for critique and
negotiation. This aspect of collaboration requires tools like project and risk management and especially a
flexible and integrated method of handling content.
The term collaboration is used often when one refers
to quite different aspects of working together, like co-
operation or even communication. Collaboration de-
rives from the Latin collaborare that means to work
together and can be seen as a process of shared cre-
ation. In a general sense collaboration represents the
act of working with other persons in order to accom-
plish a common goal. The act of collaboration can be
viewed from multiple perspectives depending on the
aspects on which we focus our attention.
Collaborative systems handle collaboration
mainly without taking one essential characteristic
into consideration, namely creativity and creative
insight. Collaboration is based on building a shared
understanding starting from different points of view
and uses consensus building to negotiate the content.
This process requires tools to organize the work, but
requires also an integrated content management solu-
tion so flexible that will serve users as an extension of
their thinking process. In this paper we will analyze
the requirements for such a collaborative system and
provide an overview of our model that handle these
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 iden-
tifies what collaboration represents and what does it
mean efficient collaboration. It also discusses one
main drive element, namely creativity and its prereq-
uisites. Based on these findings, Section 3 will prese-
nt our model of collaborative system, and discuss the
identified components. Section 4 draws some conclu-
sions and describes future plans for the model.
In this section we will present some definitions for
collaboration and identify elements that represent the
backbone of collaborative processes and focus our at-
tention on one particularly element, creativity.
2.1 Defining Collaboration
Focusing on national programs that involve agencies
David Osher in (Osher, 2002) identifies collaboration
as being the most sophisticated level of relationship
because it requires efforts to unite people and organi-
zations in order to achieve common goals that could
not be achieved by any single individual or organiza-
tion acting alone.
On the other hand, in (Camarinha-Matos and Af-
sarmanesh, 2008) collaboration is regarded from a
more project management oriented point of view fo-
cusing on the elements required to achieve this level
of relationship. Collaboration is identified as a pro-
cess in which entities share information, resources
and responsibilities to jointly plan, implement, and
evaluate a program of activities to achieve a common
goal. Following this author, collaboration is a process
Ioan Podean M., Benta D. and Rusu L..
ABOUT CREATIVITY IN COLLABORATIVE SYSTEMS - Why it Matters and How it can be Supported.
DOI: 10.5220/0003524501510154
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2011), pages 151-154
ISBN: 978-989-8425-70-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of shared creation that involves mutual engagement
of participants to solve a problem together and im-
plies sharing risks, resources, responsibilities, and re-
wards. Sharing risks, resources, responsibilities, and
rewards can also give the group to an outside observer
the image of a joint identity.
This approach implies that collaboration is more
than what will later see that is identified as coopera-
tion by adding joint identity and novelty to the goal.
Michael Schrange in his Shared Minds (Schrage,
1990) focuses especially on this noveltyof the group’s
goal. Schrange considers collaborationas a process of
shared creation: two or more individuals with com-
plementary skills interacting to create a shared under-
standing that none had previously possessed or could
have come to on their own.
Collaboration is often confused with coopera-
tion. Because for many people the two terms are in-
distinguishable (Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh,
2008), in the following we will take a closer look at
what collaboration is and how can it be attained. One
general accepted model that describes what is collab-
oration and what are its main components is the 3C
Collaboration Model (Camarinha-Matos and Afsar-
manesh, 2008). This model states that collaboration
is attainable by implementing three main processes:
communication (networking), coordination and coop-
Communication (Fuks et al., 2008) is the starting
process in each collaborative process. It is a general
belief that efficient or so to say “ideal” communi-
cation will provide better common understanding or
agreement but when people communicate accurately
they realize more precisely the differences that exist
on their perspectives of the concepts in use (Denise,
1999). Different types of agreement tend to mask the
differences in perception that accurate communica-
tion would uncover.
The second process required by the 3C model
is coordination. Coordination refers to (Fuks et al.,
2008) the management of people, their activities and
resources. Coordination allows team members to
manage conflicts and activities in order to increase the
efficiency of communication and cooperation efforts.
Networking or communication is used as a founda-
tion (Wolff, 2005) but involves also altering activities
for mutual benefit and for a common goal. It also
increases resource usage efficiency and the ability to
meet the targets.
Cooperation refers to the interaction among group
members in order to produce, manipulate, and orga-
nize information, or build and refine cooperation ob-
jects like documents, spreadsheets etc. (Fuks et al.,
2008) This process requires a shared workspace that
should provide the required tool in order to manage
these artifacts, tools like version and access control
and authorization. The shared workspace is very im-
portant because it allows group members to count on
group memory and it provides also some basic aware-
ness mechanisms.
Cooperation, coordination and collaboration are
often used interchangeably, but they should be de-
scribing different stages in the transformation of the
relationship between groups and organizations (Os-
her, 2002). The backbone of collaboration is not the
process of relationship but the strict following of a
specific result (Denise, 1999).
2.2 Creativity
The rationality behind collaboration is creativity. Cre-
ativity, and especially scientific creativity, is a process
of achieving an outcome that is recognized as innova-
tive by the relevant community. As defined by Csik-
szentmihalyi in (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997), this pro-
cess does not happen inside one person’s head, but
in the interaction between that person’s thoughts and
a socio-cultural context.
Creativity can refer to the work of artists, but can
also refer to everyday problem-solving abilities. This
type of creativity is essentially equally important be-
cause enables people to become more productive and
create better results. Farooq (Farooq et al., 2005)
identified as essential requirements for creativity the
1. support divergent and convergent thinking;
2. support development of shared objectives;
3. support reflexivity: obtaining immediate feedback
is essential in having complete involvement in the
task at hand (Csikszentmihalyi, 2008). In the con-
text of a group this refers to the extent to which
members collectively reflect on the group’s objec-
tives. This process is known as reflexivity and
consists of three elements: reflection, planning
and action or adaptation.
Reflection is based on critical thinking because it
implies evaluating what divergent thinking offers, fil-
ters it using acceptability criteria and selects the ideas
that will be further taken in consideration. Planning
creates conceptual readiness for relevant opportuni-
ties and guides group member’ attention towards ac-
tions and means to accomplish goals. In order to pro-
vide support for this issue, tools from project man-
agement must be implemented. Action or adaptation
refers to the continuously renegotiation of group’s re-
ality during interaction between group members, and
members and environment. Adaptation consists in
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
goal-directed behaviors that are relevant to achiev-
ing the required changes in group objectives, strate-
gies and processes identified by the group during the
stage of reflection. An integrated risk management
approach can take care of the details implied by adap-
Externalization objects are essential to collabora-
tion (Arias et al., 2000) because they a) create and
store a record of our mental efforts, record that is out-
side the memory; and b) represent artifacts that pro-
vide us information and form the basis for critique
and negotiation. Very important assets for a group or
organization are not only the results but also the way
people think, the way they get to god results. It is a
great challenge to try to capture the thinking process
in tools that are very easy and intuitive to use.
Following what we have discussed earlier, we con-
sider that an extra element must be added to the 3C
model of collaboration, namely “Creativity”. In or-
der to support creativity in collaborative systems we
consider that a) integrated light-weight project and
risk management, and b) flexible content management
tools have to be implemented.
Figure 1: The 4C Collaboration model.
In order to discuss about collaboration, a key pre-
requisite must be satisfied, namely having a joint/
compatible goal or problem to solve (it is not
enough that parties have their own individual goals)
(Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2008). A vi-
sion specifies the scope and extent of these benefits
but does not provide the means to attain them. Project
management is a tool used to provide a team the capa-
bilities required to produce the benefits defined by vi-
sion (Hilson, 2006). Vision delineates a strategy and
project management sets the tactics by detailing the
steps required to put it in practice. Teams can suc-
cessfully implement their vision if they can bind it
with the tactics.
Divergent and convergent thinking is one essen-
tial requirement for creativity and since full consensus
may not always be achievable and sometimes has to
be replaced by informed compromises, some aspects
from risk management can be used to support the col-
laborative process. Hilson (Hilson, 2006) identified
that a “zero risk” zone not also that it does not ex-
ist, but it is not even desirable because the available
benefits are determined by the degree of risk it is con-
fronted. Risk is defined as (PM Institute, 2008) “any
uncertain event or set of circumstances that, should
it occur, would have an effect on one or more objec-
tives”. Thus an uncertainty that does not effect the
objectives is not a risk, but it can even be an opportu-
nity. Risk management it is an important component
in defining the relationship between risks, uncertainty
and objectives thus contributing to the chances of suc-
cess in the execution of a project.
On the other hand, creativity is based on exter-
nalization objects to create and store mental effort
records and form the basis for critique and negoti-
ation. A shared workspace that integrates different
tools to manage these artifacts is also required. We
consider that a flexible content management solution
can satisfy these prerequisites.
Project management is about making complexity
manageable and it is important to collaboration be-
cause it provides teams an organized way of keeping
in touch with their goals. As defined by The Project
Management Institute (PMI) (PM Institute, 2008),
project management is “the application of knowledge,
skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to
meet the project requirements”.
Project risk management provides approaches by
which uncertainty can be understood, assessed, and
managed within projects. One of the key prerequi-
sites of success in implementing risk management is
to have a proactive approach. This process must sup-
plement project management and must follow a holis-
tic approach. Risk management will not provide great
benefits to the teams using it if their practices fall
under two limitations: focus on tactics and focus on
threats (Hilson, 2006).
Content management is the process of creating,
updating and publishing content on-line (Bartlang,
2010). Content management systems (CMS) repre-
sent solutions that manage the life cycle of content
and has to ensure that the integrity and meaning of the
content is not altered by the system. A flexiblecontent
ABOUT CREATIVITY IN COLLABORATIVE SYSTEMS - Why it Matters and How it can be Supported
management component is an essential requirement
for a collaborative system. Such a component must
be focused on intelligent content (Rockley, 2011).
Our model of content management states that such
a system must include the followings:
a mechanism to define the structure of the docu-
a mechanism to create renderings for the content;
access control;
content workflow;
a mechanism that would allow users to import
content from different sources;
provide a packaging mechanism to group struc-
ture, renderings and workflows in a single object
so that they can be exchanged, reviewed and up-
a mechanism to integrate web services that han-
dle content import from different formats and the
display of special content (e.g. protein structure).
We consider that a framework that implements the
aforementioned requirements using the XML stack
of technologies can serve as a flexible externaliza-
tion mechanism in order to support creative insight
in collaboration and together with management tools
increase the teams changes in reaching their goals.
The rationality behind collaboration is creativity. Col-
laboration uses communication, coordination and co-
operation as a backbone but it is seen as something
more than that. It is about creating shared understand-
ing that no member could achieve on his own and in
order to generate insight, new ideas or new artifacts
it is a necessity to bring together different and often
controversial points of view.
Collaboration can be achieved if defined in a goal
oriented framework and should use knowledge from
project and risk management to increase the chances
or obtaining the envisioned deliverables. These tools
can lead to successful achievement of objectives, but
they are not sufficient.
Externalizations are of great importance because
they create a record of the mental process and repre-
sent artifacts that form the basis for critique and ne-
gotiation. Using a flexible approach toward content
management externalization objects can be created.
In order to be able to focus on the creative aspect of
collaboration an emphasis on “intelligent content” has
to be placed.
Our next steps will represent finishing the imple-
mentation and do an analysis of its efficiency by using
it for some projects in our university and parter uni-
This work was supported by Romanian National Au-
thority for Scientific Research under the grant no.
PN2 92-100/2008 SICOMAP.
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ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business