Experimental Study
Petr Pollak and Martin Behunek
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Technick´a 2, 166 27 Prague, Czech Republic
Speech recognition, MPEG compression, MP3, Noise robustness, Channel distortion.
This paper presents the study of speech recognition accuracy with respect to different levels of MP3 compres-
sion. Special attention is focused on the processing of speech signals with different quality, i.e. with different
level of background noise and channel distortion. The work was motivated by possible usage of ASR for off-
line automatic transcription of audio recordings collected by standard wide-spread MP3 devices. The realized
experiments have proved that although MP3 format is not optimal for speech compression it does not distort
speech significantly especially for high or moderate bit rates and high quality of source data. The accuracy
of connected digits ASR decreased consequently very slowly up to the bit rate 24 kbps. For the best case
of PLP parameterization in close-talk channel just 3% decrease of recognition accuracy was observed while
the size of the compressed file was approximately 10% of the original size. All results were slightly worse
under presence of additive background noise and channel distortion in a signal but achieved accuracy was also
acceptable in this case especially for PLP features.
Automated speech recognition (ASR) represents a
field which is more present in everyday human life
in growing number of applications as in voice op-
erated control of consumer devices, automated in-
formation services, or general conversion of uttered
speech into text record. The systems for automatic
transcription of speech to text are currently well de-
veloped for all important world languages. It is possi-
ble to meet today dictation software for standard PC
enabling users to input texts into documents without
using the keyboard, e.g. Dragon dictate, or for mo-
bile devices, e.g. (Nouza et al., 2009). Further, the
transcription of broadcast news is currently a very im-
portant task solved by many research teams (Chen
et al., 2002), (Gauvain et al., 2002). Probably the
most popular is the transcription of news, but there
are also other applications such as automated subti-
tling of TV programmes, e.g. parliament meetings
(Vanˇek and Psutka, 2010) or sportscasts (Psutka et al.,
2003). Special attention is also paid to the transcrip-
tion and indexing of largeaudio archivesenabling bet-
ter search within them in the future (Makhoul et al.,
2000), (Byrne et al., 2004).
When audio records are transcribed on-line, e.g.
the above-mentioned subtitling of TV programmes,
ASR systems work with full quality input signal. On
the other hand, when they work off-line, recordings
can be saved in formats of different quality and typi-
cally, MP3 format (more precisely MPEG Layer III)
represents one of the most frequently used formats for
the saving of sound files in compressed form (Bou-
vigne, 2007), (Brandenburg and Popp, 2000). It is
well known that this format uses psychoacoustic mod-
els reducing the precision of components less audible
to human hearing so it makes it possible to decrease
the size of the sound file to 10% while CD quality is
preserved. Although this format has been developed
especially for saving the music, it is standardly used
also in simple dictation devices or mobile phones en-
abling recording and saving audio speech files. Some
works in MP3 speech data recognition have been al-
ready done. The recognition of spontaneous speech
from large oral history archives published in (Byrne
et al., 2004) used signals saved in MP3 format but
rather high bit-rate (128 kbps) was used in this case.
In (Barras et al., 2001) the study of automatic tran-
scription of compressed broadcast audio with differ-
ent bit-rates was done. The comparison of various
compression schemes was realized in this study, how-
ever, the quality of the signal was rather better.
Pollak P. and Behunek M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003512600050010
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP-2011), pages 5-10
ISBN: 978-989-8425-72-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This paper presents the results of an experimental
study analyzing ASR accuracy working with respect
to differentquality of compressed data as current ASR
systems need to work accurately under real condi-
tions and often under presence of additive background
noise or channel distortion. It depends mainly on the
quality and the position of the microphone used. The
task of solving robust recognition with low error rate
of possibly distorted speech from real environment is
thus also a blossoming research field. Standard fea-
tures used most commonly in ASR systems have typ-
ically modified versions increasing their robustness in
real environment (Fousek and Poll´ak, 2003), (Boˇril
et al., 2006), (Rajnoha and Poll´ak, 2011) but these
methods are designed usually for uncompressed data.
That is the main reason why our study focuses mainly
on the analysis of the information lost in compressed
speech signals when varying levels of additive noise
and channel distortion appear in speech signal. The
results of this study are supposed to be helpful for
further application of automated speech recognition
from MP3 speech files.
We use rather small vocabulary ASR for the pur-
pose of this study. Of course, such small vocabulary
system is much simpler than complex large vocabu-
lary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) system
which is supposed to be used in a target application.
On the other hand, we want to analyze mainly the
sensitivity of ASR system to loss of information af-
ter MP3 compression without a dependency on fur-
ther blocks such as complex statistic language model
in LVCSR system and it is the main reason for the
choice of digit recognizer in experiments of this study.
2.1 Speech Compression Scheme
MP3 compression was developed for the compression
of music audio files (Brandenburg and Popp, 2000),
(Bouvigne, 2007) and it is known that this compres-
sion gives slightly worse results for speech signal.
The masking and attenuation of some frequency com-
ponents can yield to a suppression of a phone at the
beginning or at the end of the word, sometimes inter-
word pause shortening can appear. Less naturalness
of decoded utterance is then the main effect of this
fact and consequently, the accuracy of speech recog-
nition can decrease too. Algorithms, which have been
designed and optimized for speech signal, are repre-
sented mainly by G.729 (ITU-T, 2007), AMR (ETSI,
2007), or Speex (Valin, 2007). These encoders are
based typically on CELP algorithm, but they are used
rather in telecommunications and they do not appear
so frequently in standard audio devices.
Consequently, although speech signals can be
compressed in a better way, our attention was paid just
to MP3 compression in this study because the long-
term goal of our work was mainly in off-line mode
of ASR operation on compressed speech data from
wide-spread audio consumer devices. The study was
realized with signals from the database SPEECON
recorded in real environment with full-precision PCM
coding. The MP3 compression was then simulated by
publicly available software LAME (Cheng and et. al.,
2008) which made it possible to simulate also differ-
ent levels of MP3 compression bit-rate.
2.2 Small Vocabulary ASR Setup
Current ASR systems are usually based on Hidden
Markov Models (HMM). HMM based recognizer
consists typically of 3 principal function modules:
feature extraction (parameterization), acoustic mod-
elling, and decoding. Generally known principles of
HMM based recognizer are not explain in this paper,
as they are known or can be found in many sources,
e.g. in (Huang et al., 2001), (Young and et al., 2009),
and others. Only a brief description of our ASR setup
(see block scheme in Fig 1), which is relevant for the
next parts of this paper, is presented.
Concerning the parameterization module, two sets
of features are most standardly used in ASR systems:
mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and per-
ceptually based linear predictive cepstral coefficients
(PLP). All our experiments were carried out just with
these two feature sets. Both of them use their own
non-linear filter-bank which in both cases models the
perceptual properties of human auditory system, for
more detail see (Huang et al., 2001), (Young and
et al., 2009), (Psutka et al., 2001), or (Hermansky,
1990). Exactly 12 cepstral coefficients plus loga-
rithm of frame energy commonly with the 1st and 2nd
derivatives formed feature vector in our experiments.
MP3 compression was involved within our system as
optional preprocessing module before standard fea-
ture extraction, see Fig 1.
Acoustic modelling was based on monophone
HMM models, i.e. phones modelled without any con-
text to neighbouring phones. Finally, HMM models
of 44 Czech monophones with 3 emitting states were
used as standard subword acoustic element modelling
in ASR. As used phone models were context indepen-
dent, their higher variability was modelled by 32 mix-
tures of Gaussian emitting function of HMM models
and 3 streams were also used for modelling of static,
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
acoustic signal
Speech recognition
Figure 1: Block scheme of experimental setup.
dynamic and acceleration features respectively.
Connected digit ASR was used within this study
so that it was possible to use simple grammar in the
phase of decoding. On the other hand, though just ba-
sic digits from 0 to 9 can appear in the utterance, the
number of digits in the utterance can vary and they
can be pronounced with or without pauses and with
possible repetitions. Finally, it means that our digit
recognizer should be sufficiently general for our ex-
periments and we can assume that it simulates well
operating mode of target practical application.
2.3 Training of Speech Recognizer
Training of HMM models, which are composed of
Gaussian emitting functions representing probability
distribution of a feature in given state and from proba-
bilities of transitions between particular states, is per-
formed on the basis of iterative embedded training
procedure from large training data (Baum-Welch al-
gorithm). The size of the training database containing
speech signals with precisely annotated content must
guarantee sufficient appearance of each acoustic ele-
ment. The training procedure, which has been based
on Czech SPEECON data in our case, is illustratively
represented by blue part of block scheme in Fig. 1,
more details can be found in (Young and et al., 2009)
or (Huang et al., 2001).
Our acoustic models with 32 Gaussian mixtures
were trained iteratively in 23 steps with flat start for
each parameterization and also for many operating
conditions. As training data had to match these con-
ditions, we have finally obtained comprehensive set
of HMM models for particular channels, for different
bit-rates in MP3 encoding, and for feature set used.
2.4 Implementation of ASR
Both small vocabulary ASR and the training of acous-
tic HMM models were realized by tools from publicly
available HTK Toolkit (Young and et al., 2009) which
is often used world-wide for the realization of HMM
based recognition. For readers without detail knowl-
edge of HTK Toolkit, typical and core tools of HTK
Toolkit are HCopy as parameterization tool, HERest
as the tool for the training by Baum-Welch algorithm,
or HVite as Viterbi based word recognizer.
The computation of PLP cepstral coefficients was
performed by CtuCopy tool (Fousek and Poll´ak,
2003) and (Fousek, 2006), providing some extensions
of HCopy from the standard set of HTK Toolkit.
Experiments described in this part comprise the core
contribution of this study, which is mainly in the anal-
ysis of ASR performance for MP3 compressed speech
data under different real-word conditions.
3.1 Speech Data Description
All experiments were carried out with speech sig-
nals from Adult Czech SPEECON database (ELRA,
2009). It is the database (DB) of sentences, digits,
command, names, etc. recorded by 550 speakers un-
der different conditions, i.e. in offices or home envi-
ronment, at public places, or in the car. For this study,
only well-balanced subset of adult speaker data from
office environment were used, i.e. 90% of data for
training and 10% for testing. It contains signals with
similar and not so strong background noise.
Table 1: Description of channels recorded in SPEECON database.
Channel ID Microphone type Distance Additive noise Channel distortion
CS0 head-set 2 cm - -
CS1 hands-free 10 cm + -
CS2 middle-talk 0.5-1 m ++ +
CS3 far-talk 3 m +++ ++
Speech data in SPEECON DB are raw 16 bit lin-
ear PCM sound files sampled by 16 kHz sampling fre-
quency. These signals were then encoded into MP3
sound files with different bit-rates. The MP3 com-
pression was simulated by successive encoding and
decoding by the above-mentioned lame software en-
coder/decoder (Cheng and et. al., 2008).
Although only data from one environment were
used in our experiments, the influence of additive
noise and channel distortion could be analyzed, be-
cause signals in SPEECON DB were recorded in 4
channels which differed in microphone type and its
position, see (Poll´ak and
Cernock´y, 2004). Follow-
ing Tab. 1 describes the properties of particular chan-
nels. Although different types and quality of micro-
phones were used, it was mainly the distance from the
speaker’s mouth that played the key role in the quality
of recorded speech signal. Finally, signals from close
talk head-set channel CS0 are then almost without ad-
ditive noise and reasonable channel distortion appears
only in signals from channels CS2 and CS3. These
data can simulate well real MP3 recordings made by
standard devices in various environments.
3.2 Results of Experiments
The accuracy (ACC) of the digit recognizer was mea-
sured standardly on the basis of errors on word level
(Young and et al., 2009) and the following sections
describe obtained results.
3.2.1 Analysis of Optimum Segmentation for
MP3 Speech Data
Within the first experiment, the influence of short-
time analysis setup on target accuracy of MP3 recog-
nition was analyzed. In accordance with phonetically
based assumptions as well as default settings used
in (Young and et al., 2009), the optimum length of
the frame for short-time acoustic analysis is 25 ms
with the period of 10 ms for uncompressed speech
data, while for MP3 compressed data the segmenta-
tion with frame length 32 ms and frame period 16 ms
gives the best results for both studied feature sets.
The reasons for this effect lie in the first modules
of both feature extraction algorithms which realize
short-time Fourier analysis followed by non-linear fil-
Table 2: ASR accuracy (ACC) dependence on varying seg-
mentation for MFCC features and WAV or MP3 signals.
Features WAV MP3
MFCC 1608 hmm23 95.55 54.39
MFCC 2510 hmm23 96.89 76.31
MFCC 3216 hmm23 95.22 93.21
Table 3: ASR accuracy (ACC) dependence on varying seg-
mentation for PLP features and WAV or MP3 signals.
Features WAV MP3
PLP 1608 hmm23 95.11 72.64
PLP 2510 hmm23 96.33 81.76
PLP 3216 hmm23 95.11 93.10
ter banks computing perceptually based power spec-
tra. Due to the decrease of short-time frame length,
frequency resolution of Discrete Fourier Transform
decreases too and consequently the masking and dele-
tions of some frequency components within the MP3
compression scheme increase the estimation error of
power spectrum at the output of the filter bank.
The results of this experiment for both MFCC and
PLP features are in Tab 2 and 3. MP3 compression
was realized with bit-rate 160 kbps and results are
presented for the CS0 channel. It can be supposed
that this error at the output of filter bank increases for
shorter frame length also when uncompressed speech
signal is more corrupted by additive noise, which is
the case of channels CS1, CS2, and CS3.
Abbreviations used in the following ta-
bles describe the feature extraction used, e.g.
MFCC 3216 hmm23 means MFCC features com-
puted from 32 ms long frame with the period of
16 ms. The flag “hmm23” specifies HMM models
obtained after 23rd training step.
3.2.2 Influence of MP3 Compression for
Particular Channels
Within the second experiment, the influence of recog-
nition accuracy in particular channels on different
MP3 bit-rates was analyzed. All these experiments
were realized with optimum segmentation parame-
ters, i.e. 32 ms frame length and 16 ms frame period.
Achieved results are presented numerically in the fol-
lowing tables and for quick illustrative overview also
in figures showing the same data in graphical form.
Tab. 4 and Fig. 2 present results obtained with
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Table 4: ASR accuracy (ACC) dependence on varying MP3
bit-rate for MFCC features computed for all channels.
MP3 bit-rate CS0 CS1 CS2 CS3
WAV 95.22 92.44 89.54 61.18
160 kbps 93.21 83.31 42.83 30.03
64 kbps 93.21 84.43 43.60 31.59
48 kbps 93.33 85.54 43.83 32.26
40 kbps 93.33 86.43 43.94 31.59
32 kbps 89.77 88.54 44.75 33.48
24 kbps 89.32 37.71 38.71 27.92
8 kbps 21.02 16.35 12.57 6.90
Table 5: ASR accuracy (ACC) dependence on varying MP3
bit-rate for PLP features computed for all channels.
MP3 bit-rate CS0 CS1 CS2 CS3
WAV 95.11 89.43 88.88 64.63
160 kbps 93.10 82.09 78.75 27.36
40 kbps 92.66 87.32 83.09 28.48
24 kbps 92.32 88.21 80.09 28.70
8 kbps 62.40 36.15 24.25 11.01
mel-frequency cepstral coefficients. Looking at the
results achieved for CS0 channel we can see that for
rather high quality signal the MP3 compression has
just minimum effect up to bit-rate 24 kbps. For other
channels the trend is always similar but the absolute
values of the achieved ACC are lower according to
our assumptions. We can also see that for channels
CS2 and CS3 containing higher level of background
noise and stronger channel distortion, the ACC falls
rapidly already for rather high bit-rates of MP3 com-
pression. Such results disable in principle the recog-
nition of MP3 data collected under similar conditions.
On the other hand it must be mentioned that all experi-
ments in this study were carried out with basic feature
setup, i.e. no algorithm for additive noise suppression
or channel normalization was used.
Tab. 5 and Fig. 3 show similar results for the
recognition with perceptually based linear predictive
cepstral coefficients. The same trends have been ob-
served again, so in the end the experiments were re-
alized just with 4 different bit-rates. In comparison
with MFCC, better performance can be observed for
PLP for channels CS1 and CS2. Especially the results
for channel CS2 represent acceptable values of ACC
for MP3 compressed data up to the bit-rate of 24 kbps
(80.09% as for MFCC it was 38.71%) which is similar
as for high quality CS0 channel. In principle it allows
the practical usage of ASR of MP3 compressed data
collected by middle-distance microphone, e.g. it can
be the case of MP3 recorder placed on the table.
Finally, we computed sizes of compressed data so
we could compare the level of compression (in per-
cent) with the achieved accuracy of speech recogni-
Figure 2: ASR accuracy (ACC) dependence on varying
MP3 bit-rate for MFCC features computed for all channels.
Figure 3: ASR accuracy (ACC) dependence on varying
MP3 bit-rate for PLP features computed for all channels.
Figure 4: Dependence of ASR accuracy (ACC) on file size
reduction (MFCC features and channel CS0).
tion. These results are shown in Fig. 4 where we
can observe minimum decrease of ASR accuracy up
to 20% compression of sound file. Strong downfall
appears as far as beyond 10% compression. These re-
sults were obtained for MFCC features and the high
quality CS0 channel.
The analysis of speech recognition using MP3 com-
pressed audio data was done. The achieved results
proved acceptable accuracy of speech recognition of
MP3 compressed speech data. The most important
contributions are summarized in the following points.
ACC decreases rapidly for shorter frame length
of short-time features when MP3 speech is rec-
ognized. It is affected by perceptual masking
in MP3 compression scheme and decreasing of
short-time Fourier analysis frequency resolution
used in computation of MFCC and PLP features.
Generally, the loss of accuracy is very small up
to bit-rate 24 kbps. In this case the size of com-
pressed data is just 10% of full precision linear
PCM and ACC decreased by 6% for MFCC and
only by 3% for PLP features.
The results are worse for noisy channels where
50% decrease of ACC can be observed for MFCC
features, comparing standard PCM and 24 kbps
MP3 speech signal from desktop microphone.
This decrease is just about 8% for PLP features.
Realized experiments proved that MP3 com-
pressed speech files used in standardly available
consumer devices such as MP3 players, recorders,
or mobile phones, can be used for off-line auto-
matic conversion of speech into text without crit-
ical loss of an accuracy. PLP features seem to be
preferable for speech recognition in this case.
This research was supported by grants GA
102/08/0707 “Speech Recognition under Real-
World Conditions” and by research activity MSM
6840770014 “Perspective Informative and Commu-
nications Technicalities Research”.
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SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications