Xing-Jia Lu, Zhi-Rong Chen
School of Sciences, Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo 315016, China
Lin Guo, Yong-Sheng Ding
School of Traffic and Transportation , Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo 315016, China
College of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
Wireless sensor networks, Quality of service, Multi-objective immune co-evolutionary algorithm.
Quality of Service(QoS) is the the performance level of a service offered by the wireless sensor networks
(WSNs) to user, which is an important topic of WSNs. The goal of QoS is to achieve a more deterministic
network behavior. QoS of WSNs is an extension of the multi-objective optimization problem, which is mod-
elled as a optimal model with constraint of network connection. The QoS must satisfy the multi-objectives
such as energy consumption, bandwidth, delay jitter, packer loss rate. In order to search the optimal solution
of the QoS of WSNs, we propose a multi-objective immune co-evolutionary algorithm (MOICEA) for QoS
of WSNs. The MOICEA is inspired from the biological mechanisms of immune systems including clonal
proliferation, hypermutation, co-evolution, immune elimination, and memory mechanism. The affinity be-
tween antibody and antigen is used to measure the optimal set of QoS, and the affinity between antibodies and
antibodies is used to evaluate the diversity of population and to instruct the population evolution process. In
order to examine the effectiveness of the MOICEA, we compare its performance with that of genetic algorithm
(GA) in terms of four objectives while maintaining network connectivity. The experiment results show that
the MOICEA could obtain promising performance in efficiently searching optimal solution by comparing with
other approaches
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have recently at-
tracted much research due to their ability of collecting
data from the environmentand reporting them back to
a sink. Although they were originally driven by mil-
itary applications (I. F. Akyildiz and Melodia, 2005),
WSNs are being applied in many different civilian
applications, such as habitat monitoring, earthquake
observationc (I. F. Akyildiz and Vuran, 2009), ve-
hicle tracking system, and healthcare applications
(I. F.Akyildiz and Wang, 2005). WSNs are composed
of a number of small, autonomous, and energy lim-
ited sensor nodes(P. Baronti, 2007) (Yang and Cao,
2008)(Y. P. Aneja, 2010). Due to the limitation of
battery size and weight, and recharging sensors bat-
tery is not easy, many strategies have been proposed
to reduce the energy consumption to prolong the life-
time as long as possible(Chou, 2010)(Y. B. Trkoullari,
2010)(J. Bahi and Mostefaoui, 2008). Energy sav-
ing techniques can generally be classified into two
categories: Sensor schedule and adjusting sensing
ranges(Marta and Cardei, 2009).
Much research has been carried out on the energy-
awareness of WSNs, especially from the perspec-
tive of energy-efficient routing whose focus is to
find the most energy-efficient route given the cur-
rent energy status of each node in the networks with
one objective being prolonging the network’s life-
time(R.Rajagopalan and Varshney, 2009)(W. Xue,
2010). The study purpose of energy-efficient route is
to minimize the global power consumption of WSNs
while keeping its connectivity constraint. In this pa-
per, the Quality of Service problem is modelled by
the optimization constraint problem, which have been
intensively researched by graph theory or set theory,
such as dominating set and connected dominating set.
The dominating set must satisfy the multi-objectives
such as energy consumption, delay jitter, loss packet
rate, and traffic flow. It is also termed as the better
Lu X., Chen Z., Guo L. and Ding Y..
DOI: 10.5220/0003510601600164
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 160-164
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Quality of Service problem by Reddy(Reddy, 2006)
and Cardei (Y. Yang and Cardei, 2010), and has been
proved to be a NP complete problem. In order to
search the optimal solution of the Quality of Service
problem, we propose a multi-objective immune co-
evolutionary algorithm (MOICEA) for Quality of Ser-
vice optimization of the WSNs. In the MOICEA, the
immune operators, which includes Antibody initial-
ization, Clonal selection, Clonal proliferation, Hyper-
mutation, Immune selection, Recruitment, Immune
update and Termination criterion(R. L. King, 2001).
Antibody initizlization process generate the initial so-
lution of feasible set of population, Clonal selection
is used to select the parent’s population by roulette
method, Clonal proliferation is used to generate a new
population with offsprings. Hypermutation is used to
diversity the search process. Immune selection is con-
sidered as the domain knowledge of Quality of Ser-
vice and to eliminate the inferior ones to keep the
stable population. Immune update is used to store
the feasible solutions and update the population. Ter-
mination criterion is used to judge whether meet the
exit condition. In MOICEA, The affinity between an-
tibody and antigen is used to measure the objective
of quality of networks, and the affinity between an-
tibodies and antibodies is used to evaluate the diver-
sity of population and to instruct the population evo-
lution process. The MOICEA employs an improve-
ment procedure to further minimize the overall en-
ergy consumption, bandwidth allocation, and delay
jitter of the network as much as possible. The main
contributions of this study lie in the follows: Firstly,
the energy consumption, bandwidth, and delay jitter
are regarded as the objective functions of the WSNs,
and the solution of the connection set would be meet
with the constraint of sensor node’s battery capac-
ity and network connectivity. Secondly, an encoding
method of Quality of Service and route information
for each node into an antibody is proposed. Thirdly,
the MOICEA is proposed for solving optimal solution
of Quality of Service in WSNs, and demonstrated its
out-performance over the existing heuristic solutions.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 briefly describes the related work in Quality of
Service for the WSNs. The proposed MOICEA for
Quality of Service in the WSNs is presented in Sec-
tion 3. Simulation results of performance compari-
son between the MOICEA, Genetic Algorithm (GA)
in terms of four objectives while maintaining network
connectivity are provided in Section 4. Finally, Sec-
tion 5 presents the conclusion of the whole paper.
The general Quality of Service of WSNs is introduced
and pointed out by Reddy, Quality of Service is a
measure of the WSNs of the sensing function and
is subject to a wide range of interpretations due to a
large variety of sensors and applications. The goal is
to have each location in the physical space of inter-
est within the sensing range of at least one sensor. A
survey on Quality of Service in WSNs presented by
Reddy, and the Quality of Service can be classified in
the following(S. Chen, 1999):
Quality of Service is the performance level of a
service offered by the network to the user. The goal of
Quality of Service provision ing is to achieve a more
deterministic network behavior, so that information
carried by the network can be better deliveredand net-
work resources can be better utilized. A network or a
service provider can offer different kinds of services
to the users. Here, a service can be characterized by
a set of measurable prespecified service requirements
such as minimum bandwidth, maximum delay, max-
imum delay variance (jitter), and maximum packet
loss rate. After accepting a service request from the
user, the network has to ensure that service require-
ments of the user,As flow are met, as per the agree-
ment, throughout the duration of the flow (a packet
stream from the source to the destination). In other
words, the network has to provide a set of service
guarantees while transporting a flow. After receiving
a service request from the user, the first task is to find
a suitable loop-free path from the source to the desti-
nation that will have the necessary resources available
to meet the Quality of Service requirements of the de-
sired service. This process is known as Quality of Ser-
vice routing. After finding a suitable path, a resource
reservation protocol is employed to reserve necessary
resources along that path. Quality of Service guaran-
tees can be provided only with appropriate resource
reservation techniques.
3.1 Network Assumptions
We consider the WSNs investigated here have the fol-
lowing features: The sensor nodes are located in a
two-dimensional space, and the location of each sen-
sor node can be obtained after the deployment. The
location information is used for calculating the dis-
tance between two sensor nodes. The sensor uses the
omnidirectional antenna, which means that a sensor
radiates and receives equally in all directions. If a
sensor transmits with a power level: p
= ζ× d
, then
any sensor within the distance d and the power thresh-
old ζ can receive the signal. The path loss exponent
a is between 2 and 4. Suppose there are two nodes
and n
, then the distance between the two nodes
can be calculated by using the Euclidean distance for-
mula k x
k , where and is the location vector of
node x
and x
, respectively. The power threshold ζ is
considered as a constant and can be ignored since the
receivers in the network have the same power thresh-
old. The MOICEA uses transmission power in en-
ergy calculation without considering the transmission
time. Sensor nodes can operate in different initial
power levels, with a lower and an upper bound. This
consequently leads to asymmetric wireless links and
a directed graph. The asymmetry of the communi-
cation links combined with a request for a different
initial power level makes the problem more complex
and renders the topology control problem more chal-
3.2 Quality of Service
The Quality of Service problem is the optimization
problem of finding a optimal route in a given graph.
In this paper, we describe the Quality of Service opti-
mization as follows: Let’s denote V as the set of wire-
less sensor nodes, denote C as route nodes set, and
denote G(V, E) as the hypergraph on V that contains
all possible edges if each node transmits signal. The
edge set E of G is constructed in such a manner that
there is a directed edge from u to v if and only if u
can reach v. In Quality of Service problem, Graph G
is an instance, and the smallest number k such that is
a nodes set C for G of size k. The optimal Quality of
Service can be formulated as the following, Assume
that every vertex has an associated cost of c(v) ,
s.t. x
+ x
1 for all {u, v} E
{0, 1} for all v E
Constraint condition 1 denotes covering every
edge of the graph, and Constraint condition 2 denotes
every sensor is either in the route set or not. Graph G
sets a lower bound on the connectivity that a wireless
network can have. The algorithm returns a topology
graph T constructed from G , i.e., T is a hypergraph
of T on V . WSNs should fulfill the following con-
nectivity requirement: For any pair of nodes u and v,
if there is a path from u to v in G then there is also a
path from u to v in T.
Since our study is the extension of the Quality of
Service, the route set must satisfy the multi-objective
such as energy consumption, delay jitter, loss packet
rate, and traffic flow, and additional constraint condi-
tion should include network connectivity. The formal
definition of the problem is given as follows: Given
a set of wireless nodes s, a set of route nodes t, the
sensing ranges r, and corresponding energy consump-
tion e, the route nodes set is to determine the power
assignment of the nodes such that: (1) The induced
directed graph T is strongly connected. (2) The to-
tal energy consumption, bandwidth, and time delay
of the network
is minimized, where p
the power assigned to node s
. The optimal multi-
objective as follow:
min : E
+ ...c
) (2)
min : Delay jitter
+ ...c
) (3)
min : Losspacketsrate
+ ...c
) (4)
min : Traf ficflow
+ ...c
) (5)
3.3 Multi-objective Immune
Co-evolutionary Algorithm for
Quality of Service
This section starts with a presentation as to how
the Quality of Service optimization is represented by
MOICEA. Then it gives a detailed presentation as to
how each step is designed and implemented for the
Quality of Service following the MOICEA flow in
Fig. 1.
Multi-objective immune co-evolutionary algo-
rithm designed for optimal route selection incorpo-
rates the main immune strategies as follows: (1)
clonal proliferation, (2) hypermutation, (3) affinity
measures, (4) co-evolution, and (5) immune mem-
ory mechanism. These strategies are implemented
as operators, procedures or memory mechanism on
the antibody vector structure to generate new antibod-
ies with diversity and evolve the superiors for opti-
mization. An overview framework of the algorithm
is shown in Algorithm 1. The detailed concepts and
procedures are studied in the following sub sections.
In order to examine the effectivenessof the MOICEA,
we compare its performance with that of GA in terms
of total four objectives while maintaining network
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: The diagram of the multi-objective immune co-
evolutionary algorithm.
connectivity. The GA is selected because it is an evo-
lutionary algorithm to the Quality of Service and also
popularly selected as a benchmark in Quality of Ser-
vice. To evaluate the performance of the MOICEA,
we design a corresponding simulation scenario upon
the Linux platform. The simulation experiment is
constructed on Red Hat 9.0 operating system with In-
tel Pentium 4 processor (2.4 GHz) and 512 MB RAM.
The simulator is NS2-allonine-2.29,and scripting lan-
guage is TCL. The Awk and GNU Plot are used to
present the simulation results. Before conducting
simulation experiments, we need to configure the sim-
ulation environment of NS2: 10 to 40 sensor nodes
are randomly deployed on a two-dimensional plane
(1000 × 1000m
). We assume the sensors are ho-
mogeneous and have the same energy (1200mAh),
whose sensing radius are 300 meters and communi-
cation radius are 600 meters. The sensor nodes are
deployed randomly and the largest bandwidth of the
WSNs is 2Mb/s. The nodes of WSNs are located at
coordinates (1000, 1000), which receives the data of
source node. The size of WSNs is the same for dif-
ferent algorithms and the affinity functions (four ob-
jectives) are then measured. Fig. 2 presents the fi-
nal result of the MOICEA how to find the optimal
route set and build the route to the sink after 300 runs.
It depicts the route building information with N = 7
and R = 200m. When the source nodes set out data
packets during the first run, the pheromone has ac-
cumulated on any nodes. On the route set building,
In Fig.2. The attributes of each link are shown in a
tuple hBandwidth, Delayi, Where Bandwidth repre-
Figure 2: Seven nodes WSNs.
Table 1: Available paths from node 2 to node 5.
No Path Hop Mbps Delay(ms)
1 2–6–5 2 2 9
2 2–6–4–5 3 2 11
3 2–3–4–5 3 4 15
4 2–3–4–6–5 4 3 19
5 2–1–7–6–5 4 2 23
6 2–1–7–6–4–5 5 2 25
sent available bandwidth in Mbps and Delay repre-
sent transmission delay,propagation delay and queu-
ing delay. Suppose a packet-flow from node 2 to node
5 requires a bandwidth guarantee of 4Mbps. Quality
of Service routing searches for a path that has suffi-
cient bandwidth to meet the bandwidth requirement
of the flow.Here 6 paths are available between nodes
2 to 5 are shown in Table 1,Quality of Service routing
selects path 3 (2–3–4–5).
in Fig.3.It depicts the route building information
with N = 200 and R = 200m.The MOICEA can find
suitable paths In table 2, as a summery, the WSNs
on the four main objectives are statistically studied
Figure 3: 200 nodes WSNs.
Table 2: Four main component comparision with GA,
MOICEA methods.
Network Size (50) GA MOICEA
Energy of consumption (mAh) 1.8 1.8
delay jitter(s) 2.7 2.6
Loss packages 18 13
Traffic flow (Kb/s) 14.1 13.9
in 200 nodes. We develop the energy consump-
tion model to compute the battery consumption in
an hour, each node has one Alkaline Battery with
1200(mAh) capacity.The experiment present results
in energy consumption, delay jitter, Loss packages,
and traffic flow in the two methods.
In this paper, we propose the MOICEA for the Qual-
ity of Service of WSNs. The MOICEA is stud-
ied with the immune operators of clonal prolifera-
tion, hypermutation, co-evolution, immune elimina-
tion, and affinity measure. Based on real scenario,
the experiment presents the promising ability of the
MOICEA. Simulation results have shown that bet-
ter solutions can be obtained by the MOICEA than
GA. The MOICEA also demonstrates its strength in
generating initial route information, fault tolerance,
and robustness. As for future suggestion, the fol-
lowing directions are under the way: Firstly, the ex-
periment’s scale needs to be enriched. The current
scale is difficult to study adequate size of affections.
Secondly, a guided mutation based on the feature of
the optimal objectives is to be investigated, and how
to reduce the computational complexity is also the
next-step when accommodating the above future re-
search plans. Thirdly, it is valuable to incorporate the
MOICEA into the Zigbee protocol and 802.15.4 pro-
tocol, so that the optimal multi-objective can be tried
This paper was sponsored by the NingBo University
of Technology, 2009 research project ”Wireless Sen-
sor Networks on NingBo harbor emergency manage-
ment”; National Natural Science Foundation of China
(Funding No.40901241); Natural Science Foundation
of Zhejiang Provincial(Funding No.Y5090377)
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