Thu Tran Minh Nguyen and Thuy Thi Bich Dong
IS Department, Faculty of IT, University of Science, VNU, HCMC, Vietnam
Keywords: Mobile information systems, Cooperative computing, Cooperative caching, Cache discovery, Cache
replacement, Mobile P2P network.
Abstract: Data availability in mobile information systems is lower than in traditional information systems due to its
limitations of wireless communication such as low bandwidth, instability, and easy disconnection.
Cooperative data caching is an attractive approach related to this problem because it allows sharing and
coordinating the cached data among multiple mobile users in the network. So it can improve the
performance of the system and the accessibility of data items. However, if we do not have a good
cooperative caching approach then the cache hit ratio and response time may become ineffective. In this
paper, we propose an efficient approach for cooperative caching in mobile information systems namely
MIX-GROUP. We evaluate and demonstrate the experimental results on datasets by using NS2 simulator.
MIX-GROUP is also proved the effectiveness by comparing it with the existing other approaches such as
COCA and GROUPCACHING. The experimental results present that MIX-GROUP is more effective than
those other approaches.
Wireless communications and mobile devices have
become more and more popular in our life. People
use mobile devices such as mobile phones, pocket
PCs, laptops … to retrieve information from other
applications anywhere and at anytime they need.
This type of applications is based on mobile
information systems or mobile databases. There are
many mobile clients connected to a server through
wireless links in a mobile information system.
However, mobile information systems raise new
problems that do not exist in traditional information
systems. Wireless links are unstable, which means
the bandwidth of the uplink channel (mobile client
to base station) is usually narrower than that of the
downlink (base station to mobile clients). Mobile
devices often have small storage capacity and weak
power. Furthermore, a mobile user (client) is usually
disconnected from the base station (server) because
of unstable wireless links or out-of-battery itself.
Therefore, researchers have explored several
solutions for effective data management in mobile
platform. Cooperative caching in mobile peer-to-
peer systems is more interesting recently. In mobile
peer-to-peer system, the clients will look up the
required data at their own local cache or other peer’s
local cache before sending the data requests to the
server. This means that the cooperative caching
explores how to collaborate multiple caches to
achieve a better performance. By cooperatively
caching the frequently accessed information, mobile
clients do not always have to send requests to the
base station. This technique can get lower mobile
host communication overhead and energy
consumption as well as reduce query latency.
However, mobile peer- to-peer systems have brought
up new challenges for researching on routing,
resource discovery, data retrieval, and data
consistency control, security and privacy
In this paper, we will propose a cooperative
cache approach in mobile information system. Our
proposed approach addresses three problems
including cache discovery, cache admission and
cache replacement. We also evaluate the
effectiveness of our approach by some simulation
experiments. Especially, experiment results are
compared with COCA (Chow, 2004) and
GroupCaching (Ting, 2007) to prove the
effectiveness of proposed approach.
Tran Minh Nguyen T. and Thi Bich Dong T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003504901530159
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 153-159
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Cooperative caching improves the system
performance because it allows sharing and
coordinating the cached data among multiple mobile
users in the network. A variety of popular
cooperative caching strategies have already been
studied such as: Zone Cooperative scheme (Chand,
2007); proactive approach for cooperative Caching
(Kumar, 2010); Cache Data, Cache Path, Hybrid
Cache (Yin, 2004); COCA (Chow, 2004);
GroCOCA (Chow, 2004); Cluster Cooperative
Caching (Chand, 2006); COOP (Yu Du, 2005 &
2009). However, none of all these researches
provides a complete solution for cooperative
caching. Each of them has both advantages and
disadvantages. In this section, we only analyse
approaches which are used and compared with our
approach in more detail.
COCA (Chow, 2004) is proposed by Chow et al.
In this cooperative caching protocol, the mobile
node shares its cache contents with each other to
reduce the number of server requests and access
miss ratio. However, access latency is quite high
when the mobile hosts encounter a global cache hit.
Yu Du & et al proposed a cooperative caching
scheme called COOP for MANETs (Yu Du, 2005 &
2009). To improve data availability and access
performance, COOP addresses two basic problems
of cooperative caching. For cache resolution, COOP
uses the cocktail approach that consists of two basic
schemes: hop-by-hop resolution and zone-based
resolution. By using this approach, COOP discovers
data sources, which have less communication cost.
For cache management, COOP uses the inter- and
intra-category rules to minimize caching
duplications between the nodes within a same
cooperation zone. This improves the overall capacity
of cooperated caches. Disadvantage of this scheme
is the flooding, which introduces extra discovery
Group Caching Scheme (Ting, 2007) maintains
localized caching status of one-hop neighbors for
performing the tasks of data discovery, cache
placement, and cache replacement when a data
request is received in a mobile host (MH). Each MH
and its one-hop neighbors from a group by using
“Hello” message mechanism. In order to utilize the
cache space of each MH in a group, the MHs
periodically send their caching status to its group.
Thus, when caching placement and replacement
need to be performed, the MH selects appropriate
group member to execute the caching task. In this
scheme, the biggest concern is the energy
consumption in MHs and constrain of wireless
bandwidth. Therefore, in this GroupCaching
scheme, each MH only maintains one – hop
neighbors in a group (Radhamani, 2010).
The cooperative caching scheme in our study
named MIX-GROUP. MIX-GROUP scheme is also
built basing on the favourable characteristics of the
other ones, such as it inherited the idea of marking
data item’s label when data items are cached into
MU’s local cache. This idea is proposed in COOP
scheme (Yu Du, 2005 & 2009). However, MIX-
GROUP resolved the problem of flooding that
COOP scheme as well as other ones has met. We
will present the proposition of MIX-GROUP scheme
in detail in Section 3.
3.1 Description of Model
We assume that the cooperative caching architecture
has only one server and many mobile users (MU) as
shown in Figure 1. The server is also called the base
station (BS). Each BS controls MUs in its service
zone. The communication between the BS and MUs
is wireless link. MU is the mobile devices used to
send requests to server and can move freely in one
cell or from one cell to another cell. We are
especially interested in cooperating data among
MUs in network in this model. Each MU has a
service zone to communicate with other one. The
connection among MUs is P2P wireless network.
Figure 1: Proposed Cooperative Caching Architecture-
In this architecture, the BS acts as the server
provide data items for MUs and it can be updated
data items. MU plays the role of both the client and
the server. MU acts as the client when it sends the
requests to retrieve data items from the BS or the
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
other MU and as the server when it provides data
items for another MU in network. However, MU
does not allow updating data items in system.
3.2 Principle of Data Search Process
When the MU resource (example as MU 2 in Figure
2) emits the data request, MU resource will look for
requested data items in its local cache. Local cache
is the place in which caches data items requested by
previous queries. If the required data items are not
found in the local cache (or cache miss), MU
resource will send the data request to the MUs
neighbour to seek data items. MUs neighbour are the
MUs that belong to MU resource’s region. MU
resource links to MUs neighbour by one hop
(example as MU 8 in Figure 2). Then if they can’t be
found out in the MU resource‘s region, the data
request will be sent to the MUs network to find
requested data items. MUs network are the MUs that
do not belong to MU resource’s region. MU
resource links to MUs network by at least two hops
(example as MU 5 in Figure 2). Lastly, if requested
data items are not found at MUs neighbour or MUs
network, the data request will be sent to the BS for
requesting data.
Figure 2: Illustration for cooperative caching among MUs.
3.3 Processes at each MU Peer
In this section, we will present the architecture of
each MU in more detail. Each MU has three main
layers: User Application, Middleware and Network
Protocol as in Figure 3.
User Application layer is responsible for
receiving the data requests emitted by users.
Then it transmits these requests to
Middleware layer in order to be processed.
User Application layer also receives the
requested data responded from Middleware
layer and then displays them to users.
Network Protocol layer is used to
communicate and transmit messages among
the system’s elements.
Middleware layer is the main layer that
serves for researching requested data items.
Middleware layer has three modules: Local
Query Process, In-zone Query Process and
Out-zone Query Process. Local Query
Process module is responsible for seeking
data items from local cache. It also resolves
for data admission and data replacement. In-
zone Query Process module takes the part of
searching data in the region that includes the
neighbours of the MU resource. Out-zone
Query Process module assigns a task to find
requested data at the MUs network of the MU
resource. The detail of processes and
metadata will be presented in the next
Figure 3: Detail of the middleware layer.
3.4 Detail of Processes and Metadata
3.4.1 Local Query Process
a) Local Cache Discovery
Each MU has a local cache (LC). LC stores the
frequently accessed data items to serve local data
search process. Caching data items in the LC of each
MU helps reduce latency and increases accessibility.
The LC structure includes {id, f, t, L, TTL, D, S}
where id is the identification of the cached data item,
f is the frequency of cached data item accessed by
other MUs; L is the label of the cached data item.
Basing on L, we will recognize a data item as the
primary data or the secondary data; t is the
timestamp of cached data item. TTL value is the
living time of a data item, D is data value of data
item d, S is a size of data item d. When a MU
requests for data item d, it first will look for d from
its local cache. A local cache hit occurs if the request
is satisfied in local cache.
b) Cache Admission
When a MU receives the response for the
requested data item, a cache admission control is
triggered at MU to decide whether the data item
should be cached. The idea of cache admission
control is known as each cached data item will be
marked as the primary data (PD) or the secondary
data (SD). This process must always ensure that
there is only one primary data copy in cooperative
zone. That means once a MU fetches a data item, it
labels the data item as the primary copy if the data
item comes from a MU beyond the zone radius.
Otherwise, if a data items comes from within the
zone radius, we need to consider whether the data
provider labels the data item as primary or
secondary. If one of the providers already labels its
copy as primary, the new copy would be secondary
since we do not intend to have duplicated primary
copies in cooperative zone. On the other hand, if all
providers tag its own copy as secondary, the new
copy is primary one. The idea of classifying cached
data items is the same way that Y. Du et al used in
COOP scheme (Yu Du, 2005 & 2007). However, the
difference between COOP and MIX-GROUP
scheme is MIX-GROUP’s zone has one hop whereas
COOP’s zone has multi hops.
Figure 4: The Illustration for classifying cached data.
An example is illustrated in Figure 4. When MU 3
requests data item A, MU 4 replies and marks A’s
label as primary. Because MU 4 is in MU 3’s zone,
so data item A is copied at MU 3 as the secondary
data. Then MU 1 requests data item A, MU 3
responds A to MU 1 as the secondary data. MU 1
will caches A as the primary data because MU 1 has
the same zone with MU 3, but it has other zone with
MU 4.
c) Cache Replacement
Cache replacement means that MU decides
which data item should be removed from its local
cache when the caching space is not enough for
caching the new data items. The policy of MIX-
GROUP’s cache replacement is based on factors: L,
f, TTL, t and S. These factors, as described above f is
the access count of the data items that reflects a data
item’s popularity in the region; L is used to classify
the data items as primary or secondary (primary data
item is more priority than secondary one); TTL is the
living of the data item, t is timestamp of data item, S
is size of data item.
When the local cache has not enough space for
storing new data item, cache replacement policy will
choose the data item that has invalid TTL value. In
the case, there is not invalid data item; we choose
the secondary data item whose β value is smallest.
This decision is selected because cooperating
caching is not only on the behalf of the caching MU
but also basing on the other MUs need. β value is
evaluated as β = f/ (t*S).
3.4.2 In-zone Query Process
When the data request is missed and is not
responded from LC, the request will be sent to the
neighbors of the MU request. In this process, each
MU has an information profile named ZoneData.
ZoneData stores the information of the neighbors
and data items that they sent to the MU request
before. The ZoneData structure includes {id, L,
, t } where id is the identification of requested
data item; L is the label of data item cached at MU
sender; id
is the identification of MU sender; t is
the time that MU resource gives this data item.
Based on the ZoneData, MU resource can find out
the MU destination that is caching the request data
in its zone. ZoneData is as a way to avoid blind
broadcasting to all MUs in the region that the other
cooperative caching schemes met. By using this
way, our proposed scheme will reduce the
communication cost and increase the system
3.4.3 Out-zone Query Process
When the data request is not responded from the
neighbours of the MU resource, it will be sent to
MUs network. In this process, we used the
information of the OutZoneData table to discover
the MU destination. The OutZoneData structure
includes {id, ID
, m, t}, where id is the
identification of the data item d; ID
is the
identification of MU network which is storing the
data item d; m
is the number of hops from MU
requester to that MU network; t is the time that MU
requester gets the data item d. The data discovery
path selects MUs network that m value is minimum.
This approach will increase data response with the
least hops.
4.1 Simulation Environment
and Experiments
We built a simulation scenario and implemented by
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
NS2 simulation (Sinh, 2011). The simulation
parameters are configured as in Table 1. The goal of
the simulation is the quality test of the MIX-GROUP
scheme. The performance metrics used for quality
testing of MIX-GROUP scheme include: average
response time for a data request, average number of
messages, and cache hit ratio. These metrics are
evaluated basing on the MU’s cache size and the
number of MUs varying in system. The
experimental results are compared with those of
other schemes such as GROUPCACHING (Ting,
2007) and COCA (Chow, 2004). The results showed
in the below plots prove the effectiveness of our
proposed approach.
Table 1: Simulation parameters.
Parameters Settings
Simulation area 950m x 510m
Total #MU 10 – 100
Bandwidth 2 Mb/s
Radio range 250 m
Cooperation zone radius 2-3 hops
Total # data items 1000
Client cache size 2000 – 20000 KB
Data item size 1 – 1000 KB
4.2 Simulation Experiment Results
4.2.1 Effect based on Cache Size
a) Average number of messages
The experiment result in Figure 5 showed that the
average number of messages of three approaches
reduces when MU’s cache size increases. However,
MIX-GROUP has the average number of messages
is lowest. This result is archived because MIX-
GROUP has used the information of ZoneData and
OutZoneData to avoid flooding messages while
searching data in system.
Figure 5: Effect of average number of messages based on
MU’s cache size.
b) Average response time
The experimental result of average response time
is shown in Figure 6. Average response time is
steadily decreased in each scheme when MU’s cache
size increases. The plot showed that
GROUPCACHING’s average response time rapidly
decreases but still higher than MIX-GROUP.
Figure 6: Effect of average response time based on MU’s
cache size.
c) Ratio of cache hit
Cache hit ratio result is shown in Figure 7.
Cache hit means the data request is responded from
cooperative zone, while cache miss means the data
request is responded from BS. The plot of
experiment results presented GROUPCACHING’s
cache hit ratio is quite effective. However, cache hit
ratio of MIXGROUP is more effective when MU’s
cache size is large. Achieving this result based on
effective cache admission and replacement strategy.
Figure 7: Effect of cache hit ratio based on MU’s cache
4.2.2 Performance Results based on Number
of MUs
a) Average number of messages
The average number of messages of three
schemes that evaluated based on the different MU
number shown in Figure 8. The result plot presented
the average number of messages of COCA and
GROUPCACHING steadily increases when the
number of MU increases while MIX-GROUP’s
average number of message reduces. This result
Averagenumber ofmessagesbased on
MU'sCache Size
Averageresponse time(second)
Cachehitratiobased onMU's CacheSize
proves MIX-GROUP is very efficient energy
consumption when the MU number increases in
Figure 8: Effect of average number of messages based on
MU number.
b) Average response time
The larger the MU number of system is, the
more cooperative cache the MUs get. The average
response time results are shown in Figure 9. The plot
is shown that MIX-GROUP has average response
time is lowest. This result has got because MIX-
GROUP used the OutZoneDate talbe for searching
data at the MUs network.
Figure 9: Effect of average response time based on MU
c) Ratio of cache hit
The experimental result is shown in Figure 10.
Similar to cache hit ratio based on cache size, plot of
cache hit ratio based on the different MU number in
three schemes increases when the MU number
increases. GROUPCACHING is quite effectiveness
but when the MU number highly increases MIX-
GROUP is more effective than GROUPCACHING.
This result shows that our proposed cooperative
caching scheme is very efficient.
Figure 10: Effect of cache hit ratio based on MU number.
Cooperating caching is more interesting problem in
mobile environment. In this paper, we proposed a
cooperative caching model named MIX-GROUP,
which addresses three basic problems of cooperative
caching: cache discovery, cache admission and
cache replacement. Experimental results show that
MIX-GROUP improved data availability and access
performance. A supplemental evidence for our
success is the average number of messages, the
average response time and cache hit ratio that MIX-
GROUP has archive is more effective than COCA
and GROUPCACHING. However, we still have not
taken care about cache consistency in MIX-GROUP
model yet. This will be eventually considered in our
future work.
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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Averagenumberof message
Averagenumberofmessagebased on
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Averageresponse time(second)
AverageResponse timebased onnumber
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Cachehitratio (%)
Cachehitratiobased onnumberofMU
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
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