A Case Study of Saudi Arabia
Fahad Algarni, Y. Cheung and Vincent Cheng-Siong Lee
Clyton School of Information Technology, Monash University, Wellington Road, 3800, Melbourne, Australia
Keywords: Utilization, eMarketplace, Saudi Arabia, Online shopping.
Abstract: Many aspects of ICT such as use of smart cards, use of mobile phones and the internet have become
integrated into business operations today, becoming indispensable aspects of organizations. Recent
developments have seen the introduction of eMarketplaces which are virtual spaces where businesses and
consumers can interact and exchange goods and services. Whilst utilisation of eMarketplaces in many
regions of the world such as, North America, Europe and Asia are increasing, its adoption and utilization in
Saudi Arabia has been very slow. The aim of this paper was to investigate the current lack of utilisation of
eMarketplaces in Saudi Arabia. A comparison was made between utilisation of eMarketplaces in Saudi
Arabia and other parts of the world. Statistical data collected shows that utilisation of eMarketplaces in
Saudi Arabia is the lowest. Possible explanations were identified as weak ICT infrastructure in the country,
weak technological culture, undeveloped complementary services and lack of investment by the
government. Several strategies that can be used to address this problem are identified. An explanatory
model of eMarketplaces utilization is proposed in this paper with suggestions for further work in this area.
The growth of information and communication
technology (herein referred to as ICT) in recent
years has affected many aspects of human life. This
technology has changed the way people
communicate, the way business is conducted as well
as the way people live in contemporary society. It is
an undeniable fact that ICT has an indispensable role
in society. In fact, ICT is the main enabling
technology for eMarketplaces activities.
Businesses have adopted ICT through various
strategies. These range from the simple use of email
to communicate with suppliers, consumers, other
businesses and other stakeholders to the use of
buying and selling on the internet. In addition,
consumers can share resources to gain complete
advantage. Most businesses are connected to each
other via the internet today, and those that are not
find it hard to operate without this elite business
ICT is lower priced than conventional
communication models such as telephony and
postage. Businesses can also access and relay
information on a real time basis. This means that the
business can access current information to make
strategic decisions using this information.
For instance, eMarketplace is one aspect of ICT
that the Saudi Arabian government (herein referred
to as SA) is currently focusing on or should be
focusing on. Aleid, Rogerson, Fairweather and Ben
(2009) are of the view that one major aspect of
improving ICT in this country is the development of
a feasible infrastructure that can be used to control
and support it. This is given the fact that
infrastructure has been identified as one of the major
factors that affect the adoption and development of
ICT in any country (Steinbrook, 2009).
Another indicator of ICT consumption in most
countries around the world is the internet coverage
rate (Amit and Zott 2001). A high rate of internet
coverage in a country points to a correspondingly
high rate of ICT consumption. According to Amit
and Zott (2001), internet coverage is an indication of
the segment of the population that can easily access
the internet and the services therein. In SA, this
internet coverage rate is very low, and this translates
into low utilisation of eMarketplaces. According to
the Saudi Telecom Co. (herein referred to as STC,
Algarni F., Cheung Y. and Cheng-Siong Lee V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003495300630075
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 63-75
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
which is one of the major players in the ICT sector
in SA), the portion of Saudi residents who can
access the internet is approximately 3-4 percent (Sait
2002), and this has increased to 25 percent by 2006
(Eraqi, 2006). Given that not all internet users were
accessing eMarketplaces; the low rate of access to
eMarketplaces is significantly lower compared to
other nations around the world such as the United
States of America (Vandana 2010). Furthermore,
about 75 percent of these internet users in the
country were male (Sait 2002). This is due to the
fact that majority of businesses in this country are
owned and operated by men many of whom are aged
35 years and below, an indication that the younger
population are embracing technology more than the
older generation (Holz 2008).
Overall, the low level of eMarketplace utilisation
in the kingdom of SA can be appreciated when
several aspects such as accessibility to the internet
are compared with those of other developed nations.
For example, the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development (herein referred to as
UNCTAD), is of the view that most internet hosts
are found in the United States of America and
Europe, some of the most developed nations in the
world. In fact, 89 percent of all internet hosts in the
world are found in these two regions (UNCTAD,
2003). Subsequently, the rate of eMarketplaces
access in these countries is also high.
1.1 The Need to Increase Utilization
of eMarketplaces
An eMarketplace is an emerging phenomenon in the
sphere of eCommerce. The definition of
eMarketplace given by Cyberindigo (2010) is the
one that will be used for the purpose of this paper.
An eMarket, according to Cyberindigo (2010), can
be conceptualized as a “virtual space” (1) used by
consumers and sellers to exchange goods and
services and carry out other business transactions.
Activities that take place in an eMarket are not
different from those in the conventional physical
market. There is exchange of information, buying or
selling goods, services are also exchanged. The
major difference between the eMarket and the
conventional market, and perhaps the only
difference, is the fact that the eMarket exists in
virtual space, over the internet. This is as opposed to
the conventional market where the buyer and the
seller have to establish physical contact.
Having looked at e-market as a concept, it is now
appropriate to expand it further and look at an
eMarketplace. Cyberindigo (2010) defines it as a
“virtual online exchange” (1), a place where
businesses register as either buyers or sellers. After
registering as such, the businesses can now
communicate with their suppliers, clients and other
stakeholders over the internet (Cyberindigo 2010).
Business operations such as negotiations, buying and
selling are also conducted through this
There are several services that are offered by
eMarketplaces. These include creation of an
electronic catalogue detailing the services and goods
offered by the business and their prices, structuring
of diverse business proposals, business negotiations
and such other services (Bakos, 1998). The
provision of these services depends on the demands
of the consumers and the sellers.
Adoption of eMarketplaces and utilisation of
services therein is not a uniform phenomenon. It is
dependent upon social factors such as culture,
location and economy. For example, the number of
people who use eMarketplaces today is higher than
that in earlier years. The rate of adoption in
developed nations such as United States of America,
Netherlands, South Korea and Australia is also
higher than that in developing nations such as Africa
and southern America (Nielson 2010).
Customers who use eMarketplaces in SA stand
to benefit by having the ability to shop at any time of
the day and at any day of the week (Sait 2002).
Unlike conventional physical market places that are
governed by business operating houses,
eMarketplaces are always connected to users.
Customers also have the benefit of accessing a large
assortment of goods and services from which they
can select what they want. This is especially so
given the fact that businesses find it more
convenient and low priced to advertise on
eMarketplaces, and as such, customers are exposed
to a huge variety of goods and services. Customers
can also operate from home or from the office,
without the need to travel. What they need is just a
computer and access to the internet. At the same
time, there will be less pollution due to reduction of
vehicles on the roads as well as other environment
related issues.
The aim of this study is to analyse the utilisation
of eMarketplaces in SA. We will look at various
aspects of this phenomenon, including the factors
influencing the adoption, challenges faced by
eMarketplaces in this country amongst other things.
The review of literature is used to contextualise the
current study within the wider field of
eMarketplaces and eCommerce in SA and in
extension, in the world.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The structure of this paper is as follows: Section
2 reviews related literature that exists in the field of
eMarketplaces. In Section 3, we discuss issues and
challenges of Saudi Arabian eMarketplaces adoption
supported by a collection of statistical data. An
explanatory model of factors influencing the
utilization of eMarketplaces in SA is presented in
Section 4. Finally, in Section 5 we conclude our
findings and suggestions for future work.
The main aim of this analysis is to identify
knowledge lacuna that exists in the field and how the
gaps can be filled. The literature review will also
contextualise the current study within the larger field
of ICT and e-business.
2.1 Categories of eMarketplaces
Barratt and Rosdahl (2002) are of the view that
businesses, especially the emerging and established
small and medium scale enterprises, stands to
benefit from the adoption of eMarketplaces in their
operations. The benefits range from reduced
operation costs, efficiency and increase in volume of
sales among others.
However, Barratt and Rosdahl (2002) caution
that the benefits accrued by the business enterprise
will depend on the suitability of the type of
eMarketplace that the business selects and the
compatibility of this eMarketplace with the business
model and structure used by the organisation. This is
given the fact that there are several types of
eMarketplaces to be found in contemporary
ecommerce field.
Before embarking on an analysis of the various
eMarketplaces available in today’s web market, it is
important to note that a particular eMarketplace or
site can be operated in various ways. There are those
that are operated by third parties who have invested
in the eMarketplace and wish to make a return on
their investment (Alemayehu 2007). These investors
make returns by providing value adding services to
the sellers or the buyers accessing the market. These
services may include creation of electronic
catalogues and such others. Fees charged by owners
of these markets are used to make returns on the
investment made. Other markets are maintained on a
cost recovery basis by associations and other bodies
found within a particular field. For example, the
pharmaceuticals’ body in the kingdom of SA may
create an eMarketplace aimed at elevating the
visibility of their members. However returns made
from the operations of the site are not used to make
profits; rather, the eMarketplace is operated on a
non-profit basis, and the returns are only used to
recover the costs of maintaining the eMarketplaces.
Regardless of the type of operator maintaining
the eMarketplace, it is notable that the main aim is to
bring together interested parties for the sake of
conducting business. For example, the eMarketplace
created and managed by the pharmaceuticals’ body
in SA as indicated above may aim at bringing
together the sellers and buyers of the products in the
As stated earlier, many types of eMarketplaces
exist in today’s virtual space. The distinction
between these eMarketplaces is made on the basis of
the business model that is adopted. Various
categories emanate from the kind of operations that
maintain the market as well as the motivation or aim
of maintaining that particular eMarketplace.
The following are some of the categories of
eMarketplaces identified by many scholars in this
2.1.1 Independent eMarketplace
According to Pucihar and Podlogar (2005), this type
of eMarketplace is usually operated by a third party
who is running it just like any other business venture
aimed at making economic returns to the investor.
This kind of eMarketplace can be conceptualised as
a business to business online pedestal aimed at
making transactions between sellers and buyers
easy. The eMarketplace is accessible both to the
buyers and the sellers in a given industry, given that
these eMarketplaces are usually industry specific
(Pucihar and Podlogar 2005).
This kind of an eMarketplace requires buyers
and sellers interested in the services to register with
it. After the registration, they can access
advertisements and business quotations in that
particular industry (Pucihar and Podlogar 2005).
As stated previously, the aim of the operator of
such a platform is to make profits. As such, some
payments are to be made by those accessing the
market. This is no different from the revenues paid
to the authorities by a business operating within a
given physical market. The only difference is that
the charges made to the eMarketplace operators may
be lower priced than those made to the authorities in
the case of a physical market place.
2.1.2 Buyer Oriented eMarketplace
As the name implies, this type of eMarketplace is
usually formed and maintained by a conglomeration
of buyers or consumers in a particular industry
(Kamel 2009). The major aim for such a platform is
to develop an efficient and conducive buying
environment for the consumers (Kamel 2009). For
example, the consumers and potential buyers are
able to achieve the best deals from the sellers, and as
a result, participation in such a platform reduces the
operation costs for the buyers. For example, a
consortium of construction industry operators may
create an eMarketplace to access the best equipment
to buy or hire for their work.
However, it is important to note that it is not only
the buyers that can access and use a buyer oriented
eMarketplace. Zhuo and Xinhe (2004) are of the
opinion that a buyer oriented eMarketplace can also
be used by sellers in a particular industry for their
own benefit. For example, the buyers can access
these eMarketplaces and place advertisements on
them. This is advantageous given that the sellers will
be able to reach out to a set of specific and target
audience in one go. On the other hand, buyers on
such an eMarketplace can make saving by perusing
the catalogues advertised and selecting the best
deals. As such, both sellers and buyers also benefit
from these eMarketplaces.
2.1.3 Supplier Oriented eMarketplace
This is a forum that is created and operated by a
consortium of sellers or suppliers in a given
industry. Mutlaq and Rasheed (2009) also refer to
this type of eMarketplace as a “supplier directory”
(p. 34). The aim of the eMarketplace, and that of the
sellers participating in it, is to create an efficient
sales conduit that has the ability to reach a large
number of consumers on the internet (Mutlaq and
Rasheed 2009).
Buyers can also access these eMarketplaces, just
like sellers can access buyer oriented market places.
The buyer can search these eMarketplaces on the
internet by the service of product that is being sold
(Zhuo and Xinhe 2004). The buyers can benefit from
these platforms by accessing information on sellers
in the industry and regions that they are interested in
where they may lack knowledge or experience. As
far as the sellers are concerned, they are able to
increase their volume of sales by enhancing their
visibility to the buyers who access such
eMarketplaces (Aleid et al 2009).
2.1.4 Vertical and Horizontal eMarketplace
This kind of eMarketplace can be conceptualised in
terms of the vertical up and down businesses in a
given market (Aleid et al 2009). Such businesses
benefit by cutting back their supply chain costs and
other distribution expenses incurred for the
A horizontal eMarketplace is one which takes
place when both the seller and the buyer are at the
same level. This is for example when two business
organisations with equal financial power, operating
within the same industry exchange goods on the
virtual market. An example is when a vehicle
manufacturer sells some spare parts to another
vehicle manufacturer in the country or outside the
On the other hand, vertical eMarketplace takes
place when two parties occupying different levels in
the market exchange goods and services on the
virtual space. For example when a motor vehicle
supplier sells its products to a fast food company
online. Another example is when a motor vehicle
manufacturer sells its products directly to the
consumer in the virtual market. The manufacturer
and the consumer are at different levels in the supply
chain, and their interaction can be viewed as a
vertical one.
Unlike other eMarketplaces discussed earlier,
here suppliers and consumers from different markets
and localities are brought together (Aleid et al 2009).
An eMarketplace of this kind can also be used by
consumers to buy an assortment of products that
may not be related, such as office stationery and
2.2 The eMarketplaces in the Middle
East Region: A Case Study of Saudi
Globalization of financial markets and other sectors
have resulted in stiff competition particularly in the
banking sectors of the Middle East and its regions.
SA has a stable economy compared to other
countries as it is dominated by the oil sector that has
35% of the Gross Domestic Period. Even though the
rate of eMarketplace utilisation in this country is
low, evidence supports that the adoption of this
technology and ecommerce are emerging trends in
trade in SA (Aleid et al 2009). This field has the
potential to assist business operators in SA in facing
competition both nationally and internationally.
Zhuo and Xinhe (2004) opine that those
businesses and individuals in SA who access and
utilise eMarketplaces do so in response to various
economic factors. In the case of a business enterprise
using eMarketplace to market its products, the main
aim and motivation behind this may be the need to
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sustain its competitive advantage in the market by
expanding its market and increasing its sales
volume. On the other hand, consumers just like
those from any other countries in the world, may be
looking for the best deals in the market.
eMarketplaces have many benefits both to the
businesses and consumers in SA. According to
Alemayehu (2007), the telecommunications
expenses for businesses are significantly reduced.
This cuts back on the inventory overheads for these
businesses. For example, by making use of
eMarketplaces, businesses do not need to print
marketing brochures and posting them to the clients.
The businesses do not necessarily have to engage in
other modes of marketing campaigns such as
advertising on print media.
A number of issues to be considered when using
eMarketplace include how fit is the industry,
management of and ownership of the eMarketplace
with its finances, costs of E-marketing and technical
issues among other factors. Information systems that
are used in the eMarketplace should have similar
features for easy access of transactions. The leading
business-to-business eMarketplaces i.e tourism
industries in the Middle East have enhanced its
promotion by facilitating services to attract more
customers in the eMarketplaces (Buhalis, 2007).
Gulf oil and gas portal is a specialised government
owned eMarketplace for oil services in the Middle
East and its regions. RAK was established as a trade
online exhibition for business transactions that have
features to promote one-product and market goods
and services in the Internet. The current utilization
of eMarketplaces in some of the Middle East regions
including the following countries: SA, UAE, Jordan
and Kuwait mainly depend on the internet
penetration as it assists the growth of eMarketplaces
consumption (Eraqi, 2006). Table 1 shows statistical
comparison on that internet users and penetration
Table 1: Number of internet users in some of the Middle
Eastern countries, Adapted from: (Eraqi, 2006).
Populations in
Percentage of
internet users (%)
24.29 SA 10.46% 21.3%
2.48 UAE 36.29% 44.8%
5.46 Jordan 3.88% 34%
2.18 Kuwait 9.17% 30%
Table1 shows the number of internet users in SA
compared to UAE, Jordan and Kuwait. These
countries are all located in the Middle Eastern region
as mentioned previously. Considering that not all of
internet users are interested in utilizing the
eMarketplaces (Jalal and Maskati, 2010), this
presents the fact that there is still a big gap between
Middle Eastern countries including SA and other
developed nations. However, despite low utilization
of eMarketplaces in the Middle East region,
government support in those countries is growing
compared to other countries in the world. Developed
countries such as, USA, Netherlands and South
Korea have higher percentage of internet users and
internet penetration and consequently they have
higher average of eMarketplaces utilization (Jalal
and Maskati, 2010).
Figure 1: Comparisons between the number of internet
users in some of the Middle Eastern countries, Source
(Eraqi, 2006).
Figure 1 further illustrates the number of internet
users, utilization averages for several nations of the
Middle East including SA, and their utilization
averages. Despite the fact that the United Arab
Emirates and SA have a higher average number of
internet users than Kuwait and Jordan, the
percentage is still considered low compared to the
developed countries. In addition, eMarketplaces in
the Middle East region especially for both SA and
UAE have more business-to-business activities of
eCommerce than the business to customer
eCommerce following the past decade’s commerce
analysis (Ferguson and Yen, 2006). Thus, the
utilization rate of eMarketplaces in SA requires
further improvement. This includes identifying
factors affecting customer satisfaction in regards to
eMarketplaces activities.
Table 2: The current and intended percentage of
eMarketplaces adoption in the Middle Eastern region,
Source: (Adam & Deans, 2008).
Current status % Intended status %
Countries adopting
16 Countries adopting
No plans 61 No plans 42
uncertain 5 Uncertain 17
Table 2 shows the current and intended status of
eMarketplaces adoption. The current status of
eCommerce generally in Middle East indicates that
the many countries amounting to 61% have no plans
to adopt eCommerce with only 16% of the countries
using eCommerce. This low percentage of adoption
can significantly affect the eMarketplaces utilization
as it is a prime and major component of eCommerce.
.However, the future intended status is that more
countries will implement and adapt eCommerce
while the countries with no plans were being
reduced at the rate of 48% and 42% respectively.
Thus the future of the eMarketplaces in the Middle
Eastern region including SA can be improved by
finding and tackling challenges that are facing its
3.1 Overview
A survey carried out in 2008 by the Arabs Advisors
Group, showed that buyers in SA spent about 3.28
billion dollars doing online transactions in the year
2007(Al-Hawari 2008). The government of this
country also invested significantly towards the
utilisation of eMarketplaces in this country. Figure 2
depicts this spending from 2005-2009:
Figure 2: The Saudi government spending on ICT in SA,
Source: TheWorldBankGroup, 2010a).
Additionally, the rise in internet consumption as
compared to previous years has been attributed to
the rise in the population size in this country. For
example, by the year 2005, population size has
increased to about 23.4 million (Solbi and Mayhew
2005). Moreover, despite the fact that growth of
internet usage in SA has reached 27.1% in
2009(CDSI, 2010), the proportion is still considered
low. A study conducted by Mutlaq and Rasheed
(2009) found that there are several threats facing the
adoption of ICT in SA. For example, they found that
infrastructure issues such as low and slow
connectivity, lack of or inadequate investment in the
sector and lack of appropriate human resource are
some of the hindrances to ICT for businesses here. It
should be noted that any hurdle facing adoption of
ICT in businesses means that eMarketplaces are also
affected, given that the latter rely on ICT
infrastructure and accessibility
3.2 Lack of Utilisation of
eMarketplaces in SA:
Possible Explanations
The following are some of the possible explanations
to low utilisation of eMarketplaces in SA:
3.2.1 Security Issues
According to the study conducted by Mutlaq and
Rasheed (2009), 70 percent of consumers in the
kingdom of SA are of the view that security is their
major concern when it comes to buying or selling
online. This is especially so given the fact that to
buy from the eMarketplace, personal details such as
names and account details are needed. Of major
concern is the disclosing of credit card details to
eMarketplaces sellers.
The level of concern that the people in this
country have as far as the security of the internet is
concerned is clearly indicated by a comparison
between the utilisation of eMarketplaces in this
country and in other developed countries such as the
USA. Figure 3 depicts this comparison:
Figure 3: Comparison of the utilization average of
eMarketplaces between SA and some of the developed
nations, Adapted from: (Nielson, 2010).
Alemayehu (2007) puts this concern down to the
conservative nature of people from this region. They
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
are of the view that consumers are naturally adverse
to anything new that may destabilise their existence.
While this may not exactly be true, it is also a major
concern to many people in SA that the rate of
eMarketplace utilisation in this country is very low.
However, Alemayehu (2007) believes that
security concerns can be addressed by ensuring that
safety measures such as secure sockets layer are
implemented. This way, consumers can exchange
data between their systems and that of the supplier in
a secure manner. This makes the customers
confident, and they can use the services without fear
of their details been accessed by unauthorised
Strong encryption servers which cannot be easily
hacked can also be used to ensure the information
and data on eMarketplaces in SA is secure (Aleid et
al., 2009). Security also can build consumers’ trust
Hoffman et al., 1999).
3.2.2 Undeveloped Complementary Services
For eMarketplace to flourish there is a need for
supporting services and technologies to be
developed. This is for example training of
businesses’ members of staff and the population in
general and equipping them with IT skills, which is
an important prerequisite for eMarketplaces. This
has not taken place in SA. Kamel (2009) is of the
view that only 35 percent of the population in SA
have the skills needed to utilise the internet. Low
utilisation of the internet means that eMarketplaces
are also under utilised (Ariba, 2000).
Figure 4 compares the internet coverage between
SA and other developed nations such as USA and
South Korea:
Figure 4: Comparison of ICT usage average of population
in SA, USA, Netherlands and South Korea, Source:
(Nielson, 2010).
It is important to note that the rate of internet
coverage in the country is an indication of the rate of
development of other complementary services such
as the availability of computers.
The challenge of underdeveloped complementary
services can be addressed by having the government
and other stakeholders invest more in ICT. For
example, buying more computers for schools and
other initiatives, like making teaching of IT skills
mandatory to all school going children.
3.2.3 Weak Infrastructure
An effective and strong eMarketplace needs an
equally efficient and strong infrastructure. However,
in SA, ICT infrastructure is not as effective as it
should be. Compared to spending on eMarketplaces
by other countries in the world, this can be due to
the low rate of investing in this sector by the Saudi
government and other stakeholders in the private
sector. Figure 5 represents a comparison of the
portion of GDP that was spent on ICT in SA and in
the previous mentioned developed countries in the
year 2008:
Figure 5: GDP comparison spending by governments of
SA and some other developed nations on ICT, Adapted
from: TheWorldBankGroup, 2010a).
As seen from the figure, spending of the Saudi
Arabian government in ICT was only 5% of GDP
compared to 9% of the South Korean expenditures.
Consequently, spending on eMarketplaces was less
than 5% as ICT spending includes non-
eMarketplaces operations.
At the same time, infrastructure such as secure
servers and internet coverage are also lacking. This
makes it hard for the people to access the internet
and eMarketplaces. Impact of Strong eMarketplaces
Infrastructures on the Economy
Growth of Saudi Arabia
The kingdom of SA has a large potential for
utilisation of eMarketplaces. This is given the fact
that the economy of this country is one of the largest
in the Arab world. The economy has also
experienced significant growth in the past few years.
Figure 6 depicts the growth of this economy in the
past ten years:
Figure 6: Economy growth in the past ten years in SA,
Source: TheWorldBankGroup, 2010b).
This means that if the government and other
stakeholders in this country invest more in this
sector, then the eMarketplaces in this country have
the potential to contribute significantly to the growth
of the economy.
3.2.4 Reliability of eMarketplaces
Reliability in eMarketplaces typically means
dependability. In research context, the word reliable
also means the probability of a failure free system
that consumers can rely on (Lyu, 1996) , however
that is not the precise meaning. Having a reliable
measure or observation in a research perspective can
be confused simply with the thought of a valid
measure. Therefore, describing reliability measure
in eMarketplaces has to be defined precisely in order
to gain and understand clearly its context.
Assessing reliability in eMarketplaces, (as a part
of e-business processes) is still a difficult and time
consuming task (Anderson et al., 2005). However,
reliability could also mean consistency. An
eMarketplace is considered reliable if it provides us
the same results in different cases assuming that the
eMarketplace we are assessing is consistent. Thus,
consistency is highly required for all facts that
contribute positively in measuring reliability.
Factors like connectivity(Zhang et al., 2009) where
the eMarketplaces are connected at all times and
also consumers have the ability to access it together
with accuracy (Auer and Biffl, 2004)and(Yang et al.,
2005) means eMarketplaces have the ability to
perform precisely, are trustworthy and dependable
for all consumers in at all stages of the eMarkeplace
processes (Kohlas et al., 2006).
A study conducted by McKnight et al(2002)
shows that, internal consistency reliability is
considered as an important factor that raises the trust
of online consumers. In addition, they explained that
eCommerce consumers measure eMarketplaces not
in broad terms, but in terms of precise attributes.
Trusting attitude can also enhance reliability of
eMarketplaces even in the preliminary stage. Types of Reliability
Reliability is a major consideration when analyzing
the application and success of eMarketplaces. As a
result there are several ways in which reliability of
eMarketplaces can be ascertained.
There are several reliability identities which are
used in the study of eMarketplaces. As shown in
Table 3. The information is crucial in the
formulation of policies as well as to ensure the
overall success of eMarketplaces (Daniels &
Harrington 2006)
(Brombacher et al., 2005).
Table 3: Types of Reliability.
Reliability Identity Essence
Inter observer reliability Scope of eMarketplace
Examining re-examining
Desired results
Parallel figures reliability Diversity role
Inner consistency reliability Consistency and depth
Inter-Observer Reliability plays a significant role
in the whole aspect of determining the scope of
eMarketplace in a given area. This term suggests the
analysis of how viewers of different calibres
perceive a particular eMarketplace based on the
belief that several opinions can provide better
understanding to a given concept. Under normal
circumstances, there cannot be the same evaluations
by different observers. Thus, with the use of inter
observer reliability; there will be different
evaluations of the same aspects. This seeks to
analyze and derive meaningful interpretations from
the conflicting perceptions.
The marketing strategy may also be hindered by
the distribution of the product (Knolmayer, Martens
& Zeier, 2002). As a company launches into
extensive marketing strategy, it should also have in
place a strong distribution channel to support its
marketing strategy. With the expansion of
eMarketplaces utilization, local products are gaining
popularity on the international market. Customers
may be disappointed if the company cannot
efficiently supply them with the products/services.
Examining-Re-examining reliability can provide
feedback on actual outcomes to improve the
processes. Companies can apply this type of
reliability for same group of customers during
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
different periods of time. Results obtained from
previous examinations can assist companies to
further enhance their eMarketplaces services.
Parallel figures reliability evaluates necessary
information for eMarketplaces measurement by
setting different tests for different participants at the
same period of time. For instance, a company that
provides eMarketplace services may wish to develop
a large set of questions for testing the reliability of
its software. Using different sets of questions, the
company chooses the most consistent results of one
set for evaluation (Beizer, 2002).
Through inner consistency reliability it is
possible for the eMarketplaces providers to
determine its consistency viability for decision
making. As consistency plays a significant role in
assisting the consideration of eMarketplaces
(Lockett and Brown, 2006). This type of reliability
evaluates in depth the consistency of eMarketplaces
by testing different sets of questions of the same
construct. For example, a company may wish to set
altered questions to test the consistency of a specific
function for their eMarketplace. Results then
compared to each other for their ability to provide
consistently proper outcomes. Through this it
becomes possible to understand whether the
eMarketplace is viable or not. As consistency is a
key factor in the whole process of evaluating
eMarketplaces (Grudzewski, 2008).
Hence, applying all types of reliability
mentioned previously can significantly improve the
reliability and efficiency of eMarketplaces thereby
increasing their utilization. This is ideal for SA to
exploit these techniques for further developments in
the field of eMarketplaces.
3.2.5 Regulatory Requirements
of eMarketplaces
When the internet came into the kingdom of SA, it
brought a new challenge to the government. The
government did not want to create a situation where
the new technologies interfered with the cultural
beliefs of the country. Thus eMarketplace regulatory
mechanisms stem from two main forces, i.e. the
eGovernment and cultural values of the country
provide an environment of checks and balances
within the eMarketplaces environment.
Initially eMarketplaces activities had no formal
regulations. As widely believed, regulations were
expected to distract the growth of the markets.
However, it resulted in many notable legal disputes
and security concerns worldwide. Armed with this
information the Saudi government decided to put in
place measures to control trading in eMarketplaces.
It started with the government’s adoption of
technology by introducing the eGovernment. This
initiative sent a strong message to the community at
large. ICT is now being continually embraced in
hospitals, schools and other businesses. For instance,
SA colleges are now using and sharing open source
courses (Lewin, 2009).
The eGovernment, which was established
following a royal directive in March 2003, has put in
place measures for regulation of eMarketplaces in
the region. In addition, the Ministry of Finance
recently implemented what was called the Saudi
Project for Electronic Data Interchange (SaudiEDI).
The main aim of this initiative was the securing of
speed and transparency in the business environment
of eMarketplaces. The SaudiEDI applies both to
import and export services on the trade market. The
SaudiEDI implies that there will be electronic
interchange of information of the consignment, the
delivery papers, as well as the other main items of
information in the context of import and export.
These procedures involve different agencies which
include customs department, shipping agents,
clearing agents, and even general ports department
(World Summit on IT, 2005). This has an overall
effect of creating a safe environment for trade for the
private sector, the international community as well
as the citizens.
Cultural issues have also been a factor that has
largely contributed to the regulation of the
eMarketplaces. Predominantly, SA is a Muslim
kingdom. Muslims in SA are obligated to implement
Sheria law in all aspects concerning their lives. From
a purely commercial perspective, Islam Sheria law
has provided its faithful with guidelines. These
guidelines are not to be ignored and neither are they
to be infringed. Bringing to attention this affects the
eMarketplaces as reference has to be made to what
the Sheria law has to say concerning it first before it
can be accepted (Edward, 2008).
Since the advent of the eMarketplaces, one of the
biggest concerns for the government was whether it
contravened the teachings of the Quran. The Sheria
law has laid down procedures and regulations for
businesses. It has is unique terminologies which can
not be ignored in a trading environment, for
example, processes for the contract of sale, the
meeting place and absentee purchases. As the Quran
teaches that a purchase should not be initiated by
two parties in one place and then later wrapped up in
a totally different place. This presented very unique
problems (and largely contributed to the laxity of the
people to adopt the eMarketplaces) to the utilization
of eMarketplaces in SA (Alzaagy, 2007).
The Monarch of SA established a committee by a
royal decree to look into the eCommerce details and
if it could be seamlessly adopted in the context of
the Sheria law. It was later realized that the Sheria
law was in fact friendly to E-commerce. Convincing
the staunch Muslims of this fact is what has been a
white elephant for the committee (World Summit on
IT, 2005). However, in the case of E-markets there
was a need of further scrutiny by Muslim kadhis or
jurists to establish the accepted practices in the
As the Kadhis and Muslim Jurists examined the
Sheria Law in the light of eMarketplaces, it was
discovered that the door has been left open. It
indicates that eMarketplaces activities can be ruled
upon by the most suitable and convenient approach.
This precipitated into the gradual entrance of
eMarketplaces into the region.
Generally, it can be said that the government has
recognized the importance of the ICTs and began
embracing the emerging trends in a bid to be abreast
with the rest of the world. The government envisions
a strategic plan for 2020 in the 7th development plan
to have fully embraced the necessary ICTs.
Nationally, precedence has been set by the
government’s ambitious e-government project. The
national policy document for ICT was also adopted
by the ministers. This document envisages the
development of ICTs with the needed mechanisms
that will be used in meeting this objective. In line
with this, the Saudi Computing Association has been
mandated with the task of preparing a national IT
plan. The government wants to make sure it is at par
with the rest of the world as far as technological
advancement is concerned.
There is a direct relationship between the
government regulations and the cultural/religious
customs of the Saudis. The main reason for this is
the fact that SA is predominantly a Muslim kingdom
and like every other Muslim nation, the laws that
govern the land are the Muslim laws otherwise
called the Sheria law. For instance when the internet
came to SA in 1998, it was with the presence of
control mechanisms by the government to ensure
that unwanted content was filtered out. This was to
make sure that the internet was not used to violate
the teaching of the Islam faith and the cultural
believes of the Saudi Nationals. It was a balance that
would allow the people to enjoy the benefits of the
internet including eMarketplaces while at the same
time be protected from the malpractices of the
A number of influencing factors for eMarketplaces
utilisation are identified in this paper. Security being
the first and biggest concern of online shoppers has a
significant role to increase the current utilization rate
in SA (Mutlaq and Rasheed 2009). In addition,
reliability of eMarketplaces can raise the confidence
of eMarketplaces users (McKnight et al,2002). Thus,
these two factors require attention and further
investigations to gradually impact positively on the
utilization of eMarketplaces for Saudis.
Other factors shown such as strong
infrastructure, regulatory and complementary
services need to be highly considered by the
government to assist further development of
eMarketplaces in SA.
Based on the previous section the following
model is proposed to clarify the relationship between
all five factors. These factors can be applied to
identify the most appropriate eMarketplaces type
that suits Saudis:
Figure 7: Factors influencing the utilization of
Figure 7 further demonstrates the significance of
the relationship between the previously mentioned
factors in order to obtain higher utilization level of
eMarketplaces in SA. Higher utilization of
eMarketplaces can benefit both companies and
individuals. Consumers can comfortably shop and
obtain their purchases with efficient transactions as
mentioned earlier. Companies in the other hand can
avoid lagging behind competition with foreign
companies that have implemented their
eMarketplaces effectively. It also assists companies
to reduce transaction costs, improve audit of
capability and advance the relationship between
buyer and supplier of eMarketplaces (Howard et al.,
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Thus further work involves addressing the following
Q1: Do current eMarketplaces have sufficient
security that assure confidence of online consumers?
Q2: How could developed complementary services
contribute to increasing the current utilization of
eMarketplaces in SA?
Q3: Does government funding for the
eMarketplaces infrastructure meet the required
levels in SA?
Q4: How can eMarketplaces’ reliability be
increased/maintained within SA?
Q5: How can the government of SA regulate
eMarketplaces appropriately?
Q6: How does customer satisfaction impact on the
utilization level of eMarketplaces in SA?
Q7: What type of relationship exists between the
utilization level of eMarketplaces in SA and
customer satisfaction of the eMarketplaces?
Hence, future studies could identify more factors
affecting the current utilization of eMarketplaces in
SA and its surrounding neighbours of the Middle
Eastern region. Further research can help in testing
the following hypothesises derived from figure 7:
H1. An advanced security system can develop
appropriate satisfaction for customers and therefore
increases the utilization of eMarketplaces in SA.
H2. Developed Complementary services of
eMarketplaces can increase the level of utilization of
eMarketplaces in SA.
H3. Stronger infrastructures can lead to higher
levels of customer satisfaction on eMarketplaces in
H4. Reliability of eMarketplaces can increase
customers’ satisfaction of eMarketplaces in SA.
H5. Abiding Regulatory requirements can influence
the utilization of eMarketplaces in SA.
H6. Customer satisfaction can enhance the
utilization of eMarketplaces in SA.
H7. The utilization of eMarketplaces in SA can be
increased/decreased in accordance with the increase
in customer satisfaction.
Current lack of utilisation of eMarketplaces in SA is
due to a number of factors i.e. weak infrastructures
and shortage of resources such as human resource.
The internet coverage in SA was found to be lower
than that in other developed countries such as the
United States of America, Netherlands and South
These challenges affect the adoption of
eMarketplaces in this country. This is despite the
fact that the kingdom of SA is the economic nerve
centre of the Islamic world and has the largest
economy in the region, standing at approximately
160 billion dollars as of 2009. This means that there
is a large potential for eMarketplaces in this region,
a potential that can be exploited to further the
economic pursuits of this country.
Future comparative research could target these
areas to gain comparative national results. In
addition, measuring behaviours of users of
eMarketplaces can be desirable for future studies. In
order to determine the most appropriate evaluation
strategy for assessing our model, data collection
including web-based surveys, mail questionnaires
and personal interviews will be focused on the
development and improvement of the Saudis’
utilization of eMarketplaces.
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