A. K. M. Zahiduzzaman, Mohammad Nahyan Quasem, Faiyaz Ahmed and Rashedur M. Rahman
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, North South University, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Keywords: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Factor Analysis (FA),
Intensification, c-Means clustering, Fuzzy c-Means clustering.
Abstract: The paper presents two document clustering techniques to group Bangla newspaper articles. The first one is
based on traditional c-means algorithm, and the later is based on its fuzzy counterpart, i.e., fuzzy c-means
algorithm. The key principle for both of those techniques is to measure the frequency of keywords in a
particular type of article to calculate the significance of those keywords. The articles are then clustered
based on the significance of the keywords. We believe the findings from this research will help to index
Bangla newspaper articles. Therefore, the information retrieval will be faster than before. However, one of
the challenge is to find the salient features from hundred of features found in documents. Besides, both
clustering algorithms work well on lower dimensions. To address this, we use three dimensionality
reduction techniques, known as Principle Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA) and Linear
Discriminant Analysis (LDA). We present and analyze the performance of traditional and fuzzy c-means
algorithms with different dimensionality reduction techniques.
Clustering is a technique that allows grouping of
related data. The clustering is generally carried out
in two dimensional spaces where each sample point
is represented by an X and Y coordinate. The
samples are then grouped together according to
some inherent property that related points share.
Among many clustering algorithms, we deal with
traditional c–means (mostly known as k-means
algorithm) and the fuzzy c-means algorithm (Han
and Kamber, 2000). Both of those techniques use the
idea of grouping points against a pre selected
centroid within the points. The distance between the
points and the centroid is calculated and they are
assigned to relevant centroids according to some
proximity. A new centroid is calculated using the
mean of all points and the process repeats until no
new centroids are found. The primary difference
between traditional c–means and fuzzy c–means is
the fact that the former uses Euclidean distance to
measure proximity and determine corresponding
clusters, where the later uses a degree of
membership to a particular cluster.
Our research uses the idea of clustering to index
Bangla newspaper articles, according to their topic.
The frequency and significance of the keywords are
the features that are used to make the clusters. The
objective for this research is to make Bangla
information retrieval faster and more meaningful.
The paper introduces data acquisition in section
2. Methodology conducted in this research is
discussed in section 3. Section 4 presents and
analyzes the performance of fuzzy and traditional c-
means algorithms. Finally, section 5 concludes and
gives direction of future research.
Data is collected manually in our research from a
Bangla newspaper, ProthomAlo ( Prothm Alo, 2011)
which is available online. Figure 1 shows the home
page of that newspaper. We look for different type
of articles in this research and we will deal with 9
different types of articles.
The articles are collected for various days. An
example of such an article is shown in Figure 2. We
collect 332 articles of 9 different types. The articles
type and their frequencies are depicted in Table 1.
K. M. Zahiduzzaman A., Nahyan Quasem M., Ahmed F. and M. Rahman R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003492603610364
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 361-364
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Prothom Alo home page.
Table1: Type and number of articles taken.
Number Classes of Article
Assigned Name Freq
1 Crime 24
2 Politics 35
3 Business 50
4 Development 26
5 Education 16
6 Sports 50
7 Entertainment 50
8 General 31
9 International 50
Total 332
Figure 2: A news on Share Market.
We have designed a very structured pre-processing
stage where we tokenize each word and prepare the
document readable to the system. Then we intensify
the features and fed it to the clustering algorithms to
group documents. The clustering algorithms perform
better in lower dimensions, therefore from hundreds
of features we only keep salient features by
dimensionality reduction techniques, namely LDA
(Fisher, 1936, McLachlan, 2004), PCA(Pearson,
1901) and FA (MacCallum,1983).
3.1 Pre-processing: Unicode Arrays as
The first part of the extraction is to get the article
text from the Prothom Alo web page and keep it in
Unicode (big endian) encoded text document. We
use Matlab (Maaten, 2007) as the platform where we
test our algorithm. It is not possible to manipulate
Unicode data in Matlab. Therefore, we gather a set
of delimiters for the strings including the white
space and then tokenize every word as array of
Unicode unsigned 16 bit numbers.
For example the word “tumi” in Bengali is
represented like this:
2468 2497 2478 2495
3.2 Keyword Extraction
We use mainly the frequency of the keyword as
feature value. Initially collection of words from all
articles is considered as features. Later we pass those
words in two phases, namely keyword
intensification and rejection phase.
3.2.1 Intensification
We have built a database where we store some
words which are the major keys to a particular
article, for example, Bangla word for murder will
mostly occur in the crime articles rather than a sports
article. If we get those words we will increase the
frequency count of the feature by multiplying with a
factor. This multiplying factor may be learnt by
machine learning algorithm. However, we find the
value by trial and error method and a good
approximation found is 10.
Imposing this intensification we have a weighted
frequency feature extraction. This technique will
make the articles biased towards main keys which
will help to get scattered in group with the class
3.2.2 Rejection
We also include in the database a list of bad words
that commonly occur to articles but are meaningless
and irrelevant to the article. If we have those words
in an article, we exclude those. There are two ways
we could deal extracting these keywords:
1. Select some known previous keywords
2. Learn from the article.
We preferred the later one to use in our system.
This way we could make our system flexible that
allows us to categorize almost any type of crime
article that could be cyber-crime or neighbourhood
crime. Both will be categorized as crime articles.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.3 Dimensionality Reduction
The dimension that is found after the key word
extraction is huge to handle so we had to reduce the
dimension. As there are almost 10,000 features in a
document, we got the vectors with 10,000
dimensions. We use PCA first to reduce this huge
dimension. Then we use the Factor Analysis (FA)
and LDA. The PCA first reduce the dimension to
250. Then two other techniques, one is supervised
(LDA) and other is unsupervised (FA) to make it
down to 4 and 5. We have tested with other
dimensions and find that the clustering algorithms
do not perform well in higher dimensions. It
performs best in 4th and 5
3.4 Clustering
We use both traditional and fuzzy c-means
clustering to group articles. We analyze the
performance through confusion matrix. The samples
in the fuzzy clustering algorithm if had a
membership to a particular cluster as maximum
membership for that sample m, then, we checked
whether the sample gives k*m membership to other
clusters. This will introduce the concept that we
explained earlier that which article goes to which
cluster can sometimes vary on the context. This way
we could create the opportunity to classify one
article as crime and say, politics if necessary. The
crisp c-means doesn’t have that special feature.
The performance of the two clustering methods were
not much apart in terms of the accuracy. Although
our expectation was that the fuzzy clustering would
perform better, the traditional c-means algorithm
also perfom well. The variaion of the results is due
to different feature reduction technique.The
accuracy of the clustering techniques is presented in
Table 2.
The blue shades in Figure 3 are the accuracy rates
for Factor Analysis feature reduction technique and
others are for LDA feature reduction technique. The
graph clearly visualizes the differences between the
Table 2: Accuracy Rates.
3 Feat 4 Feat 5 Feat
Fuzzy LDA 91.5663 87.9518 93.3735
Fuzzy FA 31.3253 31.3253 30.7229
Crisp LDA 88.5542 91.5663 92.7711
Crisp FA 43.9759 43.3735 33.7349
Figure 3: Accuracy plots.
two feature reductions techniques although, the
algorithm for the clustering does not much differ.
Both of the algorithms are iterative and they
recalculate the centroids for each cluster using some
data for the particular algorithm. The traditional c-
means algorithm calculates the Euclidian distance to
calculate the centroids in each iteration and the
fuzzy c-means calculates the centroids using the
membership values which again are calculated by
the Euclidian distance. So, getting the similar result
is more likely.
LDA is a supervised dimensionality reduction
technique. Therefore, the extracted features get
biased towards a particular class. This helps the
samples of the same class to converge to a particular
cluster. Since FA is unsupervised, i.e., it does not
use any class information, hence samples are
grouped more sparsely than LDA in dimension
The features for the data are extracted in two
different techniques. First we use LDA to reduce to
5 features. Each row in the Table 3 represents a
single class of article that was collected into the
database. Each column represents the cluster into
which a particular sample has been included.
However, the cluster number does not necessarily
correspond to the class number. In this table, what is
important to note is, how samples of a particular
class exists in a particular cluster. For example, most
of the samples of class 4 have been clustered in
cluster 4 (cl4). On the other hand, most samples of
class 7 belong to cluster 1, the rest belong to cluster
8. The point that we want to stress is that the cluster
number is arbitrary and has nothing to do with a
particular class. In this case 92% of class 7 is
clustered in cluster 1; we consider this as the
accuracy of the clustering for class 7. Using the
above theory, the average accuracy of this system, is
93.3735%. Now let us take a look at the membership
values for all of one class into all clusters. Here the
following example shows the membership values for
article class 6 for the current system.
Table 3: Confusion matrix for 5 feature LDA
Fuzzy c-means algorithm.
Cl1 Cl2 Cl3 Cl4 Cl5 Cl6 Cl7 Cl8 Cl9
C1 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 1 0
C2 0 0 29 0 4 0 0 2 0
C3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 48
C4 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 2 0
C5 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
C6 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0
C7 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
C8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 1
C9 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 5 0
Figure 4: Membership of the Articles in class 6.
In the Figure 4 we plot the membership value of
the samples on Y axis and sample numbers on X
axis. The olive line is the maximum membership
value for documents in class 6 (cl6 cluster
membership) where other are other line represent
membership to others. The Cluster 6 is the most
dominant cluster for this class. So we say documents
in class 6 are clustered in 6
cluster. On the other
hand, if we observe the class 2 articles we will see a
very different result.
Figure 5: Membership of the articles in class 2 using LDA.
The class contains 35 articles where the cluster 3,
which is represented as a magenta line in the plot
above, has the most articles in it. But around the
, in between 15
and 20
and in between 25
and 30
samples, we observe some blue lines and
purple lines which exceed the value of membership
for that of the magenta line. This enumerates some
documents are wrongly clustered in other clusters,
i.e., cluster 5 (blue line) and cluster 8 (purple line).
Table 3 contains all these data in matrix form.
It is possible that documents overlap to multiple
clusters. A particular sample might have same or
very (90%) close membership to multiple clusters.
Figure 6 presents a situation where very low
performance is achieved by unsupervised FA feature
extraction technique. There are 4 features extracted
and the membership of the samples in class 2 is
shown here:
Figure 6: Membership of the articles in class2 using FA.
It is really hard to predict from the graph how
articles are clustered to a particular cluster, rather
distributed randomly to multiple clusters.
Experimental results show that reducing number of
features using LDA prevail over FA in terms of
accuracy. However, choosing the number of features
has a significant impact on accuracy. Future work
will include supervised data collection that could
result in better clustering. By improving the
weighted frequency calculation we could get better
results. Lastly, neuro-fuzzy clustering could be
exploited to learn parameters by the system itself
and perform optimally.
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Han J., Kamber, M., 2000. Data Mining Concept and
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Maaten, L. J. P. van der, 2007 An Introduction to
Dimensionality Reduction Using Matlab, Technical
Report MICC 07-07. Maastricht University,
Maastricht, The Netherlands.
MacCallum, R, 1983. A comparison of factor analysis
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Pearson, K. 1901. On Lines and Planes of Closest Fit to
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Prothom Alo website, 2011.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems