The Phenomenon and Research Opportunities
Manlu Liu and Qiang Tu
Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, U.S.A.
Keywords: Community source, System development, Collaboration, Virtual team, Kuali.
Abstract: Community-based open source (community source) development has emerged as a new way of developing
enterprise applications, leading to a unique type of open source practice involving collaboration from
multiple organizations in a virtual environment. In this paper, we introduce the concept and motivation of
community source and address several research directions in community source under multiple perspectives.
We examine a real world case, the Kuali community source project, to help better understand this new
phenomenon. The long term research objectives are discussed at the end of the paper. This paper facilitates
a general understanding of the emerging community source development landscape. We believe that the
issues presented in this paper can attract more researchers to study this new area and help organizations
make better decisions in IT investments.
Due to an increasingly competitive business
environment, organizations demand customized
application software that can meet their specialized
and strategic requirements. Sometimes organizations
feel compelled to develop the software in-house
since they could not find the suitable application
software in a commercial market. According to the
study of (Perry et al. 2007), the overall cost of in-
house development is so much higher than that of
buying commercial software that many
organizations cannot afford the former approach.
Furthermore, it is impractical for many organizations
to achieve all the necessary competence for building
software themselves. As a result, they seek out
strategic alliance to jointly develop their desired
software. Strategic alliance is a formal relationship
between two or more parties to pursue a set of
agreed upon goals or to meet a critical business need
while remaining independent organizations
(Yoshino et al. 1995). A new approach of enterprise
application software (EAS) development is applying
strategic alliance to the development mechanism of
open source software (Agerfalk et al. 2008). The
approach is referred to as community-base open
source or “community source” (Wheeler, 2004). In
community source, a community of partner
organizations invests and develops the EAS and this
software is open source eventually.
The community source is a unique form of open
source approach. It is somewhere between
commercial software and open source. As described
by Raymond (2001), when developing commercial
software, vendors are organized as builders
constructing cathedrals based on blueprints; but on
the other hand, open source software is built when
programmers work in a way similar to merchants in
a marketplace, harnessing a range of approaches and
agenda, taking input from diverse types of people
scattered across the world, and being open to new
ideas and new participants. A community source
organization can be described as a shopping mall
where a virtual organization consisting of
participating institutions, each of which commands
its own employees. Community source creates a
formal virtual organization where multiple partner
institutions collaborate with each other to develop
custom software solution in different locations and
at different time.
In community source, rather than relying on
commercial software vendors, the development
partner institutions pool their resources together to
develop EAS. This pooling of resources gives the
organizations better control over the software
development and community source thus offers an
innovative approach to developing open-source
Liu M. and Tu Q..
COMMUNITY-BASED OPEN SOURCE - The Phenomenon and Research Opportunities.
DOI: 10.5220/0003491104190424
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 419-424
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
By becoming a development partner in
community source, the institution can influence the
application features, complete the deployment
sooner, minimize the total cost of ownership, and
reduce the uncertainty of the system value. This
incentive is the main driving force for institutions to
make community source projects succeed. The
motivation for institution joining in community
source development will be further explained in the
Kuali case section.
It is worthwhile to study community source since
it offers an innovative way to develop enterprise
applications and it can potentially break the
dominance of commercial software in enterprise
This paper is structured as follows: we start with
introducing a real world community source project
to help better understand the community source
approach. Then we outline the related research
directions under the technological, the economic and
the managerial perspective respectively and discuss
the potential research opportunities. We present the
future trend of community source and the value of
research in community source in the discussion
section. The long term objectives for community
source research are pointed out at the end of this
In order to better understand community source, we
studied a real-world ongoing community source
project of called Kuali ( The Kuali
case offered us a great opportunity to study the
research issues of community source in a higher
education setting.
Kuali is a consortium of universities to develop
an open source financial service system, starting
with the conversion of the Indiana University’s
Financial Information System to the web in 2004
( The original motivation of the
project is that existing financial systems used in the
universities are outdated and too difficult to
maintain. The commercial products are often too
expensive and hard to customize; some institutions
paid tens of millions to ERP vendors for software
and installation, but still need to build 15% of all the
features they need to handle specific financial
transaction needs. Some schools and colleges found
that they need to operate expensive "shadow
systems" to provide needed features that are absent
in currently available ERP packages. The
alternatives to buying off-the-shelf packaged
financial software are equally daunting and can only
be considered by the largest institutions. The Kuali
project provides an attractive alternative to the “buy
or build” dilemma. It pools institutional resources to
develop an open source financial system, thus
dramatically reducing the cost of managing fiscal
data and processes in higher education.
The initial mission of the Kuali consortium was
to develop a baseline system for financial services
and has now expanded to other systems such as
research administration and student management.
Currently, there are three main application modules
in Kuali: the Kuali Financial Services (KFS), the
Kuali Research Administration (KRA), and the
Kuali Student System (KS). The KFS project was
just completed. The KRA and KS project are
scheduled to be released after 2010.
The Indiana University and the University of
Hawaii started to lead the effort to build KFS in
2004. In March, 2005, Kuali project got a start-up
grant $2.5M from the Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation. The follow-up funding was invested
from participating institutions which are referred as
the development partners of KFS. KFS project is
mainly funded by its partner institutions. In April
2006, Kuali project announced the availability of the
Kuali Test Drive, which enables institutions to
explore KFS. In October, 2006, Kuali foundation
released KFS phase I. KFS Phase II was released in
July 2008. KFS project was completed in 2010 and
have grown to around thirty development partners
including Carnegie Mellon University, Cornel
University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
the University of Arizona, and University of
California. One of the very important components of
the Kuali effort is the Kuali Commercial Affiliates
program. Commercial Affiliates provide for fee
guidance, support, implementation, and integration
services related to the Kuali software. Affiliates may
offer packaged versions of Kuali that provide value
for installation or integration beyond the basic Kuali
software. Affiliates may also offer other types of
training, documentation, or hosting services.
The development team in community source is
under a formal organizational structure. Figure 1
shows the complexity of the organization structure.
The development partners work in a project
organization. The Kuali Board is the final decision
maker during the development of Kuali. The Kuali
functional council and Kuali technical council take
care of the functional issues and technical issues of
Kuali, respectively. The Extended board, Kuali
investors, Kuali functional council, Kuali technical
council and the project manager report to the Kuali
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
board. The project manager supervises the project
staff and development staff. The project manager is
managing an organization that is virtual in every
aspect. The task of the project manager is to
complete a project of size and complexity on time
and on budget.
Figure 1: KFS Organizational Structure.
In order to ensure flexibility and extensibility,
Kuali uses the most up-to-date approaches and
technologies such as open source, workflow, and
service-oriented architecture.
As we can see from this case study, the Kuali
project provides an attractive alternative to the “buy
or build” dilemma. The Kuali project pools
resources from multiple universities together to
develop an open source system which can meet
universities’ special requirements, and finally
reduces costs and minimizes risks. In the Appendix,
we compare community source with the other two
main approaches: traditional open source and
commercial software and summarize their
characteristics. Comparing with the traditional open
source approach, Kuali has better system quality
control since the system is developed under a formal
organization and the system adopters could have
strong technical support due to the commercial
affiliates in Kuali. Comparing with commercial
software, Kuali satisfies the special requirements for
the high education and dramatically reduce the
development costs and development time by sharing
resources among multiple institutions.
In a community source project similar to Kuali,
multiple institutions make significant investment in
developing the system. Development teams acquire,
maintain, analyze, and formalize software
requirements from multiple stakeholders that can
have varying and possibly conflicting needs. The
research directions in community source could be
generated from multiple perspectives.
We outline several research issues for
community-based development of enterprise
applications under three perspectives: the
technological perspective, the economic perspective
and the managerial perspective. We discuss unique
research opportunities along with those research
3.1 The Technological Perspective
We address two research issues under technological
perspective, including technology flexibility,
workflow modelling paradigms.
3.1.1 Technology Flexibility
Community source is a unique form of open source
in which the community must balance the various,
sometimes even conflicting, requirements from all
development partners. As such, community source
is more challenging than a general open source
project in which variations in requirements are not a
major issue (Liu, Wang and Zhao, 2007). In our
view, community source has more stringent
requirement in flexibility in order to deal with
complex requirement analysis and change
management. Recently emerged technologies such
as web services, service-oriented architectures, and
workflow automation can help make a system more
customizable. For example, Kuali takes advantage
remarkably of these emerging technologies to enable
the strong system flexibility. In fact, we believe that
community source is a good representative of a
recent trend in combining service centricity with
open source development to build scalable and
flexible information systems. As such, how
technology flexibility is achieved through service-
centric community source becomes a very
interesting research issue.
3.1.2 Workflow Modelling Paradigms
Currently, the Kuali platform specifies workflows by
means of workflow rules in the context of financial
documents. As such, these workflow rules are also
called routing rules. These routing rules seem to
work fine in the context of financial services since
the workflows are relatively simple with typically
three to five steps. However, it is not clear if routing
rules would be appropriate in the modules which
consists of many processes (Liu, Wang and Zhao,
2007). Specifying these workflows using routing
rules could result in lengthy XML scripts that are
COMMUNITY-BASED OPEN SOURCE - The Phenomenon and Research Opportunities
very difficult to write and maintain. In addition, the
control flow of those processes is not explicitly
modeled when using rule-based and document-
driven workflow modeling, which makes it difficult
to understand the underlying process logic. This
raises a research issue on when a particular
workflow modeling paradigm should be used.
3.2 The Economic Perspective
The community source approach provides a viable
alternative to vender-provided packaged solutions by
combining effectively the benefits of in-house
development and outsourcing. One critical decision
for prospective community source partners is
whether or not it should pay a significant amount of
partnership fee to join the development community,
which we refer to as “the community source
investment decision” or “the community partnership
decision”(Liu, Zeng and Zhao, 2008). As in general,
the resulting software package of a community
source project is available as an open source free of
charge, it seems counter-intuitive for an organization
to be willing to make major investments. As shown
in many real-world examples, many organizations
have already invested heavily in various kinds of
community source projects. This poses an interesting
and timely research challenge as to gaining an in-
depth understanding of economic incentives behind
these decisions and further developing an actionable
decision framework for the community partnership
3.3 The Managerial Perspective
In community source, multiple institutions
collaborate closely and work in a virtual
environment to develop the system. Eventually the
system needs to meet the requirement from multiple
institutions. We can see that project management
issue becomes a critical issue of developing the
system successfully in community source.
We address two research issues under managerial
perspective: project success, outsourcing.
3.3.1 Project Success
In community source, multiple institutions make
investments and develop systems together. The
whole development process requires close
collaboration among partner institutions. The
developers in community source are full time
employees in partner institutions, who are
designated to work for the community. The
community source organization is a virtual
organization consisting employees from the partner
institutions. Community source development is
therefore very different from in-house software
development and traditional open source
development. Achieving project success in
community source poses new challenges that are not
found in the development of commercial software or
conventional open source software such as Linux
(Liu, Wheeler and Zhao, 2008).
Since community source is a new approach of
system development, understanding how to achieve
project success in community source development is
a very interesting research topic. However, the
related issues have not been well studied in the
literature. Several key research questions motivate
our work: (1) which framework can be used as a
theoretical basis for studying project success in
community source development? (2) What factors
can be identified within the theoretical framework?
(3) How do these factors affect project success in
community source development?
3.3.2 Outsourcing
In community source, rather than rely on
commercial software vendors, the user organizations
pool their resources together to develop EAS. This
pooling of resources gives the organizations better
control over the software development and
community source thus offers an innovative
approach to developing open-source EAS.
Developers in a community source project are
employees of the partner institutions who are
designated to work on the project. Due to this unique
feature, however, community source projects face a
number of challenges. On one hand, it is optimal for
the community source project to attract as many
participating organizations possible in order to share
resources, reduce costs, and minimize risks. On the
other hand, the management of community source
project becomes increasingly complicated and
difficult with the increasing number of participating
One of the solutions to those issues might be
global outsourcing of software development in the
community source project (Liu et al., 2010). The
primary research questions of this study could be:
What are the motivations for global outsourcing of
software development in community source, and
what are the potential benefits of global outsourcing
of software development in community source?
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The greatest value of community source is the
leveraging of resources of the partners and the
community for shared value creation. In the past,
when Cornell University spent $500,000 for some
system, the investment provided no advantage to
San Joaquin Delta College; Or when Rutgers
University developed a clever piece of cross-
language middleware code, Indiana University did
not benefit; When Cambridge University developed
a teaching tool, U.S. and other institutions gained
little (Wheeler, 2007). The community source
approach changes the situation in which
organizations invest huge money in IT but do not or
seldom share among each other. All of organizations
in community source are mutually using other
people’s money to get and sustain the systems they
need. Community source are foremost a
coordination mechanism for institutional, corporate,
and personal investments of resources, ideas, and
Although community source faces lots of
uncertainty and might not become popular in the
long term for some reason. For example, the
commercial software might decide to lower the price
due to the competition from the community source.
However, as long as community source makes the
impact to the society, the research in community
source has the unique value to the application
software development and the result of studies will
make contribute to both theory and practice. The
collaborative approach to solving problems faced by
institutions with an open source license has the
highest probability of benefiting the most peoples
and organizations. The essence of community source
approach is that the institutions develop the
collaborative capability that extracts the greatest
value from open source.
Since community source becomes a new approach
for enterprise application development, there is a
clear need for a theoretically rigorous and practically
relevant framework for understanding value create
and recreate through enterprise application
development under community source environment.
The long term research objectives should be
proposing the enterprise application development
cycle as a collaborative capabilities theory for
measuring, predicting, and understanding an
institution’s ability to create value for community
through enterprise application development.
Eventually, a generic framework should be
developed for describing the process of acquiring
application software via either commercial, open
source, or home grown approach.
Agerfalk, P. J., Fitzgerald, B., 2008. Outsourcing to an
Unknown Workforce: Exploring Opensourcing as a
Global Sourcing Strategy. MIS Quarterly (32:2), June,
pp 385-409.
Liu, M., Zeng, D. D., Zhao, J. L., 2008. A Cooperative
Analysis Framework for Investment Decisions in
Community Source Partnerships. Proceedings of the
Americas Conference on Information Systems, August
14 - 17, Toronto, Canada.
Liu, M., Wang, H. J., Zhao, J. L., 2007. Achieving
Flexibility via Service-Centric Community Source: the
Case of Kuali. Proceedings of the Americas
Conference on Information Systems, August 9-12.
Liu, M., Wheeler, B., Zhao, J. L., 2008. On Assessment of
Project Success in Community Source Development.
Proceeding of International Conference on
Information Systems.
Liu, M., Wu, X., Zhao, J. L., Zhu, L., 2010. Outsourcing
of Community Source: Identifying Motivations and
Benefits. Journal of Global Information Management,
Perry, R., Quirk K., 2007. An Evaluation of Build Versus
Buy for Portal Solutions. IDC White paper, sponsered
by IBM, December.
Raymond, E., 2001. The Cathedral and the Bazaar.
Sebastopol, CA: O.Reilly Media., Inc..
Wheeler, B., 2004. The Open Source Parade. EDUCAUSE
Review, pp. 68-69.
Wheeler, B., 2007. Open Source 2010: Reflections on
2007. EDUCAUSE Review, pp. 49-52.
Yoshino, M. Y., Rangan, U. S., 1995. Strategic Alliances
– An Entrepreneurial Approach to Globalization. First
Edition. Harvard Business School Press.
COMMUNITY-BASED OPEN SOURCE - The Phenomenon and Research Opportunities
Comparison among Community Source, Traditional Open Source and Commercial Software
Community Source Traditional Open Source Commercial Software
Organized teams of formal
employees from multiple partner
Loosely connected volunteer
System development departments
in software companies
Development partners, deployment
members, and others
Organizations or individuals who
use the software for free
Organizations or individuals who
pay for the software
The application development requires
initial investments which are shared
by the partners; the result is open
The software is free for adopters;
the developers are volunteers.
The users need to buy the
software; dedicated investment is
required to develop the software.
Cost sharing among development
Low Purchasing price
The system is designed to meet the
requirements of development partners
The system is designed to meet
some generic requirements
Standard package
Quality control
Strong Weak Strong
and deployment
cycle time
Short: system is design to meet user
requirements in the first place;
developers from partner institutions
are well trained from the
development process.
Long: due to uncertainties in
development process and required
system customization after
Long: due to required system
customizations after adoption.
support after
Strong Weak Strong
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems