Akash Singh and Janet Wesson
Department of Computing Sciences, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
P.O. Box 77000, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Keywords: AUIs, ERP systems, Small enterprises, System design, Usability.
Abstract: Research has shown that AUIs can improve the usability of software systems. Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) systems are an example of complex software systems which suffer from several usability issues.
Limited research has been published on the applicability of AUIs to the domain of ERP systems. This paper
aims to address this limitation by discussing the design of AUIs for ERP systems. A secondary contribution
of this paper is the proposal of an adaptive taxonomy for ERP systems. Application of the proposed
taxonomy and the proposed design is demonstrated through the implementation of an AUI for an existing
ERP system, namely SAP Business One (SBO). The AUI was designed to address several of the usability
issues identified in SBO, specifically efficiency and learnability.
Adaptive interfaces (AUIs) have the potential to
reduce the complexity of user interfaces (UIs) and
improve the usability of complex systems. This is
achieved by means of adapting the UI automatically
through the use of various types of adaptation and
adaptive components (Letsu-Dake and Ntuen, 2009,
Leung et al., 2006).
One such complex system which suffers from
several usability issues is Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) systems (Yeh, 2006). AUIs could
potentially address the usability issues of ERP
systems. Limited evidence exists, however, to
demonstrate how AUIs should be designed for ERP
This paper aims to address the above limitation
by proposing a design of AUIs for ERP systems.
The remainder of this paper comprises the following
sections: Section 2 contains a discussion on related
work. An adaptation taxonomy for ERP systems is
proposed in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the design
of AUIs for ERP systems. Section 5 presents a
discussion on how the proposed design was
implemented using an existing ERP system. Section
6 contains the conclusions and future work.
Usability studies of ERP systems indicate that ERP
systems suffer from several usability issues (Topi et
al., 2005). However, most of these studies were
conducted on ERP systems for large enterprises.
Limited research exists on the usability issues of
ERP systems for small enterprises.
A usability study of an ERP system, designed
specifically for small enterprises, was conducted
using SAP Business One (SBO). The usability
evaluation of SBO enabled the identification of 37
usability issues. These usability issues were
classified based on the criteria proposed by Singh
and Wesson (2009).
These usability issues were further analysed to
determine which issues were a result of the UI being
complex. Only 11 of the 37 identified usability
issues related to the complexity of the UI. These 11
usability issues are presented in Table 1.
AUIs could potentially resolve the identified
usability issues through the application of various
types of adaptation. Adaptation can occur in four
basic forms, namely content adaptation, presentation
adaptation, navigation adaptation and device
adaptation (Ramachandran, 2009, Peng and Silver,
Singh A. and Wesson J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003486302810286
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 281-286
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The research conducted for this paper did not
consider device adaptation as this study focuses on
ERP systems for desktop computers.
Content and presentation adaptation could be
used to address usability issues which relate to task
support and learnability, whilst navigation
adaptation can be applied to usability issues which
relate to navigation. The mapping of the various
adaptation types to the identified usability issues is
presented in Table 1.
An adaptation taxonomy was proposed by Knutov et
al. (2009) to illustrate the various methods,
techniques and approaches that could be used to
implement the various types of adaptations for
hypermedia systems. A detailed literature study
revealed that such a taxonomy does not exist for
ERP systems. This section proposes an adaptation
taxonomy for ERP systems that can be used to guide
and support the design and implementation of AUIs
for ERP systems.
The proposed taxonomy (Figure 1) presents
several modifications over the original taxonomy
proposed by Knutov et al. (2009). Components of
the original taxonomy are illustrated in blue and the
new proposed components are illustrated in orange.
Only those methods that could be used to address the
usability issues identified in Table 1 were selected
from the original taxonomy.
The approaches and techniques originally
proposed for hypermedia systems were replaced by
existing HCI design patterns for desktop
applications. Existing HCI patterns were selected to
support the design of usable ERP systems. These
patterns can assist in solving common UI design
problems within a given design domain (Tidwell,
Several existing catalogues of HCI patterns exist
for both desktop and web-based systems. The aim of
these catalogues is to improve system usability by
providing patterns to support UI and interaction
The most comprehensive, recent and widely
referenced catalogues include Tidwell (2006) and
van Welie (2008). The HCI patterns proposed by
Tidwell (2006) were selected due to their
comprehensiveness and applicability to desktop
The following sections discuss how the proposed
HCI patterns could be used to implement the various
types of adaptation.
Figure 1: Proposed ERP Adaptation Taxonomy.
3.1 Content Adaptation
Based on the proposed ERP adaptation taxonomy,
content adaptation can be implemented by inserting,
removing, or altering fragments of information. The
aim of inserting, removing or altering fragments of
information is to ensure efficiency and to improve
user productivity.
3.2 Presentation Adaptation
Several presentation adaptation techniques are
proposed (Figure 1) to address the usability issues
that were identified with regards to task support,
learnability and customisation.
Removing fragments uses the techniques of
responsive disclosure and extras on demand. These
two techniques aim to reduce the number of controls
on the UI by only displaying what is necessary at a
particular point in time whilst providing an option to
display more or everything (extras-on-demand).
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Usability Issues of SBO and Relevant Adaptation Types.
No. Usability Issue Category Adaptation Type
1. Too many steps required to complete a task Task Support Presentation
2. SBO does not enable efficient completion of tasks Task Support Content
3. SBO does not improve user productivity Task Support
Content and
4. SBO does not automate routine tasks Task Support Content
5. Finding information and functionality is difficult Navigation Navigation
6. SBO cannot guide the user through the correct sequence of tasks Navigation Navigation
7. Evidence of the next sequence of steps to complete a task is not provided Navigation Navigation
8. There are too many unused fields on the screen Presentation Presentation
9. Layout of the UI does not contribute to the efficient completion of tasks Presentation Presentation
Steps need to be manually recorded the first time in order to be
remembered for future use
Learnability Presentation
11. Personalisation of UIs are not possible Customisation
Content and
The method of disabling fragments uses the
technique of responsive enabling. This technique
aims to address the issue of guiding the user through
a task by enabling task activities in an ordered
Sorting fragments uses two techniques, namely
good defaults and movable panels. This method
addresses the usability issue of UI personalisation.
This method will re-order the fragments of the UI
based on the user’s previous interactions (good
defaults) and could also allow the user to re-order
the fragments based on his/her own preference
(movable panels).
3.3 Navigation Adaptation
Most of the usability issues relating to navigation
identified in Table 1 relate to guidance. For this
reason the guidance adaptation method was selected
from the original taxonomy.
The following techniques are proposed which
aim to ensure that users are guided through the
correct sequence of tasks (sequence map); evidence
of the next sequence of steps are provided (sequence
map and colour-coded sections); and finding
information and functionality is facilitated (multiple-
level help).
This section proposes a design for AUIs for ERP
systems. The proposed design is made up of two key
components: system architecture and model design.
4.1 System Architecture
The proposed architecture in Figure 2 is an
extension of an existing AUI system architecture
proposed by Ramachandran (2009). Components of
the original architecture are illustrated in blue in and
the new components are illustrated in orange (Figure
2). The architecture proposed by Ramachandran
(2009) was selected as it was general enough to be
specialised to the domain of ERP systems, it
supported presentation and navigation adaptation; it
included a user model; and it separated the business
logic of the system from the actual UI.
The proposed system architecture (Figure 2)
differs from the original architecture through the
addition of the following components:
An inference engine (monitoring the user
interactions & updating the AUI);
Support for content adaptation (missing from
the original architecture);
An ERP engine (contains both the business
logic and the ERP system logic); and
Support for the ERP system database tables
and application data tables within the
These additions are implemented across three
different sections within the proposed system
architecture: the database layer, the application layer
and the presentation layer.
4.1.1 Database Layer
The database layer contains the central database.
This database is accessed by the ERP system and is
responsible for storing the default ERP system
tables, any customised tables’ specific to a particular
enterprise, application data, adaptation rules and the
AUI components (user model, task model and dialog
4.1.2 Application Layer
The application layer is responsible for the
functionality of the ERP system and is also
responsible for the adaptation and generation of the
UI. The application layer makes use of an inference
engine, an adaptation engine and an ERP engine.
The inference engine is responsible for
monitoring any interaction that the user has with the
AUI and for generating and updating the UI. The
inference engine was not part of the original system
A log file is stored for each user, in order for the
inference engine to successfully monitor and capture
the user’s interaction with the UI.
The adaptation engine takes the input from the
inference engine and determines what type of
adaptation to perform on the UI in order to improve
user productivity. The proposed system architecture
is capable of supporting content, presentation and
navigation adaptation, whilst the original
architecture only supported presentation and
navigation adaption.
The ERP engine is the existing functional ERP
system that controls all of the business logic and
ERP functionality. The adaptive engine will interact
with the ERP engine in order to maintain the
integrity of the system and the data. The ERP engine
was not part of the original architecture
(Ramachandran, 2009) and was included in order to
specialise the proposed architecture for ERP
systems. Inclusion of the ERP engine also indicates
how the adaptive engine interacts with the ERP
4.1.3 Presentation Layer
The presentation layer contains the AUI. The AUI
will be generated based on one or more of the
required adaptation types from the adaptation engine
and delivered through the inference engine.
Any interaction performed by the user will be
monitored through the inference engine.
Determining the validity of the data will be done by
the ERP engine and if accepted, this data will be
saved to the database.
4.2 Adaptive Components
The various types of adaptation discussed in Section
2 make use of several adaptive components in order
to execute the adaptation. These adaptive
components are represented in the form of
declarative models.
4.2.1 User Model
User models are a critical component of any AUI as
they provide the information necessary to adapt the
user model between the different users (Tran et al.,
The proposed user model will contain a summary
of the key elements that the ERP system will require
in order to adapt the UI. These elements will be
grouped according to the various tasks performed by
the user.
The data stored within the user model will aid
the decisions made by the adaptation engine in terms
of supporting presentation adaptation and content
adaptation. Data stored within the user model
includes the sequence in which controls were
selected for a particular task. This could assist with
presentation adaptation in terms of re-ordering the
controls on the UI. All of the data stored within the
user model will be continuously updated based on
the users’ interaction with the ERP system.
4.2.2 Task Model
Task models can be defined as the hierarchical
representation of the tasks and sub-tasks (activities)
performed by users of a particular software system.
The proposed task model is based on a generic
description of task models and contains:
The name, goal and form ID of the task;
The pre- and post-conditions of the task; and
The related sub-tasks (activities).
The task model can assist with adaptation by
means of supporting navigation adaptation in terms
Guiding users through the correct sequence of
steps (activities); and
Providing evidence of the next sequence of
steps declared within the task model.
Manipulation of tasks is done by means of a
dialog model and a presentation model, which are
discussed in the following sections.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Proposed System Architecture.
4.2.3 Dialog Model
A Dialog model complements the task model by
means of describing and organising various task
activities that need to be performed on the UI. The
proposed dialog model is based on the description of
the generic dialog model and will support the
process of presentation adaptation (Figure 1) by
means of visually:
Sorting fragments and the controls within
these fragments; and
Enabling and disabling fragments.
The values of the various controls per activity
could change depending on the user’s interaction
with the UI.
The proposed design and adaptation taxonomy was
implemented using SBO. SBO was selected as it is
widely used by small enterprises, it was the most
extensible ERP system, and it allowed for the
separation of business logic and AUI logic.
Further analysis of the usability issues presented
in Table 1 revealed that these issues could be
classified as either efficiency issues (to improve task
support through better task completion times) or
learnability issues (how quickly and effectively can
a novice SBO user learn how to use the ERP
system). This section will briefly discuss how the
various types of adaptation were implemented in
order to improve the efficiency and learnability of
Content adaptation was implemented using list-
based adaptation techniques. This was applied the
dropdown boxes of SBO using the frequency and
recency algorithms proposed by Gajos et al. (2006).
Presentation adaptation techniques (Figure 1) were
applied to the fragments (a collection of controls
within a grouped section of a form) in SBO.
Fragments were either disabled or enabled (disabling
and enabling fragments pattern) based on the
sequence order in the task and dialog models.
Navigation adaptation was implemented using the
sequence map pattern (Figure 1) in order to provide
improved guidance. This was done by introducing
an additional colour state (green – to symbolise
appropriate data entry) to the controls, in addition to
the existing colour states of the controls (white –
enabled; grey – disabled; and orange – active) to
support guidance and task completion.
ERP systems currently suffer from several usability
issues which are caused by complex UIs. Research
has shown that AUIs can improve the usability of
software systems, but limited guidance exists to
support the design of AUIs for ERP systems. This
paper has proposed an adaptation taxonomy for ERP
systems and the design of an AUI for ERP systems
using this taxonomy.
A prototype AUI was successfully implemented
using SBO. The development of this prototype
provided evidence to support the potential benefits
of AUIs to improve the usability of ERP systems
Future work will include conducting a comparative
user study to determine if the usability of the AUI is
better than the non-adaptive version.
The support of SAP Research Pretoria and SAP
Meraka UTD (CSIR) towards this research is hereby
acknowledged. Opinions expressed and conclusions
arrived at are those of the authors and not
necessarily to be attributed to the companies
mentioned in this acknowledgement.
Gajos, K. Z., Czerwinski, M., Tan, D. S. & Weld, D. S.
(2006). Exploring the design space for adaptive
graphical user interfaces. Proceedings of the working
conference on Advanced visual interfaces. Venezia,
Italy: ACM.
Knutov, E., De Bra, P. & Pechenizkiy, M. (2009). AH 12
years later: a comprehensive survey of adaptive
hypermedia methods and techniques. New Review of
Hypermedia and Multimedia, 15, 5-38.
Letsu-Dake, E. & Ntuen, C. A. (2009). A Conceptual
Model for Designing Adaptive Human-Computer
Interfaces Using the Living Systems Theory. Systems
Research and Behavioral Science, 26, 15-27.
Leung, A., Morisson, S., Wringe, M. & Zou, Y. (2006).
Developing an adaptive user interface in eclipse. In
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European Conference on Object Oriented
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Peng, X. & Silver, D. L. (2007). Interface Adaptation
Based on User Expectation. Proceedings of the 21st
International Conference on Advanced Information
Networking and Applications Workshops - Volume 02.
IEEE Computer Society.
Ramachandran, K. (2009). Adaptive User Interfaces for
Health Care.
Singh, A. & Wesson, J. L. (2009). Evaluation criteria for
assessing the usability of ERP systems. In: In
Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Research Conference
of the South African institute of Computer Scientists
and information Technologists (SAICSIT '09),
October 12 - 14 2009 Vanderbijlpark, Emfuleni, South
Africa. ACM, 87-95.
Tidwell, J. (2006). Designing Interfaces, O'Reilly Media,
Topi, H., Lucas, W. & Babaian, T. (2005). Identifying
Usability Issues with an ERP Implementation. In:
International Conference on Enterprise Information
Systems, 24-28 May 2005 Miami, USA.
Tran, V., Vanderdonckt, J., Kolp, M. & Faulkner, S.
(2009). Generating User Interface from Task, User and
Domain Models. The Second International Conference
on Advances in Human-Oriented and Personalised
MEchanisms, Technologies and Services (CENTRIC
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Van Welie, M. (2008). A Pattern Library for Interaction
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Yeh, J. Y. (2006). Evaluating ERP Performance from User
Perspective. In: IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on
Services Computing (APSCC'06), December 12-15
2006. IEEE Computer Society, 311-314.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems