Case Study for the Embassy of the Gabonese Republic in China
Tristan Daladier Engouang and Liu Yun
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, No.3 Shangyuan 100044, Beijing, China
Keywords: MIS, AVIS, Prototype, GRAVIS, ACCESS database, C sharp C#, Gabonese republic embassy.
Abstract: Nowadays, the handwriting workbook has been a valuable tool that is disappearing into a computer
keyboard typing. Since the establishment of Sino-Gabonese diplomatic relations in 1974, using the book
filling procedure of visa application, the Gabonese republic embassy to china has accumulated a very large
amount of paperwork data and using this data efficiently becomes a major problem to solve. A
computerized data management application that manages new visa applications and record existing paper
archives into electronic data for effective knowledge of visa demands and analysis was proposed. In this
paper, the Applied Visa Information System is develop, a system that consist in data storage and data view
modules. Development process and implementation of the AVIS and the methods for goals procedures to
operate the system are detailed. The system works with a database that contains all applicants’ information
and resulting visa decisions such as accepted or denied.
AVIS stand for “Applied Visa Information System”.
Because the Gabon embassy in Beijing to China was
this case study working place, GRAVIS is the name
that represents its AVIS. Because of using the old
handwriting visa procedure, managing its data and
overcoming the huge amount of paperwork become
necessary as well as using the technique of building
a prototype AVIS for the Gabonese republic
embassy. The focus of this work was on saving the
paper data of visa application into and electronic
data in a database by processing it into useful
information for later usage and the AVIS can help
making it possible to record, retrieve and view those
To respond to the serious concern of the global
security due to the growing movement of population
worldwide, controlling all entries at their borders for
each country’ safety, Sandrin (2008, p6) argues,
“The establishment of effective visa management
procedure appear to be one-step further towards the
liberalization of visa regime”. This is verify by OZ
and Jones (2008, p9) when arguing, “People require
information for many reasons and in varied ways.”
In addition, Haag, Cummings and Cubbrey (2005,
p5), defines the “Information Age as a time when
knowledge is power”, moreover, Oz and Jones
(2008, p10) argues, “The Information Age was
supposed to reduce the amount of paper that offices
use.” with a system for managing all the information
Because the only key factor to meet the world
standard development’s requirement is all about
using of information technology; Stoneburner,
Goguen, Feringa (2001, p1) argues, “Organizations
use automated information technology (IT) systems
to process their information for better support of
their missions” also “reading the data as it is being
the reference of a new beginning” (Kranenburg,
2008, p.44),
This research was conduct in Beijing at the
Gabonese Republic embassy to China, where
implementing an AVIS became crucial as they
lacked a visa processing efficiency. For example, the
humidity and the moisture penetration in the
embassy are big issues to consider, especially where
the stacks of visa application paper remain unpacked
as illustrated in Figure 1.
Daladier Engouang T. and Yun L..
AVIS - APPLIED VISA INFORMATION SYSTEM - Case Study for the Embassy of the Gabonese Republic in China.
DOI: 10.5220/0003485201970204
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 197-204
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Application forms Stack unpacked.
The other problem is that we may never know
from which application form, a picture was detached
as shown in Figure 2. This is how AVIS could help
the user to save a very important time.
Figure 2: Picture detached from application.
Adeya (2002, p19), when arguing that until
today, “IT is still reinforcing for the poor the idea
that machines knows more than they do”, she means
developing countries, but considering the spread of
information technology worldwide, Hagg et al.
(2005, p4) argues“The simple reality is that you
cannot escape technology”.
Figure 3: Notebooks with all records.
In addition, referring to Figure 3 and considering
the data recorded in notebooks over the past 35 years,
and stack unpacked , It was obviously impossible to
get any statistic regarding, applicants’ sex, age nor
to get weekly, monthly, yearly reports.
2.1 AVIS Model
The improvement begins with the proper knowledge
of what exist, and Table 1, derives through the
analytical and practical exploration of all collected
paperwork document and results from interviewing
two consular officers by following Haag et al.
(2005)’s methods.
Table 1: Material use at Gabon embassy for Visa Purpose.
Category Items
Office Supplies
Pens, white paper A4 format, Notebooks,
Calendar, Fax, Glue, Clipboard, Sticker,
Electronics Copier, Phone, Fax
AVIS has been draftedon the paper model of
the application form, it is a prototype database
application in the particular scenario of visa
application management, which consists, in data
storage and data view modules, allowing the users to
gain a direct experience with the electronic interface
without been frustrated, and improving theirs ’
productivity. In addition, the functional workflow of
the visa procedure at the Gabon embassy involves
four different levels as illustrated in Figure 4:
Applicant Level, Secretary Level, Consul Level,
Ambassador Level and height 8 procedure steps as
described bellow:
Step 1- The Applicant: Submission of the Visa
Application Form with all required documents;
Step2- The Secretary: Collect and checks all
provided documents, to avoid incompletes
application files;
Step 3- The Consul: Collect a no refundable visa
fee (RMB 415 Y) prior to deliver a home edited
invoice ;
Step 4- In Ambassador’s Office: The Secretary
sends all documents to DGDI-GABON by FAX;
Step 5: Application files are stored in a pending
documents box, prior to the final decision;
Step 6: The Final Decision from: DGDI-
GABON: YES / NO; goes backward to the
Ambassador, the consul, the secretary and finally to
the applicant;
Step7: Applicant’s files are stored accordingly in
boxes with the labels ACCEPTED or REFUSED
and if the decision in step 6 is: “YES”: Applicant’s
name is recorded in a notebook with his picture
stacked aside it
Step8: Passport return to the Applicant with or
without the visa (as shown in appendix) based of
step 6’s decision and the procedure life cycle end
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: GRAVIS functional workflow.
In additions, the targeted audience is specific
especially to embassy staff; Adeya (2002, p41)
considers that “the impact of the system depends on
users’ attitudes and expectation”.
Moreover, the above detailed workflow may still
work properly until now, but some crucial parts
shows its lake of efficiency
None cannot tell if the applicant have been
considered to be a risky for the country, no
possibility to have a hit” on his/her name
None at the embassy can give an exact statistical
report on visa applications.
2.2 Related Work
According to Nicholas Carr (2008, p2, para5), “The
only real constraints on a universal computing
machine are the size of its memory and the speed
with which it can carry out its calculations and
transmit the results”. In fact the possibility to
improve learning from what is been done, gives bits
of other methods seen in the systems introduced in
bellows’ subsection when reviewing our literature.
The USA visa system, the SID system and the N-
VIS are all proprieties of different and specifics
governments. They all are internet-based systems;
all include cryptography techniques and biometric
data with fingerprint records, comparing to the
AVIS, which is proper to the entity of Gabon
embassy to Beijing, with no complex technology.
In fact, each country has defined their own
technology, the investments are also different due to
the geographical consideration and the project
perspectives, the similarities are about the database
registration; And this is verified by Kranenburg
(2008, p44) when arguing that “every new set of
techniques brings forth is own literacy”.
2.2.1 The USA Visa System
The (ANSI, 2005, p4) American National Standards
Institute reported, “All individuals who apply for a
United States entry or re-entry visa would be screen
before issuing the visa, regardless of nationality”.
Comparing with the Gabon Visa application form
with three languages French, Chinese, English and
combined on it, the USA visa system offers two
different applications form, DS-156, each on in
English and one in Chinese.
The difference between this system and the
AVIS are technical’s ones, but many similarities in
the visa application procedure and upon approval,
visas will generally be issued.
If high-level technologies present some issues,
The United States Government Accountability
Office (GAO, 2005, p7) reveals the impact of the
USA visa security operations that is limited by many
factors including a lack of comprehensive data on
the (VSOs) Visa Security Operations’ activities and
results in Riyadh and Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) to
demonstrate the program’s overall impact at these
2.2.2 The Russian SID System
The (SID system) Seafarer’s Identity Document
system (GazIntech, 2008), was revealed by
Rosmorrechflot, the Russian Transport Ministry’s
federal agency for sea and river transport.
The Figure 5 shows that the system is to issue
new identity documents that contains digital
signature, and biometric data of their owners ,
referring to the International Labour Organization
(2007, p8) (ILO) and convention No. 185, that
Doumbia (2010) concluded to be effective and fair.
Comparing to the AVIS that has only basic ones, the
SID includes many equipment like:
Biometric data registration; Biometric booth;
SID print Station; Other stations; Servers;
SID issuing and control station;
AVIS - APPLIED VISA INFORMATION SYSTEM - Case Study for the Embassy of the Gabonese Republic in China
Cryptographic and Telecommunication;
Figure 5: Biometric data used in SID system.
2.2.3 The Former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia N-VIS System
According to Stojanovska (2008, p1), the N-VIS
“would make statistical analysis of visa applications
easier, detect abuses, and facilitate strategic
guidance of the country’s visa policy”, through a
databases. The Figure 6 illustrates N-VIS system.
The system is an internet-based, with €750.000,
Euro allocated for designing it. and an estimation of
120.000 visas per year with a maximum of 200 users
at any time, which is not to compare with the
presented GRAVIS system that will cost only a
single server of about € 1100.
Figure 6: N-VIS visa system.
2.3 Feasibility Study
A feasibility study is an analysis of the viability of
an idea. When making diagnostic of the different
aspects to be taken under consideration in the
acceptability of the AVIS. In our particular case, it is
a good business practice to give an Individual
tracking Application.
The machinery details software and all tools
coming into play include hardware like Server
DELL Power Edge 840 and Power Conversion UPS
System and evaluate at $1500US. In addition,
considering the overall computers running Microsoft
office 2003 including Access 2003 under Windows
XP, the developer providing, visual Studio 2005 as
development tools, reduces then the development
cost to Zero ($ 0 US). Above all, the maximum was
$1500 USD, thus considered as a reasonable
investment, and the low cost and technological
simplicity, with the feasibility results the authors
conclude that building our prototype AVIS makes
economic sense
The implementation of this prototype gives the
outline of how it operates and the understanding his
overall technique
3.1 Information Technology
Hardware and software are the key development
tools to realize our prototype. The choice of a legacy
system Microsoft ACCESS database 2003, out of
many others databases in the market like Oracle
Database 10g (Ziauddin & al., 2003, p5) or MySQL
(Cummins, Stephen, Alexander, 2010, p54) is
justify by a technical feasibility. Microsoft ACCESS
2003 does not require any extra license. The
system’s data can be search and formatted in
multiple ways and Ziauddin & al. (2003, p5) argues,
“Development effort and focus were puts into
making the database self-managing”.
To ensure a proper system to the user, the
modeling of data appears easier using the UML
method as Bell (2003) described it, and Clauss
(2001, Section 2 Para 1) argues, “The UML is
designed to model single software systems”.
A Visa Applicant is a person, applying for a visa
at the embassy, and who must bear a passport, also
the relation between these three entities, Applicant,
Passport and Visa is expound in Table 2, giving the
multiplicity Values of the relationship between
entities types.
Moreover, according to Clauss (2001, Section 3
para 2), the type of relationship to use depends on
the identified kind of the relation between features.
According to Gomik (2003), “The flexibility of
Entity Relationship (ER) modeling relational
database makes it suitable for the analysis and
design of our information-based system”. In
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
addition, Halpin (2001) says that Entity-Relationship
(ER) modeling is providing another conceptual
approach, as its models are useful only after
finishing the process design. Moreover, Xiuzhen
Feng (2003), argues modelling is the most important
connection that links information system
management and information technology.
Table 2: Gravis Multiplicity Values.
Values Definitions
1-1* One Applicant is owner of one or more Passport
1-1 One Passport is owned by only one applicant
1-1* One Applicant apply for one or more visa
1-1 One visa is granted to only one applicant
1*-1 One or more Applicant lives in one address
Considering the existing visa process with the
modelling of data by Bell (2003) and the
relationship between system entities by Gomik
(2003), Figure 7 illustrates the completed GRAVIS
UML entity class diagram using the graphical
According to David Chappell, Chappell &
Associates (2007), “The goal in application
development is about creating the best possible
software in the least amount of time”. In addition to
Nicholas Carr (2008, p2, para6) “The modern
corporate data center, with all its complex and
expensive stacks of machinery, is on the path to
Figure 7: GRAVIS UML Entity Class Diagram.
The presented system interface is accessing the
database only through the server where we loaded
gravisdb.mdb and using the client/server architecture
as illustrated in Figure 8. However, it is called “a
systems built on the principle of isolation” by
Nicholas Carr (2008, p4).
Bruel, Ober (2006) argues that the generalization
of the client/server architecture justifies the
complexity of the simplest software systems; And
Turtschi, Werry, Hack, Albahari (2002, p2) argues,
“The .NET platform is the foundation upon which
the next generation of software will be built”.
Figure 8: GRAVIS Simplify Client/Server Architecture.
GRAVIS is a window forms application based
on the Microsoft .NET 3.5 Framework (David
Chappell et al, 2007), and programmed with
Microsoft Visual studio 2005 in a modern object-
oriented language, the (C#) C sharp (Symmonds,
2003). For Turtschi et al. (2002, p34) “C# supports
interfaces in conjunction with the .NET Common
Language Runtime (CLR) garbage collection” with
the derived controls of the
Button; Data Grid; Group Box; List View;
Tree View; Label; Date Time Picker;
Splitter controls; Picture Box List Control;
Month Calendar; Scrollable Control; Textbox;
3.2 Interfacing the Gravis System
After structuring Gravis, the system main board user
interface finalized, the goal was to make sure that it
works well, and that it is easy to use. Figure 9 gives
an overview of our new elaborated system interface
when Table 3, 4, and 5 gives each field generated
reference code label.
Table 3: Edit New Record Panel-Entity Applicant.
Entity Applicant Reference Code Label
ID txtVSID.Text
DATE OF BIRTH dobpicker.Text
OCCUPATION comboOccupation.Text
AVIS - APPLIED VISA INFORMATION SYSTEM - Case Study for the Embassy of the Gabonese Republic in China
Table 4: Edit New Record Panel-Entity Passport.
Entity Passport Reference Code Label
TYPE combopptype.Text
ISSUED DATE IssuePicker.Text
EXPIRY DATE ExpiryPicker.Text
IMAGE pictureCP.Image
Table 5: Edit New Record Panel-Entity Visa.
Entity Visa Reference Code Label
PURPOSE comboPurpose.Text
TYPE DURATION comboduration.Text
PRICE txtvisaprice.Text
OBSERVATION txtObservation.Text
Figure 9: GRAVIS System Interface screen.
The system control segregates different
categories as below detailing all items content in the
system board. This is solving the technical problem
of the system usability.
1-Header-Logo, Gabonese flag, system name
2- System Module: Add a new record, Search,
view list of query
3- Edit new Record including: Applicant details,
Passport details, image display; Address, visa
applied info, observation
4- Save picture button
5-Switch to language dropdown list including
English; Français ;( 中文)
6-System Control Buttons: Cancel, Close, Save,
View Results
7-Toolbar menu : File; Edit; view; Help
8- Gravis system board;
3.2.1 The C# Programming Code
Example 1 of Gravis board control panel Program
listing and commands in C# code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
namespace GravisPlateform {
public partial class ControlPanel :
{ public ControlPanel()
According to Nick Symmonds (2003), the
information the user needs about our program has to
be readily available, thus for the goal in the design is
the usability of the system. Using the mouse can
make screen navigation easier and the keyboard
shortcuts like F1 bring us Help (Symmonds, 2003).
Moreover, getting all needed information from the
database without inserting any SQL query in the
search field and the possibility to switch between
languages (English, French and Chinese), gives
some good quality to the AVIS.
3.3 Methods to Interact with the
A simple and efficient method is proper to every
goal and gives the possibility to the users to
accomplish their tasks.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.3.1 Method 1: Add a New Record
Step 1: Wait for Application to display;
Step 2: Press Start button to activate all editing
text fields;
Step 3: Click the Add new record panel;
Step 4: Fill in the information;
Step 5: Press the save image button to access the
computer hard drive from where the applicant’s
image has to be loaded;
Step 6: Wait for program to display the image;
Step 7: Fill the Observation field;
Step 8: Press Save button Return with goal
3.3.2 Method 2: Search a Recorded Data
Step 1: Press Search panel button;
Step 2: Browse and select a category;
Step 3: Fill the searching text field;
Step 4: Press the find button;
Step 5: Verify that the result is display;
Step 6: Return with goal accomplished;
3.3.3 Method 3: View Results
Step 1: Press View result button;
Step 2: Verify that the list of records is display;
Step 3: Return with goal accomplished;
3.4 Recovering from Error
The common consent in which less popup is better
and less annoying is been considered for advance
users. Also for GRAVIS, avoiding misunderstanding
and anticipating the most common of the errors is
necessary. The system will notify the users for a
successful task or gives effective instructions and
feedback in a popup window as shown in the Figure
10, meaning that the user will easily recover from
error and get back on track as rapidly as possible.
The following Example 2 expounds the C# code
of the A pop up windows Message box Information
from the system.
MessageBox.Show (" Record inserted
“GRAVIS Tech. Support TDAL ",
Figure 10: A pop up windows Message box Information
from the system.
To enhance its operational efficiency with visa
operations by the Gabon Embassy to Beijing, an
electronic system that can solve some of the
problems of the paper-based system, a dedicated
prototype AVIS is been proposed and a practical
analysis has demonstrated that the proposed model
was feasible with economic significance. The
system’s database contains all applied visas
information, as the functions of the system consist of
data storing and viewing and the implementation is
relatively simple.
The system methods for tasks and consistency
make it easy to use and it has to complete the main
goal of solving about 35years of unpacked visa
application forms paper. Thus making the Gabon
embassy to China benefits from the improved
productivity and especially enhancing service
As everything is going to internet, further work
of this paper would be, to developed and internet
web-based application and an internet-base system.
I wish to express my sincere appreciation to
Professor Liu Yun for her confidence and trust in
this endeavour. I would also like to thank his
Excellency Mr. Emmanuel MBA ALLO for his
support as well as the use of Gabonese Republic
embassy to China facilities and for allowing me the
opportunity to pursue this work. I wish to thank my
family for the love, the prayers and support making
this work possible and worthwhile.
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