A Concept Correlation Search Framework
Mei Kuan Wong, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi
Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, 6050 University Avenue, Halifax, NS, Canada
Ian D. Jonsen
Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, 1459 Oxford Street, Halifax, NS, Canada
Keywords: Correlation Search, Non-taxonomic Relations, Association Rule Mining, Lift Interestingness Measure.
Abstract: Ontology consists of concepts, taxonomic relations and non-taxonomic relations. The majority of the
ontology learning tools focus on discovering concepts and taxonomic relations. Very little effort has been
put on discovering non-taxonomic relations. In this paper, we present a concept correlation search
framework to discover non-taxonomic concept pairs from unstructured text. Our framework features the (a)
extraction of correlated concepts beyond ordinary search window size of a single sentence; (b) use of lift as
interestingness measure for association rule mining; (c) harness of 2- itemsets association rules from n-
itemsets association rules where n>2; and (d) identification of non-taxonomic concept pairs based on
existing domain ontology. The proposed framework has been tested with the Fisheries Oceanography
journals, and the results demonstrate significant improvements over traditional association rule approach in
search of non-taxonomic concept pairs.
Ontologies serve as semantic representations of
domain-specific knowledge, and are used for
knowledge sharing, interoperability and reuse
(Shamsfard & Barforoush 2003). An ontology
consists of a set of concepts or classes, C, which is
taxonomically related by the transitive, IS-A relation
H C × C and non-taxonomically related by named
object relation R ∗ ∈ C × C × String.
Developing ontologies—i.e. ontology
engineering—is a tedious process that demands a
sound understanding of the domain and the ability to
abstract and model the knowledge. In recent years,
ontology engineering has been pursued by ‘learning’
the ontology from domain-specific documents.
Ontology learning from text involves the application
of natural language processing, text analysis and
logical reasoning methods to capture knowledge—
i.e. domain concepts, relationships between
concepts, descriptions of concepts—from documents
to serve as the building blocks of an ontology. This
approach leads to a reduction in the time, effort and
manpower required in the ontology engineering
Typically, the existing ontology learning tools
focus on discovering concepts and their taxonomic
relations from texts. However, the extraction of non-
taxonomic relations, which are an integral aspect of
an ontological description of a domain, is not well-
researched (Sánchez & Moreno 2008). An example
of a non-taxonomic relation is the relation cure
between the concept pairs of doctor and patient.
Current research on discovering non-taxonomic
relations is pursued based on (a) statistical approach
and (b) semantic analysis approach. Semantic
analysis approaches rely on lexico-syntactic patterns
to discover relations between a pair of co-occurring
concepts. Statistical approaches involve studying the
distributional properties of words in order to
determine the salient concepts and then use
correlation measures between concepts to establish
potential non-taxonomic relations between them.
Association rule mining is a popular statistical
Kuan Wong M., Sibte Raza Abidi S. and D. Jonsen I..
DOI: 10.5220/0003482707070716
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WTM-2011), pages 707-716
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
method to extract non-taxonomic relations, and is
used in ontology learning tools such as Text2Onto
(Cimiano et al. 2005) and OntoLearn (Velardi et al.
2005). These ontology learning tools use association
rule mining with traditional confidence measure to
extract non-taxonomic relations. However, there are
noted limitations about confidence measure is that it
(a) is sensitive to the frequency of the concepts in
the data set and may return pairs of concepts even if
there is no association between them, and (b) suffers
from rare itemset problem whereby even if an
association rule representing an important
relationship between concepts exists but since it is
rare it is pruned altogether (Sheikh et al. 2005).
In this paper, we pursue the extraction of concept
pairs, from unstructured text, that has a non-
taxonomic relation between them. We present a
concept correlation search framework that employs a
statistical approach that is an extension to the
traditional association rule mining approach used in
ontology learning tools for non-taxonomic relation
extraction. Our approach to search for correlated
concepts has three distinct elements: (i) we
investigate the use of the lift measure (Sheikh et al.
2005), as opposed to the traditional support and
confidence measures, to establish the interestingness
between correlated concepts. The key advantage of
our use of the lift measure is that it determines how
many times more often concept X and concept
Y occurs together than expected if they were
statistically independent. Lift does not suffer from
the rare item problem (Sheikh et al. 2005); (ii) when
searching for correlated concept pairs we look
beyond the traditional one-sentence window to
include multiple adjacent sentences. Our approach is
based on the observation that quite often scientific
authors discuss correlated concepts across multiple
sentences, therefore we search correlated concepts
across two adjoining sentences; (iii) we employ a
domain ontology, as background knowledge, to filter
out the correlated concepts that have a taxonomic
relationship between them. This leaves us with a set
of non-taxonomic concept pairs that serve as
candidates for non-taxonomic relations during
ontology learning. We apply our framework to
search for non-taxonomic concept pairs for the
domain of marine biology—we worked with 374
Fisheries Oceanography journal publications over a
period of 10 years (1999-2008). We extracted 130
concept pairs out of which 108 non-taxonomic
concept pairs were identified. The results were
validated by domain experts.
Ontology learning involves Machine Learning (ML)
and advance Natural Language Processing (NLP)
technologies, starting from term extraction and
concept definition to more complex tasks such as
learning taxonomic and non-taxonomic relations. In
this section, we review the state-of-the-art in
ontology learning tools specific to non-taxonomic
relation extraction.
From a statistical perspective, the pioneer
research work in non-taxonomic relation extraction
was performed by Maedche & Staab (2000) using
association rule mining. Subsequently, ontology
learning tools such as Text2Onto (Cimiano et al.
2005) and OntoLearn (Velardi et al. 2005) also
approach the non-taxonomic relation extraction task
from the statistical point of view using association
rule mining with traditional confidence measure.
Hasti (Shamsfard & Barforoush 2004), another
ontology learning tool, extracts non-taxonomic
relations from the semantic analysis point of view.
Hasti combines logical, linguistic-based, template
driven and semantic analysis methods in their non-
taxonomic relation extraction. A hybrid of both
approaches is taken by RelExt (Schutz & Buitelaar
2005) in their non-taxonomic relation extraction
where relevant terms and verbs are extracted from a
given text collection. Then, a combination of both
linguistic and statistical processing is used to
compute relations between them. The problem with
these methods is that they are dependent on sentence
structure. Thus, the search window size for
correlated concepts is short and constrained to a
single sentence. Short search window size used often
proves to be deficient in discovering relations
(Chagnoux et al. 2008).
From the literature review, it is clear that
ontology learning, especially the extraction of non-
taxonomic relations from unstructured text is a
challenging, yet much pursued area. Our work is an
extension to the traditional association rule mining
used in some of the abovementioned tools. We
pursue to look beyond single-sentence window and
use lift as the interestingness measure to yield
interesting concept pairs that represent potential
non-taxonomic relations in ontology learning
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In order to extract non-taxonomic concept pairs from
unstructured text, we propose a concept correlation
search framework, which consists of four phases:
text preprocessing, concept extractor, correlated
concept search and concept pair classifier (see
Figure 1).
Figure 1: Functional design of our concept correlation
search framework.
Phase I begins with processing the collection of
text documents to extract the sentences within the
documents. Phase II extracts domain concepts from
the sentences. Phase III takes as input the sentences
(in the order they appear in the document) and the
extracted domain concepts to find correlated concept
pairs. In Phase IV we measure the relevancy of the
extracted correlated concept pairs to identify the
concept pairs that are relevant to the domain, and
then we use background knowledge (a domain
ontology) to identify the non-taxonomically related
concept pairs.
The distinct aspects of our approach are: (a) In
Phase III our correlated concept generator searches
for correlated concept pairs beyond the traditional
one-sentence window. This allows the potential
correlation of important concepts that are spread
across two adjoining sentences thus yielding a larger
set of correlated concept pairs; (b) In Phase III, we
apply the lift interestingness measure to association
rule mining to assess the degree to which the
concept pairs are of interest within our context; (c)
In Phase III, we make use of the association rules
with more than 2 itemsets whereby we derive
indirect 2-itemsets association rules. This is
important as most of the previous work tends to
ignore these rules while solving the non-taxonomic
relations extraction problem; (d) In Phase IV, we
engage domain experts to evaluate the relevancy of
the concept pairs extracted; and (e) In Phase IV, we
leverage a domain ontology to distinguish
taxonomic concept pairs from non-taxonomic
concept pairs.
In the next few sections, we explain the methods
developed for each processing phase.
3.1 Phase I: Text Preprocessing
This phase involves the processing of the
unstructured text document which is in the form of
Portable Document Format (PDF). The PDF files are
converted to text files using pdf2Text, an open-
source software that converts PDF documents into
text files. We also remove non-essential information
from the text files such as the headers (journal title,
author information, etc.) and footers
(acknowledgements, references, etc.). The processed
text files are then combined into a single text file.
The resulting output is then (a) used in Phase II for
concept extraction and (b) further processed using a
sentence splitter developed in Perl to split the text
into a list of sentences. A total of 74,280 sentences
were produced from a total of 374 Fisheries
Oceanography journals in PDF files.
3.2 Phase II: Concept Extractor
In this phase, our main objective is to identify key
domain concepts from the processed text file in
Phase I for the domain being investigated. We use
KEA (Keyphrase Extraction Algorithm) to extract
key phrases for the document. In KEA (Witten et al.
1999), the commonly used information retrieval
method, the tf-idf weight (term frequency-inverse
document frequency) is used to rank the key phrases.
As not all key phrases generated by KEA are domain
specific, we engaged domain experts in this phase to
manually evaluate the generated key phrases. The
key phrases produced by KEA were shown to the
domain experts to determine their relevancy to the
domain. The relevant key phrases are then used to
represent key domain concepts in the domain
ontology. A total of 102 domain concepts were
selected from the top 200 key phrases generated by
KEA. These concepts are then used as candidates in
Phase III in order to find correlations between them.
3.3 Phase III: Correlated Concept
In this phase, we pursue the search for concepts that
are deemed to be correlated. These correlated
concept pairs will further be candidates for non-
taxonomic relations. We have developed four tools
to search for correlations between concepts as
follows: (i) correlated concept generator; (ii)
association rule miner; (iii) indirect 2-itemsets
association rule detector; and (iv) association rule
filter (see Figure 1). We explain the tools developed
for each task in the next few sections.
3.3.1 Task I: Correlated Concept Generator
Based on the list of sentences generated in Phase I
and the extracted concepts generated in Phase II, the
first task in correlation search is to search for all
tightly correlated concepts. In our proposed
framework, we differentiate our correlation search
by extending the search window size to multiple
adjacent sentences (see Figure 2). By doing so,
firstly, we are able to generate more correlated
concepts and secondly, we are able to minimize the
number of missing concepts by combining all
adjacent stand alone concepts.
In order to locate correlated concepts in multiple
adjacent sentences, we devised a correlated concept
generator. First, we run through all the single
sentences to locate all salient concepts.
Subsequently, we perform three iterations over the
list of sentences to combine multiple adjacent
sentences as follows:
ITERATION 1: Combine two consecutive sentences
if each adjoining sentence consists of a single
ITERATION 2: Merge two consecutive sentences if
the first sentence consists of a single concept while
the adjoining sentence consists of more than one
concept. This is the look forward strategy.
ITERATION 3: Repeat ITERATION 2 but using the
look backward strategy. In look backward strategy,
we work from the end to the start of the text file.
An example of the execution of the correlated
concept generator is shown in Figure 2. We noted
that stand alone concepts such as a, b, c and d found
in one-sentence window are captured in our
extended window size approach. In addition, more
correlated concept pairs are generated in our
approach by combining the multiple adjacent
Figure 2: An example of our correlated concept generator
We examine the distribution of domain concepts for
the Fisheries Oceanography journal within a single
sentence and multiple adjacent sentences in order to
determine the salient concepts (see Table 1). In quest
for correlated concept pairs, sentences with more
than one salient concept are desirable. By using
original approach of one-sentence window, we noted
that only 36.3% of the sentences consist of more
than one salient concept. This means that the search
base for correlated concept pairs is constrained to
one third of the whole document. In addition,
concepts that are found solely in sentences with one
salient concept will be lost in the process of
extracting the correlated concept pairs.
Table 1: Number of sentences with salient concepts versus
search window size.
Search Window
Number of
sentences with
1 salient
concept (%)
Number of
sentences with >
1 salient concept
Single Sentence
23,725 (63.7%) 13,540 (36.3%)
11,615 (39.6%) 17,713 (60.4%)
Interestingly, in our proposed approach, the
percentage of sentences with more than one salient
concept has increased drastically from 36.3% to
60.4% (see Table 1). This indicates that our
proposed method of finding correlated concepts
within multiple adjacent sentences is capable of
returning more correlated concept pairs. In addition,
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the potential for losing adjacent stand alone concepts
is reduced substantially.
3.3.2 Task II: Association Rule Miner
In the second task, we mine for correlated concept
pairs through the use of association rule. Association
rule mining is a data mining technique that identifies
data or text elements that co-occur frequently within
a dataset (Agrawal et al. 1993). An association rule
describes the association among items in which
when some items are purchased in a transaction,
others are purchased too. The problem in association
rule mining can be represented as follows:
A transaction T supports an itemset X if X is
contained in T. The support for an itemset X is
defined as the ratio of the number of
transactions that supports the itemset X to the
total number of transactions. If the support for
an itemset X satisfies the user specified
minimum support threshold, then X is called
frequent itemset.
In our context, items are concepts while
transactions are sentences. It can be represented as
Y, in which X is an antecedent and Y is a
consequent of this rule, and X and Y are two
itemsets. However, in our quest for correlated
concept pairs, we treat rule X
Y, to be equivalent
to rule Y
Association rule mining typically results in large
amounts of redundant rules. Due to the large amount
of redundant rules; various measures have been
developed to help in evaluating the interestingness
of the association rules. Some of the existing
ontology learning tools such as Text2Onto (Cimiano
et al. 2005) and OntoLearn (Velardi et al. 2005) use
traditional confidence measure in extracting non-
taxonomic relations. The confidence of a rule X
is defined as the ratio of the support for the itemsets
Y to the support for the itemset X. If itemset Z
= X
Y is a frequent itemset and the confidence of
Y is no less than the user-specified minimum
confidence, then the rule X
Y, is an association
rule. As mentioned by (Sheikh et al. 2005), support-
confidence framework suffers from rare itemset
problem. Yet, rare itemset in an association rule may
represent an important relationship exist between
concepts. It is therefore important, from an ontology
learning standpoint, to recognize all these rare
In our proposed framework, we therefore use lift
as the interestingness measure for association rules.
Lift allows to measure how many times more often
X and Y occurs together than expected if they were
statistically independent. Lift does not suffer from
the rare itemset problem (Sheikh et al. 2005). The
lift measure is defined over [0,] and can be
interpreted as follows:
In our search for correlated concept pairs, lift
values greater than 1 is desirable. Typically, the
higher the lift value, the more likely that occurrence
of X and Y together, is not just random occurrence,
but, because of some relationships occur between
In our experiment, we use Weka, an open source
data mining software to perform the association rule
mining (Hall et al. 2009). Association rules
generated in this task are further categorized into 2
groups based on the number of itemsets present in
each association rule: (a) direct 2-itemsets
association rules and (b) n-itemsets association rules
where n > 2 (see Table 2). The group of n-itemsets
association rules are then used as candidates in Task
III to further derive more indirect 2-itemsets
association rules.
Table 2: Number of association rules generated by Weka
using support-lift framework.
Description Single
Total number of association
60 156
Number of direct 2-itemsets
association rules
50 105
Number of n-itemsets
association rules (n >2)
10 51
3.3.3 Task III: Indirect 2-itemsets
Association Rule Detector (I2ARD)
The aim of this phase is to further extract indirect 2-
itemsets association rules from n-itemsets
association rules where n >2. In order to achieve this
objective, we have developed an indirect 2-itemsets
Association Rule Detector (I2ARD) using Perl. The
main idea behind this detector is to employ the anti-
monotone constraint, which means that, if an itemset
I satisfies the constraint, so does any of its subset
(Sheikh et al. 2005). In our I2ARD, we use the anti-
monotone constraint to generate indirect 2-itemsets
sub association rules from association rules with
more than 2-itemsets. An example of our I2ARD is
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Examples of our Indirect 2-itemsets Association
Rule Detector (I2ARD) when n =3 and n =4.
In Table 3, we can see that our I2ARD is capable
of producing a substantial number of indirect 2-
itemsets association rules from n-itemsets
association rules where n > 2 for both original
approach and our approach. We noted that the
number of indirect 2-itemsets association rules
generated for both approaches doubled the original
number of n-itemsets association rules (n>2). This
can be attributed to the nature of the text collection,
in which the association rule miner returned
association rules with maximum of 3-itemsets. For
each 3-itemsets association rules, our I2ARD
produced two indirect 2-itemsets association rules.
Some of these indirect 2-itemsets association rules
may have existed as direct 2-itemsets association
rules discovered earlier by the association rule
miner. These redundant rules indicate that the rules
produced using our I2ARD are interesting and can
be considered for potential concept pairs.
Table 3: Number of indirect 2-itemsets association rules
generated by our I2ARD.
Description Single
Number of n-itemsets
association rules (n>2)
10 51
Number of indirect 2-
itemsets association rules
20 102
3.3.4 Task IV: Association Rule Filter
In this task, our objective is to aggregate all direct 2-
itemsets association rules discovered in Task II with
all indirect 2-itemsets association rules discovered in
Task III. In the process of aggregation, we eliminate
all redundant and symmetric rules. The rationale of
having all symmetric rules removed is that, we treat
rule X=> Y and rule Y=> X the same in our concept
pair extraction. The resulting output is a list of
unique concept pairs that are not redundant. We
applied the association rule filter on both the original
approach of one-sentence window as well as our
approach of extending the search window size to
multiple adjacent sentences. Table 4 shows the
number of unique concept pairs produced in Phase
III. We noted that our approach of combining
multiple sentences is capable of generating more
than double the number of unique concept pairs
generated by the original approach of one-sentence
Table 4: Number of unique concept pairs.
Description Single
Number of direct 2-itemsets
association rules
50 105
Number of indirect 2-itemsets
association rules
20 102
Number of unique concept
57 130
3.4 Phase IV: Concept Pair Classifier
The final phase of our concept correlation search
framework is to make an assessment on the
correlated concept pairs found in Phase III. Our two
stages classifying strategy is to (a) classify the
correlated concept pairs to highly related, related
and not related; and (b) further classify the highly
related and related concept pairs to taxonomic
concept pairs and non-taxonomic concept pairs.
3.4.1 Stage I: Result Evaluator
Evaluation of ontology relationships learning
systems against any gold standard is notoriously
difficult as there are not many gold standards that
are available for evaluation (Gulla et al. 2009).
Nevertheless, there is always another option in
which domain experts are engaged in performing the
manual evaluation. In this stage, we have engaged 2
domain experts to rate the suggested relationships
independently. We presented all unique concept
pairs found in Phase III to the experts for their
W Æ X, Y, Z
W, X, Y Æ Z
When n = 4,
W, X Æ Y, Z
When n = 3,
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
review. Each expert was asked to rank the concept
pairs as highly related (there is definitely a
relationship between the two concepts with a
numerical score of 1.0), related (there is probably a
relationship between the two concepts, score of 0.5)
or not related (these two concepts are not related,
score of 0).
Based on domain experts’ feedback for each concept
pairs, we computed the average score for each
concept pair and determined its relevance as shown
in Table 5.
Table 5: Score range matrix.
Ranking Score Range
Highly Related > 0.5
Related 0.5
Not Related < 0.5
For our purpose of non-taxonomic concept pair
extraction, we are only interested in highly related
and related concept pairs.
3.4.2 Stage II: Non-taxonomic Concept
Pair Finder
We further classify the highly related and related
concept pairs identified in Stage I into taxonomic
concept pairs and non-taxonomic concept pairs. Our
approach is based on the adoption of domain
ontology and exploiting the knowledge in the
taxonomy to isolate all taxonomic relations. If any of
the highly related and related concept pairs are
found in the domain ontology having super-class and
sub-class relations, these concept pairs are then
classified as taxonomic concept pairs. The remaining
concept pairs would then be classified as non-
taxonomic concept pairs.
In this section, we present the evaluation results for
various methods developed for Phase III and Phase
IV of our concept correlation search framework.
4.1 Evaluating Correlated Concept
Table 6 presents the number of highly related and
related concept pairs for different search window
size used in the correlated concept generator as
discussed in Section 3.3.1. The ranking of the
concept pairs found is determined based on
evaluation by domain experts. It is interesting to
note that our approach of using multiple adjacent
sentences as search window size offered an addition
of 81.25% of highly related concept pairs and an
addition of 153.85% of related concept pairs as
compared to the traditional approach of using a
single sentence as search window size. This
vindicates our proposed approach of extending the
search window size, and also confirms the
assumption that short search window size of a single
sentence is deficient in extracting non-taxonomic
Table 6: Number of concept pairs versus different
Number of
Highly Related
Concept Pairs
Number of
Related Concept
Single Sentence
(Original Approach)
32 13
Multiple Sentences
(Our Approach)
58 33
% Increase 81.25% 153.85%
4.2 Examining Support-lift Framework
To demonstrate the effectiveness of our choice of
the interestingness measure for association rules, we
compared the association rules generated by two
different interestingness measures—i.e. (a) the
support-confidence and (b) the support-lift. In the
experiment, we use minimum support value of 0.01,
minimum confidence value of 0.1 and minimum lift
value of 1.01. Table 7 displays that our proposed
approach of using support-lift framework produces
higher percentage of both highly related and related
concept pairs in comparison to the original
approach. Thus, this technique is proven to be useful
for relation extraction in which a significant lift
value can be more important than a high confidence
rule (Alvarez 2003).
Table 7: Support-confidence measure versus support-lift
Interestingness Measure
% of Highly
Related Concept
% of Related
(Original Approach)
44.85% 36.76%
(Our Approach)
49.23% 36.92%
% Change 4.38% 0.16%
We went on further to investigate the intersection of
association rules produced by different frameworks.
The rationale behind this investigation is to assess
the significance of rules produce by each
framework. If there is a substantial number of
overlapping rules found, this indicates that each
framework is capable of generating significance
rules. Figure 4 shows the intersection of association
rules produced by our support-lift framework against
the popular support-confidence framework.
Figure 4: Rules produce by various frameworks.
Interestingly, we noted that 97 concepts pairs are
found in both frameworks and 88.7% of them are
ranked as either highly related or related (see Table
8). Besides, we also studied rules generated solely
by each framework. The rules found in support-lift
framework alone seem to be of higher relevance in
comparison to rules found in support-confidence
framework alone. This implies that correlations
generated by the support-lift approach are of more
relevance to the domain experts as compared to the
correlations generated by the support-confidence
Table 8: Relevancy of association rules produce by
various frameworks.
% of Highly
Concept Pairs
% of Highly
Related Concept
Overlap Rules 51.55% 37.11%
Rules from Support-
Lift Framework Only
42.42% 36.36%
Rules from Support-
Framework Only
30.77% 33.33%
4.3 Evaluating Indirect 2-itemsets
Association Rule Detector (I2ARD)
Evaluation of I2ARD involved examination of
ranking on the indirect 2-itemsets association rules.
Out of the 25 indirect 2-itemsets association rules
detected, 21 of these rules are ranked as highly
related or related. By employing our I2ARD, the
number of highly related concept pairs increase by
10.34% whereas the number of related concept pairs
increase by 45.45% (see Table 9). This signifies the
importance of mining indirect 2-itemsets association
rules from n-itemsets association rules where n>2.
Table 9: Association rule miner versus association rule
miner + I2ARD.
Number of Highly
Related Concept
Number of
Concept Pairs
Association Rule
Miner only
58 33
Association Rule
Miner + I2ARD
64 48
% Increase 10.34% 45.45%
4.4 Evaluating the Concept Correlation
Search Framework
In order to evaluate our proposed concept correlation
search framework, we compare the outcome of our
framework with the outcome of a baseline approach.
The main difference between the baseline approach
and our concept correlation search framework is in
the components in Phase III of our framework (see
Table 10).
Table 10: Baseline approach versus our approach.
Our Approach
Search window size
Association Rule Miner Yes Yes
Indirect 2-itemsets
Association Rule Detector
No Yes
Table 11 exhibits the number of highly related
concept pairs and related concept pairs discovered in
both approaches. The results indicate that our
approach is capable of extracting a significantly
larger number of highly related concept pairs and
more than double the number of relevant concept
pairs in comparison to the baseline approach.
Table 11: Comparing our concept correlation search
framework against baseline.
Number of Highly
Related Concept
Number of Related
Concept Pairs
32 13
Our Approach 64 48
% Increase 100.00% 269.23%
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
4.5 Identifying the Non-taxonomic
We use the taxonomy of existing domain ontology
to distinguish taxonomic concept pairs from non-
taxonomic concept pairs for all the highly related
and related concept pairs found using our proposed
framework. With the knowledge that taxonomic
relation exists between a super class and a subclass
represented in the domain ontology, if a concept pair
is not found to be having an ancestral relation with
each other, it can be regarded as non-taxonomic
concept pair (given the knowledge captured within
the domain ontology). From our experiment, we
have identified 4 taxonomic concept pairs and 108
non-taxonomic concept pairs out of a total of 130
concept pairs extracted (see Table 12).
Table 12: Number of concept pairs versus types.
Number of Highly Related
Concept Pairs
Number of
Related Concept
60 48
4 0
Table 13 shows some examples of the taxonomic
concept pairs and non-taxonomic concept pairs for
the domain being studied. Since the fisheries
oceanography domain is a marriage between the
fisheries domain and the oceanography domain, it is
interesting to note that our proposed approach is
capable of finding correlated concept pairs within
each domain and across both domains. Concept pairs
across both domains are highlighted in bold (see
Table 13). These concept pairs are of special interest
to the domain experts as they provide clues to the
domain experts on the potential interactions between
both domains.
Table 13: Example of concept pairs generated from the
Fisheries Oceanography journals.
Taxonomic Concept
Non-taxonomic Concept
fish, capelin fish, length
fish, salmon
fish, temperature
salmon, pacific salmon
fish, depth
summer, seasons
summer, migration
summer, production
salinity, depth
temperature, depth
In this paper, we presented a concept correlation
search framework to extract non-taxonomic concept
pairs from unstructured text, and applied it to the
marine biology domain. The novel features of our
framework are that: (a) we search for correlated
concept pairs within multiple adjacent sentences.
This is an extension to the traditional approach of
using a single sentence in search of correlated
concept pairs; (b) we apply the lift interestingness
measure to association rule mining to assess the
degree to which the concept pairs are of interest
within our context; and (c) we derive new
correlations between pairs of concepts from n-
itemsets association rules where n>2. Our results
show that these features generate more and better
concept pairs in comparison to existing ontology
learning tools that use traditional association rule
mining to mine non-taxonomic relations. Our
framework also distinguishes non-taxonomic
concept pairs from taxonomic concept pairs using
background knowledge existing in domain ontology.
These non-taxonomic concept pairs will further be
candidates for non-taxonomic relations extraction in
ontology learning. Our framework is domain-
independent and will bring us a step closer towards
the semi-automation of non-taxonomic relation
extraction in support of ontology learning.
As future line of research, we intend to work on
another least tackled problem in ontology learning,
which is the labelling of the non-taxonomic concept
pairs, i.e. to employ linguistic structure approach to
determine the most appropriate verb that connect the
correlated concept pairs.
This research is supported by a R&D grant from
CANARIE, Canada through the Network Enabled
Platform program. We would also like to extend our
gratitude to Dr. Isidora Katara for her valuable help
in the evaluation of the proposed framework.
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WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies