Giampaolo Bella
Software Technology Research Lab, De Montfort University, Leicester, U.K.
Dip. Matematica e Informatica, Universit
a di Catania, Catania, Italy
Gianpiero Costantino
Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, CNR Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Lizzie Coles-Kemp
Information Security Group, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, U.K.
Salvatore Riccobene
Dip. Matematica e Informatica, Universit
a di Catania, Catania, Italy
University exam, Public competition, e-Learning, Secret sharing, Exclusive OR.
Authentication and anonymity are inherently difficult to combine. In case of face-to-face, written, university
exams or public competitions, the candidates should be authenticated to prevent exchange of person, but the
written exams they produce should be anonymous during the marking to ensure fairness of the marking. Com-
plications rise still when the entire exam management should take place remotely, that is via the Internet, thus
involving remote publication of marks and remote consultation/acceptance of those marks. This management
would be useful, for example, also for the final, face-to-face, written exam concluding lectures delivered via
electronic learning techniques. To our knowledge, no software currently exists beside ours to support this
delicate combination of authentication and anonymity along with other typical exam preparation utilities.
WATA2.0 (Bella et al., 2009) supports the management of Written Authenticated Though Anonymous exams
non-remotely, that is by having WATA2.0 run locally on the examiner’s computer. Upgrading the system
towards remote management turns out far from trivial because novel though fundamental security threats arise.
These have required much more than SSL-secured connections to a remote WATA server: a complete redesign.
In particular, the identity of a candidate is no longer matched to a written exam through identical barcodes but,
rather, through barcodes that decrypt via exclusive-OR to the candidate’s details. The new system, WATA3.0,
is currently used at the University of Catania, and the migration from the previous version has been seamless.
The innovative design of WATA3.0, its user experience, interface and implementation are presented.
Modern societies incrementally base their wealth on
actual people’s merits, which are normally assessed
through tests, exams or public competitions. Depend-
ing on the specific context, a specific terminology and
method are adopted. For example, a student normally
progresses towards a university Bachelor degree by
sitting for an exam, which they fill in, and which is
later marked by the lecturer.
The actual notification of the marks to the exami-
nee can be done in various ways. The main ones are
two: the examiner sets an appointment to meet the ex-
aminee in person and reveal the marks; or the marks
are published on the Internet, as would be more ap-
propriate, for example, for the remote management of
the final, face-to-face, written exam concluding lec-
tures delivered via e-learning techniques. In all cases,
Bella G., Costantino G., Coles-Kemp L. and Riccobene S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003481404310437
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (ATTeL-2011), pages 431-437
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the examiner knows the personal details (name, sur-
name, etc.) of the examinees as well as which mark
goes to which candidate. The examinees customarily
accept the examiner’s knowledge of such association.
However, knowledge of such association is often
considered sensitive information, such as at public
competitions towards a prestigious post. Also, under-
graduates may feel that disclosing that information to
an examiner cannot be accepted by their righteous pri-
vacy requirements. A potential practical implication
of the disclosure is the examiner’s unfair marking,
which could ultimately hinder meritocracy. Hence
the need for anonymity. By contrast, an anonymous
exam sheet might invite cheating at the examinee’s
side, with a realistic chance of person exchange.
WATA is a system for written, authenticated
though anonymous exams (Bella et al., 2009). It runs
locally on the examiner’s computer, and therefore has
two main limitations: the notification of marks must
be carried out classically, as outlined above; the sys-
tem must be installed on the machine of each exam-
iner who wishes to use it. These motivations con-
vinced us to upgrading the system towards a remote
platform, which any student interested in being no-
tified his mark, or any examiner wishing to use its
facilities might easily access.
However, we soon realised that making the sys-
tem remotely available entails new threats. Not only
are these due to the obvious need to securely com-
municate with a server, but also to the basic design
becoming flawed when hosted on a remote platform.
The main security requirement to meet is examinees’
remote authentication, for at least two reasons. One is
to avoid a clever examinee’s selling his vote to other,
possibly less skilled, examinees.
Another one is due to the fact that certain exam
policies allow examinees to refuse marks till the mo-
ment these are notified. Hence an examinee can
refuse his mark prior to knowing it, while “fail” marks
may officially be accounted for throughout the rest
of his studies. However, once marks are notified,
they cannot be refused and are automatically regis-
tered. The gist of such an exam policy seems to be
to favour examinees’ self evaluation. Therefore, from
our security perspective, lack of examinee authenti-
cation would allow an examinee to illegally register
another examinee’s mark on behalf of the latter. This
would be a serious attack in case the latter examinee,
possibly after pondering his answers, did not want to
have his exam marked.
In consequence, in the new setting, the existing
design of WATA, which was version 2.0, has to be dis-
posed with entirely more explanation will follow.
Various ideas were tried out towards a new design,
and the exclusive-or function was found to be the right
technology. The main strength of the XOR is the sym-
metry of its truth table, while its drawback is cancel-
lation of the key, which implies the need of fresh keys
every time a new and robust ciphertext must be built.
Barcodes were used in WATA2.0 to match an exam-
inee’s credentials to his exam sheet. Their use in the
new version, which we name WATA3.0, is completely
different: each barcode encodes either the encrypted
version of a set of credentials or the key that must be
used to decipher it.
This paper fully describes the latest version of our
sytem, WATA3.0. A brief history of the previous ver-
sions (§2) introduces the design and user experience
of WATA3.0 (§3). Then, the new interface (§4) and
implementation (§5) are outlined. Some evaluation
(§6) and conclusions (§7) close up.
The original goal of WATA was to mechanise in a
software the classical method of the double envelope,
which is often used during open competitions. The
examinee inserts his personal details in a small enve-
lope, and seals it. He then inserts that envelope along
with his anonymous, filled-in exam sheet in a bigger
envelope. The examiner is trusted to mark the exam
sheet prior to opening the smaller envelope, when the
association of marks and examinee can be done.
WATA stores the exam questions in a database. It
offers a printing facility to generate as many exam
sheets as needed, with the required number of ques-
tions. These are randomly extracted from the database
and shuffled further to ensure that no two identical
exam sheets exist. A typical exam sheet can be seen in
Figure 1. The security token on the left hand side must
be filled in and signed by the examinee. The examiner
checks this information to match the examinee’s iden-
tification card and finally authenticates the token with
his overlay signature and institution stamp, to make it
physically tamperproof. The two occurrences of the
same barcode can be noted. They will be used later to
match personal details with marks.
The examinee finally tears off the token, hands in
the anonymous manuscript and walks away with the
token. The examiner will mark anonymous sheets and
will organise a mark notification phase as outlined
above. During that phase each examinee will hand
in his token, whose barcode is scanned through an ap-
propriate scanner, entered in WATA2.0 and matched
to a mark that was stored previously: the examiner
stored that mark during the actual marking phase next
to a barcode scanned from an exam sheet. The only
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: The exam sheet of WATA2.0.
real limitation of this system is against collusion of
examinee and examiner.
These facilities were available in WATA1.0, which
was written in Visual Basic and based on a Microsoft
Access database. WATA2.0 (Bella et al., 2009) was
a big step towards portability, being implemented in
Java and over a MySQL database. However, it still
had to run locally on the examiner’s database.
We set out to make WATA remotely available. Ex-
aminee authentication was soon felt to be a must, oth-
erwise a significant attack could see an examinee sell
his mark. Another attack, already sketched, exists:
WATA is accessible on a remote server; an examinee
reads (by any means such as circumstances or theft)
another examinee’s barcode and enters it in the sys-
tem. This is serious when it is the case that, while an
examinee can decide to skip the notification phase re-
nouncing to whatever mark and having the exam fees
waived, an examinee who goes for the notification by
handing his token over, cannot refuse the mark.
It is then clear why the design of WATA3.0, which
works on a remote server and is immune to the previ-
ous attacks, is entirely new with respect to the design
of the previous versions.
We begin by describing the system requirements
(§3.1) and continue by describing our solution to meet
them (§3.2).
3.1 Requirements
3.1.1 System Requirements
The entire system should be centralised on a ma-
chine that is maintained by an administrator.
Both examiner and examinee should be able to ac-
cess the system remotely and securely.
3.1.2 Examiner’s Requirements
Any number of examiners should be supported
(subject to obvious machine speed/memory lim-
Each examiner should be able to register a number
of exams, depending on exam subject/date.
The examiner should then be allowed to upload
the exam questions for each exam.
It should be possible to upload questions interac-
tively or as a batch in an ascii file with standard
Exam questions should be securely stored in a re-
mote database.
A printing facility should allow the preparation
of exam sheets in PDF format any number of
exam sheets, corresponding to the number of ex-
aminees, and any number of questions per sheet.
Each exam sheet should be authenticated in the
classical sense face-to-face.
The marking facility should allow a mark to be
stored for each exam sheet.
The notification facility should allow marks to be
securely accessible by their respective authors.
Each examinee should be allowed to access his
mark only or, at least, examinees should not be
able to steal marks from each other or trade marks
between each other.
3.1.3 Examinee’s Requirements
Each exam sheet should be anonymous when it is
being marked.
Notification should be remote.
The same requirements about notification as the
last two in the examiner’s list.
3.2 Our Innovative Solution
The requirements set above can be met as described
in the sequel of this section.
The system requirements can be met by hosting
the WATA system on a remote and publicly accessible
server, not necessarily of the institution hosting the
exam. It can be assumed that the server is maintained
by a dedicated administrator, as with all institutional
servers. Access is done via HTTPS, which ensures
that all communication is encrypted and secured via
the SSL protocol. Each user registers with the server
as is customary, gaining personal credentials for con-
fidential and authenticated access (this typically in-
volves delivery of an initial password via email, and
its change into a robust one at first login). This also
meets the requirement for multi-user support, as the
server stores the hashed versions of the passwords.
Users are required to enter their role, such as ‘ex-
aminee’ or ‘examiner’, which the system can verify
against an available list of examiners. This allows the
system to present the right menu to each user.
3.3 Preparing the Exam Sheets
Exam registration and various forms of question up-
load can be achieved by equipping the server with
a suitable database. The printing facility, includ-
ing question re-use/re-shuffling, can be inherited from
WATA2.0. However, contrarily to WATA2.0, it is no
longer necessary to print the two occurrences of the
same barcode, while the rest of the security token is
The absence of the barcode simplifies the handling
of the printed, blank exam sheets. They were grouped
by a barcode in WATA2.0 such that an exam of three
questions relied on three sheets with one question
each, all having the same barcode. By contrast,
WATA3.0 is dependable also against potential mix-
ing of the unfilled exam question sheets before they
are handed out to the examinees, because there exists
no a priori sorting or relationship between them. This
of course assumes that it is fine to ask the examinees
random questions from the database.
As explained below, this simplification has some
price in terms of complication of the exam experience
for both parties.
3.4 Taking the Exam
The exam experience takes place as follows.
The examiner has a laptop with connected printer.
He feeds in the paper drawer of the printer the pre-
printed exam sheets using a prescribed orientation
(see below).
An examinee approaches the examiner’s desk and
hands his identity card over to the examiner.
The examiner authenticates the examinee and
feeds the latter’s personal details (name, surname,
matriculation/registration number, etc.) into the
system. Alternatively, the examiner finds those
details on a precompiled list of registered exam-
inees, which may be available.
WATA3.0 generates a random key, whose bit
length matches that of the examinee’s details, plus
some randomness. This key is XOR-ed to the de-
tails, building the encrypted details. Key and cor-
responding ciphertext will be addressed as shares
of the personal details for brevity.
The key for each examinee is stored in the
database next to the examinee’s details.
The corresponding ciphertext is not stored in the
table to ensure anonymity during the marking
phase. To remove the examinees’ trust that this is
actually the case, various software security mea-
sures ca be adopted, such as: publishing the code
with its fingerprint to allow examinees’ inspec-
tion; calculating the live fingerprint of the code
used at the exam; check that the two match. In
practice, we have realised that this trust issue is re-
solved by the examiner’s using a machine belong-
ing to a random examinee, inserting a (read-only)
DVD with WATA3.0 in it, and using that machine
for the rest of the process. A further level of pro-
tection from the host machine can be achieved by
building a DVD with a virtual machine running
The printer then prints the key on each of the re-
quired sheets three sheets, for example, if three
questions are required per exam.
The printer prints the corresponding ciphertext on
the first exam sheet, exactly inside the security to-
ken. The ciphertext is then erased from memory.
The examinee takes his exam sheets, walks away
to fill in the security token as required, and com-
plete the exam answers. He finally tears off the
token and walks away with it, as with WATA2.0.
3.5 Marking the Exam Sheets
The marking phase is unchanged: the examiner scans
the exam barcode and enters the corresponding mark.
When finished, he publishes the results.
3.6 Notifying the Marks
The notification experience is now available to the ex-
aminees, and can be summarised as follows.
An examinee logs into the system, and enters the
barcode number of his token in the assump-
tion that barcode scanners are not widespread, the
sytem can print the exadecimal version in the to-
ken so that it can be read and keyed in.
The examinee is also required to enter his main
personal details.
After customary confirmation messages, the sys-
tem reads the input, queries the database using the
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
personal details, and then gets the corresponding
This is XOR-ed to the live share. If the outcome
matches the personal details, then the vote is suc-
cessfully registered, and a corresponding informa-
tive message is sent to the examinee. Otherwise,
a notification of potential fraud is batched for the
examiner, while a corresponding error message is
sent of to the examinee.
There exists a public time window for validity
of the notification phase, such as one week. Af-
ter the corresponding deadline, WATA3.0 disables
the notification menu for all examinees. This is
taken to mean that those who have not undergone
notification wish to refuse the outcome.
It is clear that this system addresses the issue of
examinees authentication. Even if security tokens are
stolen or traded, no mark can be registered with the
wrong personal details. A similar attempt would lead
to failure of decryption of the personal details during
the notification phase. All remaining requirements
formulated above are therefore satisfied.
The user interface for examiners features a simple
menu, here omitted for brevity, with intuitive buttons
described in the following.
For example, an Add Questions’ button provides
the various facilities for question upload, asking to en-
ter a new exam name/date or select an existing one.
A ‘Print Exam Sheets’ button opens up the printing
facilities through the interface in Figure 2. The exam-
iner can select the exam name among those for which
questions are available “Computer Security” in this
case. It can be seen that the number of tests, and the
number of questions per test can be entered. It can
also be chosen whether to have a white page per ques-
tion, for the examinee’s convenience to fill in. Once a
‘Create’ button is clicked, the system invokes the un-
derlying printing interface for either immediate print-
ing or creation of a PDF file to print later.
A ‘Build Shares’ button opens up the menu to
compute the two shares out of the examinee’s full
personal information (registration number alone for
brevity in the current version). It can be seen in Fig-
ure 3. The two shares are treated as described in the
previous Section, that is printed appropriately and re-
spectively recorded and discarded. Text capture is for-
bidden to increase protection of the share that must
be deleted. The risk of potential screen capture by an
unfair examiner is minimised by the whole process
Figure 2: The printing interface.
taking place under the scrutiny of the examinee, who
should be prevented from using mobile phone cam-
eras. It was considered to increase public inspection
by projecting the whole screen by a video projector,
but this would impair the prevention of mobile phone
picture taking. We have not yet evaluated examinees’
response if the shares were not displayed at all, but
directly sent off to the printer.
Figure 3: The sharing interface.
A ‘Show Tables’ buttons allows the examiner to
interact with all existing tables through simplified in-
terfaces. For example, he may like to search for a spe-
cific keyword in the question table, or delete a ques-
tion. The same could be useful over the exam table
after the marking phase. This is implemented behind
the ‘Mark Exam Sheets’ button. It leads to the inter-
face in Figure 4. It can be seen that the examiner can
enter or scan the share from the exam sheet, and then
select the appropriate mark for example, “18” is
the minimum required to pass in an Italian university.
After selection, the mark can be saved. At completion
of the entire marking phase, the examiner may click
“Publish Results” to enable the users registered with
role of examinee to compute their marks.
Figure 4: The marking interface.
When the deadline for notification validity has
passed, the examiner can inspect which examinee has
had his vote registered by clicking on ‘Show Results’.
The examinee menu is simple, hence omitted here:
a ‘Notification’ button allows the examinee to enter
his personal details and share, and then outputs the
corresponding mark, which is definitively registered.
WATA3.0 is currently hosted on an Apache server
with support enabled for OpenSSL. It is then entirely
written in PHP and Javascript, and continues to rely
on a MySQL database.
The structure of the database is the obvious one,
with tables storing users with their roles, exam names,
exam questions, and exam marks. The PHP code
prescribes frequent accesses to the MySQL database.
These can be made transparent by storing the creden-
tials of the MySQL user ‘wata’ in a dedicated file,
called ‘wata.conf.php’. This choice may seem ques-
tionable in terms of security, but the WATA adminis-
trator will keep those files in his own disc quota.
A flavour of the implementation can be obtained
by looking at the following Javascript fragments. Fig-
ure 5 shows two example functions. Function ‘Se-
cretSharing.prototype.randomString’ returns an array
of given length containing random bits. It will be in-
voked to generate the random key share by function
‘SecretSharing.prototype.encode’. This computes the
ciphertext share by bitwise XOR-ing the key share to
the personal details given as input. It can be seen that
if finally returns the share pair.
Figure 5: Two Javascript functions used in WATA3.0.
WATA2.0 was released under the Creative Commons
licence, Attribution Non-Commercial No Deriva-
tives”. It has vastly been adopted at the Department
of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of
Catania since 2004. The migration to WATA3.0,
which took place at the beginning of the present aca-
demic year, has been seamless. The students reported
no irregularity and enthusiastically engaged with the
web service. It is expeceted that the remote availabil-
ity of a service such as WATA3.0 can only favour its
acceptance and international diffusion.
WATA offers a rather unique service, hence the
limited related work to the previous version (Bella
et al., 2009). To the best of our knowledge, the present
version seems to have none, which explains the very
short bibliography. Moreover, WATA is under con-
tinuous development. Future work includes the im-
plementation of additional roles for other members of
the examining committe or for third-party inspectors.
WATA3.0 has been fully redesigned with respect to
the previous version to become a web service. It can
the be claimed that written exams can be now man-
aged remotely, from sheet preparation to notification
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and registration, while ensuring authentication of the
examinees and anonymity during the marking.
We are grateful to Stefano D’amico and Giuseppe
Gurgone for helping with the implementation.
Bella, G., Costantino, G., and Riccobene, S. (2009). A sys-
tem for written authenticated though anonymous ex-
ams. In Cordeiro, J. and B.Shishkov, editors, Proc. of
the 2nd International Conference on Computer Sup-
ported Education (CSEDU09), page 132 137. IN-
STICC Press.