Market Potential, Time Horizons and User Groups
Tom Evens, Lynn De Vlieger, Elke Boudry, Pieter Verdegem, Lieven De Marez
IBBT-MICT, Dep. of Communication Sciences, Ghent University, Korte Meer 7, 9000, Gent, Belgium
Erik Vanhauwaert, Koen Casier, Jan Van Ooteghem, Sofie Verbrugge, Bart Lannoo
IBBT-IBCN, Dep. of Information Technology, Ghent University, Gaston Crommenlaan 8 (bus 201), 9050, Gent, Belgium
Keywords: Fibre to the home, Value-added services, Bandwidth requirements, Expert study, Nielsen’s Law.
Abstract: Currently, telecom operators are developing large-scale projects in the internet broadband sector in
cooperation with utility companies and public institutions. The roll-out of fibre to the home network
infrastructure is often justified by the supposed increasing user demand for high-bandwidth applications.
Starting from a user-oriented perspective, however, it is important to consider the utility of fibre networks
for future users and to explore those killer applications that can convince end-users to migrate from their
current connections to high-bandwidth networks. By means of an international expert survey, this paper
tries to identify value-added services that benefit from fibre’s network potential in terms of high speed,
symmetry and low delay. In contrast to initial expectations, video delivery applications were found less
convincing by the experts whereas health monitoring, online content storage and management services, and
desktop sharing were identified as the most promising fibre applications. In terms of timing, content storage
and management systems and desktop sharing are identified as more market-ready than health monitoring
applications. Whereas the health monitoring and desktop sharing are mainly seen as a service only for the
consumer and business market respectively, content management systems are considered useful for business
as well as for consumer purposes.
Countries and cities all over the world currently are
in the process of developing large-scale projects in
the internet broadband sector. In most cases, these
initiatives are driven by public-private partnerships
(PPP), that align the interests of different private and
public players. Typical examples of private players
in such cooperation are network operators and
service providers. Public parties involved are often
local communities, municipalities and governments.
With these considerable investments in upgrading
network infrastructure, all stakeholders are eager to
provide innovative and advanced broadband services
to various user groups and tap into a new pool of
revenues (Nuccaiarelli, Sadowski and Achard,
2010). Public parties justify the roll-out and
deployment of next-generation networks (NGN) by
the desire to improve the ‘quality of place’ for
citizens and enterprises. This high-speed network
infrastructure should not only function as an
economic engine for attracting more companies and
creating new job opportunities, but is sometimes
believed to close the persistent social and digital
divides. Although this belief seems a bit techno-
optimistic and is worth a discussion (see Dolente,
Galea and Leporelli, 2010), the debate lies not
within the scope of this paper.
Another, and probably more powerful, argument
for rationalising the vast investments in large-scale
network infrastructure projects is the increasing user
demand for high-bandwidth applications. According
to Nielsen’s Law, postulated in 1998, the available
bandwidth to high end-users increases with fifty
percent per annum on average and the mass market
lags the high end-user by two-three years (Nielsen,
1998). This law predicts that 100 Mbps will be
available in 2015 and 1 Gbps in 2020. Thanks to the
increased deployment of next-generation network
infrastructure (such as fibre), a growing number of
Evens T., De Vlieger L., Boudry E., Verdegem P., De Marez L., Vanhauwaert E., Casier K., Van Ooteghem J., Verbrugge S. and Lannoo B..
VALUE-ADDED SERVICES FOR FIBRE TO THE HOME - Market Potential, Time Horizons and User Groups.
DOI: 10.5220/0003463200050013
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2011), pages 5-13
ISBN: 978-989-8425-70-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
countries are already providing services to the
residential market with a bandwidth higher than
anticipated by this law (albeit on a small scale). In
Sweden, for example, 100 Mbps connections are
available since 2004 in several areas of the country.
Given the extensive residential fibre deployment and
the growing rivalry among internet service providers
(ISPs) in terms of pricing and capacity, Sweden is
expected to pass the 1 Gbps milestone already in the
near future (Ventura Team LLP, 2008).
In 1964, McLuhan stated that ‘the medium is the
message’ by which he meant that content is defined
by the nature of its distribution mode. Following the
rationale behind this phrase, the availability of high-
bandwidth capacity should thus eventually result in
the supply and consumption of bandwidth-intensive
services and applications. However, it may be clear
from the past that end-users are only willing to adopt
new technology if this provides them with perceived
added value and benefits (the so-called chicken-and-
egg problem). With regard to fibre networks, Noam
(2008: 2) notes that ‘it is common to rush into talk of
technology or rollout strategy without first
considering the utility to users. If one builds an oil
pipe one must first be sure that there is an oil supply
at one end and demand for it at the other. The
economic case for investment in super-broadband
must rest on its meeting a demand/price combination
that is not satisfied today’. Especially in Europe, this
demand for fibre networks is still mainly unproven.
Whether the network operators’ goal is to migrate
existing DSL (or cable) customers to fibre or to
position fibre as a superfast high-end offer, fibre
technology is not yet a widespread success in
Europe (IDATE, 2010). In general, the number of
homes passed is still small and commercially
available offers have not yet fully convinced
potential customers, which seem satisfied with their
existing connection, to migrate to fibre. Although
prices for superfast broadband access are in line with
or slightly higher than those charged for regular
access, end-users are reluctant to switch to NGN
providing more bandwidth capacity these days. If
the perceived utility for end-users is not in access
prices, the supply of value-added services will
certainly have to provide this utility.
In this paper the focus is on the supply and
demand for bandwidth-intensive applications.
Following a user-oriented approach – instead of the
more technological deterministic perspective – the
paper tries to identify those services that offer added
value and that benefit from fibre networks’ potential
in terms of high speed, symmetry, low delay and low
jitter. Based on opinions of 21 international experts,
this paper explores business opportunities for a
limited set of services and applications, which might
help in convincing end-users to switch from regular
to ultra-broadband internet connections. In order to
be sure that these services need NGN (in this case
fibre), it is questioned whether or not existing
infrastructure will suffice to deliver these
applications with similar ‘quality of service’ (QoS)
and ‘quality of experience' (QoE)(De Moor & De
Marez, 2008) .
If you build it, they will come’. This ‘adage’ is often
heard when talking about an innovative product or
service. It implies that supply automatically evokes
demand and that each innovation finds its way to the
end-user. As this reasoning merely is an illustration
of technological-deterministic approach, it does not
provide sufficient arguments to convince operators
to invest into expensive infrastructure in the short
term. Currently, there is a lot of debate among
experts whether fibre’s bandwidth is excessive for
services’ requirements and whether existing network
infrastructure would suffice to offer ultra-broadband
applications. Hence, this section provides a brief
overview of this debate – including some of the
arguments held by fibre advocates and opponents –
but also aims at going beyond this mainly theoretical
discussion by offering technical application
requirements and more quantitative argumentation
of why fibre is an appropriate solution for realising
value-added services.
2.1 Fibre Deployment
Whereas previously Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
and Hybrid Fibre Coax (HFC) were among the most
prominent technologies to provide homes and multi-
dwelling buildings with access to
telecommunications services, fibre is increasingly
used to deliver signals from the operators’ switching
equipment to houses or offices. ‘Fibre’ is the generic
term for any broadband network architecture that
uses optical fibre to replace all or part of the existing
metal local loop used for last mile internet
communications. With regard to the distance
between the optical fibre and the connected end-user
(the shorter this distance, the faster the connection),
distinct configurations can be distinguished (see also
figure 1):
Fibre to the node (FTTN): fibre is terminated
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
in a street cabinet up to 300 meter from the
average end-user while the final last mile is
connected by alternative distribution methods
(wireless, copper, coax)
Fibre-to-the-curb (FTTC): fibre is terminated
in a street cabinet closer than 300 meter from
the average end-user
Fibre-to-the-building (FTTB): fibre terminates
at the boundary of the building, the in-house
connection continues over alternative in-
building technologies
Fibre to the home (FTTH): fibre continues
indoors and reaches the living and working
Figure 1: Fibre network configurations.
Compared to traditional infrastructure, the most
obvious benefit optical fibre provides is speed. Fibre
networks carry data by transmitting pulses of light,
usually created by lasers, which turn these light
signals on and off very quick. As these lasers are
getting ever faster, higher speed data transmission is
possible via the same network without the need to
replace the fibre. Additionally, in contrast to other
existing network media, the optical fibre is a
medium with very low attenuation and dispersion of
the signal. This allows optical networks to carry
much higher bandwidths over longer distances with
less loss and deformation of the signal (and content
as such). Traditional upgraded network
infrastructure (e.g. VDSL, DOCSIS) offers more
problems for increasing bandwidths and current
implementations typically ranging from 3 to 30
Mbps downstream and from 0.25 and 4.5 Mbps
upstream capacity. Currently fibre offers
downstream and upstream bandwidth of 100 Mbps
even up to even 1 Gbps on the residential market.
Business customers are often provided with much
higher bandwidths over the same fibre. Along with
speed, symmetry – identical downstream and
upstream bandwidth – is an important fibre benefit.
The combination of speed and symmetry allows for
low latency and as a result improved interactivity.
Finally, fibre networks allow for a more reliable and
consistent signal. As fibre is almost immune to
electromagnetic interference and eavesdropping, its
connection is perceived more stable than traditional
network infrastructure. From a user perspective, this
ultra-broadband network infrastructure should result
in enhanced services and an increased QoE.
However, a small amount of authors believes
that existing network infrastructure will suffice to
deliver enhanced applications and services to end-
users in the future. Fredebeul-Krein & Knoben
(2010), for example, argue that research shows
limited evidence for increasing demand for high-
bandwidth capacity and that people are rather
reluctant to pay a price premium for fibre
connections. In addition, telecom operators are
facing regulatory uncertainty regarding future
wholesale (i.e. will first movers be forced to open up
their network to alternative access-seeking
operators?), while technical progress may allow the
current networks to deliver higher bandwidth. They
claim that for telecom operators there are no obvious
guarantees for a viable business case (Fredebeul-
Krein & Steingröver, 2009). Noam (2008) also
questions the viability of high-bandwidth content
providers, which would have to invest heavily to
develop innovative services without any guarantees
considering return on investment.
This view is largely disproved by true broadband
believers, who consider current networks incapable
of meeting future bandwidth requirements, even if
network operators would strongly invest to improve
existing infrastructure. According to Huigen & Cave
(2008: 714), ‘the question is not so much whether a
massive increase in bandwidth over fixed access
networks is necessary, but rather when and how it
will be realised’. As the majority of applications
demanding high-bandwidth is still to be developed,
fibre is often said to be the most ‘future-proof’
technology. Referring to the traditional chicken-and-
egg problem new platforms face, it is important to
note that the availability of high-capacity services
necessitates improved network infrastructure, while
investments in upgrading networks may stimulate
the development of capacity-sensitive applications
VALUE-ADDED SERVICES FOR FIBRE TO THE HOME - Market Potential, Time Horizons and User Groups
(Falch & Henten, 2010). This might mean that cities
and countries can benefit from an ‘accumulation
effect’. The more homes and buildings are passed
with fibre, the higher penetration rates will be and
the more novel applications will be developed. In
this regard, the development and provision of
services will benefit from economies of scale, both
on the supply and the demand side.
2.2 Application Requirements
In order to evaluate the technical requirements for
ultra-broadband applications with regard to existing
and next-generation networks, one has to consider
some properties of online communication networks
(Comer, 2009). The best-known network parameter
is the provided bandwidth, which defines the amount
of information sent over the network (expressed in
bits/second). A distinction should be made between
download and upload capacity, and between average
and peak bit rates that are processed over a digital
communication network. In terms of bandwidth,
video applications obviously require more capacity
to send over a network compared to text files. While
it takes about 5Mb to share PDF e-books, sharing
full-length high-definition quality movies requires
up to several Gbs. Depending on its duration and
quality level, high-definition video such as internet-
protocol television (IPTV) services require about
12.5 to 20 Mbps (see Charbonnier et al., 2008). For
this reason, video-related applications should
definitely benefit from increased bandwidth of next-
generation networks such as fibre to the home.
Apart from bandwidth, delay and jitter are also
important design and performance characteristics of
a telecommunications network. Delay specifies the
time needed for a bit to travel from one node to the
other (typically measured in fractions of seconds)
while jitter refers to the variance in this delay. These
parameters are only critical in case of bi-directional
and real-time applications such as video telephony
and streaming. A smooth conversation requires that
one hears the other with a delay of less than 100ms.
Jitter is even more important than delay and can
cause severe quality degradations, and is often
solved by providing a buffer at the receiving end
with a given average fill rate. These buffers however
will also result in additional delay.
Table 1: Next-generation network quality parameters.
Service class Delay Jitter
Real time < 5ms < 1ms
Streaming < 40ms < 10ms
Transactional < 100ms N.A.
This overview of critical network parameters
allows us to indicate the technical requirements for
fibre-networked applications and to identify value-
added services with market potential. In Table 1, the
NGN quality parameters (in this case delay and
jitter) are summarized. It is obvious that bandwidth-
intensive applications relying on real time, streaming
or/and transactional functionalities will capture the
full benefits of fibre networks.
Table 2: Bandwidth requirements for end-user services
(minimum case, in Mbps); (Charbonnier et al., 2008).
Service 2010 2020 2030
Voice 0.15 0.15 0.15
Video telephony 0.5-2 4 10
High speed gaming 0.25-2 4 60
Video on demand 1-3 20 200
Cloud computing 2-2.5 18 150
Live streaming 4-10 12.5 160
IPTV channel 4-10 12.5 160
IPTV zapping 5-15 15 208
In terms of end-users services, Table 2 provides
an overview of the current and future requirements
for broadband services as estimated in the OASE
project. It becomes clear that current networks with
limited bandwidth will hardly suffice for these future
services’ requirements taking into account
technological developments (e.g. the expected shift
towards super high-definition and for some purposes
3D quality). In the case of video telephony (think of
video conferencing and e-learning platforms), there
should ideally be a two-way path high-quality video
stream. Additional information (such as documents)
can be shared as well, but as previously mentioned,
the latter have considerably lower impact on
bandwidth requirements. The current required
impact for video telephony is estimated at 2 Mbps
mounting up to 4 to 10 Mbps (both for upload and
download) in the next decades. In addition, video
telephony is very sensitive to delay and jitter.
Considering a video surveillance application, delay
and jitter will be less of a problem. A number of
cameras (both in-house and out-house) could send
high-quality video to a central server
simultaneously, where the data stream is analysed
and suspicious activity triggers an alarm. Assuming
six cameras (ca. 12.5Mbps per stream) to cover all
relevant areas inside and around homes and offices,
an upload capacity of 75 Mbps is required. Another
promising application is IPTV (digital TV),
requiring 12.5 Mbps for each channel being watched
or recorded (though in practice this can increase up
to 20 Mbps). This requirement may mount up to 600
Mbps with ultra-high definition (UHD, Super Hi-
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
Vision) and 3D quality in the future. Finally, online
back-up and content management systems could
create added value to the end-user. By using cloud
computing, media files created by the user can be
safeguarded online instead of stored on a local space
(requiring tens of gigabytes). As delay is less
important for this service, network bandwidth is an
important bottleneck. Unlike other applications, the
bandwidth use of this application is less continuous,
but occurs in burst in sync with the user’s activity.
For example, after shooting, a photographer wants to
upload 400 high-quality photos (about 2 Gb). At an
upload speed of 5 Mbps, it takes close to one hour
while it takes about ten minutes at a speed of 25
Mbps. As the user wants to browse his pictures after
uploading, it takes two seconds to load each photo,
which feels very slow and unresponsive. To reach a
response time lower than half a second, a download
speed of 100 Mbps is required, and bandwidths of
500 Mbps or above can give the user an
instantaneous feeling of the application for viewing
his photographs.
2.3 Existing vs. Next-gen Solutions
The first mentioned discussion on fibre deployment
could lead to the conclusion that existing network
infrastructure should suffice to deliver some of the
aforementioned services to end-users with a more or
less optimal QoS and QoE. However, this discussion
on bandwidth-intensive applications and the related
technical requirements may be quite artificial. In real
life, these applications will be used simultaneously
within a family context. Assume a family household
of four members where the father watches a
particular television channel on the regular screen
(while recording another one via the set-top box),
and the son is viewing a football game via his tablet-
pc. At the same time, the daughter is safeguarding
her pictures online while the mother is making a
video call with her sister living abroad. In this
imaginary case, a download bit rate of over 50 Mbps
is required (100+ is recommended) whereas the
upload speed would have to be 17.5 Mbps (30+ is
recommended) to guarantee an optimal QoS and
QoE. Not to mention that some of these applications
are sensitive to delay and jitter, which the users will
experience in case the network is working at (close
to) full capacity.
As delay and jitter in the network are not only
determined by the access technology, but also by
several elements in the network infrastructure, they
have not been quantified within this study. Still,
every buffer that has a faster connection (i.e. fibre)
can contribute to a lower delay. Similarly, jitter is
only expected to increase by fibre solutions when
the newly provided applications seem so popular
that the relative load on the network is increased
significantly. Hence, the rest of this section will
focus on bandwidth.
There is currently no large-scale fibre to the
home network deployed in the Belgian market. The
major players that dominate the market (Belgacom
and Telenet) are experimenting with FTTH pilots,
but no roll-out is planned to date. Regarding
bandwidth, Table 3 – showing a typical and high-
end service – indicates that the existing
infrastructure in Belgium (as well as in many other
countries) may prove insufficient to deliver the
services discussed in this paper. It should be noted
that in the Telenet case video is broadcast in a
separate RF-channel not impacting downstream or
upstream traffic. Additionally, it is necessary to note
that the up- and downstream bandwidth is shared
amongst all customers of the same coax line. In the
Belgacom case, the bandwidth is dedicated per
customer, but is used for both internet and video.
Table 3: Bandwidth of Belgian ISPs (bandwidth capacity
in Mbps, prices in Euros).
Telenet (cable) Belgacom (xDSL)
Normal High Normal High
Down 15 100 12 30
Up 1 5 1.5 4.5
Price 30 99 33 58
The overview shows that the upgraded network
infrastructure (DOCSIS 3.0 and VDSL for Telenet
and Belgacom respectively) hardly guarantees the
optimal QoS and QoE for high-bandwidth services.
While the download speed of the high-end solution
of Telenet could suffice, the upload speed – just like
the other solutions – fails to meet future bandwidth
requirements. Since end-users attach great value to
file-sharing and user-generated content, applications
increasingly require symmetrical bandwidth (Cave
& Martin, 2010). It should be mentioned that these
offers are theoretical values. Telenet states on its
website that measurements indicate that realistic
speeds of both Telenet and Belgacom connections
are about 75 percent of the bandwidths officially
indicated. The lack of fibre to the home solutions in
Belgium heavily contrasts with the 100 Mbps
solutions offered in several other countries and parts
of the world (in terms of penetration, Asia is the
undisputable forerunner in deploying FTTH
services) (see IDATE, 2010). The Belgian demand
for, and large-scale roll-out of fibre to the home
remains to date mere speculation. This is perhaps not
VALUE-ADDED SERVICES FOR FIBRE TO THE HOME - Market Potential, Time Horizons and User Groups
because of limited demand and willingness to pay
and demand, but has much to do with the existing
duopoly in the broadband market. This dominance
may depress investments in network optimization
and at the same time hamper entrance of alternative
operators, who are likely to reduce investments and
seek access to the incumbents’ improved networks.
Table 4: FTTH bandwidth offerings.
Country Down (Mbps) Up (Mbps)
the Netherlands 50 50
Sweden 1000 100
France 100 100
Portugal 200 20
United States 50 20
Japan 100 100
Korea 100 100
The results are based on the interdisciplinary
TERRAIN project (Techno-Economic Research for
futuRe Access Infrastructure Networks), which
focuses on a better cooperation between all public
and private actors that are involved to optimize the
roll-out of new telecom and utility networks, and to
align the operational processes in a more consistent
way. All aspects will be analysed from a techno-
economic point of view, considering the technical,
regulatory, economic and user-related sub-problems.
In the remaining part of this paper, the focus will be
on user studies.
In essence, the user studies within the project
aim at identifying which applications and services
have the potential to drive future adoption of fibre to
the home networks, and which of these applications
are fully appropriate to reap the fruits of superfast
and high-bandwidth network infrastructure. As the
focus of our first efforts was on exploring business
opportunities, the primary goal of this study was to
draw up and evaluate a long list of high-bandwidth
and fibre-sensitive applications (use cases). This has
resulted in valuable input for the next stages of the
project including a large-scale end-user survey both
to residential and business customers.
Figure 2: Research design.
Based on existing projects combined with
literature research, a brainstorm session was
organised to generate ideas for high-bandwidth
applications. As a result, a long list of likely services
was drawn up. This list was further discussed and
refined in an interdisciplinary workshop with project
partners. Eventually, a shortlist consisting of ten use
cases was drafted:
Surveillance cameras
Virtual classrooms
Health monitoring system
Online multiplayer gaming
Content storage and management
Future Internet-protocol television (UHDTV
and 3D)
Video telephony
Desktop sharing
On-demand video streaming
Immersive 3D tourist environment
To get a better picture of genuine drivers and use
cases for FTTH solutions, it was deemed essential to
take expert views and opinions into account.
Therefore, a qualitative survey among international
experts on fibre services and roll-outs was
organised. A panel of international experts was
derived from literature and personal contacts. All
project partners were also invited to join the panel.
All experts were sent a personal e-mail in which
they were asked to complete an online questionnaire.
In this questionnaire, the experts were asked about
each service’s likelihood, time horizons (in terms of
technological feasibility, and reach of mass market)
and most likely end-user groups.
A total of 21 experts completed the survey. Some
53 percent of respondents is working in public sector
(especially research institutions) while the rest of the
experts are mainly in the employ of equipment
vendors and telecom operators. Most of them have a
rather technical background, but a considerable part
also indicated expertise in regulatory issues, content
& applications and business models. In total, people
from 8 countries participated in the expert survey.
4.1 Overall Use Case Popularity
In the survey, the experts were asked to choose their
personal three most convincing services and to rank
them subsequently. Based on their ranking, use cases
were given five (ranked first), three (ranked second)
and one (ranked third) point(s). These points were
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
then summed resulting in a total score. Rather than
the absolute scores for each application, the relative
position of each service is more interesting.
Table 5: Ranking of applications.
Rank Use case Score #1
1 Health monitoring system 18 3
2 Content storage/management 16 3
2 Desktop sharing 16 1
4 Virtual classroom 15 1
5 Online multiplayer gaming 14 2
6 Video telephony 11 2
6 Surveillance cameras 11 1
8 Internet-protocol television 6 0
8 On-demand video streaming 6 0
10 3D tourism environment 0 0
The resulting ranking brings to light some very
interesting and perhaps unexpected conclusions.
Health monitoring systems and online content
management are clearly deemed most convincing,
considering their high score and the fact that three
experts rated them most convincing of all
applications. The top three is completed by desktop
sharing, beating an e-learning application and online
multiplayer gaming. Without labelling these services
as ‘killer applications’, they should be at least
considered by service providers when rolling out
fibre network infrastructure. These findings are
somehow surprising since all the traditional video
delivery applications – which were expected to
benefit from fibre’s high-bandwidth capacity – were
found less convincing by the experts.
4.2 Time Horizons
In other parts of the survey, experts were asked
about the time horizon along which the different use
cases are expected to be available from a technical
point of view and when they will reach mass market
(i.e. be adopted by the early majority segments).
With this, the study aimed to gather expert forecasts
of the development and breakthrough of these
With regard to the underlying technology of the use
cases, experts consider that most of the applications
can be launched at this moment or within two years
except for 3D internet-protocol television (Figure 3).
None of the applications’ underlying technology is
said to be infeasible. Four use cases were found
market-ready, amongst other content management
and desktop sharing systems, respectively ranked as
number two and three in the former ‘killer
application’ ranking. Surprisingly, health monitoring
systems – identified as the most promising service –
Figure 3: Time to technological feasibility.
were seen as less market-ready. Future television is
considered the least plausible use case as the
minority of experts indicated the current readiness of
technology. These findings may suggest that
technology will not be the main barrier for the
deployment of high-bandwidth applications. Experts
confirm that most applications can be brought to
market within two years; only the future television
services are considered to be more long-term.
Regarding market acceptance and penetration, it
is remarkable that the three most technologically
feasible services (i.e. content management, desktop
sharing and on-demand video streaming) should be
able to reach mass market already today, although
the time horizon for user adoption is less positive
compared to its technological feasibility. According
to the experts, technology is expected to come ahead
of the market (Figure 4). While about 50 percent of
the experts think that health monitoring systems are
market-ready, only 25 percent estimates that there is
a market for such a service at this moment. Hence, a
time lag is expected between the actual possibility to
enable an application from a technological stance
and the time needed to reach critical mass (about 15
percent of the market). Generally, the time lag seems
bigger for less popular use cases than for the most
likely services – albeit that a considerable part of the
experts expect health monitoring systems no sooner
than within ten years.
Figure 4: Time to mass market.
VALUE-ADDED SERVICES FOR FIBRE TO THE HOME - Market Potential, Time Horizons and User Groups
4.3 End-user Groups
After identifying promising services that are feasible
from a technological as well as from a market-
oriented perspective, experts were asked whether
they believe an application is primarily a B2B or
B2C scenario or both. Evidently, service providers
are eager to offer services with market potential that
can be used both for business and consumer
purposes. In this context, applications identified as
most promising are scoring rather well.
Figure 5: End-user groups.
Figure 5 clearly shows that content management
applications and surveillance cameras are considered
appropriate for business as well as for consumer use.
Health monitoring, online gaming, internet-protocol
television and on-demand video streaming are seen
as applications almost only relevant for consumer
markets. In contrast, video telephony and desktop
sharing are identified as business applications. Apart
from this analysis, most use cases can be utilised by
private as well as business end-users, which holds
prospects in the light of the further development of
these applications. As the development of these
services will be subject to economies of scale on the
supply and demand side, a larger sales potential
should eventually lead to a cheaper and even faster
development process.
In this paper, the focus was on the identification of
applications that can generate added value to fibre
networks and that can convince internet users to
migrate from their existing connection to high-
performance broadband networks. Since new
technology is often developed and deployed without
even knowing user requirements, a user-oriented
approach was used in this project. In contrast to the
belief that demand follows supply, a user-oriented
approach allows to identify what future users want,
whether they are willing to pay for these services
and when these services will be able to reach critical
mass. As almost everything is possible from a
technological perspective, service adoption is often
slowed down by regulatory issues (e.g. privacy),
unviable business models or products that fail to
meet user requirements (pricing, features, added
value, etc.). Hence, a plea is made for more
interdisciplinary research on information technology
looking beyond technical aspects but also taking into
account economic, legal and social dimensions of
new ICT applications.
The outcome of such a user-oriented approach is
sometimes surprising since it may tackle taken-for-
granted beliefs and provide refreshing insights that
let arise new perspectives and inspiring solutions to
old problems. Regarding fibre services, the literature
– which is scarce – indicates video-based services as
killer applications to fully benefit from fibre’s higher
bandwidth and speed. However, according to the
experts consulted, high-quality video hardly seems
convincing for end-users to switch to next-
generation networks. Instead, health monitoring,
content management and desktop sharing are
identified as the most convincing use cases for
connecting to fibre networks. In terms of time
horizons, however, health monitoring lags behind as
experts think its underlying technology is currently
not ready while critical mass is expected within two
years or at the earliest.
The findings should be considered explorative as
they are only based on the views and opinions of 21
international experts. However, the results indicate
which services are identified as value-added services
and which create business opportunities for service
providers. Thereby, the results provide valuable
information for next research steps, including the
construction of an end-user survey (both residential
and business). Afterwards, it will be interesting to
verify whether expert views correspond with end-
user requirements and whether the most promising
services will prove convincing to end-users.
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funded by IBBT, IWT and Acreo AB, Alcatel-
Lucent, Comsof, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories,
Digipolis, FTTH Council Europe, Geosparc, Stad
Gent, TMVW, TE Connectivity, UNET and WCS
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VALUE-ADDED SERVICES FOR FIBRE TO THE HOME - Market Potential, Time Horizons and User Groups