José A. Gay-Fernández and Iñigo Cuiñas
Dept. Teoría do Sinal e Comunicacións, Universidade de Vigo, rúa Maxwell, s/n, 36310, Vigo, Spain
Keywords: Propagation, Power decay factor, Wireless sensor network, Vineyard, Node, Sensor, Humidity,
Abstract: A complete analysis for the deployment of a wireless sensor network in a vineyard is presented in this
paper. First, due to the lack of propagation models for peer to peer networks in plantations, propagation
experiments have been carried out to determine the propagation equations. This model was then used for
planning and deploying an actual wireless sensor network. Afterwards, some sensor data are presented and
finally, some general conclusions are extracted from the experiments and presented in the paper.
The use of wireless sensor networks is nowadays in
an exponential growing. Initially, these wireless
networks were oriented for indoor use, like home
automation and industrial control (Egan, 2005) or
medical applications (Timmons and Scanlon, 2004).
But many other applications that were not
considered at the beginnings are nowadays coming
to light: outdoor networks and, especially,
sensor/actuator networks in rural areas, forests and
plantations. The research results provided by this
work consider this later environment.
A wireless sensor network is intended to be
deployed in a vineyard, and the maximum distance
between installed nodes is necessary to be
previously estimated. Thus, some propagation
studies have been conducted in order to analyse the
behaviour of such specific radio channel at the
frequency band assigned to these wireless networks:
2.4 GHz. Propagation studies in rural environments
and plantations have to take into account the
presence of vegetation in the propagation channel.
Although there are several research works related to
propagation at such condition (LaGrone and
Chapman, 1961), (Richter, Caldeirinha, Al-Nuaimi,
Seville, Rogers and Savage, 2005) and also an
International Telecommunication Union -
Radiocommunication Sector recommendation [ITU-
R](2007), most of them are focused in classical
master-slave (or base station to mobile terminal)
configuration, where the base has a prominent height
over the coverage area.
However, the proposed sensor application is
intended to be deployed in terms of peer to peer
collaborative networks where both, the transmitter
and the receiver are at similar heights. And there is a
lack in the scientific knowledge for such
configuration (Hashemi, 2008).
Some previous work related to the deployment of
a wireless sensor network (WSN) in a forest has
been checked. Nükhet and Haldun (2009) showed
the importance of these WSN in the forest fire
propagation analysis, but a radio propagation study
appears to be needed in order to optimize the
deployment of these WSN. Hefeeda and Bagheri
(2007) deployed a WSN in order to analyse the
forest fire propagation, but no study was done
regarding the radio propagation conditions in these
wooded environments.
The principal aim of this paper is to provide a
model to estimate the propagation behaviour in
vegetation environments, and to present the results
obtained in an actual wireless network deployment
in a vineyard, installed using this model.
Firstly, a propagation analysis is built, in order to
compute the maximum distances between nodes.
Then, the environment where the WSN were
deployed is presented and after that, the main
elements of the WSN are showed. The following
section indicates the way the network has been
installed. Results regarding sensor data and network
A. Gay-Fernández J. and Cuiñas I..
DOI: 10.5220/0003453100350040
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (WINSYS-2011), pages 35-40
ISBN: 978-989-8425-73-7
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
behaviour are presented in
the fifth section. Finally,
some conclusions are presented to close this paper.
Before installing the wireless sensor network, it is
necessary to study the maximum distance between
consecutive nodes. There are some propagation
studies in rural environments at 2.4 GHz. Cuiñas,
Gay-Fernandez, Alejos and Sanchez (2010)
presented a study on the propagation in mature
forest at 2.4 GHz. Furthermore, Gay-Fernandez,
Garcia, Cuiñas, Alejos, Sanchez, and Miranda-Sierra
(2010) showed the main parameters to take into
account when deploying a wireless sensor network.
Thus, since wireless sensor nodes were going to be
deployed at a mean height of 3 meters over the
ground, and the vineyard grew up to 2 m, the
propagation environment seems to be quite different
from the ones presented by Cuiñas et. al. (2010).
Since the propagation analysis could not be
performed in a vineyard due to the advanced status
of the vineyard harvest, two measurement
campaigns were deployed into grasslands and
scrublands, in order to obtain a general propagation
equation for the vineyard environment by
extrapolating data from these two different
2.1 Measurement Campaign
A separate transmitter and receiver configuration has
been used during both measurement campaigns.
Thus, large distances between transmitter and
receiver could be accomplished in order to check
how the signal strength attenuation with distance is.
The transmitter equipment consisted of a signal
generator Rohde-Schwarz SMR, which fed an
omnidirectional wide band antenna, Electrometrics
EM-6865. A portable spectrum analyser Rohde-
Schwarz FSH-6 is used at the receiver system with
an omnidirectional antenna, similar to the transmitter
The data was collected around two different
radials at each environment. Each radial consists of
25 points and 150 meters at the grassland
environment, and 16 points and 32 meters at the
scrubland one. The number of power samples
gathered at grass and scrub lands is 301 and 3010
Three different heights were analysed for the
transmitting and receiving antennas: 0.9, 1.2 and 1.6
meters. Both antennas were placed at the same
height in our analysis, in order to simulate the best
conditions for a peer to peer propagation.
2.2 Propagation Model
903 power samples per frequency were collected at
each one of the 50 points under measure at the
grassland environment. The power samples per
frequency at each point were 9030 at the scrubland
environment, because there was a high time-variance
of the received power.
The objective of the data processing is the
analysis of the results by means of a regression to
know how the power decays with distance. The
attenuation of the received power seems to fit a
linear equation of the form P=P
where d is the distance between transmitter and
receiver in meters, P
is the received power, in dBm,
at 1 meter from the transmitter, P is received power,
in dBm too, at a distance d from the transmitter and
n is a factor that shows the rhythm of the power
decay with distance.
When the previously explained regression fitting
is applied to the collected samples, data from Table I
and II are obtained for grassland and scrubland
respectively. These tables show the attenuation
factors “n
” and “n
”, obtained for the first and
second regression section respectively; the mean
error produced with this estimation; and the cut-off
point of the two regressions. Rows with a dash in
” and “Cut-off point” columns indicate that in
these cases a single regression seems to fit the data
Table 1: Grassland regression data.
H(m) n
Error[dB] Point[m]
0.90 1.75 4.13 1.47 22
1.20 2.07 3.55 1.20 37
1.60 2.04 3.61 1.70 85
Figures 1 and 2 show the equation fitting results
at both environments. All the power values that are
shown in the figures have been normalized to a
transmission power of 0 dBm, in order to easily use
with another transmitting power value.
Table 2: Scrubland regression data.
H(m) n
Error[dB] Point[m]
0.90 2.63 4.63 2.61 13
1.20 2.20 5.18 1.23 13
1.60 1.88 5.58 1.60 13
WINSYS 2011 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Figure 1: Propagation equations in grasslands.
Figure 2: Propagation equations in scrublands.
2.3 Estimated Distance between Nodes
According to the eko node datasheet, the
transmission power of these wireless nodes is +3
dBm and their sensitivity is -101 dBm. Thus, taking
into account data from tables I and II and these
power values, an estimation of the maximum
distance between nodes could be done for both
As indicated, figures 1 and 2 show the regression
lines obtained for both environments with the aid of
data from Tables I and II. Furthermore, these figures
show a dotted line at -101 dBm which provides the
maximum range coverage at the point it crosses with
the regression lines. Table 3 shows the maximum
distances between nodes for each
environment and
antenna height. These data have been extracted from
Figures 1 and 2. Thus, when deploying the wireless
sensor network, nodes should be deployed with a
maximum distance of 250 m if there is line of sight
(LoS) between them and at a maximum of 48 meters
if there are scrubs or trees between them.
Table 3: Maximum distances between nodes.
H(m) Grassland Scrubland
0.90 123 m 48 m
1.20 162 m 48 m
160 254 m 44 m
The antenna heights considered for grasslands
and scrublands campaign could represent the
vineyard situation. There, the antennas would be
higher over the ground, but the distance to the
canopies would be similar at these measurements.
The selected environment to deploy this wireless
sensor network is a vineyard located in a mountain
side from Ribadavia, in Ourense, Spain. This
vineyard is property of the winery company
“Vitivinícola del Ribeiro”, a SME founded on the
appellation region “Ribeiro”, in Galicia.
This terrain is located in an exclusive area just in
front of the “Castrelo de Miño” reservoir. The
proximity of such amount of water causes high
humidity in the surrounding terrains, and because of
this, and the high mean temperature, the risk of
suffering a plague in the vineyard rise up to values
extremely high. These are the main reasons for
which this environment has been selected for this
pilot experience.
The Crossbow Eko pro series kit was the selected
equipment for the wireless sensor network (WSN)
deployment. This kit is a wireless agricultural and
environmental sensing system for precision
agriculture, microclimate studies and environmental
research. Figure 4 depicts the main components of
this WSN kit.
Figure 3: Eko pro series kit.
The Eko system can be enhanced with various
sensors such as soil moisture, ambient humidity and
temperature, leaf wetness, soil water content and
solar radiation. All of them are going to be used in
the deployment under analysis.
The main components of the WSN are showed in
figure 3. There are the eko nodes, an Eko base
station, and several sensors plugged into each eko
node. The following sections describe each item in
detail and the way they are interconnected.
4.1 Wireless Sensor Nodes
The eko nodes (Figure 3 in yellow) are a fully
integrated, outdoor, solar-powered wireless sensing
device that allows users to deploy a multi-point
monitoring solution that provides real-time data
from their environment. These nodes are capable of
an outdoor range up to 2 miles depending on the
environment and node hardware configuration
Each eko node can accommodate up to 4
different sensors.These nodes integrate a Memsic’s
IRIS processor radio board and antenna, powered by
rechargeable batteries and a solar cell.
Six of these nodes were deployed in this test,
each one with four different sensors plugged in.
4.2 Sensors
Crossbow (2009) contains the main features of the
sensors installed in this pilot. The number of each
kind of sensor in the WSN has been fixed according
to the requirements of the vineyard owner.
4.3 Gateway and Base Station
The eko base station (Figure 3 in black and grey)
consists of three components: the eko base radio, the
eko gateway and the eko view application.
The eko gateway is an embedded sensor network
gateway device. It provides an Ethernet connection
where a PC can be connected to view or copy all the
WSN collected data.
The eko base radio is a fully integrated packaged
that provides the connection between the nodes,
sensors and Gateway. The base radio integrates
another IRIS processor/radio board, antenna and
USB interface board. This interface is used for data
transfer between the base radio and the gateway. The
eko view application has not been used for this pilot,
since data cannot be visualized at the gateway
4.4 WSN Architecture
Sensor data gathered with the aid of the WSN is
going to be locally stored in a PC. Both the
computer and the gateway are going to be installed
in a hut to get power supply for the equipment
during the pilot duration. The location of this hut is
represented as a red circle in Figure 6.
The data stored in the local PC should be
transmitted to a remote server at the University of
Vigo. Thus, all the sensor data could be available in
real time outside the vineyard.
To achieve this data transmission, a GPRS
modem is needed, since there is no line of sight
between the hut location and the winery building.
Figure 4 depicts the main schema of the whole
Figure 4: System Architecture.
Figure 5 shows the transmission system,
composed by the eko base station and a TC-65
GPRS modem from Siemens. This modem is
connected to the laptop by a RS232-serial interface.
5.1 Nodes Location
Up to 6 eko nodes have been deployed inside the
Vitivinícola’s vineyard. Each one with four different
sensors plugged in.
The distribution of the nodes along the vineyard
has been done so each one was located in a different
variety of grape, according to the vineyards owner.
Thus, the correspondence between node location and
varietal is shown in table 4. This table depicts also
the estimated distances to the base station.
Figure 5: Transmission System.
According to the recommendations of the
vineyard’s owner, all the eko nodes are able to
measure ambient temperature and humidity, and the
WINSYS 2011 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
same parameters for the soil. Furthermore, the leaf
wetness appears to be quite important, so this sensor
has been connected to each node too. Solar radiation
and soil water content sensors seem to provide less
important data, so they have been equally distributed
within the WSN.
Table 4: Node location and environment.
Node Grape variety Distance to BS (m)
1 Godello 165
2 Albariño 345
3 Treixadura 80
4 Treixadura 200
5 Loureira 295
6 Godello 105
5.2 Network Behaviour
Table 5 shows the final network configuration and
behaviour according to Figure 6 and the data
gathered during December 2010. The second column
presents the following node in the path towards the
base station. These nodes are usually called “father”
node. The third column indicates the distance
between one node and its father. The last column
shows the received signal strength indicator (RSSI)
in dBm between a node and its father. These values
depict that almost all the radio links between one
node and its father are strong. The only one with
some problems is the link between nodes 3 and 6.
This link seems to have very low signal strength
probably because there is a small terrain elevation
between these nodes.
Table 5: Network configuration and behaviour.
Node Father Distance (m) RSSI (dBm)
1 3 88.5 -77.5<P<-74.5
2 1 80 -77.5<P<-74.5
3 6 110 -86.5<P<-83.5
4 Base 156 -77.5<P<-74.5
5 4 150 -77.5<P<-74.5
6 Base 40 -77.5<P<-74.5
Figure 6: Nodes distribution.
The nodes distribution is shown in Figure 6,
where eko nodes are represented as yellow circles,
the base station location is shown with a red circle,
and the Vitivinícola del Ribeiro central building is
represented with a red square.
Figures 7 to 10 present different data gathered by the
sensors of the eko nodes.
For instance, Figure 7 shows the evolution of the
ambient and soil temperature, in ºC, during
December, 2010. According to this data, the mean
ambient temperature was 6.28ºC with a standard
deviation of 4.67ºC, while the soil mean temperature
was 7.26ºC with a standard deviation of only 2.63ºC.
Figure 7: Ambient and soil temperature (ºC) Node 2.
Figure 8 represents the ambient humidity of node
7 during the same month. These data reveals that the
mean ambient humidity is around 90% with a
standard deviation of 10%.
Figure 8: Ambient Humidity (%) Node 7.
Figure 9: Soil Water Content (%) Node 7.
Figure 9 depicts the soil water content present at
the node 7 location. Peaks at day 7 and 10 indicate
they were rainy days, followed by a 12 days period
almost without rain.
Other sensor data shows, for example, solar
radiation, in Watts per square meter, present at each
node location. (Figure 10).
Figure 10: Solar radiation (W/m
) Node 7.
A complete measurement campaign was developed
to model the propagation channel of the links among
elements of a wireless sensor network. This
propagation model has been used for planning an
actual installation in a vineyard close to Ribadavia,
in Galicia. The Eko technology, from Memsic, has
been selected for this deployment. Up to 6 eko nodes
were set up into the vineyard, to cover an area of
approximately 6 km2.
Four different sensors have been plugged into
each eko node, to collect different ambient and soil
parameters, like humidity, temperature, solar
radiation, water content, etc.
With the aid of these sensor data, vineyard
owners could, for instance, predict the appearance of
a plague in their terrains or optimize the terrain
irrigation. Furthermore, the time between sulphate
applications in the vineyard could be extended. This
last improvement may allow farmers to save a lot of
money in material and labour, and reduce the
amount of chemical products applied to the
This work has been supported by the Autonomic
Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia), Spain,
under Project PGIDIT 08MRU045322PR and by
European Union under project “RFID from Farm to
Fork” (CIP-Pilot actions grant number 250444).
The authors would also like to acknowledge
Manuel Leites, who helped during the deployment.
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WINSYS 2011 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems