Tobias Mettler
and Markus Eurich
SAP Research St.Gallen, Blumenbergplatz 9, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
SAP Research Zürich, Kreuzplatz 20, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland
Department of Management, Technology and Economics, ETH Zürich, Scheuchzerstrasse 7, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Keywords: Analytic hierarchy process, Decision model, Information intensive services, IT-business value, Service
selection, STEP, Web services.
Abstract: Together with the diffusion of the Internet both private and legal persons have designed a wide variety of
information intensive services. At the same time, concepts and methods have been developed to facilitate
the description, discovery, composition, and consumption of these services. However, the selection of the
right service still represents a major problem for consumers, since policy-, reputation- or trust-based
selection techniques often do not lead to the desired results. In this paper a multi-dimensional service
selection model - including social, technological, economic, and political considerations - is presented that
can help service consumers in this sketchy and complex task.
Providers of information intensive services still face
many problems in regard to the collaboration with
globally distributed business partners. High demands
on service accessibility and reliability, lack of
widely accepted standards for service definition and
orchestration, complicated pricing models as well as
language problems are some of the reasons why the
global provisioning of services has not yet become
commonplace (Schroth, 2007).
Different connotations and meanings for the term
‘service’ exist in distinct disciplines such as
information systems, business administration or
computer science (Baida, Gordijn, and Omelayenko,
2004). In this paper we use the term service as “the
application of specialized competences (knowledge
and skills) through deeds, processes, and
performances for the benefit of another entity or the
entity itself” (Vargo and Lusch, 2004). By that
definition a wide range of possible manifestations of
services are opened, for example: tangible (products)
and intangible services; automated, IT-reliant and
non-automated services; customized, semi-
customized and non-customized services; personal
and impersonal services; repetitive and non-
repetitive services; and services with varying
degrees of self-service responsibilities (Alter, 2008).
With respect to information intensive services
the Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards has defined the Unified
Service Description Language (USDL) in order to
help service providers describe technical and
business-related properties. In contrast to the former
Web Service Description Language (WSDL), which
focused on a pure technical characterization of the
service concept, USDL includes information about
the participants, interaction between these parties, a
delineation of the service level and pricing and legal
as well as functional aspects. These service
descriptions can then be published in public or
closed community repositories, service registries, or
the provider’s website in order to enable consumers
to discover the offered services. According to Alter
(2007) there is still the need for negotiated
commitments, under which the service may be
delivered many times. Flexibility, quality, and
thoroughness of negotiated mutual commitments is
thus a key determinant of whether long term service
agreements will fully meet the consumers’ needs
(Cullen et al., 2005).
Consumers on their part, may they be
individuals, groups or organizations, thus have to
define (or at least have an idea of) what their exact
business needs are. This may be driven from an
inside-out perspective, e.g. derived from the
Mettler T. and Eurich M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003452400810090
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2011), pages 81-90
ISBN: 978-989-8425-70-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
corporate strategy, or from an outside-in perspective,
e.g. induced by market trends. Once the
requirements are clear, a consumer has to find
services which may satisfy the identified needs. In
doing so, a consumer may refer to search engines
and software agents, rely on professional service
brokers or word of mouth. However, the key
challenge for consumers is not discovery, but
selection. In accordance with Sreenath and Singh
(2004) the key issue is that in most instances, service
descriptions are given from the perspective of
providers and do not necessarily include information
relevant for the consumers. The selection of a
particular service may not only be motivated by the
best technical features or the lowest price, but by
multiple criteria such as cultural fit or ethical and
legal aspects (Krishna et al., 2004). Nevertheless,
matchmaking mechanisms or algorithms for
selecting information intensive services (e.g.
Maximilien and Singh, 2004; Yu et al, 2007) still
mainly rely on technology-oriented criteria.
Due to the increase of the number of available
services offered on vendor websites, service
registries, or electronic marketplaces, we see a
necessity of having an informed approach for service
selection that also takes business, cultural, and legal
considerations into account. It is the aim of this
paper to address the problem of service selection in a
holistic manner by defining a multi-dimensional
decision model. To this end, the paper is organized
as follows: after this introduction, we first provide
an examination of the related work on general
service selection techniques and discuss their
suitability with respect to information intensive
services. In the section that follows, we describe
potential criteria for service selection for each of the
mentioned dimensions. Subsequently, the decision-
making procedure is presented and illustrated by
means of a comprehensive case study. Finally, we
present some concluding remarks and offer some
suggestions for future research.
There is a wide range of research conducted in the
field of service discovery and selection. Comparing
and categorizing these works is not an easy job as
one service is not like another and the measurement,
especially of the quality of a service, is not trivial
In order to establish a semblance of order in our
literature review, we focused on service selection
and on information intensive services. First, we
defined ‘service discovery’ as the process of finding
and retrieving services that fulfill the wanted
functionality, whereas ‘service selection’ refers to
the process of choosing one service among several
with adequate functionality on the basis of different
criteria. Over the further course of this paper we
focus on the latter. Second, services vary in their
complexity. Kugyt (2005) places services on a
spectrum between ‘professional services’ on the one
extreme and ‘mass services’ on the other.
Professional services are characterized by a formal
relationship, the importance of the service for the
overall welfare of the customer, a high
customization, the importance of a critical judgment,
and a centering on people. Mass services are on the
contrary: in other words, there is no formal
relationship, no importance of the service for the
overall welfare of the customer, no customization,
no importance of a critical judgment, and the
services are equipment-based (cf. Collier and Meyer,
2000, Ettenson and Turner, 1997). In this article, we
will concentrate more on professional services,
which we call ‘complex services’, and which we
basically understand as information intensive
services. We refer to simple services or commodities
as mass services. With this background, several
techniques qualify for a more detailed appraisal,
including heuristics, policy-based approaches,
reputation- and trust-based selection techniques,
multi-criteria decision analysis, UDDI-extensions,
and ontology-based preference modeling
An optimal service can only be selected if an
optimal service actually exists as well as a strategy
to find it (Gigerenzer, 2007, p. 86). If this is not the
case, heuristics can help in choosing services that
are good enough. Gigerenzer (2004) provides an
overview of fast and frugal heuristics, which stop the
search immediately if a factor allows it. The factors
need to be retrieved in order of their importance.
This has the advantage that a fast and frugal tree
only has n + 1 leaves whereas a full tree has 2
leaves, which can make a full tree computationally
intractable. Heuristic approaches for service
selection are described, for instance, in Menascé et
al. (2008 and 2010). Heuristics are useful for service
selection problems, where no optimal solution exists
or where finding the solution is too expensive or
even computationally intractable. They are less
suitable for multi-criteria decisions and may have
some weaknesses if the selection decision is made
by a human. One weak spot is the base-rate fallacy,
which is the finding that “people are relatively
insensitive to consensus information presented in the
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
Table 1: Techniques for complex service selection.
Service Selection
Pro Contra
Fast / cheap / often good enough / suitable for
simple service selection
Unsuitable for multi-criteria or multi-person decisions
Policy-based Considers preferences and limitations of the requestor
Translation of policies (to make them machine readable)
is complex and time-consuming
Reputation-/ trust-based
Decision can be based on own and others’
Long time to build up reputation- and trust community /
potential of manipulation of evaluations
Multi-criteria decision
Accommodation of multiple criteria, facilitation of
participation, simple and intuitive character
Lengthy duration of the process / boost of effort with
increasing number of criteria
Monitoring the performance, safety, and price of
Limited focus: overemphasize on technical aspects /
quality information and service data are separated
preference modeling
Automatically interpretable / ability to automatically
derive new relationships between concepts of your
Difficulties in mapping ontologies / big effort to define an
form of numerical base rates” (Brehm et al., 2005, p.
Similar to heuristics are policy-driven
approaches for service selection, which are based on
the specification of non-functional requirements
coded in a Quality of Service (QoS) policy model
(Yu and Reiff-Marganiec, 2008). The QoS policy
model contains the service requestor’s policies like
preferences and restrictions. Policy-based
approaches are outlined, for instance in Janicke and
Solanki (2007) or Liu et al. (2004). Just like for
heuristics one disadvantage is the difficulty in
translating non-functional criteria to allow
computation. The formulization of non-functional
criteria is time-consuming and tricky, as the criteria
have to be formulated as numbers or in another
format. In principle, policy-based approaches could
be applied for basic service selection as well as for a
complex one.
Policy-based approaches – like most approaches
for services selection – select the service on the basis
of information provided by the service provider and
try to match this information with the service
requestor’s selection criteria. Yet, a major difference
of reputation- and trust-based selection techniques
is the introduction of a trusted third party.
Reputation- and trust-based selection approaches are
genuinely meant for service selection, while most
other approaches can also be used – or are indeed
even designed – for service discovery. Some
literature is summarized in Yu and Reiff-Marganiec
(2008), of which Wang and Vassileva (2007) and
Galizia (2007) can be recommended for further
reading. The advantages of these approaches are that
they can be used for any arbitrarily complex service
and that non-functional requirements like legal
issues, reliability, or availability parameters can also
be incorporated into the selection process. On the
downside, there is no real deployment of this
approach in the real world yet due its high
complexity (one service is not like another) and the
enormous amount of time needed to establish a
“trust and reputation”-community. Another
drawback is the potential of manipulation of
Another kind of service selection is multi-criteria
decision analysis, which qualifies for numerous and
possibly conflicting evaluations. Multi-criteria
decision analysis methods are particularly well
suited for complex service selection, for which
several criteria need to be judged. Multi-criteria
decision analysis methods include Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) and its successor Analytic
Network Process (ANP), goal programming, and
weighted product or sum models. The AHP is, for
example, used for a QoS-based web service
selection in Wu and Chang (2007). It is also
applicable as a decision support model for managers
to understand the trade-offs between different
criteria by group properties and thus structuring the
decision (e.g. Handfield, et al., 2002). Advantages of
the AHP include the support of both subjective and
objective criteria, the accommodation of multiple
criteria, the facilitation of participation, and its
simple and intuitive character. A disadvantage might
be the lengthy duration of the process.
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
(UDDI) is a directory service that provides a
mechanism to register and locate web services. The
UDDI repository basically consists of three
components: the white pages (similar to a phone
book, which gives information about the service
providers supplying the service), the yellow pages
(similar to the “Yellow Pages”, which provide a
classification of the services), and the green pages
(which are used to describe how to access a service
and which control the congruency between the
service provider’s offers and the requestor’s needs).
While standard UDDI can be used for service
discovery, UDDI-extensions aim at supporting
service selection. Seo et al. (2005), for example,
propose the introduction of a quality broker in the
service-oriented architecture between the service
requestor and the UDDI repository. The quality
broker monitors the performance, safety, and price
of services, which are registered in the UDDI
repository. Yu and Reiff-Marganiec (2008) also
assess UDDI-based approaches for service selection
and come to the conclusion that there are two
disadvantages: (1) information about the quality and
service data are separated, and (2) there is no
extensible service quality model, i.e. the selections
are limited to few predefined criteria. Another
weakness of this approach is its limited focus: there
is an overemphasis on technical aspects while e.g.
legal aspects are neglected.
Other ways of service selection are ontology-
based preference modeling approaches. In computer
and information science, “an ontology refers to an
engineering artifact, constituted by a specific
vocabulary used to describe a certain reality, plus a
set of explicit assumptions regarding the intended
meaning of the vocabulary words” (Guarino, 1998).
Adopting this definition implies two important
premises: (a) the ontology is specified in form
(syntax) and content (semantics), and (b) the
ontology is appropriate to represent a consolidated
world-view of a delimited domain (pragmatics).
Consequently, for service selection, the selection
criteria of a service requestor are formalized with
semantic vocabulary and a domain structure for the
classification. For example, Sutterer et al. (2008)
describe user profiles including their preferences in
an ontology. García et al. (2010) define a preference
ontology for service selection and ranking. Yu and
Reiff-Marganiec (2008) model the service
requestor’s preferences and use this ontology model
as criteria for service selection. This approach makes
it possible to define weights for the preferences
either by the service requestor or by the system to
handle emergent behavior. An advantage of this
ontology-based preference modeling approaches is
that it is automatically interpretable by machines. A
bunch of advantages stem from the functions
reasoning, inference, and validation, which basically
means that you are able to automatically derive new
relationships between concepts of your ontology.
Still, major disadvantages are the difficulties in
mapping ontologies and the effort to define an
ontology and to keep it up to date.
As mentioned before, in our literature review we
focused on service selection for information
intensive and compared several selection techniques.
(Table 1). A good comparison of service selection
methods is also presented in (Yu and Reiff-
Marganiec, 2008) on the basis of seven requirements
for web service selection approaches, which are:
model for non-functional properties, hierarchical
properties, user preferences, evaluation of
preferences, dynamic aggregation, automation, and
scalability and accuracy.
As summarized in Table 1, all discussed service
selection techniques have advantages and
disadvantages. While heuristics might be the easiest
and most convenient method for simple service
selection, we consider multi-criteria decision
analysis - and in particular AHP – as a superior
technique for complex service selection. One major
drawback of AHP is its lengthy process. However,
once set-up, the process can be automated and
several software tools are available to support the
decision process. The application of AHP for service
selection is not new and has been adopted for many
different settings (e.g. selection of ERP vendor or
communications service provider, cf. Wei et al.,
2005). With this paper we want to extend the current
field of application and show how AHP generally
can be applied for decision-making in the complex
area of information intensive services.
The selection of the right information on intensive
service involves the balancing of a series of multi-
dimensional and often interrelated aspects. The
STEP (Social, Technological, Economic, Political)
approach, also referred to as PEST (Peng and Nunes,
2007), STEEP (second ‘E’ stands for
‘Environmental’, Voros, 2001), or PESTLE (‘L
stands for ‘Legal’, Warner, 2010), offers a proven,
integral framework for guiding a complex decision-
making process. A general assumption is that not
only directly assignable effects, such as the price or
defined service levels, but also external or indirect
circumstances, such as the image of the service
provider, or cultural fit with the company, are also
likely to influence organizational investment
decisions. To identify these influencing factors and
get a ‘satellite view’ for a holistic choice, the
decision-making process is based on four
dimensions: technological, social, economic, and
political. In order to identify the most relevant
decision criteria for selecting information intensive
services, our literature review adheres to this
classification and thus can be designated as
‘concept-centric’ (Webster and Watson, 2002).
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
3.1 Technological Dimension
The main focus of service selection is often more or
less limited to the technological dimension and a
great part of current service selection techniques
mainly uses QoS-metrics (e.g. Maximilien and
Singh, 2004; Tian, et al., 2003) as a basis for
decision-making. In particular under the label of
QoS, characteristics of technological usability as a
basis for service selection have been widely
discussed (e.g. Liu, et al., 2004; Zeng, et al., 2003).
Because QoS is defined and measured in different
ways, we do not want to rehash a discussion about
the subject, but rather focus on the three major
concepts of usability as defined by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO-9241).
The first central concept to render usability is
efficiency, which is commonly referred to as the
level of resources consumed in performing a specific
task. In regard to information intensive services,
efficiency can be quantified by a service’s
processing time (throughput), response time
(latency), or capacity (guaranteed performance).
Effectiveness is the second fundamental concept
for quantifying the quality of a service. According to
Rengger et al. (1993), effectiveness is comprised of
two aspects, namely the number of tasks the user
completes and the quality of the goals the user
achieves (output). With respect to the quantity, the
scalability of a service is of major importance, since
it represents a service provider’s capability of
increasing his capacity and ability to process more
service consumer requests, operations, or
transactions in a given time interval (W3C Working
Goup, 2003). In regard to quality, criteria such as
robustness (the degree of quality provided even in
the presence of invalid, incomplete or conflicting
inputs), reliability (the ability to perform a service
under the stated conditions for a specified time
interval), integrity (consistency of information and
processing), and timeliness (actuality of information
and punctuality of provision) can be used as units of
Finally, the service consumer’s subjective
satisfaction with using the technology is another
inherent concept for service selection. From a
technological point of view, satisfaction or perceived
usefulness of the rendered service is positively
influenced by its ease of use (Wixom and Todd,
2005). For example, this might be assessed by
inspecting a service’s integration possibilities (e.g.
integration into regular tasks), adaptability (e.g.
possibility to readjust service levels), or exception
3.2 Social Dimension
QoS-metrics are often restricted to characteristics of
technological usability (as described in the previous
sub-section) and do not consider social aspects for
service selection. No matter where information
intensive services are used – be it business-to-
business or business-to-consumer - concepts such as
trust (e.g. Billhardt, et al., 2007; Liu, 2005),
reputation (Ding, et al., 2008; Wang, et al., 2009)
and cultural fit (Javalgi and White, 2002) play an
important role in decision-making.
The concept of trust as basic principle for
establishing business relationships and social
phenomenon has been widely investigated in the
past years (e.g. McEvily, et al. 2003). According to
Castelfranchi and Faclone (1998), trust can be
gained by the service provider’s competence,
disposition, persistence, as well as the belief on his
dependence, cooperation willingness, and self-
confidence. Reference points for assessing the
trustworthiness of a service provider of an
information intensive service are, for instance, a
transaction history (Manchala, 2000), a sociability
index (Smoreda and Thomas, 2001) or a competency
index (Hu, 2010).
Another concept that is central from a social
perspective is reputation, which generally can be
defined as the “public’s opinion about the character
or standing (such as honesty, capability, reliability)
of an entity” (Wang and Vassileva, 2007). Like trust,
it is based on the long-term experiences that the
different service consumers have made when
collaborating with a particular service provider.
However, in contrast to trust, which can be allocated
on different levels (e.g. trust in the service itself,
trust in the service provider), reputation is merely
focused on a private or legal person and thus can be
independent from a service offer. In this sense, not
the quality of the service is in focus, but the quality
of the service provider. Useful means to ascertain
the reputation of a service provider could be a rating
history (Maximilien and Singh, 2004) or the
electronic word-of-mouth in online platforms
(Hennig-Thurau, et al., 2004).
Although several studies report a significant
interrelation between culture and user interaction
(e.g. Birukou, et al., 2007), the concept of cultural fit
is often neglected in service selection techniques.
Reasons for this are probably the difficulty in
capturing ‘culture’ in tangible terms as well as the
diversity of divergent understandings that are
attributed to this concept. In a broad sense, culture
can be conceived as a collective phenomenon that is
manifested in several ways such as by common
symbols, heroes, rituals, values, and practices
(Hofstede and Hofstede, 2005). For instance, Forest
and Arhippainen (2005) discovered that there is a
considerable difference in the way how Finish and
French users interact with IT-based services.
Consequently, it can be assumed that cultural
differences play an important role when selecting a
particular service. In order to include it in the
decision-making process for selecting a service, it
must be narrowed down to concrete conceptions
such as for example linguistic affiliation (e.g. does
the service provider support all the different
languages that are spoken in the company),
professionalism (e.g. does the service provider
certify a certain capability level), philosophy (e.g.
does the service provider share the same values with
respect to specific subjects), or business conduct
(e.g. does the service provider apply the same or
similar standards to business transactions).
3.3 Economic Dimension
In QoS policy models, the price is often the only
economic criterion for service selection (e.g. Liu, et
al., 2004). However, especially in the context of
information intensive services, not only the costs,
but also the benefits of utilizing the service (instead
of accomplishing the required output on one’s own
or resigning) are important.
With respect to costs, a differentiation between
non-recurring costs, ongoing costs (the price
typically is a combination of both) as well as
switching costs is needed. Non-recurring costs are,
for instance, the purchase of a commercial software
license, payment of a registration or activation fee,
or one-time investment costs for infrastructure and
training in order to effectively using the service. On
the other hand, exemplary ongoing costs are
subscription fees, utility-based maintenance and
support costs, or user-based cost additions for using
special service characteristics. Finally, when
changing a service provider, switching costs must be
considered, too. According to Farrell and Klemperer
(2007), switching costs may be transactional (e.g.
returning of equipment), contractual (e.g. exit fees)
as well as search and learning costs (e.g. retraining
of employees). In addition, psychological,
emotional, and social costs may incur.
Considerable research is available on how to
assess the economic benefits of IT; however, it is
less common to specifically study them in relation to
information intensive services. Following Mirani
and Lederer (1998), advantages may occur on a
strategic (e.g. enhanced customer relations),
informational (e.g. improved decision-making), and
transactional dimension (e.g. money savings or
productivity increases).
3.4 Political Dimension
Although having an exceptional great impact on the
final decision, political considerations are often
neglected in current service selection techniques.
One reason for this is that a wide mix of issues must
be addressed, which usually makes it difficult to
replace human intervention through programmatic
means such as UDDI-extensions or QoS-algorithms.
Accordingly, different stakeholders might be
involved (Chatterjee and Webber, 2004). Among
other considerations, the concepts of dependability
and regulatory compliance play a major role.
Unlike the technological connotation of
dependability, which generally uses this term to
describe the trustworthiness of an IT-system based
on its availability, reliability, safety, integrity, or
maintainability (Avizienis, et al. 2004; Wang and
Vassileva, 2007), we rather associate the service
consumer’s subservience to a particular condition of
a service provider’s offer with it (commonly referred
to as lock-in). In the context of information intensive
services this might come to light when a service
provider’s market power is high enough to
circumvent the compatibility or interoperability of a
service by proprietary characteristics or to enforce
additional obligations. Not least, a service should be
also assessed whether it is capable to comply with
national and/or international regulations (e.g.
standard services directive) as well as with the own
needs for privacy protection.
The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was
devised by Saaty (1980) and became one of the most
– or even the most – prevalent model for multi-
criteria decision-making. The AHP provides a
framework for solving multi-criteria decision
problems based on the relative importance of the
criteria assigned to each criterion in achieving the
overall goal (e.g. Handfield, et al., 2002). The AHP
technique is particularly suitable for multi-criteria
and also multi-person decision making, in which
subjective managerial opinions are present. The
advantages of AHP over the other methods (cf.
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
Figure 1: A Multi-Criteria Decision Model based on AHP and STEP.
section “Related Work”) are: its applicability in vast
variety of different areas (e.g. Golden, et al., 1989;
Handfield, et al., 2002), its reliance on easy-to-get
managerial data, its ability to reconcile
inconsistencies in managerial perceptions, and the
existence of various software tools (Handfield, et al.,
We describe the basics of the AHP technique in a
four step approach (on basis of Handfield, et al.,
2002; Saaty, 1980; Wu and Chang, 2007), but as our
approach suggests suitable sub-criteria, we mainly
focus on the second abstraction level (for detailed
information on the other levels please refer to Saaty,
1980). Indications therefore are discussed in the
previous section. In order to exemplarily explain the
AHP and especially the second abstraction level, the
illustration is based on the example of personal
health records (PHR) as we think that the choice of a
suitable PHR is complex and includes many
technical (e.g. provision of interfaces to mobile
devices, security and accessibility mechanisms, etc.)
as well as non-technical considerations (e.g.
credibility of provider, benefits of electronic vs.
paper-based health records, etc.). However, our
proposition is applicable to a wide area of domains.
As basis for this comparison we chose three
exemplary services: Google Health (GH), Microsoft
Health Vault (MHV), and AHIMA my Personal
Health Record (myPHR).
1st Step: Construction of the hierarchy: All
stakeholders can jointly construct the AHP
hierarchy, for instance, physically in a workshop or
over the Internet, e.g. on a Wiki (Wu and Chang,
2007). The AHP hierarchy typically consists of three
or four levels (can be extended to more levels, if
applicable): the goal (service selection), the relevant
criteria (cf. “STEP”), the relevant sub-criteria (as
introduced in the previous section), and the
alternatives to be evaluated (in this example: GH,
MHV, and myPHR; cf. Figure 1). The decision
makers need to agree on and describe the
characteristics of the components in the hierarchy.
Step: Pair-wise comparison and estimation of
priorities: The stakeholders need to determine a
priority for each alternative (Step 2.1) and each
criterion (Step 2.2). The priority is a numerical
measurement of the power of a node in relation to
the other nodes on the same level and with respect to
the node(s) above it.
Step 2.1: Priorities of Alternatives: Each
alternative is pair-wise compared to all other
alternatives with respect to all related sub-criteria
and assigned weights, which reflect the relative
intensity of importance. The decision makers can
(among other variants) use a scale from 1 to 9: 1
being equally important, i.e. the two criteria
contribute equally to the objective and 9 referring to
favoring one criterion extremely over the other one;
Example, cf. Table 2).
Table 2: Alternatives compared with respect to TRUST.
GH 5 MHV 1
Wrt TRUST GH is fairly
favored over MHV
MHV 1 myPHR 7
myPHR strongly more
trusted than MHV
myPHR 4 GH 1
myPHR is moderately
more trusted than GH
There should be some evidence for the judgment
and weighting: the evidence could stem from, e.g.
past experience or the use of trial versions. The
weights are then transferred into matrices for each
sub-criterion: for each pair-wise comparison, the
number that represents the greater weight (of a pair-
wise comparison) is directly rendered into the
matrix, whereas the reciprocal of that number is
transferred to matrix instead of the smaller number.
Then, for each sub-criterion priorities are calculated
for the alternatives by mathematically processing the
matrices. The estimation of priorities can be
accomplished in many ways (Table 3).
Table 3: Priorities of alternatives with respect to TRUST.
GH MHV myPHR Priority
GH 1 5 1/4 0.24
MHV 1/5 1 1/7 0.07
myPHR 4 7 1 0.69
Saaty (1980) recommends using a normalized
eigenvector approach, which is a proven method for
estimating the priorities (Golden, et al., 1989). Other
approaches are discussed, for instance, in Choo and
Wedley (2004). Software tools can take over the task
of the calculation.
Step 2.2: Priorities of Sub-Criteria: The same
procedure is applied to get the priorities for the sub-
criteria. That is to say, the sub-criteria are first pair-
wise compared with respect to their super-
criterion/criteria (cf. connecting lines between sub-
criteria and criteria) and relative weights assigned.
The weights are then transferred to matrices, from
which the priorities for each sub-criterion are
Step 2.3: Priorities of Criteria: The same process
as for the sub-criteria is applied to the criteria,
resulting in one matrix that depicts the comparison
of the criteria with respect to the goal, the service
selection decision. Out of this matrix relative
weights are calculated.
Step 3: Calculation of the weight of each
Alternative with respect to the goal: In this step the
weights are multiplied and summated. The priorities
of the alternatives are multiplied with the priorities
of the sub-criteria and with those of the criteria,
which results in the overall priorities of each
alternative with respect to the goal. The priorities of
each alternative with respect to the goal are
summated over all criteria.
Step 4: Decision-Making: In accordance to the
AHP method, the alternative with the highest sum
should be chosen: that is the alternative with the
highest overall priority with respect to the goal. For
example, if a priority of 0.38 is calculated for GH,
0.11 for MHV, and 0.51 for myPHR, the service
myPHR should be selected.
The decision on selecting the right information-
intensive service should be made in a holistic
manner. However, we realized that the technological
dimension tends to be overemphasized. Therefore,
we suggest a multi-dimensional decision model for
complex service selection that dynamically assigns
relative importance to the social, technological,
economic and political dimension. Even if a service
may be ever so suitable from a technical perspective,
it may be ruled out due to a legal issue. Another
usual shortcoming is the limited perception of
different decision criteria. For instance, economical
considerations tend to be incomplete by focusing too
much on single issues such as the purchase of a
license, or the payment of a registration or activation
fee. A complete cost-benefit ratio can offer valuable
clues for complex service selection. For this reason,
we devised a framework for relevant second level
criteria: social (trust, reputation, cultural fit),
technological (efficiency, effectiveness,
satisfaction), and economic (costs, benefits), and
political (dependability, compliance).
Advantages of the method include the
accommodation of multiple criteria, the facilitation
of participation, the provision of a model to learn
from, to debate about, and to present to others, as
well as its simple and intuitive character and its
mathematical rigor. On the downside, the technique
can lead to a lengthy process, in particular if further
abstraction levels are added. To ensure a target-
aiming decision making process, one needs to be
careful not end up with an information overload. The
proposed method is therefore most suitable for the
selection of complex services with sweeping
consequences, e.g. if the service is very expensive, if
the service cannot be changed later on or if many
processes depend on the services. For a simple
service selection, heuristics may be the method of
choice as it the cheapest and fastest way to come to a
decision that is good enough. Future work should be
directed to automate repetitive decision-making as
good as possible. Still, it should be noted that
automated decision-making and the suggested
method is no substitute for clear thinking! The actual
process of the analysis can support the decision
makers in organizing and representing their
thoughts, but only clear thinking can prevent them
from an information overload and support them in
quick decisions.
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ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business