Ilaria Bartolini, Marco Patella and Guido Stromei
DEIS, Universit`a di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Multimedia databases, Indexing, Efficient retrieval.
Several modern multimedia applications require the management of complex data, that can be defined as hier-
archical objects consisting of several component elements. In such scenarios, the concept of similarity between
complex objects clearly recursively depends on the similarity between component data, making difficult the
resolution of several common tasks, like processing of queries and understanding the impact of different alter-
natives available for the definition of similarity between objects. To overcome such limitations, in this paper
we present the WINDSURF library for management of multimedia hierarchical data. The goal of the library is
to provide a general framework for assessing the performance of alternative query processing techniques for
efficient retrieval of complex data that arise in several multimedia applications, such as image/video retrieval
and the comparison of collection of documents. We designed the library so as to include characteristics of
generality, flexibility, and extensibility: these are provided by way of a number of different templates that can
be appropriately instantiated in order to realize the particular retrieval model needed by the user.
Multimedia (MM) information, despite their ubiqui-
tous and prominent role in nowadays life, still present
a variety of challenges for their effective and effi-
cient retrieval: among these, the content extraction
and subsequent indexing represent two of the most
analyzed areas of research. However, the inherently
complex nature of some multimedia data (like videos,
images, web pages, and so on) makes it hard to ex-
ploit out-of-the-box solutions that were devised for
simpler scenarios (e.g., textual documents). Indeed,
in many MM cases the classical information retrieval
(IR) models cannot be applied without either oversim-
plifying the type of queries that can be issued by an
user or completely giving up efficiency or effective-
ness. An example, that arises in several MM scenar-
ios, is that of MM documents that are composed of
several component elements. Requesting documents
that are relevant to a given query document Q entails
retrieving elements that are relevant to Q elements,
and then somewhat combining the results at the docu-
ment level. This hierarchical structure of documents
is general enough to be able to model different MM
IR applications, but poses some peculiar challenges
This work was partially supported by the CoOPER-
ARE MIUR Project.
due to its very nature: for example, how are docu-
ment elements compared to query elements? how the
relevance of elements is aggregated in order to as-
sess the relevance of whole documents? is indexing
of whole documents a possible choice? in case, is it
a better choice than indexing elements? Above ques-
tions recur whenever the hierarchical model is applied
for the retrieval of MM documents; however, answers
cannot be given independently from the application at
hand, since each particular scenario presents its pecu-
liarities. When enhancing differences among applica-
tions, we should however note that several affinities
are still present and that solutions proposed for a par-
ticular scenario could be applied to other similar sce-
narios as well, provided that the underlying model is
the same.
In this paper, we present the WINDSURF library
for management of MM hierarchical data, with the
goal of providing a general, flexible, and extensible
software framework for analyzing the impact on per-
formance of the different aspects included in its re-
trieval model. In particular, the library presents an
emphasis on query processing techniques, offering
different index-based algorithms for the efficient res-
olution of similarity retrieval queries, where docu-
ments are requested whose content is (in some sense)
similar to that of the query. Indeed, it turns out that
Bartolini I., Patella M. and Stromei G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003451701390148
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP-2011), pages 139-148
ISBN: 978-989-8425-72-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
algorithms included in the WINDSURF library have
a wide range of applicability and can therefore be
helpful for a variety of scenarios. We expect the li-
brary to be particularly useful to those researchers that
haveto analyze how different alternativesin the repre-
sentation/comparison of elements/documents interact
in providing different effectiveness/efficiency perfor-
mances, without the burden of defining ex-novo al-
gorithms for retrieving query results. We also note
that processing of similarity queries may not be the
main goal of the application at hand, rather it could
be just a component of a more complex system: as
an example, TRECVID 2011 (
includes several tasks calling for efficient retrieval of
similar video shots. For instance, the semantic index-
ing (SIN) task involvesthe automatic tagging of video
segments in order to perform filtering, categorization,
browsing, and search (this is commonly performed
by associating the same tags to shots sharing similar
visual/audio content (Bartolini, Patella, and Romani
2010)); the content-based copy detection (CCD) task,
on the other hand, aims to automatically detect copies
of video segments, which clearly can be based on the
retrieval of similar video content.
We first precisely define the hierarchical retrieval
model of WINDSURF (Sect. 2), by also presenting
real-world examples of its use, and provide a general
view of the library (Sect. 3), including its query pro-
cessing algorithms (Sect. 4). Then (Sect. 5), we show
how the library can be customized so as to behave
according to the requirements of the particular appli-
cation at hand and we provide examples of use of the
library in the Region-Based Image Retrieval (RBIR)
scenario (Sect. 6): this was the original application
scenario of the library and also justifies its name
(WINDSURF standing for Wavelet-based INDexing
of imageS Using Region Fragmentation (Ardizzoni,
Bartolini, and Patella, 1999)). Finally, we draw our
conclusions, by also highlighting future directions of
research (Sect. 7).
The retrieval model of WINDSURF is as follows:
we have a database D of N documents, D =
, . . . , D
}, where each document D is composed
of n
elements, D = {R
, . . . , R
}. Each element R is
described by way of features that represent, in an ap-
propriate way, the content of R. Given a query docu-
ment Q = {Q
, . . . , Q
} composed of n elements, and
an element distance function δ, that measures the dis-
similarity of a given pair of elements (using their fea-
tures), we want to determine the set of best documents
in D with respect to Q.
The above formulation of the problem is suf-
ficiently general to encompass different retrieval
paradigms, each having a different way of specify-
ing which documents are to be considered “best” for
the query at hand: this can be demonstrated by apply-
ing the WINDSURF retrieval model to some real world
Example 1. Our first example deals with the com-
parisons of web sites. In this case, each element R is
a web page contained in a web site D and we want to
discover whether a new web site Q is similar to some
existing web sites in our database D . Comparison be-
tween web pages is performed by taking into account
contained keywords, e.g., by using the vector space
model (Salton, 1989), so that features extracted from
each page include keywords using t f × id f values af-
ter stopping & stemming (see Fig. 1).
query web site query page DB page DB web site
Figure 1: Comparing web sites.
Example 2. In RBIR, the D database consists in still
images that are segmented into regions, where pix-
els included in a single region R share the same vi-
sual content (e.g., color & texture). Image regions are
compared according to their visual features and we
want to retrieve images that are similar in content to
a user-specified query image Q (see Fig. 2).
DB image regions
region distanceδ
query regions
query image DB image
Figure 2: Comparing segmented images in Region-Based
Image Retrieval.
Example 3. As a third example, we consider the
comparison of videos based on similarity, where each
video D is first segmented into shots, i.e., sequences
of video frames that are coherent in their visual con-
tent. Then, each shot R is represented by a single key
frame (this can be either the first frame of the shot, or
the middle one, or the medoid of shot frames), so that
shots can be compared by means of a simple image
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
similarity function. Finally, we can compare whole
videos by aggregating the similarities between shots
(see Fig. 3). Note that different applications (like du-
plicate video detection) might impose different con-
straints on the “matching” of video shots, e.g., re-
questing that only shots of similar length can be cou-
pled or that shots that are shown in very different mo-
ments cannot be matched; clearly, this has an impact
on the computation of similarity between videos, thus
a researcher might be interested in investigating the
effect of such constraints on the result of a query re-
questing for, say, the 5 videos most similar to a given
query video Q.
shot B1
shot B2
shot B3
shot A1
shot A2
shot A3
shot B4
video B
video A
Figure 3: Comparison of videos based on video shots.
For the rest of the paper, we will assume as given
the way documents are divided into elements (e.g.,
the image segmentation algorithm in Example 2, or
the shot segmentation of videos in Example 3), the
features used to represent such elements, and the (ele-
ment) distance function δ, being understood that sim-
ilar elements will have a low δ value: our focus here
is to demonstrate how different retrieval models can
be enclosed by the WINDSURF model, thus proving
its generality.
Another important factor to be considered is the
definition of the query result, i.e., how the best doc-
uments wrt Q are specified. Indeed, different appli-
cations typically have different ways of assessing the
similarity between documents, given the similarities
between component elements. In WINDSURF, two
different retrieval modalities are supported: quantita-
tive (k-NN) and qualitative (Skyline).
In the k Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) quantitative
model (Ilyas, Beskales, and Soliman, 2008), simi-
larity between documents is numerically assessed
by way of a document distance function d that
combines together the single element distances
into an overall value. Consequently, document
is considered better than D
for the query Q
iff d(Q, D
) < d
Q, D
holds and the query re-
sult consists of the k DB documents closest to the
As an alternative to the quantitative model, the
qualitative (Skyline) model does not rely on the
specification of a numerical value, according to
which DB documents can be sorted for decreasing
values of similarity wrt to the query, rather docu-
ment D
is considered better than D
for the query
Q iff D
does no worse than D
on all query ele-
ments and there exists at least one query element
on which D
is strictly better than D
. This neces-
sarily includes those documents that would be the
best alternative according to some specific docu-
ment distance function (Fishburn, 1999).
Regarding k-NN queries, it has to be noted that, usu-
ally, the computation of the document distance d is
obtained by combining three basic ingredients: (1)
the element distance δ, (2) the set of constraints that
specify how the component elements of the query Q
have to be matched to the component elements of an-
other (database) document D, and (3) the aggrega-
tion function that combines distance values between
matched elements into an overall document distance
value (e.g., a simple average of distance values be-
tween matched elements). Often, the overall docu-
ment distance is computed by aggregating scores of
the best possible matching, i.e., the one that mini-
mizes the overall document distance; in this case, the
computation of d also includes the resolution of an
optimization problem in the space of possible match-
ings between elements of Q and elements of D. We
finally note that the result of any query depends on the
combination of all three ingredients, so that chang-
ing one of them might lead to completely different
results. As we will show later, the characteristics of
the overall document distance also determine which
algorithms can be used to efficiently solve the k-NN
As to the Skyline retrieval model, our definition
of domination among documents follows the one de-
scribed in (Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella, 2010) for
the case of segmented images. Intuitively, the con-
cept of domination is defined for tuples, while here we
are considering sets of elements; thus, the dominance
criterion needs to be properly extended to deal with
this additional complexity in the structure of objects
to be compared. For this purpose, each document can
be defined as the set of possible matchings of its el-
ements with query elements, each matching being a
tuple of distance values between a query element Q
and its matched element of D, R
. The domination
between matchings can be then straightforwardly de-
fined. Finally, domination between documents is built
on top of the concept of domination between match-
ings, stating that a document D
dominates another
document D
wrt the query Q iff for each matching of
there exists a matching of D
that dominates it.
2.1 Alternative Retrieval Models
Albeit the WINDSURF retrieval model is sufficiently
general to encompass the characteristics of several
multimedia scenarios, see (Grauman, 2010) for a re-
cent example, it is interesting to note its analogies
with other different models. For example, the Bag
of Words (BoW) model for computer vision (Fei-Fei,
Fergus, and Torralba, 2007) represents images as sets
of patches (these are similar to elements in WIND-
SURF). Then, all patches included in any DB image
are converted into codewords, where each codeword
is representative of several patches. This produces a
codebook and each image can be described as the set
of codewords representing its patches. In this way, the
retrieval models used for textual documents (Salton,
1989) can be directly applied for images, since the
codebook is equivalent to a dictionary. The difficult
part here is the generation of the codebook(how many
codewords? how to compare patches?).
We also note that our k-NN retrieval model also
include those cases where the image distance d also
considers global characteristics; for example, this is
the case when the particular d to be used for a given
query is learned by exploiting side information (Wu
et al., 2009; Grauman, 2010).
The WINDSURF library is written in Java and is re-
leased under the “QPL” license, being freely available
at URI for ed-
ucation and research purposes only. It consists of five
main packages, each focusing on a section of the main
Document. The
package includes the def-
inition of classes modelling documents, elements,
and features. It also contains the specification of
the element distance δ and (possibly) of the docu-
ment distance d.
FeatureExtractor. The
is the
component in charge of extracting the features
from a given document. This is performed in two
steps: first the document is decomposed into ele-
ments (segmentation), then features are computed
for each element (extraction).
QueryProcessor. The
(QP) is the
component that solves queries over document fea-
tures. It contains algorithms for the efficient res-
olution of both k-NN and Skyline queries, by ex-
ploiting the presence of indices built on document
features. In case indices are not available, the
package also incorporates sequential algorithms
for solving queries.
FeatureManager. The
(FM) is the
component in charge of storing/retrievingthe doc-
ument features from the DB, providing an abstrac-
tion from the underlying used DBMS. In order to
achievean efficient management of features, these
can be saved into a relational DBMS (in particu-
lar, the WINDSURF library includes code for using
the MySQL
IndexManager. The
(IM) package
contains classes managing the feature indices.
These can be exploited by the QP for the effi-
cient resolution of queries over the features (see
Sect. 4). WINDSURF supports indices built on top
of both elements and documents: as we will see
in the following, this allows the definition of alter-
native query processing algorithms. In particular,
an implementation of the M-tree index (Ciaccia,
Patella, and Zezula, 1997) is included.
Fig. 4 provides an abstract view of how pack-
ages of the library cooperate during the insertion and
the retrieval phase. When a new document is to be
added to the document database (Fig. 4 (a)), it is first
processed by the
package which
breaks it into component elements and extracts ele-
ments’ features. These are then forwarded to the FM
and IM components that store the features in the fea-
tures DB and the features index, respectively. On
the other hand, at query time (Fig. 4 (b)) features ex-
tracted by the
are fed into the QP
component, whose algorithms exploit the Feature and
Index managers in order to pick query results out.
Our main goal in designing the WINDSURF library
was the performance comparison of different algo-
rithms for the retrieval of complex documents, in
terms of both efficiency and effectiveness. In this
view, the core of the library consists of the QP compo-
nent, that presents alternative algorithms for the res-
olution of queries. Regarding efficiency, QP algo-
rithms might exploit indices built on features in order
For efficiency reasons, the implementation of M-tree is
written in C++.
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Document Elements
FeatureManager IndexManager
Feature index
FeatureManager IndexManager
Feature index
Query results
Figure 4: Data flow in the WINDSURF library: (a) insertion phase, (b) retrieval phase.
to avoid a full sequential evaluation, a non viable so-
lution for large document DBs. Our arguments will be
developed independently of the specific index; rather,
we will refer to a generic distance-based index, i.e.,
any index that relies on the computation of distances
to return back objects. Distance-based indices include
both multi-dimensional (Gaede and G¨unther, 1998)
and metric (Ch´avez et al., 2001) indices, relevant ex-
amples of which are the R-tree (Guttman, 1984) and
the M-tree (Ciaccia, Patella, and Zezula, 1997), re-
spectively. To be useful for our purposes, distance-
based indices should also provide a sorted access in-
terface, i.e., to output data in increasing order of dis-
tance with respect to the object with which the in-
dex is queried: this is quite common, thanks also
to the existence of algorithms of general applicabil-
ity (Hjaltason and Samet, 1999; Hjaltason and Samet,
2003). Depending on the used algorithm, indices in
the WINDSURF library might be built on either ele-
ments (for which the element distance δ is used for
indexing purposes) or whole documents (where in-
dexing is based on the document distance d).
In order to evaluate the efficiency of each query
processing algorithm, all classes provide statistics
about relevant operations, including:
Document Distances. The number of distance eval-
uations among documents (only relevant for k-
NN queries); this is considered a costly operation,
since it typically involves comparing several com-
ponent elements and combining them in order to
produce the overall score (as said, the latter might
also require solving an optimization problem).
Element Distances. The number of distance evalua-
tions among elements; depending on the number
of features and on the element distance function
δ, this too might be a costly operation.
Sorted Accesses. The number of accesses to the un-
derlying element index; as we will show, some al-
gorithms exploit an index built on document ele-
ments, that is used to sort DB elements in order of
increasing distance values with respect to query
elements. A sorted access returns a single DB
element and requires the index to perform some
Document Dominations. The number of compar-
isons among documents in order to see whether a
document dominates another one (Skyline queries
only); again, this is a costly operation since it
might require comparing several matchings.
Time. The overall time needed to solve a single
query; this can be also detailed by considering
the time needed for retrieving features from the
DB, accessing the underlying indices, computing
document distances, or comparing documents for
The QP includes efficient algorithms for the efficient
resolution of both k-NN and Skyline queries (Bar-
tolini, Ciaccia, and Patella, 2010). Each algorithm
will be described here in general terms, by specifying
under which hypotheses it is able to correctly solve a
SEQ. This sequential k-NN algorithm
retrieves all documents in D and compares them with
Q, by using the document distance d. Only the k best
documents, i.e., the ones having the lowest d values,
are kept and returned as the query result. No specific
requirement on d or δ is needed, since the algorithm
simply follows the definition of k-NN query.
k-NN-set. This index-based k-NN algorithm
class) ex-
ploits an element index T
to reduce the number
of document and element distances to be com-
puted (Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella, 2010). The
k-NN-set algorithm iteratively alternates sorted
accesses to the index T
to retrieve DB elements with
random accesses that compute a document distance
d (Q, D) between the query and the document whose
element has been retrieved by the last sorted access.
In this case, document distances are computed only
during the random access phase, while element
distances can be computed within the index and
during each random access (since distances between
all elements of both Q and of D might be required to
compute d (Q, D)).
The algorithm applies to any document distance
function d that can be bounded from below, i.e., for
those d such that if, for document D = { R
, . . . , R
and query Q = {Q
, . . . , Q
}, it is δ(Qi, Rj) θ
, i, j,
then a function T exists such that d (Q, D) T(θ
This is required to guarantee correctness of the pro-
vided result: it means that, for a document D
all elements are “closer” to query elements than all
those of another document D
, it is also d (Q, D
Q, D
. Indeed, since the underlying index T
vides DB elements in order of increasing distance to
query elements (sorted access), the algorithm cannot
terminate until it is guaranteed that no document yet
to be seen in a sorted access is closer to Q than the
best k documents seen so far.
k-NN-imgIdx. This k-NN algorithm
class) exploits a document index T
. Since, for
hypothesis, T
supports sorted accesses, the k-
NN-imgIdx algorithm simply performs k of such
accesses to return the query result. We note here that
multi-dimensional access methods cannot be used to
index whole documents, because a document is a set
(and not a vector) of elements, thus metric indices
are needed for this purpose. It then follows that the
distance d used to compare documents should be a
Sky-set. This is the only index-based Skyline
algorithm included in the WINDSURF library
and uses an element index T
(Bartolini, Ciaccia,
and Patella, 2010) (the Skyline retrieval model
cannot be supported by document indices, because
a document distance function is not defined in this
case). Similar to the k-NN-set algorithm, Sky-set
resorts to sorted and random accesses; the main
difference with k-NN-set is that, after each sorted
access, no document distance is computed, rather
the newly accessed document D is compared for
domination with documents in the current solution,
possibly leading to drop some current results or D
itself. The correctness of Sky-set follows from the
very definition of domination among documents
and the use of a threshold tuple θ. In fact, unseen
documents will only contain elements whose distance
values are higher than those included in θ: it follows
that any document D which is not dominated by θ
cannot be dominated by any unseen document, thus
it can be output as a Skyline result. We finally note
that, although our definition of the result of a Skyline
query only include undominated documents, Sky-set
is able to iteratively return results in layers (Bartolini
et al., 2007): according to this definition, documents
in a layer are not dominated by any document, except
by documents in previous layers (for each document
D in layer i and for all j < i, it exists at least a
document D
in layer j that dominates D).
The WINDSURF library includes abstract and general
classes able to represent any application following the
retrieval model described in Sect. 2. As stated in the
introduction, one of the basic features of the library is
its generality and ability of being customized to cover
a broad range of application scenarios. In this section
we first detail how a user of the WINDSURF library
can instantiate classes so as to implement her specific
needs, then describe some possible customizations.
In order to correctly exploit the library, a user has
to follow five basic steps:
1. Extending the
within the
package. For this, the user
has to specify the format of features that repre-
sents documents and document elements. In par-
ticular, the element distance δ is modelled by the
method in the
class, while the
document distance d is (possibly) implemented by
method in the
2. Implementing classes in the
package for analyzing documents, in order to
break them into their component elements and ex-
tract their features.
3. Writing classes in the
packages for storing/retrieving
document/element features to/from the underly-
ing DBMS and indices.
4. Building the DB and the indices containing docu-
ments and elements. This is performed by way of
method within the
classes, that save features of a
within the DB/index, according
to the insertion logic depicted in Fig. 4 (a).
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
5. Querying the DB (possibly exploiting indices) by
creating an instance of the
class within the
package. Such object (which is
built using a single
) could be used in
conjunction with any of the algorithms listed in
Sect. 4, see Fig. 4 (b).
Although the previously listed steps are the only ones
required for the basic use of the library, advanced
users may require additional, more sophisticated, cus-
tomizations. Most commonly, these will affect classes
in the following packages.
FeatureManager and IndexManager Pack-
ages. The library already includes generic code for
using the MySQL DBMS and the M-tree (Ciaccia,
Patella, and Zezula, 1997) index (a template-based
C++ library itself), but other implementations of the
generic abstract classes for features management are
possible. It is worth noting that, as stated in Sect. 4,
separate index structures should be provided for the
management of documents and elements, and that
such indices should support the sorted access inter-
face: this is required by the k-NN-set and the Sky-
set algorithms, but also allows the retrieval of docu-
ments/elements using k-NN or range queries (Zezula
et al., 2006).
QueryProcessor Package. This package con-
tains the implementations of algorithms described in
Sect. 4, but also allows the specification of other
aspects of document retrieval using either the k-
NN or the Skyline model. Particularly important
is the
sub-package, containing
the implementation of several alternatives for the
computation of the document distance d via the use
of scoring functions. The library already implements
four of such functions, that will be detailed in the fol-
Earth’s Mover Distance (EMD). Using the EMD
scoring function (Rubner and Tomasi, 2000), el-
ements of the documents to be compared are
matched in a many-to-many modality. The
“amount” of matching of any element is limited
to the “size” of such element (for example, in the
case of image regions, this equals the fraction of
image pixels included in the region at hand); the
average of best-matched elements is used as the
aggregation function, thus defining an optimiza-
tion problem that corresponds to the well-known
transportation problem, which can be solved in
logn) time. It is easily proved that a doc-
ument distance d defined in this way is a metric
and can be bounded from below, thus it could be
exploited by algorithms described in Sect. 4.
IRM. The IRM scoring function used by the SIM-
PLIcity RBIR system (Wang, Li, and Wieder-
hold, 2001) is based on a greedy algorithm (with
complexity O(n
logn)) that obeys the same con-
straints and uses the same aggregation function
(i.e., the average) as EMD. Consequently, the doc-
ument distance computed by IRM is never lower
than the one of EMD: this also implies that IRM
can be also bounded from below (although with a
looser bound wrt the one for EMD) but it does not
satisfy the metric postulates.
1 1 Assignment. In this case, which is the one
originally exploited by the WINDSURF RBIR sys-
tem (Ardizzoni, Bartolini, and Patella, 1999),
each element of a document can be only matched
to at most one element of the other document,
and vice versa. Then a “biased average is used
to aggregate distance values of matched elements,
so as to appropriately penalize documents that do
not match all the query elements. This defines an
assignment problem, which can be solved using
the Hungarian Algorithm in O(n
) time (Kuhn,
1955). Again, it is easy to see that this document
distance can be bounded from below but is not a
Greedy 1 1. This last scoring function is computed
by way of a greedy algorithm (whose complexity
is O(n
)) for the assignment problem. The cor-
responding document distance is thus never lower
than the one computed using the previous func-
tion, is also bounded from below, but is not a met-
In case the number of document elements, n, is high,
above algorithms would be limited by their super-
linear complexity. In such cases, it is likely that
the user would specify alternative (approximate) al-
gorithms, e.g., the pyramid match algorithm detailed
in (Grauman, 2010).
In this section, we demonstrate how the use of the
WINDSURF library classes can be helpful in perform-
ing complex tasks over documents that comply with
the WINDSURF model. The case study we consider
here is that of a researcher investigating the impact of
the different alternatives offered by the WINDSURF
RBIR system (see Example 2). In particular, she is
interested in the efficiency and the effectiveness of
the query models available in the library as applied
to the WINDSURF image features, which are detailed
in (Ardizzoni, Bartolini, and Patella, 1999). Follow-
ing the five steps enumerated in Sect. 5, the user has
to first implement classes in the following packages
(note that the library already includes such code):
Document Package. features for each image re-
gion (element) include color/texture character-
istics that are represented by way of a 36-
dimensional vector; the region distance δ imple-
ments the Bhattacharyya metric distance (Kailath,
1967), while the image distance d implements all
the alternatives included in Sect. 5, see (Bartolini,
Ciaccia, and Patella, 2010).
FeatureExtractorPackage. A Haar-Wavelet
filter is applied to each image (document) and
pixels of the filtered image are then clustered
together using a K-means algorithm; so-obtained
clusters correspond to image region, whose
features are extracted from visual characteristics
of included pixels.
FeatureManagerand IndexManagerPackag-
es. Classes are included for storing/retrieving im-
age/region features to/from the MySQL DBMS
and the M-tree index.
We include here the results of some experiments
performed on a real image dataset consisting of
about 15,000 color images (corresponding to about
63,000 regions) extracted from the IMSI collection
As a first demonstration of use of the library, we
compare the effectiveness of the Bhattacharyya re-
gion distance with respect to a simpler Euclidean (L
distance for establishing the similarity between re-
gion features: this is easily done by simply redefining
the δ distance within the
package. Fig. 5
shows that the use of the Bhattacharyya distance is
justified by its far superior accuracy with respect to
the Euclidean distance, in spite of its higher cost (al-
most doublingthe time needed to compute the L
ric). Although we only present here results for k-NN
queries, experiments for Skyline queries (not included
here for the sake of brevity) confirm the trend exhib-
ited by Fig. 5. Again, we note that this result can be
obtained by simply redefining the
of the
class within the
As another proof of usability of the library, we
compared the effectiveness of the document distances
described in Sect. 5. To this end, the k-NN-set al-
gorithm was repeatedly executed with the different d
distances. We obtained the results shown in Fig. 6. It
can be seen that all image distances behave almost the
same, with the remarkable exception of the Greedy
1 1 alternative, whose accuracy is very low for the
first retrieved results. This result, which has been ob-
tained with no cost, since all alternatives are already
0 10 20 30
Figure 5: Effectiveness of different element distance func-
tions for the RBIR case: Precision (P) as a function of the
number of retrieved documents (k).
available within the library, may suggest that a choice
between the first three alternatives should be based on
efficiency considerations only.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Greedy 1-1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Greedy 1-1
Figure 6: Effectiveness of different document distance
functions for the RBIR case: Precision (P) as a function of
the number of (a) retrieved documents (k) and (b) relevant
retrieved documents (k
Finally, we show a result of the performance
comparison for the three index-based algorithms de-
scribed in Sect. 4: Fig. 7 compares the efficiency of
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
k-NN-set (using both the EMD and the 1 1 docu-
ment distance), k-NN-imgIdx (using EMD), and Sky-
set according to 4 different performance metrics, as
described in Sect. 4. It is worth noting that k-NN-
imgIdx performs the worst among considered algo-
rithms: this might sound strange at first, since only
k sorted accesses to the document index are needed
and no computation is done outside of the index it-
self, but this is not enough to compensate for the very
high number of document distances that are computed
within the index.
Again, the library classes already
contain the code for obtaining this important result,
demonstrating that, when dealing with complex doc-
uments, a simplistic approach is not always the best
one, and several alternatives should be taken into ac-
count to find out the best combination of efficiency
and effectiveness.
doc. distances elem. distances sorted
k-NN-set (1-1) k-NN-set (EMD) k-NN-imgIdx Sky-set
Figure 7: Efficiency of the query processing index-based al-
gorithms: k-NN-set using the EMD and the 1 1 document
distances, k-NN-imgIdx using EMD and Sky-set (graphs are
normalized to the maximum values so as to emphasize rel-
ative performance).
We have presented the WINDSURF library for the
management of complex (hierarchical) multimedia
data, with the goal of providing tools for their effi-
cient retrieval. The library was designed with the aim
of generality and extensibility, so as to be applicable
to a wide range of multimedia scenarios that fit its
similarity-based retrieval model. Due to the inher-
ent complexity of multimedia data, we designed the
WINDSURF retrieval model to include all the differ-
We note here that k-NN-set computes document dis-
tances outside of the index, only for those documents that
are retrieved under sorted access. On the other hand,
Sky-set does not compute any document distance, but has
nonetheless to compare documents fordomination: in Fig. 7
each of such comparisons is computed as a document dis-
tance, in order to compare algorithms on a fair basis.
ent facets introduced by the hierarchical nature of the
data (for example, how documents are characterized,
how they are split into component elements, how ele-
ments are to be compared, how similarities at the el-
ement level are to be aggregated, and so on). Such
facets can be instantiated in several alternative ways
(each choice possibly giving different results) and an
user may want to compare the performance of such
alternatives in the scenario at her hand: we believe
that the use of the WINDSURF library could help in
abstracting away the details of generic query process-
ing algorithms, since the above-mentioned facets can
be realized by simply implementing abstract classes
of the library. We are currently working in extending
the library with new query processing algorithms and
to incorporate other scenarios (e.g., videos (Bartolini,
Patella, and Romani 2010)) as instances of the library
available for downloading. Moreover, a current lim-
itation of the WINDSURF retrieval model is that ele-
ments of a document are all of a same type: we plan
to extend the model to consider elements of different
types, so that only elements of the same type can be
compared. For example, if we consider a multimedia
document composed of textual sections and images,
it makes sense to only compare text with text and im-
ages with images. Another important application of
this concept is the use of cross-domain information to
improve the retrieval of a given type of content, for
example, exploiting surrounding text and/or links ex-
isting to other documents (`a la PageRank) to boost
image/video retrieval.
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SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications