Javier Esparza-Peidro and Francesc D. Mu˜noz-Esco´ı
Instituto Tecnol´ogico de Inform´atica, Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, Valencia, Spain
Cloud, Cloud computing, Cloud platform, Scalability, Model driven, Model.
Current cloud platforms are based on two mainstream models: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform
as a Service (PaaS). Both approaches entail strenghts and weaknesses that we collect and present in this paper
and we conclude the need to devise a new approach, based on graphical models, to overcome the imposed
limitations. This model driven approach is introduced and slightly described, highlighting the importance of a
comprehensive scalable modeling language and uncovering new research lines for designing self-manageable
cloud platforms.
Current cloud platforms are based on two mainstream
models: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Plat-
form as a Service (PaaS) (Vaquero et al., 2008), (Fos-
ter et al., 2009), (Lenk et al., 2009) . Both approaches
entail strengthsand weaknesses that we will try to col-
lect and present in the following paragraphs.
The IaaS model (Amazon, 2011) is aimed at
professionals with system administration skills since
the provider does typically supply a set of services
for managing virtual machines and virtual networks.
Defining machine settings, operating system configu-
rations and network architecture is the users’ respon-
sibility, and requires expertise in all these domains.
Deploying an application in this scenario is not an
easy task either, since each application component
must be distributed to the correct machine, installed
and started, and the whole process must be correctly
orchestrated to have the overall application properly
working. Furthermore, managing application scaling
usually involves developing some additional software
to measure and detect heavy traffic conditions and
scaling out some key application components. Lately
some cloud offers include tools for automatically de-
tecting these conditions and scaling out without user
On the other hand, the PaaS model (Google,
2011), (Azure, 2011) hides all the above mentioned
complexities and providesa consistent high level soft-
ware platform for developing scalable applications.
The intricate details of configuringthe underlyinglay-
ers, connecting components and on-demand scaling
are automatically managed by the platform and cov-
ered by a collection of APIs which provide high level
constructs to assist in the application development.
This approach typically imposes a specific program-
ming language, and usually a new application model
must be followed, forcing the developer to organize
the application components in certain way. Conse-
quently legacy systems are difficult to migrate to the
new platform, since reengineering processes are re-
quired. Moreover, this model typically focuses on
the developmentof new management applications, re-
sulting useless in systems-oriented solutions where
the different components are interconnected network
servers, as in a corporate network.
Therefore, no approach is suitable for every case,
and each one has its specific shortcomings. IaaS is
adequate for legacy systems or system-oriented appli-
cations provided that the user has deep understanding
of systems administration and assuming some semi-
automated scaling procedures. Conversely, PaaS is
appropriate for new business applications tailored for
a particular programming platform where all scalabil-
ity aspects and much of the application configuration
is automatically carried out by the platform.
To summarize, IaaS is more open and versatile,
in exchange for extra management effort, while PaaS
is more closed and limited, but it automates nearly
any aspect of the platform, letting the developer to
focus on the real application development, which will
be irrevocably bound to the platform on which it was
Esparza-Peidro J. and D. Muñoz-Escoí F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003444504940500
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 494-500
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this paper we try to conciliate both worlds,
promising to obtain the same versatility and platform
independence as IaaS solutions, and reaching au-
tomation levels very similar to the PaaS counterparts.
To this end, we devise a new approach that merges
the best characteristics of both solutions, and assists
the developer with graphical models, inspired by the
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) principle. Besides
helping in the specification steps, our methodology
will be able to automatize application deployment and
to build scalable self-administering(i.e., autonomous)
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: sec-
tion 2 presents our model driven approach and intro-
duces an overview of the overall methodology. Sec-
tion 3 discusses a key element in this methodology,
the language used for modeling scalable applications.
We list some of its most important characteristics and
we show a preview of a platform-independent lan-
guage which may meet such characteristics. Section 4
suggests some issues which should be solved in order
to use such language in a concrete environment. Sec-
tion 5 outlines the most important features that a plat-
form should provide in order to support the presented
methodology. Finally, conclusions of this work are
presented in section 6.
As it is known, a software product can become a
very complex creature, so much so that thousands
of developers may be involved in the construction
of a single prototype. To address such a hard job
we need very powerful tools and well defined pro-
cedures. The Software Engineering discipline (De-
Marco, 1979) emerged to give solution to these prob-
lems. It defines a set of best practices and speci-
fies a concrete sequence of steps that any application
development process should go through in order to
guarantee a minimum quality level. This process can
be roughly broken into the conceptualization phase
and the implementation phase. The first stage in-
volves modeling any aspect of the application, includ-
ing static and dynamic characteristics, so that the de-
signer can define with great detail the entire applica-
tion in advance, before initiating the implementation
tasks. To this end the designer needs a strong model-
ing language, capable of capturing any software prop-
erty. Most of the times, the chosen language is the
Object Management Group’s Unified Modeling Lan-
guage (UML) (UML, 2011), (Booch et al., 2005).
Nowadays any serious software project begins
with a robust requirements specification and a com-
plete collection of models describing in detail the
structure and behavior of the software. The latest
software development methodologies take advantage
of this approach, taking as input the software mod-
els and trying to automatize the next part of the pro-
cess, that is to say, the software construction. This
methodology is coined as Model Driven Engineering
(Kent, 2002), (Schmidt, 2006) and the Object Man-
agement Group’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
(MDA, 2011), (Kleppe et al., 2003) is one of the
best known initiatives in this field. In MDA the de-
signer defines a Platform Independent Model (PIM)
by using UML, which describes the architecture and
functionality of the software, including action seman-
tics. This model is not bound to any specific plat-
form, rather it describes in an abstract way all aspects
of the modeled software. Then the PIM is translated
into one or more Platform Specific Models (PSMs),
which are models targeted to specific technological
platforms. PSMs are finally translated into executable
code. Translations between models are considered as
model transformations, and a language called Query,
Views, Transformations (QVT) (QVT, 2011) is pro-
vided for defining such mappings.
Working with abstract models has a number of ad-
vantages: (1) models allow engineers to reason about
the relevant application properties, ignoring minor de-
tails usually linked to specific platforms, (2) they in-
crease productivity, since developers work with high
level languages and concepts they are comfortable
with, avoiding low level and error-prone details, and
making easy communication between engineers, and
(3) they provide platform-independence, portability
and cross-platforminteroperability,due to the abstract
nature of the model, which avoids any binding with a
particular platform, and increases the lifespan of the
Our aim is to follow the presented model driven
approach for designing and deploying scalable ar-
chitectures on a cloud platform. The user captures
every aspect of the application architecture in the
model, specially the scalability features. The plat-
form is responsible for everything else, including dis-
tribution, deployment, execution, monitorizing, on-
demand scaling, etc. The application just works. In
this sense, the application model is some sort of ex-
ecutable specification. To the best of our knowledge,
today no cloud platform requires the specification of
an abstract model in order to deploy a complete solu-
tion, or at least not in the sense we are proposing in
this paper.
In Figure 1 we illustrate this methodology. The
software architect defines the application model along
with the application bits. Both elements may be pack-
Figure 1: Model driven methodology.
aged in just one bundle that will be called executable
model. The executable model is then injected into
the platform. The platform analyzes the model and
creates a plan for deploying the different parts of the
application on the appropriate physical machines, ac-
cording to the application properties described in the
model. This plan introduces several advantages: (1)
application deployment can be fully automatized, (2)
the plan is able to devise a components monitoring
scheme, making possible a fast reaction of the plat-
form and/or the application components when dif-
ferent events occur (workload variations, component
failures, etc), and (3) either the plan or the model may
hold different rules that allow the implementation of
self-managed components.
The key component of the methodology advocated
in this document is the language used to model the
scalable application. To keep the language platform-
independent it should not focus on intracomponent
details, rather it should be positioned at the architec-
tural level, being able to define abstract components
and connections between those components. Fur-
thermore, the language must be expressive enough to
catch all the scalability properties related with the ap-
plication components. The minimum and maximum
number of instances of one component, or the circum-
stances under which the component gets replicated
are some examples of scalability features.
Therefore we must find a modeling language
which meets the above-mentioned requirements. Lit-
erature searches have only given a fairly good result
which loosely matches our expectations. It is the
UML component and deployment diagram defined by
OMG, which targets the definition of an application at
the architectural level. This model is comprehensive
enough for defining abstract components and connec-
tions between components, but unfortunately the re-
sulting diagrams do not collect characteristics related
with scalability. Trying to capture these properties in
the model is ardous and confusing, since the language
was not designed for that purpose.
For example, in a component diagram there is no
way to specify that a component may replicate in n in-
stances, or that the set of instances may growor shrink
within some limits and under certain circumstances.
Also, connecting scalable components, which at run-
time may expand in many instances, can not be solved
with simple interface connections. Rather, complex
connection elements should be considered, such as
load balancers, proxies, etc.
For the above reasons, we believe that a new mod-
eling language must be designed. The language must
be rich enough to describe the individual components
of any distributed application, as well as its connec-
tions. Regarding scalability, the language must pro-
vide a means for defining when, where and how many
replications of each component may take place. Also,
the language must supply tools for accurately speci-
fying different types of connections between compo-
nents, considering the multivalued nature of such re-
lationships in scalable architectures. Another goal to
achieve is to design a language which software archi-
tects feel comfortable with.
To attain the discussed objectives the most suit-
able approach involves taking features from a widely
spread modeling language - with similar purposes -
and redefining some of its graphical components and
introducingsome newones. We are currently working
on the definition of such a modeling language, though
some extra work is needed to have a precise specifi-
In Figure 2 we present a diagram written with such
hypotheticalmodeling language, and we present some
of the challenges the language will need to face to
properly design scalable architectures. The diagram
closely resembles the UML component and deploy-
ment diagram, facilitating its understanding and re-
ducing the learning curve required by software archi-
tects. The example depicts an elaborated business ap-
plication, which is composed of four connected com-
ponents: a simple HTTP front end which forwards re-
quests to the next component, a web application im-
plementing the application GUI, a business applica-
tion containing the application logic and a back end
SQL database server. Each component may expose a
public interface, represented by the familiar ball sym-
The first three components are scalable, that is,
there may be several instances at runtime. It is rep-
resented by a multiple box. The minimum and max-
imum number of instances of each component is de-
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 2: Application model example.
fined at the bottom right corner. For example, at exe-
cution time one or more instances of the web applica-
tion may be concurrently running.
In a real environment, each component runs
within a concrete execution environment, which pro-
vides some facilities and imposes some requirements
to the embedded component. The execution environ-
ment is represented by a 3D box which surrounds
the component. In the example, the web application
component must run inside a web application server,
whereas the business application requires an applica-
tion server to successfully run.
Each component can define scalability proper-
ties, which describe how the component instance set
should grow and shrink at runtime. This feature is
specified inside a scalability compartment in the
component. In the example, the web application com-
ponent should be replicated when the average proces-
sor consumption of all its instances reaches the 90%.
Similarly, when the average processor utilization of
all instances reaches the 30%, some instances should
be destroyed.
Each component requires specific resources, such
as processor and memory, to successfully run. This
aspect is defined inside a resources compartment
in the component. In the example, the business ap-
plication component requires a 2GHz processor and
4Gb of main memory to run.
Finally, components must be able to connect, in
such a way that one component consumes the inter-
faces published by other components. Connections
do not entail any problem in 1 to 1 runtime scenarios,
that is to say, when one instance of a component con-
nects to another single instance of a second compo-
nent. Troubles arise when considering contexts with
multivalued connections, in other words, when one
or more instances of a component connect to one or
more instances of another component. In such cases,
we consider two types of connections: anonymous
connections and named connections. The first type
of connection, represented by a socket-like connector,
as the connection between the front end and the web
application components in the example, does forward
requests from the client to either of the differentserver
instances, without knowing the real identity of the ac-
tual replying server. This type of connection could
be easily implemented by a load balancer element. In
turn, a named connection, represented by an arrow,
like the connection between the web application and
the business application components in the example,
describes a connection where the client knows all the
server instance identities at all times, being able to
choose the most appropriate instance to serve its re-
A language which looks like the one introduced in the
previous section seems sufficient to define any scal-
able architecture with a reasonable detail level. How-
ever, it needs some additional declarations in order to
be executable by a concrete cloud platform. Describ-
ing these features in the modeling language would
probably bind the language to the specific platform
requiring those features. That is why we present these
operational features in a different section. In the fol-
lowing paragraphs we discuss some of the most im-
portant issues which should be considered in order
to turn an abstract model into an executable model
inside a particular platform. It is not an exhaustive
enumeration, but the reader will get an idea about the
extensions needed to that end.
The proposed modeling language allows to de-
scribe components and execution environments in an
abstract fashion, explicitly avoiding dependencies on
a concrete platform. Determining the components ab-
straction level, as well as the relationship between
components and execution environments depends on
the modeled system type and is the architect’s re-
sponsibility. For example, in a corporate network
model, a component may be a web server running
within a particular operating system, whereas in a
business web application, a component may be a web-
site running within a web server which in turn runs
inside a particular operating system. Therefore, the
same element, the web server, may be considered a
component or execution environment depending on
the context. This flexibility, though desirable at the
modeling level, introduces confusion and an extra de-
gree of freedom very difficult to manage at the oper-
ational level. Therefore, each particular cloud plat-
form should define a fixed set of commonly accepted
execution environments within which the application
components will be deployed, installed and executed.
On the other hand, the proposed model defines the
application composition but it does not define its be-
havior. The behavior is provided by the actual appli-
cation bits, which are typically broken down into sev-
eral pieces, each one implementing a particular com-
ponent of the overall system. Each component bits
may be provided as a package or as a set of URLs
from which the actual bits could be automatically
downloaded and assembled. If URLs are supplied,
the platform could provide automatic application up-
grades when URL content updates are detected. Fur-
thermore, if URL contents are properly packaged and
the platform provides some means of automatically
installing new software, then the deployment, instal-
lation and upgrade of applications could be fully au-
tomatized by the platform.
The combination of the application model and the
software bits (or URLs) could be packaged inside
a bundle which makes application distribution easy.
If the bundle contains the software bits it will take
up much space. However, if it does only contain
URLs, the file could take just some kilobytes. This
last approach, together with the automatic deploy-
ment, installation and upgrade facilities mentioned
before could revolutionize today’s system administra-
tion area. Following this line of thought installing a
new full-fledged corporate network could be as sim-
ple as downloading from some place a properly con-
figured bundle file and feed the platform with it, get-
ting in return a scalable, high available and fully func-
tional corporate network with all the corporate servers
automatically deployed and ready to accept new re-
quests. The platform will automatically download
the required software, distribute it among several ma-
chines and install it on each of these machines. Then
it will start the overall application and will make it
available to the outside world. If any update is de-
tected in the original URLs, the platform will auto-
matically undertake the upgrade process, constantly
maintaining an up-to-date system.
Yet another aspect to consider is the application
component’s lifecycle. The platform must publish a
stable and robust lifecycle which will be enforced for
all the deployed components. The platform will typ-
ically notify the components about lifecycle changes
by sending events. To that end, the components will
have to publish a specific interface, so that the plat-
form may convey the appropriate information at all
times. In order to avoid specific platform dependen-
cies, such interface should be defined in some neutral
manner, using open and standard protocols, such as
HTTP or web services. These events will be sent to
the particular instances of each component at runtime.
For example, when a new instance of a component
gets created, the platform should send an event to the
rest of the instances, since they may need to perform
some particular operations in order to accommodate
the new instance. Similar considerations should be
taken when an old instance gets destroyed or fails, or
when the application must be updated, etc.
To conclude this section, we would like to sug-
gest that in some cases the platform will have to pro-
vide special components to fill some gaps left by the
scalable modeling language. These components will
not be standard application components, but part of
the platform instead, even though they could be made
available as standard components. We will support
this thesis with an example. As presented above, the
scalable modeling language provides a way to define
the resources that each component needs for its suc-
cessful execution. One of these resources should be
the storage. In this way, when a component instance
gets created it receives the specified amount of stor-
age, probably mounted as a local partition or similar.
This storage may be used by the instance at will while
it is active. When the instance is destroyed, the asso-
ciated storage should also be destroyed, along with
the rest of allocated instance’s resources. With this
approach, data could not persist across different sys-
tem executions, or be shared by all the instances of
the same component. To solve this type of shortcom-
ings, the platform should provide special components
which offer the required functionality. In the storage
case, the special component could be modeled either
as a stand-alone component which provides shared
and persistent storage to a set of client components,
or as a special feature of the platform which should be
specified by using some sort of platform-dependent
notation. Notice that the persistent storage can not
be included as an out-of-the-box property in the pro-
posed abstract modeling language, since depending
on the platform this feature will be provided with a
different system implementation, with diverse com-
munications protocols and special properties regard-
ing scalability, fault tolerance, efficiency and other as-
So far, we have explained our model driven approach,
setting the model as the cornerstone of the whole
process. Needless to say, such an executable model
would not make sense without a full-fledged platform
which supports the exposed methodology. Our ap-
proach demands a highly automated platform, capa-
ble of managing all the details of running scalable
applications without requiring any user intervention.
Modern platforms should go one step beyond though,
and implement the concept of autonomic comput-
ing (Kephart and Chess, 2003), (Kramer and Magee,
2007), which aims to obtain self-managed systems.
In the following paragraphs we present some of the
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
features a model driven platform should implement.
First and foremost, the platform will cover a real
datacenter. Whether the datacenter is homogeneous
or heterogeneous, or if it must comply with certain
network architecture or not is not relevant to this dis-
cussion and does only have to do with the platform
versatility and applicability. The datacenter may be
specified by using a particular computer network di-
agram, like Cisco-alike diagrams, which have be-
come the de facto standard for describing network
topologies. On the other hand, the datacenter physi-
cal infrastructure may also be dynamically discovered
(Breitbart et al., 2004), (Jin et al., 2006), relieving the
administrator of the burden of providing such infor-
mation and ensuring up-to-date data, though some in-
accuracies may arise. This autodiscovery facility is
extremely useful when new machines are added to the
pool, since no specific configuration protocols are re-
Secondly, the platform should understand per-
fectly the scalable modeling language, as well as the
required extensions used for defining the scalable ap-
plication properties. Once the application model has
been submitted, the platform automatically analyzes
its structure, properties and requirements and tries to
conciliate them with the physical infrastructure. This
process will typically result in a deployment plan for
distributing the different elements of the application
to the physical machines. Then most of the elements
of the application will be virtualized and transferred
to the planned locations. The devised plan must be
dynamic, since the datacenter infrastructure condi-
tions may change in the course of the application ex-
ecution. For example, a machine may fail due to a
power supply crash, or most of the datacenter ma-
chines may be busy because of occasional heavy de-
mands coming from other applications running in the
same cloud. Furthermore, when the concrete ma-
chines for deploying the application must be chosen,
the deployment plan should take into account high
availability, energy consumption and workload pre-
diction issues, in addition to the application specific
Regarding high availability (Cristian, 1991), if a
component must be replicated, the different instances
will tend to be transferred to machines located in dif-
ferent fault domains. A fault domain includes all the
machines and devices which are likely to fail at the
same time, maybe because they belong to the same
computer rack, or because they are powered by the
same power line, or because they are located inside
the same network segment. Also, the platform will
take the required measures to ensure no single point
of failure exists on the actual application layout, and
if a component fails, it will undertake all the needed
actions to recover the failed component and restart it
Also, while deploying the different components of
the application, the platform should try to do its best
on power consumption savings (Berl et al., 2010),
(Beloglazov and Buyya, 2010), taking into account
not only single machines consumptions, but network
devices and cooling systems consumption as well. To
that end, when a component must be transferred to a
new machine, busy machines will typically be chosen
first, since they are already working and consuming
power and running a new component on them would
consume less power than switching on a new ma-
chine. Other similar measures should be implemented
for the sake of saving energy.
Finally, predicting workload behavior (Akaike,
1969) (Smith et al., 1998) could significantly improve
the performance and response time of the deployed
applications, helping to allocate resources in advance
and reducing the delay inherent in the distribution and
launching of new elements.
In this paper we have introduced a new methodology
for designing cloud platforms, due to the difficulties
found in current approaches. This methodology fol-
lows the model driven paradigm, where the whole
process starts with a user-defined application model
which is injected into the platform. To that end, we
list the most important features that such a language
should have, and we present a preview of a famil-
iar modeling language which meets all requirements
for modeling scalable architectures. We are actively
working on the formal definition of such language and
we will make the results available in the short term.
Our approach requires a platform capable of auto-
matically handling almost every aspect of both the un-
derlying infrastructure and the applications deployed
on it. We collect our thinkings about all the character-
istics that a cloud platform should take into consider-
ation in order to support our fully automatized model
driven vision.
This paper has been partially supported by EU
FEDER and Spanish MICINN under research grant
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CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science