Qing Yi, Jianwei Niu and Anitha R. Marneni
University of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A.
Code generation, Modeling checking, Finite state machine.
We present a finite-state-machine-based language, iFSM, to seamlessly integrate the behavioral logic and im-
plementation strategies of object-oriented abstractions and prevent them from being out-of-sync. We provide
a transformation engine which automatically translates iFSM specifications to lower-level C++/Java class im-
plementations that are similar in style to manually written code. Further, we automatically verify that these
implementations are consistent with their behavior models by translating iFSM specifications into the input
language of model checker NuSMV.
A large collection of development tools, e.g.,
Pathfinder, Metamill, UModel, among others (Bal-
asubramanian et al., 2005; Kogekar et al., 2006) can
automatically generate C++/Java code from models
in various notations, such as class diagrams and stat-
echarts. However, most of these tools require devel-
opers to manually complete the auto-generated code
skeletons. Since the manual implementations are
maintained separately from their higher-level design,
they can easily become out-of-sync.
We introduce a nite-state-machine based lan-
guage, iFSM, to seamlessly integrate software
modeling notations such as HTS (Niu et al., 2003)
with implementations using lower-level languages
such as C++ and Java. A key contribution of iFSM
is a concise mapping from the behavior models of
arbitrary C++/Java classes, expressed using FSMs,
to their implementations, expressed using a language
that is independent of either C++ or Java. Such a
mapping effectively unifies the design and implemen-
tation of OO classes to provide the following benefits.
The behavior models and implementation strate-
gies of object-oriented classes are unified and
maintained together, and their consistency auto-
matically verified via model checking techniques.
This research is funded by the NSF through award
CCF0747357 and CNS-0964710.
Figure 1: The iFSM framework.
A single iFSM specification can be automatically
translated to equivalent OO implementations in
different programming languages and thus can
conveniently support multi-lingual applications.
The behavior models of C++/Java classes can be
made available to compilers and potentially en-
able more aggressive optimization, which is the
subject of our future work.
Figure 1 shows the work flow of our framework,
where we use a single transformation engine to au-
tomatically translate iFSM specifications to C++/Java
classes and to the input language of model checker
NuSMV (Cimatti and et. al., 2002). The auto-
generated C++/Java classes are similar in style to
manually written code and therefore can be easily in-
tegrated with existing legacy code. The unification of
behavior and implementation notations within iFSM
Yi Q., Niu J. and R. Marneni A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003439300150024
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 15-24
ISBN: 978-989-8425-77-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
aFSM(Iterator,dstate(Started),tparam(T),inherit()) {
States: Started,Ended;
Events: Advance:()->(); Reset:()->();
ReachEnd:()->bool; Current:()->T;
Trans: Advance(): Started->(Started,Ended);
Reset(): (Started,Ended)->Started;
Current(): Ended->ERROR;
Figure 2: Example aFSM for an Iterator interface.
also allows their consistency to be automatically ver-
ified using model checking techniques.
Our iFSM language supports three main concepts, the
abstract FSM (aFSM), which models the runtime be-
havior of an object-oriented class (see Section 2.1);
the implementation FSM (iFSM), which extends the
aFSM to additionally model implementation strate-
gies (see Section 2.2); and iFSM class, which spec-
ifies how to adapt the interface of automatically gen-
erated OO classes when translating iFSM to program-
ming languages such as C++/Java (see Section 2.3).
2.1 The Abstract FSM
As illustrated by the Iterator interface in Figure 2,
each aFSM has a default state (specified by the dstate
attribute), a list of type parameters (specified by the
tparam attribute), a list of base FSMs that the current
FSM inherits (specified by the inherit attribute), and
the following additional components.
A Finite Number of Control States which cat-
egorize the runtime values that an arbitrary FSM
object may have. Each object can stay in exactly
one of the declared states at any time. For ex-
ample, an object of the Iterator FSM in Figure 2
can stay either in state Started, which means the
object is in normal working condition, or in state
Ended, which means the object is no longer in
A List of Events which define the interface of
an FSM object to communicate with the exter-
nal world. Each event has a list of parameters
and can optionally return a value. The iterator
FSM in Figure 2 has four events, where Advance
and Reset have no parameter and return noth-
ing; ReachEnd takes no parameter and returns a
boolean, and Current returns a type T value.
A List of Transitions which model the change
of states within an object as it responds to dif-
ferent events. Each transition has a triggering
1: aFSM(CloneFSM,dstate(),tparam(),inherit())
2: iFSM(CountRefHandle,dstate(objNULL),tparam(T:CloneFSM),
3: Vars: obj:ref(T)=null; count:ref(int)=null;
4: States: objNULL: (count==null) -> (obj==null);
5 objUnique: (count!=null&&val(count)==1) -> (obj!=null);
6: objShared: (count!=null&&val(count)>1) -> (obj!=null);
7: Events: build:(t:T)->(); const_ref:()->obj;
modify:()->obj; reset:()->();
8: EQ: (that:fsm(CountRefHandle,T))->(obj==that.obj);
9: Actions:share:(that:ref(fsm(CountRefHandle,T)))->()
10 init:(t:ref(T))->() {obj=t;count=new(int,1);}
11: destroy:()->() { delete(count,obj);}
12: Trans:build(t):objNULL->objUnique: {init(t.Clone());}
13: build(t):objUnique->objUnique
{destroy(); init(t.Clone());}
14: build(t):objShared->objUnique
15: reset():objUnique->objNULL {destroy();}
16: reset():objShared->objNULL
17: copy(that) & !in_state(that,objNULL):
objNULL->objShared {share(that);}
18: copy(that) & !in_state(that,objNULL):
objUnique->objShared {destroy();share(that);}
19: copy(that) & !in_state(that,objNULL): objShared
20: ->objShared {val(count)=val(count)-1;share(that);}
21: copy(that) & in_state(that,objNULL):
objUnique->objNULL { destroy();}
22: copy(that) & in_state(that,objNULL): objShared->objNULL
23: {val(count)=val(count)-1,obj=null,count=null;}
24: modify():objShared->objUnique
25: iFSM_class(CountRefHandle) {
26: constructors: build,copy;
27: access: modify:protected;
28: binding: reset:dynamic;
29: extra: copy=>"operator="; EQ=>"operator=="
30: }
Figure 3: Example iFSM for a reference counting C++
event, a set of source and destination states, and
an optional boolean expression which specifies
additional constraints required for the transition.
For example, the Advance event in Figure 2 will
trigger an Iterator object to transition from state
Started to either Started or Ended, and the Cur-
rent event will raise an exception (enter the ER-
ROR state) if the object is in the Ended state.
In summary, each aFSM specifies the expected be-
havior of a C++ abstract class or a Java interface.
They serve as interface specifications to support in-
teractions between different software components.
2.2 The Implementation FSM
As illustrated by Figure 3, each iFSM extends the
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
aFSM to additionally specify implementation details
including the following.
Object Construction and Deletion. For example,
at line 2 of Figure 3, init() specifies that no parame-
ter is required to build a CountRefHandle object, and
delete(reset) specifies that the reset event should be
triggered when deleting a CountRefHandle object.
Member variables. For example, line 3 of Figure 3
declares two iFSM variables, obj, which points to a
type T object, and count, which points to an integer.
Both variables are initialized with null.
Conditions and Implications of Control States.
Each iFSM control state s has two attributes,
condition(s), which evaluates to true if and only if the
iFSM object is in the s state; and imply(s), which is
implied if the object is in the s state. For example, line
4 of Figure 3 specifies that a CountRefHandle object
is in the objNULL state if and only if count==null is
satisfied at runtime. Further, if an object is in the ob-
jNULL state, then obj==null is guaranteed to hold.
Event Implementations. Each iFSM event can in-
clude its own local variables, control states, and tran-
sitions; that is., each event can contain an embedded
iFSM to model any complex algorithm triggered by
the event. Note that events cannot be nested inside
one another, so local transitions within an event no
longer have any triggering event (these are called au-
tonomous transitions). In Figure 3, lines 7-8 contain
all event definitions, all of which are simple enough
that no embedded iFSMs are required.
Local Actions. which are defined similarly as events
but are private members of the iFSM. Specifically,
they cannot be used to as triggers of state transitions
and cannot be invoked from outside the iFSM. The
iFSM in Figure 3 has three actions, share, init, and
destroy, defined at lines 9-11.
Transition Implementations. As illustrated by Fig-
ure 3 at lines 12-24, each iFSM transition contains
a sequence of statements as its implementation. The
statements currently supported by iFSM are listed in
Table 1. Note that iFSM does not directly support
any control-flow statements, so Table 1 has no if-
conditionals or while-loops. This restriction is nec-
essary to simplify the verification of iFSMs.
Autonomous Transitions not triggered by any event.
Each autonomous transition t is controlled by a
boolean attribute repeat which specifies whether t
should be triggered repetitively until the triggering
condition no longer holds. If local to an event ev,
an autonomous transition t can be triggered by three
options, pre, which triggers t before evaluating any
transition triggered by ev; post, which triggers t af-
ter evaluating all transitions triggered by ev; and loop,
which evaluates t as part of each LOOP() statement
Table 1: iFSM Expressions and Statements.
type expressions
fsm(n,targs) an aFSM/iFSM with name n and type params targs
ref(t) a reference (pointer) type to values of type t
array(t,s) an array of size s and element type t
+,-,*,/,%, arithmetic operators
==,>=,<=,!=,>,< comparison operators
&&, ||, ! boolean operators (and, or, and not)
f(args) invoke action/event f using args as parameters
new(t,o) a new object of type t and initialized with value o
new array(t, n, o) a new array of n type t items, each initialized with o
a[s] the element at subscript s of array a
a.b the attribute b of an FSM/iFSM object a
val(p) the value of the memory referenced by address p
ref(v) the memory address associated with variable v
in state(x,y) whether the aFSM/iFSM object x is in state y
delete(p) free the memory referenced by p
except(x) raise an exception x
m = exp assign a new value exp to memory expression m.
LOCAL(x :t = i) create a local variable x with type t and initial value i
LOOP() iteratively evaluate autonomous transitions
(see table 1) invoked by a transition triggered by ev.
Exception Handling and Debugging Support,
which can be associated with each event, action, or
transition. We omit their explanations here due to
space constraints.
template <class T> class CountRefHandle {
int* count; T* obj;
void share(const CountRefHandle<T>& that)
{ obj = that.obj; count = that.count;
(*count) = (*count)+1; }
void init(T* t) {obj=t; count=new int(1);}
void destroy()
{ delete count; delete obj; obj = 0; count = 0; }
T* modify()
{ if (count!=0&&(*count)>1)
{(*count)=(*count)-1; init((*obj).Clone());}
return obj; }
CountRefHandle() : obj(0),count(0) {}
CountRefHandle(const T& t) {init(t.Clone());}
CountRefHandle(const CountRefHandle<T>& that)
{ if (!(that.count==0)) share(that);
else { count = 0;obj = 0; } }
void build(const T& t) {
if (count==0) init(t.Clone());
else if (count!=0&&(*count)==1)
{ destroy(); init(t.Clone()); }
else if (count!=0&&(*count)>1)
{ (*count) = (*count)-1; init(t.Clone()); }
const T& const_ref() const {return (*obj);}
Figure 4: Auto-generated C++ code from Figure 3.
Table 2: Mapping iFSM to object-oriented C++/Java
iFSM component C++/Java component
iFSM variables private member variables in C++/Java classes
iFSM actions private member functions in C++/Java classes
Nested iFSMs inner classes nested inside C++/Java classes
iFSM events public/protected methods in C++/Java classes
event variables local variables of C++/Java methods
event transitions top-level if-conditionals in C++/Java methods
auto. transitions loops or nested if-conditionals in C++/Javamethods
2.3 Interface Adaptation for C++/Java
Each iFSM component is designed to correlate FSM
notations with OO implementation details, and the
translation mappings are shown in Table 2. In partic-
ular, All aFSM events are translated to dynamically-
bound public methods, All iFSM actions and events
are translated to statically-bound (i.e., non-virtual)
methods in C++ but dynamically-bound (i.e., non-
static) methods in Java, as these are the default
method bindings in C++ and Java. The default access
control and binding of each method can be overrid-
den, as illustrated by the
iFSM class
at lines 25-30
of Figure 3, via the following interface adaptations.
Extra class constructors. In Figure 3, line 26 spec-
ifies that two extra constructors should be defined
for the CountRefHandle iFSM based on state tran-
sitions triggered by the build and copy events.
Alternative access control. In Figure 3, line 27
specifies that the event modify should be made
protected instead of public.
Alternative method binding. In Figure 3, line 28
specifies that the event reset should be made dy-
namically bound.
Alternativenames for existing events. In Figure 3,
line 29 specifies that an extra name “operator=”
should be used for event copy, and an extra name
“operator==” should be used for event EQ.
iFSM class
specification provides flexibility for
users to easily adapt the interface of an auto-generated
C++/Java class for different needs. Figure 4 shows a
portion of the C++ code automatically generated from
the iFSM specification in Figure 3. The code genera-
tion is discussed in more detail in Section 3.
2.4 Expressiveness of the Language
As it stands, our iFSM language serves as a proof-of-
concept in collectively specifying both software be-
havioral designs and their OO implementations. Ta-
ble 1 shows the set of expressions and statements cur-
rently supported by the language, which are a small
subset of those in C++/Java and are expected to be
extended when used to model larger and more com-
plex software systems beyond what we have studied.
While incomplete, iFSM has the potential to
conveniently specify arbitrary general-purpose OO
classes. To demonstrate this potential, we have used
the language to fully specify a large and complex C++
class which supports the parsing capability of a re-
search compiler project (see Section 5.1). Although
compilers and language interpreters are typically se-
quential and do not need to deal with concurrent eval-
uation of components, they are among the most chal-
lenging software to build, and their implementations
typically feature extremely complex and delicate con-
trol logics that are easily broken when the code needs
to be modified for maintenance (e.g., bug fixing) or
for functionality enhancement. We found that by ex-
plicitly specifying its behavioral logic, the new gener-
ated code has better structure and is easier to read and
understand. Further, since the behavior model of class
implementations are made explicit, their consistency
can be more easily verified (see Section 4).
To automatically translate iFSM specifications to
C++/Java class implementations, we use the trans-
formation engine shown in Figure 1 which is imple-
mented using POET (Yi et al., 2007), an interpreted
program transformation language designed for build-
ing ad-hoc translators between arbitrary languages
(e.g. C/C++, Java) as well as applying transforma-
tions to programs in theselanguages. Our iFSM trans-
lator can be configured via command-line parameters
to dynamically produce output in C++, Java, or the in-
put language of the NuSMV model checker. Figure 4
shows a portion of the C++ class automatically gen-
erated by our transformation engine from Figures 3.
3.1 The Code Generation Algorithm
Figure 5 shows our algorithm for translating iFSMs
to C++/Java classes. The algorithm takes two param-
eters, a list of aFSM/iFSM declarations (ifsm decls)
and a list of interface adaptations (adapt decls).
It first applies type checking to verify that all
aFSM/iFSMs in ifsm decls are properly defined and
constructs a symbol table for each FSM in the pro-
cess. The algorithm then takes each interface adapta-
tion from adapt dcls, finds the corresponding iFSM,
and generates an object-oriented class accordingly.
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
GenClassImpl(ifsm_decls, adapt_decls)
globalTable = TypeCheck(ifsm_decls);
for each (ifsm,adapt) in adapt_decls
symTab= lookup_symbol_table(globalTable, ifsm);
clsBody = empty; /*body of generated class*/
1. generate_member_variable_decls(clsBody, symTab, ifsm);
2. generate_private_actions(clsBody, symTab, ifsm);
3. for (each inner iFSM m nested inside ifsm):
4. /* map event names to relevant info.*/
5. gen_default_constructor(clsBody, symTab,ifsm);
for (each event ev in extra_constructors_of(adapt)):
6. if (ifsm has a destructor event ev)
7. for (each event ev defined in ifsm)
8. for (each additional method wrapper (ev,name) in adapt)
gen_method_wrapper(clsBody, ev, name);
9. output_class_impl(name_of(ifsm),type_param_of(ifsm),
Figure 5: Generating class implementations.
The GenClassImpl routine in Figure 5 essentially
follows the mapping rules shown in Table 2 to trans-
late each iFSM to a corresponding C++/Java class. In
particular, after setting up the symbol table properly,
steps (1-2) of the algorithm translate iFSM variables
and actions; step(3) recursively invokes the algorithm
to translate nested iFSMs; steps(4-7) translate events
and transitions into class member functions; and steps
(8-9) post-process the class body (based on interface
adaptations) and unparse the final class implementa-
tion with proper syntax in either C++ or Java.
The main task of the algorithm is translating
events to class member functions. Here step(4) pre-
computes two associative maps, trMap, which maps
each event to the state transitions triggered by it,
and autoMap, which maps each event to the perti-
nent autonomous transitions. Steps (5-7) then com-
bine such information with additional interface adap-
tation information (accMap and bndMap) to translate
each event ev to a member function or a construc-
tor/destructor of the class. Specifically, an if-else-
branch is generated for each transition t triggered by
ev, where the if-condition considers both the source
states and any additional constraints associated with
t, the true-branch includes all statements associated
with t, and the else branch includes implementations
of other transitions triggered by ev.
Most iFSM statements can be translated to
C++/Java in a straightforward fashion. A special case
is the LOOP statement (see Table 1), which is trans-
lated to a sequence of loops and if-statements. In par-
ticular, for each loop-triggered autonomous transition
t within the current event, a while loop is generated if
the source and destination states of t are different or
if the repeat attribute of t is set to true; otherwise, an
if-statement is generated for t. Code generation for
pre- and post-triggered autonomous transitions (see
Section 2.2) are supported in a similar fashion, except
that these transitions are evaluated at the entry and
exit of the corresponding event or action.
3.2 Correctness and Profitability
Our algorithm loyally follows the translation rules
shown in Table 2, which define the operational se-
mantics of the iFSM specifications. Consequently, the
generated code is guaranteed to be correct if the input
is known to be correct. However, if the input iFSM
contains a semantic error, e.g., dereferencing a null-
pointer or accessing an array out-of-bound, the error
appears accordingly in the generated code. To allevi-
ate this problem, we translate iFSM specifications to
the input of a model checker, NuSMV, to automati-
cally detect semantic errors in iFSM specifications.
The goal of our iFSM language is to raise the
level of abstractions so that developers can focus on
the behavior design of OO classes and then explicitly
map their design to concrete implementations. The
design and implementation are collectively specified
and maintained together so that they never become
out-of-sync. As illustrated by Figure 4, our auto-
generated code is similar in style to hand written code
and is easily understandable by both human and com-
pilers, so it can be seamlessly integrated with existing
code and can benefit from the same level of automatic
performance optimization by compilers.
A key objective of iFSM is to unify the behavior and
implementation of an OO class so that their consis-
tency can be readily verified. In particular, the con-
trol states of each iFSM categorize the different val-
ues that an iFSM object may have at runtime. As the
object goes through various modifications triggered
by event invocations, the modification of iFSM vari-
ables must conform to the declared state transitions.
We use NuMSV (Cimatti and et. al., 2002), a BDD-
based general-purpose model checker, to trace modi-
fications to the iFSM variables as different events are
invoked and relevant state transitions are triggered.
1: state : {objNULL,objUnique,objShared};
obj : 0..3; count : 0..3; val_count : -21..20;
2: copy_that_obj : 0..1; copy_that_count : 0..1;
val_copy_that_count : -21..20;
3: EQ: boolean; const_ref: boolean; reset: boolean;
modify: boolean; copy: boolean; build: boolean;
4: init(state) := objNULL; init(count) := 0; init(obj) := 0;
5: next(state) := case
6: build : objUnique;
7: reset : objNULL;
8: copy&(!(copy_that_count=0))&(state=objNULL) : objShared;
9: copy&!(copy_that_count=0)&(state=objUnique) : objShared;
10: copy&!(copy_that_count=0)&(state=objShared) : objShared;
11: copy&(copy_that_count=0)&(state=objUnique) : objNULL;
12: copy&(copy_that_count=0)&(state=objShared) : objNULL;
13: modify&(state=objShared) : objUnique; 1 : state;
14:next(obj) := case
15: build&(obj=0)&(count=0) : 1;
16: build&(obj!=0)&(count!=0)&(val_count>=1) : 1;
17: reset&(obj!=0)&(count!=0)&(val_count>=1) : 0;
copy&(!(copy_that_count=0))&(count=0) : 2;
18: copy&!(copy_that_count=0)&(count!=0)&(val_count=1) : 2;
19: copy&(copy_that_count=0)&(count!=0)&(val_count=1) : 0;
20: copy&!(copy_that_count=0)&(count!=0)&(val_count>1) : 2;
21: copy&(copy_that_count=0)&(count!=0)&(val_count>1) : 0;
22: modify&(obj!=0)&(count!=0)&(val_count>1):3; 1 : obj;
23:next(val_count) := case ...... esac;
24:next(count) := case ...... esac;
25:LTLSPEC G(state=objNULL -> obj=0&count=0)
26:LTLSPEC G(obj=0&count=0 -> state=objNULL)
27:LTLSPEC G(state=objUnique -> obj!=0&count!=0&val_count=1)
28:LTLSPEC G((count!=0)&val_count=1 -> state=objUnique)
29:LTLSPEC G(state=objShared -> obj!=0&count!=0&val_count>1)
30:LTLSPEC G((count!=0)&(val_count>1) -> state=objShared)
Figure 6: Auto-generated NuSMV input from Fig. 3.
Figure 6 shows the result of translating the CountRe-
fHandle iFSM in Figure 3 to the NuSMV input for
4.1 Translating iFSM to NuSMV
Our translation from iFSM to NuSMV aims to simul-
taneously simulate the state transitions and the cor-
responding iFSM variable modifications so that their
agreement can be verified using temporal logic prop-
erties. Figure 6 shows the translation result from the
iFSM specifications in Figure 3.
A key translation step from iFSM to NuSMV is
to convert all iFSM values to integers with explicit
lower/upper bounds, so that NuSMV can check all
values against the proposed properties. To accom-
plish the conversion, we associate a unique integer
with each unknown external memory reference (e.g.,
an event parameter or the result of a new operator).
We then use these integers as values for iFSM vari-
ables that have non-integer types. For example, at
line 15 of Figure 6, when responding to event build,
the next value for ob j is set to 1 because the ex-
pression t.Clone() used to modify obj at lines 12-
14 of Figure 3 has been associated with integer 1.
For iFSM variables that already have an integer type
but can hold an unlimited number of different val-
ues, we impose an artificial bound configured via
command-line options. In Figure 6, this artificial
bound is set to be 20. So both variables val count
and val copy that count have a value range 21..20,
where 21 is used to represent all values beyond
20..20. The translation approximation, as defined
above, could potentially cause NuSVM to report fail-
ure with a counter example that does not exist in real-
ity, thus making our verification conservative.
The rest of the translation simply maps each iFSM
constituent to a corresponding NuSMV component.
As illustrated by Figure 6, the resulting SMV code
contains the following components.
Variables. Four groups of SMV variables are de-
clared, illustrated at lines 1-3 of Figure 6.
The state variable, which is used to keep track of
the control states of an iFSM object;
The internal variables, each corresponding to a
memory reference used inside the definition of an
iFSM control state. In Figure 6, these variables
are obj, count and val count (which represents
val(count)) used at lines 4-6 of Figure 3.
The external variables, each corresponding
to a memory reference used in modifying
the internal variables. In Figure 6, these
variables are copy that ob j, copy that count,
and val copy that count, which correspond to
that.obj, that.count, and val(that.count) used by
the event copy at lines 17-23 of Figure 3.
The event variables, each corresponding to an
iFSM event and used to keep track of the random
invocation of each event. In Figure 6, these vari-
ables are EQ, const ref, reset, modify, copy, and
build, which are the events declared in Figure 3.
Initializations. The state variable is initialized with
the default state of the iFSM, and the internal vari-
ables are initialized with their default iFSM values,
as illustrated by line 4 of Figure 6. The external and
event variables are not initialized, so that NuSMV will
enumerate all possible values for them.
State Modification. The state variable is modified
based on which event is being invoked, the values of
event parameters, and the previous value of state, as
illustrated by lines 5-13 of Figure 6.
Internal Variable Modifications. The next value of
each internal variable is computed based on the im-
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
1. traceThis = memory refs used in states of(i fsm);
2. /* compute alias info. of pointer variables */
for (each pointer variable x in traceThis):
tracePtr[x] = stmts that modify x in transitions o f(ifsm);
aliasMap[x] = memory refs aliased to x by stmts in tracePtr[x];
3. /*compute conditions and side effects of transitions*/
for (each t in transitions of(i fsm)):
condMap[t] = condition(t) && condition(src o f(t));
for (each memory ref x in traceThis):
modMap[t][x]=stmts in t that modify x or aliasMap[x]
4. traceExt=empty; /*external memory refs to be traced by SMV*/
for (each t in transitions of(i fsm)):
traceExt = external memory re fs(condMap[t]);
for (each ref x in traceThis):
traceExt = external memory re fs(modMap[t][x]);
5. /* generate SMV variable declarations*/
for (each x in traceThis traceExt events(i fsm) {state}):
gen SMV variable declaration(symTab, i fsm, x);
6. /* generate initialization of state and internal variables */
for (each x in traceThis {state}) :
gen SMV variable initialization(symTab, i fsm, x));
7. cases = empty; /* generate SMV state modification */
for (each t in transitions of(i fsm)):
append SMV mod case(cases, condMap[t], dest states(t));
gen SMV variable modification(state, cases);
8. /* generate internal variable modifications */
for (each memory reference x in traceThis):
cases = empty;
for (each t in transitions of (ifsm)):
append SMV mod case(cases, condMap[t], modMap[t][x]);
gen SMV variable modification(x, cases);
9. for each s in states of(i fsm) /* generate properties */
gen SMV property(name o f(s), condition(s));
Figure 7: Algorithm for generating SMV code.
plementations of event-triggered transitions (i.e., how
each transition modifies the internal variables), as il-
lustrated by lines 14-24 of Figure 6.
LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) Properties to verify.
This is discussed in Section 4.3.
4.2 The Translation Algorithm
Figure 7 shows our algorithm for translating iFSM
specifications to NuSMV input. The algorithm takes
two parameters, ifsm, the input iFSM specification to
verify, and symTab, the symbol table of ifsm. The
translation process includes the following steps.
Step(1): Collect Internal Variables, which are vari-
ables used in boolean expressions associated with the
iFSM states. Save the result to variable traceThis.
Step(2): Compute Pointer Aliasing Information.
For each pointer variable x in traceThis, extract all
the memory references that can be aliased with x.
Step(3): Analyze Event-triggered Transitions.
Here condMap maps each transition t to a boolean
expression that controls its evaluation, and for each
variable x in traceThis, modMap[t][x] maps t to the
new values it could assign to x. Note that modMap
collects only the last value assigned to each internal
variable without tracing intermediate modifications.
Step(4): Collect External Variables, which include
all the external memory references that are used in
expressions inside condMap or modMap. The col-
lection is saved into the traceExt variable in Figure 7.
Step(5): Create SMV Variable Declarations. In ad-
dition to state, a variable is declared for each iFSM
event and each item in traceThis or tranceExt.
Step(5-9): Generate SMV Code for Variable Ini-
tialization, Modification, and LTL Properties, as
discussed in Sections 4.1 and 4.3.
4.3 Verifying Properties of iFSM
As illustrated by lines 25-30 of Figure 6, we generate
an LTL property for each control state s to verify that
at any time, the state variable equals to s if and only if
the boolean expression associated with s in the origi-
nal iFSM specification evaluates to true. Because the
auto-generated SMV code separately simulates the
state transitions and the corresponding iFSM memory
modifications, the LTL properties essentially recon-
cile the results of both simulations, thereby verifying
their consistency. Once the LTL properties are con-
firmed by the NuSMV model checker, the input iFSM
is guaranteed to satisfy the following constraints.
1. The boolean expressions associated with differ-
ent control states are mutually exclusive. Oth-
erwise, the LTL properties would imply that the
state variable have two different values simulta-
neously, which is a contradiction.
2. An iFSM object cannot possibly enter any state
beyond those explicitly declared in the iFSM.
Otherwise, since the SMV state variable always
has a valid enum value, say s, the property relevant
to state = s would have failed the verification.
3. Immediately after initializing all member vari-
ables, an iFSM object is guaranteed to enter its
declared default state. Otherwise, the LTL prop-
erties pertinent to the iFSM default state will fail.
4. After evaluating the implementation of each iFSM
transition t, the resulting new values for the mem-
ory satisfy the boolean constraints associated with
one of the declared destination states of t. If this
is violated, the SMV verification will fail imme-
diately as the value of the state variable no longer
agrees with the values of the internal variables.
In summary, our verification algorithm will detect
errors that cause an iFSM object to violate its de-
clared runtime behavior. For example, if val count
in Figure 6 becomes < 1 at any point, e.g., due to the
programmer forgetting to examine val(count) before
decrementing it, the verification will report the path
that causes val count to become out-of-sync.
Our experimental evaluation aims to confirm two
hypotheses regarding iFSM: (1) the language has
the potential to conveniently specify most general-
purose C++/Java classes, and (2) the auto-generated
C++/Java class implementations are comparable to
manually written code in terms of readability and ef-
ficiency. To verify these hypotheses, we have taken a
number of existing manually written C++ classes and
generated iFSM specifications for them. We then use
our iFSM transformation engine to automatically gen-
erate equivalent C++/Java implementations from the
iFSM specifications. This approach enables us both to
look into the expressiveness of the language in terms
of specifying randomly chosen existing C++ classes
and to compare the quality of the auto-generated code
with existing manual software implementations.
5.1 A Use Case Study
To verify the expressiveness of our iFSM language,
we have taken a large, complex C++ class from an
open-source compiler project, POET (Yi et al., 2007).
We choose the POET project because its adaptive
parser includes extremely complex control flow that
was difficult to understand without documentation.
The single C++ class we took from POET is
named ParseMatchVisitor and contains 490 lines of
C++ code. This class inherits from two base classes
and uses the visitor pattern to dynamically match syn-
tax descriptions of an arbitrary language with a given
input token stream. We have used iFSM to fully spec-
ify the behavioral logic and implementation strategies
of this class, and have regenerated an equivalent class
implementation from the iFSM. The resulting auto-
generated C++ code has 540 lines and has confirmed
many of our expectations of the iFSM language.
First, when using iFSM to specify each class
method, we are required to consider both the overall
side effects and the different runtime situations that
may occur when invoking the method. Each situation
is then specified using a state transition. The separate
definitions of transitions and the explicit specification
of their source and destination states serve to clearly
document the semantic intention of each transition.
The end result is a successful unification of the im-
plementation with its higher-level behavioral design.
Second, cross-cutting concerns are made more ex-
plicit by iFSM. In particular, after specifying the be-
ginning and ending states of all transitions, common
traits of different events become easily noticeable.
For example, all events of ParseMatchVisitor must re-
turn empty if the input stream is empty, and when the
leading input token is matched against a designated
syntax, all events must advance the token pointer.
Third, iFSM imposes some programming con-
straints which offer better coding structure. In par-
ticular, since each iFSM transition includes a straight
line of statements as implementation, and LOOP() is
the only statement that can introduce additional con-
trol flow, at most two levels of branches can be di-
rectly nested inside one another in the auto-generated
code. If a deeper nesting of control-flow is required,
additional methods must be introduced. Since com-
plex control flow is a main source of confusion which
reduces program readability, the auto-generated code
is easier to understand than the original code.
When integrated within the POET project, the
performance difference between the auto-generated
ParseMatchVisitor class and the manually written one
is indiscernible (below 0.01%). Therefore the coding
structure difference had minimal performance impact.
5.2 Performance Comparison
Besides the use case study, we have used iFSM to
generate a number of smaller C++/Java classes, in-
cluding the CountRe f Handle class in Figure 3, two
iterator classes named SingleIterator (which supports
the iterator interface in Figure 2 for a single item)
and MultiIterator (which unifies two iterator inter-
faces into a single one), and two container classes
named Matrix and SinglyLinkedList. Both Java and
C++ code are generated for each iFSM except for
CountRefHandle, where only C++ code is generated
because Java does not support memory deletion. All
iFSMs are based on existing manually written C++
code. Therefore we compare the performanceof auto-
generated C++ code with that of the manual imple-
mentations. Figure 8 shows the result of comparison.
To test each C++ class, we construct a large num-
ber of class objects and then invoke the public meth-
ods of each object a constant number of times. There-
fore, the runtime of each class implementation is pro-
portional to the object container size, e.g., a matrix
of size 500*500 or a singly-linked list with 500*500
items. We compiled all the C++ code using g++ 4.2.0
with -O2. The elapsed time of each evaluation is mea-
sured on an Intel 2.16 GHz Core2Duo processor with
1GB memory and 4MB L2 cache.
From Figure 8, the auto-generated C++ classes
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
500*500 1000*1000 1500*1500 2000*2000
Time in seconds
Figure 8: Performance using different input sizes.
performed similarly as the manually written ones.
In particular, the auto-generated iterator classes per-
formed slightly better than the manually written
ones, while the auto-generated reference counting and
singly-linked list classes performed slightly worse.
The matrix classes performed almost identically.
Since the differences in performanceare minor be-
tween the iFSM-generated class implementations and
the manually written ones, they are likely caused by
random factors in the compiler. The main benefit to
gain from the iFSM specifications is the automatic
verification of consistency between implementation
details and behavior design, and the potential of the
iFSM compiler utilizing the behavior information to
improve the efficiency of their interactions.
Model-driven development (Kleppe et al., 2003) cap-
tures important aspects of a software system through
models (Goguen and Burstall, 1992; Gray et al.,
2001) before producing lower-level implementations
of the system (Balasubramanian et al., 2005; Ko-
gekar et al., 2006). In particular, FSM-based no-
tations have long been used in previous research to
model the dynamic behavior of large reactive sys-
tems (Harel, 1987; Harel and Naamad, 1996), and
many research projects have automatically produced
code to simulate the behavior of various state machine
models (Knapp and Merz., 2002; Prout et al., 2008;
Whalen, 2000).
Runtime behavior modeling, however, is only one
aspect of software development. Unless the behav-
ioral notations are correlated with other aspects of
software implementation, e.g., data structures and al-
gorithms, the behavioral notations are merely artifacts
of the software design phase and have to be kept sepa-
rate from complete implementations of software sys-
tems. Working towards similar goals, Poizat et. al.
have developed a semi-automated approach to gen-
erate Java code from both data and behavioral mod-
els (Poizat et al., 1999). Our iFSM language offers a
way to unify modeling notations and implementation
strategies so that they can be maintained together, and
their agreement can be automatically verified.
By unifying behavior modeling with domain-
specific implementation specifications, previous re-
search has produced efficient finite-state-machine im-
plementations in some specialized domains, e.g., em-
bedded systems (Wasowski, 2003) and lexer/parser
generation (Levine et al., 1992). Our work is differ-
ent from these domain-specific code generators in that
we target general-purpose object-oriented C++/Java
code, and we automatically verify the consistency be-
tween the implementation specifications and the cor-
responding behavioral design.
Program transformation tools have long been used
to analyze and modify existing software implemen-
tations, including re-documenting/re-implementing
code, reverse engineering, and porting to new plat-
forms (Baxter et al., 2004; Futamura et al., 2002).
Several general-purpose transformation languages
and systems have been developed (Huang et al.,
2005; Erwig and Ren, 2002; Bravenboer et al., 2008;
Bagge et al., 2003) and some have been widely
adopted (Bravenboer et al., 2008; Bagge et al., 2003).
These tools and systems do not use modeling nota-
tions and are typically not concerned with the consis-
tency between software design and implementation.
We focus on combining program transformation with
software verification to better support both the cor-
rectness and the efficiency of generated code.
Formal methods have been widely used to verify
both software designs and implementations (Clarke
et al., 1999; Owre et al., 1992; Chaki et al., 2004;
Necula, 1997; Das and et. al., 2002; Kawaguchi et al.,
2009). A number of projectscan effectivelyverify im-
portant properties or generate test cases of software
systems via analyzing the source code (Beyer et al.,
2004; Das and et. al., 2002; Chaki et al., 2004). While
more appealing, directly verifying low-level software
implementations is in general extremely challenging
due to the unlimited memory references dynamically
modified by user applications. Our iFSM language
explicitly categorizes the unlimited memory modifi-
cations using a finite number of runtime state tran-
sitions. As a result we can more readily bridge the
semantic gap between the behavior properties and the
implementation details. For example, if a variable x
is modified within a transition, a small set of unique
expressions can be determined to be the new values
for x, which is typically not possible when directly
verifying programs in lower-level languages such as
C++/Java. The iFSM annotations may be embedded
inside existing implementations to enable more effec-
tive verification, but this belongs to our future work.
We present a high-level specification language, iFSM,
to effectively unify the behavior design of object-
oriented classes with detailed implementation strate-
gies. We have automatically generated efficient
C++/Java code from iFSM specifications and have
automatically verified their consistency via model
checking techniques.
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies