André Bögelsack, Holger Wittges, Helmut Krcmar
Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Boltzmannstraße 3, Garching, Germany
Hannes Kühnemund
SAP AG, Walldorf, Germany
Keywords: SAP ERP system, Benchmark, Main memory, Zachmann test, Performance measurement.
Abstract: SAP ERP systems are the backbone of today’s enterprises and business processes. The technical
performance of such systems directly influences the business performance. Estimating or measuring the
performance of SAP ERP systems is a hard task due the diversity of the measurement process. We present a
synthetic benchmark called Zachmanntest which measures the performance of the SAP ERP system
focusing on main memory operations. The internal flow logic is presented as well as the usage of the
Zachmanntest. Results of the peak performance measurement and scalability of heterogeneous servers are
SAP Enterprise Resource Planning systems are the
backbone of today’s business processes (Krcmar
2009). The performance of such systems directly
influences the performance of the core businesses:
e.g. a long response time results in a decreased
business performance due to the increased pass-
through time.
Testing and quantifying the performance of a
SAP ERP system is a hard task to fulfill. There are
standardized SAP application benchmarks available
for testing the performance for either the application
server or the database management system (SAP
2010). Drawbacks of these benchmarks are that they
are hard to implement and the results from
benchmark runs on different hardware platforms
cannot be compared adequately. Another drawback
is that the benchmarks only aim at one specific
functional unit in the SAP system, e.g. the SAP SD
benchmark for sales and distribution operations.
However, this paper postulates the need for a
more technical benchmark, which is independent
from the SAP business processes and SAP system.
The need for such a technical benchmark derives
from the fact that a company's business processes
are usually completely different from the business
processes which are processed during an application
benchmark. So the results of the application
benchmark runs may not be meaningful enough for
the daily performance of a SAP ERP system. The
proposed solution is the introduction of a synthetic
benchmark for SAP ERP systems, which we call
Zachmanntest. The name derives from the original
developer of the test.
The target audience of this paper and the new
benchmark can be divided into two groups. First, the
benchmark presented here can help hardware and
operating system vendors to verify and compare the
performance capability of their servers. In fact, we
show some results for such a case. Second, existing
and new SAP customers can easily apply the
Zachmanntest into the existing or a test SAP ERP
system and run benchmarks for estimating and
comparing the performance results against other
configurations or hardware.
Overall the paper makes the following
It presents a main memory benchmark for the
operations of a SAP ERP system when
working with buffers.
It explains the benchmark in detail and
explains the performance metric.
Bögelsack A., Wittges H., Krcmar H. and Kühnemund H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003437903480355
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 348-355
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The paper shows the application of the
benchmark for two purposes: a performance
comparison and the exploration of the
scalability of a SAP ERP system.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
section 2 explains the architecture of a SAP ERP
system. In section 3 we discuss how SAP
benchmarking is currently done in the real world and
highlight some difficulties, which lead to the
development of a new synthetic benchmark. Chapter
4 focuses on the derivation of the benchmark
requirements, which are later on used to check the
alignment of the Zachmanntest. Chapter 5 presents
several performance results and we show for what
purpose the Zachmanntest can be utilized. Chapter 6
is designated to the limits of the Zachmanntest and
chapter 7 summarizes the paper and provides an
The SAP ERP system uses a typical three layer
architecture consisting of a graphical user interface,
an application server (AS) and a database
management system (DBMS). All of the
components can but do not have to be on different
The graphical user interface, called SAPGui, is
part of a fat client installation on the user’s PC. As
the performance of the SAPGui is not the limiting
factor for the performance of the SAP ERP system
(Schneider 2005), it will not be considered anymore
in this paper.
Actually, the performance of a SAP ERP system
is mainly influenced by the performance of the AS
and DBMS. The application server is developed and
delivered by SAP itself, whereas the database
management system can be chosen by the customer
from a list of fully supported and certified DBMS
vendors, e.g. IBM DB2, SAP MaxDB or Oracle.
Due to the fact that the architecture and performance
factors of DBMS are completely different, the
DBMS will not be considered anymore in this paper.
For testing and verifying the performance of DBMS
there are other more powerful benchmarks available
(Doppelhammer et al. 1997).
The application server itself is based on a SAP
kernel, which is a huge set of C programmed
executables (Gradl et al. 2009). The SAP kernel
contains the following processes (SAP 2001): a
dispatcher process for distributing the workload to
the so called work processes for short term user
requests and batch process for long term user
requests. All processes use one central enqueue
process. Besides there are also gateway processes,
several spooling processes, update processes and
message server processes. Coupling all these
processes together form the central instance of a
SAP ERP system (also known as the application
server). In order to handle a lot of user requests and
user input such a central instance can be supported
by dialog instances on satellite servers. Dialog
instances provide the same services for SAP users as
the central instance does with one except of the
Enqueue server.
As mentioned before all of the processes are C
programmed executables, which use the Inter
Process Communication (IPC) features of the
specific operating system. In fact, two mechanisms
are used intensively: semaphores and shared
memory segments. For exchanging data between
several processes shared memory segments are used
for storing and manipulating data, which is used by
all process (Bögelsack et al. 2010a; SAP 2001). For
example, for buffering often used database data, the
SAP ERP system uses internal buffers by creating
huge shared memory segments, which are used by
all processes. That way, it is possible to store
frequently accessed data from the database in the
main memory of the application server instead of
accessing it from the database several times.
3.1 Application Benchmarks
For a lot of different SAP systems, not for all, SAP
defines application benchmarks (see (SAP 2010)).
The most popular one is probably the SD benchmark
for SAP Enterprise Resource Planning systems
(Lober, Marquard 2003). The SD benchmark defines
typical sales and distribution activities in the SAP
system. Those activities produce a heavy workload
on the SAP ERP system. The SD benchmark is still
used to determine the overall performance of a SAP
ERP system and the underlying hardware.
Moreover, it can be used to compare server's
performance of different hardware vendors. Besides
the SD benchmark there are several other
benchmarks for other dedicated SAP systems
One major is the fact that the benchmarks only
focus on a small set of functions/programs of the
entire SAP system (Marquard, Götz 2008). To be
clear: a SAP ERP system consists of more than
160,000 programs, whereas the SD benchmark only
tests 6 of them. But based on the results from those 6
programs, the performance of the entire server
hardware is deduced.
Another drawback is the ability of tuning the
benchmarks to the maximum of the possible
performance. Of course this is suitable and
reasonable for the hardware vendors, the results
from those test runs can never be achieved in the
real world as customers are not able to tune the
application in this manner. During the performance
benchmarks of the hardware vendors all SD
benchmark activities are performed in the main
memory of the SAP ERP system, whereas a typical
customer installation of the SAP ERP systems shows
a completely different performance behavior.
In summary, SAP offers several application
benchmarks, but the usage of those benchmarks is
critical, as performance results usually are not valid
for real world installations and are not comparable
due the fact of very high tunable components and the
hardware/software variability.
3.2 Synthetic Benchmarks
In order to solve the problems of the application
benchmarks, usually performance measurements are
made with synthetic benchmarks. A synthetic
benchmark is characterized as a fixed sequence of
functions or programs . By executing those functions
or programs the performance of a software system
can be evaluated. The main advantage of such
synthetic benchmarks is the comparability of the
In the SAP ecosystem there are currently no
SAP-specific synthetic benchmarks available. In the
most of the cases synthetic benchmarks from other
domains are used to measure some very specific
performance aspects. For example, (Kemper et al.
1999) used the TPC-C benchmark for evaluating the
performance of the underlying database management
system. The TPC-C benchmark has very close
regulation how to perform the benchmark and which
data set to use etc (Poess, Floyd 2000). However,
besides of this example, there are no synthetic
benchmarks available.
In order to solve the problems of the application
benchmarks, we argue that the development of a
synthetic benchmark for the performance of the
application server can solve the issue. For testing the
databases performance, some synthetic benchmarks
are available. For the synthetic performance
measurement of an application server there is a gap.
Synthetic benchmarks try to solve the problems,
arose with the application benchmarks. A SAP-
specific, application server focused, synthetic
benchmark must meet the following high-level
comparable benchmarks between different
SAP systems and hardware platforms
valid results for real world SAP installations
valid results for the performance of the entire
SAP system
The development of a new synthetic benchmark
for the application server of SAP ERP systems is
quite difficult, as the performance is not only
affected by one factor, but by many. Overall
performance is influenced by the performance of the
following three components: CPU, I/O and main
memory (Huang et al. 2006).
When creating a synthetic benchmark for the
application server, the workload must be analyzed in
order to be clear on which performance factor to
focus. In a large-scale SAP installation, we analyzed
the workload of the application servers. All activities
of the application servers are not I/O-bounded. This
is because the application servers do not request data
from disk or store data to disk. Usually, this is the
task of the database management system. Therefore
the factor I/O can be neglected. All activities of the
application server consume CPU cycles. But in a
real world SAP system, the consumed CPU time of
the application server is 3x less than of the database
(Schneider 2005). In fact, very often the application
servers do not consume more than 10% CPU time.
Hence, CPU as a performance factor can be
neglected too. At least there is the performance of
the main memory. The application server frequently
stores often used data into the main memory of the
server. Moreover, it consumes shared memory
segments for storing user context, inter-user objects
and temporary used data (Bögelsack et al. 2010b).
Very often it can be seen, that main memory
performance is the key performance factor for the
overall performance of the application server.
Therefore, a synthetic benchmark for the application
server should mainly focus on the main memory
We developed a synthetic benchmark, called the
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Zachmanntest. The functionality of the test includes
the performance measurement of main memory
activities of the SAP application server.
5.1 Zachmanntest Architecture
The Zachmanntest consists of two programs. The
first one is an easy to use entry mask to specify some
parameters of the Zachmanntest. The second one is
the workhorse of the test, which produces a lot of
main memory operations in the application server. In
fact, those main memory operations are operations
on so called internal tables. Those internal tables are
two dimensional arrays and representatives of real
existing tables from the database. In real life
operations, internal tables are used to access often
used data sets. That way, database accesses and
traffic is reduced. Those internal tables store the
same data as the corresponding database table, but
are created and maintained by the application server.
Each program of the SAP ERP system, which is
somehow interacting with the database management
system and stores/reads data from it, uses this
concept. So from our point of view, this operation is
a universal one and fits to the approach of a
synthetic benchmark. A synthetic benchmark
requires a specific sequence of operations/programs
to be executed during runtime (Curnow, Wichmann
1976). This is achieved by specifying the following
steps during the execution. Please note, that we used
pseudo-code instead of ABAP statements:
While time < max_run
Create internal table
Fill internal table with data
While iteration < loop_cnt
Randomly select data set
Read selected data set
Increase throughput counter
Delete internal table
Print throughput counter
The value max_run defines the run time after
which the execution of the Zachmanntest is aborted.
The value loop_cnt defines a numerical value for
how often the internal table should be cycled.
By executing the entire Zachmanntest, one
instance of the workhorse is instantiated and handled
by one work process (see section 1). The
Zachmanntest produces a heavy load on the main
memory of the application server. So, one
Zachmanntest can be interpreted as one power user
in the SAP ERP system (stressing the application
server with heavy main memory activities).
5.2 Zachmanntest Performance Metric
The Zachmanntest has to quantify the performance
of the underlying main memory from a SAP
perspective in some way. Generally, there are
several performance metrics available, e.g. response
time metrics or throughput metrics. However, none
of them fully fits to the Zachmanntest. For example,
response time is not an adequate metric for
quantifying how many table entries were accessed
and how fast the internal tables were created.
The performance metric of the Zachmanntest is
throughput, measured in rows per seconds. For
example, after finishing one run of one
Zachmanntest, you get the throughput result for the
SAP ERP system about 9,000 rows per second. The
meaning of this metric is the following: for the case
of one power user in the SAP ERP system, approx.
9,000 rows per second can be accessed by one work
process for this dedicated power user. When
handling two power users in the SAP ERP system
(two Zachmanntests) the throughput might be less or
equal. This is because the maximum available
throughput will be shared between both power users.
5.3 Zachmanntest Parameters
Running one instance of the Zachmanntest, results in
one performance value. This is usually only the
beginning of a larger performance measurement run
where not only the peak performance of interest, but
also the scalability etc. Therefore the Zachmanntest
can be parameterized. The parameters are:
Group (group)
Number of instances of Zachmanntest
Runtime (time)
Size of the memory to be allocated (size)
Loop count (loop_cnt)
Wait time (wait_time)
The parameters were introduced in order to
emulate different workload situations. The meaning
of the parameters is as follows. The parameter
"group" can be used to group several instances of
Zachmanntests together. This is useful, when
emulating a power user with several connections to
the SAP system. If Zachmanntest instances are not
grouped together, several power users, each with a
single connection to the SAP system, are emulated.
By changing the parameter "number", many
instances of the Zachmanntest can be created at
once. Increasing the number of Zachmanntests
results in a higher workload on the server. In order
to eliminate temporary effects on the execution of
the Zachmanntest, the runtime (parameter "time") of
each benchmark run can be specified. On this way,
temporary effects can be eliminated with a longer
runtime, but short measurements are also possible
with smaller runtimes. Moreover, when using this
parameter it is possible to emulate short term and
long term user requests. The size of the allocated
memory is a quite important parameter ("size").
Each instance of the Zachmanntest creates an
internal table with this size. So each instance can
allocate only a small amount of memory (KB) or a
large amount of memory (MB). By increasing the
number of Zachmanntest instances the overall
amount of allocated memory can be easily increased
and hit the machine limit. The parameter "loop_cnt"
defines a numerical value for how often the internal
table should be cycled. The more cycles, the more
time is spent in the loops. Less cycles result in less
time spent in the loop. By varying this parameter
different load patterns can be realized: short time
accesses or long time accesses. By using the
parameter "wait_time" a small wait time can be set
e.g. in order to have a cool-down-phase. Especially
during long term workload run times, this wait time
may be suitable to vary the workload on the server.
5.4 Zachmann Workload
The Zachmanntest aims on quantifying the
performance of the underlying hardware by
accessing the shared memory segments extensively.
So the Zachmanntest can be characterized as a
maximum throughput benchmark for the shared
memory speed of the underlying server. However,
characterizing the workload in a more accurate way
is necessary. When starting the Zachmanntest, the
resulting workload strongly depends on the
underlying hardware and operating system. It can be
discovered, that there are quite big differences
between the operating systems like UNIX derivates
or Microsoft Windows. The reason for this is either
the implementation of the inter process
communication (IPC) facilities or the
implementation of the memory access for the SAP
ERP system.
Moreover the workload depends on the
underlying hardware. There are several hardware
vendors in the market and the most of them offer
servers based on Intel and AMD CPUs. Some
vendors offer alternatives, like IBM with the Power
CPU, Oracle with the SPARC CPU or Hewlett-
Packard with the PA-RISC CPU. Besides, we see
great differences between cache-coherent non-
uniformed memory architecture (ccNUMA) servers
and uniformed memory architecture (UMA) servers:
the higher the workload (~40 Zachmanntests in
parallel) the better is NUMA compared to UMA.
In summary, each instance of the Zachmanntest
aims on a throughput maximization with a high CPU
We argued that a synthetic benchmark can estimate
the performance of the SAP ERP system in a more
adequate way. By measuring the performance of
several different SAP ERP systems, we are able to
proof this statement.
6.1 Comparison between Several
We have done several performance benchmarks with
different hardware platforms and servers. Measuring
the performance did not only include the peak
performance, but also the scalability of the
underlying hardware and software configuration. It
turns out, that utilizing the Zachmanntest enables us
to compare the performance of different hardware
platforms and different servers. In Figure 1 the
throughput of one instance of the Zachmanntest on
different hardware platforms is shown, whereas the
X-axis shows the hardware platforms and the Y-axis
shows the throughput in rows/second. The concrete
values for the performance testing can be found in
Table 1. It can be seen, that some of the results are
somehow surprising. We tested four different servers
with different hardware configurations and CPU
architecture. The server range covered small x86-
based servers and server with PA-RISC processors
for large-scale SAP installations. For each of the
server configuration we noted the clock speed of the
processor and the architecture of it. It is surprising to
see, that for the Zachmanntest results are closely
together. A PA-RISC processor with only 1.0GHz
(server C) nearly reaches the same performance
result as an AMD Opteron@2.8GHz (server A) and
or an Intel Itanium CPU@1.6GHz (server B). This is
surprising since the difference between both servers
is only a slight one with ~1.5%.
Taking into account that the PA-RISC processor
from server C has a clock speed of 1.0GHz and
server A has a processor with a clock speed of
2.8GHz this result is surprising. Everyone would
expect to see a significant better performance on
server A than on server C. Looking on the results
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Throughput results for different hardware
Table 1: Results of performance measurement.
10096,90 +1,56 2006
10135,70 +1,95 2009
9941,97 baseline 2003
10592,01 +6,54 2010
from server D it is not surprising at all, that the
3.2GHz fast IBM Power CPU wins this benchmark.
It is one of the newest CPU on the market and the
CPU with the highest clock speed.
The reasons for the surprising results lie in the
architecture of the CPUs. All tested CPUs use direct
connected memory instead of bus-connected
memory. On such memory the CPU can operate 1)
directly without any inter-bus system and 2) with
high speed. Moreover, the connection throughput
between the CPU and the connected memory of a
PA-RISC and an AMD Opteron CPU does not differ
in such a great way. As the measurement with one
Zachmanntest represents a peak performance test,
there is any easy rule to describe the results: the
higher the clock speed, the better the result.
In summary we have shown, how to compare the
performance of different hardware platforms and
CPU generations by using the Zachmanntest. The
results show, that comparing the clock speed of a
CPU can be misleading for performance estimation
of a SAP ERP system. The specifics of CPU
architecture must be taken into account too, when
dealing with SAP ERP systems performance. This
especially true for peak performance measurements
but we expect to see different results for scalability
6.2 Scalability
The scalability of a SAP ERP system is the ability to
provide a better performance when more resources
are added to it or to provide the same performance to
all users, when more users log into the system with
steady resources.
In this section we present test results from two
servers: server A is based on 48 Intel Itanium
CPUs@1.6GHz and server B, which is based on 32
IBM Power 750 CPUs@3.2GHz. Please note, that
those two servers are different ones than those we
tested in the previous subsection. Taking only the
CPU clock speed and the number of CPUs into
account, one may come to the conclusion that server
B outperforms server A because of the clock speed,
but server A may show a better scalability because
of the large number of CPUs.
Results for this test are illustrated in Figure 2,
whereas the X-axis shows the number of parallel
Zachmanntests and the Y-axis shows the throughput
in rows/second.
Figure 2: Scalability of two servers.
When dealing with the scalability of a SAP ERP
system in both servers, one would guess to see a
better scalability of the server B, because of the
higher clock speed. But surprisingly this is not true.
Instead, the peak performance of the Intel-based
SAP ERP system is higher than for the IBM-based
system. Of course, this situation is only true for a
small part of the test. During the execution (at ~70
parallel Zachmanntests) both SAP ERP systems gain
the same throughput. After that point in execution
1 30 60 90 120
the IBM-based SAP ERP system shows a better
throughput. Moreover, the throughput seems to be
constant over the time. Please note, that the
workload on the entire server is increased with the
number of Zachmanntests. The performance of the
Intel-based SAP ERP systems decreases
dramatically. This scalability behavior is not
relevant for small SAP ERP systems with 10-70
concurrent users, but for large scale SAP ERP
systems installations with more than 1,000 users this
become a big drawback
Without the ability of the Zachmanntest to run in
multiple groups and to instantiate multiple times, the
discovery of the bad scalability behavior of the Intel-
based SAP ERP system would be still hidden.
6.3 Requirements Alignment
In chapter 4 we defined some high level
requirements for a synthetic benchmark in the SAP
Comparable benchmarks between different
SAP systems and hardware platforms
Valid results for real world SAP installations
Valid results for the performance of the entire
SAP system
After presenting some testing results we are able
to compare the abilities of the Zachmanntest with
the requirements we defined.
First, a synthetic benchmark should deliver
comparable results for different hardware and server
vendors. By gathering a lot of results from different
SAP ERP systems, installed on different platforms,
we are able to verify this requirement. The
Zachmanntest is able to quantify the performance in
a simple way and make different hardware platforms
comparable. As soon as a SAP ERP system is
installed on the testing server, the Zachmanntest can
be applied to the system and performance results can
be gained.
Second, a synthetic benchmark should deliver
valid results for real world SAP installations. We
understand real world results as results, which can
also be measured in SAP ERP systems outside the
laboratory environment without any adoption to the
benchmark specialties. In several projects outside of
the scientific/university context the Zachmanntest
was used to quantify and compare performance for
several different servers. All gained performance
results from section 6.1 and 6.2 were collected in
real world projects. That way, we proof the real
world appliance of our test.
Third, the Zachmanntest was intended to deliver
performance values for the entire SAP ERP system.
This is not true for the Zachmanntest as it only aims
on the performance of the application server. In
order to reach a comprehensive performance
benchmark for the entire SAP ERP system a
synthetic database benchmark must be applied, too.
In summary, the Zachmanntest only meets two of
the three high level requirements. Nevertheless, it
fulfills the two most important requirements in a
way that we can easily utilize the synthetic
benchmark for the performance measurement.
Compared to the application benchmarks the
Zachmanntest fulfills more high level requirements.
The presented Zachmanntest is a synthetic, main
memory oriented benchmark, which is able to
measure the performance of a SAP ERP system,
when working in the shared memory segments of the
underlying operating system/hardware. Although the
test shows a wide field of application, it has some
One major drawback is the fact that it is not used
by the hardware or software vendors for quantifying
the performance of their servers. There are no
comparable results available and customers are
forced to run their own benchmarks. This is not only
a drawback of this specific benchmark it is also true
for SPEC benchmarks.
Another drawback of this test is the focus on the
shared memory operations. Besides these operations
there are other operations, which might be important
for the performance of a SAP ERP system.
However, it is simple to extend the test with
additional test methods/functions/workhorses.
In this paper we present the Zachmanntest, a
synthetic benchmark, which quantifies the
performance of a SAP ERP system when working
on the shared memory. In the SAP ecosystem there
are application and synthetic benchmarks available.
Regarding the application benchmarks the
implementation and interpretation of the
performance results always has some drawbacks.
Therefore we decided to implement a synthetic
The Zachmanntest consists of a sequence of SAP
internal functions. Those functions are broadly used
in the SAP ERP system by a great number of SAP
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
programs. In order to recreate different workload
situations, the Zachmanntest can be parameterized.
This ensures the special adoption of the workload
situation for a real world scenario.
In a last step we present results from
performance measurements. We used the
Zachmanntest on two ways: first, to demonstrate the
comparability of different hardware platforms and
second, to demonstrate the scalability factor of two
different servers in order to elaborate the entire
performance behavior. By showing the results of the
performance runs, we are able to proof the
requirements alignment of the Zachmanntest to
some high level requirements we derived from the
discussion of the application benchmarks. It turns
out, that two of the three requirements are met.
In order to fulfill all three requirements the
Zachmanntest must be extended. Till today it is a
synthetic benchmark for the application server only
and neglects the performance of the database server.
For measuring the performance of the entire SAP
ERP system, the synthetic benchmark must be
extended for the database with some synthetic
database specific operations. This will be our next
steps in making the benchmark more pleasant and
useful for other performance engineers.
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