Z. D. Yu
School of management, Fudan University, No.220 Handan Road, Shanghai, China
Keywords: Enterprise, Knowledge, Identification, Distribution.
Abstract: Knowledge has been a kind of important factor in enterprise, the status of knowledge is the same as resource
and manpower under knowledge economy. To enterprise, knowledge is very abstract, in order to make use
of knowledge, we should know the basic forms of knowledge firstly, then we can identify the knowledge
and know its distribution rule. The knowledge is surveyed on the base of summarizing knowledge concept
in the thesis, and its rules of identification and distribution is also given.
Enterprises are the basis of national economic
development. While they create a lot of GDP (gross
domestic product) for each country and help
countries accumulating vast wealth, enterprises also
provide a lot of jobs for the people. In the past,
economic development is totally dependent on the
natural resources consumption and low-cost labour,
but today the natural resources become more
expensive, and cost of labour are increasingly higher
and higher, which gives unprecedented pressure on
the enterprises. On the financial crisis there are
many business failures because of the cost.
Therefore, in the new conditions, in order to develop
enterprise, we must change the traditional model of
economic growth, especially in the era of knowledge
economy, people have become aware of the
knowledge and resources, labour, and other equally
important elements. Knowledge become the critical
element to improve the competitiveness of
enterprise, especially in a market economy,
knowledge has become the most important engine of
the economic growth and development of
enterprises. In order to obtain long-term
development, we must continue to make use of
knowledge to innovate and obtain knowledge
Under knowledge economy, to make use of
knowledge and enhance competitiveness, enterprise
should clarify the forms and distribution of
knowledge and construct the relationship between
knowledge and competitiveness.
Although people have realized the importance of
knowledge, there is no unified understanding about
what is knowledge yet. In our country, the
knowledge is defined as acquaintance and their
understanding of thing in the dictionary of
It is defined as the result and crystal
of human cognition in dictionary of Cihai(1989),
and it points out that human knowledge is acquired
in the forms of social practice, a reflection of reality.
Knowledge is defined as the sum of cognition and
experience during the practice of people changing
the world in Modern Chinese Dictionary(1979). It
can be seen that knowledge can’t be separated with
human being, and the forms includes human
knowledge, outcomes, practice and experience.
In abroad, Nonaka (1994) considered that
knowledge is a confirmed belief, it is created,
organized and transferred by the belief model and
constraints of the knowledge holders and recipient.
Hedlund (1994) considered that knowledge is the
cognitive knowledge, technology in human’s minds
and concepts, and which is embedded in products,
services, or other vectors. The cognitive knowledge
is the experience of the surrounding environment,
the existing forms are personal experience.
Technology is the normative, in-depth and regular
knowledge that obtained on the basis of human
cognition. Davenport(1998) considered that
knowledge is the mix of experience, important
values, the scene of the information and the
Yu Z..
DOI: 10.5220/0003433203670370
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 367-370
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
framework of evaluating, incorporating new
experiences and insights. Leonard(1998) considered
that knowledge is some kind of information which
has the character of relativity, actionable, subjective,
experiential and recessive. O, Dell (1998) pointed
out that knowledge is the action of making use of
information, which means that knowledge is the
actionable information, such as customer
information, product information, program
information and successful experience of
information. Zack (1999) considered that the rules of
information is knowledge, which emphasized the
relativity of information. Seviby(1999) pointed out
that knowledge is news, perception, knowing,
cognition, wisdom, determination, science,
experience, technology, insight, competence, know-
how, ability, learning, identification, etc., the
definition is decided according to its contents.
Long(2000) pointed out that knowledge is the
people's thinking, which is rooted in a particular
individual, group or process, it is situational, and the
knowledge embedded in language, stories, concepts,
rules and tools. Alavi (2001) divided knowledge into
five categories: mental status, target body, process,
use of information and capacity. Bhagat(2002)
considered that knowledge is obtained from the
changing, reconstructing and creating of different
In the sum of the above consideration, we can
know the forms of knowledge:
(1) Know-how. People’s impression of reality which
is formed gradually in work, live and judgments
based on learning process. Action of know-how
comes from individual thinking, which is affected by
the individual factors, knowledge, experience,
undergoing, social status and social class. The forms
of know-how: Intuition. Intuition is the instant
cognition of some kind of phenomenon, this instant
feeling is a sudden feeling, the impression is
memorable, we have the feeling of know-how when
we judge something with intuition. Inspiration.
Inspiration is the sudden creative idea in the activity
of science, technology, production or the insight of a
phenomenon. The memorization of inspiration is
weak, it sometimes occur in a moment, and
sometimes disappear instantly, the occurrence of
inspiration is often inspired by something, objects or
situations, and it is also vulnerable to the
surrounding. Value of inspiration is different to
different people. Observation force. Observation
refers to the purposeful, conscious know-how
activity. It is an important method of gaining
experience in long process. Observation is a very
important activities of awareness, and it is widely
used in science and technology. Mental models.
Mental models include assumptions, stereotypes and
impressions which are deeply rooted in people's
minds and affects how people understand the world
around them. Imagination and association.
Imagination is the awareness of people in the past,
which is constructed on the basis of things that he
did not experience or the ability of imagination.
Association is the judgments of other things about
the past experiences. The result of imagination and
association is human subjective consciousness,
despite it has some basis, the results are sometimes
not necessarily correct.
(2) Experience. Experience is based on the
understanding in the past and it is the effective
method of putting awareness of activities into
practice. Human being is continuing to explore the
survival since birth, and gradually master the
experience. Experience is gained through the
formation of knowledge. It is greatly influenced by
the individuals, and is difficult to be expressed with
language. Experience is very important in reality and
sometimes it plays a decisive role, such as the
producing of Swiss watches, the quality of watch
produced in Switzerland is better than in the other
countries, which is because of the difference of the
workers’ hand experience.
(3) Values. Values is a common approach and goals
of the organization. Values of enterprise is expressed
on enterprise culture, and which is the enterprise's
basic view of the long-term goals and values, it is
inherent in the basic activities of staff action.
Therefore, the enterprise should inspire employees
to make it consistent with enterprise values, which
cause them to put more enthusiasm in learning and
(4) Information. Information is the regular useful
content that formed by the processed data. Peter •
Drucker said, "Information is the data of the
background and purpose given." We can say that
information is data on the nature.
(5) Technology. There are many forms of
technology in enterprise, such as production
technology, management technology, programs,
operating methods and skills. It is a very important
form of knowledge, which is accumulated during the
development of human being, and formed by the
continuous exploration and summary. Technology
can exist in the brains of people, and can also be
materialized in the machine tools and production
processes. The basic forms of technology: Trick.
The trick is a critical method that people solve
problems, which comes from practice. It is effective
method in the exploration of long-term, it is difficult
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
to be imitated, the content is vague, and it can not be
taught; Techniques and skills. techniques and
skills are the ability knowledge of action which are
accumulated by employees in long-term practice,
such as the accuracy of operation; Unique
technology. Unique technology is the master of the
regular organizations, which are capable of writing
and are easy to grasp sometime.
(6) Patents. Patents are commonly core knowledge,
and it is the weight of corporate competitive
advantage. Strictly speaking, the patent itself is a
technology, but it has different character: First,
protection. In order to protect the interests of the
patent’s owner, the country make patent laws, that
inspire the owner to be willing to carry out the
invention; second, openness. The patent of
technology must be open.
(7) Practices. Practice is commonly used in business
Occurrence of enterprise’s knowledge is divided into
two cases: exogenous (professional) and endogenous
(occurring in action). Exogenous knowledge is that
the enterprise creating and accumulating knowledge
by the purposeful and organized scientific research,
technological inventions, technology development,
or by accepting the dissemination of knowledge
from other organizations, or by knowledge
spillover. Ways of Exogenous knowledge: the first
one is learning; the second is that enterprise
cooperating with other enterprise and forming a
broad technology alliance. Endogenous knowledge
is that the enterprise accumulating the experience
and forming the rational knowledge in the process of
practice and trading, and continue to carry out such
processes through the accumulation of knowledge.
Knowledge is intangible, and the intangible
knowledge is difficult to be directly felt. It needs a
certain carrier in order to make use of knowledge.
The knowledge carrier can be person, objects and
processes. The person factors include the person
within the enterprise, such as senior leadership,
middle managers and knowledge workers, and the
external person are mainly customers, suppliers and
the third parties (consultants, etc.). The objects
factors include product, production material and
production tools. The process factors include the
production process, supply chain processes.
(1) Person’s Knowledge
Person's knowledge includes cognition, experience,
values, and technical knowledge of the
personification. Among them the person’s
knowledge is more complex. Person’s knowledge
hidden in the brain, and can be expressed by the
behavior of individual factors. In this case, it is
difficult to identify. For explicit knowledge, the
ability of obtaining explicit knowledge changes with
age, children before school-age mainly obtain
knowledge by imitation, memory and other aspects.
As entering into a higher school and increasing of
age, they begin to learn by understanding. Influence
factors of person’s knowledge distribution include
industry character, firm size, corporate standards and
business development stage.
Industry of Enterprise. The industry of enterprise
is divided into three kinds: labour-intensive
enterprises, capital-intensive enterprises and
knowledge-intensive enterprises. To the labour-
intensive enterprises, as the content of knowledge is
very low, the leader hold the core of enterprise
technical knowledge, the workers also have some
experience, but these experiences is not important,
and the workers just repeated at a lower level of
production and processing. To capital-intensive
enterprises, the knowledge is dispersed in enterprise,
the leader hold the enterprise’s knowledge, and their
cognition, experience and value can affect the
enterprise. To knowledge intensive enterprises, the
content of knowledge is high, each people’s
knowledge is important.
Enterprise Scale. The profit ability is affected by
the enterprise scale. In large scale of enterprise,
knowledge worker hold the core knowledge and can
affect the enterprise. In the middle scale enterprise,
the knowledge is hold by the general manager, they
can affect the enterprise. In the small scale
enterprise, the leader hold the knowledge and affect
the whole enterprise.
Business Norms. Business norms refers to the
modern enterprise system. To the high normative
enterprise, it will operate in accordance with the
modern enterprise model. The knowledge distributes
in enterprises, the cognition, experience, values and
technology of the enterprise’s knowledge workers
affect enterprise, and the manager only need to be
responsible for daily supervision and direction. For
the moderate normative enterprise, the common
managers master the core technology knowledge and
understanding, their experience, values and
technology affect the enterprise. For the low
normative enterprise, as the production is
randomness, and the products are constantly
changing, the leader of enterprise master the
knowledge and the leader's understanding,
experience, values and technology affect enterprise.
Development Stage of Enterprise. According to
the life cycle theory, the life cycle is divided into
four stages: generation stage, development stage,
mature stage and decline stage. On the generation
stage, the founder holds the knowledge, the
understanding, experience, values and technology of
leader can affect the enterprise. On the development
stage, the knowledge gradually spread, and it is
mastered by the common managers, their cognition,
experience, value and technology affect the
enterprise. On the mature stage, the knowledge
spreads to each level of enterprise department, their
knowledge plays an important roles. On the decline
stage, knowledge begins to be fragmentation,
knowledge workers’ cognition, experience, values
and technology affect the enterprise.
(2) Knowledge of objects
Objects are the carriers of knowledge, which include
the company's products, raw materials and
production tools. The knowledge contained in
objects are patent, demand information, methods of
operation and skills. When identifying its
knowledge, we should identify the core factors, such
as core products, core raw materials and production
tools. The distribution of objects knowledge is as the
following table 1.
Table 1: The distribution of objects knowledge.
product patent
raw materials Patent, information
production tools Operating method, technique
(3) Knowledge of Process
The process includes production process and supply
chain processes, the former focuses on the
movement of goods, and its knowledge has the
character of liquidity, the later refers to the
manufacture process. the distribution of process
knowledge is as following table 2.
Table 2: The distribution process of knowledge.
Process of supply chain Information
Process of production Technics, patent and skill
The distribution of enterprise’s knowledge has the
character of dynamic nature, the reason is as
follows: (1) the dynamics of production and
operation. (2) knowledge flow and the stock of
enterprise is also changing. (3) levels of knowledge
carriers is diversity.
Knowledge is the core of enterprise
competitiveness, and enterprise in knowledge
economy has paid more attention to it, but it is
difficult to grasp on knowledge in practice, as
knowledge is more abstract. We can make use of
knowledge after the identification of knowledge.
The knowledge distribution character is shown from
two aspects of carriers and value activity.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems