Zhou Zhong, Xin Lin and Junzhong Gu
Institute of Computer Applications, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
Keywords: Dynamic Context Modeling, Context-aware Middleware, Formal Concept Analysis.
Abstract: This paper presents a proposal that aims to process dynamic Context modeling for mobile objects in the
Generalized Adaptive Context-Aware Middleware (GaCAM). Context changes closely related to difference
sensors in mobile environment, so the common data modeling in which data structures were fixed after
models designed is inadaptable. The principal task is: dynamic Context modeling when the mobile entities
holding Context models meet each other or meet a new environment. It is important to consider the
differences between dynamic Context modeling and common data modeling. The proposal is Context
modeling by applying Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) merging. Our approach creates a merged
specialization/generalization hierarchy which captures the knowledge of Context source in mobile
environment. The hierarchy can not only describe both Context concepts and related sensors, but also can
help higher Context reasoning and activating potential Context event.
With the Internet of Things developing, A new
dimension has been added to the world of
information and communication technologies
(ICTs): from anytime, anyplace connectivity for
anyone, we will now have connectivity for anything.
Accordingly, Context-aware applications are
becoming more and more popular, because they can
dynamically adapt to specific user and thing
situations to provide smarter services and reduce the
frequency of required manual inputs. In this context,
we are developing a new Context-Aware
Middleware infrastructure called Generalized
Adaptive Context-Aware Middleware (GaCAM), to
support Context-aware application developing
distributed, platform-independent and self-adaptive.
What is Context? Context is defined by Abowd et
al. (A.K.Dey, 2000): “Context is any information
that can be used to characterize the situation of an
entity. An entity is a person, place, or object that is
considered relevant to the interaction between a user
and an application, including the user and
applications themselves.” The benefits of having
Context models include being able to abstract and
represent relevant contextual information used in
Context-aware systems. As well, this approach
enables future use of model-driven approaches and
reduces implementation effort.
The one of GaCAM’s issues is self-adaptive
about Context source access, Context modeling,
Context storage, Context reasoning, and Context
Among the issues, self-adaptive Context models
are essential to mobile environments. Because our
final users with mobile devices or clothing sensors,
RFID things and intelligent agents are movable,
Context models carried with them should
dynamically adapt to their situations. Another reason
for dynamic Context modeling is that global Context
model is too large to storage in local environment
and high frequency of model learning for mobile and
local users will increase event process delay.
As mentioned above, dynamic Context modeling
is helpful in mobile environment, and we will
implement it by applying a mathematical technique
of information organization, Formal Concept
Analysis (FCA). FCA algorithms are machine
learning techniques that enable the creation of a
common structure, which may reveal some
associations between elements of the two original
structures. The rest of the paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 presents the backgrounds. Section
3 introduces the FCA concept Analysis. Section 4
introduces dynamic Context modeling strategy, and
Zhong Z., Lin X. and Gu J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003433101030110
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 103-110
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the proposal is explained by an example of what can
be achieved with GaCAM. Advantages of the
method are discussed in Section 5. Finally, Section 6
gives the conclusions and identifies future lines of
2.1 GaCAM
Generalized Adaptive Context-Aware Middleware
(GaCAM) is a rich middleware that makes
effectively Context fusion, Context modeling,
Context storage and Context reasoning in running
time, and provide upper application with
development toolkits and service interfaces. It
decouples the Context processing with high level
application developing and low level development
complicated physical sensor programming and
common virtual sensor programming, reducing the
developers’ burden.
GaCAM’s characteristics are: 1) Reflective.
Reflection refers to the function that the system can
describe internal structure themselves, can represent
the own behaviour, and can dynamically reconfigure
their operation modes according to the operation
environment changes. The advantage of Reflective
middleware relative to traditional middleware lies in
loose coupling in modules or components, namely
the reflective middleware can be easily by
expanding and reallocation.2) Adaptive. Adaptive
demands middleware can adapt according to the
changes of the environment automatically, so it
requires that some Context middleware components
such as sensors and services information should also
be Context that can be sensed and processed in the
mobile and changeable environments. In this paper,
we mainly discuss how to dynamically building
Context model for adaptive requirement. 3) Meta-
data-descript. Metadata is the data about data. By the
system describing the members and method in
Context middleware components by metadata, it can
help to realize the reflection mechanism. 4) Agent.
As a part on the system, agents are behaviour
entities that stay in certain space or follow some
objective Context and identify object situations and
solve the problems associated with the current
situation. This exibility is a great benet when new
application agents are implemented into the system.
The exibility lies primarily in the idea that the
implementation of the agent’s behaviour is hidden
for other parties. Agent need to interact with the
environment. Agent model in our middleware is like
BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) Model, and please
refer to (Rao A., 1995) for details of BDI.
Aiming at the characteristics of Context-aware
middleware above, multi-Agent based system
architecture is founded. GaCAM agents are divided
into two categories: management Agents and
function Agents. Management Agents primarily are
responsible for managing function Agent, and
Management transactions include life cycle,
Naming, Register and Security etc. Function Agents
are to realize functions Agent program, and
according to different function they are mainly
divided into: Sensor Agent, Context evolutionary
Agent, Context reasoning Agent, Context storage
/access Agent, and Service planning Agent. Figure 1
shows GaCAM architecture with Context sources
and applications.
2.2 Context Models
In previous work, researchers have proposed many
Context model modalities such as key-value, XML,
object, UML-ER, Ontology and so on (T. Strang,
2004 ), and fused Contexts formally or informally.
MIcontext (N. Savio, 2007) considers various
kinds of contextual elements for mobile application
design. But it does not consider the associations
between contextual elements. SOUPA (H. Chen,
2004) is an ontology designed to support pervasive
applications, and it models intelligent agents and
other relevant information. SOUPA includes user
Context such as beliefs, desires, intentions, and
background information. Even though SOUPA is
one of the most comprehensive Context models, it
does not model dynamic Context changes.
CoDAMoS (D. Preuveneers, 2004) is an ontology
for creating Context-aware computing
infrastructures, and it models user preferences and
roles. However, it does not model the dynamic
interactions between these elements. The approach
in this thesis focuses on three user Contexts, namely
user preferences, roles, and social relationships as
well as the dynamic interactions between these
contextual elements. SOCAM (T. Gu, 2005)
proposes a dual-layer ontology inspired by CONON,
and the required Context knowledge is reduced to
the upper ontology, and the domain-specific onto
logy can be dynamically bound. An MDE approach
(C. TACONET, 2010) is proposed to dene context-
aware application models by UML meta-models.
The advantage is that models may be applied for
different platforms and technologies especially
different context management technologies. But the
work focuses on how to use context view Meta
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: GaCAM architecture.
models in the development phrase for global design.
All of these works give us very integrity global
Context models or global Context model designs
which refer to their Context system and domain
ontology is designed beforehand. However, how to
process the dynamic modeling when Context relates
with specific situations is not mentioned clearly. In
the next section, we will discuss our mathematics
basis of our dynamic Context modeling.
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) was introduced by
(R. Wille, 1982) and is completely developed in (B.
Ganter, 1999). FCA is the process of abstracting
conceptual descriptions from a set of objects
described by attributes (R. Wille, 1982). The FCA
has been used in works related to symbolic data
analysis and knowledge representation (R.Godin,
1995). Olivier Cur´e in (Curé Olivier, 2009) extends
existing FCA-based systems for ontology merging.
In our modeling, we also use FCA-based Merging
for dynamically Context modeling, but we consider
Context-aware characteristics so the merging
method is easier than the FCA merging method that
mainly processes texts in(Curé Olivier, 2009) , and
we find that FCA merging enables the creation of a
common lattice structure, which may reveal some
associations between elements of the two original
structures and the Context model using the lattice is
also helpful to retrieving, so it is very appropriate for
local Context modeling. We shall begin by
introducing the basic notions defined by Wille.
Definition. A formal context
is defined as a
triple of sets, (G, M, I), where G is a set of objects,
M is a set of attributes, and
I is a binary relation
between G and M (i.e.
). (g, m) I is
read “object g has attribute m”.
Definition. For
, we define
': { |AmM=∈
:( , ) }
Agm I∀∈
and, for
, we define
:{ | :(, ) }
A formal concept of a formal context
(, ,)GM I
defined as a pair
GB M⊆⊆,'
. The sets
are called the extent
and the intent of the formal concept
. On
partial order relation can be defined through the
following formula where
(, ),( ',AB A
') :
( , ) ( ', ') '( ')AB AB AA BB≤⇔
. This relation
is a generalization/specialization hierarchy
Context Evolution Agent
Storage and Access Agent
Global Context Model
Rules and Algorithms
Context Reasoning Agent
Knowledge Base
Rule-based Reasoning
Context-based Query
Service Planning
Service Publish
Service Discovery
Service Registry
Context Resource
relationship. The set of all formal concepts of
with the partial order is always a
complete lattice, call the concept lattice (or Galois
A possible confusion might arise from the
double use of the word ‘context’ in FCA and in
Context model. This comes from the fact that FCA
and context model are two models for the concept of
‘context’ which arose independently. In order to
distinguish both notions, we will always refer to the
FCA context as ‘formal context’. The Contexts in
Context model are referred to just as ‘Context’.
There is no direct counter-part of formal concepts in
Context model. Context classes /Context objects are
best compared to FCA objects, and sensors / sensor
Types are compared to FCA attributes.
4.1 Prerequisite
As mentioned above, relative agents will follow
moving objects or stay in local environments. Sensor
agents are responsible for transforming the raw data
collected from real sensors into an identifiable
Context classes/objects. Dynamic Context modeling
happens when moving objects come into the new
environment. Different from common modeling, it is
important to consider sensor information into
modeling, because Contexts and sensors are
changing in mobile environment. Moreover, like
previous works, it is necessary for global
consistency to design a global Context model.
Therefore, before introducing the modeling process,
we firstly discuss sensor agents and global Context
Sensor agent in our middleware named Virtual
Sensor. Virtual sensors abstract similar sensor type
from logic sensors and physical sensors. Each virtual
sensor consists of two elements: Self Description
Profile and Output Format template (Output). For
example, Virtual Sensor about location includes
GPS sensor, WIFI sensor, etc. Dynamic Context
modeling process not accesses the real sensors
directly, but gets information from virtual sensors. In
order to simplify the expression, virtual sensor is
referred to as ‘sensor’ in the following. Table 1
shows the example of Virtual Sensors designed in
our middleware.
Table 1: Example of Virtual Sensors.
Sensor Type Example
GPS, Wireless positioning
device (WIFI),FID (from GIS
Acoustic Sound detector, Microphone
Thermal Thermometers
Computational Environment
Device detector, Network
RFID(item profile), User profile,
Society Relation, Group profile
System logger, User behaviour
Document Search engine, Spider
Time sensor, Date sensor, Zone
Event Record
Outlook, Anti-virus monitor,
Global Context model is also essential to tell
what can be known. The global Context models of
many Context-Aware Systems are quite similar
because of the similar domain researched such as
smart space and location based application etc. After
some work of summary, the fundamental element
classification framework in middleware categorizes
the elements in the Context models into two main
categories: Physical Context and Logic Context.
Physical Context includes kinds of Context from
physical sensors, and Logic Context includes kinds
of Context from Logic sensors. Its sub Contexts are
Social Relation Context, Activity Context,
Computational Context and Information Context.
Social Relation Context represents the people and
their information changed with little frequency.
Activity Context represents activities that people and
things involved in. Computational Context
represents software and hardware information from
virtual sensors. Figure 2 summarizes the
fundamental element classification framework. The
global Context model is described as a full ontology
with Context relations (relations not mentioned in
this paper).
Context environments and mobile objects have
their own knowledge about Contexts that are wanted
to be shared for enriching Context each other. When
dynamically modeling happens, the merging is
Meanwhile, Context environment changes when
new certain Context or new certain sensor comes in.
Therefore, we should consider remodeling the
Context model to integrate new Context and
estimate new sensor ability.
For the above prerequisite, we define the
modeling process as follows:
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Physical Context Logic Context
Social Relation
Information Security
Optical and Radiation
Figure 2: Global Context model classifications.
4.2 Initial
Firstly, the space range of the local environment or
mobile objects is defined as Context set and sensor
set available, where G= Context set, M=sensor set,
formal context K= space. I can be illustrated with an
example about a local environment in Table 2. In the
example, the G includes three Context classes (A:
Computer, B: Room, C: Person) and four objects
(A1, A2, B1, B2) in which (A1, A2) are class A’s
objects and (B1, B2) are class B’s objects. The M
includes three types (α: RFID sensor, β: Location
sensor, γ: Profile sensor) and four sensors (α1, α2,
β1, β2) in which (α1, α2)’s type is α and (β1, β2)’s
type is β. Because the modeling process is not
involved Context name and sensor name, letters are
instead of full names in order to simplify the
Context class C and sensor type γ have no
instances, it means that the space knows what are C
and γ, but instances of C and γ don’t appear
currently. The situations of this kind are always
widespread, when the local environment has known
the class of certain Context of which the objects
have not appeared and the type of certain sensor of
which the sensors have not appeared. In the Table 2,
if Context class has objects, then we will not list the
class to avoid the lattice nodes too large, but it is no
problem for presenting sensor types because the
types presented can be helpful to abstraction of
Context classes.
Table 2: The example of the local environment.
α α1 α2 β β1 β2 γ
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
Secondly, we can get Galois connection lattice
from this table using FCA. The Galois connection
lattice is showed by Figure 3. The lattice is a
specialization/generalization hierarchy that presents
the Context model of Contexts and relative sensors
in the example, and all nodes are almost meaningful
because of using sensor as the scale of attributes.
Figure 3: The Galois connection lattice of the example.
The reason why we use lattices as the formal
presentation of the dynamic Context model is that
only aiming at the class description of global model
is not appropriate for the dynamic environment,
where individual-relations between objects and
sensors are also very important. The lattice can also
contain and present these individual relations.
4.3 Merging
The merging schematic is showed by Figure 4. To
complete the example above for explaining merging
process, we assume that a moving object with its
sensors also carry Contexts showed by Table 3. Its
space can be set as the formal context K’ (G’, M’, I’).
G’ includes three Context classes (C: Person, E:
Device) and four objects (C1, C2, E1, E2) in which
(C1, C2) are class C’s objects and (E1, E2) are class
E’s objects. M’ includes three types (α: RFID sensor,
β: Location sensor, γ: Profile sensor) and four
sensors (γ1, β3, β4) in which (β3, β4)’s type is β and
γ1’s type is γ. When the moving object meets local
environment, contexts and sensor agents will be
computed by management agent in the local
environment. Contexts and sensors may be
complementary, so extra Context information can be
got because of adaptive agent characteristic of
sensors. In the example, (A1, A2) get the γ1 attribute
and (E1, E2) get the α2 attribute. Table 4 is the
whole table for Context modeling, and then we can
get a merging model K’’ dynamically from FCA, the
result Lattice is showed by Figure 5.
In addition to solve dynamic Context modeling in
mobile environment, the method has the following
Figure 4: The merging schematic.
Table 3: Contexts of another mobile object.
β β3 β4 γ γ1 α
3 3
3 3
3 3 3
3 3
Table 4: Whole model after modeling.
α α1 α2 β β1 β2 β3 β4 γ γ1
3 3
3 5
3 5
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3 3
5 3
5 3
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: The result lattice of the whole model after merging.
5.1 Decouple between Class
and Attribute
Context classes and Context classes’ attributes are
decoupling. The method is different from normal
FCA modeling in which FCA’s attributes are simple
attribute names. Dynamically, the Context objects of
the same class are discrepantly described from
discrepant ability sensors of the same class, and also
could be different because of information security
and environment interference factor. So when
Context objects move, it is well designed that
Context classes and Context classes’ attributes are
decouple. Context objects/classes should have
composite description from output template of
different sensors/sensor types’ dynamically. Using
sensors/sensor types as the scale of attributes in
modeling is also avoiding such meaningless
abstraction that the results still need optimizing after
merging. For example, the two classes, book and
person, which both have an attribute named “name”,
are generalized into an abstract class. Obviously, this
case is meaningless.
From the lattice, we can find it easy to check
replaceable sensors of Contexts and easy to change
more powerful sensor when some sensor does not
5.2 Assistance in Reasoning
The lattice can be helpful to get higher level relation
and activate semantic event. While Context class
relations are predefined, individual relations are
dynamically ascertained by sensors. Like human
beings’ five senses, the Context-aware middleware
can use sensors to ascertain relations. For example,
using location sensors to ascertain the distance of
two objects is similar to using eyes of human being.
Therefore, relation reasoning is dependent on
sensors to some extent. In our modeling, sensors’
types and objects are attributes of FCA. Contexts
which have the same sensor type may have relations
dependent on the sensor type. Comprehensive
sensing by human beings’ five senses with
consciousness can tell human beings higher level
relation or semantic event, such as having a meeting
or listening to the lecture. Like profile sensors,
certain sensors can realize similar functions of
consciousness about society and culture knowledge.
For example, we can know an object with its
location is a person by combination of location
sensor and profile sensor. To some extent, the more
different sensor attributes an object has in FCA, the
concreter it is. Meanwhile, it may have higher level
relations and involved events. So to one FCA
context which has determinate sensor types, the
objects of it may have relations with each other. We
can ascertain current relations by retrieving the
lattice and getting the sensors output.
For example, the node 3 from Figure 5 has only
one attribute, β: Location sensor type. We assume
that it can ascertain two relation {spatial part of,
near} derived from β: Location sensor type. Its
objects {B1: Room1, B2: Room2, C1: Person1, C2:
Person2, E1:Device1, E2:Device2} may have these
relations to be ascertained. We not only want to
know spatial relations, but also higher relations than
spatial relations. Similarly, we assume that it can
ascertain the higher level event that Person using
computer in derived from {β: Location sensor}
combined respectively with {α: RFID sensor, γ:
Profile sensor}. The node 7 has the attributes {α:
RFID sensor, β: Location sensor} and the node 8 has
the attributes {β: Location sensor, γ: Profile sensor,
γ1}, so the objects of the two nodes are helpful for
reasoning. Further, reasoning agent can traverse
perceptual nodes from top to bottom and check
whether these objects have relative sensors sensing
and get the values of them to ascertain current
interrelations of objects.
MES (H. Chaker, 2010) also tries to assist a user
in his business tasks requiring information. MES
takes contextual factors (user, environment, business
tasks) into account. Compared with MES, our
solution takes sensor factor extra and every mobile
or sensing body can be an abstract user. Also, we
prefer discovering to tasking when coping with
context, and tasks are carried by BDI-style Agent.
MES’s reasoning is based on task process. Our
reasoning is based on sensing ability. Therefore, our
reasoning is appropriate to recommendation.
Our study in this paper shows that our dynamic
Context modeling in the Context-aware middleware
is feasible and necessary for providing Context-
aware applications. We’ve implemented a Context
modeling agent as an infrastructure to support
Context-aware applications, decoupling and
dynamically modeling between sensors and
Contexts. The work of this paper is part of our
ongoing research project – Generalized Adaptive
Context-Aware Middleware (GaCAM). Because
FCA is not appropriate for large data, our next step
is finding the threshold value of Context quantity to
define the scale of local storage space. Meanwhile, it
is helpful to explore novel approaches to both
improve the assist ability in reasoning and reduce
the time cost.
This work is partly supported by Science and
Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality
(STCSM) project (No. 09510703000 and No.
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