Zoe Jing Yu Zhu, Yang Xiang
School of Computer Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada
Edward McBean
School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada
Keywords: Bayesian networks, Risk assessment, Pathogens, Reliability, Water treatment plants, Membranes, Ultra
Abstract: This research investigates a method for hazard identification of modern drinking water treatment
technologies. Bayesian networks are applied to quantify risk assessment. Bayesian networks represent an
important formalism for representation of, and inference with, uncertain knowledge in artificial intelligence.
A physicochemical ultra filtration (UF) membrane train is expressed as a Bayesian network. They can be
used in quantifying understanding of the hazards at the operational level of treatment plant that impact the
risk of infection from pathogens. Once such a Bayesian network is established, the risk assessment can be
performed automatically using algorithms developed in artificial intelligence which facilitates risk
assessment of complex water treatment domains.
Bayesian Networks, developed from the field of
artificial intelligence (AI), provide a powerful
knowledge representation formalism that deals with
uncertainty explicitly in a principled manner (Pearl,
1988). Over the last three decades, Bayesian
networks have been widely applied to many tasks
for reasoning under uncertainty (Jensen and Nielsen,
2007; Darwiche, 2009).
Effective operation of a water treatment system
must be able to handle uncertainty. Consider, for
example, an ultra filtration (UF) membrane train.
Water of varying pre-treated quality enters a
treatment facility and may produce varying qualities
of treated water. Failures of key pieces of
mechanical equipment or process may also influence
the quality of the treated water. In this work, we
investigate application of Bayesian networks to risk
assessment in complex water treatment domains.
2.1 Bayesian Networks
A Bayesian network consists of a directed acyclic
graph (DAG) and an associated joint probability
distribution (jpd). The nodes in the graph are
labelled by the set of random variables, N = {X
). These random variables represent
alternative states. Each variable can be Boolean (two
possible values) or take one of more than two
possible values (Zhu et. al., 1998). For example, a
variable can denote the intensity of suspended solids
at a water treatment plant with possible values (low,
normal, or high). The links in the DAG specify the
causal relations among the random variables. Any
node X
in a Bayesian network is independent of any
non-descendent variable conditioned on its parent
nodes. That is, the parents of X
shield the variable
from the influence of all variables in the graph
except those downward from X
along the cause
direction. For example, suppose X
is the parent of
and X
is the child of X
: a direct path X
. If there is no other path from X
to X
, then X
Zhu Z., Xiang Y. and McBean E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003430801350139
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 135-139
ISBN: 978-989-8425-54-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and X
are conditionally independent given X
The uncertain causal strength between a variable
and its parents π(X
) is quantified by a conditional
probability table P(X
| π(X
)). The dependence and
independence relations represented by the DAG
allow the joint probability distribution (jpd) over N
to be specified through conditional probability tables
of associated with nodes of the network. That is, the
jpd P(N) can then be written as:
XXPNP ))(|()(
Normally, the specification of a jpd requires the
specification of parameters in an order exponential
to the total number of variables. The major benefit
of using a Bayesian network representation is that
the jpd over a very large set of variables can be
compactly specified by a much smaller number of
variables, due to the above decomposition.
Once a model of an application domain, such as
a water treatment plant, is constructed in the form of
a Bayesian network. The Bayesian network can be
used to infer the value of some unobservable
variables given the observation of some other
variables, including prediction and explanation, two
basic tasks in monitoring and control (Sanguesa et
al., 2000). In this paper, we show that a
physicochemical ultrafiltration (UF) membrane train
can be expressed as Bayesian networks for
identifying faults and reducing the risk on potable
water delivery.
2.2 Cryptosporidium and Treatment
In recent studies, waterborne outbreaks occurred
under conditions where water quality complies with
the standards on E. Coli and coliforms but water
treatment failed to eliminate high concentrations of a
persistent pathogen such as Cryptosporidium,
(Richardson et al., 1991). Protozoan parasites of the
genera Cryptosporidium and Giardia are important
causes of disease and morbidity in humans and of
losses in livestock production. Reducing the risk of
infection of cryptosporidium, and keeping the water
safe is one of the goals for the millennium (WHO,
2009). Ultrafiltration (UF) membrane train system,
as an alternative to conventional water treatment for
drinking water, has developed very fast due to their
ability for the removal of microbial pathogens,
especially Cryptosporidium and Giardia (Brehant et
al., 2010). The Ultrafiltrtion membrane system can
effectively block pathogens, virus, bacteria and is a
competitive option to produce high quality potable
water (Chelme-Ayala et al., 2009).
Membrane processes are new technologies. We
have limited information about this new system.
Given the complexity of water treatment plant
operations, a long time period is needed to observe
and reveal the characteristic of the system.
Beauchamp et al. (2010) apply fault tree analysis to
a physicochemical ultrafiltration membrane train,
with the objective of developing a systematic
approach for organizing and improving our
understanding of hazards at the treatment plant
operational level that affect the risk of infection
from the pathogen Cryptosporidium parvum. The
approach was successful in identifying many
technical and operational hazards. However,
quantification of probabilities of fault events is
incomplete. Such quantification can help to
prioritize interventions at the operational levels. In
this paper, we study the potential of applying
Bayesian networks to identify faults in the
membrane train system. We show that the
physicochemical or mechanical component of the
UF treatment train can be expressed as a Bayesian
network. Once the Bayesian network is established,
the risk assessment can be performed automatically
using the Bayesian network model.
Figure 1 shows a simple fault tree. Pre-distribution
contamination is the top event (root event). Source
water contamination and treatment failure are
intermediate events. They are shown as boxes.
Circles, labelled source contamination, pathway
contamination, filtration failure and disinfection
failure represent basic events (leaf events).
Figure 1: A simple fault tree.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
A fault tree is constructed to calculate the
probability of the top event. The structure of the
fault tree and the logic gates provide information on
how to perform the calculation. For an OR-gate with
n input events, if we know the probabilities P
2, ..., n) of input events, the probability P
of the
output event is computed as
Pr = 1-
For an AND-gate with n input events, the
probability Pr of the output event is computed as
Pr =
By combining Equations (2) and (3) according to
the fault tree topology, the probability of the root
event can be computed.
A fault tree may be considered detailed enough
when it corresponds to system analyzed with small
number of leaf variables and those variables can be
estimated. However, it is quite likely that in a
complex system, in order to calculate the multiple
root events, many possible leaf events might have to
be analyzed. Creation of multiple diagrams may
cause inconsistency and duplicated effort in both
specification and analysis. With leaf events isolated
in different diagram, it is not a simple matter to
consider their interactions. Therefore, combining
fault trees for multiple leaf events into one coherent
single interaction of multiple leaf events into one
coherent fashion as show in Figure 2 and Table 1.
The computation of root event probabilities,
however, will be handled in exactly the same
manner if the Bayesian network representation is
constructed. In this research, we show that Bayesian
network will offset the short comes from fault tree.
3.1 Fault Tree to an Ultrafiltration
The process of a UF membrane train water treatment
plant consists of two major steps. The first step, pre-
treatment, includes screening, coagulation, static
mixing and mechanical flocculation. The objective
of pre-treatment is to condition the water for optimal
UF operation. Step2. Pre-treatment submerged UF
hollow fibre membrane trains, and chlorination.
Membrane filtration is a physical removal
process. Particles, pathogens and flocs are removed
by size. Fibre walls are made of a supporting
structure, which constitutes most of the thickness of
the fibre, and the active layer, a skin that rejects
particles and pathogens. UF membranes are an
absolute barrier to protozoan (oo)cysts and bacteria,
their absolute pore size of 0.1 µm being smaller than
the size of contaminants, which are greater than 3
µm for (oo)cysts and approximately 1µm for
bacteria. Membrane integrity testing (USEPA, 2005)
and monitoring are therefore critical for ensuring
that the membrane system is functioning as required.
Figure 2 and Table 1 represent a fault tree for UF
membrane train diagnosis. A water treatment plant
operation is a complex task where many factors
must be taken into account. The fault tree takes one
top event, high concentration of cryptosporidium
parvum in permeate. 14 intermediate events such as
the membrane skin is damaged and does not remove
pathogens and 19 basic events, such as membranes
are fouled.
Figure 2: Fault tree for UF membrane train diagnosis
(Modified from Beauchamp et. al., 2007).
In various works (Sanguesa, et. al., 2000,
Beauchamp et al. 2010; Zhu et., al., 1998), the
limitations of fault tree systems for monitoring,
control, and diagnosis applications are analyzed.
Fault trees only allow propagation of information
from leaf events towards the root event, but no
facility to explain observation of root event in terms
of most likely leaf events. Furthermore, each fault
tree typically can accommodate only one root event.
Multiple root events typically require multiple fault
trees, even though their leaf events may overlap.
Such duplication of leaf events may lead to
inconsistency as well duplication of resources (time,
space, and computation).
Table 1: The definition of fault tree in Figure 2.
Abbreviation Definition
AITIMS Air is trapped in the membrane system
APP Abrasive particles (silt, clay, silica, ) are
APRAM Abrasive particles rub against
AUIPBIO A unit is put back in operation
AWHO A water hammer occurs
BCABMS Bio-chemical agent breaches membrane
CIL Coupling is loose
CIPCAS Changes in transmembrane pressure
causes an air shock
COPBW Components of the processes breaks in
the water
CSDBMS Chemical solution dose breaches
membrane skin
FBCMF Foreign body cuts membrane fibers
HCOCP High concentration of Cryptosporidium
parvum detected in the permeate
IAPRUL Internal air pressure reaches an
unbearable level during an integrity test
MAF Membranes are fouled
MB Membrane bursts
MC Membrane collapses
MISMID Membrane suffer manufactured or
installation defect
MMIS Membrane modules are improperly
MSD(FRP) Membrane skin is damaged (fail to
remove pathogens)
MSOU Membrane skin is worn out
MVSLC Movement/vibration of the stem loosens
ODIMT Objects are dropped in the membrane
OETFPS Objects enter the tank from pump
OGTPAS Objects go through pumps and screens
PITL Permeability is too low
PSBMS Particles/solids breach membrane skin
SDIB Screening device is breached
SIWO Seal is worn out
SOCF Seal or Coupling fails
SSMFD Seal Suffers from manufactured or
installation defect
TPRUL Transmembrane pressure reaches an
unbearable level
VCR Valve closes rapidly
WBNF(SC) Water bypass membrane filtration
WVITH Water viscosity is too high
One of the most important tasks for the application
of UF membrane systems is to monitor membrane
integrity during operation, detects and repairs the
defects because small defects could result in
significant reduction of pathogen removal efficiency
and consequently reduce UF membrane
performance. A secure and sound decision support
technique is the key to detect faulty membranes and
repair it immediately.
3.2 Bayesian Networks to a UF
The major portion of the fault tree analysis is the
computation of probabilities for end events. It can be
readily expressed as a Bayesian network. The events
make the nodes in the network. The events that
cause a branching event are the direct parents of the
resultant event. The same set of probabilities that
used to specify a fault tree can be used to specify the
conditional probability distribution at each node of a
network. Once a fault tree is expressed as a Bayesian
network, the computation of end event can be
performed using expert system shells for
probabilistic reasoning in Bayesian networks. This
allows accurate and speedy analysis of a UF water
treatment system.
Figure 3 represents a UF membrane train water
treatment system as a Bayesian network. Our
illustration is aided with WebWeavr IV (Xiang,
2007) expert system shell. We use the variable
names defined in Table 1 to label the nodes in the
Bayesian network. We assume the probabilities of
the leaves are given or can be observed, for example,
water viscosity is too high, membranes are fouled,
etc., and other variables probability can be computed
by the shell when the Bayesian network is specified.
The probability of the top event, high concentrations
of cryptosporidium parvum (HCOCP) detected in
the permeate will be computed efficiently. If we
observed the HCOCP, we also can detect and trace
which variable caused the HCOCP.
Figure 3: Bayesian network for UF membrane train
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The advantage of Bayesian networks over fault
trees can be understood in relation to the limitations
of fault trees mentioned earlier. For instance, with a
Bayesian network, not only the probability of root
fault can be computed based on probabilities of leaf
events, but also when the root fault is observed, the
most likely causing leaf events can be computed. A
Bayesian network can also simultaneously include
multiple variables each of which corresponds to the
root event of a fault tree. Each of the contributing
leaf events need to be represented exactly once,
which eliminates inconsistency and duplication of
resources. The probabilities of all root events thus
represented can be computed in one round of
inference propagation by working with a single
coherent model.
To summarize, using a Bayesian network
representation, the following can be achieved:
Multiple fault trees can be consistently and
economically encoded into a single Bayesian
The probability of any non-leaf faulty tree
event can be computed using such a Bayesian
network, This function quantifies risk in the
same way as fault trees.
The probability of any non-leaf faulty tree
event given some leaf events have occurred
can be computed. When the probability
obtained is 1, it signifies that these leaf events
definitely cause the non-leaf event. This
function can be used in a what-if analysis to
predict high-level faults given occurrence of
some low-level faults.
The probability of any leaf event given that
some non-leaf events have occurred can be
computed. This function can be used to
facilitate investigation of causes when a high-
level fault has occurred.
In this paper, we have described how to represent a
fault tree through a UF membrane train as a
Bayesian network. We demonstrate the Bayesian
network can overcome the shortcomings of a fault
tree. Bayesian network can perform more efficiently
when there are multiple leaf events. The analysis
performed in a risk assessment using a Bayesian
network is a forward inference, i.e., probabilities for
the leaves events are given, the probabilities for top
events are to be computed. The Bayesian network
can also be used as backward inference. If we
observed top event, we can diagnose which
operation is the most likely cause. If high
concentrations of Cryptosporidium parvum are
detected in the permeate, we can find possible
causes rapidly to reduce the adverse consequence.
Bayesian network also allows the interaction
between any variables in the Bayesian network and
update the information which provides the dynamic
behaviour of the system. The probabilistic approach
enables uncertainty analysis and calculations of
probability of exceeding defined performance targets
and acceptable levels of risk. It makes Bayesian
network an important method in decision support.
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