Ran Zhao, Kirusnapillai Selvarajah and Neil Speirs
School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Newcastle, NE1 7RU, U.K.
Keywords: Smart space, Middleware, Pervasive computing, Wireless networking, Context ontologies, Modelling,
testing, Dynamic addressing, Communication gateway, Eclipse.
Abstract: The main objective of the PECES project is the development of system software to enable the
communication among heterogeneous devices across multiple smart spaces, breaking the traditional barrier
of “smart islands” where only the services offered in a nearby spatial area can be used easily. PECES
development tools help the application developer to build and test the PECES middleware based
applications. This paper presents a set of tools, namely Peces Project, Peces Device Definition, Peces
Ontology Instantiation, Peces Service Definition and Peces Role Specification Definition which enable
application developers to build the PECES middleware based application using the novel concepts such as
role assignment context ontologies and heterogeneous communication technologies. Furthermore, this paper
proposes new tools which enable to model and simulate the smart space applications.
The objective of the PECES project (PECES project,
2009) is the creation of a comprehensive software
layer to enable the seamless cooperation of
embedded devices across various smart spaces on a
global scale in a context-dependent, secure and
trustworthy manner. The increasing number of
devices that are invisibly embedded into our
surrounding environment as well as the proliferation
of wireless communication and sensing technologies
are the basis for visions like ambient intelligence,
ubiquitous and pervasive computing. The benefits of
these visions and their undeniable impact on the
economy and society have led to a number of
research and development efforts. These include
various European projects such as EMMA (EMMA,
2006) that develop specialized middleware
abstractions for different application areas such as
automotive and traffic control systems or home
automation. These efforts have enabled smart spaces
that integrate embedded devices in such a way that
they interact with a user as a coherent system.
However, they fall short of addressing the
cooperation of devices across different
environments. This results in isolated “islands of
integration” with clearly defined boundaries such as
the smart home or office. For many future
applications, the integration of embedded systems
from multiple smart spaces is a primary key to
providing a truly seamless user experience. Nomadic
users that move through different environments will
need to access information provided by systems
embedded in their surroundings as well as systems
embedded in other smart spaces.
The PECES project is committed to developing
the technological basis to enable the global
cooperation of embedded devices residing in
different smart spaces in a context-dependent,
secure, and trustworthy manner. The most
innovative features of the PECES middleware are to
enable the communication among heterogeneous
devices across the different smart spaces using
dynamic addressing, security and context ontologies.
The PECES project has the several scientific and
technical objectives such as development of a
flexible ontology, development of a middleware,
development of set of application development tools
and validation of the abstractions using lab tests and
prototype applications.
In this paper, the PECES development tools are
discussed. Section 2 describes the PECES project
and its novel features such as role specification,
dynamic addressing, and gateway concepts. Section
3 provides an introduction to the development
Zhao R., Selvarajah K. and Speirs N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003406900210026
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (WINSYS-2011), pages 21-26
ISBN: 978-989-8425-73-7
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
environments for pervasive computing. Section 4
describes the PECES development tools that have
been developed by the PECES consortium for
PECES middleware based application development.
An additional set of tools that are currently being
under development to provide features to test and
analyse the smart space based application is given in
Section 5. Conclusions are presented in Section 6.
The PECES project consortium has built the targeted
cooperation layer on top of BASE middleware
(Becker, Schiele, Gubbels and Rothermel, 2003).
The BASE layered architecture is shown in Figure 1.
This enables the project consortium to focus the
development efforts on the novel and innovative
features of the PECES middleware. BASE is freely
available as open source under BSD license which
facilitates the necessary modifications and
extensions and enables the free reuse – even for
commercial exploitation. The BASE middleware
enables the communication between devices that are
within communication range. Yet, in order to
achieve the goal of providing a cooperation layer
that enables the seamless interaction within and
across the boundaries of a single smart space, it is
necessary to extend the BASE middleware concepts.
The extension of the BASE middleware focused on
communication gateways, dynamic addressing and
smart space and internet registry.
Figure 1: BASE Architecture.
2.1 Communication Gateway
Due to the heterogeneity of devices and
communication technologies, it is not safe to assume
all future devices will be equipped with the same set
of communication technologies. As an example
consider that a sensor node might only be equipped
with ZigBee but not with Bluetooth in order to
enable energy efficient communication. Thus, in
order to enable a Bluetooth device to communicate
with such sensor nodes, it is necessary to use a
device that is equipped with both technologies as a
local gateway. Similarly, due to the associated costs
and other factors, not all devices will have a direct
connection to a global interconnection network like
the Internet. In order to enable the communication
between devices that are not directly connected to
the Internet, it is necessary to enable some devices to
act as remote gateways for others.
PECES middleware support local gateways as
well as remote gateways. The main difference
between these two types of gateways is that the local
gateway locally shares the required knowledge. In
the remote case, the knowledge sharing should be
restricted to a minimum in order to avoid the costly
distribution of frequently changing information. The
remote gateways need to be realized differently in
that they require an external entity to distribute the
information that is distributed by means of device
discovery in the local case. This information is
distributed by means of the registry that is specified
in the PECES Communication Mechanism and
Registry Interface Specification deliverable (PECES
project, 2009).
2.2 Generic Role Assignment
Due to the continuous changes in context, the
mobility of devices and the network topology can be
highly dynamic in the pervasive computing
environments. So that it is vital to enable pervasive
computing applications such as PECES prototype
applications to adapt to the continuous changes in
context and device availability. The responsibility
for adaptation can be shifted between different
entities. In cases where changes are infrequent, a
user may manually configure and adapt the system.
However, if changes are frequent, manual
configuration and adaptation are clearly not a viable
approach as they conflict with the goal of distraction
free support for tasks. In order to mitigate this, the
adaptation can be automated through the application.
This approach relieves the user from performing
manual adaptation but it complicates the
development of applications and it may result in
inefficiencies in cases where multiple applications
implement and use similar adaptation mechanisms.
As a result, the PECES middleware is aiming to
automate the initial configuration and the continuous
adaptation to changes in order to shield the user and
the application developer from the accompanied
In order to be suitable for a broad range of
different systems and in order to minimize the
utilization of resources that are required for
automation, PECES provides configuration and
Proxies/Skeletons Proxies/Skeletons
ApplicationObjects Services
WINSYS 2011 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
adaptation support by means of a uniform
abstraction. To create a uniform abstraction that is
suitable for a broad range of different configuration
tasks, it is necessary to introduce a clear separation
between the result of a configuration, the
computations that need to be done to produce it and
the utilization of this result. This enables the reuse of
the same basic mechanisms for different tasks.
Generic role assignment provides such a uniform
abstraction. More detailed information about the role
assignment concepts can be found in PECES
Addressing Scheme Specification deliverable
(PECES project, 2009).
2.3 Smart Space
A smart space can be defined as a group of
networked devices that cooperate to support their
users. The boundaries of a smart space are typically
defined on the basis of a geographic location, e.g. a
room or a building. However, such narrow
definitions are not flexible enough to support the
application prototypes in the PECES project.
Obviously, these smart spaces cannot be defined on
the basis of a single location. For example in
applications based upon a car, the whole car, i.e. the
smart space itself, is mobile.
To support the smart space concept, the PECES
middleware introduces three additional components
which are coordinator, member and gateway. These
components can be easily motivated by looking at
the anatomy of the smart spaces that are identified in
the PECES Use-Case Specification deliverable
(PECES project, 2009). The coordinator is
responsible for identifying the members of the smart
space defined by the role specification. The Gateway
functionality provides connectivity for other devices
(for the coordinator and device) in the smart space.
The PECES project provides a set of development
tools that can be used by the application developers
to develop, test, and analyse their applications.
Development tools also provide an environment to
simulate/emulate applications. These types of
development tools are economical because
developers can carry out experiments without the
actual hardware and it is a feasible way to test
scalability of any proposed applications. For
wired/wireless networked based application and
protocol development, there are many simulators
(NS 2, OPNET) have been proposed.
A Middleware based application framework for
Active Space applications was proposed in (Roman
and Campbell, 2003). The Active Space consists of
the Gaia middleware OS (Roman and Campbell,
2000) managing a distributed system composed of
several systems. The framework focuses on
providing an application framework that leverages
the functionality provided by the Gaia middleware
OS to assist developers in the construction of Active
Space application.
The Distributed Trust Toolkit (DTT) (Lagesse,
Kumar, Paluska and Wright, 2009) proposed a
framework for implementing and evaluating trust
mechanisms in pervasive computing systems and
introduced two new abstractions: trust groups and
trust blocks. Trust groups allow associated
application devices to share recorded trust data and
trust computations. Trust blocks makes policy
decisions based on data gathered by the computation
component which implements network based trust
protocols and allows the DTT to interoperate with
legacy trust systems. The DTT facilitates the
extension and adaptation of trust mechanisms by
abstracting trust mechanisms into interchangeable
UbiWise, a simulator for ubiquitous computing
system was proposed in (Barton and
Vijayaraghavan, 2002). UbiWise concentrates on
computation and communication devices situated
within their physical environments. Multiple users
can attach to the same server to create interactive
ubiquitous computing scenarios. The devices are
specified through a combination of a device-
description file in XML and Java. UbiREAL
simulator (Nishikawa, et al., 2006) was proposed for
realistic smart space systematic testing. UbiREAL
facilitates reliable and inexpensive development of
ubiquitous applications where application software
controls a lot of information appliances based on the
state of external environment, user’s contexts
A suite of tools which used to construct domain
models and knowledge-based application with
ontology was provided by Protégé (Protégé, 2004).
Protégé implements a rich set of knowledge-
modelling structures and actions that support the
creation, visualization, and manipulation of
ontologies in many different representation formats.
Protégé also provide a Java API for other developer
to build their own tools and applications.
DiaSuite (Cassou, Bruneau and Consel, 2010)
framework includes a domain-specific design
language, a compiler for this language, which
produces a Java programming framework, an editor
to define simulation scenarios, and a 2D-renderer to
simulate pervasive computing applications. DiaSim
(Jouve, Bruneau and Consel, 2009) is a part of the
DiaSuite which provides a parameterized simulator
for pervasive computing applications. A modelling
and simulation framework is proposed in (O’Neil,
Conlan and Lewis, 2010) to assist context aware
system design for pervasive computing applications.
The simulator provides analysis tool with
information relating to the actual state of the
environment and not just the sensed state that the
prototype system receives. The framework also
presented number of validation case studies.
The tools discussed here provide limited support
for application developers, as they have been
designed for different goals and concepts. Although
these tools are available to support pervasive
computing environment application development,
they only offer little methodological support for role
assignment, context-awareness and security, which
are the core features of the PECES middleware. For
example, Protégé may provide support for context
ontology instantiation for the devices but this
information may be difficult to integrate with other
PECES middleware services without the use of any
specific tools.
PECES development tools focus on configuring
devices, modelling smart spaces and context
dynamics and testing the novel concepts provided by
the PECES middleware. The tools provide support
for application developers to build PECES
middleware application and simulate and analyse the
smart space behaviours with respect to the context
dynamics and network changes. The PECES project
provides a set of tools which are integrated into the
Eclipse development environment. This way, the
usual development assistance provided by the
Eclipse IDE can also be used for PECES focused
development support.
The following sections explain the different tools
which are the Peces Project, Peces Device
Definition, Peces Ontology Instantiation, Peces
Service Definition and Peces Role Specification
Definition. The following subsections are arranged
according to the development sequence that the
developers would typically follow during the
middleware application development.
4.1 Peces Device Definition Tool
As the first part of the development process,
developers should use Peces Project tool to generate
a PECES general project in the Eclipse workspace
(for example, PrototypeDemo project can be created
by the Peces Project tool with ConfigurationTool,
ModellingTool and TestingTool folders). The Peces
Device Definition tool now be used to define
communication plugins such as IP, Bluetooth,
ZigBee (e.g. MxIPBroadcastTransceiver,
MxIPMuticastTransceiver, MxSpotTransceiver), and
device functionalities (Coordinator, Gateway,
Coordinator&Gateway, Member) and also device
name. All smart space applications should define
one device with coordinator functionality which is
responsible of the coordination of the smart space.
The devices can be placed using drag and drop
method. Different colours will be shown according
to the selected device functionality (e.g.,
Coordinator is red).
Figure 2 shows an example in which three
devices are defined (Consumer, PrintTextProvider
and PrintNumberProvider). The screenshot also
shows three different Java projects namely
Consumer, PrintTextProvider and
PrintNumberProvider in the workspace. These Java
projects contain PECES middleware libraries (peces-
1.0.jar) and necessary Java files under the src folder.
Figure 2: Screenshot of the Peces Device Definition Tool.
4.2 Peces Ontology Instantiation Tool
The PECES context ontologies are composed by the
SmartSpace, Measurement, Device profile, User
Profile and Event ontologies and these ontologies
are freely available to download at the project
website (PECES project, 2009). The PECES Context
WINSYS 2011 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Ontology and Query Specification deliverable
(PECES project, 2009) clearly explains the
dependencies among them, as well as the external
ontologies which provide a basis for the PECES
concepts and properties. The core ontology for
representing contextual information of a smart space
is the SmartSpace ontology. The basic concepts to
model the contextual information of a smart space
are Device, Context, Location and Service.
The Device profile ontology provides
vocabularies to model specification of devices inside
smart space. There are three categories of devices
defined in the PECES prototype application which
are PECESEmbeddedDevice, Accessory and
SensorDevice. PECESEmbeddedDevice represents
those embedded devices that deploy the PECES
middleware. There are three categories of embedded
devices according to their role inside a smart space,
namely gateway, coordinator and member. In order
to specify which kind of accessories an embedded
device has, the property hasAccessory can be used to
link a PECESEmbeddedDevice instance to an
Accessory instance. Accessory instances are
Keyboard, Touch Screen, Speaker, Screen and
Microphone. In addition to this, SensorDevice has
two sub-concepts: Detector and MeasuringSensor.
A MeasuringSensor instance represents a sensor
which can measure a measurement such as light,
noise, temperature, etc.
Figure 3: Screenshot of the Peces Ontology Instantiation
Peces Ontology Instantiation tool enables
application developer to instantiate the devices. The
tool automatically loads the participating device
name and its functionality information from the
project.xml file which is generated by the Peces
Device Definition tool. The Peces Ontology
Instantiation tool provides GUI where application
developers can add instances and link properties.
When the instantiation process is completed, the tool
creates a RDF file (project.owl) in the
PrototypeDemo project ConfigurationTool folder
and also creates *.peces.ctx files which contains the
device context information for each devices. Those
device *.peces.ctx files are placed in the appropriate
device Java project and once the file is placed in the
Java project, the tool will automatically create
necessary Java files for the middleware from the
*.peces.ctx files.
Figure 3 shows an example in which three
devices defined (Consumer, PrintTextProvider and
PrintNumberProvider) in the Device Definition tool
are automatically loaded by the Ontology
Instantiation tool. Two new services
(printTextService and printNumberService) are
defined here with Ontology Instantiation tool. The
printTextService linked (via provides) with
PrintTextProvider device and printNumberService
linked (via provides) with PrintNumberProvider
device. Also the Consumer device is linked (via
consumes) with both printTextService and
In addition to the tools that have been described
here, the PECES development tools also include
other tools such as Peces Service Definition tool and
Peces Role Specification Definition tool. The
Service Definition tool provides features to generate
necessary Proxy and Skeleton for the application
services defined in the Ontology Instantiation tool.
The “Scope” option in the Peces Service Definition
tool determines at which scope (Internet, Space, and
Device) the service will be published. The Peces
Role Specification Definition tool provides an
interface where developers can define the different
rules that the application will use to dynamically
form groups (smart spaces) of collaborative devices.
The Role Specification Definition tool automatically
generates all necessary Java code in the required
device Java projects to define and instantiate it using
the middleware. Due to space limitations we are
unable to describe these tools in more details here
but they may be provided upon request.
Section 4 only presented the tools that have been
developed to provide support for application
development using PECES middleware. The next
phase of the development tools will provide support
for modelling (Peces Event Tool), emulating and
visualising (Peces Testing Tool) the PECES
middleware based smart space application.
The Peces Event tool will be used to generate
several events such as device switch ON, device
switch OFF, context changes and network topology
changes. This tool will also provide features (Event
Diagram Editor) to define the generated events in a
sequence. The defined event sequence information
will be stored in a XML file (events.xml) and placed
in the ModellingTool folder. The events.xml file will
have different tags for different events with delay
time information.
The Peces Testing tool will provide support to
execute the applications (each device application
considered as separate JVM) built by the other tools.
The Testing tool will load necessary device related
information from the project.xml file and event
related information from the events.xml file and
display in the Testing tool Multi-page editor page.
Application developers will be able to define
necessary time for the test. All middleware and
application related information will be appended
into a single log file with the specific JVM (with
device name) information and the log data will be
used to visualise and analyse the smart space
One of the main objectives of the PECES
middleware is to provide a cooperation layer that
enables seamless interaction and coordination
among devices in and across smart spaces in a
secure manner. This paper presented a set of tools
which provide support for PECES middleware based
application development. The tools provided support
for device configuration, instantiation, role
specification and service definition. This paper also
outlined a new set of tools which are currently under
development to provide features to model and
simulate the smart space applications. The new set
of tools will provide features for dynamics modeling
testing visualizing the smart spaces. It is the authors’
intention to present at the conference that the tools
already developed as well as the new set of tools
which are currently under development.
The work presented here is sponsored by EC under
FP7 programme (FP7-224342-ICT-2007-2) and
authors also would like to thank all the project
partners for their contributions.
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WINSYS 2011 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems