Hamza Hamdi
, Paul Richard
, Aymeric Suteau
and Mehdi Saleh
Laboratoire d’Ing
enierie des Syst
emes Automatis
es (LISA), Universit
e d’Angers, 62 Avenue ND du Lac, Angers, France
I-MAGINER, 8 rue Monteil, Nantes, France
Virtual reality, Human-computer interaction, Emotion recognition, Affective computing, Job interview.
This paper presents a multi-modal interactive virtual environment (VE) to train for job interview. The pro-
posed platform aims to train candidates (students, job hunters, etc.) to better master their emotional state and
behavioral skills. The candidates will interact with a virtual recruiter represented by an Embodied Conversa-
tional Agent (ECA). Both emotional and behavior states will be assessed using human-machine interfaces and
biofeedback sensors. Contextual questions will be asked by the ECA to measure the technical skills of the can-
didates. Collected data will be processed in real-time by a behavioral engine to allow a realistic multi-modal
dialogue between the ECA and the candidate. This work represents a socio-technological rupture opening the
way to new possibilities in different areas such as professional or medical applications.
Emotion modeling is a topic in computer science
since about twenty years (Picard, 1995). This interest
has grown by using breakthroughs coming from neu-
rophysiology and psychology which have established
a fine connection between emotion, rationality and
decision making (Damasio, 1994). Regarding its ex-
pressive dimension, emotions constitute a privileged
support in order to model Embodied Conversational
Agents (ECAs). Because of their ”embodiment”,
these agents are able to communicate through spo-
ken language but also through gestures and facial ex-
pressions. Another interesting but challenging topic is
real-time multi-modal communication between ECAs
and humans. Different systems have been developed
in the last decade (Helmut et al., 2005). However,
none of these systems allow realistic immersive multi-
modal emotion-based dialogue between an ECA and
a human.
In this paper, we describe a multi-modal interactive
virtual environment (VE) to train for job interview.
The proposed platform aims to train candidates (stu-
dents, job hunters, etc.) to better master their emo-
tional state and behavioral skills. The candidates
will interact with an Embodied Conversational Agent
(ECA). The first goal is to measure the emotional
and behavior states of the candidates using differ-
ent human-machine interfaces such as Brain Com-
puter Interfaces (BCI), eye tracking systems, and bio-
sensors. Collected data will allow to analyze nonver-
bal part of the communication such as posture, facial
expressions, gestures and emotions.
In the next section, we survey the related work con-
cerning the classification, the recognition and the
modeling of human emotions. In section three we will
present the platform architecture, the human-machine
interfaces and the proposed multi-modal approach for
emotion recognition. The paper ends by a conclusion
that provides some ideas for future work.
2.1 Classification of Emotions
An emotion can be defined as a ”hypothetical con-
struct indicating a reaction process of an organization
to a significant event” (Scherer, 2000). Emotions are
now recognized as involving other components such
as cognitive and physiological changes, trends in the
Hamdi H., Richard P., Suteau A. and Saleh M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003401805510556
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (SIMIE-2011), pages 551-556
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
action (e.g. run away) and motor expressions. Each
of these components has various functions. Darwin
postulated the existence of a finite number of emo-
tions present in all cultures and having a function of
adaptation (Darwin, 1872). This postulate was subse-
quently confirmed by Ekman which divided the emo-
tions into two classes: the primary emotions (joy, sad-
ness, anger, fear, disgust, surprise) which are natural
responses to a given stimuli and ensure the survival of
the species. The second class involves emotions that
evoke a mental image which correlates with the mem-
ory of a primary emotion (Ekman, 1999).
Emotions can be represented by discrete categories
(e.g. ”anger”) or defined by continuous dimensions
such as ”Valence”, ”Activation”, or ”Dominance”.
The ”Valence” dimension allows to describe the ”neg-
ative - positive” axis. The ”Activation” dimension al-
lows to describe the ”not very active - very active”
axis. The ”Dominance” axis is used to represent the
feeling of control. These three dimensions were com-
bined into a space called PAD (Pleasure, Arousal,
Dominance) originally defined by Mehrabian (Mehra-
bian, 1996).
2.2 Emotion recognition
2.2.1 Facial Expression Recognition
Facial expressions provide important information
about emotions. Therefore, several approaches based
on facial expression recognition have been pro-
posed to classify human emotional states (Pantic and
Rothkrantz, 2003). The features used are typically
based on local spatial position or displacement of spe-
cific points and face regions. Tian (Tian et al., 2000)
has attempted to recognize Action Units (AU), de-
veloped by Ekman and Friesen in 1978 (Ekman and
Friesen, 1978) using permanent and transient features
of the face and lips, the nasolabial fold and wrinkles.
Geometric models were used to locate the forms and
appearances of these characteristics. They reached
96% of precision. Hammal proposed an approach
based on the combination of two models for segmen-
tation of emotions and dynamic recognition of facial
expressions (Hammal and Massot, 2010). For a com-
plete review of recent emotion recognition systems
based on facial expression the readers are referred
to (Calvo and D’Mello, 2010).
2.2.2 Speech Recognition
Recognition of the emotional state is a topic of grow-
ing interest in the domain of speech analysis. Several
approaches that aim to recognize the emotions from
speech have been reported (Pantic and Rothkrantz,
2003) (Scherer, 2003) (Calvo and D’Mello, 2010).
Most researchers employed global prosodic devices in
order to ensure acoustic selection of emotional recog-
nition. Statistics on the expression level are calcu-
lated, (e.g. mean, standard deviation, maximum and
minimum height and contour of the energy in expres-
sions). Roy and Pentland classified the emotions by
using a Fisher linear classifier (Roy and Pentland,
1996). Using short sentences, they have recognized
two kinds of emotions: approval and disapproval.
They obtained a precision going from 65% to 88%.
2.2.3 Emotion Recognition from Physiological
The analysis of physiological signals is another pos-
sible approach for emotion recognition (Healey and
Picard, 2000) (Picard et al., 2001). Several types of
physiological signals can be used to recognize emo-
tions. For example, heart rate, skin conductance,
muscle activity (EMG), temperature variations of the
skin, variation of blood pressure are signals regularly
used in this context (Lisetti and Nasoz, 2004) (Villon,
2007). Each signal is usually studied in conjunction
with other ones.
2.3 Multi-modal Emotion Recognition
Multi-modal emotion recognition requires the fu-
sion of collected data. Physiological signals are
then mixed with other signals collected through
human-machine interfaces such as video or in-
frared cameras (gestures, etc.), microphones (speech),
brain computer interfaces (BCIs) (Lisetti and Nasoz,
2004) (Sebe et al., 2005). Multi-modal information
fusion may be performed at different levels. Usually
the three following levels are considered (see Fig. 1):
Signal level, Feature level, and Decision or Concep-
tual level.
Fusing information at the signal level actually
means to mix two or more, generally electrical, sig-
nals. The signals are fused before extracting features
required by the decision maker. This method is not
possible on signals issued from different modalities
because of the difference regarding their nature. How-
ever, this method can improve accuracy by using mul-
tiple sensors for a single modality (Paleari and Lisetti,
2006) (fig. 1. a).
Fusing information at the feature level means to
mix together the features issued from different signal
processors. Features extracted from each modality
are fused before being passed to the decision maker
module. This is the fusion technique used by humans
while combining information from different modali-
ties (Pantic and Rothkrantz, 2003). The input signals
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
of the decision maker have to be synchronized. Not
all signals are present at the same time, but could be
dephased (fig. 1.b).
Combining information at the conceptual level
does not mean mixing together features or signals but
directly the extracted semantic information. The de-
cision from these modalities is then combined using
each apriori rule or machine learning technique. In
this technique, it is possible to extend each modality
independently before finally putting together the var-
ious decisions (fig. 1.c).
Decision level fusion of multi-modal information
is preferred by most researchers. Busso (Busso et al.,
2004) compared the feature level and the decision
level fusion techniques, observing that the overall per-
formance of the two approaches is the same.
Our goal is to propose a model allowing to analyze
various signals and to build a real-time emotion detec-
tion system based on multi-modal fusion. We aim to
identify the six universal emotions proposed by Ek-
man and Friesen (Ekman and Friesen, 1978) (anger,
disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and joy), to which
we add despise, stress, concentration and excitation.
3.1 System Architecture
The proposed platform aims to support real-time sim-
ulation (fig. 2) that allow emotion-based face-to-face
dialogue between an ECA (the virtual recruiter) and
a human (candidate). Different virtual environments
(office, lobby, bar, etc.) can be selected. In addition,
Figure 1: Three levels for multimodal fusion (Sharma et al.,
1998): a) data or signal level, b) feature level, c) decision
the selected ECA can have specific personality and
behavior (gentle, aggressive, passive, etc.)
Figure 2: Snapshot of interview simulation.
The ECA is able to communicate using gestures
and facial expressions. The interview follows a
script including a predefined number of topics to be
addressed during the interview. In order to make the
simulation more realistic and less predictable, the
ECA will adapt the predefined scenario depending on
the emotional state and current behavior of the can-
didate. The proposed platform is based on a specific
architecture extracted from the SAIBA (Situation,
Agent, Intention, Behavior, Animation) (Vilhjalms-
son et al., 2007) framework (see fig. 3):
Figure 3: Basic concept of SAIBA Framework.
The SAIBA model is split into three main modules,
from a high-level point of view:
The perception module (Intent Planning), allow-
ing the ECA to obtain information about its envi-
ronment and its interlocutor,
The decision module (Behavior Planning), which
chooses the best reaction according to what the
ECA perceives as well as other parameters do
such as its memory,
The action module or rendering (Behavior Real-
ization) that generates the behavior and the sen-
tences selected by the previous module.
The system architecture is not limited to an
ECA, these three modules are integrated into more
interconnected modules (see fig. 4):
AI module understands the decision engine of the
ECA (the Behavior planning), but also AI from the
Figure 4: System architecture.
environment. Similarly, the Graphical and Audio ren-
dering engine contains the rendering engine of our
virtual recruiter, but also the management of 3D en-
vironment display and User Graphical Interfaces (dis-
play of the connection screen, menus, etc.).
3.2 Human Computer Interfaces
Human-machine interfaces have two main objectives.
The first one consists in collecting data related to
the behavioral and emotional states of the candidate.
These data will be directly used to control the
reaction of the ECA during the interview session.
The main challenge is to identify and classify the
behavior and the emotional state of a candidate in
order to make them interpretable by the ECA. The
second objective is related to the ergonomic aspect of
the simulation. Thus human-machine interfaces have
to be non-intrusive in order to enable a high level of
immersion and not constraint the user movements.
The following interfaces and sensors have been
Brain computer interface: EPOC (fig. 5 (a));
Biofeedback sensor: Nonin (fig. 5 (b));
Microphone and webcam.
3.2.1 Modalities for Emotion Recognition
Human beings are able to communicate and express
emotions through various channels involving facial
expressions, speech, static and dynamic gestures (Pi-
card, 1995). Different signals and input modalities
have been considered:
1. Physiological Signals:
Facial Electromyography (EMG) : facial ex-
Electrocardiogram (ECG) : heartbeat-related
Electroencephalography (EEG) : discharge of
neurons in the brain,
The galvanic skin response (GSR) : electrical
resistance of the skin.
2. Speech: the user’s emotional state is estimated
through speech analysis (pitch, tone, speed).
3. Text: the user’s emotional state is estimated
through textual content.
4. Gestures: the user’s emotional state is estimated
through static and dynamic gestures.
Figure 5: Human-machine interfaces: (a) Emotiv EPOC,
(b) Nonin oximeter.
3.2.2 Annotation and Standardization
of Emotions
Emotion Mark-up Language (EmotionML) uses
XML for data and annotation information. XML
(Extensible Mark-up Language) is a general-purpose
specification for creating custom mark-up language.
XML includes a set of rules for encoding documents
in machine-readable format. It allows the user to
define the mark-up elements and facilitate the infor-
mation systems in sharing structured data. Luneski
and Bamidis proposed an XML annotation technique
for the emotional data (Luneski and Bamidis, 2007).
Wang also proposed the ecgML (ECG Mark-up Lan-
guage) to annotate ECG data during the acquisi-
tion (Wang et al., 2003).
The objective of EmotionML is to transcribe the
expression of emotions using XML language. It is
able to represent several types of emotions (basic
emotions, secondary emotions and the combination of
several emotions). It makes it possible to describe the
nature of emotions like intensity. This language is not
specific to a model or an approach, it is rather simple
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
and could be used to define beacons such as (<cate-
gory>, <appraisals>, <dimensions>). EmotionML
will be implemented as a communication protocol in
our framework.
3.3 Framework for Emotion
Our approach takes into account the multi-modal na-
ture of emotions and is therefore based on multi-
ple sensors and human-machine interfaces (cameras,
biofeedback sensors, microphones, brain computer
interfaces, etc.). A diagram of the proposed frame-
work is given in fig. 6. The framework has the fol-
lowing significant modules:
1. Feature extraction,
2. Feature selection/reduction,
3. Classification,
4. Decision fusion : Analyzer,
5. Information annotation.
Figure 6: Proposed model for emotion recognition.
Features of the collected data/signals will be ex-
tracted from all the channels and the most suitable
ones will be selected. Most data/signals are not pre-
pared i.e. are not identified and compared to the be-
havioral state to which they correspond. Thus, a clas-
sifier will accept the selected features and will pro-
ceed to the classification of individual input modal-
ities. All information related to classification re-
sults for the given stimuli and subject will be anno-
tated/stored using EmotionML.
The decision-fusion module (analyzer) will take
the decisions for all the individual channels and per-
form the data fusion to estimate the candidate emo-
tional state. Thus, the analyzer will integrate them
in a mathematical model (equation 1). In fact, as-
suming that the emotional state at time t depends on
the emotional state at time t 1, we will sum up
pondered data at two successive moments for each
human-machine interfaces related to a given emo-
tional state. Finally, the resulted emotions will be
stored using EmotionML.
Where f
: emotional state i (joy, surprise, fear,
sadness, anger, disgust, despise, stress, concentration,
n: represents the set of human-machine interfaces
related to the emotional state i.
: coefficient to be determined by experiments.
= 1
: user-defined coefficient.
: data annotation, filtered from input devices.
We presented a multi-modal immersive interactive
virtual environment (VE) to train for job interview.
The proposed platform aims to train candidates (stu-
dents, job hunters, etc.) to better master their emo-
tional state and behavioral skills. An Embodied Con-
versational Agent (ECA) will be used to enable real-
time immersive multi-modal and emotion-based sim-
ulations. In order to assess the emotional state of the
candidates, different human-machine interfaces and
bio-sensors have been proposed. In the near future we
will carry out some experiments to calibrate the HMIs
and identify the signals they provide for different
emotional situations. This work opens the way to new
possibilities in different areas such as professional or
medical applications, and contributes to the democra-
tization of new human-machine interfaces and tech-
niques for affective human-computer communication
and interaction.
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PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems