Anna Stavrianou
Laboratoire ERIC, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université de Lyon, Lyon, France
Magdalini Eirinaki
Computer Engineering Department, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, U.S.A.
Forum, Recommender systems, Social networks, Web personalization.
Web2.0 has resulted in an increasing popularity of personalized recommender systems, especially in the con-
text of social networking applications. Although there exist design approaches available for such systems,
most of them make very explicit assumptions on the application domain as well as on the availability and data
types to be used as input. In this position paper, we discuss the requirements and challenges of Forum Rec-
ommender Systems. Such systems aim at generating automatically posting recommendations for the different
user profiles that deal with a forum. Despite the fact that these systems share characteristics with other social
media, they have hardly been explored due to the particularities they present in terms of structure, context
and user differences. Here, we discuss the particularities of Forum Recommender Systems and we propose
a framework that enables the gathering of profile data and the generation of posting recommendations. The
proposed framework can also be adjusted to other social networks.
The blogosphere, the forums, the web newsgroups,
the social network sites aggregate masses of user-
generated and personalized data. Nowadays, data
such as social network relationships (e.g., friendship)
and respective ratings/opinions are employed to rec-
ommend items (Guy et al., 2009; Konstas et al., 2009;
Massa and Avesani, 2007) or users (Kunegis et al.,
2009; Leskovec et al., 2010; Varlamis et al., 2010;
Weng et al., 2010). The recommended items may
be news stories, blog posts, or communities and the
recommended users may be bloggers, or likely-to-be-
friends, depending on the context.
A big challenge of nowadays is the design and the
evaluation of personalized systems and recommender
applications in the context of social networking me-
dia. Although many approaches exist, most of them
make specific assumptions on the application domain
as well as on the availability and type of data to be
used as input. However, questions such as, “How can
we design a system so as to enable the gathering of
profile data?”, “What characteristics do we have to
take into account?”, “Howcan we evaluate such a sys-
tem?”, have not been answered in a systematic way.
In this position paper, we propose a generic frame-
work that addresses the aforementioned challenges,
focusing on Forum Recommender Systems. Al-
though, nowadays, the forum Web sites provide so-
cial networking functionality such as, who is fan of
whom, whether a user is popular, etc., this social net-
work (SN) information, although available, is hardly
used for purposes other than statistical or purely in-
formative. We focus on formulating the framework
that forums should be based on and the information
that should be gathered from forum web sites in order
to facilitate the implementation of a Forum Recom-
mender System.
We begin by defining the characteristics of a Fo-
rum Recommender System, then, in Section 3, we
discuss the requirements based on the different user
types and tasks. Section 4 presents profiling users and
items, while in Section 5 challenges and open issues
are discussed. Related work is in Section 6, and the
conclusion in Section 7. We should note that since
forums share common characteristics with other so-
cial media, such as, user connectivity, shared author-
ship, tagging, and reviewing/commenting, the pro-
posed framework can be easily adjusted to other so-
cial networks as well.
Stavrianou A. and Eirinaki M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003400303600365
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 360-365
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Our objectiveis to define a frameworkthat enables the
generation of recommendations in forums. For this
purpose we have to consider a set of design features
which implicitly generate data that can be mined in
order to create user profiles and/or input in the recom-
mendation process. These are characteristics that are
common to any social networking application whose
actors author texts. Here, we focus on forums.
A forum can be represented by a graph whose
nodes show the users, and the edges may represent
various types of relationships. In the simple case, an
undirected edge between two nodes implies that two
users have posted on the same thread. Expanding to
a directed graph introduces follow-up discussions or
enriches the graph with social relationships, such as
sharing of information. By applying social network
analysis algorithms, we can mine interesting infor-
mation regarding the position and importance of each
user in the graph (e.g. by using degree/betweenness
centrality, or variations of PageRank).
Authorship is a major component of forums.
Users author postings and may also comment or aug-
ment other users’ postings too. These postings which
are on average much lengthier than any other social
network’s counterpart, are rich in terms of content,
context, they may contain different subtopics, and
also express specific sentiments/opinions.
Forums keep evolving and changing with time.
Thus, postings that may be popular at a certain time
period, may be displaced by other postings some min-
utes afterwards. Similarly, the location of the user in
the network, her role or the degree of interaction of
users may change at any time.
Based on these characteristics, we define a
“Forum Recommender System” (FRS) based on
the recommendation problem (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005):
Definition 1. Let us consider a forum F having a set
of postings P. A Forum Recommender System is a
system that recommends a subset P
P of postings
to a user usr such that the utility u of the user is the
= argmax
, usr) (1)
The utility function represents the satisfaction of the
user regarding how interesting a posting is.
The definition of an FRS points out the presence
of different user roles and tasks (i.e. why they need
a recommendation) in a forum. Different users have
different requirements and needs from a system that
recommends postings.
In this section we discuss the requirements of an FRS
system per type of user.
3.1 End User
An end user is a user that browses and navigates the
forum. She desires to understand the gist of what has
been discussed and participate as well. Due to the
abundance of information, it is evident that the sys-
tem needs to generate recommendations of postings,
in order to facilitate navigation.
A FRS accessed by an end-user should be able to
comply with the following requirements:
Recommended items:
The system should recommend a number of forum
postings to a user.
The number of the recommended postings should
not exceed a certain threshold which could be ei-
ther user-defined or user-friendly.
Access/Usability of recommendations:
The recommendations should ideally be accompa-
nied by the location of the posting in a forum. If
the user is interested in the recommended posting
she should be able to follow the thread, the replies
to this posting or to what this posting replies to.
The system should allow the user to browse the
results quickly (e.g. show the beginning of the
text content of each recommendation).
The user should be able to access the recom-
mended postings quickly (e.g. by clicking on
The system should visualize the recommendations
in a user-intuitive way.
The system could recommend postings from a list
of topic-related forums. Thus, the user would be
encouraged to visit different forums on the same
topic whose existence may have ignored.
These requirements apply also to the other user
roles and tasks, since efficient browsing of forums is
a requirement for any type of user.
3.2 Forum Administrator
A forum administrator is responsible for the content
of the forum in terms of guiding and supervising its
flow. She wants to know how the discussion has
evolved, which postings have caused a lot of reac-
tions, in which parts of the discussion people argue,
etc. In order to assist this user, the FRS should make
available the selection of content-based criteria, as
outlined in the following requirements:
The system should recommend postings that con-
tain certain (user-provided) keywords.
The system should recommend postings that be-
long to specific topics.
The system should recommend “controversial”
postings, where people seem to have disputed
over a point or a subject.
The system should recommend postings that are
considered “interesting”, “uninteresting”, etc. In
this way, the rejection of hostile, insulting or spam
postings becomes more efficient.
3.3 Analyst
Forum analysts are also interested in the content of
the forum. The challenges such users face involve lo-
cating the relevant information, and subsequently ac-
cessing and analyzing the useful portions related to
it. It is evident that for the analyst the most impor-
tant aspect of forum discussions is the opinions of the
forum participants. Thus, in addition to the aforemen-
tioned end-user requirements, this user category’s re-
quirements include the following:
The system should recommend postings which
contain “positive” or “negative” comments for a
certain (user-defined) product/subject.
The system should recommend sets of postings
where participants seem to agree or disagree over
a specific (user-defined) subject.
The system should recommend postings authored
by forum “influencers” or experts.
In this Section we focus on the construction of user
and item profiles that characterize an FRS.
4.1 Profiling Non-participants
Users who have not yet participated in a forum are
more challenging to profile, since we have little, or
no explicit knowledge about them.
4.1.1 Implicit Preferences
An FRS should be designed in such a way that allows
the gathering of implicit data. For instance, it may fa-
cilitate the tracking of the postings that the user clicks
on, assuming that these are postings the user selects
to read (Stavrianou, 2010).
Posting Content. By analyzing the content of the
read posts, the FRS can infer the information the user
is interested in. As a result, the recommendation list
can be updated with postings similar in content or
topic to the clicked ones.
Posting NavigationDepth. Navigating on the same
thread by clicking on various posts, increases the de-
gree of certainty about the user’s interest on the spe-
cific content/topic. This is in turn reflected in the rec-
ommendation process by re-ranking the results plac-
ing the most relevant ones higher on the list.
Duration. An FRS could also monitor the time the
user spends on a posting, by logging the time differ-
ence between two clicks. Of course, the time lap can
lead us to erroneous conclusions, since a user may not
necessarily be dealing with the clicked posting before
he clicks somewhere else. For this reason, the time
lap should be used cautiously and always in combina-
tion with other behavioral user attitudes.
Uninterest. An FRS can even log the postings not
chosen by the user. This information may reveal the
topics or style of postings the user is not interested in
so as to avoid their recommendation.
4.1.2 Explicit Preferences
Apart from the implicit ways to monitor a user, we
can also use explicit ones in order to build her profile.
Profile Preferences. The FRS could allow the user
to set certain criteria. The profile characteristics
could be topic-related. For instance the user may se-
lect which thematic areas are of interest for her (e.g.
World Economy and Technology) and/or which are
not. The user may be able to update this profile. The
profile can be also implicitly updated by the postings
the user actually reads.
Moreover, depending on the user’s role and task,
a user could choose between spam postings, post-
ings with negative comments, etc. These preferences
could be logged in the profile of the user together
with their frequencies (i.e. how often they are de-
manded), or could be stored permanently and only
changed when the user chooses to do so.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Posting Feedback/Ratings. The user can be given
the possibility to tag the postings she reads as to
whether they are interesting or not. In order to achieve
this, we need to include a ranking system in the web
site of the forum. In this case, the system should clar-
ify to the user the meaning of tagging a news story or
a product with a “thumbs up" or a “thumbs down" (or
a more extensive rating, e.g. in the scale of 1-5 stars).
Recommendation Feedback/Ratings. Finally,
once the system starts generating posting recommen-
dations, a user may provide feedback on whether
these recommendations are useful or not. This func-
tionality is similar to the one of posting feedback and
requires a similar mechanism to gather information.
4.2 Profiling Participants
A user who is already an author in the forum, ag-
gregates in her profile the information of a non-
participant. Additional information can also be gath-
ered resulting from the user’s own activity.
Authored Content. The postings which are au-
thored by the user give an indication of the topics that
the user is interested in. Similarly, the content of the
postings to which the user has replied (or not replied),
can show the interests (or non-interests) of the user in
the particular forum.
Social Network Relationships. Regarding the
reply-activity, the behavior of an author can also be
tracked in the context of the SN. If, for example, a par-
ticipant tends to always reply to the same person, the
recommendations can be updated to include postings
sent by the particular person. These postings may be
located in another thread of the forum not yet visited
by the specific user.
Expertise/Influence. Identification of the user’s ex-
pertise or influence (Agarwal and Liu, 2008; Estévez
et al., 2007; Kale et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2007),
could re-arrange the recommendations so that post-
ings adjusted to the role of the participant are given
priority to in the recommendation list. An expert, for
example, maybe be more eager to answer to questions
and a non-expert will be more interested to receive an-
swers written by experts.
4.3 Profiling Postings
The item profiles of a FRS refer to the profiles of the
different postings. These profiles can mainly contain
semantic information such as keywords and opinion
polarity information.
Keywords. The keywords extracted from a posting
give information about its topic. The challenge in
the case of forum postings is that the text can be so
small that Text Mining techniques based on keywords
(Mooney and Bunescu, 2006) cannot always work ef-
ficiently. Additionally, there is often a forum-specific
vocabulary used.
Opinion Polarity. The opinion polarity of a posting
could automatically be retrieved by Opinion Mining
methods (Ding and Liu, 2007; Ghose et al., 2007; Hu
and Liu, 2004; Turney and Littman, 2003). Know-
ing the opinion polarity enables their recommenda-
tion to users who desire to have an opinion-oriented
overview, positive or negative, of what has been said
about a product, an idea or a topic.
Timestamp Information. The “age” of a posting
and its temporal distance between other postings in
the same or other forums, together with the opinion
mining can give an indication of the opinion flow or
exchange between forum postings.
It is evident from the aforementioned analysis that the
design and implementation of a Forum Recommender
System raises many challenges. We discuss the most
important of them in this section.
User Profiling. Although a user profile with some
basic user characteristics (e.g. age, gender) can easily
be kept into a database, a profile that contains infor-
mation regarding what makes a message interesting
for a user or not, is not easily catered for. Profiling
information needs to be constantly updated, since the
interests of a user change, as well as her expertise.
Being interested in a topic today does not necessarily
mean that a user desires to receive recommendations
for the same topic all the time. In addition, a user that
is considered expert for answering certain questions
in a forum can be “outsmarted” by another user who
joined recently the SN.
Influencers. Influential users play a key role in
spreading information. A simple way to measure in-
fluence is by using the structure of the SN and apply
measures such as, centrality or prestige (PageRank).
Lately, other activity/profile parameters (e.g. number
and frequency of posts, comments, etc.) have been
studied in the context of blogs (Agarwal et al., 2008)
and social networks (Kim and Han, 2009). Measur-
ing influence in a forum presents a unique challenge;
influence is strongly related to trust: how much do we
trust the opinion of a user in a specific topic. Trust is
context specific and this discrimination is important
in the FRS context: we might trust a user’s opinion
on world politics, but not on financial matters. Thus,
the “influence” of a user is context-related. Another
challenge that needs to be addressed is defining each
user’s “circle of trust” among the users of a forum.
Interest of a Posting. Defining the interest of a
message per user or user-community is not easy. Is
it the content or the author that makes a post inter-
esting? What makes a posting more interesting than
another? From the content point of view, the opinion
presence, the way the arguments are presented as well
as the type of arguments may make it interesting. On
the other hand a post authored by an expert or an in-
fluencer has an increased weight of interest indepen-
dent of the actual content. Modeling and measuring
the interest of a posting has not yet been dealt with.
Opinion Mining. The postings of a forum may con-
tain opinions about products, ideas, proposals, social
and economic changes. The presence of opinion in
forums can be used as a criterion for recommending
interesting messages. Until now the Opinion Mining
techniques deal with the identification of the polar-
ity and its strength, but they do not, yet, consider the
opinion flow between two posts or the opinion ex-
change between two people. The opinion-based in-
formation flow has an impact on the way the opinion
changes and on the evolution of the discourse.
User Similarities. The most common technique
used in recommender systems is collaborative filter-
ing. The same algorithms can be applied in the con-
text of FRS. The challenge, in this case, is how to
model users and the similarity among them. A naive
way would be to assume two users to be similar if
they comment on the same posts. However, this ap-
proach excludes the notion of opinion, discussed pre-
viously. Two users are similar if they have the same
opinion on the same (or similar) topics. Thus there
are two parameters that need to be considered in the
FRS context: content as well as opinion polarity.
Visualization. One design issue is how to present
the recommendation list to the users. Navigating
quickly to the chosen recommendations that corre-
spond to the user criteria or interests becomes an is-
sue, especially when the posts are long and the related
forum contains hundreds of postings. Visualization
techniques need to be studied in order to represent
a forum together with the posts-related recommenda-
tion list, allowing at the same time the user to browse
efficiently the posts given the recommendations.
Evaluation. Evaluating recommender systems is
not easy (Herlocker et al., 2004). In the case of FRS,
the evaluation is an important issue since each forum
has a different distribution of users and postings, dif-
ferent content and style of language used. Implicitly,
we could monitor the behavior of users towards the
recommendation list. If they actually click on the pro-
posed postings, this could be an initial indication that
they find them interesting, depending on how much
time they do spend on them, or whether they actually
follow the specific discussion thread. Otherwise, we
could explicitly ask users to rate the postings. Evalu-
ation techniques need to be studied carefully, since no
benchmark exists for the time being.
A personalized forum environment may use method-
ologies from various domains. In (Kunegis et al.,
2009; Leskovec et al., 2010), several algorithms are
proposed for the recommendation problem, based on
content similarity, social link information, and com-
mon items among users. The proposed models are
only applicable to social networking applications and
not other social media. In the case of blogs, ranking
algorithms have been suggested that exploit explicit
(Nakajima et al., 2005) and/or implicit (Kritikopou-
los et al., 2006; Adar et al., 2004) hyperlinks between
blogs. A similar effort is presented in (Weng et al.,
2010), while a more generic model has been presented
in (Varlamis et al., 2010).
Identifying influencers in a SN is often modeled
as a combinatorial optimization problem: given a
fixed number of nodes find the ones with maximum
influence over the network (Domingos and Richard-
son, 2001). The proposed approaches (Estévez et al.,
2007; Kimura et al., 2008; Kempe et al., 2003) are
based on the link structure, and do not consider pa-
rameters, such as activity, rate of updates, and trust
among users. Link analysis techniques (Song et al.,
2007) and activity-related parameters have been used
in order to identify influencers in blogs (Agarwal
et al., 2008) and social networks (Kim and Han,
2009). Recently, trust has also been introduced in
the context of recommender systems (Golbeck, 2006;
Golbeck, 2005; Massa and Avesani, 2007), and trust
propagation has been studied in the case of virtual
communities (Guha et al., 2004; O’Donovan, 2009;
Ziegler, 2009).
The need of the use of opinion mining techniques
is evident due to the opinion that resides inside review
sites, blogs and forums. The majority of approaches,
such as (Hu and Liu, 2004; Ding and Liu, 2007), use
a seed list of adjectives and they attempt to identify
the relation between the words in a text and those of
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the seed list. An original approach is proposed in
(Ghose et al., 2007) where the opinion is inferred by
observing the effect of user comments found in a rep-
utation system on the prices of the products sold.
Forum Recommender Systems may use knowledge
and techniques from various research fields such as
the generation of recommendations in social net-
works, the presence of influence, the trust propaga-
tion. Although much work has been done in identify-
ing and incorporating these notions in other types of
social media, there does not exist an in-depth study
of how they can be incorporated in the context of
forums. This paper provides the researchers with a
generic framework and outlines the main challenges
and open areas that still need to be explored.
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