Clifton Phua, Kelvin Sim and Jit Biswas
Institute for Infocomm Research, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
1 Fusionopolis Way, #21-01, Connexis (South Tower), 138632 Singapore
Multiple people, Activity recognition, Ambient intelligence, Sensors and sensor networks.
Activity recognition of a single person in a smart space, using simple sensors, has been an ongoing research
problem for the past decade, as simple sensors are cheap and non-intrusive. Recently, there is rising interest
on multiple people activity recognition (MPAT) in a smart space with simple sensors, because it is common
to have more than one person in real-world environments. We present the existing approaches of MPAT, such
as Hidden Markov Models, and the available multiple people activities datasets. In our experiments, we show
that surprisingly, without the use of existing approaches of MPAT, even standard classification techniques can
yield high accuracy. We conclude that this is due to a set of assumptions that hold for the datasets that we
used and this may be unrealistic in real life situations. Finally, we discuss the open challenges of MPAT, when
these set of assumptions do not hold.
Activity recognition aims to recognize the intention
or actions of one or more people/residents. Their in-
tentions are inferred from a series of sensed obser-
vations on the actions of the people/residents and the
environmental conditions. It is also known as plan, in-
tent, or behavior recognition. Depending on the appli-
cation, good activity recognition requires the careful
selection and use of hardware/sensor-based and soft-
ware/algorithmic combinations, in order to produce
cheap but accurate outcomes.
For the identification of the activities of different
people, we can use either complex sensors or simple
ones. Complex sensors employ technologies such as
Ultra Wide Band (UWB) and Radio Frequency Identi-
fication (RFID) to reliably distinguish the identities of
people without much inference (that is, learning and
predicting each person’s movement and activity pat-
terns). However, complex sensors are generally ex-
pensive, and requires people to wear sensors or tags,
which can be intrusive to the privacy of the people. In
simple sensors, inference is required on the identifi-
cation of the activities of the different people, and a
combination of simple sensors is usually needed for
reliable and accurate inferences, as they have limited
sensing range. However, they are cheap, and are less
intrusive to the privacy of the people. Examples of
simple sensors are motion detectors, contact switches,
pressure mats, and vibration sensors.
Almost all prior activity recognition work using
simple sensors is on a single person, but it makes
more sense in recognition of activities of multiple
people, as humans are social creatures and it is com-
mon to have more than one person in an environment.
Recently, multiple people recognition algorithms are
developed in the area of computer vision, which use
video cameras in outdoor or common environments.
For example, there are some computer vision works in
nursing home, where multiple people interactions in
the corridor and dining room are monitored by video
cameras and microphones (Chen et al., 2007; Haupt-
mann et al., 2004). However in many indoor and pri-
vate environments, the use of video cameras is not
practical due to:
computational constraints
privacy concerns (such as in the home and office
budgetary limitations (such as high unit, installa-
tion, maintenance cost of each video camera; and
situations usually require multiple units), and
accuracy challenges (such as distance from cam-
era, occlusion, and requirement of correct facial
and gait alignment to camera).
Phua C., Sim K. and Biswas J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003399902240231
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Multiple People Activity Recognition (MPAR) us-
ing simple sensors is an emerging and multi-faceted
research area; closely related to ambient intelligence,
sensor networks, and data mining. Its key application
is in home-based elderly care due to the availability
of realistic simple sensor data of normal people living
in smart homes, and also the reporting of good results
by some algorithms in this application.
Common sense tells us that MPAR is more com-
plex than the single person version due to the addi-
tional task of assigning the recognized activity to one
of the n number of people. However, contrary to con-
ventional wisdom, we show that MPAR using many
simple sensors can be trivial. In other words, if we
relax a number of assumptions in the current state-of-
the-art studies, such as using very few simple sensors
or reduce the dependency on person-specific activity
labels for training, the existing techniques will yield
either poor results or are infeasible to use.
This rest of this paper is organized as follows.
First, we introduce existing approaches. Second, we
list some available datasets, mostly in home-based el-
derly care applications. We apply the simplest tech-
niques on the simplest dataset, and present early re-
sults to support our argument. Finally, we present and
describe four open challenges in MPAR using sim-
ple sensors. This is in hope to see more researchers
working on this interesting area of research, new tech-
niques which address these open challenges, or be-
come our future work.
2.1 Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)
The hidden Markov model (HMM) is the most com-
mon approach used for activity recognition of multi-
ple people in smart spaces (Panangadan et al., 2010;
Cook et al., 2010; Crandall and Cook, 2009; Singla
et al., 2010; Wilson and Atkeson, 2005). The HMM is
a suitable approach, as it can probabilistically model
the complexities and dynamics of the activities of the
multiple people in a smart space. Each person’s ac-
tivities (Chiang et al., 2010) or each activity (Cook
and Schmitter-Edgecombe, 2009) can be represented
as a Markov model, as the assumption is that dif-
ferent activities map to distinct probability distribu-
tions. The Markov model is shown to have slightly
better accuracy that the naive Bayes classifier (Cook
Person 1
consuming meal
(State 1)
Person 2
Watching TV
(State 3)
Person 1
taking medication
(State 2)
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
Sensor 3
Sensor 4
Sensor 5
Figure 1: Example of a HMM modeling the activities of
multiple people in a smart space. The activities of multiple
people are represented as hidden states (circles) and sensor
values are represented as observations. The edge labeled
with a
i j
is the transition probability from hidden state i to
hidden state j, while the edge labeled with b
i j
is emission
probability of generating observation j in hidden state i.
and Schmitter-Edgecombe, 2009), probably due to its
ability to capture sequence information.
Figure 1 shows an example of a HMM for activ-
ity recognition of multiple people. The HMM con-
sists of hidden states and observable states. In the
context of activity recognition, the activities are mod-
eled as a Markov process, and they are represented as
the hidden states, as the activities are not directly ob-
servable. The sensors values are modeled as observa-
tions, which are generated from the hidden states. The
edges between the hidden states denote the transition
probability between states (activities), while the edges
from the hidden states to the observations denote the
emission probabilities of generating the observations
in the hidden states.
The HMM is first trained with the training data,
and the Viterbi algorithm is used to detect the activi-
ties. Given a sequence of observations (sensors read-
ings), the Viterbi algorithm is used to find the most
likely sequence of hidden states (activities) that re-
sults in the given sequence of observations.
Note that the example shown in Fig. 1 is a simple
example of how HMM is used, and different papers
describe different variations of HMM to solve their
own specific problems. For example, to detect human
interaction, a HMM is used to model each person’s
activities, and two HMMs/people’s activities are com-
bined by considering the relationship between them;
while parallel HMM does not consider any relation-
ship (Chiang et al., 2010).
Although HMM is a popular approach in activity
recognition, it has some limitations. First, HMM is
not scalable to model large and complex smart spaces.
As each activity of a person is modeled as a hidden
state, a large number of activities and people will lead
to an explosion of hidden states of HMM, which will
decrease the efficiency of the model. Moreover, the
Viterbi algorithm is a dynamic programming algo-
rithm - expensive in running time and memory space.
Second, the activities and the number of people in
the smart space must be known prior to the training
of the model. Hence, the training data must be accu-
rately labeled, which can be a time consuming process
if manual annotating is used.
Third, HMM does not exclusively exploit the
knowledge of multiple people to improve its accuracy,
as it treats each hidden state equally, even though it is
obvious that hidden states that correspond to a per-
son should be related. Hence, there is no difference in
modeling the activities of a person and the activities
of multiple people.
Fourth, HMM has the stationary assumption,
which means that the state transition probabilities do
not change over time as system evolves. This is not
realistic as activities of people may evolve over time,
particularly for home-based elderly with dementia.
2.2 Emerging Patterns
Emerging patterns for activity recognition of multi-
ple people has been proposed (Gu et al., 2009b). Let
there be n datasets D
,... , D
, where each dataset cor-
responds to the sensors readings of a person in the
smart space. Each row R of a dataset D
is the sensor
readings of a continuous period of time, which cor-
responds to an activity. Each sensor and its reading
is represented as an item, and so a row R represents
a set of items. Let X be a pattern, which is a sub-
set of row R. The support of pattern X, sup
(X), is
(X)/|D|, where occ
(X) is number of rows in D
containing X, and |D| is total number of rows in D.
Definition 1. Let D
and D
be datasets of two people
i and j respectively. The growth rate of a pattern X
from D
to D
is defined as GrowthRate(X ) =
In special situations, GrowthRate(X) = 0 if
(X) = 0 and sup
(X) = 0, and GrowthRate(X) =
if sup
(X) = 0 and sup
(X) > 0.
Definition 2. Given a growth rate threshold ρ > 1, a
pattern X is an emerging pattern from a background
dataset D
to a target dataset D
if GrowthRate(X)
An emerging pattern X with high support in tar-
get dataset D
and low support in other background
datasets D
can be considered as a ‘signature’ of per-
son j doing a particular activity. Therefore, for each
person, each activity has its set of emerging patterns.
Gu et al. then use these sets of emerging patterns to
detect activities of multiple people in the smart space.
Using emerging patterns for activity recognition
has some common weakness with HMM, such as
the necessity that the activities and number of peo-
ple must be known and the assumption that the activ-
ities of people do not evolve over time. Beside these,
another weakness of emerging patterns is its sensitiv-
ity to the parameter ρ. Setting the appropriate ρ is a
difficult task as it is not semantically meaningful and
the user will most likely set it based on his or her bi-
ased assumptions. Thus, the emerging patterns are
determined by the user, and they are not necessarily
patterns that are intrinsically prominent in the data.
2.3 Filters
Rao-Blackwellised particle filter has been applied
in MPAR using only motion detectors and contact
switches (Wilson and Atkeson, 2005). The reported
activity recognition accuracy is high - about 98% for
2-people and 85% for 3-people. Sigma-point Kalman
filters have been proposed to fuse Infra Red sen-
sors and binary foot-switches to track multiple people
(Paul and Wan, 2008).
MPAR using simple sensors are used in a wide range
of applications, such as home-based elderly care, as-
sistance of sick and disabled, environmental moni-
toring, security-related applications, logistics support,
and location-based services.
Of the above applications, home-based elderly
care is probably the most important and is the fo-
cus of this paper. This is because proven technology
from MPAR using simple sensors can deliver large
social and commercial impact. The social impact is
to mitigate aging population and effects, particularly
in developed countries. There are so many elderly to
care for, but so few carers. For example, there is in-
sufficient supply of nursing homes, trained geriatric
nurses and doctors to handle the demand. The com-
mercial impact is also significant. Long term home
care and nursing home information systems market
are projected to triple by 2016. The current home care
and nursing home technology is applicable only to a
single person, and key companies involved are Quiet-
Care (GE Healthcare), Grandcare, and HealthSense.
3.1 Available Datasets
In Table 1, we describe and compare 6 MPAR datasets
which and can be either downloaded from the Web or
requested from the relevant researchers. The features
are these 6 datasets are:
Dataset ID refers to our naming convention
where the last two digits refer to the year
the data was collected. Most datasets are
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Table 1: Some Available Datasets For Multiple People Activity Recognition Using Simple Sensors.
Dataset ID n People
Sensor profile Activity profile Location
Label profile
TWOR09 (Cook
and Schmitter-
Edgecombe, 2009)
2 1 couple,
1 dog
4 types of sensors
(pressure, RFID,
motion, door),
about 90 sensors
about 8 2-people
activities of daily
living, about 800
occurrences for
about 2 months
all locations
in home
only activities la-
TWORSUMMER09 2 same as
in addition to
TWOR09, 2 more
types of sensors
about 4-5 2-people
activities of daily
same as
same as TWOR09
TULUM09 2 1 couple 2 types of sensors
(motion, tempera-
ture), about 18 sen-
about 2 2-people
activities of daily
living, about 1000
occurrences for
about 3 months
(pantry, din-
ing, living
same as TWOR09
CAIRO09 2 same as
2 types of sensors
(motion, tempera-
ture), about 30 sen-
about 3 2-people
activities of daily
living, about 600
occurrences for
about 2 months
same as
same as TWOR09
(Yamazaki and
Toyomura, 2008)
2 1 elderly
couple in
3 types of sensors
(pressure, RFID,
motion), about
1800 sensors
unknown 2-people
activities of daily
living for about 16
same as
no labels (video
provided for label-
WMD07 (Wren
et al., 2007)
>2 many re-
1 type of sensor
(motion), about
200 sensors
unknown n-people
office activities for
about a year
research lab-
oratory over
2 floors
no labels (map,
calendar, weather
data provided for
from Washington State University’s CASAS lab’s
The CASAS datasets, TWOR09, TWORSUM-
MER09, TULUM09, CAIRO09, were all col-
lected in 2009. More of their datasets, such as KY-
OTO and PARIS, have recently been made avail-
able online (Cook and Schmitter-Edgecombe,
2009). YAMAZAKI05 and WMD07 datasets
are available from the researchers (Yamazaki and
Toyomura, 2008; Wren et al., 2007), and are the
largest datasets in terms of size and duration. The
datasets used in the publications (Sim et al., 2010;
Phua et al., 2009) can also be made available upon
n is the number of people known to be in the
dataset. Most of the multiple people datasets con-
tain activities of mostly two people-of-interest;
but there can be more than two entities captured
by sensors, such as pets, visiting guests, and maid.
People profile is typically a couple, except for
WMD07, which has many researchers/visitors.
All sensor profiles include motion sensors. The
number of deployed sensors range from 18 to
1,800, where the majority are motion sensors.
As for activity profile, the CASAS datasets typi-
cally have several activities with several hundred
occurrences over a few months. YAMAZAKI05
and WMD07 datasets span 16 days and 1 year re-
All activity recognition datasets are for home-
based elderly care, except for WMD07, which is
based on the office environment.
All CASAS datasets have people-specific activity
labels, while the rest are unlabeled.
In the next two subsections, using the TWOR09
dataset with activities from two residents R1 and R2,
we demonstrate that MPAR using a large number of
simple sensors can be trivial.
3.2 Data Preprocessing of TWOR09
On the left side of Figure 2, the sensor layout for the
upper and ground floor of the smarthome is shown.
The sensors can categorized by:
Mxx - motion sensor
Ixx - item sensor for selected items in the kitchen
Dxx - door sensor
AD1-A - burner sensor, AD1-B - hot water sensor,
AD1-C - cold water sensor
Txx - temperature sensors (not used in TWOR09)
P001 - electricity usage (not used in TWOR09)
(Cook and Schmitter-Edgecombe, 2009)
Figure 2: Sensor Layout in TWOR09 Dataset Smarthome (Cook and Schmitter-Edgecombe, 2009) and Some Person-Specific
Activity Labels from WEKA.
On the right side of Figure 2, the bar chart shows
16 person-specific activity labels displayed using
WEKA (Hall et al., 2009). For example, R1 SLEEP
and R2 SLEEP are considered two separate activi-
ties. Most of the activities are preparing meals, eating,
working, and sleeping; more than 80% of activities
usually occur > 20 times.
On the left side of Figure 3, the raw TWOR09
data consists of 138,039 sensor events, 502 activity
events, and 4 features. The raw features are times-
tamped with millisecond, sensor ID, sensor state, and
the start/end label of activity event. The processed ac-
tivity label is also transformed from a descriptive label
to a nominal number starting from 0. For example,
R2 GROOM is transformed by WEKA into number
9. The right side of Figure 3 shows there are 184 pro-
cessed TWOR09 features, each representing a sensor
state and the value is the sensor state frequency for a
particular activity event. For example, R2 GROOM
triggers M48 and M50 which are motion sensors pre-
sumably in the master bedroom.
3.3 Experiment Results on TWOR09
We used a range of techniques for MPAR on the pro-
cessed TWOR09 dataset, and we report results from
classification algorithms (Naive Bayes, C4.5 Deci-
sion Tree, Support Vector Machine using sequential
minimal optimization) with default parameters from
WEKA (Hall et al., 2009). We also tried cluster-
ing (expectation maximization), and association rules
(Apriori), but their results are too insignificant to be
reported. The 3 subsets we used for 10-fold cross-
validated experiments were:
all 16 activities, 502 activity events
13 activities, each with at least
20 events (removed CLEANING,
and WASH BATHTUB), 490 activity events
3 activities, each with at least 40 events (left with
R1 WORK AT COMPUTER), 148 activity
Table 2: Classification Accuracy.
Activities Naive C4.5 Support
Bayes Decision Vector
Tree Machine
16 77.9% 76.5% 75.9%
13 80.8% 75.7% 75.9%
3 100% 100% 95.9%
Table 2 shows that Naive Bayes and C4.5 decision
tree classifiers can achieve 100% accuracy in the 3
most common activities. Algorithm 1 shows the ac-
curate and simple decision tree rules for the 3 most
common activities.
Algorithm 1: C4.5 Rules on 3 Activities.
if M37OF 0 then
if M45ON 3 then
if M45ON > 3 then
if M37OF > 0 then
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Figure 3: Snapshots of Raw TWOR09 Data (Cook and Schmitter-Edgecombe, 2009) and Processed TWOR09 Data for
Classification from WEKA.
In other words, MPAR using simple sensors can
be very accurate if 3 assumptions are true:
there are many simple sensors
there is availability of people-specific activity la-
there are few activities with high number of events
In the next section, we discuss if the above 3 as-
sumptions do not hold true.
4.1 Handling Noisier Data with Fewer
Sensor readings are known to be noisy, as sensors
are prone to breakdown and give erroneous read-
ings. Readings will be even noisier with fewer sen-
sors. Hence it is crucial that activity recognition ap-
proaches are able to handle noisy data. To the best
of our knowledge, existing MPAR approaches do not
handle noisy data, and this problem is yet to be solved
even in activity recognition of single person. A possi-
ble solution is to treat the data in a probabilistic man-
ner and represent the data as probability distributions,
which is known as uncertain data. There is ongo-
ing research on data mining techniques for uncertain
data (Aggarwal and Yu, 2009), and techniques such
as classification and clustering for uncertain data may
be used for activity recognition in noisy data.
4.2 Less Dependency on Training and
The paradigm of existing approaches requires a train-
ing phase on their models using a set of training data.
This training data is collected from multiple people in
the smart space where the model is to be deployed,
with the assumption that the group of people in the
smart space is unchanged after model deployment.
There are two weakness to this paradigm. First,
the model needs to be trained when deployed in a
smart space. Hence, the model is overfitting the smart
space that it is trained on, and not on other smart
spaces. A possible solution is to develop a model
which is able to detect the activities of multiple people
in a general sense, so that the model can be deployed
across different smart spaces. A good start in this area
is by (Rashidi and Cook, 2009), which proposed the
usage of transfer learning in activity recognition of
a single person. In transfer learning, knowledge or
models from other smart spaces can be exploited to
train the model of a targeted smart space, so that the
trained model is accurate and not overfitted.
Second, this paradigm requires collection of train-
ing data from the smart space, and depending on
the model, the data collection may range from min-
utes (Sim et al., 2010) to weeks (Crandall and Cook,
2009). Hence, this paradigm is not practical for large
deployment in multiple smart spaces. Moreover, the
training data has to be annotated in order for the
model to understand it, and annotation of the data
is usually manual and laborious work (Sim et al.,
2010). Various studies addressed it with visualization
or calendar/diary of activities (Szewcyzk et al., 2009;
Wren et al., 2007) after data collection, video match-
ing (Sim et al., 2010; Phua et al., 2009; Yamazaki
and Toyomura, 2008) after data collection, or actors
pressing their identity button on the keypad during
data collection (Wilson and Atkeson, 2005).
4.3 Incorporating Complex Situations
The existing approaches do not recognize activities of
multiple people in complex situations. In complex sit-
uations, a person may perform his or her activities in
interleaved or concurrent manner. In interleaved ac-
tivities, a person may perform two or more activities
by switching between steps of the activities. An ex-
ample will be watching TV while consuming food.
In concurrent activities, a person may perform
two or more activities by concurrently conducting the
steps of these activities. An example will be consum-
ing food and drinking water simultaneously.
Activity recognition of a person in complex sit-
uations is a non-trivial task, and this task is further
complicated when there are multiple people in com-
plex situations; multiple people may be in the same
location, and each of them may be performing either
interleaved or concurrent activities. For example, two
people may be in the living room, where one person
is watching TV while consuming food, and the other
person is reading a book.
Emerging patterns are proposed to detect inter-
leaved and concurrent activities of a single person
(Gu et al., 2009a). Perhaps, these complex activities
of multiple people can be detected by extending this
4.4 Capturing Evolving Activities and
The existing approaches have an important assump-
tion which forms the cornerstone of their works. They
assume that multiple people perform their activities
in a habitual way and do not change over time. In
their training phase, they basically attempt to capture
the patterns that represent the activities of the mul-
tiple people, and use these patterns for future activ-
ity recognition. However, in real-world scenarios, it
is possible that people may change their habits over
time, and change the way they conduct their activi-
ties. This possibility is higher for home-based elderly
with dementia, as their cognitive skills are dependent
on the severity of their dementia. Therefore, there is
a need for an approach which is able to continuously
capture the evolving habits of the people and the way
they conduct their activities.
Multiple people activity recognition (MPAT) using
simple sensors is an emerging multi-faceted research
area which is related to ambient intelligence, sen-
sor networks and data mining. In this position pa-
per, we discussed existing techniques of MPAT, and
showed that standard classification techniques sur-
prisingly yield high accuracy on MPAT using simple
sensors, if (1) the number of simple sensors is large,
(2) the training data is accurately labeled, (3) the ac-
tivities are simple, and (4) activities are done in a ha-
bitual way. These assumptions may be unrealistic in
real life situations, and we presented open challenges
of MPAT using simple sensors, when the assumptions
do not hold.
For future work, as the MPAR approaches we dis-
cussed are bottom-up (data-driven), another approach
can be top-down using ontologies (Lecce et al., 2009).
Also, we focused only on MPAR with identification
of the individuals, but it might also be interesting to
recognize the activities of subgroups of people with-
out bothering to identify them.
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