QoS-awareness, Location-awareness and Service Personalization
Rachad Nassar and No¨emie Simoni
TELECOM ParisTech - LTCI - UMR 5141 CNRS, 46, rue Barrault F 75634, Paris Cedex 13, France
Cloud computing, NGN/NGS, E2E QoS-awareness, Location-awareness, Service personalization, SOA.
Cloud computing has become one of today’s hot topics. The major contribution of this Internet-based service
delivery paradigm consists in offering computing, storage and network resources able to guarantee information
technology externalization. In parallel to this novel trend, cloud users requirements are quickly emerging due
to both network and service convergence. Therefore, beyond its externalization solution, cloud must also re-
spond to users needs within this “Next Generation Networks/Next Generation Services” (NGN/NGS) context.
Hence, it should offer service personalization for cloud users, take into consideration their mobile context,
and guarantee an end-to-end QoS. In this paper, we propose a QoS-based cloud management architecture that
overcomes the aforementioned challenges through several mechanisms. First, we surpass mobility and E2E
QoS challenges by gathering ubiquitous elements into ubiquity-based virtual communities. Second, we ensure
service personalization by proposing a seamless and dynamic service composition based on stateless services.
Finally we take into consideration user’s ambient context by using location-based virtual communities. Com-
puting models for QoS-aware and location-aware clouds are also provided.
Nowadays, cloud computing is a new buzzword
around the globe. Many different definitions has
been given for this concept. In this paper, we have
chosen the one proposed by Prof. Ian Foster (Fos-
ter et al., 2008), since it combines the main key as-
pects that distinguish clouds from previous distributed
computing paradigms. According to this definition,
cloud computing is “a large-scale distributed comput-
ing paradigm that is driven by economies of scale, in
which a pool of abstracted, virtualized, dynamically-
scalable, managed computing power, storage, plat-
forms, and services are delivered on demand to exter-
nal customers over the Internet”. Based on this defini-
tion, cloud computing is considered as a vast quilt on
which externalized services are running. These ser-
vices arise from heterogeneous domains (Telco, Web
and IT) and are executed separately. Hence, we be-
lieve that the success of cloud computing should not
be limited to externalization, but it should also be re-
lated to service convergence which is the heart of our
Next Generation Services (NGS) context. The lat-
ter consists in seamlessly composing global Cloud
Services (CSs) by using stateless service elements.
Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) are then able to dy-
namically create and offer users any desired CS.
Moreover, based on this same definition, we
strongly believe that clouds success also depends on
the ability of CSPs to dynamically maintain and man-
age their resources in order to best answer the users
requirements. However, with the rapid evolution of
Next Generation Networks (NGN) and its network
convergence aspect, users needs are quickly emerg-
ing. In fact, within the NGN context, all access net-
works convergeinto one IP core network. Cloud users
are then able to access different CSs that are provided
by different CSPs, while using different equipment
technologies and access points. Thus, cloud users be-
come more nomadic and want to access their services
anywhere, anytime and anyhow. Therefore, to attract
more users, CSPs should guarantee an End-to-End
(E2E) Quality of Service (QoS) by taking into con-
sideration real-time users preferences and contexts.
In essence, users can have functional and non-
functional preferences. The former are characterized
by personalized CSs that dynamically and transpar-
ently adapt themselves to users needs without session
interruption; the latter are characterized by QoS re-
quirements that appear in Service Level Agreements
(SLAs) signed between CSPs and cloud users. In fact,
this user-centric approach that is based on service per-
Nassar R. and Simoni N..
CLOUD MANAGEMENT ARCHITECTURE IN NGN/NGS CONTEXT - QoS-awareness, Location-awareness and Service Personalization.
DOI: 10.5220/0003390106290635
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 629-635
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sonalization and QoS preferences is highly desirable
in future cloud environments since it increases the
Return On Investment (ROI) for CSPs on one hand
and allows to enrich users experiences on the other
hand. However, to the best of our knowledge, this re-
search area is not fully investigated within the context
of cloud computing.
Another main aspect that CSPs should take into
consideration is users ambient context. The latter can
be characterized by users locations or by their activ-
ities. In the scope of this paper, we treat the spatial
mobility aspect and the influence of users locations
on CSs provisioning. In fact, with the resource exter-
nalization trend into cloud systems, CSs sources are
often far away from end devices. Thus, the latency -
the time to send or receiveone byte of data - is directly
influenced, since it depends on the distance separating
a user from his CS. For instance, network latency of
few milliseconds becomes critical for highly interac-
tive services such as immersive applications, since it
can cause a noticeably degraded users experience. In
order to minimize latency, CSPs must offer a more
adapted scalable distribution of their resources. In
addition, they should connect cloud users, specially
those requiring highly immersive interactions, to the
closest CSs sources.
After having introduced the main aspects that mo-
tivate our work, we propose in the following of this
paper solutions to overcome the aforementioned chal-
lenges. The proposed solutions answer the follow-
ing questions: how can CSPs dynamically and trans-
parently guarantee personalized services for users?
how can they maintain, in real-time, the required E2E
QoS? and how can they deliver CSs while taking into
consideration users locations?
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we discuss some of the related
works. In Section 3, we propose a QoS model, an
ubiquity-based virtual community concept and a dy-
namic service composition, in order to ensure QoS-
aware clouds and personalized CSs. In Section 4, we
allow CSPs to provide location-based CSs by propos-
ing a location-based virtual community concept. The
conceptual QoS and location-aware cloud architec-
ture is presented in Section 5. Finally, conclusion and
future perspectives are presented in Section 6.
Service personalization, E2E QoS management and
location-awareness are highly important research top-
ics for future cloud environments. In this section, we
discuss some of the investigations in these aspects.
In the context of Personalized Services, the au-
thors in (Guo et al., 2009) focus on how to pro-
vide personalized services for users by using a client
side program that records user activities and computes
models on personal devices. Afterwards, selected
models are uploaded to service providers so they can
have better knowledge of that user and consequently
provide him personalized services. The drawback of
this approach lies in the fact that pushing all mod-
els and computing programs to clients side contradicts
the cloud computing externalization concept. More-
over, this previously mentioned paper investigates the
commonly known description of service personaliza-
tion as the ability of service providers to offer, or
rather impose adequate services to users, while be-
ing based on their analytical records. In opposite to
the previous description, our service personalization
approach is based on a dynamic service composition
where users can impose their own preferences.
Some of the papers found in the literature reveal
a growing interest in the topic of QoS-awareness in
cloud environments. In (Spillner and Schill, 2009),
the authors present, according to the service run-time
behavior, a technique to dynamically adjust SLA con-
straints after adjusting the values of service descrip-
tion’s nun-functional properties. In addition, QoS-
awareness is also discussed in (Korn et al., 2009)
where SLA monitoring is delegated to a third in-
dependent party, namely Service Level Management
Authority (SLMA). In opposite to these approaches,
our proposition overcomes QoS violation without
modifying any SLA parameter. Moreover, we pro-
pose auto-managed QoS-aware CSs.
Finally, to the best of our knowledge, the topic of
location-aware clouds has not yet received much at-
tention. Moreover, research communities who treat
this subject, propose externalized services that pro-
vide location-based information. For instance, the
authors in (Wang and Yang, 2009) propose a mo-
bile information retrieve system based on GPS and
Web2.0 applications. Through this platform, users
can obtain location-based information and personal-
ized recommendations. In our proposition, we guar-
antee location-based information for users, but we
also apply the location-awareness concept on CSs. In
this context, based on their users locations, CSPs of-
fer distributed CSs. Hence, we overcome the latency
problem by allowing users to access the closest CS.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
In this section, we introduce in the first subsection our
QoS model according to which we gather CSs into
Ubiquity-based Virtual Communities. The latter con-
cept is introduced in the second subsection. In addi-
tion, a QoS agent is integrated into each CS in order
to ensure an autonomous management of these com-
munities. All these concepts are merged into a QoS-
aware computing model that is presented along with a
QoS management architecture in the last subsection.
3.1 QoS Model
Nowadays, industrial providers are offering different
types of Infrastructures as a Service (IaaS), Platforms
as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
Therefore, heterogeneous CSs have been provided
for cloud users. In parallel, the heterogeneity aspect
also appears on the users access level, since they can
choose among different types of terminals and access
points. Consequently, if CSPs want to provide CSs
with a respected E2E QoS, they must first overcome
the heterogeneity challenge. For this purpose, we pro-
pose to provide an homogenous vision for all existing
cloud elements by introducing a new QoS model. The
latter is based on four criteria that are defined as fol-
Availability. It represents the ability of a CS to be
accessed at a certain time. It indicates the ratio of
accessibility for a CS.
Reliability. It represents the ability of a CS to
be used without deteriorating the information and
while respecting contract conditions. It indicates
the percentage of unintentional modifications in
the information caused by the CS.
Delay. It indicates the duration of a request treat-
ment by a CS.
Capacity. It reflects the ability of a CS to treat
normally a request while using all the possible
treatment means. It indicates the charge rate of
the CS.
We note that there is no need to combine these
four criteria into one formulation, since each variation
in one of the CS QoS characteristics will be solved by
passing the request into a ubiquitous element as we
will see in the next subsection.
3.2 Ubiquity-based Virtual
Communities: VXCU
Due to the NGN evolution, cloud users are able to
access different CSs while using different terminals,
access points and networks. In addition, they be-
come more nomadic and aim to conserve their contin-
uous session despite their situations. To reach these
goals and to guarantee an E2E QoS for their users,
CSPs should overcome the mobility challenge con-
sisting of four mobility types (Guo et al., 2008): ter-
minal mobility, user mobility, network mobility and
service mobility. In this subsection, we surpass the
aforementioned problem by gathering ubiquitous CSs
into Ubiquity-based Virtual Communities (VXCU);
X={S,C,E} which represents different types of CSs:
applicative Services (S), abstracted Connectivity net-
works (C), and Equipment (E) such as servers and
platforms. We note that in our context, ubiquitous
CSs correspond to those having the same functional-
ity and an equivalent QoS. Therefore, throughout end-
users situations, we manage the continuity of their
sessions by provisioning VXCUs that respond to their
functional and nonfunctional (QoS) preferences.
In many cases, specially in mobile context, a CS
that is used in a user session might not continue to
function normally or to fulfill the user QoS require-
ments. For this reason, we solve the problem by us-
ing the corresponding provisioned VXCU. In fact, we
dynamically replace the current CS by an ubiquitous
counterpart that belongs to the same VXCU. There-
fore, we seamlessly adapt the user’s session against
any degradation and we guarantee the continuity of
this session while maintaining the E2E required QoS.
In the following, we divide the VXCU management
process into two phases: the creation and the exploita-
tion phases.
In the creation phase, each CS joins an existing
VXCU or creates a new one. The creation process is
based on three basic services:
Ubiquity Inquiry Service: determines the func-
tionality and QoS criteria of a CS while having
its ID as input.
Discovery Service: launches a search in order to
discover CSs that verify the criteria indicated at
the input. In the ubiquity case, a functionality and
QoS criteria are considered as inputs.
Presence Service: filters an obtained list accord-
ing to CSs states. It selects among a list of CSs
IDs the ones that are Available” (Accessible by
the end-user), Activable” (Activated by the CSP
but not yet used) and Activated” (Activable and
Service Personalization
The creation process is launched during each CS
deployment. First, the Ubiquity Inquiry Service is in-
voked in order to get the functionality and the QoS
criteria of this CS. Second, the DiscoveryService uses
the former output as searching criteria. Thus, we ob-
tain a list of CSs having the same functionality and
QoS as the CS in question. Finally, the Presence Ser-
vice applies its filtering process on the obtained list.
In consequence, the VXCU verifying the functional-
ity and QoS of this CS is determined. Thus, the latter
joins this community. We note that if no existing VX-
CUs verify the required QoS and functionality crite-
ria, the CS in question creates a new VXCU having
its own characteristics.
After explaining the creation process, we present
the exploitation phase, where the CS is already a
member of a VXCU. We mention that the VXCU
concept is based on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) self commu-
nity management process in which each CS acts as an
auto-managed peer. For this purpose, a QoS-Agent is
integrated into each CS. During this dynamic VXCU
auto-management process, each CS compares its cur-
rent QoS and functionality with the ones of its current
VXCU. If the result is positive, then the QoS-Agent
sends a notification called “IN Contract” in order to
inform the other VXCU members that the community
contract is still respected. If not, the QoS-Agent sends
a notification called “OUT Contract”. In this case, the
CS leaves the VXCU and finds another one.
3.3 Computing Model for QoS-aware
In this subsection, we explain how the aforemen-
tioned QoS management model and concepts are able
to dynamically and seamlessly adapt users sessions
against any variation in users preferences. For this
purpose, we propose a solution that allows cloud users
to create their own personalized sessions by combin-
ing different CSs provided by different CSPs.
Our personalization vision is based on a dynamic
seamless composition that is provisioned and tailored
according to users preferences. To reach this goal,
a new model is introduced, namely the Virtual Pri-
vate Network (VPXN) (Guo et al., 2008); X={S,C,E}
since for each cloud user we provision VPXNs on the
applicative Services layer (VPSN), Connectivity net-
works layer (VPCN) and Equipment layer (VPEN). In
fact, these personalized VPXNs gather CSs that best
answer the cloud user’s preferences. Consequently,
the user’s session is dynamically created by combin-
ing different CSs from these VPXNs. To support this
dynamic composition, management services are in-
troduced in (Nassar and Simoni, 2010):
QoS agent
QoS agent
QoS agent
QoS agent
QoS agent
Invocation of VXCU
Exploitation Service
Adapted CS
CS Profile
VXCUs Profiles
User Preferences
CS delivery process
Figure 1: Computing Model for QoS-aware Clouds.
Service Logic: represents the service composition
workflow. By analogy, there are Network Logic
and Equipment Logic.
Semantic Routing: routes user’s request to the
next SE in the Service Logic. To support this
function-based routing, a QoS Routing Table is
used. By analogy, on the network and equipment
layers, there are the well-known routing mecha-
nisms (e.g. MPLS, OSPF, etc.) and handover
Service Selection: selects the chosen SE. By anal-
ogy to this service, we introduce the Network and
Equipment Selection services.
VPXN Configuration: modifies and configures
cloud users VPXNs.
In addition to these management services, we in-
troduce in this paper a QoS Policy Agent that verifies
the integrity of the independent modifications that are
caused, on each layer, by each of the aforementioned
services. It is a decision table that monitors E2E QoS
and is considered as a part of the AmbientGrid (Si-
moni et al., 2008). The latter is an information infer-
ence driven by the profiles defined in the knowledge
base, namely “Infoware” (Simoni et al., 2008). It dy-
namically manages ambient resources in a personal-
ized way.
In our proposition, we favor an event-based ap-
proach. For this reason, this QoS management archi-
tecture is associated with a computing model that an-
alyzes the QoS-based event and consequently adapts
the VPXN configuration. As shown in Figure 1, a
provisioned CS in the user’s Old-VPXN (e.g. CS31)
could not maintain the required QoS. Its QoS-Agent
detects this QoS degradation and notifies the cloud
management system. The latter first monitors the
event. Since it is a QoS degradation, the VXCU Ex-
ploitation service is invoked, and the Adapting Com-
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Address 1
Address 2
Invocation of VXCL
Exploitation Service
User Profile VXCLs Profiles
Figure 2: Computing Model for Location-aware Clouds.
munity” phase is launched. Based on the CS’s func-
tionality and QoS, this phase provides all possible
ubiquitous members. Thus, according to the afore-
mentioned CS delivery process (service composition
according to user preferences: CS logic, semantic
routing, etc.), the Adapting CSs” phase chooses the
adequate counterpart (e.g. CS32) to replace the cur-
rent unwanted CS (CS31). Finally, the “VPXN Re-
configuration” phase is launched and a New-VPXN is
then created. In consequence, this computing model
demonstrates how the VXCU concept and the per-
sonalized service composition process are used to
dynamically and seamlessly manage users sessions
while conserving their E2E QoS and taking their pref-
erences into consideration.
In order to reduce latency influence on cloud users
experiences, CSPs are supposed to distribute their
resources according to their users specific locations
(home, work, hotels abroad, etc.). In this section,
we propose a management mechanism that allows
the provisioning of location-based CSs. Therefore,
throughout cloud users movements, we anticipate
their demands by providing the nearest resources.
Our location-awareness proposition considers the
perviously discussed virtual community concept. In
fact, we sense user’s location and use it to create and
manage Location-based Virtual Communities (VX-
CLs, with X={S,C,E}). The latter gather all CSs that
have the same location as the user. Consequently,
for each users location, three VXCLs are provisioned
(VSCL, VCCL and VECL). In the following, we di-
vide the VXCL management process into two phases:
the creation and the exploitation phases.
In order to create VXCLs, we use the following
basic services:
Geo-Location Service: determines an element’s
geographic location while having its Element ID
as input.
Discovery Service: previously defined in subsec-
tion 3.2. However, in this case, the discovery is
based on the user’s location.
Presence Service: previously defined in subsec-
tion 3.2.
Sorting By Type Service: sorts by type (applica-
tive Services, Connectivity networks, Equipment)
a list of Element IDs received as an input.
The creation process is executed in advance for
user’s specific locations. Hence, it allows to anticipate
user’s movements. First, the Geo-Location Service
determines user’s specific location. Second, the Dis-
covery Service uses the obtained result as its search-
ing criterion. Thus, we get a list of CSs that have this
same location. Third, the Presence Service applies
its filtering process on this list. The obtained VXCLs
verify user’s location. At the end of this process, the
Sorting By Type Service filters the obtained VXCLs
according to CSs types. In summary, the aforemen-
tioned steps provision the VSCL, VCCL and VECL
corresponding to user’s specific location.
After explainingthe creation phase, we present the
exploitation phase during which the user is moving.
Instantly, we offer the user the three provisioned CSs
lists that correspond to his current location.
According to our event-based approach, we intro-
duce a computing model that analyzes the location-
based event and consequently adapts the user’s am-
bient context configuration. As shown in Figure 2,
a user moves towards a new location (Geographic
Address2). Consequently, a notification is sent to
the cloud management system. The latter first mon-
itors the event. Since, it is a modification in user’s
location, the VXCL Exploitation service is invoked
and the Adapting Community” phase is launched.
This phase provides all the location-based commu-
nities (VSCL, VCCL, VECL) that are provisioned
to this user’s specific location. Finally, the Ambi-
ent Context Reconfiguration phase is launched and
a new ambient context (New-VSCL, New-VCCL,
New-VECL) is then created. Hence, this comput-
ing model shows how the VXCL concept can be used
to dynamically and instantly enrich user’s experience
and context-awareness.
Service Personalization
VPX Configuration
QoS & Location
aware CLOUD
E2E QoS Management
VXCU&L Management
VXCL Exploitation
Inquiry Service
VXCL Creation
VXCU Creation
VXCU Exploitation
Figure 3: Cloud Management Architecture.
After introducing the novel QoS-aware and location-
aware cloud management concepts, we structure in
this section all the aforementioned mechanisms and
basic services into a cloud management architecture.
As previously stated in the proposed computing mod-
els, we adopt an event-based approach. In addition,
for an efficient and flexible usage of clouds, we adopt
a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach. The
latter organizes reusable, autonomous and interopera-
ble services into the service layer. However, accord-
ing to our NGN/NGS context, we do not limit our
proposition to the aforementioned SOA characteris-
tics. In contrary, the added-values of our approach
consists in adding the following architectural aspects:
Mutualization: It represents the ability of a ser-
vice to be not only reusable, but also shareable.
Consequently, depending on its QoS criteria, the
mutualized service is shared among several re-
quests. The untreated requests are stocked in a
queue that is associated to the service. If the
Timeout of a request is less than its waiting delay
in the queue, our service delivery system reroutes
the request towards a ubiquitous CS.
Auto-Management: It represents the ability of a
service to be not only autonomous, but also auto-
managed. For this reason, we have introduced a
QoS-Agent as described in subsection 3.2.
Interconnection: It represents the ability of a ser-
vice to be not only interoperable, but also in-
terconnected with others in order to dynamically
and seamlessly compose personalized services.
For this purpose, we have already presented the
VPXN concept in subsection 3.3. The latter in-
troduces “Virtualization” as another characteristic
of our architecture. It allows to transparently of-
fer services for the users and to let them use these
services as if they were dedicated to them.
The cloud management architecture is shown in
Figure 3. It manages the cloud while taking into
consideration all the NGN and NGS challenges.
For this purpose, this global structure gathers all
the previously proposed management mechanisms.
The “VXCL Creation” and “VXCL Exploitation”
parts support the user-centric approach by enriching
users context-awareness. The “VXCU Creation” and
“VXCU Exploitation” parts allow to overcome the
NGN mobility challenge by gathering ubiquitous CSs
into auto-managed communities. The VXCU con-
cept is combined with the “QoS Policy Agent” and
the “E2E QoS Management” parts in order to guaran-
tee an E2E QoS for cloud users. The “VPXN Con-
figuration part supports the NGS context by ensur-
ing personalized, dynamic and seamless CSs compo-
sitions. Moreover, a knowledge base is necessary in
order to provide all needed information. For this pur-
pose, we use the Infoware (Simoni et al., 2008) which
contains several XML profiles (for CSs, cloud users,
real-time, sessions, communities, etc.). It efficiently
and dynamically manages the decisional and reactive
information. It is not a simple data base like the Home
Subscriber Server (HSS) in the IP Multimedia Sub-
system (IMS) architecture. On the contrary, it is a
well structured knowledge base acting as a real-time
informational inference. It is worth noting that within
the project in which our work is situated, security as-
pects are also investigated by another research group.
Furthermore, as previously discussed, E2E QoS is
guaranteed by creating VXCUs that gather ubiquitous
CSs which are deployed all over the world. How-
ever, creating VXCUs with huge number of ubiqui-
tous CSs is not efficient, since it makes the stored in-
formation more bulky and takes longer time to decide
the adequate substitute for the degraded CS in user’s
session. In order to minimize the time and informa-
tion clarity costs, we propose to filter ubiquitous CSs
by using specific locations. Consequently, we cre-
ate virtual communities that are simultaneously based
on ubiquity and location. In comparison with normal
VXCUs, the former communities are able to manage
clouds in more efficient way. These communities are
named Ubiquity and Location based Virtual Commu-
nities (VXCU&L).
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
As shown in Figure 3, one possible technique
to create VXCU&Ls is to filter the VXCUs by
using users specific locations. For this purpose,
we combine the VXCU that contains ubiquitous
CSs with the VXCLs that are provisioned for
user’s specific location. In this way, we create
the VXCU&Ls that gather ubiquitous CSs found
around the user’s geographic location. An exam-
ple is given in Figure 3 where the VXCU contains
{CS11,CS12,CS13,CS14,CS15} and the VXCL con-
tains {CS11,CS12,CS13,CS2,CS3,CS4,CS5}. Con-
sequently, the VXCU&L is dynamically created and
contains {CS11,CS12,CS13}. Moreover,we consider
that CS11 is part of user’s session and it suffers from
a QoS degradation. Hence, we neglect CS14 and
CS15 and choose the substitute between CS12 and
CS13. This technique allows to react faster against
QoS degradation events and to manage more effi-
ciently the E2E QoS.
Through its externalization aspect, cloud computing
provides a combination of cost and agility savings.
In fact, organizations prefer saving time and energy
on managing services that can rather be moved to
the cloud. However, externalizing services induces a
growing need for ways to manage and enhance cloud
environments, in order to best answer the cloud users
requirements. The latter, within an NGN/NGS con-
text, have become more mobile and more greedy.
They aim to access any type of CS anytime, any-
where and anyhow. Thus, an efficient cloud environ-
ment that guarantees users preferences and needs is
required. For this reason and in order to overcome the
previous challenges, we have proposed in this paper
a cloud management architecture composed of inno-
vative mechanisms. In this ameliorated SOA archi-
tecture, we have favored service personalization over
monolithic applications. For this purpose, we have
introduced a seamless and dynamic service compo-
sition that combines stateless and mutualized service
elements. In fact, this CS composition takes into con-
sideration users preferences, such as the required E2E
QoS. In consequence, we have proposed the ubiquity-
based virtual communities concept which is based on
a QoS model. By gathering ubiquitous elements hav-
ing the same functionality and an equivalent QoS, we
have conserved the continuity of cloud users sessions
while guaranteeing their required E2E QoS. More-
over, in order to reduce the latency, we have provi-
sioned location-based virtual communities gathering
CSs close to users specific locations. Both ubiquity
and location based community concepts are supported
by event-basedcomputing models. Finally, for a more
efficient management, we have proposed to filter the
VXCUs provisioning according to specific locations.
For this reason, we have created several VXCUs in
different locations in order to best manage the users
required E2E QoS.
However, for different users locations, different
VXCUs would be used to guarantee the users session
continuity. In our future work, we must investigate
the transition of the managementprocess between two
VXCUs when the user is moving. By analogy to the
handover on the access networks level, this future dis-
cussion subject is named “Semantic Handover”.
The authors would like to thank all the participants
in the UBIS project, financed by the French ANR
VERSO 2008 in which is situated our work.
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Service Personalization