L. M. Batten, J. Abawajy and R. Doss
Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, Victoria, 3125, Australia
Keywords: Information harvesting, Access, Secret sharing scheme, Cloud computing.
Abstract: We consider a cloud data storage involving three entities, the cloud customer, the cloud business centre
which provides services, and the cloud data storage centre. Data stored in the data storage centre comes
from a variety of customers and some of these customers may compete with each other in the market place
or may own data which comprises confidential information about their own clients. Cloud staff have access
to data in the data storage centre which could be used to steal identities or to compromise cloud customers.
In this paper, we provide an efficient method of data storage which prevents staff from accessing data which
can be abused as described above. We also suggest a method of securing access to data which requires more
than one staff member to access it at any given time. This ensures that, in case of a dispute, a staff member
always has a witness to the fact that she accessed data.
The importance of minimizing information leakage
in a cloud computing environment is highlighted by
the current use of the cloud infrastructure for
applications that require strong confidentiality
guarantees. Such applications include e-commerce
services, medical records services and back-office
business (Ristenpart et al. 2009).
Clouds are sources of large datasets that can be
harvested by attackers to obtain private and personal
information that can lead to identity compromise and
can result in both “true” identity theft, where true
information is used to steal the identity of a real
person, and “synthetic” identity theft, where true and
fake information is used to create a fake identity.
Unrestricted and unmonitored access by insiders to
diverse datasets can result in both kinds of identity
theft – hence there is a need to restrict access by
insiders to data stored in cloud data centres.
We note that encryption of data within the cloud
will prevent some unauthorized access; but data
must be decrypted in order to be processed. There is
no current practical method for encryption of data in
such a way that the data can be processed in the
cloud without decryption. However, there is recent
theoretical work in this direction by Gentry (Gentry,
2009), based on homomorphic encryption methods,
suggesting that it may be possible. The problem for
the foreseeable future is that, using this method, the
processing time for even small amounts of data is
infeasible (Cattedu, 2009).
1.1 The Threat Model
We consider a cloud data storage involving three
entities, the cloud service customer (CSC), the cloud
service provider (CSP) which provides services, and
the cloud service operator (CSO) (see Figure 1).
From time to time, as part of their normal work
allocation, staff in the CSP access data in storage.
The data stored in the data storage centre comes
from a variety of customers and some of these
customers may compete with each other in the
market place or may own data which comprises
confidential information about their own clients.
A large number of staff work in the CSP and job
volatility may be high. It is therefore not feasible to
perform elaborate security checks on staff, nor to
monitor them extensively. The staff potentially have
access to data in the data storage centre which could
be used to steal identities to sell on the black market,
or to blackmail a cloud customer.
The objective of this paper is to establish a cloud
architecture which minimizes the opportunity for
such information harvesting.
Batten L., Abawajy J. and Doss R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003389700660072
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 66-72
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1.2 Related Work
In (Wang et al., 2010) a third party auditor is
proposed which employs a series of cryptographic
methods to verify that data has been processed
according to the agreement between the cloud
service and the customer. This is a cumbersome
method that does not scale to large clouds. Although
it prevents reading of data by the auditors, it does
not prevent reading of data by cloud staff.
A completely different approach was taken by
(Parakh and Kak, 2009), who focus on methods of
storing data within the cloud environment by
splitting it into retrievable components before
storing it. Thus, a set of medical records might be
fragmented in such a way that the viewing of one
fragment reveals no usable information to the reader.
The roots of a polynomial are used to allocate data
components to storage locations. The authors admit
that for the management of many large data sets, this
method is inefficient for the purposes of data
processing. They provide an alternate data security
method in this case, whereby a staff member uses a
secret sharing scheme to generate different keys for
different components of a data set and encrypts each
component with a separate key. This protects the
data while in storage from being corrupted. It also
prevents access to the data by any other staff
member. However, it suffers from the drawback that
the staff member generating the keys can access the
entire data set, and must be trusted not to reveal the
keys to others.
In this paper, we provide an efficient method of
data storage which prevents staff accessing data and
which can be used in the threat model described
above. We also suggest a method of securing access
to data which requires more than one staff member
to access it at any given time. This ensures that, in
case of a dispute, a staff member always has a
witness to the fact that she accessed data.
In the next section, we motivate the work with a
detailed scenario based on medical data. In Section
3, we describe the basic cloud storage model and our
approach in separating data within the storage centre
area. Section 4 describes a secret sharing scheme
method for ensuring that no single person may
access a data storage area alone. In Section 5, we
consider how to adapt this scheme to the situation of
staff joining or departing the cloud business centre.
Finally, in Section 6, we draw conclusions and
propose some areas for future work.
Assume that Jo is an individual whose data is stored
in the databases of a number of organizations; this
includes an automobile registration organization, a
government health plan, a pharmacy and an
insurance company. All four organizations employ
Cloud X to store and process their data. Thus, in
Cloud X, the complete identity information relating
to Jo can be represented as a 4-tuple <C1, C2, C3,
C4>, where Ci, 1 i 4, refers to the data of each of
the organizations. If data relating to the different
categories of Jo’s personal identity information is
stored in the same location in a cloud data area, then
it is clear that an insider can easily capture the
identity information required to impersonate her.
Further, having captured the identity information,
the attacker will be able to harvest different types of
information relating to the stolen identity leading to
privacy disclosure. For instance, if C2 was the
individual’s, Medicare number, the insider can
execute a combined query using C3 and C4 on the
medical records database stored in the cloud
infrastructure to synthesize the medical history of a
given individual. This can be attractive especially
for say, medical insurance providers who can then
unfairly take into account the person’s detailed
medical history while assessing their application for
medical insurance cover. By periodic information
harvesting over the datasets in the cloud, expensive
claims can be predicted leading to unfair termination
of insurance policies.
Equally important is the fact that information
such as medical history, medical conditions and
related drug usage is evolving information that can
be exploited by insider abuse (Cavoukian, 2008).
For instance, trends in the medical conditions of “at
risk”, individuals such as the elderly or people with
pre-conditions can be monitored – frequent visits to
the GP may be used as an indicator of a recurring or
on-going medical condition that might result in
hospitalization and possibly an expensive claim or
the prescription of pregnancy-related drugs may be
perceived as indicating the medium to short-term
plans of an individual to start a family.
Hence, while it is important that data be stored in
the cloud in a distributed manner to ensure that
insider compromise is minimized, it is equally
critical that data access is tightly controlled to ensure
that information leakage leading to identity theft and
privacy disclosure can be prevented.
We refer again to Figure 1. A CSC rents storage
from a CSP and pays for the amount of storage their
data is actually consuming or for what the CSCs
have allocated. CSCs range from individuals, small
businesses and financial institutions to Fortune 500
firms to governments. The management of the
storage is done solely by the CSOs, and thus CSCs
are relieved of the burden of maintaining storage
infrastructure. The CSOs migrate data between
storage tiers, set up connections, maintain disk
drives, manage firmware upgrades, establish virtual
machine replication timetables, take snapshots as
well as scheduled data backups and are responsible
for safe storage of the backup media (Abawajy,
The CSPs own the cloud resources and expertise in
building and managing cloud storage servers. They
provide data storage as a service, which is
virtualised storage on demand over a network to
CSCs based on a request for a given, agreed quality
of service. The use of virtualisation allows CSPs to
maximise storage resource utilisation by
multiplexing data storage of many cloud customers
across a shared physical infrastructure. The term
multi-tenancy is commonly used to describe
of cloud storage among multiple customers who
could be separate companies, or departments within
a company, or even just different applications.
Figure 1: The Cloud Storage Reference Model.
The deployment of data storage as a service is
powered by data centres at different geographical
sites (site 1, site 2, … , site n in Figure 1) over the
Internet running in a simultaneous, cooperative and
distributed manner. Most service providers allow
CSCs to store unstructured database blocks, which
are then mirrored in partial segments over multiple
storage sites. Once the data is stored on the cloud,
CSCs do not control and may not even know the
exact location of their data and copies may be hosted
in the cloud. Thus, a cloud environment can result in
a loss of transparency about where client data is
stored and this can have legal implications.
Figure 2: Secure data storage.
A service consumer is able to perform a variety
of actions on her data including the ability to create,
update, append, reorder and delete their stored data.
The CSCs interact with the cloud servers via the
cloud middleware. The middleware incorporates
components such as different storage protocols
including file-based options and block-based
options, advanced data replication techniques, access
control mechanisms, storage provisioning and
storage metering (Buyya et. al., 2010; Yildiz, et. al.,
2009). CSCs need to allocate storage before they can
use it. Also, the storage usage metering component
provides CSCs with information on how much
storage their data consumed so that they know what
their bill will be at the end of the billing cycle.
The cloud creates unique requirements for data
in terms of security and manageability. Once the
data is stored, it is completely under the control of
the cloud service provider. As users no longer
possess their data locally, it is of critical importance
to assure users that their data are being correctly
stored and maintained (Wang et al., 2010). An
obvious threat to the customer data sets is from
malicious insider abuse. Thus, one of the key issues
in data storage for clouds is to effectively detect any
unauthorized data modification and corruption,
possibly due to server compromise or attacks that
rely upon subverting a cloud’s administrative
functions via malicious insider abuse.
Our aim is to ensure that no employee working
in the cloud can access separate data sets which,
combined, might yield information which is
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
considered to be private or confidential. In order to
ensure this, we propose pre-classification of data by
the customer itself according to a cloud service
determination in order to be able to store data in
separate fire-walled and access protected data centre
areas. The customer will be asked to classify its data
into one of several categories. A single category
might be health data such as medical insurance,
hospital and pharmaceutical information. Those data
sets belonging to the same category would be
separated in storage. Figure 2 describes how this
would be done. In the health data example, all three
data sets would be classified as being in the same
category C1 and therefore stored in three separate
areas. Other data not in the same category can be
stored with C1 data as shown in the Figure. The
condition is that no two data sets in the same
category should be stored in the same data centre.
This requires enough data storage centres to store all
data in any one category at any given time. In a
virtual machine environment, however, it is a trivial,
and normal, task to establish additional data centres
as needed.
Figure 3: A secret sharing scheme used in securing access
to data.
Secret sharing schemes have been used by
Upmanyu, 2010) in designing a provably-secure
privacy-preserving protocol to limit access to related
data sets stored in the cloud. Their method is
substantially more efficient than previous known
methods, but still adds noticeable cost to the cloud
service. We approach the goal of securing access in
two ways. One is by means of the cloud architecture
itself, compartmentalizing and separating the storage
spaces, as described in the previous section; the
other is by means of cryptographic access and
authentication procedures. These access and
authentication procedures need to be mapped across
the compartmentalized cloud structure.
Since our aim is to ensure that no employee
working in the cloud can access separate data sets
which, combined, might yield information which is
considered to be private or confidential, a secret
sharing scheme will be used to ensure that no set of
less than t, for some fixed value t, people can
collaborate to gain access to enough data sets from
the same category to be able to deduce information
which is confidential.
DEFINITION: Let t and w be positive integers, t
w. A (t,w)-threshold secret sharing scheme is a
method of sharing a message M among a set of w
participants in such a way that any t participants can
reconstruct the message M, but no subset of smaller
size can reconstruct M.
Adi Shamir invented the first such scheme in
1997 (Menezes et al.,1997) and it is based on the
idea of Lagrange interpolation, or, equivalently, the
fact that knowing n+1 points of a degree n
polynomial determines the whole polynomial.
Here, we shall set up a secret sharing scheme in a
finite field over a prime, GF(p), where a secret M is
represented as a number modulo the prime p, and we
want to split M among w people in such a way that
any t can reconstruct the message, but no fewer than
t people can do so.
We randomly choose t-1 coefficients s
(mod p)
and define the polynomial
s(x) = M+s
t- 1
(mod p) (1)
Any of p possible choices for x will result in a value
for s(x). These values need not all be distinct. We
can thus distribute up to p ‘shares’ in the secret to
participants, of the form (x, s(x)). Note that s(0) = M,
so this share will not be used. As long as w p-1, we
have a (t,w)-threshold secret sharing scheme as any t
participants can combine their shares and solve a
system of equations which will determine M. No
fewer than t people can do this.
In a cloud services situation, some staff may
have seniority which permits them to hold more than
one share of a secret which allows access to a data
centre; this will be determined in-house. However,
no matter how many shares of a secret a person
holds, they should never have enough shares to
determine the secret alone. This ensures that each
employee can be held accountable for accessing a
data centre based on the evidence of a third party; it
also provides a witness to the fact that an employee
acted appropriately in accessing data.
In addition, the same set of people should never
be able to access two data centres holding
information which cannot be shared. Thus,
conditions on distribution of any secret sharing
scheme apply as below.
(i) Any data centre needs at least two people to be
able to access it,
(ii) The same set of people should never hold shares
to a key accessing different data centres holding data
of the same category.
Figure 3 describes the data and business centres with
access based on secret sharing schemes.
Example: Here, we give an example of a secret
sharing scheme which satisfies the two conditions
above. Let M = 190503180520 be the secret message
and let p = 1234567890133. (Note that p is greater
than M.). We construct a (3,6)-threshold scheme as
follows. We choose
s(x) = M + 482943028839x + 1206749628665x
modulo p
where s
= 482943028839 and s
= 1206749628665.
And now we distribute shares of the secret to 8
participants, using values of x from 1 to 8. The
shares are:
(1, 645627947891)
(2, 1045116192326)
(3, 154400023692)
(4, 442615222255)
(5, 675193897882)
(6, 852136050573)
(7, 973441680328)
(8, 1039110787147)
The first four people are each given one share,
person i receiving share (i, s(i)) above.
Person 5 is given shares 5 and 6 and person 6 is
given shares 7 and 8. Since 3 shares are needed to
determine the secret, condition (i) automatically
Suppose shares 1, 2 and 7 are allocated to access
the first data centre in Figure 3. Then shares 1, 2 and
8 cannot be allocated to access the second or the
third data centres; this is because the same person
holds shares 7 and 8 and can use either, together
with share-holders 1 and 2 to breach condition (ii).
A cloud service business is dynamic; staff come
and go, as do data and files. If an additional data
centre must be set up, then the existing secret
sharing scheme must be adapted to cope without a
complete re-distribution of secret shares. Similarly,
if a staff member arrives or departs, shares need to
be allocated or deleted from the existing scheme. In
this paper, we discuss only this latter case of a
dynamic staffing situation. We leave a dynamic data
situation for future work as it requires a different
Each data centre is accessed by means of a secret M
from a secret sharing scheme as in equation (1). In
order that condition (ii) be maintained, it is
necessary to use different equations for different
data centres. Nevertheless, different equations with
the same secret for different data centres is
permissible as different sets of shares need to be
used to compute the secret.
5.1 Extending Secret Sharing Schemes
in Order to Add Staff
The lemmas in this section describe how to adjust
secret sharing schemes to accommodate staff who
leave or join the service provider. Lemma 1 shows
that as long as the parameters are within prescribed
bounds, an additional staff member can easily be
LEMMA 1: Let t and w be positive integers, 2 t
w p-1, p a prime. Any (t,w)-threshold secret
sharing scheme over GF(p) based on (1) with w +1
p - 1 can be extended to a (t,w+1)-threshold
secret sharing scheme over GF(p) also based on (1).
PROOF. Suppose we have a (t,w)-threshold secret
sharing scheme over GF(p) based on (1) with w +1
p - 1. Since w < p – 1, we can distribute an
additional share based on (1), thus resulting in a
(t,w+1)-threshold secret sharing scheme over GF(p).
The above lemma and its proof describe how a staff
member can be added to a scheme which continues
to need t members to access a secret. As long as the
bounds are met, members can continue to be added.
We thus have the following.
COROLLARY: Let t, w and r be positive integers,
2 t w w+r p-1, p a prime. Any (t,w)-
threshold secret sharing scheme over GF(p) based
on (1) with w +1 p - 1 can be extended to a
(t,w+r)-threshold secret sharing scheme over GF(p)
also based on (1).
In order to allow flexibility in adding many staff, the
prime p is normally chosen to be much larger than
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
the potential number of staff. The situation of staff
departing is somewhat more difficult. The shares of
departing staff must be revoked and we deal with
this in the next two sub-sections.
5.2 Revocation Lists
As staff leave, each data centre stores revoked
shares. To prevent a set of t shares, at least one of
which is revoked, from accessing a secret M
associated with a data centre, the polynomial (1) is
adjusted to the following:
s(x) = (M*Π(x – r
))/Π(x – r
) + s
x + … + s
(mod p) (2)
where the product is taken over the abscissa of each
revoked share. When a non-revoked value for x is
substituted, the coefficient of M is 1, and (2) reduces
to (1). However, when a revoked value for x is used,
the coefficient of M is not computable, M is not
revealed and access is denied.
Revocation can continue to the point where
precisely t associated shares are available to access a
data centre, but not beyond. The service provider
must ensure that enough shares are available at any
time in order to access the data centre. Thus, we
have the following lemma.
LEMMA 2: Any (t,w)-threshold secret sharing
scheme over GF(p) based on (2) with 2 t w p-
1, p a prime, permits revocation of up to w-t shares
while still operating as a (t,r)-threshold secret
sharing scheme over GF(p) based on (2) with 2 t
r w p-1.
If a revoked share is used in attempting to gain
access to a data centre, the authentication centre can
determine which share it was and hence also to
whom it belongs. While equation (2) does not reveal
this, the following does. Once a set of t shares fails
to produce the secret, the authentication centre
compares each submitted share with each entry in
the list of revoked shares to find a match and thus
also identifies the owner.
5.3 Managing Revocation Lists
Since p-1 shares can be distributed, up to p-1-t
shares can be revoked with a usable secret sharing
scheme remaining. Once p-1-t+1 = p-t shares are
revoked, the scheme is no longer usable and a new
threshold secret sharing scheme must be deployed.
The current share holders may retain their
existing shares if a new polynomial is designed in
the following way: retain the t-1 or fewer existing
valid shares. Choose additional pairs randomly, but
excluding all revoked shares from the first scheme,
so that a total of t’ pairs is available where t’ is to be
the threshold of the new scheme. Use these t’ pairs
to determine uniquely a polynomial of the form (1)
over some (large) prime p’. This new polynomial
can now be used to formulate p’ shares, such that the
holders of old shares retain these.
We have presented two approaches, which can be
combined, to protection of data inside a cloud
service centre. One, expressed in Figure 2, stores the
data in such a way as to separate data of similar
‘types’. The second deals with allocating shares to
cloud staff in such a way that access to more than
one data set of the same type is prevented. Thus, in
allocating shares, conditions (i) and (ii) must not be
violated; refer to Figure 2.
We showed that in such a setting revocation of
up to a certain number of shares distributed to staff
can be easily managed.
We leave for future work the following problem:
automate an efficient scheme for allocation of shares
in a dynamic environment (staff leaving and joining)
such that conditions (i) and (ii) are always valid.
Extend this scheme so that it includes the addition
and removal of data centres.
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CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science