Nelson M. Gonzalez, Charles C. Miers, Fernando F. Red
ıgolo, Marcos Simpl
Tereza C. M. B. Carvalho
Laboratory of Computer Architecture and Networks, University of S
ao Paulo
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, Trav. 3 - Nr. 158 - C1 50a, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Mats N
, Makan Pourzandi
Ericsson Research, Stockholm, Sweden
Ericsson Research, Ville Mont-Royal, Canada
Cloud Computing, SPI, Taxonomy.
The continuous development of cloud computing is in evidence in several academic and non-academic re-
searches. However, the relative youth of this field has produced several distinct definitions and taxonomies
regarding the concept of cloud computing, as well as the classification and organization of such services. The
appearance of commercial cloud solutions in this context with no firmly established standards only compli-
cates the matter, making it difficult to determine how solutions should be technically identified and qualified.
Therefore, with the growing complexity of the area, identifying, clarifying and classifying cloud services are
essential steps to understand their organization, purpose and interaction with other services. With this goal in
mind, this article presents a study on existing concepts and taxonomies, and then harmonizes these approaches
in an extensible taxonomy model for cloud computing services. More specifically, this proposal builds on the
SPI (Software, Platform, and Infrastructure) taxonomy created by NIST (National Institute of Standards and
Technology), creating a hierarchical organization that groups different services according to their character-
istics; the result is a taxonomy model that allows finer-grained analyses to be performed, while essentially
keeping the simplicity of SPI itself. Finally, we present a specific instance of this model focused on existing
and representative cloud services.
The concept of cloud computing is the center of atten-
tion in several academic and non-academic research
efforts. Cloud computing is sometimes considered
the natural evolution of Internet (Velte et al., 2009),
offering services able to replace hardware and soft-
ware purchased and maintained by companies and
customers at their own risk and expense. The first
main advantage of this approach is the clearer dis-
tinction between the business itself (e.g., selling mul-
timedia content) and the tools required by the busi-
ness (Coombe, 2009) (e.g., datacenters and computer
programs). Hence, cloud services allow customers to
focus on their projects, leaving all unrelated aspects
to the service provider.
Since cloud computing is a recent and evolving
concept, it still lacks a precise classification. Indeed,
even core aspects such as the possible structures, ar-
chitectures and application scenarios still remain un-
der continuous discussion, which is reasonable to ex-
pect for a technology whose impact and grandiosity is
compared to the development of Internet itself (Arm-
brust et al., 2009). In this context, it is important to
understand how cloud services interact with other ser-
vices, as well as the mechanisms that can (or must) be
used in order to assure a proper communication be-
tween them. This task, on the other hand, requires
a robust model capable of classifying the services
according to their types, which has lead to the cre-
ation of several taxonomies with this purpose (Jaekel
and Luhn, 2009). One of the most accepted and
adopted models for building such taxonomies is the
SPI model (Mell and Grance, 2009), which divides
services into three main categories: Software as a Ser-
vice (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infras-
tructure as a Service (IaaS).
In this paper, we present an enhanced taxonomy
M. Gonzalez N., C. Miers C., F. Redígolo F., Simplício M., C. M. B. Carvalho T., Näslund M. and Pourzandi M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003384800560065
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 56-65
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
model for cloud computing solutions, which employs
an hierarchical structure to harmonize the concise
approach adopted by the SPI model with the finer-
grained structure from other taxonomies, namely
those presented in (Youseff et al., 2008; Johnston,
2010; Rimal et al., 2009a; Laird, 2009; Linthicum,
2009). Since these taxonomies were designed specif-
ically to identify how services can be compared and
combined (Youseff et al., 2008), the proposed model
allows a more involving organization of cloud solu-
tions. This model can thus be seen as an enhanced
version of (rather than a substitution for) the SPI
model, offering relevant criteria for classifying exist-
ing services and also allowing reusability and com-
posability of new ones. Moreover, in order to illus-
trate these capabilities, we also present a specific in-
stance of the proposed taxonomy model, focusing on
existing cloud services. Both the model and this spe-
cific instance aim to guide further studies on cloud
computing and the lifecycle of related services, focus-
ing on how such services may be created and config-
ured to perform different and complementary tasks.
The rest of this document is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 provides an overview of cloud com-
puting based on official definitions conceived by
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technol-
ogy) (Mell and Grance, 2009) and ENISA (European
Network and Information Security Agency), empha-
sizing the key characteristics of cloud services. Sec-
tion 3 presents and briefly describes some relevant
taxonomies that compose the basis of our proposal.
These taxonomies are then compared in section 4,
which explores points to be reproduced and main
characteristics taken into account in the proposed tax-
onomy model, presented in section 5. The related
work is covered in section 6. Section 7 provides our
final considerations, comparing the proposed model
with existing approaches and also presenting sugges-
tion of future work in the area.
Cloud computing solutions are being developed and
becoming available for final users despite the lack
of a clear classification, and while new features are
still under research (IDC, 2010). A recurring issue
in this scenario is the free and unrestrained creation
of definitions and classification categories by service
providers, which are commonly attempting to pro-
mote their solutions’ features rather than following a
technical perspective (Willis, 2009). Probably moti-
vated by this concern, both NIST and the European
Community started the process of standardizing the
key aspects of cloud computing, aiming to unify the
existent concepts and to simplify the task of identify-
ing the main purposes of each cloud solution (Hoover,
NIST efforts to standardize the basic cloud com-
puting concepts are associated to the increasing use
of cloud computing solutions by USA governmental
agencies. Therefore, most of the institute’s work fo-
cus on USA government requirements for cloud com-
puting, both from the technical and legal points of
view. According to NIST, cloud computing can be
defined as follows (Mell and Grance, 2009):
“Cloud computing is a model for enabling
convenient, on-demand network access to a
shared pool of configurable computing re-
sources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, ap-
plications, and services) that can be rapidly
provisioned and released with minimal man-
agement effort or service provider interac-
tion. This cloud model promotes availability
and is composed of five essential character-
istics, three service models, and four deploy-
ment models.
The main characteristics of cloud computing as
defined by NIST are (Mell and Grance, 2009):
On-demand self-service: The resources provided
are easily scaled, so the customer is able to allo-
cate or free them automatically whenever needed,
without human interaction with providers;
Broad network access: Services are available
through Internet using standardized interfaces
(such as browsers or remote console control), be-
ing accessible from any device able to connect and
use these interfaces;
Resource pooling: Provider infrastructure is or-
ganized to offer services for multiple customers
using the concept of multi-tenancy, according to
which resources are managed according to the de-
mand. The resource management is transparent to
Rapid elasticity: Cloud capabilities are promptly
and easily scaled to satisfy the customers’ needs,
in such a manner that the cloud resources appear
to be unlimited from the users’ point of view; and
Measured service: Services are automatically
controlled and optimized to offer metering capa-
bilities according to the type of service.
In comparison, ENISA (ENISA, 2009) defines
cloud computing as an on-demand service model for
IT provision, based on virtualization and distributed
computing technologies. According to this agency,
the key characteristics of cloud computing are:
Highly abstracted resources: Virtualized infras-
tructures are the core of cloud computing, either
by directly offering a virtualized platform or de-
livering services based on these structures;
Scalability and flexibility: Clouds are highly scal-
able, provisioning customers with the required re-
sources; they are also flexible enough to conform
itself to the customers’ needs;
Instantaneous provisioning: The resources appear
to the customers as unlimited and promptly provi-
sioned as necessary;
Shared resources: The provider infrastructure
(including hardware, database and memory) is
shared by customers. This also has security im-
plications, as the logical layers can be separated
but the hardware cannot;
Service on demand with “pay as you go” billing
system: The elasticity of the cloud enables the
precise definition of what resources the customer
needs, and when they are needed; and
Programmatic management: Web services pro-
gramming interfaces allow the management of the
cloud infrastructure and also the integration be-
tween local software and cloud resources.
We note that both definitions (and also oth-
ers (CPNI, 2010; CSA, 2009)) highlight the “pay as
you go” feature for highly abstracted resources, pro-
vided by a same shared infrastructure that, as such,
must achieve a minimum level of scalability and flex-
ibility in order to adapt itself to the demand from mul-
tiple tenants.
Cloud computing comprises several types of services,
from virtualized storage to development platforms.
This complexity lead to the development of many tax-
onomies aiming to classify the different services and
group those with similar characteristics, which is cru-
cial for a more systematic study of such multifaceted
area. Some of these taxonomies are very concise,
while others create different categories with suppos-
edly heterogeneous characteristics, as discussed in the
3.1 NIST’s SPI Model
As briefly discussed in section 1, NIST’s SPI
model (Mell and Grance, 2009) is currently one of
the most well-accepted taxonomies for cloud com-
puting (CSA, 2009; Marks and Lozano, 2010). Its
main objective is to encompass all various cloud ap-
proaches (models, vendors and market niches) in or-
der to standardize concepts. In this manner, the SPI
model classifies the cloud solutions in three cate-
Software as a Service (SaaS): This category is
related to cloud services that are developed, de-
ployed, run and maintained by the provider and
which are accessible through a Web browser. The
customer does not manage or control the under-
lying infrastructure which supplies the required
resources while securing the assets involved and
guaranteeing service level agreements;
Platform as a Service (PaaS): Services that pro-
vide a platform to develop and deploy web appli-
cations. The customer again does not have control
over the cloud infrastructure but is able to directly
access and use its resources, commonly made
available through the use of specialized APIs (Ap-
plication Programming Interfaces); and
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Cloud solutions
able to offer infrastructural utilities and tools,
such as processing, storage, virtual machines or
other computing basic resources. The customer
has considerable control over the infrastructure,
even though there is no direct access to the physi-
cal hardware itself;
This taxonomy presents a succinct but compre-
hensive classification of cloud services abstracting
three main possibilities of exploring them: to offer
online browser-ready applications running over a vir-
tualized infrastructure (SaaS); to provide platforms
for the deployment of applications which use the un-
derlying resources from the provider’s infrastructure
(PaaS); or to deliver the virtualized infrastructure it-
self (IaaS).
3.2 Youseffs 5-Layer Ontology
Youseff et al. (Youseff et al., 2008) conducted a re-
search on cloud computing aiming at a final and con-
solidated taxonomy to be used for general purposes.
The proposed taxonomy features five layers contain-
ing altogether six different categories depicted in Fig-
ure 1 and described as follows:
Software as a Service (SaaS): Aggregates all
software-oriented solutions, e.g., Salesforce CRM
(Salesforce, 2010b), Google Apps (Google,
Platform as a service (PaaS): Application de-
velopment platforms, e.g. Google App Engine
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 1: Youseffs 5-layer ontology (Youseff et al., 2008).
(Google, 2010a), Salesforce Apex (Salesforce,
2010a), Hadoop (Borthakur, 2007), Yahoo Pig!
(Olston et al., 2008);
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Computational
resources that can be moved to the cloud, mainly
represented by virtualization, e.g. Amazon EC2
(Amazon, 2010b), Enomalism (Enomaly, 2010),
Eucalyptus (Nurmi et al., 2009), OpenNebula
an et al., 2008);
Data as a Service (DaaS): Refers to remotely
managed solutions for data storage, e.g., Google
FileSystem (Google, 2010b), Bayou (Demers
et al., 1994), Dynamo (DeCandia et al., 2007),
Amazon S3 (Amazon, 2010e), EMC (EMC,
Communication as a Service (CaaS): Solutions
providing service-oriented communication for
cloud users, including VoIP systems, instant
messaging, and audio/video conferencing, e.g.
Microsoft Connected Services Framework (Mi-
crosoft, 2010a; Hofstader, 2007); and
Hardware as a Service (HaaS): Refers to services
where the provider operates, manages and up-
grades the hardware used by the customer, e.g.,
Morgan Stanley IBM utility computing (Hines,
2004) PXE (Johnston, 1999), UBL (UBOOT,
2010), IBM Kittyhawk (Appavoo et al., 2008).
The ve layers abstract computing environments,
starting from the application (top layer), going
through the environment (which provides the re-
sources to the application to run), software infrastruc-
ture (the resources that are enabled by the operating
system), kernel and finally hardware. These layers are
used to identify possible categories for cloud services,
resulting in the taxonomy presented.
3.3 Sam Johnston’s 6-Layer Stack
Judging that NIST’s classification based on three lay-
ers/categories was oversimplified, Johnston (John-
ston, 2010) created a cloud computing taxonomy fo-
cusing on the software for the final users. The result-
ing taxonomy organizes the cloud ecosystem in six
layers, illustrated in Figure 2 and detailed as follows:
Clients: Computer hardware and/or software that
rely on the cloud to deliver services and applica-
tions, e.g., browsers in general, cloud operating
systems, Cirtas (Cirtas, 2010), g-Eclipse (Gjer-
mundrod et al., 2008), StorSimple (StorSimple,
Services: Web services that allow the direct in-
teraction between customers and providers’ solu-
Application: Solutions that eliminate the need of
installing or running software on local machines,
e.g., Google Apps (Google, 2010d), Zoho (Zoho,
Platform: Computing platform to deploy applica-
tions without having to purchase the required in-
frastructure, e.g., Force.com (SalesForce, 2010),
Google app Engine (Google, 2010a), Heroku
(Heroku, 2010), OrangeScape (OrangeScape,
2010), Rackspace (Rackspace, 2010);
Storage: Delivering storage as a service, either
in the form of raw storage or database utili-
ties, e.g., Amazon S3 (Amazon, 2010e), Amazon
SimpleDB (Amazon, 2010f), Dropbox (Dropbox,
2010), Evernote (Evernote, 2010), Mozy (De-
cho, 2010), Windows Live Skydrive (Microsoft,
2010b); and
Infrastructure: Services that offer virtualization
solutions for customers, allowing direct access
to the cloud infrastructure, e.g., Amazon EBS
(Amazon, 2010a), Amazon MI (Amazon, 2010c),
AppNexus (AppNexus, 2010), Cloudera (Cloud-
era, 2010), ElasticHosts (ElasticHosts, 2010),
GoGrid (GoGrid, 2010), Hadoop (Borthakur,
2007), RightScale (RightScale, 2010).
Figure 2: Sam Johnston’s 6-layer stack.
The resulting stack shares many similarities with
the one used by Youseff et al., but includes the
“Clients” layer, which represents elements that effec-
tively use the services from the adjacent layer.
The same taxonomy can also be presented as in
Figure 3, which shows the categories and the exam-
ples used by the authors to contextualize them.
Figure 3: Sam Johnston’s 6-layer stack.
3.4 Dave Linthicum’s 10-Layer
Linthicum’s taxonomy (Linthicum, 2009) aggregates
all possible services into ten categories on the same
level (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Dave Linthicum’s 10-layer taxonomy.
These categories are described as follows:
Storage as a Service: Ability to leverage stor-
age handled by the customer, so it becomes phys-
ically remote but logically local, e.g., Amazon
S3 (Amazon, 2010e), Box.net (Box.net, 2010),
Google Base (Google, 2010c);
Database as a Service: Follows the same principle
of Storage, but focuses exclusively on databases,
offering the space need for storing the data and
also interfaces to use the database tools, e.g.,
Amazon SimpleDB (Amazon, 2010f), Trackvia
(Trackvia, 2010);
Information as a Service: Offers APIs and inter-
faces to access remotely hosted information, such
as stock prices, address validation, credit report-
ing or meteorology;
Process as a Service: Provides structures able to
bind other resources altogether, creating business
processes easily changeable, e.g., Appian Any-
where (Appian, 2010), Itensil (Itensil, 2010);
Application as a Service: Software accessible
through browser, e.g., Salesforce CRM (Sales-
force, 2010b), Google Apps (Google, 2010d);
Platform as a Service: Includes the application
development platform, interfaces to access the
cloud infrastructure (including database utilities),
raw storage and testing, e.g., Google App Engine
(Google, 2010a), Heroku (Heroku, 2010);
Integration as a Service: An integration stack that
includes application interfaces, flow control and
integration designs, allowing the intercommuni-
cation between different programs or processes,
e.g., Amazon SQS (Amazon, 2010d);
Security as a Service: Mainly related to identity
management, e.g., Ping Identity (Identity, 2010);
Management as a Service: On-demand services
that provide resources and structure to manage
other cloud services in terms of topology, resource
utilization, virtualization and task management,
e.g., RightScale (RightScale, 2010); and
Testing as a Service: Services able to test
other cloud services, eliminating performance is-
sues and bugs during development, deployment
and production stage, e.g., SOASTA (SOASTA,
This taxonomy introduces many categories to di-
vide the cloud ecosystem. However, it lacks some
important aspects, as the IaaS set of services is not
entirely covered (there is not a clear category for vir-
tualization services) and there are no clear interrela-
tionships between different categories.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
The first point worth noticing when comparing the
four taxonomies previously presented refers to the
number of categories adopted: the most succinct is
the SPI model with only three categories, followed
by Youseffs ve-layers ontology, then by Johnston’s
six-layers stack and finally by Linthicum’s taxonomy
with ten different categories. Despite this difference,
they all follow a similar organization and assume a
linear or flat structure. Hence, it is plausible to use
the SPI model as reference to compare the other tax-
onomies, as depicted in Table 1. Even though the
SPI model was not necessarily used by the other tax-
onomies presented, this table helps to identify the
main points where each layer can be subdivided.
Table 1: Taxonomies comparison using SPI model as refer-
Taxonomy SaaS PaaS IaaS
Software Platform
Comp. resources
Johnston’s Services
6-layer Application Infrastructure
Testing Platform
Security Integration
Information Management
One of the most important requirements when
specifying cloud taxonomies is to permit an easier
identification of interrelationships between different
services; this allows the services to be studied sepa-
rately, as well as the creation of new services by com-
posing simpler ones.
The straightforward approach proposed in the SPI
model is helpful when a simple and direct classifi-
cation is needed, but encumbers the identification of
interrelationships between services. In comparison,
the other models described have more categories in a
flat distribution; however, they rely basically on exist-
ing services to create the categories, in such a man-
ner that the categories themselves usually do not have
clear connections. One of the main disadvantages of
this more empiric approach is that the resulting cat-
egories are likely unable to fully or properly cover
future services, or even existing services that were
not considered when the taxonomy was first designed.
One example is the Amazon EC2 (Amazon, 2010b),
which does not fit in any of Linthicum’s taxonomy
(Linthicum, 2009) categories: even though it is a stor-
age service, it also offers virtualization and database
We can conclude that, despite their importance,
the above-mentioned taxonomies are either too broad
– not providing the granularity needed for deeper and
more complex comparisons between distinct services
or too narrow lacking the flexibility for adding
new, more complex services, – and do not offer an ex-
plicit connection between the different categories. In
this context, the development of a more flexible and
comprehensive approach gains interest.
The proposed taxonomy model builds on the widely
accepted SPI, but adopts an hierarchical organization
rather than a flat one. This approach leads to a more
structured taxonomy, not only conserving the simplic-
ity of the SPI model in its higher level, but also en-
abling a deeper analysis of cloud services in its lower
levels, as aimed by the other taxonomies described in
section 3. Indeed, one of the most interesting features
of the SPI model is its ability to offer an overview
of services and to initially categorize them; the pro-
posed taxonomy model extends this property with a
finer-grained structure, enabling the development of
the more sophisticated analyses that are not possible
with the SPI model alone.
The result is a tree-like structure that aggregates
cloud solutions, favoring the identification of simi-
larities, dependencies and complementary points be-
tween these services. Figure 5 illustrates the proposed
model, showing a taxonomy based on existing ser-
vices. The specific categories depicted are:
e-Commerce: Services that enable the creation
of online stores and catalogs for local physi-
cal products, and application stores for mobile
Software management: Services that commu-
nicate with other software (hosted or not in a
cloud) with management purposes; such as a
hosted web application or an antivirus server.
This category can be further divided into mon-
itoring services (e.g., for checking service up-
time, performance, security or SLA compli-
ance), controlling (for creating, starting and
stopping other services) and integrating (for
data synchronization and conversion);
Financial management: Financial transactions,
such as payment and billing services;
Figure 5: A service-based instance of the proposed taxon-
omy model.
Communication: General-purpose types of
communication tied to an online event (e.g.,
VoIP, webcasts, webinars and web conferenc-
ing solutions);
Office tools: Word processors, spreadsheets,
presentation software, file conversion, calen-
dars, etc.;
Entertainment: Online games, video/audio
streaming, which demand specific QoS require-
ments; and
Business management: Corporate applications
such as CRM (Customer Relationship Manage-
ment) and BPM (Business Process Manage-
Developing: Hosted environment for soft-
ware development, like IDEs (Integrated De-
velopment Environment), versioning and bug-
tracking systems;
Deploying: Services that offer an environment
to deploy applications, from static to dynamic
web pages and web services; and
Testing: Solutions for automated tests of new
Processing: Virtualized processing resources,
e.g., virtual machines execution;
Storage: Virtualized storage, including
database, file storage, and disk storage; and
Networking: Virtualized networks and services
on top of an existing network infrastructure,
such as wireless clouds.
The proposed format enables not only to clas-
sify a service using specific categories (represented
by the leaves), but also using more generic levels,
which are especially recommended when a service
is very complex or when it aggregates different so-
lutions. Some Amazon web services are interesting
examples to contextualize both situations. The Ama-
zon S3 (Amazon, 2010e) is a storage service, which
is initially classified as an IaaS; using the proposed
model, this service is classified as a Infrastructure-
Storage. On the other hand, Amazon EC2 (Ama-
zon, 2010b), which is related to virtualization, offers
a complete platform to run software over a virtualized
infrastructure; it is classified as an Infrastructure ser-
vice, because it offers resources related to its leaves.
In this case it is interesting to note that both services
would be simply classified as IaaS by the SPI model
which is correct and adequate if a simple analysis
is required, but insufficient if one requires a compar-
ison between various IaaS providers, each of which
offering different solutions.
We emphasize, however, that the categories enu-
merated above are not necessarily exhaustive. In-
stead, the taxonomy instance depicted in Figure 5
is better regarded as an application of the proposed
model for common cloud services; as such, this tax-
onomy can be easily extended without losing its main
characteristics, as long as the SPI root is kept un-
touched. This extensibility feature also enables a clear
evolution path, similar to the way networking stan-
dards are created and maintained by standardization
entities such as IEEE and IETF (for instance, using
tags to identify the taxonomy version).
It is important to emphasize that the combinations
between services may be very complex. For example,
while using Heroku to develop a dynamic website for
an enterprise, the service consumer may decide to in-
clude Netsuite Ecommerce to integrate local products
to an online store, to use Amazon S3 or SimpleDB
to store any information related to business processes,
customers and commercial transactions, and finally to
adopt SOASTA to improve the website performance.
This example illustrates that classifying services into
more complex categories whilst keeping a solid foun-
dation enables a swift and useful identification of po-
tential services that, when combined, can create a
complete toolkit for developing the desired business.
Table 2 shows the classification of some existing
services according to this taxonomy.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 2: Classification of existing services using proposed
Service Main category Subdivisions
Amazon EC2 (Amazon, 2010b) Infrastructure -
Amazon S3 (Amazon, 2010e) Infrastructure Storage
Amazon SimpleDB (Amazon, 2010f) Infrastructure Storage – Database
Amazon SQS (Amazon, 2010d) Sofware Software management
– Integration
Appian Anywhere (Appian, 2010) Software Business management
Boomi (Boomi, 2010) Software Software management
– Integration
Box.net (Box.net, 2010) Infrastructure Storage
Elastra (Das et al., 2010) Software Software management
EMC SMS (EMC, 2010) Infrastructure Storage
Enomaly ECP (Enomaly, 2010) Infrastructure -
Google App Engine (Google, 2010d) Platform Deploying
Heroku (Heroku, 2010) Platform Developing, Deploying
Netsuite Apps (Netsuite, 2010) Software Financial management
OpSource Connect (OpSource, 2010) Software Software management
– Integration
Oracle OnDemand (Oracle, 2010) Software Business management
RightScale (RightScale, 2010) Software Cloud management
rPath (rPath, 2010) Software Cloud management
Salesforce CRM (Salesforce, 2010b) Software CRM
SOASTA (SOASTA, 2010) Platform Testing
Trackvia (Trackvia, 2010) Infrastructure Database
In addition to the taxonomies for cloud computing
services discussed in Section 3, there are also other
taxonomies that aim to identify further criteria to clas-
sify those services.
In (Prodan and Ostermann, 2009), Prodan and
Ostermann focus on the growth of cloud solutions
and the constant need of fast and scalable resources
for solving complex and demanding problems from
both scientific and business applications The authors
provide an organization of cloud computing envi-
ronments based on eight main aspects: the service
type, how resources are deployed, the hardware, run-
time tuning, security concerns, the business model
adopted, any middleware involved and performance
requirements. The organization adopted is very sim-
ilar to the SPI model, having as main difference the
addition of a fourth category denominated special-
ized services, which includes web and file hosting.
The cloud solutions are then categorized according to
several different criteria, such as environments, ser-
vice type, deployment, business model, Application
Programming Interface (API), and performance. As
a result, the proposed classification ends up resem-
bling a comparison/benchmark of the listed cloud so-
lutions rather than a taxonomy, requiring a consider-
able amount of information on how the solution was
built and a deep understanding on its specification and
requirements. In comparison, the taxonomy model
and its instance proposed in this paper provides a
more straightforward classification, letting the bench-
mark comparison to be verified on demand and ac-
cording to the consumer’s desire (in terms of require-
ments and criteria).
Rimal et al. (Rimal et al., 2009b), on the other
hand, highlight the acceptance of pay-for-use models
and of the everything-as-a-Service approach. They
state that the taxonomies currently available were cre-
ated from the perspective of vendors, not from the ac-
tual consumers of the cloud services. With this issue
in mind, the authors define many criteria to classify
cloud solutions, such as cloud architecture, virtual-
ization management, services, fault tolerance, secu-
rity, and other issues. The proposed taxonomy is also
based on the SPI model, but includes an additional
layer denominated Hardware as a Service (HaaS), lo-
cated between the Paas and IaaS categories. This new
category is, however, very similar to the IaaS layer
from the original SPI Model, while the then redefined
IaaS includes functionalities such as payment, which
is usually classified in the SaaS category. The taxon-
omy model, on the other hand, extends the SPI model
in a more elegant manner; moreover, the presented in-
stance focus only on the services category, since it is
related only to the taxonomy of cloud services.
Cloud computing is a powerful technology, enabling
productive and constructive use of computational re-
sources, easing software development and distribut-
ing applications through the Web. In this context,
it is important to have a concise yet comprehensive
taxonomy for organizing and classifying cloud solu-
tions, which is many times provided by the solid and
well established SPI model. One shortcoming of this
model, however, is that it lacks of a clear connection
between services inside each category.
In this paper, we address this issue by proposing
an enhanced taxonomy model that extends the SPI
model by means of an hierarchical structure. In a first
level, this new model conserves the simplicity of SPI,
allowing an easy identification of the overall charac-
teristics of cloud services. Then, as it goes deeper in
the tree-like classification, it enables more sophisti-
cated analyses, which includes the capability of de-
termining existing correlations between distinct ser-
vices. These correlations allow the identification of
complementary points that can be explored in order
to offer a complete set of virtualized tools (from soft-
ware to hardware), so the cloud customer is able to
focus on projects rather than the required infrastruc-
ture. Therefore, the aim of the proposed model is an
extension of (rather than a replacement for) the SPI
model, empowering the latter with an organization
that allows a finer-grained analysis to be performed
whenever needed.
Another essential feature of the proposed model
is the extensibility from the SPI root. Hence, its in-
stances should not be regarded as fixed and absolute
taxonomies, but as evolving structures that can fol-
low the cloud computing evolution itself. This also
means that future studies on criteria and other func-
tional aspects of the cloud may very well improve the
proposed model, organizing the services in order to
facilitate the development of more sophisticated cloud
computing solutions.
This work was supported by the Research and De-
velopment Centre, Ericsson Telecomunicac¸
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