Jos´e Luis Lucas
Department of Computing Architecture, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Carmen Carri´on, Blanca Caminero
Department of Computing Systems, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain
Quality of service, Reservations in advance, Virtual machine leasing.
Cloud computing has gained popularity in recent times. Nowadays several companies are migrating their
software towards cloud providers. Using virtual machines as a resource provisioning mechanism offers some
benefits, but depending on the applications it could be difficult to preview the exact amount of resources the
company needs to provide QoS to its clients. In this paper, a new way of booking resources is proposed, in
which Cloud users can specify the minimum and maximum number of virtual resources needed, so that coping
with periods of peak load is easier and cheaper. This is supported by means of a general framework which
includes modifications and/or additions of several components at different levels of the Cloud architecture. A
microbenchmark-based proof-of-concept evaluation is included, which provides a hint on the benefits of the
Cloud computing is an emerging topic in the field
of parallel and distributed computing. A cloud is a
combination of physically and virtually connected re-
sources that aim to power the next generation data
centers by architecting them as a network of virtual
services (Buyya et al., 2009).
Virtualization is one of the key technologies be-
hind the Cloud computing paradigm. Virtualization
allows the dynamic instantiation of virtual machines
on physical resources, and to allocate them as needed.
There are several benefits expected from virtualiza-
tion, such as high availability, ease of deployment,
migration, maintenance, and low power consumption
that help to establish a robust infrastructure for Cloud
computing (Barham et al., 2003).
With Cloud computing, companies can lease re-
sources on-demand from a virtually unlimited pool.
Those resources can be divided into three parts: in-
frastructure, platform, and software, which are usu-
ally made available as subscription-based services in
This work was supported by the Spanish MEC and MICINN,
as well as European Commission FEDER funds, under Grants
CSD2006-00046 and TIN2009-14475-C04. It was also partly sup-
ported by JCCM under Grants PBI08-0055-2800 and PII1C09-
a pay-as-you-go model to consumers. These services
are respectively referred to as Infrastructure as a Ser-
vice (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Soft-
ware as a Service (SaaS) in industry. The pay-as-you-
go billing model applies charges for the actually used
resources per unit time. This way, a business can op-
timize its IT investment and improve availability and
Typical computing resources offer a static and fi-
nite set of computationalcapacity to users. A resource
is initially purchased with an estimate for its peak ca-
pacity with the hope that the average load on the re-
source stays well below that estimate. However, the
demand is often dynamic, and it is then difficult to
estimate the times when the demand will exceed the
capacity of the resource (e.g, social networking en-
vironment). Most often it is only realized when the
system crashes under the load and this results in user
frustration (Marshall et al., 2010). So a challenge for
Cloud providers is how to provide a solution to cope
with clients failed estimations.
Several research groups have explored the way
of taking advantage of the elasticity that provides
Cloud computing. For example, in (Dias de Assun-
cao et al., 2009) and (Marshall et al., 2010) the bene-
fits of expanding a cluster with EC2 nodes are shown;
in (Llorente et al., 2009) the use of Cloud computing
Luis Lucas J., Carrión C. and Caminero B..
DOI: 10.5220/0003383306100615
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 610-615
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
for Grid resource provisioning is proposed. More-
over, there are some companies which offer elastic
cloud services for an amount of money, like Elasti-
cHosts (Web, 2010b).
The target application for the proposal presented
in this paper would be one that exhibits variable loads.
The user (i.e., the application provider) can iden-
tify the range of Virtual Machines (VMs) needed to
support the minimum and maximum expected load.
Then, the system will autonomously adjust the re-
sources allocated to that user depending on the real
load, up to the specified maximum number of VMs,
and allocating always the minimum number of VMs.
More precisely, an extension to the advance-
reservation lease model implemented in the Haizea
scheduler (Sotomayor et al., 2008) named FAR (Flex-
ible Advance Reservations), is presented, aimed at
taking advantage of the elasticity provided by Cloud
computing. This extension will allow users to manage
their booked flexible resources for improving their
business investment. Moreover, this new feature will
probably generate new proposals of scheduling poli-
cies (due to the new type of lease), smart pricing al-
gorithms, lease priority algorithms and so on.
The rationale behind this is similar to the one used
to accept a number of Variable Bite Rate (VBR) con-
nections into communication links. VBR connec-
tions are characterized by a mean and a peak band-
width (this is similar to the range of VMs pointed out
above). If the peak connection bandwidth is reserved,
link bandwidth will be wasted because connections
do not transmit at their peak data rate all the time.
Translated to our scenario, if the maximum number
of VMs is provisioned, it is likely that great part of
the time many of them will not be used, thus wast-
ing provider’s resources (i.e., energy, CPU power),
and maybe preventing other users to be admitted into
the system. Thus, several connections can be admit-
ted provided that it is quite unlikely that their “peaks”
will happen simultaneously (due to the Law of Large
Numbers). In the Cloud scenario, this means that it
will be unlikely that all users will need the full range
of VMs at the same time. Of course, in both scenar-
ios, some criteria must be applied in order to know
if a new connection (user) can be admitted or not,
while satisfying its requirements, and not compromis-
ing those from already admitted connections (users).
The cost of this type of reservation is intended to
be lower that the cost of reserving the maximum num-
ber of VMs in the conventional way. So the Cloud
provider would get less benefits from every single
user, but as a counterpart, it could admit more users
into the system. From the users perspective, they
could opt for paying a more economic bill for a set
Figure 1: Cloud computing architecture.
of virtual resources, that will very likely be available
when needed.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2 the cloud framework used for this
work is outlined. In Section 3 the proposal of flexi-
ble advance-reservation leases is introduced and dis-
cussed. In Section 4 some preliminary experiments
that illustrate the usefulness of the proposal are pre-
sented. Finally, the paper ends with some conclu-
sions in Section 5, where possible guidelines for fu-
ture work are pointed out.
Figure 1 depicts the typical Cloud Computing archi-
tecture. It includes three layers: Infrastructure Layer,
Platform Layer and Software Layer. The Infrastruc-
ture Layer can be further divided into three parts:
Physical Layer, where isolated physical resources are
placed; Hypervisor Layer, which allows each physi-
cal resource to be virtualized; and Cloud Management
Layer, which provides a general view of the system.
On top of that, the Platform layer is where virtual ma-
chines are placed. And finally, the Software layer,
which consists on applications running on those vir-
tual machines.
The authors have focused on OpenNebula
(ONE) (Sotomayor et al., 2009a) as cloud manage-
ment software, instead of other well-known frame-
works such as Eucalyptus (Nurmi et al., 2008) or
Nimbus (Keahey and Freeman, 2008), because it is
one of the most extended cloud manager all over the
world, it can be extended and integrated with third-
party developments, and its scheduler can be easily
OpenNebula is a virtual infrastructure engine
which provides the functionality needed to deploy,
monitor and control VMs on a pool of distributed
physical resources. It is composed of three main
components, namely, OpenNebula Core, a central-
ized component that manages the life-cycle of a VM
(deploy, monitor, migrate, ...); Capacity Manager,
a module that governs the functionality provided by
the OpenNebula core; and Virtualizer Access Drivers,
that exposes the basic functionality of the hypervisor
to provide an abstraction of the underlying virtualiza-
tion layer. OpenNebula is able to dynamically scale-
out this infrastructure by interfacing with an external
cloud. In fact, OpenNebula already includes an Ama-
zon EC2 (Web, 2010a) virtualizer driver.
Besides, Haizea has been used as scheduling soft-
ware, instead of the OpenNebula default scheduler,
because it provides a more complete scheduling en-
vironment. Haizea is an open source lease manage-
ment architecture developed by Sotomayor et al. (So-
tomayor et al., 2009b). Haizea uses leases as a funda-
mental resource provisioning abstraction.
A lease is a “negotiated and renegotiable agree-
ment between a resource provider and a resource con-
sumer, where the former agrees to make a set of
resources available to the latter, based on a set of
lease terms presented by the resource consumer (So-
tomayor et al., 2008).
Haizea supports three types of leases (Sotomayor
et al., 2009b), being the first one the focus of interest
of this paper:
1. Advance reservation lease, where the resource
must be available at a specific time;
2. Best-effort leases, where resources are provi-
sioned as soon as possible;
3. Immediate leases, where resources are provi-
sioned when requested or not at all.
The main contribution of this paper consists of ex-
tending the Cloud manager infrastructure for optimiz-
ing user cost-benefit ratio and improving the use of
resources for variable load applications. Currently, an
application provider can book a number of virtual ma-
chines during a period of time. However, during the
execution, the application which runs on the allocated
VMs could get overloaded. In order to try to over-
come this, a solution consists on adding a range of
extra virtual machines which could be used in case
the application needs them.
A typical use case could be described as follows.
The clients want to get a certain level of Quality of
Service (QoS), i.e, a bounded response delay for their
application. They also want to save some money and
not to waste part of their booked resources. So, with
Figure 2: Steps for supporting flexible advance-reservation
FAR leases, they could purchase enough VMs for an
average load and also a flexible range for a peak load.
This possibility would be cheaper than purchasing the
full range of VMs for the whole leasing period, even
though they will be only needed for coping with a un-
predictable small peak-load period.
As a counterpart, when using FAR leases, the
Cloud provider could increase the number of Cloud
clients (thus also increasing benefits) since the “flexi-
ble” VMs do not be to be allocated the whole reserva-
tion time to one specific client. Instead, the scheduler
within the Cloud provider could implement strate-
gies to estimate when and how many more flexible
VMs need to be allocated over time, and thus decide
whether more clients should be admitted or not.
In order to support flexible advanced-reservation
leases, several changes need to be introduced in the
generic Cloud infrastructure, as depicted in Figure 2.
1. A “smart-component” needs to be created. This
component needs to be placed in the booked vir-
tual machine and it is able to connect to OpenNeb-
ula’s node. Its mission is to monitor the QoS of-
fered by the service running in that VM, triggering
the creation/deletion of VMs within the specified
flexible range as needed.
2. The Haizea Metascheduler has to be extended to
consider the new type of lease. As stated ear-
lier, Haizea has three types of leases: advance-
reservation leases, best-effort leases, and immedi-
ate leases. This proposal is related to the first one,
extending its characteristics to include the “flexi-
bility” feature: a range of virtual machines. More-
over, Haizea would need some control over this
flexibility feature in order to know when the sys-
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 3: Flexible advance-reservation scenario.
tem is empty of resources to provide, or if there
are still enough resources to fulfill a client request.
Here, a range of heuristics can be applied.
3. Support for a new SLA type should be added so
that clients can use the new type of lease. SLA are
negotiated between two parties following the spe-
cific negotiation protocols, and are generated us-
ing the SLA templates available on both the con-
sumers and the providers sides. Cloud computing
providers would need new ways to generate SLA
templates which include the new flexible advance-
reservation lease.
Figure 3 shows an activity diagram which mod-
els the intended behavior of a FAR lease. First of all,
a client asks OpenNebula for a (number of) virtual
machine(s) using an Flexible Advance-Reservation
lease. Both parties negotiate an SLA, and ONE al-
locates the VM to the client. The client sets up its ser-
vice on the newly allocated VM, and monitoring on
the performance of such service starts. After that, and
depending on the action to do, if the service becomes
collapsed, the smart component would ask for a new
virtual machine to help supporting the service. On
the other hand, if the service is working better than it
was previewed, the component would tell OpenNeb-
ula to delete one existing virtual machine. This pro-
cedure works as a loop within the booked period of
time. Moreover, the smart component has the ability
to automate the dynamic provisioning of VMs taking
into account the negotiated SLA.
Of course, this basic scenario could be improved
by implementing some criteria (i.e., prediction tech-
niques) to anticipate the service collapse, and havethe
additional VM(s) ready before collapse really occurs.
Also, the time needed to set up additional VMs should
be considered, when fine-tuning the heuristics inside
the smart component.
In order to have an insight into the foreseen benefits of
our proposal, a proof-of-concept experiment has been
devised which shows the system behavior when VMs
are automatically provisioned and freed on workload
The physical infrastructure used in this work con-
sists of one central host in which OpenNebula is in-
stalled, and two more hosts where VMs will be de-
ployed. In both hosts the Xen Hypervisor (Web,
2010c) is used to manage VMs. As Figure 4 depicts,
the virtual machines have a single core 1.8 GHz AMD
Opteron processor and 256 MB of RAM, and all of
them are connected to the Internet.
It is supposed that there is a client who has booked
one virtual machine for a period of time. This VM has
an Nginx web server (ngi, 2010) with PHP installed,
and also some PHP scripts which consume CPU time.
For testing that virtual machine, a variable work-
load has been designed. Taking into account that the
arrival rate is one request per second, three types of
requests have been created: Low load requests, which
Figure 4: Infrastructure used in the experiment.
take less than a second to finish; High load requests,
which take more than a second to finish; Very high
load requests, which take much more than one sec-
ond to finish.
The workload submitted to the web server has
been created by mixing the three types of requests
within a period of time. As Figure5 shows, the work-
load starts with a period of low load requests, being
followed by a period of high load requests. This se-
quence of requests will load the web server. After
that, it comes another easy low load period before
introducing the highest load requests into the web
server. The test period ends with another low re-
quest period. The rationale behind this workload vari-
ations is to mimic a workload that could need more
resources than the initially foreseen.
The response time of the jobs is the metric used
in our proof-of-concept evaluation. This parameter
is a measure of the QoS provided by the web server.
More parameters will be considered in a future such
as CPU usage or energy consumption, which could be
also used to set up trade-offs between users’ service
guarantees and provider’s interests.
Next, some plots which illustrate the evolution of
the web server performance without and with FAR
leases are shown. Figure 6a shows the web server per-
formance under the specified workload without FAR
leases. It can be observed that the web server gets
overloaded during the period of high load requests,
because lots of them are being queued. When in-
troducing low load requests, the web server is most
of the time overloaded due to previously queued re-
quests. Then, while introducing very high load and
then again low load requests, the web server shows
the same performance as before.
When FAR leases are applied, performance degra-
dation is avoided just by booking a range of virtual
machines in the same period of time. As we can see
in Figure 6b when the main virtual machine gets over-
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (seg)
Ellapsed time (seg)
CPU processing time Arrival rate
Figure 5: Workload profile.
loaded, the smart component asks OpenNebula for
another virtual machine for helping it. In this point,
the first peak load has been fixed. Later, in the low
part of the workload, the component knows that the
web server is working fine and it decides to delete the
extra VM. When the very high load part of the work-
load appears, the component asks for one extra VM
and it also immediately asks for another one for pre-
venting the web server to get overloaded. When this
part finishes and the second low part arrives, the web
server works fine again and the component deletes
those extra virtual machines.
In this work, a new type of Virtual Machine lease,
named Flexible Advance Reservations (FAR) lease,
is proposed in order to provide Cloud clients with a
cost-effective way to cope with periods of peak load,
while allowing the Cloud provider to make a better
utilization of resources, thus increasing benefits.
The general framework for supporting FAR leases
has also been described, which includes three parts:
1) a smart-component implemented within the provi-
sioned VM, 2) extensionsto the Haizea scheduler,and
3) support from the SLA manager.
The smart-component has already been created.
Its aim is to monitor the QoS offered by the services
provided by the booked VMs, and decide whether
more VMs are needed, or the system works fine.
Finally, a proof-of-conceptevaluation has been in-
cluded, showing the benefits of the automatic and dy-
namic provision of resources on applications demand.
Up to now, the current implementation is an ini-
tial prototype focused specifically on the Nginx web
server. As future work, more intensive testing, over
larger environments, need to be carried out. Also, it
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Response Time (seg)
Time (seg)
(a) Without FAR lease.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Response time (seg)
Time (seg)
Extra−VM1 Extra−VM2
(b) Using FAR lease.
Figure 6: System performance.
is intended to develop the full framework described
here. The first step will be extending the Haizea
scheduler with the new type of lease. Finally, research
will be carried out on algorithms for improving the
smart component performance, and on strategies for
VM scheduling in a Cloud supporting FAR leases.
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