A Case Study of the AGATA Project
V´ıctor M´endez Mu˜noz
, Mohammed Kaci, Andr´es Gadea and Jos´e Salt
IFIC - a mixted intitute CSIC and Universitat de Val`encia, Apt. Correus 22085, E-46071, Val`encia, Spain
Mass storage systems, Grid, Cloud, Costs analysis.
The AGATA is a shell detector for gamma-ray spectroscopy. At the present stage of the project the AGATA
collaboration is running an AGATA-demonstrator, which is a small part (only 12 Germanium crystals) of the
future full AGATA spectrometer (180 crystals). The AGATA-demonstrator is producing a huge amount of
raw-data with a high throughput. This paper focuses on the economics study regarding various options of
data storage for the AGATA spectrometer. We discuss the raw-data storage requirements on the demonstrator
and the forecasted storage size requirements for the full AGATA spectrometer. We also analyze the data
communication requirements. The case study focuses in costs analysis of three options: a dedicated storage,
a Grid storage and a Cloud storage service. In this manner, we explain how a huge size mass storage can
be affordable, and why the costs savings depends more in the particularity of the problems than in general
estimations. The results show a lower total costs for the Grid option.
The AGATA collaboration (http://www-
win.gsi.de/agata/) is using a high purity Germanium
crystal based multi-detector array as a γ-ray spec-
trometer in multiple experimental configurations.
The AGATA spectrometer array produces a huge
amount of raw-data that would be reprocessed later
in order to reduce them by a factor of about 20. The
obtained reduced data are used by the physicists for
their analysis. The raw-data reprocessing is based on
the novel concepts of Pulse Shape Analysis (PSA)
and γ-ray tracking (Kaci et al., 2010). The raw-data
analysis have to be reprocessed off-line, since the
quality of the response of the AGATA detector array
depends on the performance of the PSA and data
Nowadays, the AGATA collaboration is running
a demonstrator detector-array which is composed
of 4 triple highly-segmented Ge semiconductor
detectors (12 Ge crystals). The full AGATA γ-ray
spectrometer, with 180 Ge crystals, will run in the
next few years. With the demonstrator configuration,
the raw-data production is in average of 10TB by
experiment. Thus, each triple detector throughput
is 5 TB in average. Depending on the experimental
Currently at PIC: vmendez@pic.es
configuration, with more detectors the filters of the
data taking are less effective, a complete ball can
increase to 5 TB in average for a triple detector.
More than 30 experiments a year are forecasted in
the AGATA collaboration. With this premises we
are talking about a mass storage requirement range
from 5PB/year up to 10PB/year for the AGATA
raw-data production. To particularize the case study,
the off-site storage for backup and recovery system is
not contemplated.
When the mass storage scales up to a huge size,
the storage system becomes critical regarding the
adoption of an overall computing solution. As the
storage system can be separated from the rest of the
computing solution, in this paper we focus on the
mass storage requirements, regardless of the other
computing requirements of the problem. Another im-
portant factor of this case study is, the collaborative
environment between the distributed research groups
of the AGATA experiments. This feature introduces
some constrains to the problem, related with the
raw-data accessibility while permissions are granted.
We make this case study in order to know how
a huge mass storage can be affordable, and why
the costs savings depends more in the particularity
of the problem than in the general estimations. For
this reasons, in this paper we focus in a detailed
Méndez Muñoz V., Kaci M., Gadea A. and Salt J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003380505070511
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 507-511
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
analysis of the costs. In Section 2 we analyse the
different cost factors. We identify the important cost
factors for a mass storage provider. Furthermore,
we qualify the costs analysis within the constrains
of the AGATA project. In Section 3, we focus in
the AGATA costs estimations of the storage service.
Particularly, we analyse a dedicated storage system,
a Data Grid solution within the European Grid
Initiative (http://www.egi.eu/projects/egi-inspire)
infrastructure, and a solution with the Amazon
Simple Storage (S3) (http://www.amazon.com/s3)
service. Section 4 discusses the results in the AGATA
context. The case study is summarized in Section 5.
In this section we follow the general guidance in
(Alek Opitz and Szamlewska, 2008) to estimate the
costs of a Grid resource provider. Several parameters
have to be taken into account. Some of them are di-
rectly assumed by the AGATA project, other costs are
assumed as a best effort by the different partners of
the AGATA collaboration. Both of them have to be
taken into account in the costs analysis. Therefore,
we classify the typical parameters as follows
Storage Total Costs of Ownership (TCO):
Hardware costs.
Business premises costs.
Software costs.
Personel costs.
Costs of data communication with the computing
The following subsections analyse the costs
breakdown differences between the three options: the
dedicated storage, the Grid storage and the Cloud In-
frastructure as a Service (IaaS).
2.1 Storage Total Costs of Ownership
The TCO is the aggregated costs of the hardware ac-
quisition, the replacement of defective components,
the business premises including electricity, the soft-
ware and the personnel costs. The dedicated storage
and the Grid storage require the acquisition of the
hardware, software installation and the maintenance
in the datacentre. The TCO in Cloud is included in
the storage service price.
Some papers about storage TCO have already been
published. Some of them are vendor reports focused
in consulting optimization of the TCO (IBM, 2003;
Marrill, 2008). Such models are based on general pa-
rameters for a wide range of storage systems. For
our particular case we have found in (Moore et al.,
2008), real costs analysis of the storage infrastruc-
ture at the San Diego Computing Center (SDSC). The
SDSC storage features are valid requirements for the
AGATA storage.
The storage size of the SDSC costs analysis is
7PB, while in AGATA is about 10PB/year.
The storage is a system of an archival in tapes and
The storage is standard range since the data are
The service is 24x7.
The SDSC storage reports a TCO breakdown in the
metric of $/TB/year. Table 1 shows these costs in
C/TB/year. The upper part of the table are transla-
tions from the SDSC costs analysis. The Grid specific
costs are explained below.
Table 1: Estimated normalized annual costs of storage.
TCO Breakdown SATA Disk Archival Tape
Costs TB/year 1 PB 9 PB
Disk/tape media 396 74
Other capital 174 122
Maintenance 170 81
Facilities 118 18
Personel 251 74
Dedicated TOTAL 1110 370
Other capital 116 81
Maintenance 0 0
Personel 168 49
Grid TOTAL 798 228
Hardware costs are the disk/tape media costs, and
also the other capital costs referring the replacement
components, the file system servers and the storage
area network. The maintenance costs are referred to
the support and the software licensing. Facilities costs
are the business premisses including electricity, es-
timated of the ”floor space” cost in the datacentre.
The personnel costs are 3 Full-time Person Equivalent
(FPE). The above are the translation in Euros from the
SDSC datacentre, to apply in the dedicated storage
The Grid option has reductions in some of the
costs. In general terms, all the fixed costs are reduced
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
because of the economy of scale, sharing resources
with other Virtual Organizations (VOs). In our par-
ticular case study, for simplicity, minor fixed costs
differences, like building amortization, are not con-
sidered. There are also vendor discounts for capital
purchases and maintenance, which are difficult to es-
timate, because it is not unusual that the negotiated
pricing is confidential. Such discounts can be impor-
tant in the Grid option compared with the dedicated
datacentre, but they are not taken in consideration for
Grid costs estimation.
In other capital costs of the Grid, the file sys-
tem servers and the storage area network have costs
reduction because they are shared with other VOs.
We have estimate a reduction of 2/3, which is
easy to reach in the Grid context of EGI. Regard-
ing the maintenance and licensing costs, we take
the example of our institute complex Grid infras-
tructure. We have a site belonging to the federated
Tier-2 for the ATLAS experiment (http://atlas.ch/),
and a site belonging to the Grid-CSIC infrastructure
(http://www.grid.csic.es), with a total storage near of
1 PB. These infrastructures are integrated in the Na-
tional Grid Initiative NGI/EGI, and there is an oper-
ational collaboration with the rest of Grid site teams,
for coordination and self-support. The operation of
this complex Grid site includes not only the data-
centre, but also computing resources administration.
This complex infrastructure is supported by a team
of 3 FTE persons working without third party main-
tenance support. Additional support is obtained from
the collaboration with the NGI-EGI operation groups.
This is possible in the collaborative environment of
the Grid communities, with a know-how sharing con-
text. About licensing, the gLite middleware is pro-
vided by the European Middleware Initiative (EMI)
(http://www.eu-emi.eu/) with opensource license cut
off cost. The mass storage systems supported by gLite
middleware are dCache and CASTOR (Burke et al.,
2009). In our Grid complex infrastructure we also
use Lustre (SunMycrosytems, 2009), which neither
have licensing costs. Other third party mass stor-
age systems can have licensing costs. If we consider
these premises, we can take a similar scheme for the
AGATA storage Grid option and cut off the mainte-
nance and licensing costs. Finally in the costs break-
down analysis, Table 1 assigns to the Grid storage
of AGATA a 2 FPE, 1 FPE less than the dedicated
datacentre, because the economy of scale in the oper-
ational tasks which can be done for many VOs.
Since most of the Cloud providers offer a wide
range of storage service, the AGATA storage require-
ments are in the standard range of the Cloud storage.
2.2 Data Communication Costs
In what concerns AGATA, the data source is the Data
Acquisition system (DAQ). The DAQ includes a pre-
mium range storage system, which is able to deal with
the raw-data throughput of the AGATA detector. For
cost reasons, the DAQ storage size is reduced to the
space required for processing the data of the active
experiment. Therefore, the DAQ needs to transfer the
produced raw data in quasi-real time to the mass stor-
age system. In the following we analyse the transfer
In the Introduction Section, we have shown
that the experimental data produced by the AGATA
demonstrator with 4 triple detectors is 10TB on aver-
age. For network requirements analysis we take into
account not the average but the peak throughput of
the experiments, which is about 20TB for the AGATA
demonstrator. The peak experiments produce 5TB for
a tripledetector throughput. If we considerer the men-
tioned filtering factors, this throughput in the com-
plete AGATA ball can reach 10TB, which gives a to-
tal of 600TB for the peak experiments.
In our transfer tests we get 170MB/s of effec-
tive transfer rate. Therefore, for a peak experiment
600TB of raw data is transferred in 42 days. This
is clearly unscalable since there are about 30 exper-
iments planned for each year, and the AGATA DAQ
has storage space for only one experiment. For this
peak size experiments the AGATA project can book
some extra off-time before the next experiment. The
transfers can start during the data taking, so the peak
transfers can take two weeks. For our peak network
requirement, 600TB in 14 days, it is necessary an ef-
fective transfer rate of 520MB/s, equivalent to 4,160
Mbps, which requires a dedicated network of 5Gbps
This analysis illustrates a premium network re-
quirements, not only at physical layer but also in the
transfer software, to scale to the 60 triple detector data
transfer. Private leased lines are dedicated circuits,
with price depending basically on speed and distance.
A good option for our purpose can be two circuits of
OC-48 (Optical Circuit at 2,448 Mbps) to reach the
required 5Gbps of full time dedicated connection. A
estimation in (NortelNetworks, 2009) says that a 18
months leasing is 2,500 £per fibre mile, including in-
stallation and the rest of the costs. This is equivalent
to 1,281
C/km for a year channel leasing. Vendors
discount are usual for multiple channels after the first
one, but it is difficult to estimate, for our purpose we
take the costs of two complete channels. For the dis-
tance estimations, we take the distance between the
AGATA demonstrator DAQ and the data storage, ab-
out 100 Km.
In the dedicated storage option, the storage system
can be directly endorsed to the DAQ. In this case, for
the data transfer from the source to the storage sys-
tem, the cost is included in the hardware costs of the
datacentre local network. Traditionally, the physics
experiments have used this schema. In these cases,
the raw-data are stored in tapes at the DAQ, and each
research group took the tapes and transport them to
their institute, where they process the raw-data on
their own. Such schema is not possible in the AGATA
collaboration for two reasons. The first one is: the
raw-data are owned by the entire collaboration for
security and scientific reasons, with the appropriate
access rights to the different experimental raw-data.
The second reason is: the AGATA raw-data size of
each experiment becomes the processing a not trivial
matter, so research groups have to join forces for an
affordable computing process. Thus, in AGATA we
are talking of raw-data transfer and processing on ap-
propriate computing performance. In this manner, we
have to consider the transfer costs between the stan-
dalone storage system and the computingcenter of the
raw-data processing.
The Grid option has to estimate the transfer costs
from the DAQ to the Grid storage. Grid Computing
technologies offers the possibility to send the process-
ing jobs to run at the sites where the data are located,
therefore, no additional remote transfers are needed.
Cloud companies incurs higher network charges
from their service providers for storage of terabytes
(Myerson, 2008). Since AGATA is a petabytes stor-
age, a way to obtain better network costs is to negoti-
ate with the cloud provider a third-party network leas-
ing. In this case study, we consider a such third-party
network leasing, without Cloud provider charges, for
the costs estimations. The Cloud option requires, at
least, 1 raw-data transfer from the DAQ. Additional
transfer of the raw-data can be needed if the process-
ing is performed out of the Cloud.
In this section we analyse the storage models of the
different options, and we get the cost estimations in
year basis following the premises of Section 2. The
storage costs on delivery to the Computing Center is
the addition of the storage TCO and the data commu-
nication costs.
The storage TCO/year for the dedicated storage
and the Grid storage options is in the Equation 1, con-
sidering the costs of Table 1.
TCO = Disk
C/TB 1PB+ Tape C/TB 9PB (1)
Where Disk and Tape have different values for the
dedicated storage and the Grid storage.
For the Cloud storage option we have choosen a
standard storage service, good enough for AGATA
storage requirements shown in Subsection 2.1. A
Cloud storage option which fulfil those requisites is
the Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3). The price
list depends on the location of the Amazon S3 bucket,
(the European Union in our case study), and the stor-
age used, obtaining discounts for bigger sizes of stor-
age used. The S3 prices are in $/GB/month. The
storage size requirements in a year is about 10PB for
the full AGATA spectrometer, giving in average 833
TB per month. This affects to the price range, in
the first year different prices have to be applied until
reach the lower unit price for the bigger S3 storages
over 5,000TB. Equation 2 shows the total year TCO
in function of the month i charge.
TCO = 833 t
(833 i)) t
(833 i)) t
Where t
> t
> t
are the different S3 monthly price-
list for the accumulated storage size. Nowadays, in
November of 2010, these S3 price-list is for our case:
= 71.99,t
= 60, 62,t
= 41, 68 in
The next years storage costs would be accumulated
with the previous years costs. This is the same for the
three evaluated options. Considering these premises
the next years costs addition to the previous TCO is
in Equation 3.
TCO = (
(833 i)) t
Regarding the data communication explained in
Subsection 2.2, the standard connection is a 2 chan-
nels OC-48 of a leased private line of 100km distance,
with a year costs of 256,200
C/year. The dedicated
storage option, endorsed to DAQ, requires a connec-
tion from dedicated storage to the Computing Center.
The Grid option requires a connection from DAQ to
the Grid storage. The Cloud option requires a connec-
tion from DAQ to Cloud and other from Cloud to the
Computing Center.
Table 2 summarizes the year costs of the three op-
tions in C, to be accumulated to the previous years
storage costs. Dedicated and Grid is from Equation 1,
Cloud year 1 is from Equation 2 and Cloud of the next
years (+1) is from Equation 3.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 2: Total acumulative for C/10PB/year on delivery.
Storage Storage Transfer TOTAL
Option TCO Costs
Dedicated 4,546,560 256,200 4,802,760
Grid 2,918,400 256,200 3,174,600
year 1 2,875,357 512,400 3,387,757
year +1 2,708,116 512,400 3,220,516
It is important to comment a particular issue of the
Cloud solutions, which is related with the costs . With
a traditional datacentre the costs are up-front, it is
a Capital Expenditure (CapEx), while Cloud Com-
puting is pay-as-you-go, it is an Operating Expenses
(OpEx). CapEx refers to an investment for a long pe-
riod of time. CapEx assets are depreciated in value
over time on the accounting. OpEx refers to expenses
incurred excluding cost of goods sold, taxes, depreci-
ation and interest. Cloud Computing moves CapEx to
OpEx, but there is no reason to think that there is a fi-
nancial benefit from here. Anyway, they are hardware
costs to be considerated, both in the storage acquisi-
tion and in the price of the IaaS.
It is also important, the difference between the
storage acquisition options and the Cloud storage op-
tion. The Cloud costs are the Amazon S3 prices,
therefore, it is true cost value, while in this sense, the
storage acquisition options have estimated costs. This
is an economical forecast advantage to the Cloud op-
In this context, Table 2 shows the Grid option with
the lowest total costs of storage and data communica-
tions. The lowest TCO/year without transfer costs, is
for the Cloud option.
Another consideration of Cloud storage is about
the possible integration with Cloud Computing for
raw-data processing. In this case, the storage upload
is raw-data and the storage download is reduced data
in a factor of 20. The communications requirements
would be a connection of two channels OC-48. With
this scheme, regardlessof Cloud Computing costs, the
Cloud storage on delivery is lower costs than the op-
tions in Table 2.
A final consideration in the Grid option is about
the integration of a complete Grid solution for stor-
age, data management and computing processing. In
this case, communications from DAQ can be inte-
grated in the Grid infrastructure to cut off the costs,
because the economy of scale, sharing higher perfor-
mance networks with others VO.
This case study analyses three options for a huge re-
quirement mass storage system, in the context of the
AGATA collaboration. We have shown how such a
storage system can be affordable, focusing on the par-
ticularity of the problem. The estimated metrics have
been taken from the AGATA demonstrator detector
array (12 Ge crystals) throughput testing, and also
from the data transfer tests. Considering the results,
this case study supports the adoption of Grid mass
storage system for the AGATA collaboration.
We are greatly indebted to the founding agency Span-
ish National Research Council-CSIC for their support
from project Grid-CSIC.
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