Vassilis-Javed Khan, Koos Nuijten and Nils Deslé
NHTV Breda Univesity of Applied Sciences, Breda, The Netherlands
Keywords: Augmented virtuality, Pervasive computing, Pervasive advertisement, Pervasive computing evaluation.
Abstract: In this position paper, we present a setup for evaluating users’ experience of pervasive applications within a
virtual environment. We review existing literature on mixed reality and pervasive application evaluation. A
conclusion of that review is the potential of evaluating applications such as location-based services in a
virtual environment. Finally, we present our plans of evaluating user experience factors of location-based
advertisements in a virtual supermarket, highlight methodological considerations and sketch future research
1.1 Augmented Virtuality
& Virtual Environments
In their seminal paper Milgram and Kishino (1994)
presented the concept of “virtual continuum” where
real environments appear at the one end of the
continuum and virtual environments on the other
end. In between that continuum the concept of
“Augmented Virtuality” (AV) refers to the merging
of real world objects into virtual worlds. Since the
time of that paper, AV has had an application in a
variety of fields (Dubois et al., 2010) such as
medicine, entertainment, game, architecture, just to
name a few.
The widespread use of a virtual environment
(VE) is obviously routed to its advantages. It is a
completely controllable environment, easy to
manipulate and use it for different purposes. Thus, it
is perfectly suited for experimental research where
researchers need to control the environment while at
the same time be able to observe and meticulously
record observations and participant responses
(Dubois et al., 2010). Compared to a PC application
or low-fi prototypes, a VE is able to reconstruct the
environment and therefore the conducted research
would offer participants the right stimuli to yield
reliable results. Compared to laboratory settings a
VE allows participants to reconstruct their
experience of everyday settings while ensuring that
those settings are exactly the same for all
participants. Thus, a VE would score higher on
ecologically validity when compared to laboratory
However, developing a VE is still to some extent
expensive and requires extensive technical skills to
create. Besides, there would always be a difference
with the real world and therefore validation studies
would be necessary to measure the effect of that
difference. The immersiveness of the VE can also
have the disadvantage of creating a halo effect to
participants. Thus, there is the chance that
participants would respond differently to such an
environment due to the fact that they would have not
had experiences with a VE before, or as frequent as
with the real world.
Despite the shortcomings, settings that would be
impossible to control and test otherwise would be
partly possible to control in a VE.
It is notable that although tried out for different
objectives, more commercial settings such as of the
retail world seem to have been overlooked.
Nevertheless, there is a resent exception of Renner et
al. (2010) in which the researchers used a virtual
supermarket for evaluating interaction techniques.
The case of supermarket research for product
placement, advertisement and optimization of
shopping experience is already established. A virtual
supermarket would certainly facilitate
experimentation of the aforementioned research
Khan V., Nuijten K. and Deslé N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003361902610264
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Furthermore, in the field of pervasive computing,
applications are usually evaluated either in a lab or
in-situ. Laboratory evaluations are probably very
useful for usability studies. However, when it comes
to evaluating more abstract concepts such as the user
experience of a certain application a lab study would
affect the ecological validity of the evaluation.
Using virtual environments to evaluate pervasive
computing applications has been explored in the
past. Ubiwise (Barton and Vijayaraghavan, 2002) is
cited as one of the first attempts to evaluate
pervasive applications with the assistance of a
virtual environment. Since that first attempt there
have been several other prototypes tested with the
same purpose. For a review of those prototypes we
would refer to Reynolds, et al. (2006) and
Leichtenstern et al. (2010). There are two
conclusions to be drawn from those research efforts.
First, researchers have been targeting their efforts
into either the technical development of testbeds of
pervasive computing applications (Bruneau et al.,
2009, O'Neill et al., 2005). Second, so far, to our
knowledge, those efforts were simulating the VE on
a desktop computer. The serious shortcoming of
such a setup is the questionable level of immersion
for the user (Leichtenstern et al., 2010). Thus, a VE
presented on a desktop seems not to provide the
expected benefits in early testing of pervasive
computing applications.
In the next section we survey literature of in-situ
pervasive application evaluation to analyse the pros
and cons of such an approach.
1.2 Evaluation of
Pervasive Computing Applications
Current pervasive evaluation techniques include in-
situ evaluations in which systems are being deployed
in the real world. While trying to be ecologically
valid drawbacks of this approach are considerable.
Issues that might seem trivial at first become
serious obstacles for in-situ evaluations. In their
distributed and heterogeneous system for supporting
sergeants and hospital personnel Hansen et al.
(2006) report of such an experience. To give an
example, while the authors thought that finding a
place to place their public displays would be trivial it
actually proved to be a major problem. Trying to
generalize their findings, the authors report no less
than 19 items of a checklist to consider before
actually deploying a prototype in the real setting.
The authors categorized those items into three
categories: hardware, software and user setting.
Items from all three categories could partly be
addressed if a similar evaluation would take place on
a virtual environment. For example, the security of
the environment poses a threat to the equipment of
the research team; the space that the prototype
would need to use; the integration of the prototype
with third-party systems; the developers' support and
the organizational politics that might arise from such
an evaluation could serve as examples which would
be either obsolete or could be addressed in a virtual
environment. Of course that would imply that the
whole setting of a hospital, in this particular case,
would have been implemented in a virtual setting.
However, once it has been implemented, one could
both run numerous studies and keep on enhancing
that VE with more objects or actors.
Another issue that the authors raise that could
again easily be addressed in a virtual environment is
the number of users actually being able to
experience the prototype that is evaluated. In a
hospital situation, and especially in an operating
theatre, it is understandable that only the designated
doctors and personnel would have access to that.
Thus, this is another practical issue that raises
questions of reliability of the evaluation of such
prototypes. What would happen with different
doctors and hospital personnel can only be
hypothesized in this situation. On virtual setting
several users could test the same prototype.
In their evaluation of three pervasive applications
Consolvo et al. (2007) also discuss the limitations of
an in-situ evaluation. Their first study researched a
prototype deployed in a home setting for supporting
eldercare. The prototype was mimicking sensor data
with a Wizard of Oz. In-situ data were collected
daily over the phone. Their second study researched
a location aware application to understand the link
between user preferences and destinations. In this
study, situ self-reports via messages triggered based
on the participants’ arrival at a destination were
collected along with interview data. Their third
study investigated daily physical activity and
whether sharing activity related data with a small
group of friends might influence physical activity
goals. This study combined interviews and
questionnaires with in situ user-initiated logging of
pedometer data mobile phone application.
The authors report that “essential usage context
and pragmatic environmental constraints that might
otherwise go unnoticed in more controlled settings”
are necessary to actually evaluate pervasive
applications since the context of use changes and
plays an important role in the user's motivation and
experiences of the technology.
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
However, for the first study, the authors also
report: “a researcher had to call the elder or primary
caregiver up to six times per day from the early
morning until late evening every day for four
deployments, each of which lasted for 3 weeks”.
This makes one critique how ecologically valid
would such an evaluation be since the actual use of
such an application would obviously differ a lot.
Besides, the authors also report other shortcomings;
participants had established a rapport with one
particular researcher and preferred talking with that
researcher only; the study was “fairly labour
intensive” and “required careful planning,
preparation, coordination, and effort”. One would
certainly appreciate the difficulties in executing such
a study but at the same time still wonder how much
would the study itself distort the users' experience.
Khan et al. (2010) also report on the challenges
of in-situ evaluation of a pervasive computing
application targeting working parents. Apart from
technical issues that were also reported in the
aforementioned studies, trivial unforeseen problems
such as participants having to carry a second mobile
device next to their own phone also negatively affect
the evaluation efforts.
Although the theoretical benefits of evaluating
pervasive computing applications in-situ are
substantial, the challenges are still considerable. In
some cases while pursuing to overcome those
challenges the ecological validity of evaluation
studies becomes questionable.
A concluding remark is that the use of a VE has
been limited when it comes to evaluation of
pervasive computing applications; previous studies
have asked users to experience a VE on a PC. We
envision exploring the use of a VE, not presented in
a PC but in an environment where the user is
actually immersed, for pervasive application
evaluation, since the context of usage can to a great
extent be reconstructed.
Our interest lies in the evaluation of pervasive
advertising in a setting of a virtual supermarket. Our
lab has a CAVE (Cave Automated Virtual
Environment) consisting of four display walls of 3.5
wide by 2.6m high. These displays form an enclosed
room, and images are back-projected on them. The
projections are calculated in such a way that, when a
user stands in the room, the illusion of a continuous,
360 degree, view is created (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Participant interacting with the virtual
supermarket. The participant is wearing a head tracker.
We have created a head-tracking technique using
four Wii-motes, one in each corner of the room. The
user while being inside the CAVE wears a headband
with an infrared LED array. Through the 2D
coordinates each Wii-mote returns to the server, we
triangulate an exact 3D position of the user's head.
We use this position to control motion in the CAVE,
by using a "human joystick" scheme, whereby the
virtual camera will strafe in the direction the user is
standing, relative to the CAVE's center.
Virtual worlds are created in Maya, and rendered
using OGRE as the underlying 3D engine. We have
created several layers of frameworks to be able to do
the network synchronisation, head tracking, model
importing and optimized rendering.
For our first case study, a virtual supermarket has
been created in Maya. The supermarket is a generic
supermarket, based on common denominators found
in typical Dutch supermarkets. It contains isles,
freezers, checkout counters, etc., all rendered with
realistic graphics. Currently, about 1/6 of the shelves
are filled with products, but it is our near future
plans to fill it with a representative product set.
2.1 User Experience Evaluation
of Location based Advertisements
As a first case study we have planned an experiment
to evaluate aspects of user experience of location-
based ads within the virtual supermarket. It has been
shown that perceived intrusiveness of ads leads to ad
irritation (Li and Lee, 2002). High values of ad
irritation lead to high a probability of ad avoidance
(Li and Lee, 2002).
We are interested in exploring whether location
affects the way people perceive ad intrusiveness.
The hypothesis is that when people would receive an
ad in their mobile phone close to a product that is
related to the ad, they would not perceive that ad as
intrusive and would not be irritated by it. In other
words, we hypothesize that when there is a match
between an ad and the supermarket shelf in which
the advertised product is sold people will find the ad
less intrusive.
To test this hypothesis we developed an Android
mobile phone application. The application interacts
through Bluetooth with the virtual supermarket.
When the user, carrying the mobile phone, is within
a certain distance of a virtual shelve then the phone
vibrates and sets off an alert sound while presenting
an ad.
2.2 Long Term Plans
Going beyond the case study of perceived
intrusiveness of location based advertisements, our
goals extend into exploring a variety of pervasive
computing applications in the virtual environment.
More generic questions include validation
studies testing the perceived presence of the virtual
supermarket with a real supermarket as well as
exploring the added value of such an immersive
virtual supermarket with a PC version of similar
virtual supermarkets. It is safe to hypothesize that
the immersive version of a virtual supermarket
might well provoke behavior that would resemble
more closely the behavior of a real supermarket.
Having a plethora of online, virtual supermarkets on
the browser of people's PC is something that is
nowadays a reality. With the development of
technology, one would wonder what kind of
behavior would people exhibit when encountered
with a virtual, immersive supermarket compared to
the PC-based.
We set out to execute a series of studies in an
augmented virtual supermarket. We have identified
that pervasive application evaluation with the
assistance of mixed reality environments is still in its
infancy. The advantages of a simulated environment
lie in the fact that such an environment is fully
controllable and adaptable to the researchers' needs.
Evaluating pervasive computing in-situ has many
advantages nevertheless it also poses various
challenges. Many of the challenges could be tackled
with the use of a virtual environment. It lies up to
researchers to make use of the new possibilities that
such a setup would create.
We would like to express our gratitude to our
financial sponsors: the Dutch Ministry of Education,
Culture and Science (OCW), RAAK scheme. Many
thanks to Arief Ernst Hühn who took the photo
displayed in this paper.
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PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems