Hua Li and David Mould
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Screening, Contrast-aware Halftoning, Pattern assignment, Error Diffusion, Non-photorealistic rendering.
Traditional methods produced unsatisfactory uniform screening. Often additional tones are added to improve
the quality of tone and structure. In this paper, we try to produce screening with diverse patterns and with
natural structure preservation while still using only one color of ink. We propose several extensions to contrast-
aware halftoning including new weight distributions and variations on the priority-based scheme. Patterns can
be generated by excluding pixels in a purposeful way and by organizing different groups of input edges based
on user interest. Segmented regions are assigned different patterns, based on statistical measurements of the
content of each region. Our method can automatically and efficiently produce effective screening with a lot of
flexibility and without artifacts from segmentation or false edges.
Screening in printing refers to a process of passing
ink through a perforated screen (or pattern) over a re-
gion. Existing halftoning methods such as dithering
methods (Knuth, 1987; Ostromoukhov et al., 1994;
Ostromoukhov and Hersch, 1995b; Buchanan, 1996;
Ulichney, 1998; Verevka and Buchanan, 1999; Very-
ovka and Buchanan, 2000) or hatching (Streit and
Buchanan, 1998; Yano and Yamaguchi, 2005) usu-
ally generate uniform screening simply based on im-
age tone without consideration of image contents.
Though a wide variety of screens will definitely en-
rich visual effects, the question remains: how can dif-
ferent screens automatically support halftoning while
still preserving tone and structure? Similar questions
were asked since the beginning of screening (Ulich-
ney, 1987). Artistic screening (Ostromoukhov and
Hersch, 1995a) presented interesting effects. How-
ever, the good tone transition relied on both extremely
large original images and low-pass filters without
structure concerns. Recently some researchers (Os-
tromoukhov and Hersch, 1999; Rosin and Lai, 2010;
Qu et al., 2008) abandoned solving this problem in bi-
nary images and instead introduced additional tones
or colors. However, it is still worthwhile to address
the black and white version of the problem for appli-
cations such as monochrome printing. Also an unfor-
tunate aspect of recent methods is that image content
preserved by segmentation methods or edge detection
may possess serious artifacts or false edges.
Our motivation comes from recent structure-
aware halftoning (Pang et al., 2008; Chang et al.,
2009; Li and Mould, 2010) which produced excellent
structure details. In particular, contrast-aware halfton-
ing (Li and Mould, 2010) due to its priority-based
scheme has a lot of potential for our problem. In this
paper, we extend contrast-aware halftoning in the di-
rection of nonuniform screening with natural looking
structure details. We propose new weight distribu-
tions and introduce a multi-stage process for different
groups of textural edges. Our pattern assignment is
sensitive to the content of the image. Our contribu-
tion is an automatic method smoothly unifying differ-
ent patterns with the image content. In Figure 1, our
tree in front of the building is clearer than the result
from the manga screening (Qu et al., 2008) and dif-
ferent patterns applied to the building’s wall provide
a rich viewing experience. Visually our result con-
tains no segmentation artifacts, which are obvious in
(a) despite the use of greyscale rather than a single
Screening is a special kind of halftoning with some
control over patterns, which convey a given inten-
sity in a block. The techniques include classic or-
Li H. and Mould D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003357801660172
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2011), pages 166-172
ISBN: 978-989-8425-45-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(a) Manga screening (b) Our screening
Figure 1: Building.
dered dither algorithms (Ulichney, 1987), algorithms
combined with error diffusion (Knuth, 1987), the
variation of rotated dispersed dither (Ostromoukhov
et al., 1994; Ostromoukhov and Hersch, 1995b),
and aperiodic patterns of clustered dots (Velho and
Gomes, 1991). Whether image-independent dithering
or image-dependent, these methods share the same
problem: the unsatisfactory uniform patterns. Only
considering tone but ignoring structure preservation
makes appearance unattractive. Subsequently, a lot
of researchers have made tremendous effort in pattern
generation to try to change the unappealing factors.
Buchanan (Buchanan, 1996) introduced controlled
artifacts with limited success. Ulichney (Ulichney,
1998) proposed a way for generating dither patterns
by recursive tessellation but did not mention how to
apply to an image in a unified way. Some procedu-
ral screening methods (Ostromoukhov and Hersch,
1995a) freely generated artistic screening elements
with limited shapes. The smooth transition is a big
problem, which they avoided in later work by adding
more tones (Ostromoukhov and Hersch, 1999; Ostro-
moukhov, 2000). A more powerful way for different
patterns is from image-based dither screens (Verevka
and Buchanan, 1999; Veryovka and Buchanan, 2000;
Yano and Yamaguchi, 2005). However, those im-
provements are still focused on tone matching.
In order to maintain image content, either sharp-
ening (Velho and Gomes, 1991; Buchanan, 1996)
or user-defined segmentation (Streit and Buchanan,
1998) can be employed. Recently, structure-aware
screening (Qu et al., 2008) designed for manga ef-
fects proposed color to pattern ideas to connect the
image content with patterns. This approach pro-
duces continuous-tone output, however, whereas we
are concerned with binary output. Our goal is to pro-
pose an automatic method with flexibility to show dif-
ferent patterns and to naturally represent image con-
tent in black and white.
Contrast-aware halftoning (CAH) (Li and Mould,
2010) is a type of error diffusion method (Floyd and
Steinberg, 1976) with two variations. First, it dis-
tributes error in a contrast-aware way. Second, it
processes pixels in a priority-based order. Because
the strategy respects the pixel’s initial predisposition
towards dark or light when distributing error, these
two modifications guarantee good structure preserva-
tion. In order to adapt it to screening effects, we
extend CAH in two ways: new weight distributions
(exclusion-based masks) and new priority configura-
tion (a multi-stage process).
3.1 Overview
Given an original image, our system first segments it
into regions and calculates a gradient map. Then, the
system assigns different screens for different regions.
This is done by calculating how much sensitive con-
tent occupies each region. Different classifications are
handled with different strategies to promote content.
In the end, the system produces specific screening ef-
fects through contrast-aware halftoning with our new
Segmentation is done using mean shift (Comani-
ciu and Meer, 2002). Oversegmentation will not have
visible disadvantages for our final screening since our
consideration of structure removes the artifacts based
on the content of the original image. The segmenta-
tion is to guide the separation of content when making
pattern assignments. The content-sensitive approach
to assignment helps understand the image and further
emphasizes structural details. As for pattern creation,
either exclusion-based masks or the multi-stage pro-
cess can provide ways for creating patterns. We put
more effort on the former type since it is easy to con-
trol. In addition, users are still able to control interest-
ing edges and the quality of tones by simply adjusting
a few parameters.
3.2 Pattern Assignment
After we have the segmentation map and gradient
map, we calculate how much of each region R
occupied by sensitive content. A statistical measure-
ment H based on thresholding gradient magnitudes is
computed as follows.
number(g(m, n) > T
number(g(m, n) > T
The gradient is written as g(m,n) for the pixel at po-
sition (m,n) with intensity values I(m,n). In Equa-
tion 1, H
obtains the proportion of the pixels with
high gradient magnitudes while in Equation 2, H
tains the percentage of the pixels with low gradient
magnitudes, where T
and T
are thresholds holding
. The function number(.) counts the number
based on the given predicate. N
is the number of
pixels in the region R
. The examples shown in this
paper usually use T
= 100 and T
= 35. The type of
assignment is classified according to Equation 3.
0 : Empty(white) if H
< r
and I(m, n) > W
1 : Low(yellow) if H
< r
and I(m, n) W
2 : Medium(green)if H
and H
> r
3 : High(blue) otherwise.
In the above, r
and r
are thresholds for ratio of
sensitive content and W is a threshold for very light
area. We use r
= 0.25, r
= 0.6, and W = 200 in
this paper. This C
allows us to classify each region.
We employ different assignment strategies for differ-
ent C
. In this way, we stylize the image content.
1. If C
is zero, this area (shown in white) might be
background or trivial area. In order to satisfy the
tone requirement, halftoning these kind of areas
will use very few black pixels to represent those
very light areas, which can be distracting. For
those unimportant regions we leave them empty
or use an arbitrary pattern to fill in.
2. If C
is 1, it is a uniform region (shown in yellow)
with medium intensity values. We can randomly
assign the patterns. Since the contrast-aware strat-
egy and the priority-based error diffusion preserve
the structure and tone, the random assignment still
promotes our quality.
3. If C
is 2, it is a region (shown in green) having
medium degree of content. We either match the
pattern direction with the main direction of the re-
gion or use the edge-exclusion approach to match
patterns with content.
4. The remaining regions (shown in red) have C
equal to 3. These regions are highly textured and
it is better to preserve all the information. In
this case, we use basic contrast-aware halftoning
without our variations, or combine it with edge-
exclusion masks as described later.
Figure 2 shows the segmentation and corresponding
content-based classification according to this strategy.
In Figure 2 (c), the blue regions show highly textured
hair. Less textured regions are displayed in green.
Other yellow regions mean there is not much change
in content, so we consider them uniform regions.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: Content-based assignment. (a) Original image;
(b) Segmentation; (c) Our assignment.
3.3 Pattern Generation
We propose two different ways to generate patterns.
Type I controls the order of error diffusion in an or-
ganized way. Type II uses a multi-stage process to
preserve edges from input images.
Rotation Angle =θ
Width =(m,n)
Rotation Angle =θ
Width = (m,n)
Figure 3: Type I: Exclusion-based masks. (a) Exclude one
direction; (b) Exclude two directions.
3.3.1 Type I: Exclusion-based Masks
After each step of priority-based error diffusion, the
pixels under the mask lower their priorities to main-
tain a good spatial distribution. Instead of processing
all pixels in the mask, we exclude specific subsets of
pixels. The excluded pixels will have unchanged pri-
orities, thus promoting their chances to be chosen as
the next pixels. In this way, we promote the formation
of interesting patterns.
GRAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 5: Comparisons. (a) Manga screening (greyscale); (b) C
= 2 with edge-exclusion masks; (c ) C
= 2 with main
direction; (d) Thicker version of (c).
(a) Original image (b) Dithering
Figure 4: A heart.
Figure 3 shows two designs for creating this kind
of patterns. The first shown in (a) is to cover the pixels
under a direction with angle θ and with width w(m,n)
within a mask. This way can represent horizontal,
vertical, or other directional patterns. For example,
suppose that horizontal exclusion is chosen. After
each error diffusion step, the pixels under the hori-
zontal lines are not affected thus do not change their
original priorities. In this way, the horizontal lines
create a pattern. We also propose an edge-based ex-
clusion mask, which excludes the pixels on the direc-
tion of edge tangent along the center pixel. This edge-
oriented weight distribution enhances structures; we
use it for regions with C
= 3 to preserve highly tex-
tured regions or sometimes for regions with C
= 2.
Another way for regions with C
= 2 is to use the main
direction of the region to guide the rotation angle θ.
Similarly, in Figure 3 (b), the pixels under a cir-
cular mask are covered with two directions of strips,
also along with parameters θ and w(m,n). This can
provide crossed patterns.
Figure 5 shows the method applied to a heart im-
age. Compared with dithering shown in Figure 4 (b),
our results are non-uniform and look much better.
Also compared with manga screening, even though
we are using only black and white, not greyscale, even
Figure 6: Thickness control. Left: 4 patterns; Right: 6 pat-
the small veins are very clear. We can also control the
thickness of the exclusion width. We calculate thick-
ness w(m,n) as follows;
w(m,n) = MAX × (1 I(m,n)/255) (4)
where MAX is the maximum thickness: we use 6
here. A different heart example appears in Figure 6,
showing thickness control for different patterns. Both
enhance the pattern effects without losing structure
details. For tone we show a ramp in Figure 7 for some
patterns. Visually, they are reasonably continuous and
able to convey tone differences.
Figure 7: Ramp with different patterns.
Edge-exclusion Masks and Main Directions: Gen-
erally, the results from edge exclusion are more ap-
pealing than the method using only the main direc-
(a) Main direction (b) Edge exclusion
Figure 8: Content-sensitive assignment.
Figure 5 and Figure 8 show the difference between
exclusion-based masks and main directions. Visually,
both preserve structure details quite well.
3.3.2 Type II: A Multi-stage Process
The priority-based scheme provides good flexibility
for promoting edges: we can vary our priority con-
figuration guided by edges. Edge pixels will be pro-
cessed first, which increases the chance of those pix-
els being chosen. It lowers the influence from the re-
maining pixels. If there are different types of edges
to be promoted, the process is separated into several
stages. Through this process, the patterns from in-
put textures can be easily adapted. Since the existing
texture is in a very wide range, the content-sensitive
strategy cannot play a large role. Figure 9 and Fig-
ure 10 show some variations based on different as-
signment and different texture inputs. They give di-
verse effects considering both tone and structure.
Figure 9: Type II patterns for building.
Our method is automatic. Previous methods such as
manga screening (Qu et al., 2008) will manually re-
group small regions to avoid fragile output. Since the
small regions will not destroy our quality, we can skip
this step and hence save time. Our assignment is not
treated as a colorization problem. We let the intrinsic
tone and content guide the patterns, which saves fur-
ther time. Based on an Intel Core Duo CPU E8400@
3.0GHz with 3GB RAM and processing 800 × 1000
image, including the segmentation time (72 seconds),
it takes 110 seconds to gain our results, which is faster
than the four minutes needed by manga screening in
the same situation. Excluding segmentation time, our
process only takes a few seconds to tens of seconds.
(a) Dithering (b) Manga screening
(c) Our Type I (thick) (d) Our Type II
Figure 10: More comparisons.
A comparison is shown in Figure 12. It is
clear that our results are much better than dither-
ing. Manga screening places the segmentation bound-
aries on top of patterns to distinguish objects. They
have man-made edges between cloth and the desk-
top, and annoying boundaries between objects on the
desk, which looks unnatural. Our results avoid seg-
mentation artifacts. Our structure details are grace-
fully preserved by contrast-aware masks and priority-
based scheme with promotion from content-sensitive
assignment. Further, the edge-exclusion mechanism
and main direction grasped for medium sensitive con-
tent give another promotion for structural contents.
Another comparison is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 11 shows that our scheme is also open to
color extension. It uses different textures as input
patterns. It gives us interesting and distinct effects,
though not as yet fully explored.
In this paper, we demonstrate the possibility to show
different screening patterns in black and white with
good structure details. Our ideas for exclusion-based
masks and the multi-stage process can be adapted
GRAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 11: Extension to colored screening.
(a) (b)
(c) Manga screening
(d) Our type I (thick)
Figure 12: More comparisons. (a) Original image; (b)
to a lot of applications in image processing or non-
photorealistic rendering. As for future work, we
should refine the content-based assignment for pat-
terns and improve the multi-stage process. Color
halftoning with color harmonization for screening
will be a very interesting direction too.
We thank Yingge Qu for permission to use their im-
ages. This work was supported by NSERC REPIN
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