Federico Tombari and Luigi Di Stefano
DEIS-ARCES, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Geometric hashing, Feature matching, Object recognition.
Geometric Hashing is a well-known technique for object recognition. This paper proposes a novel method
aimed at improving the performance of Geometric Hashing in terms of robustness toward occlusion and clutter.
To this purpose, it employs feature descriptors to notably decrease the amount of false positives that generally
arise under these conditions. An additional advantage of the proposed technique with respect to the original
method is the reduction of the computation requirements, which becomes significant with increasing number
of features.
Geometric Hashing (GH) (Lamdan and Wolfson,
1988) is a powerful and popular technique for object
recognition. GH relies on interest points, or features
(e.g. corners, edge points, ...) to detect the presence
of a particular object, or shape, in an image. GH is
divided into two main stages: Modeling (offline) and
Recognition (online) stage. During the first, given the
object to be detected, a set of features is extracted
from a model image. Then, for each feature pair (x
), or basis, all features are transformed to a new co-
ordinate systems where one axis goes through x
, and the unit length is the distance between x
. For each basis, all feature coordinates are stored
into a quantized histogram, or Hash Table. During the
Recognition stage, features are first extracted from the
image under analysis (hereinafter also referred to as
target image). Then, for a feature pair, all the features
of the target image undergo the same transformation
as done for the model image, so that each transformed
coordinate pair casts a vote for the bases that were ac-
cumulated in the hash table bin they fall into. If a
basis gets a number of votes higher than a pre-defined
threshold, then that basis identifies the presence of the
object model into the target image, otherwise another
feature pair is taken under evaluation. This approach
detects objects under similarities (i.e. translation, ro-
tation and scaling), while to deal with affine trans-
formations each basis has to be formed by a feature
triplet instead of a pair (Lamdan and Wolfson, 1988).
To above-describedmethod can be detect the presence
of multiple object models in the target image, i.e. by
considering (model,bases) pairs in both the online and
offline stages.
Later studies (Grimson and Huttenlocher, 1990;
Lamdan and Wolfson, 1991) have highlighted that
GH is particularly sensitive to the presence of clut-
ter and occlusions. In particular, in presence of many
spurious features originating from a cluttered back-
ground, the necessary use of a high number of bases
(which must be taken proportional to the number of
possible feature pairs) can easily cause false posi-
tives, i.e. false matches due to consistent accumula-
tion of a high number of erroneous votes (this phe-
nomenon is also known as data collision (Chum and
Matas, 2006)). This issue is worsened by the presence
of occlusions. In fact, even though in principle GH
can deal with partial occlusions (Lamdan and Wolf-
son, 1988), in practice when too many object features
are occluded the few visible ones cannot accumu-
late enough evidence to grant detection (Simon and
Meddah, 2006), especially in presence of data colli-
sions due to clutter. Accurate probabilistic analysis
of the error induced by GH can be found in (Grimson
and Huttenlocher, 1990; Lamdan and Wolfson, 1991).
Another disadvantage of the use of GH is the com-
putational time and memory requirements, which do
not scale well with the number of features (Iwamura
et al., 2007). As for the former, GH has a computa-
tional complexity of O(n
) (worst case), n being the
number of extracted features from the target image
(Lamdan and Wolfson, 1988).
Tombari F. and Di Stefano L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003355104190425
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2011), pages 419-425
ISBN: 978-989-8425-47-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Recognition stage in GH and proposed method.
Several approaches have been proposed in liter-
ature to improve the basic GH formulation. (Tsai,
1996) aims at achieving higher robustness to noise
using line features instead of interest points. Yet, this
approach does not solve the problem of false positives
arising in presence of clutter and occlusions. Other
approaches aim at reducing the computational cost of
GH, e.g. by randomly select the feature points in or-
der to reduce their number (Iwamura et al., 2007) or
by limiting the matching domain to a local neighbor-
hood of a feature by means of local invariants (Iwa-
mura et al., 2007). The problem of clutter is explic-
itly handled in (Sehgal and Desai, 2003) for 3D object
recognition by incorporatinginto the object model the
information about each feature position with regards
to the object centroid. Then, at Recognition, possible
centroid positions casted by GH votes are clustered
using k-means. Drawbacks of this approach are repre-
sented by an increased computational complexity (of
the order of O(n
) plus the cost of clustering).
In this paper we propose a novel approach that
is more robust than GH to occlusion and clutter as
well as more efficient when the number of features
and/or models becomes significant. Both aspects are
in our opinion extremely important from an applica-
tion perspective, on one hand because the occlusions
and clutter are issues found in many real working
conditions, on the other because most industrial ap-
plications impose real-time or near-real-time require-
ments. In particular. the proposed approach deploys
feature descriptors to discard those features that are
prone to lead to data collisions in the hash table, thus
potentially decreasing the number of false positives in
presence of occlusions and/or clutter. This also speed-
ups the method since it notably reduces the number of
bases that need to be examined during the recognition
In the last years, a very fertile computer vision re-
search topic has dealt with the so called invariant local
features (e.g. (Mikolajczyk et al., 2005; Mikolajczyk
and Schmid, 2005; Lowe, 2004; Bay et al., 2008)). In
such a framework, image features are detected and de-
scribed invariantly to specific set of transformations,
i.e. similarities or also affinities. In particular, the de-
scription stage aims at embedding into a vector dis-
tinctive information concerning the local neighbor-
hood of the interest point for the purpose of robustly
matching features between images. Such an approach
has proved to be successful in many hard computer
vision task such as image retrieval, image registration
and stitching, camera pose estimation, 3D reconstruc-
tion and also object recognition within feature based
methods such as Hough voting and RANSAC.
In the GH algorithm, the object model is given
by the spatial information represented by the feature
locations. We aim at improving the performance of
GH by adding to this representation the distinctive
information given by the description of each feature.
More precisely, the use of this additional piece of in-
formation allows for computing correspondences be-
tween the model features and the visible (i.e. not-
occluded) object features in the target image, so as
to detect those feature points that do not match any
model feature and hence are likely to belong to clut-
ter. Accordingly, these cluttering features are not al-
lowed to form possible bases, thus rendering the over-
all algorithm significantly less prone to possible false
positives arising by accidental accumulation of erro-
neous votes, for erroneous votes that would be casted
by feature points when evaluating such bases are in-
deed no longer casted. An additional advantageof this
VISAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
approach is that, since the majority of possible basis
choices are discarded, the Recognition stage is signif-
icantly faster than with the standard GH algorithm.
We outline here the details of the proposed
method. For the sake of clarity and conciseness,
we address the case of 2D object recognition under
similarities, though the method can be generalized
straightforwardly to deal with affinities as well as for
3D object recognition (Lamdan and Wolfson, 1988;
Grimson and Huttenlocher, 1990).
As sketched in Fig. 1, the offline stage is analo-
gous to that of the GH algorithm: i.e. for each model,
feature points are detected, then for each feature pair
the feature positions are transformed according to the
current basis and stored in the Hash Table. In addi-
tion, though, we also compute a descriptor for each
feature point and store it for later use. Also, we do not
consider as possible bases those feature pairs whose
distance is either too big or too small: in the former
case transformed feature coordinates would get small
values and become too prone to noise, in the latter
case the Hash Table would become too big and sparse
due to transformed feature coordinates getting large
As for the online (Recognition) stage, given a
model to be sought for, first features are detected and
described into the target image. Then, correspon-
dences between features are established by matching
each target image descriptor to the model descriptors
using as matching measure the euclidean distance. In
particular, for each target image descriptor the ratio
between the most similar model descriptor and the
second-most similar model descriptor is computed.
This nearest-neighbor search can be efficiently im-
plemented using efficient indexing techniques such as
Kd-trees (Beis and Lowe, 1997). Once this is done for
all target image features, they are sorted in increasing
order of match confidence based on this ratio: obvi-
ously, the smaller the ratio value, the higher the prob-
ability that the current feature belongs to the model.
Then, only the first τ features are selected to form pos-
sible bases: all the other features are discarded and
won’t be considered as possible bases. The size of this
subset of features, τ, is a parameter of the algorithm:
in our experiments we have empirically selected the
value of 10. Hence the number of features used to
generate bases, n
, is given by:
= min(τ, n) (1)
Given this subset of features, S
, in turn each fea-
ture pair is selected from S
as the current basis. Also
in this case, we adopt the approach of not considering
feature pair whose distance is either too big or too
small. Once a basis is selected, all the other features
extracted (not just those belonging to S
) are trans-
formed according to the current basis and used for
casting votes as in the original GH algorithm. If votes
are accumulated in one (or more) bin of the Hash ta-
ble, then the current object is found, otherwise an-
other basis is evaluated until either the object is de-
tected or all bases have been evaluated.
It is worth pointing out that the proposed approach
can easily deal with the presence of multiple object
instances into the target image by evaluating all over-
threshold bins in the Hash Table obtained with a par-
ticular basis. As for the computational burden, it is
important to note that although our method requires
additional computations in the Recognition stage in
order to describe and match interest points, efficient
algorithms do exist for both tasks (Lowe, 2004; Bay
et al., 2008)). Moreover, our method notably speeds
up the ”vote casting” process, so that the complexity
of the Recognition stage, which is O(n
) in the stan-
dard algorithm, is reduced to O(τ
n), where τ (i.e.
the number of features which are allowed to generate
bases) can easily be one order of magnitude smaller
than n. Hence, complexity is linear in the number
of features instead of cubic: this also allows for the
use of a high number of features which, as it will be
shown in the next section, helps improving the perfor-
mance of the algorithm.
This section presents an experimental evaluation
where the proposed approach is compared to the stan-
dard GH algorithm in an object recognition scenario.
In particular, we propose two different experiments
based on two different datasets.
3.1 Experiment 1
In Experiment 1, an object has to be recognized
within a test dataset composed of 40 images. The test
dataset is characterized by object translations, rota-
tions and -quite large- scale changes. Moreover, there
is a strong presence of clutter and occlusions. In each
of the 40 test images the object to be recognized al-
ways appears once. The object model and a few test
images are shown in Fig.2. Correct matches are de-
termined by evaluating the position error between the
ground-truth bounding box around the object and that
found by the algorithm. More specifically, we com-
pare the performance of the two algorithms by means
of Recall vs. Precision curves, by varying the thresh-
old applied on the peaks of the Hash table. To com-
pute the Recall and Precision terms, a True Positive
Figure 2: A subset of the dataset used in Experiment 1 (top left: the object model).
Figure 3: Experiment 1: comparison between GH and the proposed algorithm with different amounts of extracted features.
(TP) occurrs only when the 4 coordinates pairs of the
corners of the object found by the object recognition
algorithm are close enough to the ground-truth ones
(ground-truth was obtained by hand-labeling).
As for parameters, The Hash Table quantization
parameter has been tuned on the dataset, and has
the same value for both algorithms. As for the
feature descriptor, we have selected the well-known
SIFT descriptor (Lowe, 2004), which has been shown
to be discriminative and efficient (Mikolajczyk and
Schmid, 2005). Interest points for both GH and the
proposed approach are extracted by means of the
DOG detector (Lowe, 2004), which is known to be
highly repeatable under several disturbance factors
such as, e.g., viewpoint changes, noise, illumination
changes, blur (Mikolajczyk et al., 2005).
We provide experimental results varying the num-
ber of extracted SIFT features. The resulting curves
are shown in Fig. 3. The left chart on top shows the
result using a small number of features - 30 on the
average per frame (the same features are extracted
and used with both methods). Instead, the right chart
on top concerns a higher number of features (175 on
the average per frame, same features for both meth-
ods). As it can be seen, the proposed approach no-
tably outperforms the original GH method in both ex-
periments, typically yielding a higher Recall at equal
(1-Precision). It is also interesting to note that the
VISAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 5: Experiment 1: detection results (shown by a green bounding box) yielded by the proposed algorithm (top) and GH
(bottom) on a subset (9 images) of the evaluated dataset.
original GH method obtains better performance in
presence of a few number of features, mainly due to
the arousal of false positives when the feature num-
ber increases. On the contrary, and as expected, the
proposed method can benefit of a higher number of
features since the use of a small and fixed number of
”good bases preventsfrom the malicious effect of co-
herent accumulations of erroneous votes. In addition,
the chart on the bottom shows the performance of the
two algorithms using the best number of features for
Figure 4: Speed-up of proposed method over GH.
each method: as it can be seen, the proposed method
clearly outperforms the GH algorithm.
In addition, we provide indications on the effi-
ciency of both algorithms by showing, in Fig. 4, the
measured speed-ups of the proposed algorithm with
regards to GH at different numbers of extracted fea-
tures: the proposed method is always faster than GH,
the speed-up increasing significantly as n gets higher.
Finally, in Fig. 5 we provide qualitative results
concerning the detection capabilities of both algo-
rithms. More specifically, the Figure shows, by means
of a green bounding box, the output of the object de-
tection on a subset of the dataset composed of 9 im-
ages. As it can be seen from the Figure, and as it was
already indicated by the quantitative results shown in
Fig. 3, the proposed algorithm allows for a notably
more robust object detection with respect to GH in
presence of clutter and occlusions.
3.2 Experiment 2
As for Experiment 2, we deploy a larger dataset with
respect to that of Experiment 1 that is composed of
3 object models and 500 test images. This dataset
concerns an industrial application aiming at recogniz-
ing specific magazines. More specifically, 30 images
of the test dataset contain one instance of the object
models (10 images for each model), while the remain-
ing 470 images do not contain any object model in-
stance. This dataset includes the presence of rotations
and translations of the objects, in addition there is the
presence of clutter (due to the presence of other mag-
azines) and occlusions (ranging between 520%). A
subset of this dataset is shown in Fig. 6.
The determination of correct matches is accom-
plished exactly in the same way as in Experiment 1.
Also for this experiment, the same feature detector,
descriptor and Hash Table parameter value used for
Experiment 1 were deployed. Moreover, we use the
same parameter values of the SIFT features for both
methods so to extract the same features from each im-
age. Due to the bigger dimensions of the test images
of this dataset compared to the ones used in Experi-
ment 1, and to the fact that on the average these im-
ages are more textured, by means of the same param-
eter values used in the previous experiments we get
a much higher number of features (on the average,
1200 features are extracted from each test image).
The resulting Precision-Recall curves are shown
in Fig. 7. As it can be seen, also here the proposed ap-
proach yields notable benefits in terms of recognition
accuracy compared to the original GH formulation.
We have proposed a novel method for object recog-
nition that improves the performance of the GH algo-
rithm in presence of clutter and occlusions. The use
of similarity information between features, obtained
through the use of feature descriptors, helps select-
ing a subset of good features that can reliably used in
the GH framework for object recognition in the cur-
rent scene, while filtering out those creating clutter.
An additional benefit brought in by the proposed ap-
proach is the much higher computational efficiency
when the number of interest points is high.
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VISAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 6: Dataset 2: the 3 object models (top left) and 5 examples of the test images (each one showing one instance of an
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