Dealing with Unbalanced Distributions, Multiple Labels and Noise
Jane E. Mason, Michael Shepherd, Jack Duffy and Vlado Keˇselj
Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Web page classification, Web genre classification, Digital genres, Web page representation, n-gram analysis.
Web page genre classification is a potentially powerful tool for filtering the results of online searches. The goal
of this research is to develop an approach to the problem of Web page genre classification that is effective not
only on balanced, single-label corpora, but also on unbalanced and multi-label corpora, and in the presence
of noise, in order to better represent a real world environment. The approach is based on n-gram representa-
tions of the Web pages and centroid representations of the genre classes. Experimental results compare very
favorably with those of other researchers.
Recent research has shown genre to be a poten-
tially powerful tool for filtering the results of on-
line searches. Although most information retrieval
searches are topic-based, users are typically looking
for a specific type of information with regard to a par-
ticular query, and genre can provide a complementary
dimension along which to categorize documents. The
relevance of a particular document to a given query
depends on the information need of the user who
issues the query, and information retrieval systems
could be enhanced by providing users with the abil-
ity to filter documents according to their genre (Finn
and Kushmerick, 2006).
The research reported in this paper explores the
classification of Web pages by genre using n-gram
representations of the Web pages. Experiments are
run on a multi-label corpus using both a centroid
classification model and an SVM classifier, and on
a highly unbalanced single-label corpus. In order to
investigate the research question of whether the cen-
troid classification model is effective when noise Web
pages are included in the corpus, this study compares
the classification performance of the centroid model
with and without the addition of noise Web pages.
Most research on the classification of Web pages by
genre has focused on labeling each Web page as be-
longing to a single genre, however the difficulty of
assigning a single genre label to a Web page has been
acknowledged by researchers who have conducted
surveys and user studies (Crowston and Williams,
1997; Meyer zu Eissen and Stein, 2004; Santini,
2008). (Rosso, 2008) explored the use of genre to im-
prove the effectiveness of Web searching, and found
that the two factors which seemed to hamper partici-
pant agreement on Web page genres were that some of
the Web pages seemed to fit into multiple genres, and
that some of the genres seemed to have fuzzy bound-
aries. Despite these issues, 90% of the Web pages
were classified into a single genre by the majority of
the participants, leading Rosso to conclude that al-
though a multi-genre classification scheme would be
superior, a single genre classification scheme could
still offer improvement in Web searching.
The representations of Web pages used in the
genre classification task tend to be based on those
used in text classification, often augmented with in-
formation such as HTML tags and URL informa-
tion. For example (Meyer zu Eissen and Stein, 2004)
combine genre-specific vocabulary and closed-class
word sets with text statistics, part-of-speech informa-
tion, and HTML tags, whereas (Jebari, 2008) com-
bines two centroid-based classifiers, one of which
uses structural information from the document, while
the other uses URL information. (Kanaris and Sta-
matatos, 2009) use feature sets of variable-length
character n-grams and information about the most fre-
quent HTML tags to perform classification using a
support vector machine. (Stein and Meyer zu Eissen,
E. Mason J., Shepherd M., Duffy J. and Kešelj V..
CLASSIFYING WEB PAGES BY GENRE - Dealing with Unbalanced Distributions, Multiple Labels and Noise.
DOI: 10.5220/0003343505890594
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 589-594
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2008) give a detailed overview of the document rep-
resentations used for Web genre classification.
A shortcoming of the existing Web page classi-
fication research is that it tends to be carried out
on corpora which do not contain any noise. (Shep-
herd et al., 2004), however, introduced noise pages in
their classification of homepages, and found that the
performance of the classifier deteriorated. (Levering
et al., 2008) added 798 noise Web pages to a three
genre corpus containing 501 single-label Web pages.
They found that textual features alone performed very
poorly in the presence of noise, but that the addition of
HTML features dramatically improved performance.
3.1 Classification Models
This study uses n-gram profile representations of Web
pages in the automatic identification of the genre of
the Web pages. Web pages are represented by fixed-
length byte n-grams. Initially, Web page profiles
containing the n-grams and their associated normal-
ized frequencies are produced using the Perl package
. The byte n-grams are raw character
n-grams in which no bytes are ignored, including the
whitespace characters, thus some of the structure of a
document is captured by using byte n-grams. Based
on research by (Mason et al., 2009c), the Chi-square
statistic is then used as a feature selection measure;
the n-grams are ranked according to the Chi-square
statistics, and profiles are constructed for the Web
pages. Each profile contains the L top ranked n-grams
in the Web page, and the corresponding frequency for
each of these n-grams.
The centroid classification model has been shown
to be an effective model for Web page genre classi-
fication (Mason et al., 2009a; Mason et al., 2009b).
When using the centroid classification model, each
Web page genre is represented by a profile that is con-
structed by combining the n-gram profiles for each
Web page of that genre from the training set, form-
ing a centroid profile for each Web page genre. These
centroid profiles will contain a varying number of n-
grams, therefore each of the centroid profiles is trun-
cated to the size of the smallest centroid profile. Each
Web page profile from the test set is compared with
each genre centroid profile from the training set. The
distance between two n-gram profiles is computed us-
ing the formula suggested by (Keˇselj et al., 2003) in
their paper on the use of n-gram profiles for authorsh-
ip attribution. The distance (dissimilarity) between
two n-gram profiles is defined as
d (P
, P
) =
2· (f
(m) f
(m) + f
, (1)
where f
(m) and f
(m) are the frequencies of n-gram
m in the profiles P
and P
In order to classify a Web page as belonging to
more than one genre, or as not belonging to any
known genre, the centroid classification model in-
cludes thresholds that are computed for each genre.
If the distance between the Web page profile and a
genre profile is less than or equal to the threshold, the
Web page is labeled as belonging to that genre. If the
distance is greater than the threshold, the Web page
is deemed not to belong to that genre. Thus, Web
pages that are labeled as noise Web pages exceed the
threshold for every genre; Web pages that are labeled
as belonging to more than one genre fall within the
thresholds of multiple genres.
The method for setting each genre threshold is to
first order all of the Web pages in the training set
according to their distance from a particular genre
profile, in ascending order. This ordered list of
Web pages from the training set can then be stepped
through one Web page at a time, such that at each
step, the current Web page is labeled as belonging to
the genre in question, and the accuracy of the classi-
fication thus far is computed. In this manner, the op-
timal threshold for each genre, based on the training
data, can be determined. This process is then repeated
for each genre in the corpus. This method of setting
the genre thresholds is known as the optimal thresh-
old method (Mason et al., 2010), because the method
gives a set of fixed thresholds that give the optimal
classification accuracy on the training set.
An alternative method of assigning more than one
label to a Web page is to use the support vector ma-
chine (SVM) classification model, rather than the cen-
troid classification model. For the experiments con-
ducted for this paper, multiple binary SVM classi-
fiers are trained individually and the outputs of the
classifiers are combined for classification of multiple
genres; thus, for a classification problem with twenty
genres, twenty SVM classifiers are trained using the
conventional one-against-all approach.
3.2 Corpora
The 20-Genre corpus was constructed by Mitja
Luˇstrek and Andrej Bratko at the Jo˘zef Stefan Insti-
tute, and is available online
. Of the 1539 Web pages
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
in this collection, 1059 have one genre label, 438 have
two genre labels, 39 have three labels, and 3 have
four labels. The Syracuse corpus was assembled by
a team of researchers led by Barbara Kwasnik and
Kevin Crowston at Syracuse University. The collec-
tion contains a total of 2748 labeled Web pages, each
of which has one, and only one, genre label. There
are 118 different genres represented, with the number
of Web pages in each genre ranging from 1 to 350.
Of these, only 24 of the genres contain 30 or more
Web pages each. These experiments use a subset of
the Syracuse corpus consisting of the 24 genres that
contain at least 30 Web pages; the remainder of the
labeled Web pages from the corpus are reserved for
use as noise Web pages. Within the 24 genre sub-
set there are 1985 Web pages. Figure 1 shows the
Zipfian-like log-log scale plot of these genre densities
in which there are a few genres with manyWeb pages,
and many genres with very few Web pages.
Genre Rank
Number of Web Pages (Frequency)
Figure 1: Log-log scale plot of the genre distributions for
the Syracuse corpus.
3.3 Experiments
These experiments test the centroid classification
model on the unbalanced, multi-label 20-Genre cor-
pus, and on the highly unbalanced Syracuse corpus
with and without the addition of 750 noise Web pages.
For the purpose of this research, a noise Web page
is a Web page that does not belong to any genre in
the corpus in question. Because the Web pages in the
Syracuse corpus have only one genre label, the cen-
troid classification model is modified such that each
Web page is assigned at most one label. The opti-
mal threshold method is used to determine thresholds
for each genre, and a Web page is assigned the label
of the genre to which it is most similar, within these
thresholds. If the Web page is not within the threshold
for any genre, it is labeled as a noise Web page.
Based on previous research (Mason et al., 2009c),
the n-gram length in these experiments is varied from
2 to 4, and for each n-gram length the Web page pro-
file size is varied from 15 to 50. The Web pages are
not preprocessed. The metrics used to evaluate the
classification performance in these experiments are
macro-precision and macro-recall.
The results of the experiments in this study are re-
ported in Tables1 to 6. A summary of the experiments
and results follows.
4.1 Effect of n-gram Length
Table 1 gives the mean classification results on the 20-
Genre corpus for the centroid classification method
and the SVM method, while Table 2 gives the results
for the centroid classification method on the Syracuse
corpus, with and without noise Web pages. The re-
sults are averaged over Web page profile sizes of 15
to 50, for each n-gram length from 2 to 4.
Table 1 shows that as the n-gram length is in-
creased, the precision, recall and F1-measure values
decrease, with the exception of the precision values
for the SVM method. The results of Scheff´e post hoc
tests show that for each method overall, n-grams of
length 2 are the best choice. The effect of the n-gram
length on the precision, recall, and F1-measure for
each method on the 20-Genre corpus is statistically
significant (p < 0.01), however the partial η
is less
than 0.10 in each case. This indicates that less than
10% of the total variability in the precision, recall, and
F1-measure for each method is accounted for by the
n-gram length. Based on precision, there is no statisti-
cally significant difference between the centroid clas-
sifier and the SVM method. In terms of recall and the
F1-measure, the centroid classification method is sig-
nificantly better than the SVM method (p < 0.001).
Table 2 indicates that the addition of the noise
Web pages to the Syracuse corpus decreases the pre-
cision of the classification, but increases the recall;
this means that the noise Web pages are less likely to
be mislabeled as belonging to another genre than are
the non-noise Web pages. In each case, the results of
Scheff´e post hoc multiple comparison tests confirm
that, as with the 20-Genre corpus, an n-gram length
of 2 gives the best results. We conclude that using an
n-gram length of 2 is the best choice in terms of pre-
cision, recall, and the F1-measure. The use of a small
n-gram size may also have the advantage of being less
computationally intensive. The effect of the n-gram
length on the precision, recall, and F1-measure for
the classification performance of the centroid model
on the Syracuse corpus, both with and without noise
Web pages, is statistically significant (p < 0.01). For
the precision, the partial η
in each case is less than
0.10, indicating that the proportion of total variability
in the precision is only slightly influenced by the n-
gram length. For the recall and F1-measure, however,
the partial η
in each case is at least 0.38. This indi-
cates that at least 38% of the total variability in the re-
CLASSIFYING WEB PAGES BY GENRE - Dealing with Unbalanced Distributions, Multiple Labels and Noise
Table 1: 20-Genre Corpus: results averaged over Web page profile sizes 15 to 50. Standard error 0.005.
20-Genre Corpus Centroid Classification Method Support Vector Machine
n-gram Length Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
2 0.992 0.768 0.855 0.989 0.720 0.808
3 0.990 0.764 0.851 0.998 0.702 0.798
4 0.989 0.731 0.823 0.998 0.662 0.768
Average 0.990 0.754 0.843 0.995 0.695 0.791
Table 2: Syracuse Corpus: centroid classifier results averaged over Web page profile sizes 15 to 50. Standard error 0.005.
Syracuse Corpus Without Noise Web Pages With Noise Web Pages
n-gram Length Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
2 0.998 0.947 0.970 0.990 0.949 0.966
3 0.993 0.821 0.876 0.980 0.828 0.875
4 0.963 0.737 0.810 0.954 0.747 0.812
Average 0.985 0.835 0.885 0.975 0.841 0.884
Table 3: 20-Genre Corpus: results averaged over n-gram lengths 2 to 4. Standard error 0.010.
20-Genre Corpus Centroid Classification Method Support Vector Machine
Profile Size Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
15 0.987 0.725 0.816 0.995 0.691 0.789
20 0.989 0.725 0.816 0.996 0.695 0.791
25 0.991 0.764 0.852 0.995 0.694 0.790
30 0.991 0.765 0.852 0.996 0.696 0.793
35 0.994 0.767 0.855 0.994 0.696 0.792
40 0.991 0.765 0.852 0.994 0.697 0.793
45 0.991 0.764 0.851 0.996 0.696 0.792
50 0.988 0.761 0.848 0.994 0.696 0.792
Average 0.990 0.754 0.843 0.995 0.695 0.791
Table 4: Syracuse Corpus: centroid classifier results averaged over n-gram lengths 2 to 4. Standard error 0.009.
Syracuse Corpus Without Noise Web Pages With Noise Web Pages
Profile Size Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
15 0.979 0.805 0.861 0.966 0.813 0.859
20 0.978 0.818 0.871 0.968 0.825 0.870
25 0.985 0.834 0.885 0.974 0.840 0.884
30 0.987 0.843 0.893 0.977 0.849 0.892
35 0.989 0.847 0.896 0.980 0.853 0.896
40 0.986 0.845 0.891 0.976 0.851 0.891
45 0.983 0.843 0.891 0.974 0.849 0.890
50 0.992 0.845 0.894 0.981 0.851 0.892
Average 0.985 0.835 0.885 0.975 0.841 0.884
call and F1-measure are accounted for by the n-gram
length, thus n-gram length has a more pronounced ef-
fect on these measures than it has on the precision.
4.2 Effect of Web Page Profile Size
Table 3 gives the mean classification results for the
centroid classification model and the SVM model on
the 20-Genre corpus, while Table 4 gives the results
for the centroid classification model on the Syracuse
corpus. The results are averaged over n-gram lengths
from 2 to 4. The number of n-grams used to represent
each Web page ranges from 15 to 50 in increments
of 5, and Tables 3 and 4 show that the classification
performance of the centroid model is very stable over
these Web page profile sizes. The effect of the Web
page profile size was not statistically significant on
the precision for either corpus. The effect of the Web
page profile size was statistically significant on the
recall and F1-measure for the centroid classification
method (p < 0.01), however the partial η
was less
than or equal to 0.05, indicating that the Web page
profile size accounted for at most 5% of the overall
variance of the recall and F1-measure.
4.3 Effect of Genre
Table 5 gives a comparison of the mean precision and
recall for each genre in the 20-Genre corpus, using the
centroid classifier. Table 5 also gives the best results
of (Vidulin et al., 2007) and (Kanaris and Stamatatos,
2009) using the same corpus. The results show that
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 5: Mean classification results by genre on the 20-Genre corpus. The results for the centroid classifier are averaged over
Web page profile sizes of 15 to 50 and n-gram lengths of 2 to 4, with a standard error 0.016.
20-Genre Corpus Vidulin et al., 2007a Kanaris and Stamatatos, 2009 Centroid Classifier
Genre Size Precision Recall Precision Recall Precision Recall
OFFICIAL 55 0.73 0.27 0.78 0.45 0.988 0.924
SHOPPING 66 0.72 0.33 0.98 1.00 1.000 0.590
PROSE FICTION 67 0.69 0.30 0.98 1.00 0.966 0.751
ADULT 68 0.78 0.71 0.82 0.46 1.000 0.671
FAQ 70 0.98 0.73 0.96 0.60 0.998 0.971
POETRY 72 0.76 0.61 0.98 1.00 0.996 0.910
ENTERTAINMENT 76 0.69 0.27 0.25 0.06 0.969 0.653
SCIENTIFIC 76 0.85 0.51 0.98 1.00 0.989 0.955
BLOG 77 0.83 0.56 0.88 0.41 0.998 0.762
GATEWAY 77 0.45 0.12 0.49 0.22 0.986 0.587
ERROR MESSAGE 79 0.87 0.68 0.67 0.56 0.993 0.981
COMMUNITY 82 0.76 0.55 0.28 0.11 0.979 0.792
USER INPUT 84 0.83 0.57 0.97 0.99 0.995 0.756
CHILDRENS 105 0.81 0.48 0.74 0.47 0.996 0.860
PERSONAL 113 0.72 0.16 0.97 1.00 0.999 0.572
COMM./PROMO. 121 0.40 0.04 0.28 0.11 0.978 0.787
CONTENT DELIVERY 138 0.64 0.23 0.43 0.28 0.989 0.450
JOURNALISTIC 186 0.62 0.36 0.79 0.52 0.994 0.903
INFORMATIVE 225 0.30 0.09 0.58 0.18 1.000 0.699
INDEX 227 0.63 0.37 0.36 0.21 0.991 0.514
Average 103 0.70 0.40 0.74 0.55 0.990 0.754
Table 6: Mean classification results by genre for the centroid classifier on the Syracuse corpus. The results are averaged over
Web page profile sizes of 15 to 50 and n-gram lengths of 2 to 4. Standard error 0.015.
Syracuse Corpus Without Noise Web Pages With Noise Web Pages
Genre Size Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
INDEX TO MISC. RESOURCES 30 0.786 0.460 0.506 0.767 0.460 0.505
TABLE OF CONTENTS 33 0.993 0.828 0.888 0.993 0.828 0.888
BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD 34 1.000 0.833 0.901 0.965 0.833 0.885
BIOGRAPHY 34 1.000 0.707 0.814 1.000 0.707 0.814
ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRY 35 0.999 0.803 0.887 0.979 0.803 0.878
TUTORIAL AND HOW-TO 35 0.930 0.677 0.762 0.930 0.677 0.762
DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION 35 1.000 0.577 0.698 0.995 0.577 0.697
OTHER BIOGRAPHY 37 1.000 0.873 0.927 1.000 0.873 0.927
LESSON PLAN 37 0.997 0.562 0.654 0.997 0.562 0.654
PRESS RELEASE 39 1.000 0.861 0.921 0.999 0.861 0.920
DIRECTORY OF COMPANIES 39 1.000 0.844 0.896 1.000 0.844 0.896
ABOUT A PROGRAM 48 0.983 0.741 0.823 0.980 0.741 0.822
ABOUT AN ORGANIZATION 58 0.999 0.924 0.957 0.999 0.924 0.957
FACTS-AND-FIGURES PAGE 58 0.998 0.868 0.922 0.998 0.868 0.922
DISCUSSION FORUM 61 0.997 0.917 0.953 0.996 0.917 0.952
COMPANY/ORG. HOMEPAGE 74 0.983 0.861 0.913 0.983 0.861 0.912
ADVERTISING 75 0.998 0.898 0.940 0.994 0.898 0.938
MAGAZINE ARTICLE 101 1.000 0.941 0.969 1.000 0.941 0.969
RECIPE 125 1.000 0.973 0.986 1.000 0.973 0.986
BLOG 135 0.999 0.981 0.990 0.996 0.981 0.988
DIRECTORY RESOURCES/LINKS 142 0.981 0.975 0.977 0.981 0.975 0.977
OTHER ARTICLE 177 1.000 0.971 0.985 1.000 0.971 0.985
NEWS STORY 193 0.996 0.975 0.985 0.996 0.975 0.985
PRODUCT/SERVICE PAGE 350 0.998 0.987 0.992 0.998 0.987 0.992
NOISE 750 n/a n/a n/a 0.821 0.996 0.898
Average 109 0.985 0.835 0.885 0.975 0.841 0.884
each method has a much higher precision than recall,
averaged over all 20 genres. This means that the genre
labels assigned by the classifiers are quite accurate,
but that these machine learning classifiers are not as-
signing as many labels as did the human annotators
when the corpus was constructed. Table 6 gives a
comparison by genre of the mean precision, recall,
and F1-measure of the centroid classifier on the Syra-
cuse corpus, with and without noise Web pages. We
are not aware of other published results for the corpus
that could be used for comparison purposes.
In Tables 5 and Table 6 the results are averaged
over n-gram lengths from 2 to 4 and Web page pro-
file sizes of 15 to 50. The results indicate, not sur-
prisingly, that some genres are easier to classify than
others. ANOVA on the results of the centroid classi-
CLASSIFYING WEB PAGES BY GENRE - Dealing with Unbalanced Distributions, Multiple Labels and Noise
fication model indicates that genre is the leading fac-
tor (over n-gram length and Web page profile size) in
predicting the outcome of the classification. Although
genre is an influential factor in predicting the classifi-
cation performance, a specific hypothesis about which
genres can be better classified than othershas not been
developed. The variability between genres is likely to
be caused by a factor that has not been explored as
part of the current research, such as the length of the
Web pages, or the homogeneity of each genre.
4.4 The Effect of Noise
As shown in Tables 2, 4, and 6, the addition of 750
noise Web pages to the Syracuse corpus resulted in a
slight decrease in the precision of the centroid clas-
sifier, and a slight increase in the recall. Thus, the
noise Web pages are less likely to be mislabeled as be-
longing to another genre than are the non-noise Web
pages. Of the 1985 non-noise Web pages, an aver-
age of 170 pages (8.6%) were erroneously labeled as
noise Web pages by the centroid model; of the 750
noise Web pages, an average of 3 pages (0.4%) were
erroneously labeled as non-noise pages. The number
of Web pages erroneously labeled as noise increases
from 3.6% to 13.3% as the n-gram length was in-
creased from 2 to 4, whereas the number of noise
pages erroneously given genre labels decreases from
0.85% to 0.03% as the n-gram length was increased
from 2 to 4. This suggests that the proportion of noise
Web pages expected to appear in a corpus could influ-
ence the choice of the n-gram length to be used.
The major contribution of this study is to show that
byte n-gram Web page representations can be used
effectively, with more than one classification model,
to classify Web pages by genre, even when the Web
pages belong to more than one genre or to no known
genre, and when the number of Web pages in each
genre is quite variable. The results of these experi-
ments also showed that in general, as the length of
the n-grams used to represent the Web pages was
increased, the classification performance for each
model decreased. The results also indicated that over
the range of 15 to 50, the number of n-grams used to
represent each Web page has only a slight impact on
the classification results.
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WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies