Aarij Mahmood Hussaan
e de Lyon, CNRS, Universit
e Lyon 1, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69622, Lyon, France
Karim Sehaba
e de Lyon, CNRS, Universit
e Lyon 2, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69676, Lyon, France
Adaptive scenario, Serious games, Users interaction traces, Users profile, Handicap.
Serious games are often used in education as they provide an excellent opportunity for learning. This pa-
per presents our proposition of a system capable of generating adaptive learning scenarios for serious games.
Thus, we have presented the architecture of this system. The domain knowledge is organized in three layers.
These layers include the domain concepts, the pedagogical resources and the serious game resources. The ap-
proach we propose is capable to keep in account the specificities of serious games, the user profile and his/her
goals while generating scenarios. Furthermore, it also uses the interaction traces as knowledge sources in the
adaptation process. To test the applicability of our system we are working on the Project CLES (Cognitive
and Linguistic Element Stimulation). This project targets producing serious games for users with cognitive
disabilities. We’ve presented an example of how our system will generate a pedagogical scenario.
Serious games are defined as ”a mental contest,
played with a computer in accordance with specific
rules, which uses entertainment to further government
or corporate training, education, health, public pol-
icy, and strategic communication objectives (Zyda,
2005). Hence, the idea to learn while playing games
is very attractive for most of the users.
In the context of systems capable of generating
pedagogical courses and serious games. The objective
of this study is to propose a system that can generate
dynamically adaptive pedagogical scenarios keep-
ing into account the following properties:
The ability to be utilized in a variety of serious
games taking into account their specificities.
Use of users’ interaction traces as knowledge
sources in the adaptation process.
The ability to be presented to cognitively handi-
capped users.
Indeed, a serious game like any other game has
many elements namely game characters, narrative,
game world, game world objects, goals, rules, ped-
agogical elements, etc. A review about the design of
different serious games can be found in (Dondlinger,
2007) (Michael, David R. And Chen, 2005). To create
pedagogical scenarios that can be utilized in many se-
rious games, it is necessary to keep in account various
aspects of serious game design that are common in a
vast amount of games. This will help in keeping the
scenarios usables with different games. Furthermore,
it is also necessary to make sure that the games can be
easily playable for handicapped users.
Another requirement is the use of modeled users’
interaction traces as knowledge sources for the adap-
tation process. A user’s interaction traces can be de-
fined as ”a history of learner’s actions collected, in
real time, from his/her interaction with a computer
system” (Sehaba et al., 2009). So these traces will
also help the system in keeping an account of the his-
tory of user’s actions i.e. the evolution of the user’s
competence can be detected and be used by the sys-
tem. Furthermore, their modeling will help us in de-
tecting the state in which the user finds himself in
while playing the game, enabling the system to pro-
vide help (hints, etc) to the user in case of need. Fur-
thermore, the level of the game can be adjusted ac-
cording to the user’s performance. Furthermore, the
system can also make sure that the same exercises are
Mahmood Hussaan A. and Sehaba K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003336002460251
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 246-251
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
not repeated many times to a user.
The problem of generating pedagogical scenarios
for a user is not new and is addressed previously by
many authors like (Brusilovsky, 1993) (Ullrich and
Melis, 2009) (Specht et al., 2001) (Karampiperis and
Sampson, 2005) . These works focuses only on gener-
ating pedagogical scenarios. Therefore, they do not
take into account the specificities of serious games.
Consequently, they cannot be used easily with them.
Furthermore, none of these systems neither model the
users’ interaction traces nor use them as knowledge
sources in their adaptation process.
Similarly, the idea of using serious games in ed-
ucation is not new and is being employed by many
systems like (Morenoger et al., 2007) (Torrente et al.,
2009) (Carron, Thibault And Marty, Jean-Charles
And Heraud, 2008). However, most of the time these
systems lacks the notion of a pedagogical scenario.
Furthermore, almost all of the systems neither model
users’ interaction traces nor use them for adaptation.
(Carron, Thibault And Marty, Jean-Charles And Her-
aud, 2008) do use the interaction traces but their sys-
tem neither is usable with different games nor their
scenarios are adaptive.
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows, the next section will present the application’s
context for our work. In section 3 the architecture of
our system will be presented. This is followed by the
presentation of our course generator in section 4. In
section 5 we presents an example of scenario genera-
tion of our system. This article is then concluded by
presenting a brief conclusion in section 6.
This work concerns the project CLES (Cognitive and
Linguistic Element Stimulation). CLES is a project
funded by the French Ministry. It is conducted in part-
nership with the laboratories d’
Etude des M
Cognitifs (EMC)
, Laboratoire des Usages en Tech-
niques d’Information Num
eriques (LUTIN)
and the
society GERIP
. This project will create a ”Serious
Game” based environment with integrated tools based
on educational game for the reeducation and the cog-
nitive simulation of children, adults and seniors. This
project will cover all the themes of speech (spoken
language and written language), memory, calculation
disorders, attention disorders, cognitive impairments,
assessment of the cognitive skills, voice disorders and
http://www.lutin-userlab.fr/ pages/english/
Figure 1: Configuration screen of ”Long-Vue”.
audio and visual perception disorders. Therefore,
for every pathology, this project aims to develop a
game that is focused on the specific deficiencies while
maximizing, through techniques employed in video
games, their cognitive ergonomics..
Based on these components, our contribution, in
this project, consists in developing a module capable
of generating personalized courses according to the
challenges to be faced and progress of each patient.
This module should therefore keep in account
The specificities of the serious game
What the practitioner has prescribed his patients
The knowledge base of the treatments available
for the pathology
Results of the previous exercises of the user
This module will also be able to help the prac-
titioner in monitoring the progress of his patients in
each learning session. The latter, once designed, will
be subject to a validation process including ”clinical
tests” that will be conducted with project partners.
The games that have been already developed in
this area contains games testing different cognitive
abilities of a person. The figure 1 presents the screen
shot of a game called Long Vue. This game tests
the working memory capacity of its users. It asks the
user to recall a word or image after showing a list of
words or images. The parameters of the game let the
user to adjust the length of the list of words or images,
the time a single word is displayed on the screen, font
sizes, size of characters in the words of the list, etc.
Figure 2 shows the general architecture of the system.
The different components of the system are as fol-
lows : domain model, resource model, game model,
presentation model, user profile and course genera-
tor. The domain model consists of the concepts re-
lated to the pedagogical domain (the domain to be
taught by the system) and the concepts related to the
physical and cognitive capacities of the user. The do-
main concepts are related to each other with one or
more relations. These relations are didactic in nature.
We’ve identified some relations that are used in the
system. These relations are: Has-Parts, Required, Or-
der, Type-Of and Parallel. Some of these relations
are used by other authors as well (Karampiperis and
Sampson, 2005) (Duitama et al., 2005).
Has Parts: HP = (x, y
, y
, y
. . . y
) : the concept x
is composed of the sub-concepts y
, y
, y
. . . y
To learn x it is necessary to learn all the concepts
, y
, y
. . . y
Requires: R = (x, y) : to learn x it is necessary to
have sufficient knowledge of y.
Order: O = (x, y) : it is preferable to present con-
cept x before y
Type-Of: TO = (x, y) : concept y is a type of con-
cept x. This relation can be considered as a Spe-
cialization relation.
Parallel: P = (x, y) : the concept x and y are parallel
i.e. if one is selected then the other should also be
selected during a course generation
The resource model contains all the pedagogical
resources for e.g. definitions, examples, tests etc.
These resources are related to one or more domain
concepts. The game model contains all the resources
of serious games for e.g. bed, lamps, paintings,
non-player characters (NPC), drawers etc. These re-
sources uses the pedagogical resources to be pre-
sented to the user.
The three kinds of knowledge (pedagogical do-
main, pedagogical resources and serious game re-
sources) are kept separate in the system. This sepa-
ration is necessary to make reduce dependency of one
type of knowledge on the other. This helps in mak-
ing the system more generic i.e. usable for different
domains. Furthermore, this also helps in making the
system usable with a variety of serious games.
The purpose of the presentation model is to or-
ganize the pedagogical resources presented to the
user. In fact, this model contains two sub models
namely scenario model’ and ’test model’. The sce-
nario model defines the structure of the scenario for
e.g. a scenario starts by presenting two definitions fol-
lowed by an example and an exercise. The test model
describes the system’s behavior on test type resources
for e.g an easier test is presented after each failure.
The selection of these models can either be made by
the user or by the teacher (expert) for the student. The
structure of the scenario model can be of the form as
defined in (Ullrich and Melis, 2009).
Figure 2: General architecture of our system.
The user profile contains the user’s information.
This information includes the user’s personal details
and the progress made by the user. The traces of his
interaction with the system is also kept in the pro-
file. These traces help in keeping an account the con-
cepts the user has already visited and user’s mastery
of those concepts. The pedagogical and serious game
resources s/he has already seen. The order in which
the user has visited the resources. The evaluation of
his progress. Traces help in making sure that the same
resources are not repeated unnecessarily to the user.
This repetition can be discouraging for the user.
The course generator is where all the generation
of courses take place. The working of this module is
discussed in detail in the following section.
This is the heart of our system. The main purpose of
the Course Generator (CG) is to generate a scenario
according to the profile of the user and his objectives.
Furthermore, during the interaction this module is ca-
pable of adapting the scenario according to the users’
traces. The process of this module is shown in the fig-
ure 3. In this article we don’t give the details of the
implementation of the algorithms used by the course
generator. We give here only the general principle of
its functioning.
In the 1
step the learning goals (selected by the
users or by the system according to the user’s pro-
file) in the form of target concepts are provide to
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Course Generation process.
the course generator. Based on these learning goals
and the user’s profile a list of result concepts are se-
lected. These result concepts are necessary to teach
the learning goals. This generation is done by Algo-
rithm 1. The working of this algorithm goes as fol-
lows: for every concept in the learning goals the al-
gorithm consults the user’s profile to verify whether
or not the concept is sufficiently known by the user.
If it is known by the user this concept is ignored. If
the concept is not known then the algorithm searches
for related concepts (recall that a concept can be re-
lated to other concepts via relations defined earlier).
If there are related concepts that are not known by the
user then these concepts are added to the list of re-
sult concepts. The algorithm is called recursively for
every concept in the result concepts list. The work-
ing is also described in figure 4. After the generation
of the concepts, to be taught, a linearization phase
is applied to them. This linearization is described
in (Vassileva, 1995) and it is utilized by (Capuano
et al., 2002) among other authors. The objective of
this phase is to order the generated concepts accord-
ing to the Order relation. Furthermore, the algorithm
can generate a concept multiple times; this phase will
help to eliminate this anomaly.
In the 2
step, these concepts are sent as input to
another algorithm Algorithm 2. The purpose of this
algorithm is to generate pedagogical resources based
on the generated concepts (1
step), the scenario and
the test model selected by the user. This is done by the
algorithm by querying the ”pedagogical and serious
game resource repository” keeping into the account
the user’s profile and the selected models. In return
the repository returns to the algorithm the queried re-
In the 3
step the selected resources are given
to the algorithm Algorithm 3. The purpose of this
algorithm is to associate the selected pedagogical
Figure 4: Working of the Algorithm 1.
resources with appropriate serious game resources.
This is done by selecting an appropriate serious game
model and then querying the resource repository for
appropriate resources keeping into account the user’s
profile. The result of this query is a set of serious
game resources initialized by pedagogical resources.
In the 4
, these resources are presented to the appli-
cation in the form of an scenario.
The user starts to interact with the serious game
and as a result the user’s interaction traces are gen-
erated. In the 5
step, these traces are transfered to
the user profile. In the user profile, these traces are
used as knowledge sources to update the profile and
modify the scenario if necessary.
The application’s context (Project CLES) has been
mentioned and described earlier in section 2 . Here
we’ll give an example of the scenario generated by
our system for this application.
Project CLES has created a serious game based
environment. This game is an adventure game. The
main protagonist of this story is a treasure hunter
called Tom O’Connor. His objective is to find a hid-
den relic. The story places Tom in one of several
rooms. Each room is connected to other rooms. Each
room represents one of the cognitive domains (de-
scribed above). Each room has multiple game objects
like (bed, lamps, paintings etc). Hidden behind some
of these objects are challenges. These challenges are
in the form of games. A screen shot of one of these
games is shown in figure 1. The user is required to
click one of these objects to access the challenges hid-
den behind them. Then the user is required to solve
these challenges in order to progress to other rooms.
A screenshot of the CLES’s environment is shown in
figure 5.
Figure 5: Screenshot of the game.
Our contribution in this project is the generation
of pedagogical scenarios given the pedagogical ob-
jectives and the profile of the user. This domain has
eight main concepts and then these main concepts are
further divided. These main concepts are 1) percep-
tion, 2) attention, 3) memory, 4) visual-spatial 5) log-
ical reasoning 6) oral language 7) written language,
8) transversal competencies. The sub structure of all
of these eight domains is quite large. Hence, for the
sake of space we’ll show the modeling of only one of
the structures in the figure 6.
Figure 6: Domain Model of the concept Attention’. The
arrows labeled H.P. are Has-Parts relations.
Each and every atomic concept is associated with
a number of pedagogical resources. In this case these
resources are only of the type ’test’. These tests vary
in difficulty. For e.g. an element is hidden in a com-
plex image and it is required from the user to find that
element as quickly as possible, many pair of glasses
are hidden in a decorated room and the user is re-
quired to find these glasses, etc. Furthermore, se-
lected pedagogical resources are used by selected se-
rious game resources to be displayed to the user.
The scenario model defines that each concept
should be treated separately i.e. the user is presented
one concept at a time. Initially user is assigned with
one of the predefined profile (Stereotype) based on
his age. This profile will be evolved according to the
user’s over time. Furthermore, the profile is also used
in the system to provide the adaptation.
Now, let us suppose that the target concept to be
learned by the system is attention visual. Also sup-
pose, that the knowledge of the user about the con-
ception attention visual is declared 40% in the profile.
Furthermore, the level of knowledge the user wants to
acquire is 50%. The user selects the appropriate pre-
sentation models (scenario and test model) and seri-
ous game model. These models along with the target
concept are given as input to the course generator.
Firstly, the CG, using the Algorithm 1 will generate
the list of concepts require to teach the goal concept.
For the target concept attention visual the selected
concepts are: 1.Barrage 2.Sequence 3.Total.
Now let us suppose that the selected scenario
model have the following structure: 1.Test 2.Test
For the concept Barrage, based on this scenario
model and the user’s profile the Algorithm 2 will give
the following resources :
’Images’ of Barrage (difficulty 50%)
’letter’ of Barrage (difficulty 50%)
’number’ of Barrage (difficulty 50%)
Supposing that we have a repository of serious
game containing the resources like Chair, Table,
Statue. Based on the game model and the user’s pro-
file the Algorithm 3 will give the following serious
game resources :
’Images’ is hidden behind Bed
’letter’ is hidden behind Painting
’number’ is hidden behind Drawer
These resources are presented to the user via the
serious game. The user interacts with the serious
game and consequently traces are generated. These
traces are stored in the user’s profile. Furthermore,
the profile is updated based on these traces and the
scenario is modified (if necessary). For example, if
the user fails the 1
test another test with a difficulty
of 40% is presented to the user. This exercise will
be selected dynamically while the user is interacting
with the 1
exercise. This selection is done based on
the test model.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In this paper, we presented a system that is able to
generate pedagogical scenarios while keeping into ac-
count the specificities of serious games and users’ in-
teraction traces. We also presented the modeling of
this system along with a worked example of how the
system will generate a scenario.
There are systems that are designed to generate
pedagogical scenarios. However, these systems only
focuses on pedagogy and do not take into account the
specificities of serious games. Hence, they can’t be
used with serious games. Furthermore, they do not
make use of modeled users’ interaction traces in their
adaptation process. They are limitations of these sys-
tems from our point of view.
Similarly, there are some serious game systems
that are used to provide education. Some of these sys-
tems have a notion of pedagogical scenario but these
scenarios are static in nature and are not modified ac-
cording to the user’s profile. Like course generators
these systems also do not take into account the users’
interaction traces for adaptation purposes.
The system we proposed in this paper addresses
these problems. The solution is presented in the form
of a system. The architecture of this system is pre-
sented and detailed. This profile includes the infor-
mation about the user, his competence and the traces
of his/her interaction with the serious game. These
traces are used as knowledge sources in the adaptation
process. The domain knowledge is divided into three
layers. These layers include the domain concepts,
the pedagogical resources and the resources of seri-
ous games. Furthermore, the working of the Course
Generator is also presented. This course generator
is responsible for the generation of the serious game
The context of our work’s application is presented
in this paper. We are creating a prototype of the sys-
tem that implements this architecture. Then this sys-
tem will be tested on a real time system with real stu-
dents. These students will have a cognitive impair.
These tests will present us with an opportunity to val-
idate our approach. After the validation of this ap-
proach we’ll test our system in other domains to vali-
date the general applicability of our system.
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