Applying Semantics to Match Customer Purchase Intents to Vendor Offers
Christophe Debruyne
Semantics Technology and Applications Research Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Davor Meersman
Digital Ecosystems and Business Intelligence Institute, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA, 6845, Australia
Mathias Baert, Rami Hansenne
iChoosr BVBA, Bourlastraat 3 bus 14, B-2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
Product and RFP Ontology, Request for proposals, Semantic matching, Data integration.
This paper presents a platform for requests for proposals and describes how ontologies drive the different com-
ponents: the creation of a proposal, the annotation of vendor data, the transformation of vendor data into other
formats and the semantic matching of a proposal against annotated vendor data. The ontology construction
started from DOGMA, a methodology with its grounding in the linguistic representation of knowledge that is
suitable for community participation in the creation process. The ontologies were created in a modular way,
with general product and meta-models that can be extended depending on the domain. In the case of the pilot,
the product were holiday packages, more precisely winter sports holiday packages.
When consumers want to buy a certain item on the
World Wide Web today, they have to browse through
literally hundreds of offerings and results and this
number is expected to increase in the future. In this
model, the vendors drive the process by publishing
products and providing means to buy these online.
For example, travel agencies in the Netherlands need
to query many different tour operators to find holi-
day packages meeting their customers’ requirements.
They often have an API that facilitates this process,
but the granularity of the specific search is often lim-
ited due to the heterogeneous nature of all vendor
A solution to this problem would be to allow the
consumers to specify their requirements and to match
these to offers of different vendors. Such a specifi-
cation is called a Request for Proposals (RFP). The
COMDRIVE RFP project resulted in a platform en-
abling consumers to drive the requirements process
by expressing their intent to buy a certain product in
a tool and language they are comfortable with. This
platform sends out the request to a distributed vendor
infrastructure, which responds to the request with of-
The RFP, the heterogeneous vendor data, the
matching of both and an appropriate interface for the
customer all need to be driven by a agreed upon con-
ceptual model, called an ontology. An ontology is
commonly defined as: “a [formal,] explicit specifica-
tion of a [shared] conceptualization” (Gruber, 1995)
and are now key to enable semantic interoperabil-
ity between information systems and services on the
Web (Guarino, 1998). In general, interoperability is
defined as the ability of two or more information sys-
tems or their (computerized) components to exchange
data, knowledge or resources and to interpret the in-
formation in them (De Leenheer and Mens, 2008), in
this case the RFP platform and the different vendor
This paper presents the platform and explains how
ontologies and semantic technology are key in achiev-
ing success. The content of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 provides more context about the
project and the motivation why such a portal should
Debruyne C., Meersman D., Baert M. and Hansenne R..
COMMUNITY DRIVEN REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS - Applying Semantics to Match Customer Purchase Intents to Vendor Offers.
DOI: 10.5220/0003330905250530
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 525-530
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
be driven by ontologies. Section 3 presents the on-
tology engineering methodology adopted and applied
within the project as well as how the resulting ontolo-
gies were applied to achieve the platform’s tasks. Sec-
tion 4 provides some preliminary results during the
pilot before concluding and discussion our work in
Section 5. Throughout this paper, the examples used
stem from the domain of winter holiday packages (in-
cluding winter sports, accommodation, facilities).
iChoosr BVBA
is an internet company who special-
izes in supporting communities in organizing group
buying events (GBE) in spirit of Vendor Relationship
Management (VRM). VRM means providing cus-
tomers with tools for engaging with vendors in ways
that work for both parties, as it is difficult for ven-
dors to fully relate with customers. These GBEs gives
customers significant volume discounts. In return,
iChoosr supports vendors in finding the appropriate
customers, who also diminish their costs in logistics.
A GBE always consists of a community identified by
a particular need for a product (e.g., heating oil) who
is represented by a community leader.
Milq Media
is the publisher of the winter- platform and agreed to take part as pilot
partner in this project.’s content is
characterized by its actuality and a large amount of
objective information. With an average reach of more
than 600.000 visitors per month, it is the largest win-
ter sports platform in The Netherlands. The commu-
nity of, with Milq Media acting as
the community leader, was therefore chosen to be the
pilot partner within this project.
The pilot of the platform consists of a personal
RFP for travel in cooperation with the publisher of
online travel platforms Milq Media. During this pi-
lot, members of the Milq Media user community can
set out Personal RFPs with the system and get offers
from interested travel vendors. The matching engine
automatically found some of these offers; other offers
were matched manually by an employee of a travel
vendor. The user and the vendor can also commu-
nicate through a message system. This allows them
to further clarify the request and the offer. The main
components of this platform (see Figure 1) are:
Personal RFP Ontology. A semantic and exten-
sible conceptualization of RFP. An ontology that
describes the domain-specific Personal RFPs, al-
lowing communities to contribute product- and
domain specific concepts through collaborative
knowledge engineering.
An Automated Group Buying. (AGB) module
that allows community leaders to organize their
group buying activities online with their com-
munity members with support for member group
buying process initiation.
Semantic Matching Engine. Matching of cus-
tomer intent and vendor offering based on shared,
personal customer purchasing profile and commu-
nity profile for accurate offerings based on prede-
fined and implicit criteria. Matching of semantic
product data and flat vendor data annotated with
the ontology.
Rapid Semantic Node Cloud Navigation. Dy-
namic node cloud underpinned by semantic prod-
uct data for rapid navigation through correlated
product concepts.
Vendor applications/databases
commits to
commits to
commits to
commits to
commits to
Result matches
Figure 1: COMDRIVE RFP: The role of semantics in the
annotation of vendor data and customer intent for semantic
For this solution to be truly effective, buyers and
vendors need to share a common vocabulary of the
domain. More specifically, software agents need to
interpret the information in RFPs to (semi-) automati-
cally match this information with data in the vendors’
product database based on their semantics. The se-
mantic of the domain is provided by its conceptual-
ization, which enables the alignment of the vendors’
and buyers’ perspectives. A conceptualization pro-
vides a shared agreement on the semantics of core
concepts and the relationships between them impos-
ing a structure on the domain that is readable by both
humans and machines. In COMDRIVE RFP, the per-
sonal RFP ontology is thus key in the other modules’
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The creation and application of ontologies within
COMDRIVE RFP were constructed in an iterative
manner. This section explains how the ontologies
came to be and were then used to annotate vendor
data, which were in turn used by the semantic match-
ing to transform that data in a internal format suitable
for the task.
3.1 Ontology Engineering Methodology
Many collaborative ontology engineering method-
ologies exists (Sure et al., 2009). We adopted
DOGMA (Jarrar and Meersman, 2009), which stands
out for its groundings in linguistics. DOGMA re-
lies on the fact that its knowledge building blocks
expressed in natural language are easily obtained
and agreed upon (as inspired by database modeling
methodologies such as NIAM (Wintraecken, 1990)
and ORM (Halpin, 2008)). As a result, domain ex-
perts and knowledge engineers can use natural lan-
guage to communicate and capture knowledge.
These building blocks - called lexons (Jarrar and
Meersman, 2009) - only need in principle to express
“plausible” facts (as perceived by the community of
stakeholders) in order to be entered into the Lexon
Base, a repository containing large sets of such lex-
ons. A lexon is formally described as a 5-tuple hγ,
headterm, role, co-role, tailterm i, where γ is an ab-
stract context identifier pointing to a resource (e.g., a
document on the Web). The context identifier is as-
sumed to identify unambiguously (to human users at
least) the concepts denoted by the term and role la-
bels. Figure 3 shows some examples of lexons.
The Commitment Layer contains selections of lex-
ons to annotate (types of) applications and constraints
rules defining the use of the concepts in the ontol-
ogy. In DOGMA, we distinguish two types of com-
mitments: ontologies and application commitments.
The first denotes a meaningful selection of lexons and
rules that capture well the intended semantics of an
application domain. The latter extends the commu-
nity commitments mappings describing how the ap-
plication symbols (e.g., fields in a table) of one in-
dividual application map to concepts in the ontology.
The application commitment can furthermore contain
additional lexons and constraints that describe how
the application - as a whole - commits to the ontol-
ogy. Figure 2 graphically depicts the different lay-
ers and Section 3.2 and 3.3 discusses respectively the
construction of the first and the latter.
Mapping N
Mapping 1
Figure 2: The different layers in DOGMA. Lexons in the
Lexon Base are used to construct ontologies (with addi-
tional) constraints. Application commitments extends those
ontologies with mappings of application symbols to the on-
3.2 Ontology Construction
Before building an ontology from scratch, one has to
look around for existing meta-models. With meta-
model, we mean any kind of conceptual model, not
necessarily implemented with semantic technology
(such as XML Schemas, or a code-based classifica-
tion). (Hepp et al., 2007) analyzed and compared
four important product meta-models: eCl@ss
, UN-
and RosettaNet Technical Dictio-
. Both eCl@ss and UNSPSC are broad, but the
first was were created by and driven by the German
industry and thus a “de facto standard”, whereas the
latter was driven by the United Nations Development
Programme. Both UNSPSC and eCl@ss provide very
little detail for the traveling domain. The others were
designed for more technical industries and did not fit
the scope of this project.
Travel meta-models include Hi-Touch
, OnTour
Harmonise (Dell’Erba et al., 2002) and the Open
Travel Alliance (OTA) specification
. Harmonise fo-
cuses on accommodation and events (e.g., sports and
conferences), but its main aim is to transfer data be-
tween tourism industry partners. Hi-Touch is a com-
mercial thesaurus implemented in OWL to align dif-
ferent vendor databases. OnTour, a recent initiative,
mainly covers accommodation and activities. OTA
provides a structure for electronic messages, e.g., con-
cerning flights, insurance, etc. Hi-touch and On-
Tour ontologies were developed based on interna-
tional standards whereas OTA and Harmonise provide
their own standards. We drew inspiration from these
COMMUNITY DRIVEN REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS - Applying Semantics to Match Customer Purchase Intents to
Vendor Offers
meta-models to bootstrap an initial product ontology.
By our knowledge, no RFP meta-model exists.
GoodRelations (Hepp, 2008) is a lightweight on-
tology to annotate most aspects of offers and their
goods on the Web. Not exactly modeling an RFP,
GoodRelations captures nicely what could be re-
turned as a response or compared with a customer’s
intent. GoodRelation does provide a construct to de-
scribe what a business entity needs, but does not sep-
arate the concerns. It is thus possible for users to de-
scribe a product they are looking for and specify, for
instance, a serial number.
We bootstrapped the product and RFP ontologies
drawing inspiration from the existing meta-models
and vendor applications, which were then refined and
completed by several domain experts. We consulted
such experts with different views on the domain, tour
operators for the vendor perspective and a community
of skiers for the buyer perspective. Figure 3 shows
some of the lexons created for the purpose of this
project. These lexons were built using Collibra Busi-
ness Semantics Studio (BSS)
Figure 3: Some lexons describing domain knowledge de-
veloped during the project. These lexons describe that both
rooms and accommodations can have facilities, which in
turn have a name.
The ontology was developed in a modular way
(see Figure 4). The Upper Common Ontology (UCO)
contains the conceptualizations and semantic con-
straints that are common to and accepted by a gen-
eral domain such as RFP and Product. For instance,
the lexon hγ, RFP, has, of, Orderline i states
that an RFP has orderlines, is true for all applica-
tions of stakeholders within that domain and there-
fore belongs to that layer. The Domain Application
Ontology (DAO) contains lexons specific to a cer-
tain application domain. In the case of COMDRIVE
RFP, these lexons will contain the terms Holiday
Package and Accommodation. The Lower Common
Ontology (LCO) represents the interpretation of the
domain from the perspective of an organization or
community. For instance, the representation of a
Price might change depending on the community: it
is represented by a Range from a buyer’s perspective,
while it is represented as a Value from the Vendor’s
perspective. While the ontology evolves, this layer
contains the information that is going to be refined by
a core domain expert to be integrated in the UCO.
Upper Common Ontology
Domain Application Ontology
Product Elements RFP Elements
Winter Sports
Lower Common Ontology
Figure 4: The modular structure of ontologies modeled with
DOGMA within the COMDRIVE RFP platform.
3.3 Annotating Vendor Data
An application commitment represents an explicit in-
terpretation of an ontology for an application or a
family of applications. It consists of four things (Ver-
heyden et al., 2004): (i) a selection of lexons from the
ontology which are relevant for the application, (ii)
constraints to specify how that selection can be used
(mandatory and uniqueness constraints, for example),
(iii) some scripting functionalities allowing database
engineers/programmers to manipulate instances dur-
ing the transformation process and (iv) a set of map-
pings between the application-specific symbols (e.g.,
XPath expressions) and the concepts used in the on-
tology. Figures 5 and 6 show how an application com-
mitment of a vendor application constrains the use of
lexons and the mapping to its application symbols.
The transformation is performed by Collibra Business
Semantic Enabler (included in BSS).
The effort needed to annotate the data of one ven-
dor generally took one day when using BSS. The BSS
commitment editor generates all occurring XPaths
which the users need to annotate with lexons from the
ontology by means of drag and drop. Constraints are
created either via a graphical editor or a controlled
natural language as shown in 5.
3.4 Creation of an RFP
A node cloud navigation is used as the user interface
and lets users find the concepts from the ontology de-
scribing their wishes best. It is the result of an itera-
tive design process involving several paper prototyp-
ing sessions and user tests during development. The
interface (see Figure 7) consists of a list of starting
points and a cloud of selected concepts, possibly with
values assigned to them.
The starting points, chosen by the partner commu-
nity since they know their members best, are there to
get people started. After adding the concepts from the
relevant starting points, the user can add more specific
items using the search function. This is an instant
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Holiday Package is identified by Name. Holiday Package has exactly 1 Name.
Holiday Package has at most 1 Description.
Figure 5: Constraining lexons.
map "/items/item" on Holiday Package. map "/items/item/title" on Name of Holiday Package.
map "/items/item/description" on Description of Holiday Package.
Figure 6: Mapping the application symbols to lexons. In this particular application, each “item” corresponded with one
holiday package.
search-style search: while typing a keyword the re-
sult set is narrowed down. It usually takes only a few
characters to find the concept one is looking for and
also looks at possible values for these concepts (e.g.,
“France” for “Country”) and synonyms (e.g., “Desti-
nation” for “Country”). Each time a user finds a rele-
vant concept, he adds a node to the node cloud.
Figure 7: The user interface for creating an RFP driven by
the ontology. The interface, driven by the ontology, aids the
user in expressing their intent. In this example, the user
is asked to give one (or more) possibilities for Ski Area
(“Skigebied” in Dutch), Auto-completion relies on access-
ing the data through the application commitment.
3.5 Semantic Matching
The matching engine is an advanced search engine
for analyzing structured, semi-structured and free text
data. Contrary to classic searching and querying tech-
nology, matching functionality will take into account
the semantic context of concepts to match upon and it
will also return close matches if no exact matches can
be found. The engine will score and rank the matches
based on the degree in which they match, taking
into account configuration parameters, e.g., weight,
thresholds and optionality/requiredness of conditions.
The matching engine provides generic match-
ing functionality and its interface is not specifically
geared towards the notions of RFP or vendor offer-
ings. Instead, from the match engine perspective, it
simply matches match queries containing match con-
ditions against a collection of match objects. A match
property is a basic entity upon which can be matched.
These match properties could be criteria such as price,
age, distance, etc. A match object aggregates a num-
ber of match properties and assigns them specific val-
ues. Examples of match objects are: RFP, vendor
offering, etc. A match condition represents the re-
quested or “ideal” property. It is passed to the engine
to compare with all known match properties that have
the same id (and therefore same semantics) and to re-
turn all match objects which match the query condi-
tions as close as possible.
A list of all properties known to the engine is
defined in the match engines ontology mapping (-
RIDL file), which maps the relevant concepts in the
ontology to the match engines internal format. The
matching engine commits thus to the ontology in the
same way as a vendor applications. The mapping
used by the engine is quite straightforward and simply
maps each “matchable” concept to a match property
of the corresponding type, using the path in the ontol-
ogy as ID. Figure 8 shows some mapping rules
. The
transformation service mentioned in Section 3.3 takes
care of transforming vendor offers into match objects.
The pilot ran in October 2010. It was agreed with
Milq Media to encourage the com-
munity to test the interface to validate the ideas. Their
forum provided feedback, which enabled the pilot to
solve some of the initial bottlenecks (e.g., suggest a
starting point when users don’t know where to start).
38% of the RFP’s where completed.
Users generally welcomed the idea, though the re-
sults were often not accurate enough. This was due to
two reasons. First because of the heterogeneous na-
ture of the vendor data streams; data that was present
The complete -RIDL mapping
for the matching engine is available at .txt.
Vendor data mappings within this project are not publicly
available, but parts of it can be requested by contacting the
COMMUNITY DRIVEN REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS - Applying Semantics to Match Customer Purchase Intents to
Vendor Offers
map "/matchObjects/matchObject/numericalMatchProperty[@id=’Value of Price of Holiday Package’]
/value" on Value of Price of Holiday Package.
map "/matchObjects/matchObject/stringMatchProperty[@id=’Currency of Price of Holiday Package’]
/value" on Currency of Price of Holiday Package.
Figure 8: Mapping the application symbols to lexons.
with one vendor, was sometimes not present with an-
other. Second, and what we considered the most im-
portant issue we have experienced, was a serious dis-
crepancy between what concepts and level of granu-
larity the user thinks are important in defining an in-
tent and what is offered by vendors (e.g., “distance
to the lift”). We have seen that merely building on-
tologies on top of the data that is provided by vendors
does not solve the problem of finding products that
match user needs. When given the liberty of defining
ones wish, users demonstrate the desire to involve in-
formation that pertains to the product application do-
main. Although some of these concepts were present
in the ontology, there was no data to work with.
This paper presented the COMDRIVE RFP plat-
form that enables customers to define purchase intent,
called an RFP, which can then be matched against
annotated vendor data. All modules (RFP creation,
vendor data annotation and transformation, semantic
matching) are driven by an ontology with different
layers of abstraction (a general RFP and product on-
tology and extensions for particular domains). The
method for ontology creation was based on linguis-
tics, which facilitated the dialogue with the different
domain experts.
Future work includes the application of the upper
common ontologies (RFP, and product) in other do-
mains for validation and refinement as well as the ap-
plication of the domain application ontology to other
types of holiday packages (e.g., camping). In the fu-
ture, a more prominent role for community aspects
will be investigated. These can be useful to provide
even better matching results, as different communi-
ties behave differently (e.g., younger people tend to
put more emphasis on budget constraints).
The results of this research were partially funded
by IWT
090214 SME innovation project “COM-
DRIVE RFP”. We also would like to thank Quentin
Reul, Maarten Smolders, Tanguy Coenen for the fruit-
ful discussions.
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WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies