Multi-faceted Hierarchical Categorization of Web Documents
Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra and Claudia Bauzer Medeiros
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Organographs, Hierarchical content categorization, Bookmarking, Classification.
The data deluge of information in the Web challenges internauts to organize their references to interesting
content in the Web as well as in their private storage space off-line. Having an automatically managed personal
index to content acquired from the Web is useful for everybody, but critical to researchers and scholars. In this
paper, we discuss concepts and problems related to organizing information through multi-faceted hierarchical
categorization. We introduce the organograph as a mechanism to specify multiple views of how content is
organized. Organographs can help scientists to automatically organize their documents along multiple axes,
improving sharing and navigation through themes and concepts according to a particular research objective.
The organization, archival and sharing of digital con-
tent generated by scientists is important in eScience
research - e.g. reports, algorithms and data. Scien-
tists must be able to efficiently organize and dissem-
inate their knowledge, not only within a project, but
also with the community at large, where the preferred
collaboration environment is the Web. This compli-
cates document management, since each scientist (or
group) may use different document standards, storage
mechanisms and vocabularies. Such issues are nowa-
days a prime research topic in Web Science a novel
research domain which is concerned with the Web as
the primary object of interest.
Continuing our research (Senra and Medeiros,
2009) about data sharing in eScience, this paper con-
cerns with information organization and collabora-
tion on the Web. We are interested in the organiza-
tion of scholarly digital content (documents used by
scientists), through automatic hierarchical structur-
ing, multifaceted filtering and sharing. Hierarchical
Structuring is a pervasive approach towards informa-
tion organization. It is the cognitve pattern we use to
organize everything (e.g., files, messages). Although
ubiquitous, we often create our hierarchies manually
and in an ad hoc fashion. We choose filesystems as
the pivot artifact to discuss our approach to hierar-
chical structuring, considering that digital content is
often encapsulated, stored and shared as files.
The issues for filesystems can be transported to
other manifestations of the hierarchical structuring
pattern. First issue, the membership relation between
files and directories, is often static and manually de-
fined by the user on a per-file-instance basis. Sec-
ond, the hierarchy implicitly defines a content catego-
rization, thus some given file frequently can only be
placed in a single point inside the hierarchy. We refer
to this issue as the single category problem, further
exploring it in section 2.2. Above all, the organiza-
tion of a directory hierarchy is not shared dissociated
from the content itself, e.g., people do not exchange
hierarchies of empty folders even though there is valu-
able knowledge encoded in their structuring. We only
share directory trees associated with content, because
we lack the tools to categorize our content according
to a foreign directory hierarchy and vice-versa. We re-
fer to this issue as the content-recategorization prob-
lem, and discuss it in section 2.4.
The Web aggravated these issues. It is often eas-
ier and quicker to find a piece of information in the
Internet, than to locate the one already available in
our local computer or Intranet. Not only is this an in-
efficient way of managing content, but it can lead to
problems such as needless duplication, loss of quality
and provenance mishaps. The information available
“off-line” (i.e. in our local computer or Intranet) is
not the same information available in the Internet. Al-
though not necessarily as fresh, in some aspects local
information can be richer. It has been filtered, possi-
bly transformed, can be sensitive or private, and may
Dias Arruda Senra R. and Bauzer Medeiros C..
ORGANOGRAPHS - Multi-faceted Hierarchical Categorization of Web Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0003319205830588
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 583-588
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
no longer be available on the Web.
This paper proposes an approach towards the auto-
matic organization of documents generated and used
by scientists. Our approach enables this organization
along multiple axes, thus facilitating its sharing and
dissemination. Our hypothesis is that hierarchies can
be shared in isolation from their generative collection,
and used to organize other (non-generative) collec-
We are interested in information organization, and we
define it as: ”the structuring of information units by a
group of agents according to a set of consensual and
shared principles to achieve a defined goal”. Our def-
inition has five elements. The agents represent the
users and software artifacts that interact. The infor-
mation units (IUs) represent the granularity at which
content is encapsulated and manipulated. The struc-
ture is defined by intermediate aggregators that parti-
tion the set of IUs; these aggregators are often related
to content categorization or clusterization. The prin-
ciples are the algorithms and knowledge bases that
drive the structuring process. The goal is usually to
improve how the agents obtain access to the desired
IUs. In this paper, we refer to file and document in-
terchangeably as concrete instances of IUs; similarly,
directories are instances of hierarchical aggregators to
enforce structuring upon the IUs.
2.1 Basic Concepts
Organization as part of Information Retrieval (IR), in-
volves several tasks (Jackson and Moulinier, 2002) –
e.g., sorting, summarizing, indexing. We are partic-
ularly interested in Classification or Categorization
the assignment of IUs to a pre-established set of
classes or categories defined by the agents. Meth-
ods for categorization differ in the form of the clas-
sifier, the technique for training, and the representa-
tion of the IU, e.g, see (Weigend et al., 1999) on text.
While the categorization task assumes an existing set
of classes(categories), clustering aims to create or dis-
cover a set of classes(clusters).
Another important concept is the notion of ontol-
ogy ontology (Uschold and Gruninger, 1996): an ex-
plicit and rigorous specification of a conceptualiza-
tion, that organizes some knowledge domain. For
many applications, ontologies are mostly hierarchical,
containing all the entities and their relations, usually
restricted to is-a and part-of. Ontologies can describe
IUs, categories, and relationships between them.
2.2 The Single Category Problem
The way we organize digital documents in hierarchies
still follows the metaphors of the physical world:
archives, drawers and folders. The majority of tools
used to organize documents relies on such single tax-
onomic organization patterns - e.g., file managers
or browsers, e-mail clients, or software navigational
menus. When the digital space inherited this pattern
from the physical world, it also inherited some unnec-
essary limitations. For instance, many software arti-
facts restrict a digital document to be placed in a sin-
gle directory in the filesystem hierarchy, or an email
message to be stored in a single folder.
Digital libraries are presented as a means to solve
this issue by allowing multifaceted content orga-
nization using links and metadata structures. Other
means of circumventing this limitation is the use of
copies, hard-links (a.k.a clones) and soft-links (a.k.a
symbolic links). While these mechanisms support
content multi-categorization, they also introduce new
problems. Copies increase storage space, complicate
consistency maintenance and may cause redundant
processing. Links change the hierarchy traversal from
tree-based into a graph-based procedure that often in-
troduces problematic cycles. Furthermore, links in-
troduce a duality: sometimes they are treated trans-
parently, other times not causing an identity prob-
lem between the link and its referred object. Thus,
archiving systems and digital libraries still lack flex-
ible content organization support, and suffer from a
rigid content structuring.
2.3 Alternatives to Rigid Hierarchical
In opposition to the hierarchical organization strategy,
there are other two approaches to organize content:
folksonomies and full-text management engines. The
full-text search approach abolishes classes and cate-
gories altogether. Objects are indexed by their tex-
tual content and retrieved by a subset of keywords.
The object collection cannot be browsed by topic (or
any other property) because it is unstructured, only
ranked result sets can be iterated. Furthermore, full-
text mechanisms do not support multimedia content,
which is increasingly common.
Folksonomies (or social tagging) is a recent re-
sponse to the demands of content organization. In this
paradigm, content is annotated and categorized by
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
multiple labels or tags that form a cloud of un-
structured categories, represented by words or short
phrases. Any object can be associated with any num-
ber of tags, therefore belonging to multiple categories,
solving the single category problem. Tags can evolve
dynamically, being used to browse and retrieve IUs.
Therefore, folksonomies preserve classes or emulate
categories, but not their inter-relations and structure.
In order to minimize the lack of structure, some tag-
ging systems (e.g.Delicious and Connotea) use co-
occurrence of tags for navigational purposes. Folk-
sonomies have other limitations (Giannakidou et al.,
2008) that restrict their usability, such as: tag valida-
tion, uncontrolled vocabularies, spamming and term
ambiguity and redundancy.
Summing up, taxonomies suffer from the single
category problem, full-text search provides no struc-
turing nor categories, and folksonomies have unstruc-
tured and unrelated categories.
2.4 The Content-recategorization
As mentioned in section 1, hierarchies still lack the
desirable property of dynamic and flexible member-
ship relation between content and category. One of
our goals is to allow hierarchical organizations to be
shared in isolation from the content they categorize.
First we need to distinguish the generative collection
from a subordinate collection. A generative collec-
tion is the set of IUs from which the agents derived
a hierarchical categorization scheme. A subordinate
collection is the reciprocal entity, i.e., any set of IUs
subject to a specific (generated) classification scheme.
For example, suppose some researcher has a hier-
archical collection of articles. The folders represent
categories, and the union of all articles are the gener-
ative collection. There are two recategorization sce-
narios. The first is to fit her articles to an external
categorization, for instance according to the Library
of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). In this case,
each heading from LCSH would become a folder (cat-
egory), and the researcher’s articles would become the
subordinate collection to be organized according to
this new hierarchy. The second scenario is to fit other
documents to her own hierarchy scheme, for example
to browse a colleague’s collection as if it were orga-
nized with her own personal classification scheme.
Each scenario means solving the hierarchical cat-
egorization problem. The content-recategorization
problem is a variation of hierarchical classification
because the content subject to classification is already
classified according to a source hierarchy, which
could be used to improve the classification process
towards the new given target hierarchy. For a full dis-
cussion and survey about hierarchical classification
see (Gordon, 1996). Many classification methods dis-
cussed in the literature are not fully automatic, requir-
ing supervised training and user feedback – e.g., naive
bayes, support vector machine, or neural networks.
If the categorization process is distributed across
different people, or even done by a single person at
different times, then categorizations will differ – e.g.,
(Bonifacio et al., 2000) have shown that community
members keep their own perspective on a commu-
nity repository. The reason why many community
repository initiatives fail is due to the fact that a sin-
gle (though shared) categorization scheme is not ac-
cepted or understood by the entire community. This
reinforces the idea that single category approaches to
classification are doomed to fail.
2.5 Categories for Categorization
We are interested in improving automation for dif-
ferent categorization tasks, which we call: first-
time, refactor, shared, and synchronized categoriza-
tion. First-time categorization is when we categorize
an assorted digital document collection for the first
Refactor categorization is when we already have a
categorized collection, but we need to either judge its
coherence or refactor it. The quality and suitability of
the categorization may vary for different user groups
or for the same group doing tasks at different times.
Shared categorization is when we want to re-use
the categorization scheme from a different group and
apply it to our own content, or do the inverse task
using our own categorization scheme to browse the
shared content from others.
Synchronized categorization is a stricter version
of shared categorization, when two groups are simul-
taneously manipulating content and categorization.
Each group may adopt a different categorization, and
yet they must edit and evolve the same documents.
Supposing that one group devised a proper (refactor)
categorization for its purposes, then this group should
be capable of applying that same categorization to
any exchanged content. In other words, in the last
two tasks what is sought is a solution to the content-
recategorization problem.
In order to accomplish those four categorization tasks,
we present a semantically-grounded organizational
ORGANOGRAPHS - Multi-faceted Hierarchical Categorization of Web Documents
structure that we called organographs. An organo-
graph is a user parametrization to a hierarchical cate-
gorization task, that is editable, persistable and share-
Organographs improve access to digital content
because they are context-sensitive and built to meet
specific user needs, preserving user familiarity with
categories and their structure. Multiple organographs
can be generated from the same collection given a
different parametrization, and a single organograph
could be applied to different and unrelated collec-
tions. Each generated organograph should be inter-
preted as a multi-faceted view (Dakka et al., 2007)
of the generative collection. A concrete example of
organograph is given in figure 1, which is detailed in
section 3.3.
3.1 Use Case
Consider the following example: a researcher uses a
hierarchy created to gather all material related to his
research project. Some documents were generated lo-
cally, while others were retrieved from the Web. The
document tree contains his publications, unpublished
papers, some papers (categorized by subject) he al-
ready read, and papers to read. He wants to make
this document tree available for his research group,
including his own publications, but not his unpub-
lished materials. Moreover, he wants to organize the
resulting collection by publication date (year/month)
and then by ACM’s 1998 Computing Classification
System ( No-
tice that the classifying criteria are either based on
attributes that are intrinsic to the IU’s content (e.g.:
publication date, text subject, annotations), or based
on attributes dependent on the user context being
content-independent (eg.: read vs unread, published
vs unpublished). In this example, the attributes pub-
lished/not published and read/not read are implicitly
given by categories in the original document orga-
nization, therefore annotations can be derived auto-
matically using proper attribute extractors (Dakka and
Ipeirotis, 2008). In other cases, annotations must be
performed manually.
3.2 Methodology
Prior to constructing the target organizing hierar-
chy, all documents in the source collection are pre-
processed and indexed to populate what we call the
attribute-space. The attribute-space is a dictionary-
like database whose keys are document IDs and
whose values are records with heterogeneous schemas
because different documents might have distinct
sets of attributes. It can be implemented on top of a
NoSQL database or on top a relational database with
a star-join (multi-dimensional) schema.It is built by
applying all suitable information extractors available
to all documents in the source collection. The car-
dinality of the attribute-space for a given document
depends on the availability of information extractors
applicable to the respective document type. Hence, it
grows incrementally with the advent of new informa-
tion extractors.
For instance, the attribute-space for some x.pdf
document has the schema: title, author, publica-
tion date, document type, word frequency vector,
and other user defined keywords. The first four at-
tributes are tagged (by the extractor) with their re-
spective Dublin Core elements counterparts. Further-
more, x.pdfs attribute-space is augmented with at-
tributes retrieved from datasource (the host filesys-
tem), such as: document size, last access/modification
date, owner, group, and access permissions. If origi-
nated from the Web, the attribute-space could be aug-
mented with information extracted from the host site
or the surrounding Web pages. Once the attribute-
space is populated, the researcher possesses a vocab-
ulary of attributes with which he can write organo-
graph specifications that will guide the materializa-
tion of diverse multi-faceted views.
We propose four steps to construct organographs:
Step 1: apply information extraction techniques
to the IUs (e.g. documents), factoring out attributes
and properties (defining an attribute space). Each IU
is assigned a unique ID that serves for indexation pur-
poses. Step 2: automatically generate categories from
a user-given organograph that either explicitly enu-
merates categories or provides generative rules that
define them. User parametrization should anchor cat-
egories and their inter-relationships to concepts in on-
tologies. Step 3: run a categorization algorithm spec-
ified in the user-given organograph, resulting in the
assignment of IU IDs (step 1) to the generated cate-
gories (step 2). Step 4: use virtualization and links
to materialize the emergent categorization using the
same structuring metaphor (e.g. directories) of the
generative collection.
3.3 Concrete Organograph Example
We provide the organograph described in figure 1 to
illustrate what we mean by user parametrization.
Line 1 defines an organograph instance with iden-
tification for persistence purposes. Line 2 defines the
topmost level (root node). Lines 3-7 define the labels
for the first level nodes, consisting of the 4-digit year
present in the publication date attribute. Lines 8-30
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Sample Organograph Specification.
define the second nested level, where lines 9-13 define
similarly a 3-letter month label for this level’s nodes
based on the same attribute. Lines 14-29 define the
third level, where lines 15-24 apply an algorithm to
do topical clusterization according to ACM’s CCS on-
tology. The choice of categorization algorithm is left
for the user, in this example we chose “naive bayes”
omitting from the example some necessary parame-
ters such as the trainning set used. Line 19 defines the
generative datasource collection subject to inclusive
(line 20) and exclusive filters (line 21). Finally, lines
26-28 define the inner-most level nodes (tree leaves),
consisting of hyperlinks to the IU’s (documents) fil-
The exact syntax and semantics of the domain spe-
cific language used to code the organograph lies out-
side the scope of this paper.
There are many research initiatives on tagging and
text mining, on the Web, whose goal is document
sharing. However, to our knowledge, ours is the first
work that is geared towards organizing for sharing in a
collaborative Web environment, in which each partic-
ipating scientist can construct a personal organization
scheme to allow other researchers to “see” organiza-
tions differently.
The CAIMAN system (Lacher and Groh, 2001)
facilitates document exchange between geographi-
cally dispersed people. Each community member
organizes his collection according to his own cate-
gorization scheme (ontology), then CAIMAN maps
concepts in personal ontologies to concepts in a com-
munity ontology. (Bloehdorn et al., 2005) performed
text mining experiments in the medical domain in
which the ontological structures used were acquired
automatically in an unsupervised learning process.
They have shown that automatically learned ontolo-
gies and manually engineered ones, were both com-
petitive and improved results on text clustering and
classification tasks. (Giannakidou et al., 2008) pro-
pose an approach for social data clustering which
combines semantic, social and content-based infor-
mation. They devised an unsupervised model for
efficient and scalable mining on multimedia social-
related data, which leads to the extraction of rich
and trustworthy semantics and the improvement of
retrieval in a social tagging system. (Du and Chen,
2007) devised a desktop-based personal information
management that further exploits a social networking
environment for collaborative knowledge creation, in-
tegration and sharing, based on the integration of Se-
mantic Web technologies and collaborative tagging.
(Chen and Roberts, 2007) presented an architecture
ORGANOGRAPHS - Multi-faceted Hierarchical Categorization of Web Documents
capable of recovering the context of tags and drive
emergent semantics, using them to organically build
ontologies. The generated semantic hierarchy is used
to enforce structure and semantics in collaborative
tagging. That approach was adopted in practice in the
Online Open Publishing System.
Our work also goes toward filling gaps in Web Sci-
ence research, in the area of designing and develop-
ing infrastructures for collaboration on the Web. The
term Web Science was first introduced by Berners-
Lee. It has since given origin to large international
research efforts, including The Web Science Trust
( or the Brazilian Institute for
Web Science Research (
Formally, research in Web Science is concerned
with the Web as the primary object of interest. In
our work, this means among others concentrating on
organographs as a means of sharing and exchanging
knowledge. Furthermore, once document organiza-
tions are shared, the researchers can reuse each other’s
data – which is the essence of scientific collaboration
without having to concern themselves with estab-
lishing standards for document organization.
This paper presented a conceptual framework to au-
tomate information organization and support collab-
orative work on the Web. Our core proposal is the
organograph a persistent and shareable organiza-
tion that emerges from automatic feature-extraction,
classification and clustering. Though our discussion
was centered in document sharing and reuse, our end-
users are scientists that work cooperatively in some
eScience domain. In such a context, documents refer
not only to scientific papers and reports, but also data
files containing experimental data, or images. Under
this perspective, our proposal can be extended to other
domains in which cooperation on the Web is required.
At the same time, we need to concern ourselves
with the Web Science issue of visibility. It is not
enough to share organographs, if we also want the
documents to be visible beyond a research group. In-
deed, the validation of scientific experiments requires
reproducibility – and this means that documents asso-
ciated with an eScience project must all, at the end,
become available. This means that we must also con-
sider some sort of Publication Directory, in which a
group’s (or a project’s) organographs can be accessed
by all interested in accessing the main results of that
group. This kind of solution is part of our ongoing
research. We will validate this concept using real ap-
plications that run in the Web and that have been im-
plemented by our research group, in distinct scientific
This work was supported by Fapesp, CNPq, CAPES
and INCT in Web Science (CNPq 557.128/2009-9).
Bloehdorn, S., Cimiano, P., and Hotho, A. (2005). Learn-
ing ontologies to improve text clustering and classi-
fication. In From Data and Information Analysis to
Knowledge Engineering: Proceedings of the 29th An-
nual Conference of the German Classification Society.
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tion of useful facet hierarchies from text databases. In
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WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies