How to Improve Seamless Learning-content Integration in Serious Games
Viktor Wendel, Stefan G
obel and Ralf Steinmetz
Multimedia Communication Labs - KOM, TU Darmstadt, Rundeturmstr. 10, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Serious games, Digital educational games, Game design, Seamless learning, Assessment integration.
Although the concept of Serious Games and Digital Educational Games (DEGs) is not new, many of those are
either not accepted as real games by players due to a lack of fun or they are not accepted by professionals -
such as teachers or trainers - as a true alternative to traditional forms of learning due to insufficient didactic
concepts and learning efficiency. A major reason for this is one of the grand challenges in Serious Games:
Assessment integration, i.e. seamless integration of learning content and seamless and non-disruptive eval-
uation of learning success during play. Based on an analysis of the state of the art, we formulate a list of
guiding principles for DEG design. Hereby the aspects of seamless integration of learning content into a game
regarding game genre, the proper degree of realism, active and passive game elements, player evaluation and
feedback, adaptation and personalization as well as learner types are considered. Furthermore, three award-
winning Serious Games/DEGs are discussed with respect to these guiding principles and underlying methods
and concepts for assessment integration are analyzed.
The concept of Serious Games in the form of DEGs
has been proposed as a promising instrument to sup-
port traditional learning in addition to one-to-many
learning as it is common in schools today. One of the
major arguments for the use of games for education
is the possibility to use the motivation which is inher-
ited in games to motivate students to learn (Prensky,
2003; Gee, 2003). As soon as the authors and game
designers succeed to wrap up the learning content in
an exciting and playful game, learning could be rather
motivating and fascinating than boring. However, as
stated by Encarnacao (Encarnac¸
ao, 2009), ”Serious
Games [...] lack both the public acceptance of being
generally a value-add as well as large audiences to
design and market towards. The proof of value-add
so far has been stifled by the need for scientific evi-
dence that a Serious Game had a skill augmentation
or behavior change impact on its players. Therefore
most of today’s educational games are not considered
as a good alternative or helpful instrument to support
traditional learning. The reasons for this are twofold:
First, many of those games are not accepted by teach-
ers because they do not contain and present the learn-
ing content properly which results in games which
may be fun but do not equip students with knowledge.
Second, there is an amount of games which contain
the proper learning content but students do not like to
play them because they are not fun. The main prob-
lem is to balance the learning and the gaming portions
of DEGs in a way such that the game is fun and at
the same time the learning content is integrated in a
meaningful way without a disrupture of gaming parts
caused by the learning parts (seamless learning). Fab-
ricatore states in (Fabricatore, 2000) that ”[...] learn-
ing processes must not be framed by an entertaining
activity, but rather embedded in a genuine gaming
activity, with no unnatural barrier separating learn-
ing from gaming. Based on the literature review in
Section 2, in Section 3 we propose a list of guiding
principles for designing DEGs without an ”unnatural
barrier separating learning and gaming”. Hereby, we
focus on the problem of an insufficient integration of
learning content into a game which leads to undesired
disruptions in gameplay. Our guiding principles are
a step towards making DEGs which are both appeal-
ing to students and also provide the learning content
in the desired way. With this requirement met, future
Serious Games for education may be more accepted
both by players/students and pupils and by profes-
sionals/teachers. In Section 4 we discuss our ap-
proach in the context of three well known and award
winning Serious Games/DEGs. Finally, Section 5
Wendel V., Göbel S. and Steinmetz R..
SEAMLESS LEARNING IN SERIOUS GAMES - How to Improve Seamless Learning-content Integration in Serious Games.
DOI: 10.5220/0003312402190224
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 219-224
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
concludes this work with a brief summary and out-
look for further research activities in this field.
Recently, several approaches and design models for
Serious Games and DEGs have been elaborated. Said
proposed the engaging Multimedia Design Model for
Children (Said, 2004). The model, which is based on
a study with 24 children using the video game The
Sims, presents five factors which are necessary to cre-
ate an engaging experience for children. These factors
are ”Simulation interaction”, ”Construct interaction”,
”Immediacy”, ”Feedback”, and ”Goals”. Simulation
interaction allows children to roleplay, whereas Con-
struct interaction allows them to build and create. Im-
mediacy means that the system is transparent, feed-
back should be immediate, and goals should either be
set clear or be set by the children themselves.
Barendregt and Bekker proposed a framework
for design guidelines for adventure games address-
ing young children (Barendregt and Bekker, 2004).
Based on the ”Interaction Cycle” (Andre et al., 2001),
their approach provides guidelines for making a game
easy to use and for creating an appropriate level of
challenge for young children.
In (Kiili, 2005), Kiili proposed a model for de-
signing and analyzing educational games facilitating
the flow experience. The model is described as a loop
of created challenges for which the player must find
solutions in an unstructured idea generation phase
(chaotic creativity) before testing those solutions and
observing the outcomes. The problem is to balance
the challenges and to increase the difficulty when the
player is getting better (flow).
The Game Object Model (Amory and Seagram,
2003; Amory, 2007) by Amory represents a model
which combines teaching theory and game design.
Pedagogical elements and aspects like fun, drama,
challenge, critical reflection and practical exercise are
defined as abstract interfaces which are used by the
game designers with pedagogic expertise. In contrast,
the gaming objects like GUI, sound, and interactions
are defined as concrete interfaces. These are inte-
grated into the gameplay by the game developers.
Apart from the complete design models described
above, several approaches and ideas can be found in
literature on how to better integrate learning content
in Serious Games. In (Kelly et al., 2007), Kelly et al.
describe how to create a Serious Game for teaching
immunology to high school students. In their game
”Immune Attack”, they try to make players learn by
interacting rather than by reading. Additionally, play-
ers are able to ask questions or to view images and
videos whenever they want to.
In (Kriz, 2003), Kriz states that simulation games
are perfectly applicable to bridge the gap between the-
ory and practice. By playing simulations, students
can perform experimental learning. They can learn by
themselves, try different ways and be able to find an
own solution for a problem, thus applying the knowl-
edge to be taught.
The models described above represent different
approaches for a Serious Games design with differ-
ent focusses, regarding various aspects of either game
design, educational game design, or motivation in
games. However, none of them takes all aspects of
Serious Games design into account.
The results of the related work emphasize the need
to consider multiple aspects and design issues in or-
der to achieve a seamless integration of learning and
gaming. In this section, we look at the design issues
concerning learning and gaming as well as personal-
ization and adaptation in detail and provide guiding
principles for DEG design supporting seamless learn-
3.1 Learning
The first design issue when creating a DEG should
be the question of what will be the learning content
to be taught within the game. This defines the later
choice of an appropriate genre, the degree of realism,
evaluation methods, and adaptation algorithms. Fur-
thermore, it is especially important how the learning
content is presented to the player and in which way
it is tested. If it is presented too intrusive the game-
play may be disrupted, if it is integrated too seamless
it may be overlooked (Wechselberger, 2008). The key
to integrating the learning content seamlessly is to in-
tegrate it into the gameplay or to make it part of the
story. In the ideal case, the player does not even notice
that he/she is being taught (stealth learning).
Assessment of the learner’s progress is necessary
both for the teacher/trainer and for the players them-
selves. The latter need an evaluation in order to rec-
ognize errors and to further improve. Feedback, e.g.
in form of rankings, might be a motivation. Feed-
back is a very important element in the development
of Serious Games. In (Johnson et al., 2005) they state
”Good games provide users with feedback on their ac-
tions, so that they know how well they are doing and
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
can seek to improve their performance. To evaluate
the player performance it is necessary to test him/her.
This can be achieved by interjecting tests at certain
points in the game like multiple-choice-tests, fill-in-
the-blank texts or simple questions. However, most
of these forms severely interrupt the gameplay and
are a major source of displeasure. Therefore, it is
absolutely necessary to integrate evaluation methods
directly into the content of the game. For example,
questions can be integrated into a dialog with another
character in a historical roleplay game. To improve
immersion, the player’s answers could directly affect
the other character’s reaction and the further pace of
the story. This can give the player the feeling of act-
ing in a fictive world rather than being tested. In ad-
dition to this visible form of evaluation, an invisible
evaluation in form of logging the player’s behavior
and performance is possible. For instance, a teacher
can derive conclusions from the number of repetitions
necessary for certain tasks or the time spent to solve
them. Besides, providing feedback may not disrupt
the game. Contrary, it should be wrapped up in the
game. In a simulation, for example, the player needs
to see that a decision was wrong by the consequences
of his/her actions.
A promising concept for evaluating player perfor-
mance and giving feedback is the concept of game
mastering (Tychsen et al., 2005). A game master is a
person which participates in the game in a meta role.
The game master can observe, adjudicate, and influ-
ence the game. Being a human person, the game mas-
ter has much more freedom in evaluating the perfor-
mance of a player and giving useful feedback. Such a
game master can evaluate innovative player solutions
which the game itself cannot recognize.
3.2 Gaming
The game genre is essential not only for gameplay but
also for the related learning content. As Yee showed
in (Yee, 2006), there are age-related and gender-
related differences why people play certain types of
games. Additionally, various genres offer different
advantages for different learning content. In a well
designed roleplay game, the player immerses in the
(fictive) world and identifies with his/her character.
This makes the roleplay genre very suitable for teach-
ing history. Historical scenarios could be created so
that the player could ”play” and experience history
instead of just reading about it.
The simulation genre describes games which sim-
ulate (real) world procedures in a playful manner. Ex-
amples include flight simulators, city creation and ad-
ministration simulations, and simulations for various
business branches. Physical or technical learning con-
tent could be taught excellently using a simulation.
Simulation of physical or technical facts offering op-
tions to adjust parameters and to view the conse-
quences provides a very promising way of experimen-
tal learning. Furthermore, economy processes can be
modeled best in a simulation, again enabling players
to experiment and view the consequences.
Strategy games can be used to train teamplay and
social interactions like negotiation and communica-
tion. In a strategy game, the players try to win by
designing and applying a superior strategy. This in-
volves a lot of creative work which, if the game is
well designed, can be used for learning. Furthermore,
the competitive nature of this game genre serves as an
additional motivation.
Shooters and Shoot-em-ups are very suitable to
train cognitive skills, reaction, hand-eye-coordination
and spatial skills (Subrahmanyam and Greenfield,
Logic/puzzle games are especially suited for
teaching logical structures and ways of thinking by
solving riddles, etc. This type of games can also be
integrated in other games and genres in form of a
minigame or by a native combination with other gen-
Apart from the choice of the right genre, the
choice of the right degree of realism can have a deep
impact on immersion. It should be chosen accord-
ing to learning context and game genre. For logic
games, a realistic look is not important. Instead an
abstraction is often more sound. For historical role-
play games however, a higher degree of immersion
is desirable. The player should experience flow and
loose him-/herself in the game. A higher degree of
realism in form of realistic graphics and appropriate
sound might help to improve immersion. Regarding
simulations it is necessary to differentiate between a
degree of realism regarding the objects and processes
to be simulated and the representation. The objects,
concepts and processes to be modeled must be de-
picted in detail, whereas the overall degree of realism
can be secondary and may be either realistic or ab-
stract. The highest degree of freedom is given within
strategy games and shoot-em-ups. In those genres the
degree of realism is primarily used to achieve an ap-
propriate atmosphere.
3.3 Adaptation and Personalization
In order to meet the expectations and characteristics
of individual learners/players, methods for adapta-
tion and personalization should be considered. For a
player who is bored or overstrained, the ”barrier” be-
SEAMLESS LEARNING IN SERIOUS GAMES - How to Improve Seamless Learning-content Integration in Serious
tween gaming and learning is even more visible than
for one who experiences a good degree of challenge.
Therefore, it is important to measure the performance
of the learner and to adapt the degree of difficulty to
the player, so that the player is neither bored nor over-
strained by the difficulty of the tasks. Also, a set of
tasks/questions of various degrees of difficulty has to
be created and an adaptation mechanism has to be de-
signed. In (G
obel et al., 2010), an adaptation mecha-
nism for player and learner models was proposed. It
can be applied to adventures and other scene-based
games and takes into account learning, gaming and
narration simultaneously.
Moreover, it should be considered how individual
learner types may be addressed. Some students prefer
to learn on their own, whereas others need more guid-
ance. This may also greatly depend on the learner’s
age. For example, children at the age between 6 and
12 prefer to make things alone or with friends (Slavin,
1997). For such children, an ingame guide provid-
ing help and tips may be disturbing, whereas younger
children need a more direct guidance (Barendregt and
Bekker, 2004).
3.4 Active and Passive Elements
We can divide the elements of a game into active ele-
ments which can be altered or influenced by the player
and passive elements which can not be changed by
the player. Active elements provide certain degrees of
freedom. In a roleplay game the most important active
element is the played character. The player usually
can change the character’s appearance, acquire skills,
etc. In a simulation game, the simulation objects are
active elements. Those can be adjusted by the player.
Passive elements in contrary provide a constant setup
for the game.
The learning content can as well be either active
or passive. If it may not be altered, it must be pas-
sive. For example, in a historical roleplay game the
story which teaches about historical facts should not
be changed. Subsequently, it should be a passive
element. Other parts of the story however may be
changed. In a simulation, a player may experiment
in the form of ”what if...”, thus also producing wrong
facts. An interesting example is a Sid Meiers Civ-
ilization IV scenario
, settled in the Roman age at
the time of Vespasian, developed by Dr. Shawn Gra-
ham. It allows to shape history differently, clearly al-
tering learning content in order to teach how easily
the events of that time could have been different.
A seamless integration of the learning content may
be achieved by a balanced integration into active and
passive elements. If the learning content is entirely
embedded in passive elements whereas the player has
a lot of active elements to interact with, the learning
content will stand out and be a disruption of game-
play. If however the learning content is entirely em-
bedded in active elements, there is a danger that the
player changes important facts.
3.5 DEG Design Guiding Principles
Resulting from the analysis above, we summarize our
experimental DEG design guiding principles. The
guidelines are ordered in the way the decisions should
be made.
Define the learning content and the target group.
Based on the learning content, the target group,
the target group’s age, and the desired gameplay,
decide on which genre to use.
Decide on the desired degree of realism.
Decide which parts of the learning content may
be integrated in active elements and which ones
in passive elements.
Define how evaluation will be performed (active,
Define the methods of feedback and if a game
master is reasonable/helpful.
Decide how the degree of difficulty can be adapted
to the player.
Decide which other adaptation and personaliza-
tion algorithms fit best to the game (player mod-
eling, ingame guide, etc.).
In this section we examine three award-winning Seri-
ous Games/DEGs. We extract information about the
learning content, the genre, active and passive ele-
ments, the degree of reality, the integration of eval-
uation methods and the addressed types of learners.
Furthermore, we describe how motivation is gener-
ated and if there is a ”barrier” between learning and
represents a Serious Game which is
designed to call attention to energy-awareness in city
planning. EnerCities is a SimCity-like game which
claims to be the first Serious Game on Facebook and
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
is nominated for ”Best ICT for Energy Efficiency
Project Award 2009”. The learning content contains
energy-awareness, energy economy, and energy con-
servation. The genre is a typical simulation. An active
element is the space for decisions about what kind of
building to place when and where. The learning con-
tent is integrated both actively and passively. Passive
elements include hints and tips about energy (saving),
active elements are contained in the building options.
Deciding on using alternative energy technologies or
to upgrade factories with improved isolation or recy-
cling facilities in order to advance in the game im-
plicitly applies the learning content. The (graphical)
degree of reality is rather low which is common for
simulations. Evaluation is performed by a stiff points
system given for buildings and upgrades. Feedback is
given by a highscore system generated from the eval-
uation. There are no adaptation mechanisms, but an
ingame advisor works as a guide providing hints and
tips without disrupting gameplay. An ongoing moti-
vation is generated by a ranking. However, it is pos-
sible to get a very high score by violating some of the
principles which are to be taught. This is an indica-
tion for an insufficient balancing of learning content
and gameplay.
is the Serious Game/DEG which won
the ”Lara Games-Award 2010
”. It was designed for
illiterates and people with poor arithmetic. The game
is a classical adventure set in a medieval environment.
The graphics are comic-like (cf. Figure 1), which
is a low degree of realism but is very common for
adventure games and fits very good into the overall
mood. Throughout the game several exercises have to
be solved. Those contain basic mathematics, reading,
and spelling. The learning content is entirely passive
and cannot be changed or influenced. It is presented
in the form of tests which are well integrated into
the game and its story. Feedback is given instantly.
Wrong solutions are corrected at once by marking er-
rors so that the player may correct them instantly. The
game is clearly made for a learner who prefers/needs
guidance. The player has a companion (a rat) which
gives much advice and often tells the player what to
do next. An explanation is given before an exercise
is performed so that the player is able to acquire nec-
essary knowledge before he/she is tested. However,
although the exercises are included in the game story,
due to their rigid form they are still a disruption of
gameplay. Motivation is provided by a suspenseful
and immersive story making the player eager for the
story’s outcome.
Figure 1: Screenshot of Winterfest.
The ”Global Conflicts:”-series
is a set of games
with the goal to draw attention to deprived areas
all over the globe. The series won several awards
in different categories. The genre is best explained
as a 3D-adventure/roleplay game. In ”Global Con-
flicts:Palestine”, the player takes the role of a re-
porter preparing an article about the social problems
in Jerusalem. Therefore, he/she can talk to differ-
ent people and gain insight into the different points
of view. The learning content is entirely integrated
in the game and mediated almost subliminally. How-
ever, there are almost no degrees of freedom for the
player. There are only few locations/people to deal
with and interaction is limited on observation and di-
alogues with a very limited number of dialog options.
The degree of realism is pretty high as the graphics
are rather realistic. The setting on the other hand is
rather unrealistic as the city appears to be nearly dead.
There are no adaptation or personalization mecha-
nisms. The player is guided by some ingame hints
telling the player what to do next. At the end of the
game, the player combines the collected facts to an
article or argumentation. The article/argumentation is
then evaluated and the result is presented to the player.
The social topics are presented excellently and do not
disrupt the gameplay. However, the gameplay itself is
very sparse so that ”Global Conflicts” appears rather
as an interactive education story than as a game.
In this paper we analyzed design guidelines and mod-
els for the design of Serious Games/DEGs found in
SEAMLESS LEARNING IN SERIOUS GAMES - How to Improve Seamless Learning-content Integration in Serious
literature. We then derived and formulated a list of
guiding principles for DEG design which especially
addressed the problem of a seamless integration of
learning content in Serious Games without a disrup-
tion of gameplay. Three award-winning well known
Serious Games were examined according to design is-
sues compared to our design guiding principles. Al-
though those games are well designed, they all still
have drawbacks in the seamless integration of learn-
ing content. Either the game is disrupted in a disturb-
ing way, the learning content is too invisible or the
game lacks a deeper gameplay. More work is neces-
sary in order to solve this issue which can be a sub-
stantial contribution to a broader acceptance of Seri-
ous Games both in public and among teachers. Cur-
rently our list is not intended to be exhaustive. Al-
though we ultimately intend to create a design guide-
line for a seamless learning and assessment integra-
tion in DEGs, we do not believe that a universal
”cookbook” for the design of DEGs is realistic. Next
steps include the test of our model in various Serious
Games to be created and to refine it if necessary. Also
a user-centered evaluation in various specific fields of
application is necessary.
The research and development introduced in this work
is funded by the ”Hessisches Ministerium f
ur Wis-
senschaft und Kunst” in the context of the HMWK-
project ”Development and Evaluation of Serious
Games in Education at Hessian Institutions of Higher
Education and Further Development of Authoring
Technologies for Serious Games”.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education