A. Mart´ı Campoy, J. C. Campelo, J. J. Serrano, M. Alonso
Departamento de Inform´atica de Sistemas y Computadores, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
S. Coll
Departamento de Ingenier´ıa Electr´onica, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Simulation, Virtual, Remote, Lab work, Acquisition card.
Currently data acquisition cards are being widely used by process control engineers. In this paper an integrated
tool supporting work on a true, virtual and remote laboratory is described. The presented techniques provide
different levels of independence from the direct access to the real system through a remote access to it or
interacting with a virtual system based on simulation. One significant contribution, apart from the integrated
approach, is its simple use by the students since the students can move from real lab to virtual with no changes
in their work.
Nowadays the programs of many engineering degrees
include subjects that provide the students with the
knowledge required to analyze control systems hard-
ware architecture. That is, how to signals coming
from a process to be controlled have to be connected
to the processor responsible for executing the control
algorithms. In this framework, these subjects devote
a significant amount of class time to describe data ac-
quisition cards as one of the most widely used alter-
native to interface processes and personal computers.
It is important to note that the laboratories used
to teach the students in measurement and control sys-
tems require specific purpose hardware apart from a
personal computer, i.e. a data acquisition card and
some process (or an emulator) capable of being mon-
itored or controlled.
Hence, the specific needs of such subjects prevent
the students from working on their own computer at
home or even in general purpose computer laborato-
ries. This restriction significantly limits student inter-
action with very important aspects of real world ap-
plications very common in their professional career
as engineers. Only during the time dedicated to lab-
oratory sessions the students have the opportunity to
work using equipment close to that used in real appli-
cations. Moreover, the high cost of specialized labo-
ratories further deepens this problem.
The above limitations, which have been high-
lighted by several authors during the past years,
are traditionally solved, or at least compensated, by
means of the use of simulators (also known as virtual
laboratories) and remote laboratories (Stonick, 1993),
(Shaheen et al., 1998). Also, computer use in exper-
iments greatly simplifies the normally routine and te-
dious task of gathering data and facilitates the analy-
sis, creativity and development of scientific and engi-
neering skills (Barton and Rogers, 1991).
As mentioned, previous work on this field focuses
on two different approaches: 1) virtual laboratories,
where the process under control is simulated by a
computer; and 2) remote laboratories, where a phys-
ical implementation of the process can be accessed
remotely through the Internet.
Virtual laboratory is a very powerful tool that al-
lows students to develop and check their own under-
standing of processes and experiments autonomously
before working on the real system. In addition, simu-
lation is a common technique in the design process of
many commercial products and, hence, a useful back-
ground for their work once graduated. Nevertheless,
an intensive use of simulation is not recommended
since spaces out students from the real world.
Also, when asking students, they prefer to work
in a real laboratory, considering virtual tools a good
Martí Campoy A., C. Campelo J., J. Serrano J., Alonso M. and Coll S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003310703820385
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 382-385
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
complement (Torres et al., 2006). That is the rea-
son why remote laboratories find interesting benefits:
costly resources sharing with remote 24/7 access, and,
at the same time, students feel remote laboratory like
the real one (P.Lundgren et al., 2006). Finally, sig-
nificant contributions in this field are the use of real
processes with direct alumni observation such as the
integration of a true laboratory with a virtual one (Ko-
cijancic and OSullivan, 2002) or the integration of a
remote and virtual labs (Saliah et al., 1999).
In this work an step further is provided, integrat-
ing true, virtual and remote laboratories using unified
tools, making switching from lab sessions in one par-
ticular form to another one extremely easy. The re-
sult is a learning process composed of different phases
where the student firstly simulates and secondly per-
forms a real experiment on a real system.
As an improvement over previous reported tools,
where the interaction with the remote laboratories is
reduced to data gathering or visualization (Imbrie and
Raghavan, 2005), our tools allow the student to act
on the processes not only in the control actions but in
process conditions.
These features encourage autonomous learning,
which is a process that allows the student to choose
paths, strategies, tools and times to learn and practice
with what has been learned.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2, 3 and 4 describe the organization of the true
lab sessions, the virtual laboratory and the remote lab-
oratory, respectively. Finally, some conclusions are
drawn in Section 5.
The real laboratories used to teach control sys-
tems and industrial computer-based automation are
equipped with personal computers and data acquisi-
tion cards, to provide signal conditioning and moni-
toring and control hardware. Once the students are
given with the basic concepts to program the data ac-
quisition cards they can use them, together with the
computers, to control real processes specially devised
to be used in the laboratory. The set of available pro-
cesses to be controlled are: a printed circuit board to
provide basic analog and digital inputs and outputs,
an articulate arm (Figure 1), a model of a room with
temperature and light control, and a model of a bridge
crane with a clam (Figure 2). The limitation is stu-
dents cannot work in advance to design their data ac-
quisition programs, verify the implementation of their
control systems nor debug their software. They have
the limited time slot provided by the subject and lab-
oratory schedules, greatly conditioning what they can
do and what they can be asked to do.
Figure 1: Laboratory equipment: articulate arm.
Figure 2: Laboratory equipment: bridge.
As stated in Section 1, the virtual laboratory allows
students to work on every lab experiment from any
computer, either at the university or at home without
requiring a data acquisition card or the physical pro-
cesses. It is based on a software tool that simulates
the different system building blocks, their interfaces
and the connectivity between them and with students
application programs. The structure of the proposed
tool is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Virtual laboratory tool building blocks.
Virtual Library (VL).
This library provides a set of functions that replicates
the original ones used on the real data acquisition used
in the real lab. These functions can be used on user ap-
plications with the only difference that their execution
will operate on a virtual card. The communication
is performed through TCP/IP using sockets (Walton,
2001), (Comer, 1997).
Virtual DAQ (VD).
The virtual data acquisition card (Figure 4) is respon-
sible for emulating the real card operation. It provides
two socket-based access interfaces, one to the VL and
the other one to the Virtual Process (VP). From the
VL side, the VD receives requests to perform write
or read operations in registers, and replies according
the internal DAQ state. Data exchanged between the
Virtual DAQ and the Virtual Library is always digi-
tal, that is, for analog inputs or outputs their value is
converted to digital according the converters included
in the real DAQ. From the VP side, VD sends val-
ues of outputs when internal registers change, and re-
ceives, asynchronously, input values as they change
in the Virtual Process. This emulates the real behav-
ior of a true daq. Data exchanged between the Virtual
DAQ and the Virtual Process is always in volts (or
amperes) because this is the outdoor side of the DAQ,
that is, the real, analog world. This allow to design
virtual processes with no knowledge about bit resolu-
tion of converters, for example, and allowing its use
with several different cards.
Figure 4: Virtual data acquisition card.
Virtual Process (VP).
The objective of this building block is the simulation
of processes to be controlled by a user application
executing a control program. The VP simulates the
process, the transducers responsible for measuring the
magnitudes of interest and the operation of the actu-
ators used to interact with the process. The virtual
process provides a graphical interface that allows the
student to change process parameters, introduce per-
turbations, modify the transducer being used or the
signal conditioning element. For each real process
presented in Section 2, which are available in our lab-
oratory, we have designed a virtual process. As an
example, the virtual process simulating room temper-
ature and light, whose graphical interface is shown in
Figure 5, allows settings of: external ambient tem-
perature, external light received through the window
whereas the student must develop and test the control
algorithms for room temperature and light.
Figure 5: Domotic system virtual process.
The remote laboratory is based on a set of tools that
complement the Virtual Laboratory. The goal is mak-
ing it possible for the student to have access to the real
system through an Internet connection. Remote lab-
oratory can be accessed in two different ways, either
on-line or off-line. The block diagram of the complete
set applications developed for the Remote Laboratory
is shown in Figure 6.
On-line Acces.
In this case the students write, compile and execute
monitoring and control programs on their local com-
puter. During the user program execution all the data
acquisition card operations are sent using a TCP con-
nection to a real card located at the laboratory and
connected to a real process. The library the student
must use to write their programs using the data acqui-
sition card is exactly the same one used for the Vir-
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: Remote laboratory building blocks.
tual Laboratory (Section 3). The difference now is
that the communication is performed through the In-
ternet with the Network DAQ element (ND), running
on a remote computer located in the real laboratory.
The Network DAQ block directly operates on the real
A significant contribution we included in our soft-
ware tool box for the Remote Laboratory is a mecha-
nism for the student to check the operation of a pro-
gram by directly analyzing the behavior of the real
system as he was working in a real lab. This mecha-
nism is based on two blocks based on a client-server
called Monitor. Monitor Server runs on the real lab
computer, and uses a second DAQ to monitor sys-
tem’s state. This state, and a video stream, are sent
to Monitor Client. Monitor Client receives video and
data gathered by Monitor Server, and allows student
to interact with the real process enviroment, like in
Off-line Access.
In order to avoid the communication delays when lo-
cated remotely the students can send their source code
through the Monitor client. The source code is then
compiled and linked with the original data acquisition
card library and run afterwards. Apart from looking
at the process behavior through the video sent by the
monitor the process evolution is stored in a log file
with time stamps that allows for an off-line analysis.
During the past two years the proposed system has
been tested with students. Before finishing the
semester the students fulfill a survey used as feedback
path. Their opinion has been taken into account to im-
prove the platform. In general, the students consider
very useful and easy to use the set of tools.
The job presented in this paper integrates on a
single platform three experimental: true, virtual and
remote laboratories. The system relies on a virtual
data acquisition card that provides a virtual operation
very close to the original operation with a real card.
The user only has to introduce very simple changes
in the application program to follow one approach or
It could have been possible to integrate all the ap-
plications into a single one. Nevertheless indepen-
dent units have been preferred because of the follow-
ing reasons:
Keeping closer to the real system structure makes
the students easily understand the system opera-
tion and how it has been designed.
It has the adequate modularity for selecting a dif-
ferent data acquisition card or process.
With respect to the students methodology, they al-
ways know what version of the system they are work-
ing on, but they do not need to generate different ap-
plication programs depending on their location: vir-
tual, remote or off-line.
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