Parsing Medical Text into De-identified Databases
Veronica Dahl
, Sara Saghaei
and Oliver Schulte
Departament de Filologies Romaniques, Universidad Rovira i Virgili
43002 Tarragona, Spain
School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive, Burnaby, Canada
Abstract. De-identification is the process of automatic removal of all Private
Health Information (PHI) from medical records. The main focus in this active
and important research area is on semi-structured records. This narrow focus has
allowed the development of standard criteria that formally determines the bound-
aries of privacy and can be used for evaluations. However, medical records in-
clude, as well as semi-structured data from filling in forms, etc., free text in which
identifiers are more difficult to detect. In this article we address the problem of de-
identification within unstructured medical records. We show how through the fol-
lowing methods we are able to recognize, in some cases, identifiers that currently
go undetected: (1) Parsing free-form medical text into typed logical relationships
including assumptions for candidate identifiers. (2) A novel use of the state-of-
the-art engines for processing English queries to the web. A formal definition of
our approach within a rigorous logical system that supports the implementation
of our ideas, is also available on the website
1 Introduction
De-identification is the process of automatic removal of all personally identifying Pri-
vate Health Information (PHI
) from medical records, while preserving the integrity of
the data as much as possible [15].
Despite the simple general rule of thumb for de-identification that suggests any
piece of information that narrows down the search space to a small amount of identi-
fiable targets should be recognized as a private identifier and removed; in practice, a
break down into a list of possible identifiers and an elaborate treatment for each case
is necessary. This enforces a seperate procedure as well as exception patterns for each
item of PHI. In particular, a special procedure is required for removing dates, another
for first names, and so forth. Most of the papers in this area are dedicated to addressing
problems in identifying each of the PHI’s in detail. A summary of these problems is
given in section 2. In the current state of the art, although most of the performance met-
rics reported in every other paper, hits at least some 90% performance measure, most of
1 ssaghaei/personal/bilc
Standardized by HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) as a list of
seventeen categories of possible identifiers
Dahl V., Saghaei S. and Schulte O..
Parsing Medical Text into De-identified Databases.
DOI: 10.5220/0003309700770087
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on AI Methods for Interdisciplinary Research in Language and Biology (BILC-2011), pages 77-87
ISBN: 978-989-8425-42-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the times, several restrictions to the input text and the target output have been assumed
that make effective comparisons rather difficult, if not impossible, and furthermore, pre-
vent the elimination of the need for a human assistant to do at least the final scanning,
if not re-processing.
In this article we propose a methodology that can be adjusted to the characteristics
of input in terms of different types of medical records and takes into account as well the
kind of research that is meant to follow the de-identification. The former feature allows
us an ingenious hybrid approach that takes advantage of state-of-the-art de-identifiers,
mostly addressing the semi-structured inputs. The latter feature facilitates the detection
of research-specific types of identifiers, which a one-size-fits-all methodology might
miss. Previous related work in this latter respect is [13], which is a sequel to the sys-
tem developed in [12], allowing modifiable fields for identifiers. While this system is
licenced and the code is not available for study, it does not seem that it goes beyond
semi-structured inputs. We develop our idea mostly around one specific type of medical
record, that of hospital admissions, which exhibits many semi-structured parts (com-
mon personal identifiers found in medical forms) as well as some free-text portions
(e.g. Observations).
2 The Main Challenges
The problem of de-identification with free-form text can be seen as a conveniently nar-
rower version of the general problem of parsing natural language. It is narrower in the
following sense: (1) We can focus to some extent on noun phrases, through which natu-
ral language encodes most identifiers. (2) Since the domain of application is known,
we can make use of domain-specific lexicons and ontologies in order to determine
the meaning from the context. We now discuss the key challenges that arise in de-
identification of general texts and more specifically in medical records.
Implicit Identifiers: Sometimes identifiers are not explicit. As an example taken from
[10], “the patient’s trailer was blown away by a tornado the night before Christmas” is a
statement that does not contain any terms that are outright PHI, but the date is obvious
to a human and a news search could potentially reveal details on this newsworthy event
and the identity of this special patient.
Ambiguities: PHI and non-PHI can lexically overlap: e.g., Huntington can be the name
of a disease (non-PHI) as well as the name of a person (PHI). The ambiguity problem
is even more crucial than it looks, since the final output should be suitable for medical
research. That’s why in the example above, “Huntington’s disease“” should not be re-
moved, while the name “Huntington” should be. This is a critical and particularly tough
problem to deal with.
Privacy Deadlock: This is best described in [15] as a chicken and egg type of problem:
“systems cannot be effectively developed without access to clinical records, but clinical
records cannot be readily made available for research (even for de-identification) with-
out being de-identified.” Although it is not stated in most research how such access to
the dataset has been provided, it is rather obvious that it is a somewhat limited one.
Misspellings: PHI can include misspelled and/or foreign words that cannot be found in
dictionaries. The most common approach in dealing with misspelled words is through
using a spellchecker. However, it is shown not very helpful in [10] as it gave “little im-
provement in sensitivity, but a large increase in the number of false positives”. Instead,
they have been partially able to take care of misspellings by relying on contextual rules;
Such that, if an identifier is missed in dictionary lookup, it will be caught in contextual
template matching. An idea for dealing with misspelling is to make use of a list of com-
mon misspellings as a reference, along with the other dictionaries. Better yet, it might
be possible to extract common patterns from that list and feed only those patterns to
the system (e.g. receive & recieve, tomorrow and tommorrow, etc.). But if it should be
possible to extract heuristics from simple observations, as humans often do, using this
approach along with the methods that require an initial learning phase (such as in [14]),
this would not only bring great enhancements to the machine’s ability in performing de-
identification, unrestricted to the detection of mispellings, but also, would eventually,
serve as a big step toward the advancement of the Natural Language Understanding
(NLU) field.
Re-identification: After identifiers have been recognized, they should be substituted in a
generic way that does not violate privacy while maintaining as much of the information
as possible. Two best approaches in this regard are: (1) In [10] identifiers are replaced
by phrases such as [***first name***],or any other category/subcategoryof PHI, which
enhances the readability and is needless of further computation, since the category has
already been detected as part of the identifier’s recognition process. (2) A smoother
approach is to substitute them with surrogate information, such as John Doe for a first
3 Main General Approaches to De-identification
Most approaches to recognition of PHI are either lexical or contextual:
Lexical. This approach mostly involves using dictionaries and gazeteers and doing
string matching type of search throughout the text. Obviously, the larger the dictio-
naries the better the result. Particularly, in recognition of first names and locations most
of the methods rely on dictionaries.
Contextual. This approach can take different forms. It can be as limited as associating a
number of common-sense templates with each of PHI categories, as explained in [12],
such as a [firstname lastname] template for a person’s name, or [lastname, firstname],
etc., or as sophistiated as in [11], which applies advanced natural language techniques
using a framework called MEDTAG, to categorize words and recognize parts of speech.
MEDTAG is a system of tags with an ontology of the medical domain which aims at
disambiguation in the “word-sense” level. One example from [11] is the word “miss”
which can be taken to mean an action (=fail) or a person (=a young lady). The tagging
system considers the context and distinguishes the semantics. Their system also does
a parts-of-speech tagging, which would again in the case of “miss” determine whether
it’s a name or a verb in the sentence to help eliminate potential ambiguities. However,
in the word-sense level their work is restricted by the 40 medical tags in the MEDTAG
framework and another custom-designed set of “anonymization-specific” tags. This set
disambiguates the words taken as possible PHI candidates and was extracted from in-
vestigation of particular cases.
To some extent, both these types of systems augment rules with machine learning
techniques. Among the systems that use machine learning, those that employ regular
expression templates as features perform significantly better than those that do not,
from which we can conclude that the gains are not related to machine learning itself
but to machine learning conditioned to the use of regular expression templates– a limi-
tation which makes the approach not too suitable for unstructured data such as natural
language input.
Results from [15] reveal that the de-identification problem cannot be solved through
one single algorithm or approach and that a hybrid approach that combines the lexical
and the contextual approaches is necessary to gain better results. However, the scope
of application of these two approaches is different too. For example in [11], dictionary
check only comes in after the whole text has been tagged and specific zones are marked
as “Identity markers”. But in many others, the dictionary check comes first. Hybrid sys-
tems such as Haras that employ rules for certain PHI categories and machine learning
with regular expression template features for others generally perform worse than the
systems that use regular expression template features for all PHI categories [15]. Where
contextual resolutions are used along with probability assignments (as in [12] and [14]),
they usually yield more accurate results and particularly lower rates of false positivity.
4 An Intuitive Description of Our Proposed Methodology
Our approach is based on concepts and techniques that have been developed in the
logic programming community. One of our key innovations is a new representation of
identifiers: we represent them as a pair (term, type), where term is a logical expression
mapped to a possible identifier in the text, and type represents the semantic type of the
term. Thus we model not only whether a part of the text identifies an individual, but
also what type of individual it represents. We also use the logic programming concept
of assumption, which allows us to make temporary guesses as to what part of the text
may be denoting which individuals.
4.1 Logic Programming Tools
For processing language, we use a logic grammar [5] together with a taxonomy appro-
priate to the targeted domain [7], and in particular, two main techniques: assumptions
[8] and incomplete types [4]. These were inspired by natural language processing prob-
lems, with assumptions having recently proved useful as well for computational molec-
ular biology [9]. We use them both in the traditional way (i.e., for processing language)
and in a novel way which allows us to a) keep track of medical identifiers found, and b)
re-identify to humans without revealing individuals.
Assumptions can be thought of as globally available, dynamic information that we
can hypothesize (technically called “assume”) whenever needed (e.g. at the point in the
grammar in which we postulate that some noun phrase’s referent is an identifier) and
is withdrawn either through backtrack or by programming design (if at some point we
program their disappearance, technically called “consumption”). We note the assump-
tion of p(X), where X is a vector of n arguments and p an n-ary relation, as +p(X), and
its consumption, as -p(X). Assumptions have become part of the logic programming
folklore and are now provided by several logic programming platforms, most notably
Hyprolog [3]. Concretely, we use them to (1) keep all potential identifiers we come
across until they are either confirmed or discarded as such (through other parts of the
analysis confirming them or rejecting them), (2) produce a database representation of
the input in which a) every term suspected of being an identifier has been replaced by
a surrogate plus its semantic type (e.g., the patient John Smith is now referred to by
say, “n1” and the information that n1s semantic type is “patient”, so that the new term
now looks like “n1-patient”), and b) every term containing an identifier is marked. (3)
use these surrogates to consult the information at hand and (if warranted) the world
wide web in order to try and find the original identifier. If found, further purge the in-
formation that allowed the system to reconstruct the identifier until it can no longer be
In the next section we examine each of these uses in greater detail. Incomplete types
were originally developed for static databases, in order to provide semantic compatibil-
ity checkups at parsing time, for savings at database consultation time [4]. Section 5.4
describes them informally. A formal logical respresentation of our approach incorpo-
rating these incomplete types is also devised and is available on our website.
4.2 Main Components of Our Approach
Extracting Identifiers and their Semantic Types. Within Noun Phrases: Proper names
are considered by our grammar as inherently identifying, so they are marked as such
by the unary function “id”, whose presence as an argument of a relation tuple will in-
duce the tuple’s recording as an assumption. A noun is interpreted by our parser as the
relational symbol of a semantic relationship to be extracted and the arguments of this
relation are constructed from the noun’s various complements, appropriately typed after
consultation of a domain-dependent ontology. E.g., the noun phrase: “The activation of
NF-kappa-B via CD-28” parses into:
+activation(protein-id(‘NF-kappa-B’), gene-id(‘CD-28’)).
The relationship, the types associated with its arguments by our concept hierarchy
(protein and gene) and the fact that the arguments are ‘identifiers’ to be preserved, and
therefore assumed rather than entered in the database, are visible in this encoding.
Within verb phrases. Verbs also induce relationships whose arguments are the semantic
representations of the verb’s syntactic arguments. E.g., in the sentence: “Retinoblas-
toma proteins negatively regulate transcriptional activation”, the verb regulate marks a
relation between two concepts retinoblastoma proteins and transcriptional activation.
In this case, our parser does not mark the relationship’s arguments as identifiers, since
they are induced from nouns rather than from proper names. Finer distinctions can be
made in the grammar taking into account the specific domain of application, but for our
exemplifying purposes the following representation suffices:
regulate(retinoB-protein, transActivation-process).
Representing the Input as a (Fairly) De-identified Database. As a result of our pars-
ing process, a database is created which contains predicate definitions, plus assumptions
representing the information in the input that contains terms marked as identifiers. In
this first phase of our approach, we use a subset of natural language as the allowed input
language. However this subset is both natural and correct and usually sufficient.
Fine-tuning the De-identification and Erasing All Traces of Identifiers. We now
query other available sources in order to find further possible identifiers that do not
directly result from say, lexical mandate, but from the meaning of the sentences. For
instance, if a phrase such as “the patient’s trailer was blown away by a tornado the
night before Christmas” produces, as it will, no concrete referents upon being translated
into typed logic, the system will invoke state-of-the-art natural language based web
mining systems (e.g. Hakia
, Powerset
, Watson
), with the question: “Whose trailer
was blown away by a tornado the night before Christmas?” If a concrete identifier is
producedas an answer, the entire phrase will be replaced by a surrogatephrase (possibly
empty). Notice by the way that even if the sentence were to fall outside our natural
language subset, we could still transform it into the relevant question to be given to
web consultation, thereby extending our subset effectively beyond that formally treated
within our grammar.
Once all identifiers possible have been found and substituted, all remaining assump-
tions whose id’s have been replaced by surrogates are firmed into proper relations. At
the end of this process, any remaining assumptions indicate the presence of identifiers
that could not be replaced (this would be the case for instance if a human could find in
a newspaper the identity of the patient whose trailer was blown away by a tornado the
night before Christmas, yet none of the state-of-the art web mining systems could), and
can be thus erased in order to leave no trace of information that the machine could not
de-identify but a human might.
5 Solving Common De-identification Problems
5.1 Ambiguity
Semantic types are not only useful for re-identification, but, can also serve to conveythe
appropriate meaning of an ambiguous word or phrase. Because our domain is known,
we can augment terms with domain-dependent type hierarchy information and include
them directly in the grammar’s lexicon. By doing so, a quick semantic compatibility
check, performed as a side effect of normal unification, will ensure disambiguation on
the fly.
Example. In the hospital admission records terminology, if we allow “enter” as a syn-
onym for “admitted”, there will be at least two lexical entries for that verb, exemplified
Hakia homepage,
Powerset homepage,
Watson homepage,
enter(patient-X,state-Y) (as in ‘‘entered into a comma")
As a second example, consider the word huntington in the two sentences: “Huntington
entered the hospital on April 16, 2010.”, and “Smith should be tested for Huntington.
and their corresponding disambiguated typed logic representations:
As a more complex example, consider the use of the word binding site in the biomedi-
cal domain; It usually refers to a DNA domain or region, but exceptionally to a protein
domain or region too. Catching the latter meaning is not trivial, since both c-Myc and
G28-5 are protein molecules. However, our parser looks for semantic clues from sur-
rounding words in order to disambiguate: in sentence (1) in Table 1, promoters points
to the DNA region binding site, whereas in sentence (2), ligands points to the protein
meaning of binding site. Our parser can calculate an entity’s appropriate type by con-
sulting domain-specific clues.
Table 1. “binding site” in two different contexts.
(1) Transcription factors USF1 and USF2 up-regulate gene expression via interaction
with an E box on their target promoters, which is also a binding site for c-Myc.
(2) The functional activity of ligands built from the binding site of G28-5 is dependent on
the size and physical properties of the molecule both in solution and on the cell surfaces.
5.2 Anaphoric References
Our parser keeps track of potential referents for pronouns or other referential terms,
also through the use of assumptions. This technique has already been described for
natural language analysis in general, using timeless assumptions in order to allow for
the original referent to appear in preceding or following sentences of the referential
term (in technical terms, we can treat both forward and backward anaphora). Interested
readers are referred to [3] and [8] for details.
Note that disambiguation and anaphora resolution can cooperate with each other:
Semantic types allow us to differentiate between a patient named Huntington and a
disease named so; thus, further ensure the correct identification of a referent, as the
following discourse and corresponding representations exemplify.
“Huntington entered the hospital on April 16, 2010. This patient should be tested
for Huntington.
+entered(patient-id(huntington), hospital-id(universalcures),
Our parser’s anaphora resolution system will instantiate P with id(huntington) and cor-
respondingly mark the relation “must-test-for” as an assumption. The explicit mention-
ing of the type (“patient”) in the subject of the second sentence serves as a corroboration
to the anaphora resolution system that we are referring indeed to the Huntington typed
as a patient, in the first sentence. If it was marked otherwise, the two types would not
have matched. If the second sentence was “He should be tested for Huntington”, the
type gleaned from the first sentence for this individual would simply carry over, to-
gether with his name, into the term representing it. Of course, even for humans there
will be cases in which even context leaves us clueless, as in “Huntington won”. We are
content if our proposed methodology allows us to deal with ambiguity with at least as
much success as humans can.
5.3 Domain-Dependent Semantic Constraints
Some sentences that are syntactically correct should still be ruled out because they do
not make sense in the domain of application. For example, in our biomedical domain, it
would not make sense to have a term of the form ‘regulation of protein name’, e.g. reg-
ulation of actin, because a protein is neither a process nor a function. Our system codes
such semantic constraints in terms of selectional restrictions on the relations induced
by grammar analysis, e.g. “regulation” induces a relationship of same name whose ar-
gument must be typed by either “process” or “function”. Selectional restrictions are
implemented through incomplete types.
5.4 Contextual Semantic Interpretation through Incomplete Types
Consider the query: does TB Meningitis need antibiotics?, given a database where TB
Meningitis is a type of Meningitis, Meningitis is an infectious disease, and infectious
diseases need antibiotics for treatment. In Prolog, a positive answer to the query:
?- needsAntibiotics(tbMeningitis).
can be obtained in three resolution steps from the database:
needsAntiobiotics(D):- infectiousDisease(D).
infectiousDisease(D) :- meningitis(D).
Instead, we propose to use typed Horn-clause logic: the given information would be
represented as in equations (1), below. A compiler would tranform them into the form
(2), so that eventually, we can obtain the same property inheritance in just one resolution
step as done in (3).
needsAntibiotics(D infectiousDisease).
meningitis inf ectiousDisease.
tbM eningitis meningitis.
? needsAntibiotics(tbM eningitis). (1)
needsAntibiotics(D [infectiousDisease Y ]). (2)
? needsAntiobiotics(tbMeningitis
[inf ectiousDisease meningitis tbM eningitis]). (3)
Types have been replaced by a representation of their relevant set inclusion relation-
ships. It is incomplete in that it contains a tail variable which allows for further in-
stantiation. Thus, D in equation 2 is of “at least an infectious disease” type. Since the
representation of constants should not allow for further instantiation, the constant itself
closes the representation, as in the query in equation 3 (we abusively keep the inclusion
sign for uniformity of notation). Resolving 2 with 3 unifies Y with infectiousDisease
meningitis, thus making the type further known as both infectiousDisease and menin-
gitis. For strictly hierarchical taxonomies, we have thus reduced type checking from a
chain of n set inclusion relationships to one resolution steps.
5.5 Re-identification
In our approach, which routinely adds semantic types to all terms, it is easy to replace
a name with a surrogate and augment it with the appropriate semantic type, to further
improve readability and reduce ambiguity.
6 Discussion
We have proposed a methodology for de-identification that can be tailored to the char-
acteristics of specific types of medical records, e.g. by consulting appropriate domain
taxonomies. Our proposal deals with privacy sensitive texts that are rich sources of re-
search information by extracting the knowledge these texts represent and feeding them
into a database, and by marking any sensitive fields for eventual removal by the sys-
tem. Thus, researchers, instead of accessing the text, can query the database for the
information they require. Private fields can either be disguised under surrogate names
while maintaining knowledge of their semantic type, or protected by the system from
being queried; for example, if the researcher wants to know how many of the patients
with some kind of disease smoke, the answer is a number,which wouldn’t threaten any-
body’s privacy. But if they query the information about the name of the person whose
medical condition is such and such, they would receive an error.
Our approach combines the lexical and the contextual approaches in a novel way,
in that it turns text into typed logical relations that express exactly what was said. This
is achieved through a parser which benefits from lexical, syntactic and semantic pro-
cessing of information. Since it addresses restricted but natural language, as opposed to
semi-structured data, it is hard to evaluate with respect to existing systems which one
is more restricted. However, once the parser, presently under construction, is finished,
we will at least test it for statistics regarding how it improves the de-identification task
of medical records with free text. We have not directly used machine learning since for
parsing the fairly substantial subset of natural language that we allow, it is not easily
profitable; however, we use it indirectly through consulting the other approaches on
the semi-structured portions of input. On the other hand, our proposed methodologies
for disambiguation and semantic type compatibility enforcement could be profitably
transfered into other approaches too: given that they are useful for a bigger subset of
language than they attack, they are sure to be effective also on semi-structured data.
Robustness is an issue we have not yet addressed: our system for the time being will
not work if there are grammatical errors or misspelling. Future work includes a pre-
processor which will consult the web for possible misspelling, and will work bottom-
up to test for grammaticality before invoking the parser. In this respect previous work
using constraints has proved promising [2], [6]. Google suggestions for correcting a
misspelled word, as it amounts, in fact, to a summary of common knowledge shared
among users of the internet, is something to consider. for example, if the word “small”
is misspelled as “smll”, using only dictionary matching, it might be mapped to any
number of possible permutations of missing letter(s). But if queried into google, the
third suggestion is the word “small”, which in its own way, shows the common sense
knowledge of humans when faced with the word “smll”, and the two first suggestions
are not valid dictionary entries.
Note that, because in our approach a typed database is created from text, we can
define specific ways of querying it according to how the researchers want to use it.
For instance, if the researchers are interested in general answers, specialized evaluation
primitives will aim at intensional kinds of answers. For instance, given a rule such as
“Diabetics benefit from exercise”, and the query
“Who benefits from exercise?”, an intensional evaluation will produce the reply,
“Diabetic people”, rather than a list of individuals’ names. Eventually, we can even
consider mining the re-identified databases to obtain statistics allowing us to extract
further knowledge than the one present in the records per se, e.g. the percentage of
diabetics that benefit from howmuch exercise, etc. With this work we hope to contribute
to an entirely novel and fruitful way of rethinking the problem of de-identification, and
to stimulate further research along these lines.
We are very grateful for the anonymous reviewers’ comments on a first draft of this
article. This work was supported by the European Commission in the form of V. Dahl
Marie Curie Chair of Excellence and by two Discovery Grants from the Natural Sci-
ences and EngineeringResearch Council of Canada (NSERC) to Dahl and Schulte each.
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