Modeling of Cognitive Agents
Dariusz Plewczynski
ICM, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling
University of Warsaw, Pawinskiego 5a Street, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland
Abstract. Agent-based Modeling (ABM), a novel computational modeling pa-
radigm, is the modeling of phenomena as dynamical systems of interacting
agents. Here, we apply this methodology for designing cognitive agents that are
allowed to perform categorization process of input training items. The internal
agent structure, as in presented previously brainstorming algorithm, and it is
equipped with the set of basic machine learning, or clustering algorithms,
which allow it for constructing prototypes of categories. Agent links prototypi-
cal categories with the subsets of training objects (so called prototypes for a
category) during the simulation time. The equilibration process is described
here using the mean-field theory, and fully connected cellular automata net-
work of different categories. The individual outcomes of clustering, or machine
learning algorithms are combined in order to determine the most effective parti-
tioning of a given training data into the set of distinct categories. The dynamics
of cellular automata network simulates the higher level of information integra-
tion acquired from repetitive learning trials. The final categorization of training
objects is therefore consistent with equilibrium state of the complex system of
linked and interacting machine learning methods, each representing different
category. The proposed cognitive agent is the first autonomous cognitive sys-
tem that is able to build the classification system for given perceptual informa-
tion using ensemble of machine learning algorithms.
1 Introduction
The one of main challenges in cognitive sciences is the symbol-grounding problem. It
is originating in long term discussions how to build the cognitive representation of the
environment (so called world) using some internal states of intelligent individual. The
relation between a symbol, a real-world object, and a concept applicable to the object
is typically implemented using semiotic triad, which links a subset of objects, the
concept for a category, and a symbol that represents this category. The underlying
mapping between the concept and the object is performed using a method, i.e. a pro-
cedure to decide whether the concept applies to an object or not. The idea of semiotic
triad was first introduced by Peirce (1839-1914) as a method for linking things and
symbols used to describe them. Further work by Searle [1] supported idea that semio-
tics is not only theory of language, but also a theory of production of meaning. The
main driving force behind the development of semiotics is a practical purpose. We
use things or events as signs that facilitate the navigation in complexity of life.
Plewczynski D..
Modeling of Cognitive Agents.
DOI: 10.5220/0003307200280036
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on AI Methods for Interdisciplinary Research in Language and Biology (BILC-2011), pages 28-36
ISBN: 978-989-8425-42-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
We apply similar approach to study the categorization process within Agent-
Based Modeling (ABM). The ABM method extends the cellular automata-like models
[2], to more complex computational setups, for example by introducing the asyn-
chronous interactions between agents. Agent is defined here as a subsystem distin-
guished from its environment by some functional characteristics. Moreover, it has
some ability to perform an autonomic action, i.e. dynamical interaction with sur-
rounding world without external control. The presently used agent models are ranging
from simple ones (simulations of a disease spreadout, predator-prey systems), to
complex ones (insects colonies, immune responses modeling, financial markets etc.).
Typically ABM simulations require an explicit representation of the space, on which
agents are located. The most important step in the definition of an ABM is to intro-
duce a set of rules in order to describe the changes of system’s state.
Here, we use specific type of an agent, namely cognitive agents (CA) that are
equipped with brainstorming algorithm, i.e. several clustering, or machine learning
algorithms, which are running in parallel. The complex internal structure allows to
perform classification tasks on training objects, and storing learned knowledge in
terms of predictive models that can be further applied to unknown cases. This mimics
the ability of natural cognitive systems (for example neuronal system, living cell, or
human brain) to deal with incoming information. We need such advanced logic build
into the agent model in order to construct the symbolic representation of external
world objects in terms of symbols that represent grounded categories of training data.
Agent models the grounding process by training its internal learning method to
map a subset of observed objects into single category. The “name” of this category
(i.e. the sign denoting it in internal language of an agent) is a symbol representing it.
The learned predictive model is the proposed concept that describes the category, and
it is applicable to objects in order to assign them with a proper symbol. The semiotic
triad first proposed by Peirce is therefore modeled on the level of single agent within
Agent Based Modelling paradigm. The set of semiotic triads representing several
categories (or symbols) builds up the semiotic network. In the case of simple cogni-
tive tasks, i.e. when either a set of objects is not large, or a number of categories dis-
tinguishing those objects is small.
Summarizing, cognitive agents can be used as a model complex system for study-
ing the details of categorization process, the emergent phenomena, patterns learning,
selection of rules, or in general knowledge discovery. We provide here the founda-
tions of proposed cognitive ABM framework, and initial computational results. The
simulations are performed for given training information randomly selected from
available training data, agent during the course of simulation is building its semiotic
network of input training data, linking proposed categories with selection of training
objects. The results are compared with categorization studies performed within last
decade, especially in the field of psycholinguistics. Perspective applications of this
approach are also sketched. They could include modeling of perceptual grounding of
symbols using text mining techniques, context information, and visual or auditory
sensor data categorization in robotics.
2 Design of Cognitive Agent
Our model of categorization process is based on agent based modeling (ABM) para-
digm known from many applications in informatics [3], life [4-11]and social sciences
[12]. Our present model extends previous results, where probabilistic cellular automa-
ta (CA) model of opinion formation in groups of individuals was simulated by Le-
wenstein et al. [13] using social impact theory introduced by Latane [14, 15]. The
intermittent behavior was observed with a variety of stationary states with a well-
localized and dynamically stable clusters (domains) of individuals, who share minori-
ty opinions [13]. In the social impact theory a group of N agents influence of a given
agent opinion, where the level of influence depends on three factors. First, the social
strengths of all members of the whole group; secondly, their social distance from the
selected individual; and finally their total number N. Kohring [16, 17] extended La-
tane's theory to include learning. Plewczynski [18, 19] solved analytically the model
in the continuous limit and the Cartesian space with learning rules. Hołyst et al. per-
formed numerical simulations in simplified geometries, also provided the mean-field
approximation of the social impact theory [20-23].
Here, I present an application of agent based modeling in simulating the process
of categories formation. Each agent (so called “cognitive agent”) is equipped with a
machine learning, or clustering algorithm. The mathematical method allow them to
classify training examples based on their features, find differences between them and
categorize them into separate, or overlapping categories. Moreover, the “cognitive
interaction” between two agents is proposed by introducing guessing games, which
allow for coupling of categories not only by sharing the same training data, but also
by exchanging proposed models outcomes. The topology of a network of interactions
between agents is defining their “cognitive space” (for example the Cartesian space,
fully connected, nearest neighbors coupling, or hierarchical geometries). The final
stable semiotic landscape is defined here as the stationary state for such population of
The agent based model of category formation is based on several assumptions:
2.1 Discrete Categories
We assume that training data can be described in the form of several distinct or over-
lapping categories. In the first case, the crisp clustering can be applied and training
examples can be divided into separate groups of objects using their features. In the
second case, the full separation cannot be performed, and fuzzy clustering techniques
have to be applied in order to assign objects to the proposed categories. Both cluster-
ing techniques are optimized using some internal parameters, or validity indices. In
some cases, the multiobjective optimization can be used, which simultaneously opti-
mizes two internal fuzzy cluster validity indices to yield a set of Pareto-optimal clus-
tering solutions. In the case of machine learning algorithms we deal with binary class
prediction (only two categories are described), or a set of distinct categories, each
described by different machine learning model. Here, internal parameters of ML
algorithms may seriously impact the performance of each method, therefore the di-
versity between agents is achieved. Our population of agents consists from N cogni-
tive agents. When a given training or testing object is presented to each agent, its
internal state is described holds one of several distinct categories (from 1 up to k,
where k is the number of categories constructed by an agent). These states are binary
1, ..,
= , similarly to Ising model of ferromagnet. In most cases the machine learn-
ing algorithms that can model those agents, such as support vector machines, decision
trees, trend vectors, artificial neural networks, random forest, predict two classes for
incoming data, based on previous experience in the form of trained models. The pre-
diction of an agent answers single question: is a query data contained in class A
(“YES”), or it is different from items gathered in this class (“NO”).
2.2 Disorder and Random Strength Parameter
Each learner is characterized by two random parameters: persuasiveness
and sup-
that describe how individual agent interact with others. Persuasiveness
describes how effectively the individual state of agent is propagated to neighboring
agents, whereas supportiveness represent self-supportiveness of single agent. In
present work I assume that influential agents has high self-esteem, what is supported
by the fact that highly effective learners should have high impact on others in meta-
learning procedure. For example, we can select
p f precision i=
in the case where agents are modeled as single machine learning procedures. In gen-
eral the individual differences between agents are described as random variables with
a probability density
, with mean values
. Similarly
to the social influence theory, the quality of predictor in some way affect its influence
strength, when the final optimization of meta-learning consensus is done.
In the case of meta-learning procedure the persuasiveness
represents here the
ability of learning agent j to persuade agents who hold the opposite state to switch to
having the same state as j. The supportiveness
represents the ability of learning
agent j to support agents who hold the same state, so not only the self-support of an
individual agent (to itself), but the support that an agent gives to other agents who
share the same state as it has.
We use here cognitive agents that are allowed to perform categorization process
of training objects, therefore trying to autonomously build the classification system
for given perceptual information. Each agent during the simulation time is building its
semiotic network of input data, linking proposed categories with subsets of objects
(so called prototypes for a category).
2.3 Learning Space and Learning Metric
Each agent is characterized by a location in the learning space, therefore one can
calculate the abstract learning distance
,dij of two learners i and j. The strength of
coupling between two agents tend to decrease with the learning distance between
them. Determination of the learning metric is a separate problem, and the particular
form of the metric and the learning distance function should be empirically deter-
mined, and in principle can be a very peculiar geometry. In present manuscript, I
select the fully connected learning space, where all distances between agents are
. This particular geometry is useful for example in the case of simple
consensus between different yet not organized machine learning algorithms, where no
group of learners perform significantly better than others.
The interaction between agents dynamically shape their semiotic networks, adjust
the categories in order to match them between different individuals, and finally lead
to equilibrium, stable shared semiotic landscape of training data. The equilibration
process is described here using the mean-field theory, and fully connected cellular
automata network of agents.
2.4 Learning Coupling
Agents exchange their opinions by biasing others toward their own classification
outcome. This influence can be described by the total learning impact
that ith
agent is experiencing from all other learners. Within the cellular automata approach
this impact is the difference between positive coupling of those agents that hold iden-
tical classification outcome, relative to negative influence of those who share opposite
state, and can be formalized as
() ()
iij ij
σσ σσ
are the functions of persuasiveness and supportiveness
impact of the other agents on the
i-th agent. It should be noted here that the persua-
represents here the ability of agent j to persuade agents who hold the
opposite state to switch to having the same state as
j. On the contrary the supportive-
represents the ability of agent j to support agents who hold the same state,
i.e. preventing them from switching to the opposite state. That is, persuasiveness
represents the propensity of
j to cause other agents to switch to her state, and suppor-
tiveness represents her propensity to keep them there.
The social interaction between agents are modeled as guessing games between a
pair of agents, where the first agent presents to the second one a samples randomly
selected from different classes of its prototype categorization.
2.5 Meta-learning
The equation of dynamics of the learning model defines the state
of ith individual
at the next time step as follows:
ign I
with rescaled learning influence:
iij ij
Ns p Ns p
σσ σσ
I assume a synchronous dynamics, i.e. states of all agents are updated in parallel. In
comparison to standard Monte Carlo methods the synchronous dynamics takes shorter
time to equilibrate than serial methods, yet it can be trapped into periodic asymptotic
states with oscillations between neighboring agents.
The dynamics of cellular automata network simulates the higher level of informa-
tion integration acquired from repetitive learning trials, so called the dynamics of
semiotic landscape for the whole population. The final categorization of training
objects is therefore consistent with equilibrium state of the complex system of inte-
racting agents. The individual outcomes of clustering, or machine learning algorithms
are combined in order to determine the most effective partitioning of a given training
data into the set of overlapping categories.
2.6 Noise
The randomness of state change (phenomenological modeling of various random
elements in the learning system, and training data) is given by introducing noise into
ign I h
=− +
is the site-dependent white noise, or one can select a uniform white noise,
where for all agents
= . In the first case h
are random variables independent for
different agents and time instants, whereas in the second case
h are independent for
different time instants. I assume here, that the probability distribution of
is both
site and time independent, i.e. it has uniform statistical properties. The uniform white
noise simulates the global bias affecting all agents, whereas site-dependent white
noise describes local effects, such as prediction quality of individual learner etc.
Each category consists of several prototypes; therefore it is grounded in classified
data objects. The population of autonomous agents establishes via communication a
repertoire of perceptually grounded categories that is shared among them.
3 Concluding Remarks
Intelligent agents theory is a fascinating topic in modern science [24-28]. Decision
making transitions depend to high degree on global factors influencing an ensemble
of independent learners. On the other hand, those changes are dependent to a high
degree on individual decisions (predictions) that are based on agents’ attititudes.
During consensus, i.e. the final decision making, the reciprocal influence is critical as
each learner exchange its opinion with others. In my approach, I assume that external
factors acting on each learner are present during only the first phase of meta-learning,
where initial states for a population of learners are setting up. Yet, both processes
even if acting on different time scales, are important for understanding the computa-
tional intelligence process.
In this manuscript I have presented the statistical theory of meta-learning. In my
approach I select long-range coupling between agents, as opposite for example to the
Euclidean two dimensional learning space, where only nearest-neighbors are coupled.
This assumption is well supported by the fact that we are typically focused on only
equilibrium, stationary states. The fully connected learning space lets agents evolve
faster in comparison to other types of cellular automata. In addition, all agents influ-
ence each other, therefore we avoid local minima traps for the global system.
Each learner is characterized by two random parameters: persuasiveness
that describe how individual agent interact with others. The random
strength parameters simulate different individual features of learning agents. In prin-
ciple one can define both parameters in various different ways. In the case of a set of
machine learning algorithms, each of them can be described by its intrinsic parame-
ters affecting precision of single classification model of training data. In general case,
several different types of machine learning algorithms can be used as individual
learners. There, the distribution of quality of local prediction can be described as
random providing that algorithms differ significantly between each other in terms
both of the quality of prediction (classification accuracy), recall values (the ability to
memorize the positive items in the training dataset), or precision (the ability to pre-
cisely predict the classification of training items).
The other definition of those parameters (persuasiveness and supportiveness) can
enhance the method persuasiveness (the value of
), if the method has the state
=+ , and make its p
value lower when the opposite state is taken. In this way, it
allows to speed up the consensus process by forcing system to reach equilibrium state
more rapidly, yet pushing it to the +1 decision based on the selected training dataset.
This can cause several problems with overtraining, therefore some limitations of this
approach should be taken into account. The actual solutions presented in this paper,
yet do not depend strongly on the selected form of those parameters. Anyway we
assume that they are some random variables describing the variety of individual deci-
sions in the ensemble of learners.
There two time scales in the system. The first time scale is related to the fast evo-
lution of individual learners. When input testing data is presented to the system, each
learner respond by its own single prediction. This local prediction of each agent is
done very rapidly, almost instantly. Then those individual predictions are processed
by cellular automata algorithm in order to find the stationary state of the system. This
part is denoted as integration of information. As it was shown above, such stationary
state has the form of minority clusters surrounded by the sea of majority prediction.
Therefore, the final consensus prediction given by the majority rule, still preserves
non-orthodox solutions, allowing for fast adaptivity of the system when training data
pattern is changed. The time scale for this integrative process is relatively long in
comparison to individual predictions, therefore very fast (preferably optimized for
parallel processing) cellular automata software implementations have to be prepared
in order to apply described above formalism in real life problems. In the statistical
model presented here, I assume that there is no coupling between those two time
scales. Therefore I neglect all details of individual evolution of learners, focusing our
attention for integration phase of incoming local information into single, consensus
The population of cognitive agents performs classification tasks on training ob-
jects, in order to build the shared complex system of signs and meanings. for given
perceptual information. Charles Peirce introduced semiotics as a theory of human
experience mediated by our ability to reflect upon it and create explainations (repre-
sentations). According to Peirce, the major research endeavour of semiotics is to find
out what are the conditions for meaning to occur in human experience. Thus semiotcs
directly addresses the issue of meaning: "What is wanted, is a method of ascertaining
the real meaning of any concept, doctrine, proposition, word, or other sign. The ob-
ject of a sign is one thing; its meaning is another. Its object is the thing or occasion,
however indefinite, to which it is applied. Its meaning is the idea which it attaches to
that object, whether by way of mere supposition, or as a command, or as an assertion"
(Peirce, C. 1931-58 Collected Papers of Charles Peirce in Eight Volumes. Eds: A.
Burke, C. Hartshorne and P. Weiss. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 5.5).
This work was supported by Polish Ministry of Education and Science (N301
159735) and other financial sources. I would like to thank dr. Joanna Rączaszek –
Leonardi (Psychology Department, University of Warsaw), Prof. M. Lewenstein
(ICREA & ICFO, Barcelona, Spain) and Prof. M. Niezgodka (ICM, University of
Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland) for stimulating discussions.
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