Olga Lucía Giraldo, Olga Lucero Vega
Universidad de los Andes, Carrera 1 Este No 19 A 40, Bogotá, Colombia
Juan Erasmo Gómez
Universidad de los Andes, Carrera 1 Este No 19 A 40, Bogotá, Colombia
Keywords: Business process, Business Process Management - BPM, Business Process Management System - BPMS,
Business Process Modeling Notation - BPMN, Virtual learning environment, Serious games, IT
Abstract: There is growing evidence about organizational need of aligning business and IT (Gartner, Inc., 2009). This
alignment requires special IT managerial skills for understanding business and identifying core processes.
Results show that IT governance frameworks can improve the alignment of IT and business. Companies
aligning IT with the business and governing IT have higher profits than their competitors, experience
shorter time to market, attain better value from their IT investment, have better access to shared data, have
less risk of failure of mission-critical systems, have better top management satisfaction of IT -80%-, and
have lower IT costs- 25% (Ross, et al., 2006).
Nowadays students are trained on general managerial skills in management programs but knowledge about
IT governance and tool support is confined to the CxO level, and is not part of undergraduate education.
Moreover education of IT governance tools is not feasible for undergraduate students because it involves
working with real companies that are not willing to risk their IT investment, or their results on
undergraduate student projects.
The MIT Sloan School of Management Center for Information Systems Research –CISR proposed a
framework of IT Governance that begins by defining an Operating Model a company must implant. The key
dimensions of this model are the level of integration and standardization of business processes (Ross, et al.,
In this paper we present an ICT supported learning environment to train undergraduate students in IT
managerial skills and IT governance tools. With this environment so student can experience how their
decisions have an impact on the organizational life cycle and their effectiveness.
The main contribution of this work is proposing alternatives to surpass barriers for developing IT
managerial skills in IT undergraduate students. Starting with the time barrier, strategic IT decisions have
mostly long term impacts; trial and error decision making that is not possible for in real situations; and last,
but not least, students bringing into play decisions that expose business continuity without catastrophic
Developing organizational IT managerial skills in
undergraduate students is challenging. Particularly
for undergraduate IT students who are not aware of
the importance of these skills; they frequently are
confident about their technical skills and knowledge
but lack managerial skills. These skills are difficult
to instruct because they can only be deployed in real
environments. Case studies are the most used and
noteworthy tools to support training on these
subjects. Nowadays ICT supported learning has been
used to improve education of these types of skills
(Casallas, et al., 2008 pp. 648-658). Virtual learning
has many advantages that traditional classroom
lecturing lacks. Particularly using serious games and
Lucía Giraldo O., Lucero Vega O. and Erasmo Gómez J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003297700150024
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 15-24
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
virtual environments to train specialized skills can
provide several advantages (Sterman, 2009), (Intel
Corporation, 2009). For example simulating the
passage of time much quicker can help illustrate the
effect of actions and decisions on long-term
consequences; feedback about outcomes of present-
day decisions can be provided immediately;
understanding the long-term impact of decisions can
help students achieve their learning objectives.
Virtual learning environments allow students to
make erroneous decisions without having
catastrophic consequences (Atiq, et al., 2008).
Students might make the worst decisions possible,
understand the behavior of their organization as a
result, and even lead it to bankruptcy, without fear,
but nevertheless learning. They can try out any
decision, use resources, change goals, and learn.
Acting this way in real life exposes and risks the
continuity of any business (Kriz, 2003). Trial and
error is not a way to manage a business, but it is an
effective way to learn. Virtual learning spaces
consent, even more, stimulate exploring many
alternatives (Chua, 2005).
Simulation games present real situations that
show the value of technical and managerial skills
helping IT students understand the importance of
complementing their curriculum with managerial
skills. Training IT student in managerial IT skills is
challenging. Instructors need innovative and rich
tools to stimulate students so they become interested
in the subject. The goal is linking organizational
concepts and IT government elements to develop IT
managerial skills so students, who become
professional managers in the future, have a positive
impact business performance.
Our main objective is developing IT managerial
skills on undergraduate IT students from the very
beginning of the curriculum (Cameron, 2008). We
built a learning environment, supported by ICT to
develop underlying concepts of IT governance.
Specifically we focus on business processes
comprehension, modeling and optimization.
The work presented in this paper focuses on how
we developed this learning environment. In next
section we present the background, and the
theoretical framework that includes IT managerial
concepts, IT tools used in this work, virtual learning
environments, and the LIDIE methodology (Aldana,
et al., 2003). Afterward we present the learning
environment supported with ICT to train students in
business processes management. Finally we suggest
some future work and present our main conclusions.
Undergraduate IT programs must adapt curricula
that include managerial skills for XXI century IT
professionals (Brown, et al., 1999). It is also
mandatory using ICT tools to solve logistical
difficulties that hinder student progress. Particularly,
these tools are useful to help students apply
organizational concepts. By mastering these
concepts IT professional in their future work will be
able to focus on generating Business Value from IT-
An important element to generate BVIT is IT
governance. Ross, Weill & Robertson propose an IT
governance framework based on the operational
model –OM, the necessary level of business
processes standardization and integration for
delivering goods and services to customers (Ross, et
al., 2006). Cruz, Gómez & Giraldo designed a
serious game to simulate OM deployment (Cruz, et
al., 2010). Its focus is organizational effects of
applying a particularly OM, Diversification,
Coordination, Replication, or Unification, in a
particularly company (Ross, et al., 2006). For a
period of time the student becomes the CIO of this
company in a specific scenario; she has IT resources
and makes decisions related to the OM implanted in
the company spending IT resources and generating
incomes. The game simulates the passage of time;
year after year the student obtains results as a
consequence of her decisions. This way the student
learns how IT decisions -OM, have an impact on
organizational performance.
The results show that students understand this
concept, but do not grasp how processes behave in
real business, how to identify them, what are the
main differences from one business to another or
from an organization to the next one. We perceive
they need more support to understand the
cornerstone of OM: business processes.
Organizational analysis requires knowledge of its
environment and identification of its competitive
forces (Porter, 2008), its value chain and its business
processes (Porter, 2004). When this analysis is
supported by tools, such as Business Process
Management- BPM- tools, professional performance
is improved. Before presenting our work we now
introduce these concepts and tools.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.1 IT Management
3.1.1 Competitive Forces
Porter’s five competitive forces analysis helps
strategist understand the structure and interactions
within an industry. The five forces are existing
competitors, buyers, suppliers, new entrants, and
substitute. Understanding competitive forces allows
a strategist to propose appropriate plans for
achieving company objectives (Porter, 2008).
3.1.2 Value Chain
The value chain describes activities of enterprise
processes, illustrating the way an enterprise
generates value to its clients (Porter, 2004). The
value chain has activities directly involved with
transforming raw materials into final products, and
others activities pervasive to the entire organization.
The former are called primary activities, the latter
support activities. Value chain activities not only
add value by themselves, but also by the way they
are articulated amongst each other. Identifying an
organization’s value chain helps improve profit by
allowing application of best practices to increase
efficiency, to reduce costs, or to increase production.
3.1.3 Business Processes
The international standard ISO-9001 defines a
process as "an activity that uses resources that is
managed to transform input in outputs" (ICONTEC,
2005 p. 6). Complementing this definition (Hammer,
1990) says that business process contains activities
with specific goals, it is carried out collaboratively
by workers with different specialties, often crossing
borders of functional areas, and is always triggered
by external agents or customers.
Business processes have goals, owners, inputs,
outputs, threads, decisions and activities. Goals are
the raison d’être of a process; processes are
developed to achieve them. Owners are the ones
accountable for the behavior of the process and
frequently the owner is the person more affected or
benefited by its results. Inputs are resources
necessary for executing process activities. Outputs
are results obtained from process execution. Threads
are parts of higher level processes. Decisions are
points in a process where its behavior changes
according to specific conditions, points where there
are several possible routes within the process.
Activities are parts of a business process that do not
include decision-making. Modeling a process
includes identifying its activities, decisions, and
break in the order they are executed. Modeling a
process helps understand it, explain it, and identify
opportunities for its improvement.
3.2 IT Tools
Business Process Modeling (BPM) is a methodology
for improving process efficiency through it holistic
management by modeling, automating, integrating,
monitoring and optimizing it continuously. BPM
reduces costs and errors, ensures process behavior
and informs its status, and supports continuous
process improvement.
Business Process Management Systems (BPMS)
are systems that provide functionalities described
before, delivered as a single package, frequently by
a single provider.
Business Process Management Notation (BPMN)
is a graphic language that portrays the sequences of
activities, actors and rules involved in a business
process. There are many implementations, some of
which only depict the process, while others generate
applications directly from the process specification.
BPMN Level 1 is the most frequently used tool to
interact with business people. (Silver, 2010)
3.3 Virtual Learning Environment
Virtual learning environments –VLE- use ICT to
"ease interaction and arbitrate relationships amongst
people, knowledge, and the world" (Ospina, 2008).
Learning Management Systems –LMS- incorporate
ICT to articulate components of specific learning
scenarios with their own target population,
environmental elements and execution conditions.
Typical components of a VLE are virtual learning
objects –VLO, wikis, asynchronous forums and
simulation games. VLOs are structures that store
knowledge about a specific subject with an
educational purpose that are distributed and accessed
through the Internet (MEN, 2005). Wikis are
websites that allow editing contents by those that
access them. The best known example is Wikipedia,
www.wikipedia.com. Forums are virtual spaces that
allow asynchronous participation of people in
discussions and debates. Simulation games are
educational computer games simulating the real
world to develop skills by "learning to do" and
"learning to be". Two examples are the Beer Game
of MIT, for teaching principles and management of
supply chains (Sterman, 2009); and Intel IT
Manager III to develop skills to manage and
implement IT technologies in enterprises (Intel
Corporation, 2009).
3.4 Methodology
We decide to use the LIDIE methodology, Figure 1,
because it focuses on developing learning
environments supported by ICT, and it is linked to
Software Engineering Education (Galvis, 2000).
Figure 1: LIDIE Methodology (Galvis, 2000).
The LIDIE methodology defines six stages; its
application includes stages iteration for continuous
improvement. The analysis identifies educational
needs; the design stage focuses on satisfying these
needs; in the development stage we use ICT to
implant the designed solution. Finally the
evaluation, pilot and field test stages assess the
quality of the solution and infrastructure, and its
We now present the application of the first three
stages of the LIDIE methodology to develop IT
managerial skills in undergraduate students.
4.1 Educational Analysis
To identify the main educational needs we examined
an IT organization undergraduate course; analyzed
student course evaluations and surveys; performed
teacher interviews; and studied the OM simulation
game (Cruz, et al., 2010).
The course we selected is an organizational
design using ICT course. Figure 2 shows its learning
sequence; case study is the preferred learning
technique. This course was selected because it
covers IT governance topics and helps develop
foundations to understand how generate value using
Figure 2: Current sequence learning.
We obtained student course evaluation and
surveys over four semesters from 2008 and 2009;
figure 3 shows student perception of significant
learning topics. According to the surveys, the least
significant learning topic for students is “Strategic
IT: Business alignment”.
Figure 3: Students perception of significant topics in
Organizational Design with ICT.
We interviewed former lecturers of the course
for these same periods. Their perception was similar
to student insights from the surveys: students are not
able to bridge IT strategic topics. Students do not
understand how the OM is the base for enterprise
architecture, nor they are able to recognize that
enterprise architecture is sustained using an IT
governance framework, and that IT governance is
entrenched via best practices, which helps achieve
strategic use of IT: Business alignment.
Cruz developed the OM simulation game (Cruz,
et al., 2010). Our future works will focus on
executing a whole iteration of this game and
performing pilot and field tests. To play this game,
students must have basic organizational concepts,
but not all do. Therefore we turn our attention to
organizational analysis and business processes
mastering, considering that using ICT could solve
educational needs related to those concerns. This
objective drives the design phase (Barbera, et al.,
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: Learning sequence for basic concepts.
4.2 Design
In the Design stage we focus on developing students
skills to set organization industry characteristics,
Porter's Forces actors, organizational value chain
processes, and business processes. We propose two
learning sequences, one for basic concepts and
another for business process. Both learning
sequences begin with the lecturer presenting rules
and support tools for the course, and achieving
commitment from students in virtual and face-to-
face spaces. The learning sequences are supported in
a Learning Management Systems- LMS.
4.2.1 Learning Sequence for Basic Concepts
Figure 4 shows the proposed learning sequence.
Details Students work in groups of three to five
students. The first step is the lecture, a face-to-face
moment. During class, the lecturer presents core
concepts, origin, importance, and application in a
case. We recommend lecturers support this activity
with elaborative interrogations and digital
presentations. Elaborative interrogations encourage
students to find more information about the
organization in the case and its industry to better
comprehend organizational concepts, industry
behavior, Porter's Forces, value chain, and business
processes (Hill, 1994).
The second step is the Statement, a virtual moment.
Using the LMS students have access to a case study,
elaborative interrogatives, a wiki for each group,
Virtual Learning Objects -VLO, and two forums.
The objective is for them to work on a case study
similar to the one presented during lectures.
Elaborative interrogatives motivate students to
analyze the organization and publish results in their
wiki. Elaborative interrogatives motivate students to
analyze the organization and publish results in their
wiki. Group wikis are private group spaces to
construct knowledge and publish results. VLOs are
private student space to reinforce learning. Forums
are meeting spaces for students to develop
Group wikis, with a pre-defined structure,
include spaces that groups should use to store results
of organizational analysis. At the very beginning
wikis are empty, but have a template to guide their
organization. As the course progresses, students
must develop their wikis to include new topics.
VLO are grasping spaces about specific concepts
that have other smaller case studies and questions to
increase student understanding of specific aspects by
applying concepts. The students interact with the
VLO by recoding their answers to elaborative
interrogatives. As a result the VLO will present a
comparison between their answers and those made
by a team of experts. The students must analyze
differences and similarities. These VLO are similar
to the trainers of the Cupi2 project (Villalobos, et al.,
Each group also has two forums available: VLO
forum and wiki forum. Students can share their
concerns and questions in these spaces. The lecturer
or her assistant are invited to participate in forums,
but this is not mandatory.
The last step is the Case Study Class, the 2nd
face-to-face moment. The lecturer begins this class
addressing the concerns of students. Afterward she
argues the concepts related to the case study to
Figure 5: Learning Sequence for Business Process with the simulation game.
discuss, in plenary, their application. She must also
bring into discussion the results and ideas the groups
published in their wikis. Then lecturer must publish
in the course wiki selected group results, particularly
those closer or divergent from the proposed solution.
Then students can consult these solutions when
The lecturer evaluates student using the
documents published in the group wikis. In this way
students are externally motivated to review the case
before group discussions and participate in the
construction of the group wikis. As a collateral result
students develop collaborative work skills. We
expect the VLE to help increase student involvement
because their objective is to increase student
preparation and review of concepts and subjects
before class
4.2.2 Learning Sequence for Business
One of the main objectives of IT management in
organizations is strategic alignment between
business and IT. During the analysis stage strategic
alignment was rated by students as the least
significant topic, Figure 3. For this reason we
decided to focus on improving education of process
skills management.
The main skills we want to develop are:
Business Processes identification and
Process actors, activities and events
Process design with BPMN.
Process optimization concepts.
To train students in the first three skills we
defined a learning sequence similar to the sequence
proposed for basic concept, Figure 4. To develop
process optimization skills, we propose including it
in the Cruz simulation game (Cruz, et al., 2010).
The learning sequence, Figure 5, begins with a
class where lecturer introduces business processes
concepts. Afterward the student must solve a
problem from a case study- define a statement about
an organization and how it does its job- using the
VLE. Students must identify and describe the main
organizational business processes. In the next step
the lecturer defines and describes a process. The
students must identify its components and depict
them using BPMN as shown in Figure 6.
Students will find a VLO and a forum supporting
their learning activities; after they answer teacher’
question the VLO displays a business processes
defined by experts. We suggest the lecturer uses a
widely known business process such as "internet
shopping", "credit study", or "billing". Students are
familiar with these kinds of processes, and are
usually included in the knowledge base of BPM
tools (Vision Software, 2010). Development and
deployment of these VLOs is similar to those
proposed in previous sections.
Actually Cruz simulation game focuses on
organizational impact of operational model- OM.
The game elements are staff, infrastructures and
software, and change; its costs and benefits
determine the impact of OM in organizational
performance. During the game students choose the
appropriate OM, so they must determine the
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: Purchases v1.0 (Vision Software, 2010).
necessary level of business processes standardization
and integration. Then they require abilities to
identify, describe, design, and optimize processes.
We propose that the game manage business
process and feedback about processes optimization;
the game would simulate changes students propose
and shows their impact. This includes simulating the
execution of the process over long periods of time
and generating indicators. We propose the
wholesaler industry as a game scenario (Rubio,
2009) because it is a global and enough documented
example. Main activities in the wholesaler/retail are
designing product and process, buying, making,
selling, and managing a business (MIT, 2003).
Wholesaler industry is a good selection for a serious
game: arguments, knowledge and pedagogic element
are easily built using in this example (Aldrich,
For designing the business process, Bizagi
(Vision Software, 2010) provides a design tool with
a business process repository and examples such as
the purchase process documented, Figure 6, and we
decide using it, as a pedagogic element in our
simulation game (Aldrich, 2009). When changed,
the simulation game will present students this
process and will ask them accomplish a strategic
objective, and present metrics described later.
Students must propose process improvements and
the simulation game shows the results of this
Improving a process requires an investment. The
student must keep in mind the benefits expected of
this investment, i.e. the return of the project, so they
can compare it with other possible investments. For
example, the student analyses an inefficient purchase
process; each time an order is authorized, the
Purchasing Department must request quotes from
suppliers and wait for their responses to select the
best proposal and then complete the Order. The
game presents strategies pointed by the business,
available resources, Porter’s forces and value chain
and current metrics of this process. If the student
understands the organizational analysis, she can
choose to implement an automatic request for
purchase, eliminating the quotes step each time an
order is authorized. This automatic request needs a
supplier registration, qualifications and pre-approved
prices. Her initiative must be inspired in the
narrative of suppliers’ force of the Porter’s Forces
provided by the game. The simulation will show her
that process executed in this way reduce time. If she
does not understand the Porter’s Forces she could
erroneously think that doing online purchase request
would improve the process. Contrary to her
expectations, the simulation shows that process
resulted in worst indicators because adding online
implementation costs, without improvement in time,
has a negative impact on her organization.To
incorporate in the simulation game a business
process performance measurement, we propose to
use (Mogollon, et al., 2004) formula to calculate the
ROI of a process improvement:
ROI= CurrentProcessCost-NewProcessCost+OtherBenefits
Cost to Implement the Project
Formula 1: ROI for a process (Mogollon, et al., 2004).
Current Process Cost, New Process Cost and
Cost to Implement the Project are calculated
according indicators already in use in the simulation
game. The Other Benefits must be calculated adding
tangible and intangible benefits. The former refers to
benefits for which monetary value can be easily
assigned; the latter refers to those which monetary
value is difficult to assign. From (Mogollon, et al.,
2004) we use, for tangibles: sales increase,
production increase and reduction of operating cost;
and for intangibles: managerial know-how and
improved employee morale. These cost calculation
rules must be presented to students so they can
understand the simulation process results.
4.3 Development and Evaluation
During development stage we implemented the basic
concepts sequence learning on the Moodle LMS
environment (Dougiamas, 1991). This project is
available with user est001/isis1401* from
http://backus.uniandes.edu.co/~ol.vegam/ moodle.
We selected as example a construction company.
We developed a Concept VLO with interrogations to
help students reinforce concept comprehension
related to value chain and competitive forces. The
Group Wiki of this learning sequence has the
structure and elements presented in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Wiki Structure.
Evaluation of the VLE was done including
education quality, usability and viability using the
evaluation guidelines proposed in (Galvis, 2000).
For educational issues the results showed that
learning objectives are adequately covered by the
learning environment sequence implemented; that
learning strategies are pertinent; and that students
sometimes choose not to use VLO. During
evaluation we realized that we can gather
information about student behavior regarding
difficulties and achievements. This information
would be useful for the lecturer to guide her lessons.
Concerning usability results showed that our
VLE is easy to use, instructions are clear, roles
(student, lecturer, and assistant) are clearly
differentiable, and maintenance is easy. Viability
was assessed using the VLE in an undergraduate
class laboratory, results were satisfactory.
The implementation was evaluated by peers who
were selected to evaluate proposals for learning
environments supported by ICT, in a project
competition. They used the LMS platform as a
student and give us comments, suggestions and
questions. Their opinions were that the interfaces are
attractive and the implementation is consistent with
the proposed design. Several pairs made questions
about time elapsed between virtual and face to face
moments, because it seen that students must do a lot
of work from one to another moment. This should
require more time than was used in the traditional
Currently pilot evaluations and field testing has not
been done. We must complete the examples on the
basic concept learning sequence, and develop the
business process learning sequence. The former
requires TIGER rubric specification to assess the
wiki groups of organizational analysis (Galvis,
2007). The business process learning sequence must
be developed. The biggest challenge is to adapt the
simulation game incorporating the proposed
business process issue. We must use experience in
the field of serious game generation (Casallas, et al.,
2008 pp. 648-658). We must also decide on how to
use the results of the simulation game as part of
student evaluation.
Other future work includes recollecting results of
our work, to provide students with a summarized
exercise. Each semester students develop a project.
We recommend that students choose a target
enterprise from a list offered by the lecturer or an
enterprise of particular interest to them. In both
cases the enterprise must be a successful business,
preferably with local presence, and for which
extensive information is available.
Additionally we must gather information from
the VLE about student concerns for the lecturer and
help him use this feedback to.
Finally, we want other IT undergraduate schools
and IT management programs to use our VLE in
their courses; therefore other future work is adapting
the environment to these target users.
IT management is critical to achieve improved
results in any business. Development of IT
Company’s name and logo
Description & history
Organization chart
Geographic Localization
Mission, Vision
Strategic objectives
Porter’s forces
o Diagram
o Competitors
o New competitor
o Customers
o Providers
o Substitutes
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
managerial skills in undergraduate IT students is
mandatory to create a management force capable of
achieving this. Using a traditional learning
environment it is very difficult to achieve this
learning objective. Students nowadays are digital
natives; our initiative is an opportunity to take
advantage of this.
We have presented an integrated learning
environment that uses LMS, VLO, forums, wikis
and a simulation game to support the development
of IT managerial skills in undergraduate IT students.
The LMS incorporates ICT in a natural and
controlled way. Each ICT has a specific educational
objective; VLO reinforce basic organizational and
business process management concepts; thematic
forums provide a meeting place for students to
express concerns, successes and to share their
learning experiences; Wikis make possible
collaborative work; the simulation game develops
managerial skills to optimize business processes.
A collateral benefit of LMS implementation is
the gathering information about student behavior of
their autonomous work. With this information we
can identify challenges and achievements of
The incorporation of ICT tools in learning
environment proposed in this work is aligned with
developments in the real world. Students using our
learning environment will be better skilled to exploit
these tools in their future work and help
organizations improve their usage of these tools.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education