A Case of Integration
Bob Telford
Commercial Director, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, North Tyneside General Hospital
Rake Lane, North Shields NE29 8NH, U.K.
Keywords: Orion Health, Concerto, Clinical Workflow, Electronic Health Record.
Abstract: Health care systems face increasing challenges to meet the sophistications of 21
Century medicine, not
least the current fragmentation of patient information. Electronic Health Records (EHR) provide an
opportunity to optimise clinical workflow and improve patient outcome. Trusts across the UK face the need
to implement systems that will work smoothly with existing legacy systems, but will also bridge the gap to
future central IT implementation systems. Using a case study this paper presents the challenges faced by UK
Trusts to implement systems that work with existing legacy software to optimise information already
retained and future information input.
Within Europe, health systems face an increasing
demand for services that are highly sophisticated to
cope with complex clinical issues, yet have limited
resources for implementation. Electronic Health
Records (EHR) have the potential to optimise
clinical workflow and to overcome the
fragmentation that is common within and between
healthcare institutions. The advantages of electronic
health records are many and include increasing
medications safety, improving clinical efficacy and
optimisation of support of a team-based approach to
health care (Chaudhry et al. 2006; Car et al. 2008).
Technological approaches taken in other sectors
are difficult to apply to the healthcare arena for a
range of reasons including:
Complexity of healthcare organisations
(Braithwaite et al. 2009).
A high degree of autonomy within healthcare
institutions which typically operate within a
hierarchical structure (Gillies et al. 2001;
Jadad et al. 2004; Braithwaite J et al. 2005)
The fact that clinical tasks are highly
specialised and are typically non-linear in
flow (Westbrook et al. 2007; Braithwaite et al.
However, effective and safe patient care depends
upon horizontal work co-ordination, particularly
strong collaborations between professional groups.
Effective inter-professional and organisational
communication is therefore vital (Borrill et al.
However, it is clear that many healthcare trusts
already operate a range of clinical workflow legacy
systems. For optimum cost efficacy there is a need
for new operating systems to integrate existing
parameters and build upon them to provide Trusts
with the best IT infrastructure outcomes.
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
based in North West England is the largest
geographical healthcare trust in England and one of
the largest healthcare employers in the North East,
with over 6,000 staff working in 10 hospitals
throughout Northumberland and North Tyneside.
Northumbria serves a population of half a million
people. The Trust manages three general hospitals in
North Tyneside, Wansbeck and Hexham and seven
community hospitals situated in Berwick, Alnwick,
Telford B..
DOI: 10.5220/0003192703820385
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 382-385
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Rothbury, Haltwhistle, Blyth, Morpeth and
Wallsend. Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation
Trust has had Foundation Trust status since August
2006 and this has enabled the Trust to have greater
control to respond to the needs of the local
community. This Trust remains fully integrated
within the NHS being inspected by the Healthcare
Commission and overseen by the independent
regulator, Monitor. Governors represent the eight
constituencies the Trust covers and the public are
invited to become members of the Trust.
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
identified a need to rejuvenate their clinical
workflow systems, in order to mitigate duplication
of records and ensure patient demographic
information was complete, accurate and consistent in
the Trust’s major clinical systems, improving patient
care and operating efficiency. Having implemented a
series of ‘best of breed’ stand-alone applications it
was recognised that whilst these provide critical
clinical information they lacked a unique patient
identifier leading to duplication of records and
possible inaccuracies (Figure 1). As a result there
was a decline in clinical confidence in electronic
systems and an increasing reliance on paper records.
Any system implemented needed to build upon
existing applications already implemented and in use
at the Trust and create a foundation to enable new
and replacement systems to be
Figure 1: Schematic of clinical workflow systems within
Northumbria prior to implementation of Rhapsody
An effective four phase strategy has been
undertaken in order to meet these needs. Phase 1,
consisting of two parts, explored the remit of
integration and data quality, to provide a fully
integrated IT landscape to support the Trust’s
information strategy and to identify and rectify
issues with data quality apparent within the Trust’s
current systems. Phase 2 was to implement a unified
single view of each patient’s record including all
data from relevant sources. And Phase 3 was to
develop and provide clinical enhancements to
future-proof the system and optimise clinical utility
and is ongoing.
Phase 1a: integration
The objective of Phase 1a was to provide a fully-
integrated IT landscape to support the Trust’s
information strategy as well as providing a basis for
improved data quality and integrity. The scope of
this phase was to convert all current integration to
the new platform – Orion Health’s Rhapsody
Integration Engine between McKesson PAS and
laboratories, radiology, maternity, theatres,
cardiology and order communications. The
McKesson PAS does not expose the requisite
messages as standard to provide available access to
Admission, Transfer and Discharge (ADT)
information in the form of HL7 or other formatted
messages, so it was agreed that McKesson’s
Interface Manager should be implemented in order
to provide the ADT feed from PAS to Rhapsody.
Such an approach was recommended and
implemented because of opportunities for a fast and
manageable transition with limited risk and good
cost efficacy. Existing interfaces were replaced with
G2 Digital dictation and Ascribe Pharmacy. Training
was provided to Trust stakeholders so further
interfaces could be developed as needed within the
Trust itself.
Phase 1b: data quality
Using the interfaces developed in Phase 1a it was
possible to interrogate the system and identify and
resolve data quality issues as Rhapsody assures data
quality once an interface goes live. To explore data
quality, interfaces from Phase 1a were used to
populate Orion Heatlh’s Concerto
Master Patient Index (cEMPI). EMPI stores a range
of patient demographic information and allows an
unlimited number of each item type to be associated
against each patient, for example names, sex, date of
birth, identifiers etc. Running the cEMPI provided a
report of actual or potential duplicates that were then
resolved in McKesson PAS. Whilst this resolution
was achieved manually in PAS, all further updates
were subsequently automated to all other systems
using the interfaces developed in Phase 1a providing
those systems accepted Patient Demographic Update
and Merge messages.
The EMPI was vital for data cleansing but was
also used with a view to enforcing new business
processes, to ensure that data quality was not
degraded by lack of adherence to correct processes.
cEMPI use was extended to the live environment to
highlight the presence of duplicates and provide a
means to resolve those duplicates every time a
provider attempted to search for a patient when
using the portal.
The aim of Phase 2 was to implement a single,
composite view of a patient record consisting of data
from all relevant sources focusing initially on those
systems that delivered the most clinical benefit. The
scope of this phase was to present data from, and
provide single-click access to: patient administration
systems, pathology, radiology, PACS, digital
dictation and discharge summaries. Phase 2 was
implemented using Orion Health’s Concerto
Medical Application Portal using the Rapid
Deployment Edition so that a rapid implementation
focusing on the major systems of the Trust could be
achieved. Concerto was developed to work with
legacy systems within the Trust, and to integrate
with the Trusts current SSO solution, so that
dynamic patient summaries were obtainable using
information from a range of existing systems
including: McKession PAS, Anglia ICE Result
Viewing (current and past databases), HSS Cris
Radiology Information System, Agfa PACS,
G2/SIRIS documents and Immediate Discharge.
The observed benefits of Phase 2 were improved
user clinical engagement as well as improvements in
efficiency and clinic time. The value of existing
systems was enhanced and patient’s safety and
confidentiality improved.
The objective of Phase 3 is to implement additional
clinical modules that will improve the use of data
within the hospital and drive process improvement.
These include Recurrent Admission Patient Alerts
(RAPA), Clinical Whiteboards for A&E and
outpatient departments and Infection Control and
Bed Management (ICBM).
RAPA is a unified alerting system that alerts care
workers when any patient from an identified cohort
presents in emergency care. In providing these alerts
the Trust can significantly improve the quality of
care provided and also reduce unnecessary
emergency admissions. It is being implemented
within Northumbria for cancer patients, those
terminal patients who have requested to die at home
and patients with identified chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD).
Orion Health’s Clinical Whiteboards
provide a user-friendly interactive solution for
providing real time visual information regarding a
patient’s status in relation to their progress along a
clinical pathway. Information can be both physical
in terms of location and also clinical in terms of
status of clinical processes, such as status of tests or
Concerto contains a solution for ICBM and
provides real time graphical representations of
patients, their locations and status updates on
expected discharge and infection status, enabling
hospital staff to recognise and respond appropriately
to specific patient situations.
Phase 3 is due to initiate in late 2010.
The NHS National Programme for IT is still ongoing
and is not due for completion for several years. As a
result there is a need for Trusts to implement
systems that will meet their needs for coherent
patient information both now and in the future;
services that provide good value for money and are
consistent with emerging central Government
strategy for the NHS. Although Northumbria is still
in the implementation phase of the project in many
facilities, the Concerto Portal and Rhapsody
Integration Engine solutions are already delivering
benefits in terms of accuracy, time and cost and as a
result will provide a good bridge to any services that
are delivered centrally in the future.
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