Keiichi Muramatsu
Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Tatsuo Togawa
Advanced Research Center for Human Sciences, Waseda University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Kazuaki Kojima, Tatsunori Matsui
Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Impression, Awareness, Aesthetic experience, Ontology engineering.
Recently, impressions of web pages formed by visitors have become an important tool to increase the number
of repeat visitors to the web page. Therefore, the management of knowledge on consumers’ impressions
obtained in several study fields is an essential task in current industrial design. However, no methods that
realize such knowledge management have been established. Thus, our study proposes and implements a
knowledge management method that can effectively provide knowledge of impressions to web designers to
help them in building attractive websites. We introduce a framework for the description of impressions that
depend on perceptual fluency, which can serve as an useful indicator of pleasure. We can extract the features
of objects that affect impressions on the basis of perceptual fluency. We specify the relationship between
objects and impressions by modeling the concepts of awareness, perception, and self-report on the basis of
an ontology development environment Hozo and a top-level ontology YAMATO. We then instantiate a case
where a person has a good impression of a Web page, and we describe the relationship between a perception
and a stimulus in such a case. Our approach demonstrates that ontological modeling of impressions helps us
to understand the correspondences between affections and physical irritations.
1.1 Impressions of Web Pages
Consumers’ impression is one of the important fac-
tors in current industrial design. Manufacturers are
constantly looking for ideas to make a good impres-
sion on consumers, because products that are liked by
consumers may naturally result in an increase in sales.
This fact is true in the domain of Web design as well
in the sense that visitors to Web sites can be regarded
as consumers of Web pages. If a consumer forms a
good impression of the pages contained in a Web site,
he or she may visit the Web site again. A good first
impression is the key to get more repeat visitors, and
Research Fellow of the Japan Society for thePromotion
of Science (JSPS)
the first impression based on the visual appeal of Web
pages can be formed within 50 ms (Lindgaard et al.,
2006). Therefore, for Web designers, management
of knowledge on how to influence consumers at the
first glance is an important aspect of building attrac-
tive Web sites, which in turn can generate more traffic.
In various research fields, researchers have studied
the relationship between characteristics of objects and
elements, such as color and shape, and the impression
formed by the viewer. While findings in these studies
are closely related to each other, these findings remain
isolated to their specific study fields. By systemati-
cally organizing these findings, useful knowledge that
can be shared across fields can be obtained. For ex-
ample, findings of impressions created by two color
combinations in psychology are useful for facade de-
sign in architectonics. Therefore, we need a method
to collectively manage such knowledge.
Muramatsu K., Togawa T., Kojima K. and Matsui T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003184203880393
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 388-393
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1.2 Perceptual Fluency
Lindgaard et al. (2006) studied visual appeal from
the viewpoint of aesthetics; studies on aesthetic expe-
rience can provide helpful insights into understand-
ing the impressions formed by consumers. Aesthetic
pleasure is explained by perceptual fluency, which is
defined as the ease with which stimuli can be phys-
ically identified (e.g., symmetry, contrast, prototypi-
cality); fluent processing emotionally evokes positive
responses to the stimuli (Reber et al., 2004). For ex-
ample, a figure with high-contrast components is ex-
pected to evoke high fluency, and the stimulus that
is fluently perceived elicits a positive reaction from
the perceiver. Therefore, perceptual fluency can serve
as a useful indicator for exploring impressions. We
can see the effects of perceptual fluency in the early
stages of a model of aesthetic appreciation (Leder
et al., 2004). This model has five stages (perceptual
analyses, implicit memory integration, explicit clas-
sification, cognitive mastering, and evaluation), and
the first two stages are related to perceptual fluency.
In the stage of perceptual analyses, processing of per-
ceptual variables such as contrast, complexity, color,
and symmetry proceeds quickly, and in the stage of
implicit memory integration, aesthetic preferences are
affected by features such as familiarity and prototyp-
icality. In this paper, we regard the positive reactions
of perceivers facilitated by perceptual fluency during
the early stages of human informational processing as
a measure of their impressions of Web pages.
1.3 Ontological Engineering
Ontological engineering is one of the methodologies
used to describe knowledge systematically. From the
viewpoint of knowledge base, “ontology is defined
as a theory (system) of concepts/vocabulary used as
building blocks of an information processing system”
(Mizoguchi et al., 1995). Ontologies are classified
into two types according to the nature of the knowl-
edge described (Mizoguchi, 2003). One of them is re-
ferred to as domain ontology, which describes domain
knowledge, and the other is referred to as task ontol-
ogy, which describes knowledge about processes.
In the ontology development environment Hozo
each node represents a whole concept and has some
slots, each of which represents a part-concept. Each
whole concept consists of one or more part concepts
with part-of or attribute-of links (Figure 1). Hozo
supports the description of role concepts which repre-
sent a role that depends on the contents of each whole
concept. For example, a human being plays the role
Figure 1: Whole concept and part concepts.
of a teacher only in the context of school and not out-
side the school. In other words, every part concept in
the whole concept has a role to play within a given
context. In the context, a class of instances that can
play a role is defined by a class constraint, and it is
called a role-holder (Kozaki et al., 2000).
Figure 2 shows the whole structure of a top-level
ontology YAMATO
. According to YAMATO, an en-
tity is divided into three classes: physical, abstract,
and semi-abstract. While instances of physical class
need 3D space and time to exist, instances of an
abstract class need neither of them. Instances of a
semi-abstract class need only time to exist, and the
class contains a mind, representation, content, and
representation form. Representations such as nov-
els, poems, paintings, music, and symbols are dis-
tinguished from their proposition and form of repre-
sentation (Mizoguchi, 2004). A representation has a
content role played by a proposition and a form role
played by a representation form (Figure 3).
Although it is crucial in design tasks to manage
knowledge on impressions, no common method for
achieving this purpose has been established. In re-
lated research, a model of idea explanation styles
for a designer has been proposed; this model en-
ables designers to share their ideas about a new prod-
uct by adopting the ontological engineering approach
(Ogawaet al., 2009). The study did not directly model
vague ideas themselves, but modeled the explanation
style for these ideas. According to Ogawa’s frame-
work, we can practically model consumers’ impres-
sions of products, even though they are as vague as
ideas are.
In this paper, we introduce a framework to de-
scribe consumers’ impressions by adopting the onto-
logical engineering approach. As noted above, posi-
tive responses to irritations are derived from percep-
tual fluency; therefore, we model perception and its
related concepts: awareness of an object and self-
report of impressions. We first ontologically describe
awareness, perception, and self-report on the basis of
the Hozo and YAMATO environments to construct a
framework for sharing impressions. Then, by adapt-
ing our framework, we demonstrate an instance of im-
pression derivation during the task of appreciation of
Web pages that contains some designed elements. library/
Figure 2: Whole structure of a top-level ontology YAM-
Ex. Sentence
Ex. Natural language
Ex. Meaning
Figure 3: Slot structure of representation.
2.1 Description of Awareness
Baruss defined consciousness as “all subjective
awareness characterized by intentionality, and the ex-
plicit knowledge of one’s situation, mental states or
actions evidenced behaviorally” (Baruss, 1987). Sub-
jective awareness is referred to as subjective con-
sciousness, that is, “the stream of thoughts, feelings
and sensations that occur for a person”, and explicit
knowledge is referred to as behavioral consciousness
(Baruss, 2000). The latter is generated by the oper-
ationalization of the former. That is, behavioral con-
sciousness is defined on the basis of operations that
infer other people’s consciousness during objective
Figure 4: State of being aware and awareness.
These two types of consciousness can be de-
scribed as a subclass of an external state defined in
YAMATO (Figure 4). An of what role, which indi-
cates focus of attention, is played by an instance of
an object or a semi-abstract class, a thought, feel-
ing, or sensation class plays a referring to role, and
awareness is specified as a role-holder. YAMATO has
two kinds of propositions: representation-primary
and representation-secondary. Both representation-
primary and representation-secondary classes nec-
essarily depend on the representation that repre-
sents them (Figure 3). However, instances of the
representation-secondary class, such as facts, data,
and thought, indicate original content even before
they are represented. For example, a fact as an event
exists before human recognition, which allows the ex-
pression of the eventas a representation. In this sense,
the classes of feeling and sensation also belong to the
representation-secondary class.
2.2 Description of Perception
In YAMATO, the actor state action class which fo-
cuses on a change in the doer’s states, and the ob-
ject state action class, which focuses on a change in
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the object’s states, are defined. Perception can be re-
garded as the result of an action by which an object
is perceived; this result is reflected as a change in the
actor’s awareness. We defined the class of perceive
as a subclass of the actor state action class. The ac-
tion to perceive needs a doer, an object, and a result
(Figure 5). The doer in the action to perceive has a
being aware state. Role-holders of an object role in
an action to perceive and an of what role in a state of
being aware belong to the same class. Relationships
among these concepts represent a situation where a
doer is aware of the presence of an object. The ac-
tion to perceive an object is regarded as an instance of
behavioral consciousness, which is described in the
previous subsection. Role-holders of a result role in
an action to perceive and a referring to role in a state
of being aware belong to the same class. This indi-
cates that the role-holder of the result role represents
the awareness of an actor. Thus, perception, which is
a result of an action by which an object is perceived,
is the instantiation of subjective consciousness, which
is described in the previous subsection.
Figure 5: Action to perceive and perception.
Since thought, feeling, and sensation are all sub-
classes of proposition, they require representation de-
pending on their contexts. However, any representa-
tion such as a mental representation that human being
forms in his or her brain is not included here. A pos-
sible definition of mental representation is a subjec-
tive phenomena, which is referring to thought, feel-
ing, and sensation. This definition can be regarded
as a specialization of the representation class. We
are concerned with the correspondence between in-
dividuals in the real world and the contents of con-
sciousness; hence, in our ontology, we do not include
contents represented in the brain, but include a self-
report as an output of the contents. In addition, we
can efficiently access the contents of consciousness
through verbal reports (Togawa, 2006), and the con-
tents of consciousness are indeed externalized as a
linguistic representation in the real world. Because
verbal reports focus on the description of the contents
of consciousness, we do not define mental represen-
tation here. However, we do not deny the existence of
mental representation.
2.3 Description of Self-report
We defined an action called introspect as a special-
ization of the actor state action class. The introspect
does not have an object but has a result (Figure 6).
The role-holder of the result role of the action is de-
fined as a self-report, and its class constraint is prim-
itive representation. A form role is played by an in-
stance of a word or a natural language class, and the
role-holders of a content role and the referring to role
belong to the same class.
Figure 6: Action to introspect and self-report.
3.1 Instances of Impression
Here, we can describe a good impression of a Web
page by adopting our framework. For example, an in-
stance where John has a positive feeling toward a Web
page is shown as Figure 7-a. In this figure, the im-
pression of the Web page is a positive feeling, which
is represented as an instance of perception. Figure 7-
b describes a scene where a Web page composed of
blue text and a highly contrasting white background
has the property of high fluency. Generally, a Web
page contains some sentences as a component, and it
also has the attributes of text color and background
color. Perceptual fluency, which emotionally gener-
ates a positive feeling in the perceiver, is represented
by the role concept of uency role-concept taking a
value of being high. After John experiences a positive
feeling, a subjective feeling is externalized as a self-
report. Figure 7-c shows a scene where John speaks
a sentence about his positive feeling.
Figure 7: Instances of an impression.
3.2 Affections and Irritations
The description of an impression described above
help us to understand the correspondences between
affections and irritations. For example, a good feel-
ing described in the result of perceive is related to the
contrast between the text color and the background
color, which is referred to by the object of perceive in
Figure 7.
In our previous study, we proposed a model of
task knowledge in aesthetic appreciation (Muramatsu
et al., 2010). In this model, aesthetic appreciation is
divided into two tasks: representational differentia-
tion and emotional experience. These taskes are dis-
tinguished depending on what the perceiver is focus
on. However, the model finds it difficult to estab-
lish correspondences between physical irritations and
the experience of beauty. In other words, beauty is
not a simple and direct consequence of physical irri-
tations. By Adopting our framework, we can describe
processes involvingaesthetic appreciationas an event,
and the correspondences can be resolved.
Figure 8: Example of grace event.
The concept of aesthetics includes multiple con-
cepts such as grace, sublimity, and ridiculousness.
When a perceiver emotionally experiences a positive
feeling during aesthetic appreciation, the experience
is identified as grace. Figure 8 shows an event where
a perceiverexperiencesgrace. This event has two pro-
cesses as part concepts. Both the processes are actions
to perceive but have different objects and results. The
first process has an object that is composed of two col-
ored areas and a result that is referred to as harmony.
This indicates that combining colors result in a sen-
sation of harmony. The second process has an object
that is a result of the previous process and a result that
is referred to as grace. In this manner, we can resolve
the correspondences between physical irritations and
the experience of beauty.
In this paper, we introduced a framework for describ-
ing impressions by adopting the ontological engineer-
ing approach. We modeled the concepts of aware-
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ness, perception, and self-report on the basis of the
top-level ontology. Awareness is defined as a role-
holder of the referred to role, which is a part concept
of the being aware state. In a situation where a person
perceives an object, the perception is conceptualized
as a role-holder of the result role, which is a part con-
cept of an action to perceive. In such the action, a doer
is being aware state, and awareness and perception
have the same proposition. The self-report is defined
as the representation of the proposition. In our frame-
work, we instantiate a case where a person has a good
impression of a Web page, and we describe the rela-
tionship between a perception and a stimulus in such
a case. This helps us to understand correspondences
between affections and physical irritations.
The current paper only presents an ontological de-
scription method for impressions. We need to study
more empirical cases related to impressions by adopt-
ing our framework. We believe that such empirical
studies would reveal the general rules governing the
correspondences between affections and physical ir-
ritations. In future work, we intend to expand our
ontological descriptions on the basis of the empirical
studies. Further research would help in clarifying the
fundamental nature of impressions.
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